From 391419bac8cf900b91aeca6f769e939eaa9d0d79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: chenjiajia
+ 很棒的红宝石
+ Awesome Ruby
-由社区驱动的分类集合,包含出色的 Ruby 库、工具、框架和软件. 构建现代应用程序和 Web 应用程序的必备 Ruby.
+A categorized community-driven collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software. The essential Ruby to build modern Apps and Web Apps.
-随时欢迎分享、建议和贡献! 请看一下 [contribution guidelines and quality standard]( 第一的.
+Sharing, suggestions and contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the [contribution guidelines and quality standard]( first.
-谢谢大家 [contributors](,你太棒了,没有你这一切都是不可能的!
+Thanks to all [contributors](, you're awesome and this wouldn't be possible without you!
## Admin Interface
-* [ActiveAdmin]( - Ruby on Rails 框架,用于创建优雅的网站管理后端.
-* [ActiveScaffold]( - ActiveScaffold 为 Rails 应用程序的 CRUD(创建、读取、更新、删除)操作提供快速且强大的用户界面. 它非常适合生成管理界面、管理数据量大的应用程序、创建小部件或快速原型设计. ActiveScaffold 是完全可定制的,并提供了一系列附加功能,包括搜索、分页、布局控制以及字段、表单和模板的覆盖.
-* [Administrate]( - 由 Thoughtbot 开发的 Rails 引擎,可帮助您构建超级灵活的管理仪表板.
-* [Avo]( - Avo 是下一代框架,它使开发人员和团队能够在数小时(而不是数天或数周)内为 Ruby on Rails 项目创建出色的管理面板. 快速、可扩展、具有开发人员友好的 API,开箱即用.
-* [bhf]( - 一个简单易用的 Rails-Engine-Gem,为受信任的用户提供管理界面.
-* [MotorAdmin]( - 低代码管理面板和商业智能 Rails 引擎. 无 DSL - 可从 UI 进行配置.
-* [RailsAdmin]( - Rails 引擎,提供易于使用的界面来管理数据.
-* [Trestle]( - Rails 的现代、响应式管理框架. 在几分钟内构建一个后端,该后端将随着您的应用程序的需求而增长.
+* [ActiveAdmin]( - A Ruby on Rails framework for creating elegant backends for website administration.
+* [ActiveScaffold]( - ActiveScaffold provides quick and powerful user interfaces for CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations for Rails applications. It's excellent for generating admin interfaces, managing Data-Heavy Applications, creating Widgets or for quick prototyping. ActiveScaffold is completly customizable and offers a bunch of additional features including searching, pagination, layout control and overrides of fields, forms and templates.
+* [Administrate]( - A Rails engine that helps you put together a super-flexible admin dashboard, by Thoughtbot.
+* [Avo]( - Avo is a next-generation framework that empowers developers and teams to create fantastic admin panels for Ruby on Rails projects in hours, not days or weeks. Fast, extendable, with a developer-friendly API, it just works out of the box.
+* [bhf]( - A simple to use Rails-Engine-Gem that offers an admin interface for trusted user.
+* [MotorAdmin]( - A low-code Admin panel and Business Intelligence Rails engine. No DSL - configurable from the UI.
+* [RailsAdmin]( - A Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data.
+* [Trestle]( - A modern, responsive admin framework for Rails. Build a back-end in minutes that will grow with the needs of your application.
## Analytics
-* [Ahoy]( - 为跟踪 Ruby、JavaScript 和本机应用程序中的访问和事件奠定了坚实的基础.
-* [Impressionist]( - Rails 插件可跟踪印象数和页面浏览量.
-* [Legato]( - 针对官方 Google Analytics 报告 API 的模型分析报告和查询.
-* [Rack::Tracker]( - 机架中间件可以连接到多个服务并以统一的方式公开它们.
-* [Staccato]( - 将分析跟踪到官方 Google Analytics Collection API 中.
+* [Ahoy]( - A solid foundation to track visits and events in Ruby, JavaScript, and native apps.
+* [Impressionist]( - Rails Plugin that tracks impressions and page views.
+* [Legato]( - Model analytics reports and queries against the official Google Analytics Reporting API.
+* [Rack::Tracker]( - Rack middleware that can be hooked up to multiple services and exposing them in a unified fashion.
+* [Staccato]( - Track analytics into the official Google Analytics Collection API.
## API Builder and Discovery
-* [ActiveModel::Serializers]( - 对象的 JSON 序列化.
-* [Acts_As_Api]( - 简单又有趣,在 Rails 3、4、5 和 6 中创建 XML/JSON 响应.
-* [Alba]( - 用于 Ruby、JRuby 和 TruffleRuby 的 JSON 序列化器.
-* [Blanket]( - 一个极其简单的 API 包装器.
-* [Blueprinter]( - 简单、快速、声明式的 Ruby 序列化库.
-* [cache_crispies]( - 具有内置缓存的快速 Rails JSON 序列化.
-* [Crepe]( - 精简的 API 堆栈.
-* [Grape]( - 一个固执己见的微框架,用于在 Ruby 中创建类似 REST 的 API.
-* [Her]( - 将 REST 资源映射到 Ruby 对象的 ORM. 旨在构建由 RESTful API(而不是数据库)提供支持的应用程序.
-* [jbuilder]( - 通过 Builder 风格的 DSL 创建 JSON 结构.
-* [jsonapi-rb]( – 高效便捷的JSON API(反)序列化库.
-* [jsonapi-serializer]( - 用于 Ruby 对象的快速 JSON:API 序列化器.
-* [JSONAPI::Resources]( - JSONAPI::Resources,或“JR”,提供了一个用于开发符合 JSON API 规范的服务器的框架.
-* [JSONAPI::Utils]( - JSONAPI::Utils 构建在 JSONAPI::Resources 之上,利用其资源驱动风格,并提供一种简单的方法来构建现代 JSON API,无需或更少的学习曲线.
-* [Jsonite]( - 一个小型的、符合 HAL 标准的 JSON 呈现器,适用于您的 API.
-* [Pliny]( - 固执己见的模板 Sinatra 应用程序,用于在 Ruby 中编写出色的 API.
-* [rabl]( - 通用 ruby 模板,支持 json、bson、xml、plist 和 msgpack.
-* [Roar]( - Ruby 中面向资源的架构.
-* [Spyke]( - 以类似 ActiveRecord 的方式与 REST 服务交互.
