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99 changes: 58 additions & 41 deletions doc/IMITATOR-user-manual.tex
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Expand Up @@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ \section{Initial state and initialization of variables}\label{section:init}

However, all discrete variables must be initialized to a \emph{constant} compatible with their type.
See \cref{ss:initial} for details.
Given a discrete variable \styleIMI{i}, if the definition of the initial state does not contain an equality of the form \styleIMI{i <- ...} followed by a constant (or a linear term over~$\LTermR$, for rational variables), then \imitator{} will assume that \styleIMI{i} is initially set to a default value, and will issue a warning.
Given a discrete variable \styleIMI{i}, if the definition of the initial state does not contain an assignment of the form \styleIMI{i <- ...} followed by a constant (or a linear term over~$\LTermR$, for rational variables), then \imitator{} will assume that \styleIMI{i} is initially set to a default value, and will issue a warning.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ \section{Global constants}

In fact, a variable (\eg{} a parameter) can be turned to a constant as follows in the definition of the parameters:
Note that a parameter can be turned to a constant as follows in the definition of the parameters:

p = 2: parameter;
Expand All @@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ \section{Discrete variables}\label{section:discrete}

\subsection{Primitive types}

Discrete, global variables are syntactic sugar for a potentially unbounded number of locations.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -951,9 +951,12 @@ \subsubsection{Binary word variables}

\subsection{Composite types}


Arrays are fixed-length collections of indexed elements.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2028,44 +2031,49 @@ \section{Model templates}\label{section:templates}

Since \imitator{}~3.4, it is possible to define automata instantiated from model \emph{templates}.
This means the ability to create a number of (almost-)identical TAs in parallel.
This means the ability to create a number of almost identical \IPTA{}s in parallel.

% TODO: syntax
% TODO: example
Note that templates are a purely syntactic feature; \imitator{} does not implement algorithms to handle a parameterized number of automata.
In practice, a simple preprocessing step translates the templates into standard \IPTA{}s.

% NOTE (Tomaz): Please feel free to modify the text below. These are just the main points that I
% believe are important cover in the documentation.
In order to define a new template, the user should use the keyword \styleIMI{template}, followed by
the name and all its arguments and the corresponding types separated by commas. The arguments can be
\styleIMI{int}, \styleIMI{rational}, \styleIMI{bool}, \styleIMI{clock}, \styleIMI{action} and
After that, the user should enter the body of the template, which is exactly the same as the body
of a regular automaton, except that it can use the variables declared as arguments for the template.
Finally, the user can instantiate the template with the keyword \styleIMI{instantiate}, followed
by the name of the automaton that will be created, the assign operator (\styleIMI{<-}) and an
invocation of the desired template, with the corresponding arguments.

\paragraph{Defining templates}
In order to define a new template, the user should use the keyword \styleIMI{template}, followed by the name and all its arguments and the corresponding types separated by commas.
The arguments can be \styleIMI{int}, \styleIMI{rational}, \styleIMI{bool}, \styleIMI{clock}, \styleIMI{action} and \styleIMI{parameter}.
Note that, currently, no type checking is done. But if an user tries to use a value with an
incompatible type, the next phases of compilation will catch that and reject the model. The user
can pass either variables or literal values as arguments to the template. If a variable is passed,
then this is done by reference.

In addition to templates, we also introduced arrays of actions, clocks and parameters. These are
not ``real'' arrays, in the sense that they are just syntactic sugar for multiple declarations of
variables. In order to distinguish them from ``real'' arrays, we introduced the keyword
\styleIMI{synt\_var} to declare them. We also introduced the \styleIMI{forall} keyword, which
allows one to do many instantiation or declare many constraints in the init definition with
a single statement. All these constructions are exemplified in the following snippet:
After that, the user should enter the body of the template, which is exactly the same as the body of a regular \IPTA{}, except that it can use the variables declared as arguments for the template.

In addition, arrays of actions, clocks and parameters can be defined.
These are not ``real'' arrays (as in \cref{sss:arrays}), in the sense that they are just syntactic sugar for multiple declarations of
In order to distinguish them from ``real'' arrays, the specific keyword \styleIMI{synt\_var} is used to declare them.

\paragraph{Template instantiation}
Finally, the user can instantiate the template with the keyword \styleIMI{instantiate}, followed by the name of the automaton that will be created, the assignment operator (\styleIMI{<-}) and an invocation of the desired template, with the corresponding arguments.

We also introduced the \styleIMI{forall} keyword, which allows one to do many instantiations or declare many constraints in the init definition with a single statement.

Currently, it is necessary to first declare all templates, then declare all regular (non-template) \IPTA{}s and, lastly, apply all desired instantiations.
Similarly, declarations of syntactic variables must come after declarations of regular variables.

