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1195 lines (940 loc) · 45.6 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.

Types of changes:

  • Added: for new features.
  • Changed: for changes in existing functionality.
  • Deprecated: for soon-to-be removed features.
  • Removed: for now removed features.
  • Fixed: for any bug fixes.
  • Security: in case of vulnerabilities.


  • The pylatexenc and pillow requirements are now optional. These are only used by the latex and latex_source circuit visualization backends. To continue using them ensure these are installed.
  • When adding a register to a circuit, an error will now be raised if a register of the same name is already present. Previously, an error would only be raised if the same register was added twice.


  • The previously deprecated functions qiksit.visualization.plot_state and qiskit.visualization.iplot_state have been removed. Instead use the specific functions for each plot type (#2325).
  • International documentation of outdated readme etc (#2302)
  • Removed deprecated options in execute, transpile, and assemble. Removed deprecated compiler.
  • Removed deprecated qcvv in tools. Removed deprecated converters qobj_to_circuits and circuits_to_qobj (#2301)
  • The previously deprecated qiskit._util module has been removed. Use qiskit.util instead. (#2329)
  • The logging tools in are removed. (#2387)
  • The qiskit.qiskiterror module has been removed. Please use qiskit.exceptions instead. (#2399)


  • Qubits and classical bits are not represented as a tuples anymore, but as instances of Qubit and Clbit respectively.

0.8.0 - 2019-05-02


  • Added exact and approximate decomposition of SU(4) to arbitrary supercontrolled basis
  • Introduced schedule lo configuration. (#2115)
  • Introduced pulse schedule assembler. (#2115)
  • Builtin library of continuous pulses and builtin library of discrete pulses which are obtained by sampling continuous pulses with default sampling strategy.
  • Sampler decorator and standard sampler library for conversion of continuous pulses to discrete SamplePulse (#2042).
  • Core StochasticSwap routine implimented in Cython (#1789).
  • Added QuantumChannel classes SuperOp, Choi, Kraus, Stinespring, PTM, Chi to quantum_info for manipulating quantum channels and CPTP maps.
  • Added Operator object to quantum_info for representing matrix operators.
  • Introduced the backend defaults model and endpoint for pulse backends (#2101).
  • meas_level to result schema (#2085).
  • Core StochasticSwap routine implemented in Cython (#1789).
  • New EnlargeWithAncilla pass for adding ancilla qubits after a Layout selection pass (#1603).
  • New Unroll2Q pass for unrolling gates down to just 1q or 2q gates (#1614).
  • Added support for register slicing when applying operations to a register (#1643).
  • Added in new parameter justify to the text, mpl and latex circuit drawers to say how the circuit should be aligned. (#1725, #1797, #1977)
  • Added function for purity of a mixed state in qiskit.quantum_information (#1733)
  • Added parameter to the TextProgressBar to allow the output to be sent to a different output stream
  • Added a __qiskit_version__ parameter to the qiskit namespace. This will contain a dictionary of versions for all installed qiskit elements. (#1885).
  • Added a RunConfig object for configurations related to running an experiment (e.g. shots, memory) (#1856)
  • Added a TranspileConfig object for configurations related to transforming circuits (e.g. basis_gates, coupling_map, initial_layout) (#1856)
  • Added a qiskit.compiler namespace for all functions that transpile, schedule and assemble circuits and pulses (#1856)
  • Added support for passing a list of basis_gates, coupling_map etc. to the qiskit.compiler.transpile() function, each corresponding to one of the circuits (#2163)
  • Added a qiskit.compiler.assemble_circuits() function to generate qobj from some circuits and a RunConfig (#1856)
  • execute() and assemble() allow setting a qobj_header, of type QobjHeader or dict, to add extra information to the qobj (and thus result).
  • Register indexing supports negative indices (#1875)
  • Added new resource estimation passes: Depth, Width, Size, CountOps, and NumTensorFactors, all grouped in the ResourceEstimation analysis pass.
  • Added nodes_on_wire() to DAGCircuit which returns an iterator over all the operations on the given wire
  • Added new properties to an Instruction: num_qubits, num_clbits (#1816).
  • Added a QuantumCircuit.append public method for appending arbitrary instructions to some qubits and clbits in the circuit (#1816).
  • Added an Instruction.definition property that defines a composite instruction in terms of other, simpler instructions (#1816).
  • Added an Instruction.mirror() method that mirrors a composite instruction (reverses its sub-instructions) (#1816).
  • Added an PassManager.passes() method that returns a list of the passes that have been added to the pass manager, including options and flow controllers.
  • Added a that transforms a QuantumCircuit according to its pass schedule and returns a QuantumCircuit.
  • Added a qiskit.quantum_info.random for generating random states, unitaries, etc (#2119).
  • Added a qiskit.quantum_info.synthesis for algorithms that synthesize circuits (#2119).
  • Added a NoiseAdaptiveLayout pass to compute a backend calibration-data aware initial qubit layout. (#2089)
  • Gates and instructions in a circuit accept integers as parameters to refer to wires instead of named bits.
  • Added a OptimizeSwapBeforeMeasure pass that removes the swap gates when they are followed by a measurement instruction, moving the latter to the proper wire. (#1890)
  • Added a RemoveDiagonalGatesBeforeMeasure pass that removes the diagonal gates when they are followed by a measurement instruction. (#2208)
  • Added a CommutativeCancellation pass that cancels self-inverse gates and combines rotations about the Z axis, leveraging previously-found gate commutation relations. (#2012)
  • Add an option for using a user config file to enable changing default settings for various functions in qiskit. Right now it only supports setting the default circuit drawing backend. (#2122)
  • Added a Collect2qBlocks pass that analyzes the circuit for uninterrupted sequences of gates (blocks) acting on 2 qubits. (#2134)
  • Added a ConsolidateBlocks that turns previously-collected blocks of any size into equivalent Unitary operators in the circuit. (#2134)
  • Added support for parameterized circuits. (#2103)
  • Added preset PassManagers that offer predetermined pipelines of transpiler passes. (#2163)