-* [Version Cake]( - 在 Rails 应用程序中以不显眼的方式对 API 进行版本控制.
-* [versionist]( - 用于基于 Rails RESTful API 版本控制的插件.
+* [ActiveModel::Serializers]( - JSON serialization of objects.
+* [Acts_As_Api]( - Easy And Fun, in creating XML/JSON responses in Rails 3,4,5 and 6.
+* [Alba]( - A JSON serializer for Ruby, JRuby and TruffleRuby.
+* [Blanket]( - A dead simple API wrapper.
+* [Blueprinter]( - Simple, Fast, and Declarative Serialization Library for Ruby.
+* [cache_crispies]( - Speedy Rails JSON serialization with built-in caching.
+* [Crepe]( - The thin API stack.
+* [Grape]( - An opinionated micro-framework for creating REST-like APIs in Ruby.
+* [Her]( - an ORM that maps REST resources to Ruby objects. Designed to build applications that are powered by a RESTful API instead of a database.
+* [jbuilder]( - Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL.
+* [jsonapi-rb]( – Efficient and convenient JSON API (de)serialization library.
+* [jsonapi-serializer]( - A fast JSON:API serializer for Ruby Objects.
+* [JSONAPI::Resources]( - JSONAPI::Resources, or "JR", provides a framework for developing a server that complies with the JSON API specification.
+* [JSONAPI::Utils]( - JSONAPI::Utils is built on top of JSONAPI::Resources taking advantage of its resource-driven style and bringing an easy way to build modern JSON APIs with no or less learning curve.
+* [Jsonite]( - A tiny, HAL-compliant JSON presenter for your APIs.
+* [Pliny]( - Opinionated template Sinatra app for writing excellent APIs in Ruby.
+* [rabl]( - General ruby templating with json, bson, xml, plist and msgpack support.
+* [Roar]( - Resource-Oriented Architectures in Ruby.
+* [Spyke]( - Interact with REST services in an ActiveRecord-like manner.
+* [Version Cake]( - An unobtrusive way to version APIs in your Rails app.
+* [versionist]( - A plugin for versioning Rails based RESTful APIs.
## Assets
-* [Asset Sync]( - 同步 Rails 和 S3 之间的资产.
-* [Autoprefixer]( - 通过 Can I Use 解析 CSS 并将供应商前缀添加到规则中.
-* [Bourbon]( - 轻量级 Sass 工具集.
-* [bower-rails]( - Bower 对 Rails 项目的支持.
-* [Emoji]( - 公开 Phantom Open Emoji 库 unicode/图像资源以及用于使用它们的 API.
-* [Less Rails]( - Rails 资产管道的动态样式表语言.
-* [Rails Assets]( - Bundler 到 Bower 代理.
-* [Sass]( - Sass 让 CSS 再次变得有趣.
-* [Sprockets]( - 基于机架的资产打包系统.
-* [Torba]( - 链轮无凉亭捆绑机.
-* [Webpacker]( - 使用 Webpack 管理 Rails 中类似应用程序的 JavaScript 模块.
-* [Vite Ruby]( - 在 Ruby 和 Rails 应用程序中使用 Vite.js 作为现代资产管道.
+* [Asset Sync]( - Synchronises Assets between Rails and S3.
+* [Autoprefixer]( - Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use.
+* [Bourbon]( - A Lightweight Sass Tool Set.
+* [bower-rails]( - Bower support for Rails projects.
+* [Emoji]( - Exposes the Phantom Open Emoji library unicode/image assets and APIs for working with them.
+* [Less Rails]( - The dynamic stylesheet language for the Rails asset pipeline.
+* [Rails Assets]( - Bundler to Bower proxy.
+* [Sass]( - Sass makes CSS fun again.
+* [Shakapacker]( - Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails. (Official and actively maintained successor to rails/webpacker)
+* [Sprockets]( - Rack-based asset packaging system.
+* [Torba]( - Bower-less bundler for Sprockets.
+* [Vite Ruby]( - Use Vite.js as a modern assets pipeline in Ruby and Rails apps.
## Authentication and OAuth
-* [API Guard]( - Rails API 的 JWT 身份验证解决方案.
+* [API Guard]( - JWT authentication solution for Rails APIs.
* [Authentication Zero]( - An authentication system generator for Rails applications.
-* [Authlogic]( - Authlogic 是一个干净、简单且不引人注目的 ruby 身份验证解决方案.
-* [Clearance]( - Rails 的小型且简单的基于电子邮件和密码的身份验证.
-* [Devise]( - 基于 Warden 的灵活 Rails 身份验证解决方案.
-* [JWT]( - Ruby 中的 JSON Web 令牌实现.
-* [Monban]( - 一个非常简单且可扩展的 Rails 用户身份验证库.
-* [OmniAuth]( - 利用 Rack 中间件标准化多提供商身份验证的库.
-* [Rodauth]( - Rack 应用程序的身份验证和帐户管理框架.
-* [Sorcery]( - 用于 Rails 的精简、简单的身份验证库.
-* [warden]( - 通用机架身份验证框架.
-* OAuth:
- * [Doorkeeper]( - Rails 的 OAuth2 提供程序.
- * [OAuth2]( - OAuth 2.0 协议的 Ruby 包装器.
- * [Rodauth-Oauth]( - rodauth OAuth 和 OpenID 提供商插件.
+* [Authlogic]( - Authlogic is a clean, simple, and unobtrusive ruby authentication solution.
+* [Clearance]( - Small and simple email & password based authentication for Rails.
+* [Devise]( - A flexible authentication solution for Rails based on Warden.
+* [JWT]( - JSON Web Token implementation in Ruby.
+* [Monban]( - A very simple and extensible user authentication library for rails.
+* [OmniAuth]( - A library that standardizes multi-provider authentication utilizing Rack middleware.
+* [Rodauth]( - Authentication and account management framework for Rack applications.
+* [Sorcery]( - A stripped-down, bare-bones authentication library for Rails.
+* [warden]( - General Rack Authentication Framework.
+* OAuth:
+ * [Doorkeeper]( - An OAuth2 provider for Rails.
+ * [OAuth2]( - A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
+ * [Rodauth-Oauth]( - A rodauth OAuth and OpenID provider plugin.
## Authorization
-* [acl9]( - Acl9 是一个基于角色的授权系统,它提供了一个简洁的 DSL 来保护您的 Rails 应用程序.
