diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 5ae4a572..8cd4fb27 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -4487,25 +4487,27 @@ partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
The following pooling algorithms are supported.
The averagePool2d(|input|, |options|) method steps are:
1. Let |output| be the result of running the [=MLGraphBuilder/pooling-op | create pooling operation=] given "averagePool2d", |input| and |options|.
1. If that [=exception/throws=] an error, then re-[=exception/throw=] the error.
1. Return |output|.
The l2Pool2d(|input|, |options|) method steps are:
1. Let |output| be the result of running the [=MLGraphBuilder/pooling-op | create pooling operation=] given "l2Pool2d", |input| and |options|.
1. If that [=exception/throws=] an error, then re-[=exception/throw=] the error.
1. Return |output|.
The maxPool2d(|input|, |options|) method steps are:
1. Let |output| be the result of running the [=MLGraphBuilder/pooling-op | create pooling operation=] given "maxPool2d", |input| and |options|.
1. If that [=exception/throws=] an error, then re-[=exception/throw=] the error.
1. Return |output|.
@@ -4656,6 +4658,7 @@ partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
The following reduce algorithms are supported.
The reduceL1(|input|, |options|) method steps are:
1. Let |output| be the result of running the [=MLGraphBuilder/reduce-op | create reduce operation=] given "reduceL1", |input| and |options|.
@@ -4725,6 +4728,7 @@ partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
1. If that [=exception/throws=] an error, then re-[=exception/throw=] the error.
1. Return |output|.
### relu ### {#api-mlgraphbuilder-relu-method}