  • require scipy>=1.0, use scipy.stats.unitary_group.rvs for random_unitary().
  • two_qubit_kak decomposition works with Operator or raw matrix input objects.
  • process_fidelity works with QuantumChannel and Operator object inputs.
  • Backend defaults values are no longer required (#2101).
  • QuantumCircuit properties more self-consistent and no longer need DAG (#1993).
  • The most connected subset in DenseLayout is now reduced bandwidth (#2021).
  • plot_histogram now allows sorting by Hamming distance from target_string (#2064).
  • FunctionalPulse is no longer a class and instead is a decorator, functional_pulse that returns a SamplePulse when called. (#2043)
  • Changed average_data to accept observable input in matrix form (#1858)
  • Change random_state to take in dim over number of qubits (#1857)
  • The Exception subclasses have been moved to an .exceptions module within each package (for example, qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError) (#1600).
  • The QiskitTestCase and testing utilities are now included as part of qiskit.test and thus available for third-party implementations, with convenience test cases for providers and backends. (#1616, #1844)
  • The snapshot instruction now takes label and snap_type instead of slot (#1615).
  • The test folders have been reorganized to match the python modules (#1625)
  • The circuits_to_qobj no longers uses the unrollers (#1629)
  • The previously deprecated default output of circuit_drawer() (using latex and falling back to mpl) is no longer present. Instead the default output is the ascii art text output backend.
  • Changed param to params in Instruction (#1665).
  • dag_drawer and plot_gate_map are available via importing They will raise at the point of use, if dependencies are not installed (#1669).
  • The qiskit.validation schemas are now strict and raise a more specific ModelValidationError (#1695).
  • The default transpile pipeline will now add a barrier before the set of final measurements when compiling for both simulators and devices (#1591).
  • Purity function in calls new version in qiskit.quantum_information and issues deprecation warning (#1733)
  • Updated dag.node_counter to return the current number of nodes (#1763)
  • The argument basis_gates used in compile, execute, and transpile is not longer a comma-separated string but a list of strings. For example, this basis ['u1','u2','u3','cx'] should be used instead of 'u1,u2,u3,cx' (#1333)
  • Methods on the DAGCircuit which previously returned node_ids and/or dicts now return DAGNodes
  • The Qobj classes have been reimplemented using models and schemas, as the rest of spec-defined entities. (#1909).
  • The rzz gate is now represented as a line when printed in text (#1957).
  • Text drawer has support for multi-q gates (#1939).
  • Separate Qobj into PulseQobj and QasmQobj (#1969).
  • It is possible to define a layout as a list of integers. This maps the ordered list of virtual circuit qubits to physical qubits as defined by the list of integers (#1946).
  • Instructions no longer have context about where they are in a circuit. Instead, the circuit keeps this context. So Instructions are now light-weight and only have a name, num_qubits, num_clbits and params (#1816).
  • The old syntax for attaching a gate to the circuit then modifying it is no longer supported (e.g. circuit.s(qr).inverse() or circuit.s(qr).c_if(cr, 4)). Instead, you must first modify the gate then attach it (#1816).
  • now contains a list of tuples, where each tuple is a (instruction, qarg, carg) (#1816).
  • The visualization subpackage has moved from to qiskit.visualization. The public API (which was declared stable in the 0.7 release) is still accessible off of (#1878)
  • Layout object can now only be constructed from a dictionary, and must be bijective (#2157).
  • transpile() accepts initial_layout in the form of dict, list or Layout (#2157).
  • Not specifying a basis in execute() or transpile() no longer defaults to unrolling to the ['u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'cx'] basis. Instead the default behavior is to not unroll, unless specifically requested (#2166).
  • Instruction.copy() is now a shallow copy instead of deep (#2214)
  • Layout and CouplingMap classes are now accessible from qiskit.transpiler (#2222).


