Release: V0.9 Sub Release: Commit Hash 2c2c45dbbeb3bfe722f683b2468c5b3e8dbc2712 (6th Jun 2023)
go build -o polygon-edge .
./polygon-edge polybft-secrets --data-dir test-chain- --num 4 --insecure
./polygon-edge genesis --block-gas-limit 10000000 --epoch-size 10 --validators-path ./ --validators-prefix test-chain- --consensus polybft --reward-wallet <your_wallet_address_here>:1000000 --transactions-allow-list-admin <your_wallet_address_here> --transactions-allow-list-enabled <your_wallet_address_here> --premine <your_wallet_address_here>:100000000000000000000 --native-token-config "SuperETH:SETH:18:true"
Next we deploy the StakeManager on the Mumbai Testnet which we will use as Rootchain for this tutorial.
Note: You need to deploy the Rootchain Stake Token
with your private key before proceeding with this step. The Rootchain Stake Token
is a simple ERC20 token contract which will be used by rootchain validators for staking.
./polygon-edge polybft stake-manager-deploy --private-key <your_hex_encoded_private_key_here> --genesis ./genesis.json --jsonrpc <rootchain_rpc_here> --stake-token <stake_token_address_here>
Note the stakeManagerAddr
and stakeTokenAddr
inside the genesis.json
This command deploys rootchain smart contracts and initializes them. It also updates genesis.json
with rootchain contract addresses and rootchain default sender address.
./polygon-edge rootchain deploy --deployer-key <your_hex_encoded_private_key_here> --stake-manager <stakeManagerAddr_here> --stake-token <stakeTokenAddr> --genesis ./genesis.json --json-rpc <rootchain_rpc_here>
in order for validators to be able to send transactions to Ethereum, they need to be funded in order to be able to cover gas cost. This command is for testing purposes only. The mint
flag indicates if the state token deployer should mint root tokens to the given validators.
./polygon-edge rootchain fund --addresses <validator_address_here> --amounts <funding_amounts_here> --json-rpc <rootchain_rpc_here> --private-key <your_hex_encoded_private_key_here> --mint
In order for validators to be able to be registered on the SupernetManagaqer contract on rootchain. Note that only deployer of SupernetManager contract (the one who run the deploy command) can whitelist validators on rootchain. They can use either their hex encoded private key, or data-dir
flag if they have screts initialised. The customSupernetManagerAddr
can be found in the genesis.json
./polygon-edge polybft whitelist-validators --private-key <your_hex_encoded_private_key_here> --addresses <validator_address_here> --supernet-manager <customSupernetManagerAddr_here> --jsonrpc <rootchain_rpc_here>
Each validator registers itself on the rootchain.
./polygon-edge polybft register-validator --data-dir ./test-chain-1 --supernet-manager <customSupernetManagerAddr_here> --jsonrpc <rootchain_rpc_here>
./polygon-edge polybft register-validator --data-dir ./test-chain-2 --supernet-manager <customSupernetManagerAddr_here> --jsonrpc <rootchain_rpc_here>
./polygon-edge polybft register-validator --data-dir ./test-chain-3 --supernet-manager <customSupernetManagerAddr_here> --jsonrpc <rootchain_rpc_here>
./polygon-edge polybft register-validator --data-dir ./test-chain-4 --supernet-manager <customSupernetManagerAddr_here> --jsonrpc <rootchain_rpc_here>
First use your private key to transfer some Rootchain Staking Tokens
to your validators on the rootchain. After ensuring that the validators are funded with Rootchain Staking Tokens, we can begin staking on the rootchain:
./polygon-edge polybft stake --data-dir ./test-chain-1 --supernet-id <supernet_id_here> --amount <stake_amount_here> --stake-manager <stakeManagerAddr_here> --stake-token <stakeTokenAddr_here> --jsonrpc <rootchain_rpc_here>
./polygon-edge polybft stake --data-dir ./test-chain-2 --supernet-id <supernet_id_here> --amount <stake_amount_here> --stake-manager <stakeManagerAddr_here> --stake-token <stakeTokenAddr_here> --jsonrpc <rootchain_rpc_here>
./polygon-edge polybft stake --data-dir ./test-chain-3 --supernet-id <supernet_id_here> --amount <stake_amount_here> --stake-manager <stakeManagerAddr_here> --stake-token <stakeTokenAddr_here> --jsonrpc <rootchain_rpc_here>
./polygon-edge polybft stake --data-dir ./test-chain-4 --supernet-id <supernet_id_here> --amount <stake_amount_here> --stake-manager <stakeManagerAddr_here> --stake-token <stakeTokenAddr_here> --jsonrpc <rootchain_rpc_here>
The supernet_id
, stakeManagerAddr
and stakeTokenAddr
values can be obtained from the genesis.json
This is done after all validators from genesis do initial staking on rootchain, and it's a final step that is required before starting the child chain. This needs to be done by the deployer of SupernetManager contract (the user that run the deploy command). He can use either its hex encoded private key, or data-dir flag if he has secerets initialized. If enable-staking flag is provided, validators will be able to continue staking on rootchain. If not, genesis validators will not be able update its stake or unstake, nor will newly registered validators after genesis will be able to stake tokens on the rootchain. Enabling of staking can be done through this command, or later after the child chain starts.
./polygon-edge polybft supernet --private-key <your_hex_encoded_private_key_here> --genesis ./genesis.json --supernet-manager <customSupernetManagerAddr_here> --stake-manager <stakeManagerAddr_here> --finalize-genesis-set --enable-staking --jsonrpc <rootchain_rpc_here>
In this example our chain chain cluster consists of 4 Edge clients. You can use the --relayer
flag to run child chain nodes in relayer
mode. It allows automatic execution of deposit events on behalf of users.
./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-1 --chain genesis.json --grpc-address :5001 --libp2p :30301 --jsonrpc :9545 --seal --log-level DEBUG [--relayer]
./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-2 --chain genesis.json --grpc-address :5002 --libp2p :30302 --jsonrpc :10002 --seal --log-level DEBUG [--relayer]
./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-3 --chain genesis.json --grpc-address :5003 --libp2p :30303 --jsonrpc :10003 --seal --log-level DEBUG [--relayer]
./polygon-edge server --data-dir ./test-chain-4 --chain genesis.json --grpc-address :5004 --libp2p :30304 --jsonrpc :10004 --seal --log-level DEBUG [--relayer]