-* [AccessGranted]( - Rails 的多角色和基于白名单的授权 gem.
-* [ActionPolicy]( - Ruby 和 Rails 应用程序的授权框架. 可组合、可扩展且高性能.
-* [CanCanCan]( - CanCan 的延续,Ruby on Rails 的授权 Gem.
-* [Consul]( - Ruby on Rails 的基于范围的授权解决方案.
+* [acl9]( - Acl9 is a role-based authorization system that provides a concise DSL for securing your Rails application.
+* [AccessGranted]( - Multi-role and whitelist based authorization gem for Rails.
+* [ActionPolicy]( - Authorization framework for Ruby and Rails applications. Composable, extensible and performant.
+* [CanCanCan]( - Continuation of CanCan, an authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails.
+* [Consul]( - A scope-based authorization solution for Ruby on Rails.
* [Pundit]( - Minimal authorization through OO design and pure Ruby classes.
## Automation
-* [ActiveWorkflow]( - 基于软件代理的智能流程和工作流程自动化平台.
-* [Danger]( - 自动化团队围绕代码审查的约定.
-* [Huginn]( - Huginn 是一个用于构建代理的系统,可以为您在线执行自动化任务.
-* [Neovim]( - Neovim 的 Ruby 绑定,可在 Ruby 中制作您自己的 Neovim 编辑器插件.
-* [Runbook]( - 用于渐进式系统自动化的框架和 Ruby DSL.
+* [ActiveWorkflow]( - An intelligent process and workflow automation platform based on software agents.
+* [Danger]( - Automate your team's conventions surrounding code review.
+* [Huginn]( - Huginn is a system for building agents that perform automated tasks for you online.
+* [Neovim]( - Ruby bindings for Neovim to make your own neovim editor plugins in Ruby.
+* [Runbook]( - A framework and Ruby DSL for progressive system automation.
## Breadcrumbs
-* [Breadcrumbs on Rails]( - 一个简单的 Ruby on Rails 插件,用于为 Rails 项目创建和管理面包屑导航.
-* [Gretel]( - Ruby on Rails 插件,可以轻松灵活地创建面包屑.
-* [loaf]( - 在 Rails 应用程序中管理和显示面包屑路径 - 精益且平均.
-* [Simple Navigation]( - 一个 ruby gem,用于为 Rails 2、3 和 4、Sinatra 或 Padrino 创建导航(html 列表、链接列表或具有多个级别的面包屑).
+* [Breadcrumbs on Rails]( - A simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating and managing a breadcrumb navigation for a Rails project.
+* [Gretel]( - A Ruby on Rails plugin that makes it easy yet flexible to create breadcrumbs.
+* [loaf]( - Manages and displays breadcrumb trails in Rails app - lean & mean.
+* [Simple Navigation]( - A ruby gem for creating navigation (html list, link list or breadcrumbs with multiple levels) for your Rails 2, 3 & 4, Sinatra or Padrino.
## Business logic
-* [ActiveInteraction]( - 管理应用程序特定的业务逻辑.
-* [Interactor]( - Interactor 提供了一个通用接口,用于在单个请求中执行复杂的交互.
-* [Light Service]( - 一系列强调简单性的行动.
-* [Mutations]( - 将您的业务逻辑编写为清理和验证输入的命令.
-* [Surrounded]( - 将相关对象封装在单个系统中以在运行时添加行为. DCI 的可扩展实施.
-* [Waterfall]( - 用于链接 ruby 服务和块的函数式编程片段,从而提供一种新的流量控制方法.
-* [wisper]( - 一个微型库,提供具有发布-订阅功能的 Ruby 对象.
+* [ActiveInteraction]( - Manage application specific business logic.
+* [Interactor]( - Interactor provides a common interface for performing complex interactions in a single request.
+* [Light Service]( - Series of Actions with an emphasis on simplicity.
+* [Mutations]( - Compose your business logic into commands that sanitize and validate input.
+* [Surrounded]( - Encapsulated related objects in a single system to add behavior during runtime. Extensible implementation of DCI.
+* [Waterfall]( - A slice of functional programming to chain ruby services and blocks, thus providing a new approach to flow control.
+* [wisper]( - A micro library providing Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities.
## Caching
-* [Action caching for Action Pack]( - Action Pack 的动作缓存.
-* [Dalli]( - 用于访问 memcached 服务器的高性能纯 Ruby 客户端.
-* [Garner]( - 一组实现各种缓存策略的 Rack 中间件和缓存助手.
-* [IdentityCache]( - 可插入 ActiveRecord 的 blob 级缓存解决方案.
-* [Kashmir]( - Kashmir 是一种 Ruby DSL,可以让序列化和缓存对象变得轻而易举.
-* [Readthis]( - 使用 Redis 进行高性能、池化、符合 ActiveSupport 的缓存.
-* [Record Cache]( - 在 Rails 3 中缓存活动模型记录.
-* [redis-store]( - Redis Store 为现代 Ruby 框架提供了一整套存储(缓存、I18n、会话、HTTP 缓存),例如:Ruby on Rails、Sinatra、Rack、Rack::Cache 和 I18n. 它支持对象编组、超时、单个或多个节点以及命名空间.
-* [Second Level Cache]( - ActiveRecord 4 的写入式和读取式缓存库.
+* [Action caching for Action Pack]( - Action caching for Action Pack.
+* [Dalli]( - A high performance pure Ruby client for accessing memcached servers.
+* [Garner]( - A set of Rack middleware and cache helpers that implement various caching strategies.
+* [IdentityCache]( - A blob level caching solution to plug into ActiveRecord.
+* [Kashmir]( - Kashmir is a Ruby DSL that makes serializing and caching objects a snap.
+* [Readthis]( - High performance, pooled, ActiveSupport compliant caching with Redis.
+* [Record Cache]( - Cache Active Model Records in Rails 3.
+* [redis-store]( - Redis Store provides a full set of stores (Cache, I18n, Session, HTTP Cache) for modern Ruby frameworks like: Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Rack, Rack::Cache and I18n. It supports object marshalling, timeouts, single or multiple nodes, and namespaces.
+* [Second Level Cache]( - Write-Through and Read-Through caching library for ActiveRecord 4.