  • The methods prefixed by _get in the DAGCircuit object are being renamed without that prefix (see #1346)
  • Changed elements in couplinglist of CouplingMap from tuples to lists (#1666).
  • Unroller bases must now be explicit, and violation raises an informative QiskitError (#1802).
  • The package is deprecated in favor of Qiskit Ignis (#1884).
  • The qiskit.compile() function is now deprecated in favor of explicitly using the qiskit.compiler.transpile() function to transform a circuit followed by qiskit.compiler.assemble() to make a qobj out of it.
  • qiskit.converters.qobj_to_circuits() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Instead qiskit.compiler.disassemble_circuits() should be used to extract QuantumCircuit objects from a compiled qobj. (#2137)
  • The qiskit.transpiler.transpile() function is deprecated in favor of qiskit.compiler.transpile() (#2166).
  • The seed_mapper argument in transpile() and execute() is deprecated in favor of seed_transpile(), which sets the seed for all stochastic stages of the transpiler (#2166).
  • The seed argument is execute() is deprecated in favor of seed_simulator (#2166).
  • The pass_manager argument in transpile() is deprecated. Instead, the methdod can be used directly to transform the circuit (#2166).
  • The qiskit._util module is deprecated and replaced by qiskit.util. qiskit._util will be removed in the 0.9 release. (#2154)


  • Fixed #1892, whereby inheriting from QuantumRegister or ClassicalRegister would cause a QiskitError in (#1908).
  • Fixed #829 by removing dependence on scipy unitary_group (#1857).
  • Fixed a bug with measurement sampling optimization in BasicAer qasm_simulator (#1624).
  • Fixed a bug where barriers didn't plot over all qubits when using matplotlib (#1718).
  • Fixed a minor conda env bug in Makefile (#1691).
  • Fixed a bug in BasicMapper pass operating over multiple registers (#1611).
  • Fixed a bug in BarrierBeforeFinalMeasurements which incorrectly moved measurements used in conditional operations (#1705).
  • Fixed a bug that with transpile ignoring initial layout when coupling map is provided (#1711).
  • Fixed a bug in the definition of the rzz gate (#1940).
  • Fixed a bug in DAGCircuit.collect_runs() that did not exclude conditional gates (#1943).
  • Fixed a mapping issue with layouts on non-adjacent qubits, by adding ancillas (#2023).
  • Fixed a bug in which an initial_layout could be changed even if it made the circuit compatible with the device coupling_map (#2036).
  • Fixed qobj_to_circuits for circuits that contain initialize instructions (#2138)


  • The previously deprecated functions plot_circuit(), latex_circuit_drawer(), generate_latex_source(), and matplotlib_circuit_drawer() from have been removed. The circuit_drawer() function from the same module should be used instead.
  • The previously deprecated keys plot_barriers and reverse_bits keys in the style kwarg dict are deprecated, instead the kwargs plot_barriers and reverse_bits should be used instead.
  • Removed the wrapper folder as part of the post 0.7 cleanup (#1613).
  • Removed the python wrappers of the legacy simualtors now that Qiskit Aer is out (#1615).
  • Removed simulator instructions save, load, wait, noise as unsupported in Aer (#1615).
  • Removed circuit.add as deprecated (#1627)
  • Removed the unroller (#1629)
  • Removed deprecated result methods (#1659)
  • Removed deprecated couplingdict kwarg from CouplingMap (#1666)
  • Removed deprecated transpile_dag() format kwarg (#1664)
  • Removed deprecated Pauli v, w, and pauli_group case arg as int (#1680)
  • Removed deprecated state_fidelity() function from tools.qi (#1681)
  • Removed QISKitError in favor of QiskitError. (#1684)
  • The IBMQ provider (qiskit.providers.ibmq) has been moved to its own package (pip install qiskit-ibmq-provider). (#1700)
  • compiled_circuit_qasm has been removed from the Qobj header, since it was part of the pre-qobj specification (#1715).
  • Removed the wigner plotting functions plot_wigner_function, plot_wigner_curve, plot_wigner_plaquette, and plot_wigner_data (#1860).
  • Removed Instruction.reapply() method (#1816).

0.7.2 - 2019-05-01


  • A potential issue where the backend configuration schema validation would improperly reject valid responses from the API (#2258)

0.7.1 - 2019-03-04


  • Fixed a bug with measurement sampling optimization in BasicAer qasm_simulator (#1624).

