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Statoscope CLI

npm version Financial Contributors on Open Collective

This package supplies Statoscope as CLI tool


npm i @statoscope/cli -g


statoscope [command] [...args]



Validate or compare webpack stats.

validate [...args]

  • --input (-i) - path to a stats.json
  • --reference (-r) - path to a stats-file to compare with (optional)
  • --config (-c) - path to statoscope config (by default {pwd}/statoscope.config.js has used)
  • --warn-as-error (-w) - treat warnings as errors


  1. Install webpack-plugin for the validator:

npm install --save-dev @statoscope/stats-validator-plugin-webpack @statoscope/stats-validator-reporter-console @statoscope/stats-validator-reporter-stats-report

  1. Create a statosope-config:


module.exports = {
  validate: {
    // add webpack plugin with rules
    plugins: ['@statoscope/webpack'],
    reporters: [
      // console-reporter to output results into console (enabled by default)
      // reporter that generates UI-report with validation-results
      ['@statoscope/stats-report', {open: true}],
    // rules to validate your stats (use all of them or only specific rules)
    rules: {      
      // ensures that the build time has not exceeded the limit (10 sec)
      '@statoscope/webpack/build-time-limits': ['error', 10000],
      // ensures that bundle doesn't use specified packages
      '@statoscope/webpack/restricted-packages': ['error', ['lodash', 'browserify-crypto']],
      // ensures that bundle hasn't package duplicates
      '@statoscope/webpack/no-packages-dups': ['error'],
      // ensure that the download time of entrypoints is not over the limit (3 sec)
      '@statoscope/webpack/entry-download-time-limits': ['error', { global: { maxDownloadTime: 3000 } }],
      // ensure that the download size of entrypoints is not over the limit (3 mb)
      '@statoscope/webpack/entry-download-size-limits': ['error', { global: { maxSize: 3 * 1024 * 1024 } }],
      // diff download size of entrypoints between input and reference stats. Fails if size diff is over the limit (3 kb)
      '@statoscope/webpack/diff-entry-download-size-limits': [
        { global: { maxSizeDiff: 3*1024 } },
      // compares usage of specified packages usage between input and reference stats. Fails if rxjs usage has increased
      '@statoscope/webpack/diff-deprecated-packages': ['error', ['rxjs']],
  1. Exec the command:
statoscope validate --input path/to/stats.json
  1. Analyze results in the console or generated UI-report

Learn more on @statoscope/stats-validator and @statoscope/stats-validator-plugin-webpack


Shows available validation rules that plugins in statoscope.config.js provides.

vrules [...args]

  • --config (-c) - path to statoscope config (by default {pwd}/statoscope.config.js has used)


Create example statoscope.config.js.

init [...args]

  • --output (-o) - config file path (./statoscope.config.js by default)


statoscope init

Creates statoscope.config.js in a current directory

statoscope init -o some/path/server.statoscope.config.js

Creates server.statoscope.config.js in some/path/


Generate custom validator plugin/rule/reporter

create [...args]

  • --output (-o) - config file path (./statoscope.config.js by default)

  • --entity (-e) - Entity to generate (plugin, rule or reporter)

  • --output (-o) - Path to generated code (./ by default)

  • --type (-t) - Output type (js (default) or ts)

  • --module (-m) - Output modules type (commonjs (default) or esm)


statoscope create rule -t ts -o ./my-custom-statoscope-rules

Creates custom rule for stats validator in my-custom-statoscope-rules directory


Start HTTP-server and serve JSON-stats as HTML report

serve input [...args]

  • --input (-i) - path to one or more webpack stats
  • --reference (-r) - path to a stats-file to compare with (optional). When used, only first file from input will be used
  • --host (-h) - server host
  • --port (-p) - server port
  • --open (-o) - open browser after server start
  • --custom-report - path to custom report(s) to be included into generated HTML report
  • --config (-c) - path to the statoscope config file with custom user reports
  • --no-compression - disable report data compression (It increases html size a lot. Use it only when something is wrong with report in a browser)


statoscope serve path/to/stats.json -o

Start server and open browser.


Generate HTML report from JSON-stats.

generate input output [...args]

  • --input (-i) - path to one or more webpack stats
  • --reference (-r) - path to a stats-file to compare with (optional). When used, only first file from input will be used
  • --output (-t) - path to generated HTML
  • --open (-o) - open browser after generate
  • --custom-report - path to custom report(s) to be included into generated HTML report
  • --config (-c) - path to the statoscope config file with custom user reports
  • --no-compression - disable report data compression (It increases html size a lot. Use it only when something is wrong with report in a browser)


statoscope generate path/to/stats.json path/to/report.html -o

Create statoscope report, save it to path/to/report.html and open


Executes jora-query on stats-file.

query [...args]

  • --input (-i) - path to one or more webpack stats
  • --query (-q) - jora-query

Also, jora-query could be passed through stdin


statoscope query --input path/to/stats.json --query 'compilations.modules.size()' > output.txt

# or

echo 'compilations.modules.size()' | statoscope query --input path/to/stats.json > output.txt


Inject specified custom reports into stats.

inject-report [...args]

  • --input (-i) - path to the webpack stats file
  • --report (-r) - path to one or more json with reports

Report could be passed as a single report or an array with reports

Raw JSON could be passed through stdin



    "id": "foo",
    "data": [1, 2, 3],
    "view": ["struct"]
    "id": "bar",
    "data": [4, 5, 6],
    "view": ["list"]
statoscope inject-report --input path/to/stats.json --report path/to/my-reports.json > output.json

# or

cat path/to/my-reports.json | statoscope inject-report --input path/to/stats.json > output.json


Inject specified extension into stats.

inject-extension [...args]

  • --input (-i) - path to the webpack stats file
  • --extension (-e) - path to one or more json with extension

Extension could be passed as a single extension or an array with extensions

Raw JSON could be passed through stdin



    "descriptor": {
      "name": "@my/extension-1"
    "payload": {
      "some": "data"
    "descriptor": {
      "name": "@my/extension-2"
    "payload": {
      "some": "data"
statoscope inject-extension --input path/to/stats.json --extension path/to/my-extensions.json > output.json

# or

cat path/to/my-extensions.json | statoscope inject-extension --input path/to/stats.json > output.json


If you are an engineer or a company that is interested in Statoscope improvements, you could support Statoscope by financial contribution at OpenCollective.