## Captchas and anti-spam
-* [ActsAsTextcaptcha]( - 使用基于文本的逻辑问题验证码保护 Rails 模型(来自 Rob Tuley 的
-* [Invisible Captcha]( - 基于蜜罐策略的不显眼且灵活的垃圾邮件防护. 它还提供对时间敏感的表单提交.
-* [Rakismet]( - Rails 的轻松 Akismet 和 TypePad AntiSpam 集成.
-* [reCAPTCHA]( - 用于 ruby 应用程序的 reCaptcha API 帮助程序.
-* [Voight-Kampff]( - 红宝石宝石,可检测机器人、蜘蛛、爬虫和复制人.
+* [ActsAsTextcaptcha]( - Protection for Rails models with text-based logic question captchas (from Rob Tuley's
+* [Invisible Captcha]( - Unobtrusive and flexible spam protection based on the honeypot strategy. It also provides a time-sensitive form submission.
+* [Rakismet]( - Easy Akismet and TypePad AntiSpam integration for Rails.
+* [reCAPTCHA]( - reCaptcha API helpers for ruby apps.
+* [Voight-Kampff]( - A Ruby gem that detects bots, spiders, crawlers and replicants.
## CLI Builder
-* [Clamp]( - 命令行应用程序框架.
-* [cmdparse]( - 支持嵌套命令的高级命令行解析器.
-* [Commander]( - Ruby 命令行可执行文件的完整解决方案.
-* [dry-cli]( - Ruby 的通用命令行界面 (CLI) 框架.
-* [GLI]( - 类似 Git 的界面命令行解析器.
-* [Main]( - 用于快速生成命令行程序的类工厂和 DSL.
-* [Optimist]( - Ruby 的命令行选项解析器,不会妨碍您.
-* [Rake]( - 类似于 make 的 Ruby 构建实用程序.
-* [Runfile]( - 轻松构建每个项目的命令行应用程序. 受 Rake 启发,内部有 Docopt.
-* [Slop]( - 简单的轻量级选项解析.
-* [Terrapin]( - 一个小型命令行库(以前称为可卡因).
-* [Thor]( - 用于构建强大的命令行界面的工具包.
-* [TTY]( - 用于开发 CLI 客户端的工具箱.
+* [Clamp]( - A command-line application framework.
+* [cmdparse]( - An advanced command line parser supporting nested commands.
+* [Commander]( - The complete solution for Ruby command-line executables.
+* [dry-cli]( - General purpose Command Line Interface (CLI) framework for Ruby.
+* [GLI]( - Git-Like Interface Command Line Parser.
+* [Main]( - A class factory and DSL for generating command line programs real quick.
+* [Optimist]( - A commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out of your way.
+* [Rake]( - A make-like build utility for Ruby.
+* [Runfile]( - Build command line applications per project with ease. Rake-inspired, Docopt inside.
+* [Slop]( - Simple Lightweight Option Parsing.
+* [Terrapin]( - A small command line library (Formerly Cocaine).
+* [Thor]( - A toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces.
+* [TTY]( - Toolbox for developing CLI clients.
## CLI Utilities
-* [Awesome Print]( - 以全彩和适当的缩进方式漂亮地打印您的 Ruby 对象
-* [Betty]( - 友好的类似英语的命令行界面. 不记得命令了? 问问贝蒂.
-* [colorize]( - 扩展 String 类或添加 ColorizedString ,其中包含设置文本颜色、背景颜色和文本效果的方法.
-* [colorls]( - 使用颜色和字体精美的图标美化“ls”命令.
-* [formatador]( - STDOUT 文本格式.
-* [Paint]( - 设置 ANSI 终端颜色的简单快捷的方法.
-* [Pastel]( - 具有直观、简洁的 API 的终端输出样式.
-* [Ru]( - Ruby 在你的 shell 中.
+* [Awesome Print]( - Pretty print your Ruby objects with style -- in full color and with proper indentation
+* [Betty]( - Friendly English-like interface for your command line. Don't remember a command? Ask Betty.
+* [colorize]( - Extends String class or add a ColorizedString with methods to set text color, background color and text effects.
+* [colorls]( - Beautifies the `ls` command, with color and font-awesome icons.
+* [formatador]( - STDOUT text formatting.
+* [Paint]( - Simple and fast way to set ANSI terminal colors.
+* [Pastel]( - Terminal output styling with intuitive and clean API.
+* [Ru]( - Ruby in your shell.
* [Ruby/Progressbar]( - The most flexible text progress bar library for Ruby.
-* [Tabulo]( - 带有 DRY、基于列的 API 的纯文本表生成器.
-* [TablePrint]( - 将多个数据库表中的数据分割到单个 CLI 视图中.
-* [Terminal Table]( - Ruby ASCII 表生成器,简单且功能丰富.
+* [Tabulo]( - Plain text table generator with a DRY, column-based API.
+* [TablePrint]( - Slice your data from multiple DB tables into a single CLI view.
+* [Terminal Table]( - Ruby ASCII Table Generator, simple and feature rich.
* [Tmuxinator]( - Create and manage complex tmux sessions easily.
-* [Whirly]( - 一个简单、丰富多彩、可定制的 Ruby 终端微调库.
+* [Whirly]( - A simple, colorful and customizable terminal spinner library for Ruby.
## Cloud
-* [AWS SDK for Ruby]( - 适用于 Ruby 的官方 AWS 开发工具包.
-* [browse-everything]( - 多提供商 Rails 引擎提供对云存储中文件的访问.
-* [Fog]( - Ruby 云服务库.
-* [humidifier]( - 以编程方式生成和管理 AWS CloudFormation 模板、堆栈和变更集.
+* [AWS SDK for Ruby]( - The official AWS SDK for Ruby.
+* [browse-everything]( - Multi-provider Rails engine providing access to files in cloud storage.
+* [Fog]( - The Ruby cloud services library.
+* [humidifier]( - Programmatically generate and manage AWS CloudFormation templates, stacks, and change sets.
## CMS
-* [Alchemy CMS]( - 功能强大、用户友好且灵活的开源 Rails CMS.
-* [ComfortableMexicanSofa]( - 强大的 Rails 5.2+ CMS 引擎.
-* [Fae]( - 灵活的开源 Rails CMS 引擎.
-* [LocomotiveCMS]( - 一个简单但功能强大的 CMS,基于 Liquid 模板和 Mongodb 数据库.
-* [Publify]( - Rails 上的自托管 Web 发布平台.