0.7.0 - 2018-12-19


  • Added DAG visualizer which requires Graphivz (#1059)
  • Added an ASCII art circuit visualizer (#909)
  • The QuantumCircuit class now returns an ASCII art visualization when treated as a string (#911)
  • The QuantumCircuit class now has a draw() method which behaves the same as the function for visualizing the quantum circuit (#911)
  • A new method hinton can be used on to draw a hinton diagram (#1246)
  • Two new constructor methods, from_qasm_str() and from_qasm_file(), to create a QuantumCircuit object from OpenQASM were added to the QuantumCircuit class. (#1172)
  • New methods in QuantumCircuit for common circuit metrics: size(), depth(), width(), count_ops(), num_tensor_factors() (#1285)
  • Added backend_monitor and backend_overview Jupyter magics, as well as plot_coupling_map (#1231)
  • Added a Layout object (#1313)
  • New plot_bloch_multivector() to plot Bloch vectors from a tensored state vector or density matrix. (#1359)
  • Per-shot measurement results are available in simulators and select devices. Request them by setting memory=True in compile()/execute(), and retrieve them from result.get_memory() (#1385).
  • Added a qiskit.converters module for translation between commonly used representations of a circuit: dag_to_circuits, circuits_to_dag, qobj_to_circuits, circuits_to_qobj, ast_to_dag.
  • PassManager can schedule passes at __init__ time (#1510).
  • Added a .qobj() method for IBMQ and local simulator Jobs (#1532).
  • New Decompose pass for decomposing a gate according to a rule (#1487).
  • New Unroller pass in the transpiler for unrolling up to some basis (#1455).
  • New BarrierBeforeFinalMeasurements pass for preventing final measure reorder (#1538).
  • New CommutationAnalysis and CommutationTransformation transpiler passes for modifying a DAG based on gate commutativity relations (#1500).
  • New transpiler mapper pass: BasicSwap (#1270).
  • New transpiler mapper pass: LookaheadSwap (#1140).
  • New transpiler mapper pass: StochasticSwap (#1520).
  • New CXDirection pass for fixing the direction of cx gates (#1410).
  • New CheckMap pass for checking if circuit meets mapping requirements (#1433).
  • New Optimize1QGate pass for combining chains of 1q rotations (#1442).


  • Schedules and underlying classes are now immutable. (#2186)
  • Evolved pass-based transpiler to support advanced functionality (#1060)
  • .retrieve_job() and .jobs() no longer returns results by default, instead the result must be accessed by the result() method on the job objects (#1082).
  • Make backend.status() dictionary conform with schema.
  • The different output backends for the circuit_drawer() visualizations have been moved into separate private modules in (#1105, #1111)
  • DAG nodes contain pointers to Register and Instruction objects, rather than their string names (#1189).
  • Upgraded some external dependencies to:
    • networkx>=2.2 (#1267).
  • The method now returns a matplotlib.Figure object when the mpl output is used and a TextDrawer object when text output is used. (#1224, #1181)
  • Speed up the Pauli class and extended its operators (#1271 #1166).
  • IBMQ.save_account() now takes an overwrite option to replace an existing account on disk. Default is False (#1295).
  • Backend and Provider methods defined in the specification use model objects rather than dicts, along with validation against schemas (#1249, #1277, #1350). The updated methods include: - backend.status() (#1301). - backend.configuration() (and __init__) (#1323). -, returning None for sims (#1331, #1401). - qiskit.Result (#1360).
  • backend.provider() is now a method instead of a property (#1312).
  • Remove local backend (Aer) fallback (#1303)
  • The signatures for the plotting functions in,, and have been modified to make them in-line with standard Matplotlib calling conventions (#1359).
  • Remove local backend (Aer) fallback (#1303).
  • DAGCircuits store Instruction and Register objects, instead of name references. The DAGCircuit class methods are updated accordingly (#1210).
  • transpile() now takes QuantumCircuit(s) to QuantumCircuit(s), and DAG processing is only done internally (#1397).
  • The different unrollers are deprecated. The only unrolling happens from DAG to DAG (#1210).
  • Moved all the circuit modules into a circuit module but for most users it is still imported in the top level for QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister
  • qiskit.backends has been renamed to qiskit.providers (#1531).
  • qiskit.backends.aer has been removed in favor of qiskit.providers.builtinsimulators (Python simulators) and qiskit.providers.legacysimulators (C++ simulators) (#1484)
  • Aer in qiskit root module depends on having the qiskit-aer package installed, by default it is not present. Instead there are 2 new provider instances in the root module BasicAer which provides the Python simulators and LegacySimulators which provides the old C++ simulators in qiskit-terra. (#1484)


