Executor scripts that runs a python script to generate powershell/pwsh (or any other supported executor/shell) command and execute it.
AI operation is done through OpenAI, so all supported language by OpenAI can be used in with aicommand and aiprompt.
Based on language, currently there's 3 categories of executable script:
python: aicommand.py and aiprompt.py
powershell: aicommand.ps1 and aiprompt.ps1
bash: aicommand.sh and aiprompt.sh
In reality, the PowerShell and Bash versions are just immediate scripts for calling the Python script more easily from any folder without requiring python codes in ai-shell-command to be installed globally.
Supported executor:
powerShell, default executor on Windows system used by aicommand.ps1
pwsh, default executor on non-Windows systems (like Linux or MacOS) used by aicommand.ps1
bash (Bourne Again SHell), default executor used by aicommand.sh
zsh (Z shell)
cmd (DOS/Windows Command Prompt)
sh, default executor for any case of invalid executor argument inputed
clone the aicommand from https://github.com/indraginanjar/AI-Shell-Command.git
Enter the aicommand project directory in commandline (assumed powershell or pwsh)
[Optional] Create virtual environment using
python -m venv .venv
[Optional] Activate the created virtual environment,
If you're using venv, copyscript/ai*-*script.example.ps1
, then edit for adjusting your venv folder.Example if you're using venv in
folder:$venvActivationScriptFile = Join-Path -Path $scriptDirectory -ChildPath .venv/Scripts/Activate.ps1
change it to:
$venvActivationScriptFile = Join-Path -Path $scriptDirectory -ChildPath venv/Scripts/Activate.ps1
Install the required modules,
pip install -r requirements.txt
Include the aicommand project directory into system/user path on environment variable, so you could access it from any directory.
clone the aicommand from https://github.com/indraginanjar/AI-Shell-Command.git
Enter the aicommand project directory in commandline (assumed powershell or pwsh)
Run install script
Default executor for aicommand.ps1 is powershell on Windows operating system. For any other operating system, aicommand will use pwsh as default executor.
To define any other executor, set it on evironment variable:
AI_COMMAND_EXECUTOR=<executor to use>
Currently, this environment variable only affecting aicommand.ps1 and aicommand.py
To use aicommand.ps1, open powershell or pwsh terminal
aicommand.ps1 "your prompt describing task/command to produce and execute."
PS C:\Program Files> aicommand.ps1 "get current directory name"
get current directory name
Generated command:
$CurrentDirectory = Get-Location
$DirectoryName = Split-Path -Path $CurrentDirectory -Leaf
Do you want to execute the generated command? (y)es/(n)o: y
Executing generated command ...
Program Files
PS C:\Program Files>
Currently running aicommand.py directly is the only way for using all types of supported executors without setting the executor on AI_COMMAND_EXECUTOR environment variable.
python aicommand.py --executor your_executor "your prompt describing task/command to produce and execute."
Most of the time choosing non existing executor will just show error message in console.
For example if you bash as the executor on Windows:
PS C:\> aicommand.ps1 --executor bash "get current local datetime"
get current local datetime
Generated command:
date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S;
Do you want to execute the generated command? (y)es/(n)o: y
Executing generated command ...
/bin/bash: date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S;: command not found
Actually if you only want to get the command without executing it, you could safely choose no on question Do you want to execute the generated command? (y)es/(n)o
PS C:\> aicommand.ps1 --executor bash "get current local datetime"
get current local datetime
Generated command:
date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
Do you want to execute the generated command? (y)es/(n)o: n
You choose not to execute the generated command.
Current executor location is not affected by the cd
or Set-Location
command. To change the current directory could only effective if you start a new session after changing directory, so the directory change is only happen in new session.
aicommand.ps1 "change directory to program files then open a new shell"
change directory to program files then open a new shell
Generated command:
cd "C:\Program Files"
Start-Process powershell
Do you want to execute the generated command? (y)es/(n)o: y
Executing generated command ...
For running inside git bash, type powershell before the aicommand.ps1
powershell aicommand.ps1 "your prompt describing task/command to produce and execute."
powershell aicommand.sh "your prompt describing task/command to produce and execute."
Currently aicommand.sh could only targetting bash as the executor.
A powershell script that runs a python script for receiving AI response based on inputed prompt text.
AI Prompt usage syntax:
aiprompt.ps1 "your prompt to be answered by AI"
AI Prompt usage example:
aiprompt.ps1 "how to remove an environment variable on powershell"
how to remove an environment variable on powershell
To remove an environment variable on PowerShell, you can use the following command:
Remove-Item env:VariableName
Replace "VariableName" with the name of the environment variable you want to remove. For example, to remove an environment variable named "MyVar", you would use:
Remove-Item env:MyVar
AI Prompt usage on bash example:
aiprompt.sh "how to remove an environment variable on bash"
how to remove an environment variable on bash
To remove an environment variable in the bash shell, you can use the `unset` command followed by the variable name.
For example, if you want to remove an environment variable called `MY_VARIABLE`, you can do so by typing the following command:
After running this command, the `MY_VARIABLE` environment variable will be removed and no longer accessible in the current executor session.