In Sharp.UI
, you can create your own extension methods by defining a static method within a static class.
Here's an example of extension methods that set a label font size:
public static T FontSize<T>(this T self,
double fontSize)
where T : Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label
self.SetValue(Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label.FontSizeProperty, fontSize);
return self;
public static T FontSize<T>(this T self, Func<PropertyContext<double>, IPropertyBuilder<double>> configure)
where T : Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label
var context = new PropertyContext<double>(self, Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label.FontSizeProperty);
return self;
public static SettersContext<T> FontSize<T>(this SettersContext<T> self,
double fontSize)
where T : Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label
self.XamlSetters.Add(new Setter { Property = Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label.FontSizeProperty, Value = fontSize });
return self;
public static SettersContext<T> FontSize<T>(this SettersContext<T> self, Func<PropertySettersContext<double>, IPropertySettersBuilder<double>> configure)
where T : Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label
var context = new PropertySettersContext<double>(self.XamlSetters, Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label.FontSizeProperty);
return self;
public static Task<bool> AnimateFontSizeTo<T>(this T self, double value, uint length = 250, Easing? easing = null)
where T : Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Label
double fromValue = self.FontSize;
var transform = (double t) => Transformations.DoubleTransform(fromValue, value, t);
var callback = (double actValue) => { self.FontSize = actValue; };
return Transformations.AnimateAsync<double>(self, "AnimateFontSizeTo", transform, callback, length, easing);
it allows you the following usage:
new Label().FontSize(28)
new Label().FontSize(e => e.Path("MyFontSize").Source(myModel))
new Label().FontSize(e => e.OnPhone(30).OnTablet(50).Default(40))
or use it in a style context:
new Style<Label>(e => e
or use in an animation context.