-* [Spina CMS]( - 适合 Rails 开发人员的漂亮 CMS.
+* [Alchemy CMS]( - A powerful, userfriendly and flexible Open Source Rails CMS.
+* [ComfortableMexicanSofa]( - Powerful Rails 5.2+ CMS Engine.
+* [Fae]( - Flexible, open source, Rails CMS engine.
+* [LocomotiveCMS]( - A simple but powerful CMS based on Liquid templates and Mongodb database.
+* [Publify]( - A self hosted Web publishing platform on Rails.
+* [Spina CMS]( - A beautiful CMS for Rails developers.
## Code Analysis and Metrics
-* [Brakeman]( - 用于 Ruby on Rails 应用程序的静态分析安全漏洞扫描器.
-* [Coverband]( - 机架中间件可帮助测量生产代码覆盖率.
-* [Fasterer]( - 使用这个命令行工具让您的 Rubies 运行得更快,该工具深受 fast-ruby 和 Sferik 在 Baruco Conf 上的演讲的启发.
-* [Flay]( - Flay 分析代码的结构相似性. 文字值、变量、类、方法名称、空格、编程风格、大括号与 do/end 等方面的差异都将被忽略. 让这一切变得非常精彩.
-* [Flog]( - Flog 在易于阅读的痛苦报告中报告了最受折磨的代码. 分数越高,代码就越痛苦.
-* [fukuzatsu]( - 具有丰富 Web 前端的复杂性分析工具.
-* [MetricFu]( - 充满代码指标的拳头.
-* [Pippi]( - 用于查找次优 Ruby 类 API 使用情况的实用程序,专注于运行时分析.
-* [Pronto]( - 对您的更改进行快速自动代码审查.
-* [rails_best_practices]( - 用于 Rails 项目的代码度量工具.
-* [Reek]( - Ruby 代码气味检测器.
-* [Rubycritic]( - Ruby 代码质量报告者.
-* [Scientist]( - 用于仔细重构关键路径的 Ruby 库.
-* [SimpleCov]( - Ruby 1.9+ 的代码覆盖率,具有强大的配置库和跨测试套件的自动合并覆盖率.
-* [Sorbet]( - Ruby 的静态类型检查器.
-* [Suture]( - 一个 Ruby gem,可以帮助您重构遗留代码.
-* [Traceroute]( - Rake 任务宝石,可帮助您找到 Rails 3+ 应用程序的死路和操作
+* [Brakeman]( - A static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications.
+* [Coverband]( - Rack middleware to help measure production code coverage.
+* [Fasterer]( - Make your Rubies go faster with this command line tool highly inspired by fast-ruby and Sferik's talk at Baruco Conf.
+* [Flay]( - Flay analyzes code for structural similarities. Differences in literal values, variable, class, method names, whitespace, programming style, braces vs do/end, etc are all ignored. Making this totally rad.
+* [Flog]( - Flog reports the most tortured code in an easy to read pain report. The higher the score, the more pain the code is in.
+* [fukuzatsu]( - Complexity analysis tool with a rich web front-end.
+* [MetricFu]( - A fist full of code metrics.
+* [Pippi]( - A utility for finding suboptimal Ruby class API usage, focused on runtime analysis.
+* [Pronto]( - Quick automated code review of your changes.
+* [rails_best_practices]( - A code metric tool for rails projects.
+* [Reek]( - Code smell detector for Ruby.
+* [Rubycritic]( - A Ruby code quality reporter.
+* [Scientist]( - A Ruby library for carefully refactoring critical paths.
+* [SimpleCov]( - Code coverage for Ruby 1.9+ with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage across test suites.
+* [Sorbet]( - A static type checker for Ruby.
+* [Suture]( - A Ruby gem that helps you refactor your legacy code.
+* [Traceroute]( - A Rake task gem that helps you find the dead routes and actions for your Rails 3+ app
## Code Formatting
-* [niceql]( - 独立的 SQL 和 SQL 错误格式化和着色. ActiveRecord 无缝集成.
-* [prettier]( - 一个更漂亮的 Ruby 语言插件.
-* [RuboCop]( - 静态代码分析器,基于社区 Ruby 风格指南.
- * [Rubocop Rails]( - RuboCop 扩展专注于实施 Rails 最佳实践和编码约定.
- * [Rubocop Rspec]( - RSpec 文件的代码风格检查
- * [Rubocop Performance]( - RuboCop 扩展专注于代码性能检查.
-* [Standard]( - Ruby 风格指南,带有 linter 和自动代码修复程序
+* [niceql]( - A dependentless SQL and SQL errors formatting and colorizing. ActiveRecord seemless integration.
+* [prettier]( - A prettier plugin for the Ruby language.
+* [RuboCop]( - A static code analyzer, based on the community Ruby style guide.
+ * [Rubocop Rails]( - A RuboCop extension focused on enforcing Rails best practices and coding conventions.
+ * [Rubocop Rspec]( - Code style checking for RSpec files
+ * [Rubocop Performance]( - A RuboCop extension focused on code performance checks.
+* [Standard]( - Ruby Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
## Code Highlighting
-* [CodeRay]( - 快速、简单地突出显示所选语言的语法.
-* [pygments.rb]( - Python pygments 语法荧光笔的 Ruby 包装器.
-* [Rouge]( - 与 Pygments 兼容的纯 Ruby 代码荧光笔.
+* [CodeRay]( - Fast and easy syntax highlighting for selected languages.
+* [pygments.rb]( - A Ruby wrapper for the Python pygments syntax highlighter.
+* [Rouge]( - A pure Ruby code highlighter that is compatible with Pygments.
## Code Loaders
-* [Zeitwerk]( - 高效且线程安全的 Ruby 代码加载器.
+* [Zeitwerk]( - An efficient and thread-safe Ruby code loader.
## Coding Style Guides
-* [Best-Ruby]( - Ruby 技巧、Ruby 惯用语、重构和最佳实践.
-* [fast-ruby]( - 编写快速 Ruby. 收集常见的 Ruby 习语.
-* [Fundamental Ruby]( - 带有示例的基本 ruby 编程. 线程、设计模式、数据结构、OOP SOLID原理、算法.
-* [Rails style guide]( - 社区驱动的 Rails 3 和 4 最佳实践和风格.
-* [RSpec style guide]( - 更好的规格{ rspec 指南与 ruby }.
