A website for selling apartments
Go to the website
Install the project with npm
gh repo clone infinityatom/Vuia-loft-apartments
cd Vuia-loft-apartments
npm install
Start the server localy with Vite for quick reload
npm run dev
Or simulate a firebase envirement
npm run build
firebase emulators:start
Then for the deployment to the Firebase servers you need to build the app first and then deploy it
npm install
npm run build
firebase deploy
- Client: React, Vite
- Server: Firebase (hosting and server functions)
- BlurHash ( image processing )
- SendGrid ( emailing )
- Material UI ( components, fonts, icons )
- react spring ( animation )
- react-router-dom
- Radix (nice looking components)
- Domain: RoTLD
- CDN provider: CloudFlare
- SVG editor / animation: Figma, Rive
- Easings for curve animation
- Http codes
I might want to use this tools but still figuring out
This section will be deleted after finishing the project
- Framer Motion (animation tool kit)
- Blueprintjs (must use)
- React Spectrum (adobe hooks)
- Prime react (complex components)
- react select (select component)
- UnDraw (SVG images)
- rxjs (async / await manipulation)
- react helmet (metadata)
- lodash (function, array, object, ... , manipulation)
All backed up on my personal GiHub repo
I'm a full stack developer... and that's about it.
For more information about me and my work you can find my github repository here: or send me an email at [email protected]
PS: I might use Spline for 3D in my next real estate project