  • plot_circuit(), latex_circuit_drawer(), generate_latex_source(),
    and matplotlib_circuit_drawer() from are deprecated. Instead the circuit_drawer() function from the same module should be used. (#1055)
  • The current default output of circuit_drawer() (using latex and falling
    back on python) is deprecated and will be changed in the future. (#1055)
  • The qiskit.wrapper.load_qasm_string() and qiskit.wrapper.load_qasm_file() functions are deprecated and the QuantumCircuit.from_qasm_str() and QuantumCircuit.from_qasm_file() contstructor methods should be used instead (#1172)
  • The plot_barriers and reverse_bits keys in the style kwarg dict are deprecated, instead the kwargs plot_barriers and reverse_bits should be used instead. (#1180)
  • The transpile_dag() function format kwarg for emitting different output formats is deprecated (#1319).
  • Several methods of qiskit.Result have been deprecated (#1360).
  • The functions plot_state() and iplot_state() have been depreciated. Instead the functions plot_state_*() and iplot_state_*() should be called. (#1359)
  • The skip_transpiler arg has been deprecated from compile() and execute() in favor of using the PassManager directly.


  • Fixed a variety of typos throughout sources (#1139)
  • Fixed horizontal spacing when drawing barriers before CCNOT gates in latex circuit plots (#1051)
  • Use case insensitive matching when comparing premium account URLs. (#1102)
  • Fixed AerJob status when the submitted Job is in a PENDING state. (#1215)
  • Add fallback for when CPU count can't be determined (#1214)
  • Fix random_state from returning nan (#1258)
  • The Clifford simulator run() method now works correctly with the updated AerJob usage (#1125)
  • Fixed an edge case when connection checks would raise an unhandled exception (#1226)
  • Fixed a bug where the transpiler moved middle-of-circuit measurements to the end (#1334)
  • The number_to_keep kwarg in plot_histgram() now functions correctly (#1359).
  • parallel_map no longer creates a progress bar for a single circuit (#1394).
  • The timeout parameter is now passed into the inner _wait_for_submission function in IBMQJob from _wait_for_result (#1542).


  • Remove register, available_backends (#1131).
  • Remove tools/apps (#1184).
  • Removed the dependency on IBMQuantumExperience, as it is now included in qiskit.backends.IBMQ (#1198).
  • matplotlib is no longer in the package requirements and is now an optional dependency. In order to use any matplotlib based visualizations (which includes the mpl output,,, and you will now need to ensure you manually install and configure matplotlib independently.
  • The basis kwarg for the circuit_drawer() function to provide an alternative list of basis gates has been removed. Instead users should adjust the basis gates prior to visualizing the circuit. (#1151)
  • backend.parameters() and backend.calibration() have been fully deprecated, in favour of (#1305).
  • The module has been removed. Conversion between qiskit.Result and json can be achieved using .to_dict() and .from_dict() directly (#1360).
  • The qiskit.Result class method for len() and indexing have been removed, along with the functions that perform post-processing (#1351).
  • The get_snapshot() and get_snapshots() method from the Result class has been removed. Instead you can access the snapshots in a Result using['snapshots'].
  • Completed the deprecation of job.backend_name(),, and the backend_name parameter in its constructor.
  • The qiskit.Result class now does post-processing of results returned from backends if they are called via the Result.get_xxx() methods (i.e. get_counts(), get_memory(), get_statevector(), get_unitary()). The raw data is accessible through (#1404).
  • The transpile() function kwarg format has been removed and will always return a circuit object. Instead you'll need to manually convert the output with the functions provided in qiskit.converters.

0.6.0 - 2018-10-04


  • Added SchemaValidationError to be thrown when schema validation fails (#881)
  • Generalized Qobj schema validation functions for all qiskit schemas (#882).
  • Added decorator to check for C++ simulator availability (#662)
  • It is possible to cancel jobs in non comercial backends (#687)
  • Introduced new qiskit.IBMQ provider, with centralized handling of IBMQ credentials (qiskitrc file, environment variables). (#547, #948, #1000)
  • Add OpenMP ization for Apple builds of the cpp simulator (#698).
  • Add parallelization utilities (#701)
  • Parallelize transpilation (#701)
  • New interactive visualizations (#765).
  • Added option to reverse the qubit order when plotting a circuit. (#762, #786)
  • Jupyter notebook magic function qiskit_job_status, qiskit_progress_bar (#701, #734)
  • Add a new function qobj_to_circuits to convert a Qobj object to a list of QuantumCircuit objects (#877)
  • Allow selective loading of accounts from disk via hub/group/project filters to IBMQ.load_accounts().
  • Add new job_monitor function to automaically check the status of a job (#975).