-* [Ruby Operators]( - 一个网页,显示不同 Ruby 运算符的精彩名称.
-* [Ruby style guide]( - 社区驱动的 Ruby 编码风格.
+* [Best-Ruby]( - Ruby Tricks, Idiomatic Ruby, Refactoring & Best Practices.
+* [fast-ruby]( - Writing Fast Ruby. Collect Common Ruby idioms.
+* [Fundamental Ruby]( - Fundamental programming ruby with examples. Threads, design patterns, data structures, OOP SOLID principle, algorithms.
+* [Rails style guide]( - Community-driven Rails best practices and style for Rails 3 and 4.
+* [RSpec style guide]( - Better Specs { rspec guidelines with ruby }.
+* [Ruby Operators]( - A webpage showing awesome names for different Ruby operators.
+* [Ruby style guide]( - Community-driven Ruby coding style.
## Concurrency and Parallelism
-* [Concurrent Ruby]( - 现代并发工具,包括代理、期货、承诺、线程池、监督程序等. 受到 Erlang、Clojure、Scala、Go、Java、JavaScript 和经典并发模式的启发.
-* [EventMachine]( - Ruby 的事件驱动 I/O 和轻量级并发库.
-* [forkoff]( - ruby 的简单并行处理.
-* [Parallel]( - 在并行进程(> 使用所有 CPU)或线程(> 加速阻塞操作)中运行任何代码. 最适合映射缩减或并行下载/上传.
-* [Polyphony]( - Ruby 的细粒度并发.
+* [Concurrent Ruby]( - Modern concurrency tools including agents, futures, promises, thread pools, supervisors, and more. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, Scala, Go, Java, JavaScript, and classic concurrency patterns.
+* [EventMachine]( - An event-driven I/O and lightweight concurrency library for Ruby.
+* [forkoff]( - brain-dead simple parallel processing for ruby.
+* [Parallel]( - Run any code in parallel Processes (> use all CPUs) or Threads (> speedup blocking operations). Best suited for map-reduce or e.g. parallel downloads/uploads.
+* [Polyphony]( - Fine-grained concurrency for Ruby.
## Configuration
-* [Chamber]( - 令人惊讶的可定制的基于约定的方法来管理应用程序的配置.
-* [Configatron]( - 简单且功能丰富的 Ruby 应用程序配置系统.
-* [Configus]( - 帮助您轻松管理环境特定设置.
-* [dotenv]( - 从`.env`加载环境变量.
-* [Econfig]( - Rails 应用程序的灵活配置.
-* [ENVied]( - 确保应用程序的 ENV 变量的存在和类型
-* [Envyable]( - 最简单的 YAML 到 ENV 配置加载器.
-* [Figaro]( - 使用“ENV”和单个 YAML 文件进行简单、Heroku 友好的 Rails 应用程序配置.
-* [Global]( - 为您的配置数据提供访问器方法.
-* [RailsConfig]( - Rails3 的多环境 yaml 设置.
-* [Sail]( - 一个轻量级的 Rails 引擎,带有一个管理面板,用于管理实时 Rails 应用程序上的配置设置.
+* [Chamber]( - Surprisingly customizable convention-based approach to managing your app's configuration.
+* [Configatron]( - Simple and feature rich configuration system for Ruby apps.
+* [Configus]( - Helps you easily manage environment specific settings.
+* [dotenv]( - Loads environment variables from `.env`.
+* [Econfig]( - Flexible configuration for Rails applications.
+* [ENVied]( - ensure presence and type of your app's ENV-variables
+* [Envyable]( - The simplest YAML to ENV config loader.
+* [Figaro]( - Simple, Heroku-friendly Rails app configuration using `ENV` and a single YAML file.
+* [Global]( - Provides accessor methods for your configuration data.
+* [RailsConfig]( - Multi-environment yaml settings for Rails3.
+* [Sail]( - A lightweight Rails engine that brings an admin panel for managing configuration settings on a live Rails app.
## Core Extensions
-* [ActiveSupport]( - 实用程序类和标准库扩展的集合.
-* [Addressable]( - Addressable 是 URI 实现的替代品,它是 Ruby 标准库的一部分. 它更符合 RFC 3986、RFC 3987 和 RFC 6570(级别 4),提供对 IRI 和 URI 模板的支持.
-* [Bitwise]( - 对大型二进制字符串进行快速、内存高效的按位运算
-* [Finishing Moves]( - 添加到核心 Ruby 类中的小型、集中、非常有用的方法. 包括无限有用的“nil_chain”.
-* [Docile]( - 一个小型库,可让您快速将 DSL(领域特定语言)映射到 Ruby 对象.
-* [dry-rb]( - dry-rb 是下一代 Ruby 库的集合,每个库都旨在封装一个常见任务.
-* [Hamster]( - 适用于 Ruby 的高效、不可变且线程安全的集合类.
-* [Hanami::Utils]( - 适用于 Hanami 和 Ruby 应用程序的轻量级、非猴子补丁类实用程序.
-* [MemoWise]( - 记忆任何实例/类/模块方法,包括对冻结对象的支持 - 在所有红宝石上经过严格测试和基准测试 - 记忆读取的快速性能.
-* [Ruby Facets]( - Ruby 通用方法扩展和标准添加的首个集合.
-* [Trick Bag]( - 各种 Ruby 类和方法可简化和增强您的代码.
-* 属性
- * [ActiveAttr]( - ActiveModel 遗漏了什么.
- * [Virtus]( - 普通旧 Ruby 对象的类固醇属性.
- * [AttrExtras]( - 使用 attr_initialize 等方法从 Ruby 中取出一些样板.
-* 哈希
- * [Hashie]( - 扩展哈希并使其更有用的工具集合.
-* 细绳
- * [string_pattern]( - 生成提供简单模式的字符串.
+* [ActiveSupport]( - A collection of utility classes and standard library extensions.
+* [Addressable]( - Addressable is a replacement for the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's standard library. It more closely conforms to RFC 3986, RFC 3987, and RFC 6570 (level 4), providing support for IRIs and URI templates.
+* [Bitwise]( - Fast, memory efficient bitwise operations on large binary strings
+* [Finishing Moves]( - Small, focused, incredibly useful methods added to core Ruby classes. Includes the endlessly useful `nil_chain`.
+* [Docile]( - A tiny library that lets you map a DSL (domain specific language) to your Ruby objects in a snap.
