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37 lines (34 loc) · 2.48 KB

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37 lines (34 loc) · 2.48 KB


Please note the following aspects when sending us your contribution.

Code contributions

  • We use the Git Flow convention:
    • The release/<version> branch contains the last features being added.
    • Releases will be done periodically from stable/<version> branch.
    • Production ready releases are defined by tag v<version> and will be created from stable/<version> branch after real use case testing are enough.
    • The master branch contains the freezed code from latest tag <version>.
    • We expect that your contributions:
      • Are done through pull requests.
      • Use the convention feature/<branch> name for new features.
      • Use the convention fix/<branch> name for bug fixes.
      • Use the convention docs/<branch> name for documentation.
  • The CI code is only present in jenkins/<prefix>/<version> branches & maintained in JePL branch:
    • <prefix> ::= <release> | <stable> | <feature> | <fix> | <docs>:
      • <release> ::= "release" in case of a branch created from release/<version>
      • <stable> ::= "stable" in case of a branch created from stable/<version>, which is created when a corresponding GitHub Milestone is closed
        • Milestone name MUST match the <version> for release/<version>
        • When release milestone is closed, a new milestone with label s<version> is created by github workflow for stable/<version> branch
        • After stable milestone is closed, a tag and release are created for <version>
        • A PR from previous stable branch into master is also added to finish the expected workflow and keep master branch updated with latest release
      • <feature> | <fix> | <docs> are generated from the associated branches. The docs/<version> branches only trigger the JePL docs re-generation stage.
  • Compliant with The Apache Groovy programming language - Style guide
  • Compliant with Jenkins code style guidelines


  • Before opening a new issue, please double-check first if a mathing issue already exists in the list of open issues.
  • Use the issues to:
    • Report & Fix bugs
    • Implement new features/functionalities
    • Improve library structure
    • Share ideas