- chore: fix conflicting dev deps (739cc18)
- chore: replace build status badge (e09f543)
- docs: change link to demos (29aa89a)
- docs: ignore cache folder from npm (276eb94)
- feat: update to angular 16 (7870caa)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
6.0.0 (2022-06-28)
- remove logs from prod build (3428421)
5.1.0 (2022-06-06)
- add support for newer version of dart-sass (0166054)
5.0.1 (2022-03-21)
- update peer dependencies to support major versions (bfcc76c)
- Angular 13 or higher is now required to use this package
- add missing migrations (532b6dc)
- automated release chain: fixed paths and versions (bcc3057), closes #78
- automated release chain: wip (b03857b)
- automated release chain: wip (b5ccb11)
- automated release chain: wip (2ed9b61)
- control component: implement separate component for reactive form control (4df3b9f), closes #87
- move to latest nx monorepo (f028b2d)
- upgrade to latest angular version (3147365)
- add formatted files (f47a1f1)
- add missing assets to config (e59e142)
- add missing tsconfig props and mark some todos (0579b92)
- add new generated lock (7c423bc)
- adjust script and regenerate lock (41d684c)
- component interaction: fiy wrong color after hover end (3150e69), closes #91
- dependencies: fixed deerDependencies for css-star-rating (695cfce)
- dependencies: updated dependencies (5d93197)
- examples: setup editable demo on stackbliz.com closes #42 (4701f57)
- hover color with custom getColor: display color of custom getColor function when hovering (1bc63e5), closes #77
- hover color with custom getColor: display color of custom getColor function when hovering (f00737e), closes #77
- migrate rxjs syntax (9804c0d)
- release script: auto copy assets into packaged version. (e7b7edf), closes #81
- remove old lock files to avoid missmatch on install (6bd6cae)
- rename angular5-example to demos project (c4e1445)
- renamed event bindings: renamed event bindings (445f9cd)
- upgrade to angular 13
4.0.0-beta.3 (2018-04-20)
- automated release chain: fixed paths and versions (bcc3057), closes #78
- automated release chain: wip (2ed9b61)
- control component: implement separate component for reactive form control with selector
(4df3b9f), closes #87 - renamed components: changed component selector
(4df3b9f), closes #87
- dependencies: fixed deerDependencies for css-star-rating (695cfce)
- dependencies: updated dependencies (5d93197)
- examples: setup editable demo on stackbliz.com closes #42 (4701f57)
- npm script: auto copy assets into packaged version. (e7b7edf), closes #81
- renamed event bindings: renamed event bindings (445f9cd)
4.0.0-beta.0 (2018-03-24)
- move packaging to ngPackagr <3: Switch the release and bundle process to ngPackagr (9b4929e), closes #76
- setup automated release: setup scripts implemented for #78 (49d9fec)
3.0.8 (2017-08-23)
3.0.7 (2017-08-22)
- dependencies: add css-star-rating to dependencies (591054b)
3.0.6 (2017-08-22)
3.0.5 (2017-08-22)
- dependencies: added css to dependencies (9c480c9)
3.0.4 (2017-08-16)
- feature rollback: removed input binding (23806b0)
- features rollback: label visible property binding (b3459ff)
2.5.10 (2017-07-07)
3.0.3 (2017-07-07)
3.0.2 (2017-07-07)
- module export: implemented a forRoot method (c5acad7)
3.0.0 (2017-05-29)
2.0.4 (2017-05-28)
2.0.3 (2017-04-29)
2.0.2 (2017-04-29)
- hover: implement on hover events and styles (e5f9f2c)
- hover: implemented examples for hover feature (df5a9a4)
- hover: removed unused imports (1586c0b)
- hover: renamed callback (68c8939)
- hover: updated readme (3916f05)
2.0.1 (2017-04-12)
2.0.0-rc.0 (2017-04-12)
- examples: updated examples (b05d28e)
- examples: updated examples (a44ef30)
- fixed binding names: fixed binding names and class names (73cc7d0)
- typings: updated typings (f4a1dd7)
- versions: updated versions of libs (fc28c88)
- controlValueAccessor: finished implement control value accessor (5cb28d1), closes #11
- controlValueAccessor: updated examples (2097b40)
- direction and types: added direction in component and changed type names (c9ddaf5)
- keyboard: finished keyboard implementation (ca35e8a)
- keybord interaction: progress implementing keybord interaction (b071567)
- keybord interaction: star implementing keybord interaction (a1a72ae)
- labelVisible: added labelVisible property (16412dd)
- refactoring: enable overrides for set rating (ae9749f)
- utils: implement utils and controller class (80ab369), closes #12
- valueAccessor: created new example for value accessor (20bd211)
- valueAccessor: progress implementation (ba1c664)
- valueAccessor: progress implementing the value accessor for reactive forms (059a0f9)
- valueAccessor: progress implementing the value accessor for reactive froms (cd8136d)
- valueAccessor: start implement the value accessor for reactive froms (d7adcf3)
- valueAccessor: start progress implementing the value accessor for reactive froms (5c4e9be)
- valueAccessor: start progress implementing the value accessor for reactive froms (0f27794)
2.0.0-beta2 (2017-04-06)
2.0.0-beta.1 (2017-01-31)
- component: updated component (94ad8b6)
- example: updated angular2 example (b89e3aa)
- star rating: progress star rating component (a32a360)
- example: added basic components (8c2a50c)
- example: added test folder (fece3b9)
- example: start implementing star-rating component (0856f9e)
- resources: added resources (18d0183)
2.0.0-beta.0 (2017-01-13)
- cli-migration: migrate to webpack and sass (dbc57ea)
- cli-migration: migrate to webpack and sass (bf59f86)
- cli-migration: migrate to webpack and sass (e78d5a1)
- cli-migration: Start migration from systemJs to webpack (51a31a4)
- component: setup component and example folders (7968d02)
- created example folder: created folder and gitignore #1 (0939e67)
- formComponent: started form component (4516f89)
- ngModule: include third party css into project (facbeab)
- started example project: initialized ng2 project over cli #1 (37dfa9a)
- version bump: bumped version to 2..0.0-beta.0 (883ea1d)