This module implements Node.js base proxy server for purposes of working on integration between static web and api which is used to support certain functionality (like membership application).
First make sure yo install all dependecies:
# within project root
npm install
Then you can simply start proxy
# within project root
npm start
or build proxy (TypeScript to JavaScript):
# within project root
npm run build
You can also optionaly supply command line options to override defaults like:
# within project root
npm start -- --web= --port=8080
List of avaiable options is supported options is print during the startup of the server:
# within project root
npm start
> [email protected] start
> npm run build && node proxy/index.js
> [email protected] build
> npx tsc proxy/index.ts --strict
Supported flags:
listening on port 3000
You will also need to run hugo with special parameters so that it doesn't redirect to the wrong URL.
For instance if you're using just default options to run the proxy you can run hugo using:
# within project root
hugo server --watch -D -b "http://localhost:3000" --appendPort=False