+ The Software Observatory is designed as a dynamic tool to
+ systematically monitor, assess, and elevate the quality of Life
+ Sciences reearch software. Our mission is not just to observe but to
+ actively foster the adoption of best practices in software development
+ within the Life Sciences community.
+ Data Availability
+ Software Metadata and statistics are made available through the
+ Software Observatory API.
+ Terminology
+ The Software Observatory uses the following terminology:
+ -
+ Canonical Tool/Software:
+ abstract notion of a given research software, as a computational
+ solution that has been implemented and given an identity name by its
+ author/s.
+ -
+ Instance of a canonical tool/software:
+ Each of the different ways in which a canonical tool is implemented,
+ in terms of the way a user interacts with it, e.g. command-line
+ applications, web applications, libraries; availability, e.g.
+ desktop and/or web applications; or differences in the code that are
+ not big enough to justify considering them as distinct tools, e.g.
+ different versions of the same software.
+ -
+ Primary Sources: sources used to
+ discover software and build an initial collection of instances.
+ -
+ Secondary sources: sources mined
+ to further enrich the initial collection of software metadata. They
+ are identified through cross-referencies.
+ Citation
+ FAIRsoft - A practical implementation of FAIR
+ principles for
+ research software
+ Eva Martín del Pico, Josep Lluís Gelpí, Salvador Capella-Gutiérrez
+ bioRxiv 2022.05.04.490563; doi:
+ https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.05.04.490563
+ Terms of Use
+ All data is distributed under a
+ license.