  • Schema tests in tests/schemas/ replaced with proper unit test (#834).
  • Renamed QISKit to Qiskit in the documentation. (#634)
  • Use Qobj as the formally defined schema for sending information to the devices: - introduce the qiskit.qobj module. (#589, #655) - update the Qobj JSON schema. (#668, #677, #703, #709) - update the local simulators for accepting Qobj as input. (#667) - update the Result class. (#773)
  • Use get_status_job() for checking IBMQJob status. (#641)
  • Q network hub/group/project credentials replaced by new url format. (#740)
  • Breaking change: Jobs API simplification. (#686)
  • Breaking change: altered tomography APIs to not use QuantumProgram. (#818)
  • Breaking change: BaseBackend API changed, properties are now methods (#858)
  • When plot_histogram() or plot_state() are called from a jupyter notebook if there is network connectivity the interactive plots will be used by default (#862, #866)
  • Breaking change: BaseJob API changed, any job constructor must be passed the backend used to run them and a unique job id (#936).
  • Add support for drawing circuit barriers to the latex circuit drawer. This requires having the LaTeX qcircuit package version >=2.6.0 installed (#764)


  • The number_to_keep kwarg on the plot_histogram() function is now deprecated. A field of the same name should be used in the option dictionary kwarg instead. (#866)
  • Breaking change: instead of backend.calibration() and backend.parameters() (#870)


  • Removed the QuantumProgram class. (#724)


  • Fixed get_ran_qasm methods on Result instances (#688).
  • Fixed probabilities_ket computation in C++ simulator (#580).
  • Fixed bug in the definition of cswap gate and its test (#685).
  • Fixed the examples to be compatible with version 0.5+ (#672).
  • Fixed swap mapper using qubits after measurement (#691).
  • Fixed error in cpp simulator for 3+ qubit operations (#698).
  • Fixed issue with combining or extending circuits that contain CompositeGate (#710).
  • Fixed the random unitary generation from the Haar measure (#760).
  • Fixed the issue with control lines spanning through several classical registers (#762).
  • Fixed visualizations crashing when using simulator extensions (#885).
  • Fixed check for network connection when loading interactive visualizations (#892).
  • Fixed bug in checking that a circuit already matches a coupling map (#1024).

0.5.7 - 2018-07-19


  • Add new backend names support, with aliasing for the old ones.

0.5.6 - 2018-07-06


  • Rename repository to qiskit-terra (#606).
  • Update Bloch sphere to QuTiP version (#618).
  • Adjust margin of matplotlib_circuit_drawer (#632)


  • Remove OpenQuantumCompiler (#610).


  • Fixed broken process error and simulator slowdown on Windows (#613).
  • Fixed yzy_to_zyz bugs (#520, #607) by moving to quaternions (#626).

0.5.5 - 2018-07-02


  • Retrieve IBM Q jobs from server (#563, #585).
  • Add German introductory documentation (doc/de) (#592).
  • Add unregister() for removing previously registered providers (#584).
  • Add matplotlib-based circuit drawer (#579).
  • Adding backend filtering by least busy (#575).
  • Allow running with new display names for IBMQ devices, and return those from available_backends() (#566)
  • Introduce Qiskit Transpiler and refactor compilation flow (#578)
  • Add CXCancellation pass (#578)


  • Remove backend filtering in individual providers, keep only in wrapper (#575).
  • Single source of version information (#581)
  • Bumped IBMQuantumExperience dependency to 1.9.6 (#600).
  • For backend status, status['available'] is now status['operational'] (#609).
  • Added support for registering third-party providers in register() (#602).
  • Order strings in the output of available_backends() (#566)


  • Remove Clifford simulator from default available_backends, until its stable release (#555).
  • Remove ProjectQ simulators for moving to new repository (#553).
  • Remove QuantumJob class (#616)


  • Fix issue with unintended inversion of initializer gates (#573).
  • Fix issue with skip_transpiler causing some gates to be ignored silently (#562).

0.5.4 - 2018-06-11


  • Performance improvements:
    • remove deepcopies from dagcircuit, and extra check on qasm() (#523).


  • Rename repository to qiskit-core (#530).
  • Repository improvements: new changelog format (#535), updated issue templates (#531).
  • Renamed the specification schemas (#464).
  • Convert LocalJob tests into unit-tests. (#526)
  • Move wrapper load_qasm_* methods to a submodule (#533).


  • Remove Sympy simulators for moving to new repository (#514)


  • Fix erroneous density matrix and probabilities in C++ simulator (#518)
  • Fix hardcoded backend mapping tests (#521)
  • Removed _modifiers call from reapply (#534)
  • Fix circuit drawer issue with filename location on windows (#543)
  • Change initial qubit layout only if the backend coupling map is not satisfied (#527)
  • Fix incorrect unrolling of t to tdg in CircuitBackend (#557)
  • Fix issue with simulator extension commands not reapplying correctly (#556)

0.5.3 - 2018-05-29


  • load_qasm_file / load_qasm_string methods


  • Dependencies version bumped


  • Crash in the cpp simulator for some linux platforms
  • Fixed some minor bugs

0.5.2 - 2018-05-21


  • Adding Result.get_unitary()


  • Deprecating ibmqx_hpc_qasm_simulator and ibmqx_qasm_simulator in favor of ibmq_qasm_simulator.


