Maven archetype to quickly create React-Java app with all CRUD and search functionality out of box. It is based on Spring/Hibernate/QueryDsl stack on the backend and React/Semantic-UI on the front end. Adding a new entity with CRUD and search functionality will take only a few minutes and I hope to cut that down even more with code generation in the future. Quick intro blog post with pictures:
This archetype contains a self explanatory mini application instead of documentation.
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.happyreaction -DarchetypeArtifactId=HappyReaction-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.1 -DarchetypeRepository= -DgroupId=com.test -DartifactId=TestProject
cd your_new_project_dir
mvn clean install
You might need to generate sources for QueryDsl dependendency, but it should work even without it:
mvn generate-sources
You also need to install lombok plugin for your IDE.
Install postgresql
Create database with name: happyreactiondb
Setup user with username/password: postgres/admin
Load project to your favorite IDE
Deploy it on apache tomcat and start it up.
Open command prompt, go to src/main/frontend and run 'npm run watch' if you want to have your javascript modifications reloaded (you might need to install npm on your machine separately)
- Search out of box
- Data table with pagination out of box
- Create, remove, update, delete out of box
To add a new entity all you have to do is the following:
- Create a new JPA Entity
@Table(name = "CUSTOMER")
public class Customer extends BaseEntity {
@Column(name = "CUSTOMER_NAME", nullable = false)
private String name;
- Create a new Spring Data Repository for new entity
public interface CustomerRepository extends GenericRepository<Customer, Long> {
- Create a new Service that extends BaseService (where the all the logic is already implemented for you)
public class CustomerService extends BaseService<Customer> {
private CustomerRepository repository;
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
protected JpaRepository<Customer, Long> getRepository() {
return (JpaRepository) repository;
- Create a new REST endpoint
public class CustomerRestController extends CrudController<Customer> {
private CustomerService customerService;
public Service<Customer> getService() {
return customerService;
- And at last create a page in React UI
// fields to show for search (and edit forms in this case).
const customersSearchFields = [
{label: "Name", field: "name", type: "String"}
// Edit and Create new forms
const CustomerEditForm = ({ match }) => {
return <HappyForm entityId={} editFields={customersSearchFields} entityName="customer" />
const CustomerNewForm = ({ match }) => {
return <HappyForm editFields={customersSearchFields} entityName="customer" />
// Final step is to add our SearchForm and HappyForm components to react router
<Route path='/customers' component={() => <SearchForm entityName='customer' searchFields={customersSearchFields} columnFields={customersSearchFields} fetchFields={['city']} />}/>
<Route path="/customer/edit/:id" component={CustomerEditForm}/>
<Route path="/customer/new" component={CustomerNewForm}/>
After you do that and deploy your app you will be able to create a new Customer in GUI, edit it, delete it, and search for it by its name right away. You don't need to write any logic for that as it is all handled by BaseService and SearchForm/HappyForm react components. Hopefully in the future all those steps will be automated.
In the previous example ({label: "Name", field: "name", type: "String"}
) it was a string type customer name field. But HappyReaction supports and other field types.
- String
- Date
- DateTime
- Number
- Integer
- Object (other Entities)
- Enum
- Boolean
For project site with javadocs, test coverage, pmd, findbugs etc run:
mvn site:run