+* [dry-rb]( - dry-rb is a collection of next-generation Ruby libraries, each intended to encapsulate a common task.
+* [Hamster]( - Efficient, immutable, and thread-safe collection classes for Ruby.
+* [Hanami::Utils]( - Lightweight, non-monkey-patch class utilities for Hanami and Ruby app.
+* [MemoWise]( - Memoize any instance/class/module method, including support for frozen objects - rigorously tested and benchmarked on all Rubies - fast performance of memoized reads.
+* [Ruby Facets]( - The premiere collection of general purpose method extensions and standard additions for Ruby.
+* [Trick Bag]( - Assorted Ruby classes and methods to simplify and enhance your code.
+* Attributes
+ * [ActiveAttr]( - What ActiveModel left out.
+ * [Virtus]( - Attributes on Steroids for Plain Old Ruby Objects.
+ * [AttrExtras]( - Takes some boilerplate out of Ruby with methods like attr_initialize.
+* Hash
+ * [Hashie]( - A collection of tools that extend Hashes and make them more useful.
+* String
+ * [string_pattern]( - Generate strings supplying a simple pattern.
## Country Data
-* [Carmen]( - 地理区域存储库.
-* [Countries]( - 有关每个国家的各种有用信息打包为相当小的国家对象.
-* [i18n_data]( - 国家/语言名称和 2 字母代码对,85 种语言,适用于国家/语言 i18n.
-* [normalize_country]( - 将国家/地区名称和代码转换为标准,包括 XML、CSV 和 DB 的转换程序.
-* [Phonelib]( - 使用 Google libphonenumber 库数据进行电话验证和格式化的 Ruby gem.
-* [Phony]( - 快速国际电话号码(E164 标准)标准化、拆分和格式化.
-* [validates_zipcode]( - Rails 的邮政编码/邮政编码验证,支持 233 个国家/地区代码.
+* [Carmen]( - A repository of geographic regions.
+* [Countries]( - All sorts of useful information about every country packaged as pretty little country objects.
+* [i18n_data]( - country/language names and 2-letter-code pairs, in 85 languages, for country/language i18n.
+* [normalize_country]( - Convert country names and codes to a standard, includes a conversion program for XMLs, CSVs and DBs.
+* [Phonelib]( - Ruby gem for phone validation and formatting using Google libphonenumber library data.
+* [Phony]( - Fast international phone number (E164 standard) normalizing, splitting and formatting.
+* [validates_zipcode]( - Postal code / zipcode validation for Rails, supporting 233 country codes.
## CRM
-* [Fat Free CRM]( - 基于 Ruby on Rails 的开源客户关系管理平台.
-* [Hitobito]( - 基于 Ruby on Rails 的开源社区管理解决方案.
+* [Fat Free CRM]( - An open source Ruby on Rails based customer relationship management platform.
+* [Hitobito]( - An open source Ruby on Rails based community management solution.
## Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains
-* [Blockchain Lite]( - 使用加密哈希构建您自己的区块链; 用区块链、区块链、一次一个区块的区块链彻底改变世界.
-* [Ciri]( - 以太坊的 Ruby 实现.
-* [MoneyTree]( - 比特币高清钱包(分层确定性)BIP32 的 Ruby 实现.
-* [Peatio]( - 最先进的加密货币开源资产交换.
+* [Blockchain Lite]( - Build your own blockchains with crypto hashes; revolutionize the world with blockchains, blockchains, blockchains one block at a time.
+* [Ciri]( - Ruby implementation of Ethereum.
+* [MoneyTree]( - A Ruby implementation of Bitcoin HD Wallets (Hierarchical Deterministic) BIP32.
+* [Peatio]( - Most Advanced Cryptocurrency open-source assets exchange.
## Dashboards
-* [Blazer]( - 仅使用 SQL 的简单数据查看器. 输出到表格、图表和地图.
-* [Smashing]( - Smashing 是一个基于 Sinatra 的框架,可让您构建漂亮的仪表板. 该项目是 Dashing 框架的精神继承者.
-* [Dashing-Rails]( - 非常漂亮的 Rails 仪表板框架.
+* [Blazer]( - Simple data viewer using only SQL. Output to table, chart, and maps.
+* [Smashing]( - Smashing is a Sinatra based framework that lets you build beautiful dashboards. This project is the maintained spiritual successor to the Dashing framework.
+* [Dashing-Rails]( - The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework for Rails.
## Data Processing and ETL
-* [attr-gather]( - 用于创建具有额外属性“增强”实体的工作流程的宝石. 在较高层面上,attr-gather 提供了一个以完全并行的方式从许多数据源(例如第三方 API、遗留数据库等)获取信息的过程.
-* [CSV Reader]( - 现代表格数据(逐行记录)阅读器支持“经典”CSV,但也支持 CSV 数字、`CSV <3 JSON`、`CSV <3 YAML`、制表符、空格或固定宽度字段 (FWF) 等更多口味和方言.
-* [Kiba]( - Ruby 的轻量级数据处理/ETL 框架.
-* [ruby-stemmer]( - 它提供 Snowball 算法用于词干提取.
+* [attr-gather]( - A gem for creating workflows that "enhance" entities with extra attributes. At a high level, attr-gather provides a process to fetch information from many data sources (such as third party APIs, legacy databases, etc.) in a fully parallelized fashion.
+* [CSV Reader]( - A modern tabular data (line-by-line records) reader supports "classic" CSV but also CSV Numerics, `CSV <3 JSON`, `CSV <3 YAML`, tab, space or fixed width fields (FWF) and many more flavors and dialects.
+* [Kiba]( - A lightweight data processing / ETL framework for Ruby.
+* [ruby-stemmer]( - It Provides Snowball algorithm for stemming purposes.
## Data Visualization
-* [Chartkick]( - 用一行 Ruby 创建漂亮的 Javascript 图表.
-* [GeoPattern]( - 从字符串创建美丽的生成几何背景图像.
-* [LazyHighCharts]( - 通过 ruby 代码使用 HighCharts 的简单且极其灵活的方法. 在 Ruby on Rails、Sinatra 和 Nanoc 上进行了测试,但它也应该可以与其他版本一起使用.
-* [ApexCharts.rb]( - 适合您的 ruby 应用程序的精彩图表. 适用于任何 ruby 应用程序,包括 Rails 应用程序. 它甚至适用于纯 HTML+ERB 文件.
