Small tidbits of code practiced and read/learned from teclado's, raymond hattinger's and various books and blogposts and other sources:
I use the PDM package manager as it works similar to npm / yarn. It integrates nicely with your python (no need to activate virtual envs, it's automatic).
If you use VS code with python, you need to install ipykernel for ipynb files. Just pdm install or create a new virtual env and install it.
- bottle, flask, fastapi, sanic -- easy to use web fws
- major modules like re, path, collections, functools, itertools
- tkinter gui code
- databases, mongoose, sqlalchemy, sqlobject, ponyorm, tortoiseorm, peewee(-async)
- data science / ml, numpy, scipy, matplotlib, seaborn, altair, bokeh, plotly/dash
- jupyter lab .ipynb files
- [*etc]
Have phun! ;)