  • Fixing a Mapper issue.
  • Fixing Windows 7 builds.

0.5.1 - 2018-05-15

  • There are no code changes.

    MacOS simulator has been rebuilt with external user libraries compiled statically, so there’s no need for users to have a preinstalled gcc environment.

    Pypi forces us to bump up the version number if we want to upload a new package, so this is basically what have changed.

0.5.0 - 2018-05-11


  • Introduce providers and rework backends (#376).
    • Split backends into local and ibmq.
    • Each provider derives from the following classes for its specific requirements (BaseProvider, BaseBackend, BaseJob).
    • Allow querying result by both circuit name and QuantumCircuit instance.
  • Introduce the Qiskit wrapper (#376).
    • Introduce convenience wrapper functions around commonly used Qiskit components (e.g. compile and execute functions).
    • Introduce the DefaultQISKitProvider, which acts as a context manager for the current session (e.g. providing easy access to all available_backends).
    • Avoid relying on QuantumProgram (eventual deprecation).
    • The functions are also available as top-level functions (for example, qiskit.get_backend()).
  • Introduce BaseJob class and asynchronous jobs (#403).
    • Return BaseJob after run().
    • Mechanisms for querying status and results, or to cancel a job.
  • Introduce a skip_transpiler flag for compile() (#411).
  • Introduce schemas for validating interfaces between qiskit and backends (#434) - qobj_schema - result_schema - job_status_schema - default_pulse_config_schema - backend_config_schema - backend_props_schema - backend_status_schema
  • Improve C++ simulator (#386)
    • Add tensor_index.hpp for multi-partite qubit vector indexing.
    • Add qubit_vector.hpp for multi-partite qubit vector algebra.
    • Rework C++ simulator backends to use QubitVector class instead of std::vector.
  • Improve interface to simulator backends (#435)
    • Introduce local_statevector_simulator_py and local_statevector_simulator_cpp.
    • Introduce aliased and deprecated backend names and mechanisms for resolving them.
    • Introduce optional compact flag to query backend names only by unique function.
    • Introduce result convenience functions get_statevector, get_unitary
    • Add snapshot command for caching a copy of the current simulator state.
  • Introduce circuit drawing via circuit_drawer() and plot_circuit() (#295, #414)
  • Introduce benchmark suite for performance testing (test/performance) (#277)
  • Introduce more robust probability testing via assertDictAlmostEqual (#390)
  • Allow combining circuits across both depth and width (#389)
  • Enforce string token names (#395)


  • Fix coherent error bug in local_qasm_simulator_cpp (#318)
  • Fix the order and format of result bits obtained from device backends (#430)
  • Fix support for noises in the idle gate of local_clifford_simulator_cpp (#440)
  • Fix JobProcessor modifying input qobj (#392) (and removed JobProcessor during #403)
  • Fix ability to apply all gates on register (#369)


  • Some methods of QuantumProgram are soon to be deprecated. Please use the top-level functions instead.
  • The Register instantiation now expects size, name. Using name, size is still supported but will be deprecated in the future.
  • Simulators no longer return wavefunction by setting shots=1. Instead, use the local_statevector_simulator, or explicitly ask for snapshot.
  • Return job instance after run(), rather than result.
  • Rename simulators according to PROVIDERNAME_SIMPLEALIAS_simulator_LANGUAGEORPROJECT
  • Move simulator extensions to qiskit/extensions/simulator
  • Move Rzz and CSwap to standard extension library

0.4.15 - 2018-05-07


  • Fixed an issue with legacy code that was affecting Developers Challenge.

0.4.14 - 2018-04-18


  • Fixed an issue about handling Basis Gates parameters on backend configurations.

0.4.13 - 2018-04-16


  • OpenQuantumCompiler.dag2json() restored for backward compatibility.


  • Fixes an issue regarding barrier gate misuse in some circumstances.

0.4.12 - 2018-03-11


  • Improved circuit visualization.
  • Improvements in infrastructure code, mostly tests and build system.
  • Better documentation regarding contributors.


  • A bunch of minor bugs have been fixed.

0.4.11 - 2018-03-13


  • More testing :)


  • Stabilizing code related to external dependencies.


  • Fixed bug in circuit drawing where some gates in the standard library were not plotting correctly.

0.4.10 - 2018-03-06


  • Chinese translation of README.


