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stand_alone: true ipr: trust200902 docname: draft-robles-core-devmgmtterm-00 cat: info pi: strict: 'no' toc: 'yes' tocdepth: '4' symrefs: 'yes' sortrefs: 'yes' compact: 'yes' subcompact: 'no' title: Device Management Terminology for constrained environments abbrev: DevMgmtTerm area: Internet wg: CORE Working Group kw: Device Management date: 2016 author:

  • ins: I. R. Robles name: Maria Ines Robles org: Ericsson abbrev: Ericsson street: Hirsalantie 11 city: Jorvas code: '02420' country: Finland email: [email protected]
  • ins: M. E. Ersue name: Mehmet E. Ersue org: Nokia Networks abbrev: Nokia email: [email protected]
  • ins: C. Bormann name: Carsten Bormann org: Universitaet Bremen TZI

    abbrev: TZI


    - Postfach 330440

    - Bibliothekstr. 1

    street: Postfach 330440 city: Bremen code: D-28359 country: Germany phone: +49-421-218-63921 email: [email protected]



informative: RFC6632: RFC7228: RFC7547: RFC7548: OMA-DM: target: title: OMA Device Management Protocol author: - org: '' date: false

--- abstract

This document intends to clarify the terminology related to the management in constrained environments.

--- middle


This document tries to define the main aspects related to management of constrained nodes/devices.

{{RFC7547}} describes the problem statements and requirements in the management of Networks with constrained devices. {{RFC7548}} describes the use cases involving the management of networks in which constrained devices are involved.

Terminology and Requirements Language

Terminology defined in {{RFC7228}} applies to this document.

Management in IoT Terminology in IETF related work


Management in IoT Terminology

The terminology can be organized in the zones depicted in {{fig_DevMgtDescrp}}.

       +-------------------------------------------+             |
       |                                           |             |
       |                                           |             |
       |                                     GwM   |             |
       |     +---------------------------+         |             |
       |     |                           |         |             |
       |     |   +-------------+   RtM   |         |             |
       |     |   |             |         |         |             |
       |     |   |   DM        |         |         |             |
       |     |   |             |         |         |             |
+-----------------------------------------------------------+    |
|      |     |   |             |         |         |        |    |RM
|      |     |   +-------------+         |         |        |    |
|      |     |                           |         |        |    |
|      |     |                           |         |        |    |
|      |     +---------------------------+         |        |    |
|      |                                           |        |    |
|      |                                           |        |    |
|      +-------------------------------------------+        |    |
|                                                           |    |
|                                                           |    |
|                                                           |    |
|                                                      NM   |    |
|                                                           |    |
|                                                           |    |
+-----------------------------------------------------------+    |

{: #fig_DevMgtDescrp title='Management in constrained environments.'}

Device Management (DM): It involves the management of the device itself e.g. firmware update functionalities.

Following OMA Standard {{OMA-DM}}, Device Management is the procedure that involves the configuration of a device and maintenance tasks such as software updates.

Resource Management (RM): It involves the management of the resources of a device or network?. Or should RM involve only resources of DM and not resources of NM?

Routing Management (RtM): It involves the management of the forwarding functionalities of a device.

Gateway Management (GwM): It involves the management of the functionalities of devices to forward the information outside of the network or to Internet.

Network Management (GwM): It involves the management of the Network. See {{RFC6632}} for an overview.

{{fig_DevMgtDescrp}} shows that some Device Management Functionalities would be part of Network Management? Such as configuration of network interface?

TODO Add further explanation of the figure.

Example: In a RPL-network, we have three types of devices:

6LN(6LoWPAN Node): Defined in {{RFC6775}} as "A 6LoWPAN node is any host or router participating in a LoWPAN. This term is used when referring to situations in which either a host or router can play the role described." In Figure 2 is a leaf in the topology, it could be a constrained device without capability of forwarding, only with sensors/actuators. In this case, would it apply DM?

6LR (6LoWPAN Router): Defined in {{RFC6775}} as "An intermediate router in the LoWPAN that is able to send and receive Router Advertisements (RAs) and Router Solicitations (RSs) as well as forward and route IPv6 packets. 6LoWPAN routers are present only in route-over topologies." In this case, would it apply to RtM?

6LBR (6LoWPAN Border Router): Defined in {{RFC6775}} as "A border router located at the junction of separate 6LoWPAN networks or between a 6LoWPAN network and another IP network. There may be one or more 6LBRs at the 6LoWPAN network boundary. A 6LBR is the responsible authority for IPv6 prefix propagation for the 6LoWPAN network it is serving. An isolated LoWPAN also contains a 6LBR in the network, which provides the prefix(es) for the isolated network." In this case, would it apply to GtM?

NM would include the RPL-Domain. {{fig_ExampleDevMgtDescrp}}

                            |                   |
                            |  Internet         |
                            |                   |
    +                       +-------------------+
    |                                ++
    |                                |
    |                                |
    |                                |
    |                            +---+-----+          +
    |                            |         |          |
    |                +-----------+ 6LBR    +----+     | GwM?  or
    |                |           |         |    |     |  DM + RtM + GwM?
    |                |           +---------+    |     +
NM? |                |                          |
    |                |                          |
    |                |                          |
    |                |                          |
    |            +---+----+                 +---+----+       +
    |            |        |                 |        |       | RtM?
    |            |  6LR   |                 | 6LR    +---+   | DM + RtM?
    |            |        |                 |        |   |   |
    |  +---------+----+---+                 +--------+   |   ++
    |  |              |                                  |
    |  |              |                                  |
    +  |              |                                  |
       |              |                                  |
    +---+----+      +--+-----+                       +----+---+    |
    |        |      |        |                       |        |    |
    |  6LN   |      |        |                       |        |    |DM?
    |        |      | 6LN    |                       | 6LN    |    |
    +--------+      +--------+                       +--------+    |

{: #fig_ExampleDevMgtDescrp title='Example of areas of Management in RPL-network.'}

Device Management

Following OMA Specifications {{OMA-DM}}, device management comprises management of a device configuration and other managed objects of devices from the point of view of the management authorities such as a network operator or a hardware device.

Device Management FCAPS - OAM?

Device management is related to define the functionalities to handle the devices basically in control plane, such as firmware update and check the battery levels. Including, s setting initial configuration information in devices, subsequent installation and updates of persistent information in devices, retrieval of management information from devices, processing events and alarms generated by devices {{OMA-DM}}.

TODO Add other functionalities - FCAPS? - OAM?

Resource Management


Routing Management


Gateway Management


Network Management


IoT Lifecycle Management Terminology

Should we include the definition of each stage in the lifecycle is as well?

IANA Considerations

There are no IANA considerations related to this document.

Security Considerations {#Security}


--- back

Acknowledgments {#Acknowledgments}

{: numbered="no"}

This work is partially funded by the FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) METRICS project (grant agreement No. 607728).

The authors would like to acknowledge the review, feedback, and comments of TBD.