Ignacio Pezo Salazar
knitr::opts_chunk$set( message=F, warning=F, fig.width = 10, fig.height = 5 )
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
dat <- tbl_df(Teams)
#after analyzing the dataset to understand its structure,
#I create a new data set with only the variables I need.
dat <- select(dat, yearID, name, SO, G)
#and add the calculated variable
dat <- mutate(dat, ave.so = SO / G)
#plotting the requested graph
plot.window(xlim=c(1870, 2016), ylim = c(0, 10))
title(main="Year data of Strikeouts per game per team", line=0.3, col.main="grey30")
#horizontal lines
abline(h = seq(1:10), lty=2, col="gray70" )
#x-axis: Year
axis(side=1, tick = T, line= 0, at= seq(1870, 2016, by=5), col= "gray40", col.axis="gray40", cex.axis=.7)
title(xlab="Year", line=2, col.lab="gray30")
#y-axis: Strikeouts
axis(side=2, tick = T, line= -0.7, at= seq(0, 10, by=1), col= "gray40", col.axis="gray40", cex.axis=.7)
title(ylab="Strikeouts per game", line=1.5, col.lab="gray30")
#Plotting the average SO for all teams
points(x= dat$yearID, y= dat$ave.so, type = "p", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("steelblue4", alpha.f = 0.1))
#because I want the average of all teams in one year, I use the group function and create a new data set (q1) with it
q1 <- group_by(dat, yearID)
q1 <- summarise(q1,
ave.so = mean(ave.so, na.rm = T))
#plotting the league average
points(x= q1$yearID, y= q1$ave.so, type = "o", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("darkred", alpha.f = .6))
#label League av 1924, adding the line with points and adding the label with text
points(x= 1924, y = q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1924], type = "p", cex = 1.5, pch=1, col="grey60")
text(x= 1924, y= q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1924], labels = "2.7", col= "dodgerblue4", cex=1.2, pos = 1)
text(x= 1924, y= q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1924] - .5, labels = "League average \n 1924", col= "black", cex=.6, pos = 1)
#label League av 2012, adding the line with points and adding the label with text
points(x= 2012, y = q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 2012], type = "p", cex = 1.5, pch=1, col="grey60")
text(x= 2012, y= q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 2012], labels = "7.5", col= "dodgerblue4", cex=1.2, pos = 3)
text(x= 2012, y= q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 2012] + .5, labels = "2012 \n League average", col= "black", cex=.6, pos = 3)
#label 1917, adding the line with points and adding the label with text
points(x= c(1917,1917), y = c(1, q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1917]), type = "l", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("grey50"))
text(x= 1917, y= 1, labels = "U.S. enters \n World War I", col= "gray50", cex=.7, pos = 1)
#label 1946, adding the line with points and adding the label with text
points(x= c(1946,1946), y = c(1.5, q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1946]), type = "l", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("grey50"))
text(x= 1946, y= 1.5, labels = "Players return \n from World War II.", col= "gray50", cex=.7, pos = 1)
#label 1963, adding the line with points and adding the label with text
points(x= c(1963,1963), y = c(2.5, q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1963]), type = "l", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("grey50"))
text(x= 1963, y= 2.5, labels = "Strike zone enlarged \n from 1963-68.", col= "gray50", cex=.7, pos = 1)
#label 1969, adding the line with points and adding the label with text
points(x= c(1969,1969), y = c(8.5, q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1969]), type = "l", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("grey50"))
text(x= 1969, y= 8.5, labels = "Pitching had become so dominant \n in the 1960s that the mound \n was lowered in 1969.", col= "gray50", cex=.7, pos = 3)
#label 1973, adding the line with points and adding the label with text
points(x= c(1973,1973), y = c(1.5, q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1973]), type = "l", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("grey50"))
text(x= 1973, y= 1.5, labels = "Designated hitter \n rule took effect.", col= "gray50", cex=.7, pos = 1)
#label 2008, adding the line with points and adding the label with text
points(x= c(2008,2008), y = c(3.5, q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 2008]), type = "l", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("grey50"))
text(x= 2008, y= 3.5, labels = "Mitchell report \n on steroids.", col= "gray50", cex=.7, pos = 1)
This graph allows the user to select specific teams and make them highlight in the graph.