\paragraph{Type checking}
Note that, currently, no type checking is done during this preprocessing phase.
But if a user tries to use a value with an incompatible type, the next phases of compilation will catch that and reject the model.
The user can pass either variables or literal values as arguments to the template.
If a variable is passed, then this is done by reference.

\paragraph{Example model}
All these constructions are exemplified in the following snippet:

id : int;
k = 2 : constant;
id : int;
k = 2 : constant;
IDLE = -1 : int;
N = 10 : int;
N = 10 : int;

x : clock array (N);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2105,12 +2113,16 @@ \section{Model templates}\label{section:templates}

Currently, it is necessary to first declare all templates, then declare all old-style
automatons, and, lastly, apply all desired instantiations. Similarly, declarations
of syntactic variables must come after declarations of regular variables.
\paragraph{Templates in properties}
The \styleIMI{forall} construction can also be used in properties.
Below is an example of property using such a syntax (unrelated to the former model example).
Note that \styleIMI{NB} is a constant defined in the model, leading to an easy specification of properties.

property := #synth EF(forall i in [0, NB - 1]: loc[train[i]] = train_End);

Note that this is a purely syntactic feature; \imitator{} does not implement algorithms to handle a parameterized number of automata.
In practice, a simple preprocessing step translates the templates into standard \IPTA{}s.

\section{Submodel inclusion}\label{section:include}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3343,9 +3355,9 @@ \section{Projection onto some parameters}\label{section:projection}
The result can be projected onto selected parameters, by using the following syntax at the end of the property file:

projectresult(param1, ..., paramn);

In that case, all parameters not in that set are eliminated using variable elimination, and the result in the result file only contains the selected parameters.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6186,6 +6198,8 @@ \section{Reserved words}
\styleIMI{fill\_right} \\
\styleIMI{flow} \\
\styleIMI{fn} \\
\styleIMI{for} \\
\styleIMI{forall} \\
\styleIMI{function} \\
\styleIMI{goto} \\
\styleIMI{happened} \\
Expand All @@ -6195,6 +6209,7 @@ \section{Reserved words}
\styleIMI{inf} \\
\styleIMI{infinity} \\
\styleIMI{init} \\
\styleIMI{instantiate} \\
\styleIMI{int\_div} \\
\styleIMI{invariant} \\
\styleIMI{is} \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6242,6 +6257,8 @@ \section{Reserved words}
\styleIMI{stop} \\
\styleIMI{sync} \\
\styleIMI{synclabs} \\
\styleIMI{synt\_var} \\
\styleIMI{template} \\
\styleIMI{then} \\
\styleIMI{True} \\
\styleIMI{urgent} \\
Expand Down
18 changes: 10 additions & 8 deletions doc/commons.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -533,18 +533,18 @@
clock, constant, continuous, controllable,
discrete, do, done, downto,
else, end,
False, fill_left, fill_right, flow, fn, from, function,
False, fill_left, fill_right, flow, fn, forall, from, function,
if, in, init, initially, int, int_div, inside, invariant, is,
if, in, init, initially, instantiate, int, int_div, inside, invariant, is,
list, list_cons, list_hd, list_is_empty, list_length, list_mem, list_rev, list_tl, loc, logand, lognot, logor, logxor,
parameter, pow,
queue, queue_clear, queue_is_empty, queue_length, queue_pop, queue_push, queue_top,
rat, rational, return,
shift_left, shift_right, stack, stack_clear, stack_is_empty, stack_length, stack_pop, stack_push, stack_top, stop, sync,
then, to, True,
shift_left, shift_right, stack, stack_clear, stack_is_empty, stack_length, stack_pop, stack_push, stack_top, stop, sync, synt_var,
template, then, to, True,
var, void,
when, while,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -606,21 +606,23 @@
keywordstyle=\bfseries\color{keywordscolor}, % keyword style
% language=caml, % the language of the code
A, accepting, AF, AF_, AGnot, always,
A, accepting, AF, AF_, AG, AGnot, always,
BCcover, BCrandom, BCshuffle, before,
Cycle, CycleThrough,
E, EF, EF_, EFpmin, EFpmax, EFtmin, everytime, eventually,
E, EF, EF_, EFpmin, EFpmax, EFtmin, EG, everytime, eventually,
happened, has,
IM, infinity,
pattern, PRP, PRPC, property,
pattern, projectresult, PRP, PRPC, property,
R, R_,
sequence, synth,
U, U_,
W, W_, within, witness}, % if you want to add more keywords to the set
W, W_, Win, within, witness}, % if you want to add more keywords to the set
numbers=none, % where to put the line-numbers; possible values are (none, left, right)
% numbersep=5pt, % how far the line-numbers are from the code
% numberstyle=\tiny\color{bggcolor}, % the style that is used for the line-numbers
Expand Down
Binary file modified doc/include/fischerPAT_obs-pta.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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