  • Changes related with infrastructure (linter, tests, automation) enhancement.


  • Fix installation issue when simulator cannot be built.
  • Fix bug with auto-generated CNOT coherent error matrix in C++ simulator.
  • Fix a bug in the async code.

0.4.9 - 2018-02-12


  • CMake integration.
  • QASM improvements.
  • Mapper optimizer improvements.


  • Some minor C++ Simulator bug-fixes.

0.4.8 - 2018-01-29


  • Fix parsing U_error matrix in C++ Simulator python helper class.
  • Fix display of code-blocks on .rst pages.

0.4.7 - 2018-01-26


  • Changes some naming conventions for amp_error noise parameters to calibration_error.


  • Fixes several bugs with noise implementations in the simulator.
  • Fixes many spelling mistakes in simulator README.

0.4.6 - 2018-01-22


  • We have upgraded some of out external dependencies to:

    • matplotlib >=2.1,<2.2
    • networkx>=1.11,<2.1
    • numpy>=1.13,<1.15
    • ply==3.10
    • scipy>=0.19,<1.1
    • Sphinx>=1.6,<1.7
    • sympy>=1.0

0.4.4 - 2018-01-09


  • Update dependencies to more recent versions.


  • Fix bug with process tomography reversing qubit preparation order.

0.4.3 - 2018-01-08


  • Static compilation has been removed because it seems to be failing while installing Qiskit via pip on Mac.

0.4.2 - 2018-01-08


  • Minor bug fixing related to pip installation process.

0.4.0 - 2018-01-08


  • Job handling improvements.
    • Allow asynchronous job submission.
    • New JobProcessor class: utilizes concurrent.futures.
    • New QuantumJob class: job description.
  • Modularize circuit "compilation".
    Takes quantum circuit and information about backend to transform circuit into one which can run on the backend.
  • Standardize job description.
    All backends take QuantumJob objects which wraps qobj program description.
  • Simplify addition of backends, where circuits are run/simulated.
    • qiskit.backends package added.
    • Real devices and simulators are considered "backends" which inherent from BaseBackend.
  • Reorganize and improve Sphinx documentation.
  • Improve unittest framework.
  • Add tools for generating random circuits.
  • New utilities for fermionic Hamiltonians (qiskit/tools/apps/fermion).
  • New utilities for classical optimization and chemistry (qiskit/tools/apps/optimization).
  • Randomized benchmarking data handling.
  • Quantum tomography (qiskit/tools/qcvv).
    Added functions for generating, running and fitting process tomography experiments.
  • Quantum information functions (qiskit/tools/qi).
    • Partial trace over subsystems of multi-partite vector.
    • Partial trace over subsystems of multi-partite matrix.
    • Flatten an operator to a vector in a specified basis.
    • Generate random unitary matrix.
    • Generate random density matrix.
    • Generate normally distributed complex matrix.
    • Generate random density matrix from Hilbert-Schmidt metric.
    • Generate random density matrix from the Bures metric.
    • Compute Shannon entropy of probability vector.
    • Compute von Neumann entropy of quantum state.
    • Compute mutual information of a bipartite state.
    • Compute the entanglement of formation of quantum state.
  • Visualization improvements (qiskit/tools).
    • Wigner function representation.
    • Latex figure of circuit.
  • Use python logging facility for info, warnings, etc.
  • Auto-deployment of sphinx docs to github pages.
  • Check IBMQuantumExperience version at runtime.
  • Add QuantumProgram method to reconfigure already generated qobj.
  • Add Japanese introductory documentation (doc/ja).
  • Add Korean translation of readme (doc/ko).
  • Add appveyor for continuous integration on Windows.
  • Enable new IBM Q parameters for hub/group/project.
  • Add QuantumProgram methods for destroying registers and circuits.
  • Use Sympy for evaluating expressions.
  • Add support for ibmqx_hpc_qasm_simulator backend.
  • Add backend interface to Project Q C++ simulator.
    Requires installation of Project Q.
  • Introduce Initialize class.
    Generates circuit which initializes qubits in arbitrary state.
  • Introduce local_qiskit_simulator a C++ simulator with realistic noise.
    Requires C++ build environment for make-based build.
  • Introduce local_clifford_simulator a C++ Clifford simulator.
    Requires C++ build environment for make-based build.


  • The standard extension for creating U base gates has been modified to be consistent with the rest of the gate APIs (see #203).


  • The silent parameter has been removed from a number of QuantumProgram methods. The same behaviour can be achieved now by using the enable_logs() and disable_logs() methods, which use the standard Python logging.


  • Fix basis gates (#76).
  • Enable QASM parser to work in multiuser environments.
  • Correct operator precedence when parsing expressions (#190).
  • Fix "math domain error" in mapping (#111, #151).