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title: Evidence Transformations abbref: EvTrans docname: draft-smith-rats-evidence-trans-latest category: std consensus: true submissiontype: IETF

ipr: trust200902 area: "Security" workgroup: "Remote ATtestation ProcedureS" keyword: Evidence, RATS, attestation, verifier, supply chain, RIM, appraisal

stand_alone: true pi: toc: yes sortrefs: yes symrefs: yes tocdepth: 6


normative: I-D.ietf-rats-corim: corim DICE.CoRIM: -: dice-corim title: DICE Endorsement Architecture for Devices author: org: Trusted Computing Group (TCG) seriesinfo: Version 1.0, Revision 0.38 date: November 2022 target: DICE.Attest: -: dice-attest title: DICE Attestation Architecture author: org: Trusted Computing Group (TCG) seriesinfo: Version 1.1, Revision 18 date: January 2024 target: RFC9334: rats-arch X.690: -: x690 title: > Information technology — ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) author: org: International Telecommunications Union date: 2015-08 seriesinfo: ITU-T: Recommendation X.690 target: SPDM: -: spdm title: Security Protocol and Data Model (SPDM) author: org: Distributed Management Task Force seriesinfo: Version 1.3.0 date: May 2023 target: TCG.CE: -: ce title: TCG DICE Concise Evidence Binding for SPDM author: org: Trusted Computing Group seriesinfo: Version 1.00, Revision 0.54 date: January 2024 target: I-D.ietf-rats-endorsements: rats-endorsements

informative: RFC4122: uuid RFC7468: pkix-text RFC8610: cddl RFC9090: cbor-oids STD96: -: cose =: RFC9052 STD94: -: cbor =: RFC8949 STD66: -: uri =: RFC3986 RFC9393: coswid RFC7942: I-D.fdb-rats-psa-endorsements: psa-endorsements I-D.tschofenig-rats-psa-token: psa-token DICE.Layer: title: DICE Layering Architecture author: org: Trusted Computing Group seriesinfo: Version 1.0, Revision 0.19 date: July 2020 target: IANA.coswid: coswid-reg I-D.ietf-rats-eat: eat I-D.ietf-rats-concise-ta-stores: ta-store

entity: SELF: "RFCthis"

--- abstract

Remote Attestation Procedures (RATS) enable Relying Parties to assess the trustworthiness of a remote Attester and therefore to decide whether to engage in secure interactions with it - or not. Evidence about trustworthiness can be rather complex and it is deemed unrealistic that every Relying Party is capable of the appraisal of Evidence. Therefore that burden is typically offloaded to a Verifier. In order to conduct Evidence appraisal, a Verifier requires fresh Evidence from an Attester. Before a Verifier can appraise Evidence it may require transformation to an internal representation. This document specifies Evidence transformation methods for DICE and SPDM formats to the CoRIM internal representation.

--- middle

Introduction {#sec-intro}

Remote Attestation Procedures (RATS) enable Relying Parties to assess the trustworthiness of a remote Attester and therefore to decide whether to engage in secure interactions with it - or not. Evidence about trustworthiness can be rather complex and it is deemed unrealistic that every Relying Party is capable of the appraisal of Evidence. Therefore that burden is typically offloaded to a Verifier. In order to conduct Evidence appraisal, a Verifier requires fresh Evidence from an Attester. Before a Verifier can appraise Evidence it may require transformation to an internal representation. This document specifies Evidence transformation methods for DICE and SPDM formats to the CoRIM internal representation.


This document uses terms and concepts defined by the RATS architecture. For a complete glossary see {{Section 4 of -rats-arch}}. Addintional RATS architecture is found in {{-rats-endorsements}}. RATS architecture terms and concepts are always referenced as proper nouns, i.e., with Capital Letters.

In this document, an Evidence structure describes an external representation. There are many possible Evidence structures including {{-eat}} The bytes composing the CoRIM data structure are the same either way.

The terminology from CoRIM {{-corim}}, CBOR {{-cbor}}, CDDL {{-cddl}} and COSE {{-cose}} applies.

{::boilerplate bcp14}

Verifier Reconciliation {#sec-verifier-rec}

This specification assumes the reader is familiar with Verifier Reconsiliation as described in {{-corim}}. It describes how a Verifier should process the CoRIM to enable CoRIM authors to convey their intended meaning and how a Verifier reconciles its various inputs. Evidence is one of its inputs. The Verifier is expected to create an internal representation from an external representation. By using an internal representation, the Verifier processes Evidence inputs such that they can be appraised consistently.

This specification describes how Evidence in DICE {{-dice-attest}}, SPDM {{-spdm}}, and concise evidence {{-ce}} formats are transformed into the CoRIM {{-corim}} internal representation. If other internal representations exist, a similar specification may be required that transforms Evidence to some other internal representation.

Transforming SPDM Evidence {#sec-spdm-trans}

This section defines how Evidence from SPDM {{-spdm}} is transformed into a format where it can be added to an appraisal claims set. A Verifier supporting SPDM format Evidence should implement this section.

The TCG DICE Concise Evidence Binding for SPDM specification {{-ce}} describes the process by which measurements in an SPDM Measurement Block are converted to Evidence suitable for matching using the rules below. The SPDM measurements are converted to concise-evidence which has a format that is similar to CoRIM triples-map (their semantics follows the matching rules described above).

Transforming DICE Evidence {#sec-dice-trans}

This section defines how Evidence from DICE {{-dice-attest}} is transformed into a format where it can be added to an appraisal claims set. A Verifier supporting DICE format Evidence should implement this section.

DICE Evidence appears in certificates in the TcbInfo or MultiTcbInfo extension. Each TcbInfo, and each entry in the MultiTcbInfo, is converted to an endorsed-triple-record using the rules in this section. In a MultiTcbInfo each entry in the sequence is treated as independent and translated into a separate Evidence object.

The Verifier SHALL translate each field in the TcbInfo into a field in the created endorsed-triple-record

  • The TcbInfo type field SHALL be copied to the field named environment-map / class / class-id and tagged with tag #6.111

  • The TcbInfo vendor field SHALL be copied to the field named environment-map / class / vendor

  • The TcbInfo model field SHALL be copied to the field named environment-map / class / model

  • The TcbInfo layer field SHALL be copied to the field named environment-map / class / layer

  • The TcbInfo index field SHALL be copied to the field named environment-map / class / index

  • The TcbInfo version field SHALL be translated to the field named measurement-map / mval / version / version

  • The TcbInfo svn field SHALL be copied to the field named measurement-map / mval / svn

  • The TcbInfo fwids field SHALL be translated to the field named measurement-map / mval / digests

    • Each digest within fwids is translated to a CoMID digest object, with an appropriate algorithm identifier
  • The TcbInfo flags field SHALL be translated to the field named measurement-map / mval / flags

    • Each flag is translated independently
  • The TcbInfo vendorInfo SHALL shall be copied to the field named measurement-map / mval / raw-value

If there are multiple endorsed-triple-records with the same environment-map then they MUST be merged into a single entry. If the measurement-values-map fields in Evidence triples have conflicting values then the Verifier MUST fail validation.

Transforming Concise Evidence {#sec-ce-trans}

Security and Privacy Considerations {#sec-sec}

There are no security and privacy considerations.

IANA Considerations {#sec-iana-cons}

There are no IANA considerations.

--- back



The authors would like to thank the following people for their valuable contributions to the specification.

Henk Birkholz

Email: [email protected]

Yogesh Deshpande

Email: [email protected]

Thomas Fossati

Email: [email protected]

Dionna Glaze

Email: [email protected]