note: This code cannot be run in an .md file, so it is not being evaluated
#creting the wiget
name <- sort(unique(dat$name))
selectInput( inputId ='team',
label ='Select Team',
choices = name,
selected = "Chicago White Sox"
#Creating the plot canvas
plot.window(xlim=c(1870, 2016), ylim = c(0, 10))
title(main="Year data of Strikeouts per game per team", line=0.3, col.main="grey30")
abline(h = seq(1:10), lty=2, col="gray70" )
axis(side=1, tick = T, line= 0, at= seq(1870, 2016, by=5), col= "gray40", col.axis="gray40", cex.axis=.7)
title(xlab="Year", line=2, col.lab="gray30")
axis(side=2, tick = T, line= -0.7, at= seq(0, 10, by=1), col= "gray40", col.axis="gray40", cex.axis=.7)
title(ylab="Strikeouts per game", line=1.5, col.lab="gray30")
#plotting the teams
points(x= dat$yearID, y= dat$ave.so, type = "p", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("steelblue4", alpha.f = 0.1))
#plotting the league average
q1 <- group_by(dat, yearID)
q1 <- summarise(q1,
ave.so = mean(ave.so, na.rm = T)
points(x= q1$yearID, y= q1$ave.so, type = "o", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("darkred", alpha.f = .6))
# highlight one organization
q2 <- tapply(dat$ave.so[dat$name == input$team], dat$yearID[dat$name == input$team], mean, na.rm = T)
points(x= names(q2), y= q2, type = "o", cex = 1, pch=20, col="darkgoldenrod3")
#printing labels
points(x= 1924, y = q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1924], type = "p", cex = 1.5, pch=1, col="grey60")
text(x= 1924, y= q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1924], labels = "2.7", col= "dodgerblue4", cex=1.2, pos = 1)
text(x= 1924, y= q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1924] - .5, labels = "League average \n 1924", col= "black", cex=.6, pos = 1)
points(x= 2012, y = q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 2012], type = "p", cex = 1.5, pch=1, col="grey60")
text(x= 2012, y= q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 2012], labels = "7.5", col= "dodgerblue4", cex=1.2, pos = 3)
text(x= 2012, y= q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 2012] + .5, labels = "2012 \n League average", col= "black", cex=.6, pos = 3)
points(x= c(1917,1917), y = c(1, q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1917]), type = "l", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("grey50"))
text(x= 1917, y= 1, labels = "U.S. enters \n World War I", col= "gray50", cex=.7, pos = 1)
points(x= c(1946,1946), y = c(1.5, q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1946]), type = "l", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("grey50"))
text(x= 1946, y= 1.5, labels = "Players return \n from World War II.", col= "gray50", cex=.7, pos = 1)
points(x= c(1963,1963), y = c(2.5, q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1963]), type = "l", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("grey50"))
text(x= 1963, y= 2.5, labels = "Strike zone enlarged \n from 1963-68.", col= "gray50", cex=.7, pos = 1)
points(x= c(1969,1969), y = c(8.5, q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1969]), type = "l", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("grey50"))
text(x= 1969, y= 8.5, labels = "Pitching had become so dominant \n in the 1960s that the mound \n was lowered in 1969.", col= "gray50", cex=.7, pos = 3)
points(x= c(1973,1973), y = c(1.5, q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 1973]), type = "l", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("grey50"))
text(x= 1973, y= 1.5, labels = "Designated hitter \n rule took effect.", col= "gray50", cex=.7, pos = 1)
points(x= c(2008,2008), y = c(3.5, q1$ave.so[q1$yearID == 2008]), type = "l", cex = 1, pch=20, col=adjustcolor("grey50"))
text(x= 2008, y= 3.5, labels = "Mitchell report \n on steroids.", col= "gray50", cex=.7, pos = 1)