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ihptru edited this page Sep 24, 2011 · 36 revisions

orabot supports 2 types of users: Op/HalfOp/Voice and others
some commands can be used only by privileged users (there will be specified if command can be used only by Op/HalfOp/Voice);


--- command is used to get a code of the specific language (feature for different translate API module in future)


]lang part_of_language_name


--- says 'Hello' back

]games [{-w|-p|--all|-wp|-l|-s|-v|-vp|-vw|-r regex}]

--- shows current games


To show games waiting for players:

]games -w

To show already started games:

]games -p

To show games in both states:

]games --all
]games -wp

To show simple output of current started or waiting games(old listbot style):

]games -l

To show amount of started or waiting games in each mod:

]games -v

To show amount of waiting games in each mod:

]games -vw

To show amount of started games in each mod:

]games -vp

To show just an amount of games in both states::

]games -s

To show a game with specific name ( already started or waiting for players )

]games -r pattern

type part of server name instead of 'regex'


--- command is used to send an offline message to irc user
--- can be used only on a channel
--- irc user must exist in bot's database: can be only if user has ever visited any channel, operated by this bot
--- impossible to send an offline message to yourself or to users which is online


]later <user> <message>


--- command is used to check if irc user exists in bot's database (to make sure ]later will work)


]ifuser <user name>


--- only by Op/HalfOp/Voice
--- command is used to add a particular irc user to bot's database if he does not exist there


]adduser <user name>


--- Op/HalfOp/Voice
--- use this to make bot join one more channel


]join <channel name with #>


--- only by Op/HalfOp/Voice
--- use this to make bot leave a particular channel


]part <channel name with #>


--- only by Op/HalfOp/Voice
--- use this to make bot leave the server




--- only by Op/HalfOp/Voice
--- command is used to show 10 last commands sent to bot




--- to get a link to this wiki

]help calc <function>
where <function> is a math module function to get help of...


--- single elimination tournament brackets generator


]randomteam team_name1 team_name2 team_name3 team_name4 ...
no gaps in team's names


--- only on a channel
--- shows when user was last seen on the channel


]last username


--- shows last release and playtest versions of OpenRa


--- shows weather of a specific location


(]weather [--current|--forecast|--all] [US zip code | US/Canada city, state | Foreign city, country]) -- Returns the approximate weather conditions for a given city from Google Weather. --current, --forecast, and --all control what kind of information the command shows.


--- only by Op/HalfOp/Voice
--- repeat what is written after ]say


]say some_text


--- only by Op/HalfOp/Voice
--- redirection of specified command's output to specified user
--- if performed on a channel: can redirect a command's output only to user which is on the channel

List of the available commands to redirect an output of:

]games, ]help, ]version, ]hi, ]randomteam, ]tr, ]lang, ]last, ]online, ]weather, ]lastgame, ]who, ]promote, ]maps, ]say


```]show | ```

## ]mapinfo --- Shows the full openra map's information

```]mapinfo ```

```]mapinfo --mod= ```

where \ is: ra, cnc or yf
```]mapinfo --random```

to get an information of randomly chosen map

## ]calc --- Makes mathematical calculations

```]calc 2*15 + sqrt(17)```

--- Use ]calc without arguments to get a list of the available functions or ```]help calc ``` to get help of a particular function

## ]randomserver --- Randomize servers or maps for single elimination tournaments in media wiki format till finals

```]randomserver -c server1 server2 server3 server4 ...```

where \ takes 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 (amount of servers to randomize)

--- no gaps in server names
--- the amount of given servers must be more or equal -c\