-* [RailRoady]( - Ruby on Rails 3/4 模型和控制器 UML 类图生成器.
-* [Rails Erd]( - 为 Rails 应用程序生成实体关系图.
-* [Ruby/GraphViz]( - GraphViz 绘图工具的 Ruby 接口.
+* [Chartkick]( - Create beautiful Javascript charts with one line of Ruby.
+* [GeoPattern]( - Create beautiful generative geometric background images from a string.
+* [LazyHighCharts]( - A simple and extremely flexible way to use HighCharts from ruby code. Tested on Ruby on Rails, Sinatra and Nanoc, but it should work with others too.
+* [ApexCharts.rb]( - Awesome charts for your ruby app. Works on any ruby app, including Rails app. It even works on plain HTML+ERB files.
+* [RailRoady]( - Ruby on Rails 3/4 model and controller UML class diagram generator.
+* [Rails Erd]( - Generate Entity-Relationship Diagrams for Rails applications.
+* [Ruby/GraphViz]( - Ruby interface to the GraphViz graphing tool.
## Database Drivers
-* [Cassandra Driver]( - Apache Cassandra 的纯 ruby 驱动程序,具有异步 io 和可配置的负载平衡、重新连接和重试策略.
-* [mongo-ruby-driver]( - MongoDB Ruby 驱动程序.
-* [mysql2]( - 用于 Ruby 的现代、简单且非常快速的 Mysql 库(绑定到 libmysql).
-* [Neography]( - Neo4j Rest API 的瘦 Ruby 包装器.
-* [Redic]( - 轻量级Redis客户端.
-* [redis-rb]( - 一个 Ruby 客户端,尝试一对一匹配 Redis 的 API,同时仍然提供惯用的接口.
-* [ruby-pg]( - PostgreSQL 8.3 及更高版本的 Ruby 接口.
-* [SQLite3]( - SQLite3 嵌入式数据库的 Ruby 绑定.
-* [SQL Server]( - ActiveRecord 的 SQL Server 适配器.
-* [TinyTDS]( - 使用 DB-Library 的 Ruby 的 FreeTDS 绑定.
+* [Cassandra Driver]( - A pure ruby driver for Apache Cassandra with asynchronous io and configurable load balancing, reconnection and retry policies.
+* [mongo-ruby-driver]( - MongoDB Ruby driver.
+* [mysql2]( - A modern, simple and very fast Mysql library for Ruby (binding to libmysql).
+* [Neography]( - A thin Ruby wrapper to the Neo4j Rest API.
+* [Redic]( - Lightweight Redis Client.
+* [redis-rb]( - A Ruby client that tries to match Redis' API one-to-one, while still providing an idiomatic interface.
+* [ruby-pg]( - Ruby interface to PostgreSQL 8.3 and later.
+* [SQLite3]( - Ruby bindings for the SQLite3 embedded database.
+* [SQL Server]( - The SQL Server adapter for ActiveRecord.
+* [TinyTDS]( - FreeTDS bindings for Ruby using DB-Library.
## Database Tools
-* [connection_pool]( - Ruby 的通用连接池,可以与任何东西一起使用,例如 Redis、Dalli 等.
-* [Database Cleaner]( - Database Cleaner 是一组用于在 Ruby 中清理数据库的策略.
-* [Database Consistency]( - 检查应用程序约束和数据库约束是否同步的简单方法.
-* [Foreigner]( - 将外键助手添加到迁移中,并将外键正确转储到 schema.rb.
-* [Large Hadron Migrator]( - 在线 MySQL 模式迁移,无需锁定表.
-* [Lol DBA]( - 扫描您的模型并显示可能应该建立索引的列的列表.
-* [Online Migrations]( - 在开发中捕获不安全的 PostgreSQL 迁移,并在生产中更轻松地运行它们.
-* [Polo]( - 创建示例数据库快照以处理开发中的真实世界数据.
-* [PgHero]( - Postgres 洞察变得简单.
-* [Rails DB]( - 数据库查看器和 SQL 查询运行器.
-* [Rein]( - 数据库约束使 ActiveRecord 变得容易.
-* [Scenic]( - Rails 的版本化数据库视图.
-* [SchemaPlus]( - SchemaPlus 提供了 ActiveRecord 的一系列增强和扩展
-* [SecondBase]( - Rails 的无缝第二数据库集成. SecondBase 通过扩展创建、迁移和测试应用程序的 ActiveRecord 任务,为 Rails 提供管理双数据库的支持.
+* [connection_pool]( - Generic connection pooling for Ruby, that can be used with anything, e.g. Redis, Dalli, etc.
+* [Database Cleaner]( - Database Cleaner is a set of strategies for cleaning your database in Ruby.
+* [Database Consistency]( - An easy way to check that application constraints and database constraints are in sync.
+* [Foreigner]( - Adds foreign key helpers to migrations and correctly dumps foreign keys to schema.rb.
+* [Large Hadron Migrator]( - Online MySQL schema migrations without locking the table.
+* [Lol DBA]( - Scan your models and displays a list of columns that probably should be indexed.
+* [Online Migrations]( - Catch unsafe PostgreSQL migrations in development and run them easier in production.
+* [Polo]( - Creates sample database snapshots to work with real world data in development.
+* [PgHero]( - Postgres insights made easy.
+* [Rails DB]( - Database Viewer and SQL Query Runner.
+* [Rein]( - Database constraints made easy for ActiveRecord.
+* [Scenic]( - Versioned database views for Rails.
+* [SchemaPlus]( - SchemaPlus provides a collection of enhancements and extensions to ActiveRecord
+* [SecondBase]( - Seamless second database integration for Rails. SecondBase provides support for Rails to manage dual databases by extending ActiveRecord tasks that create, migrate, and test your application.
* [Seedbank]( - Seedbank allows you to structure your Rails seed data instead of having it all dumped into one large file.
-* [Seed dump]( - Rails 4 任务将数据库的(部分)转储到 db/seeds.rb.
-* [Seed Fu]( - Rails 的高级种子数据处理.
-* [Standby]( - 从 ActiveRecord(以前称为 Slavery)的备用数据库读取.
-* [Strong Migrations]( - 捕获开发中的不安全迁移.
-* [Upsert]( - 在 MySQL、PostgreSQL 和 SQLite3 上更新插入. 透明地为 MySQL 和 PostgreSQL 创建函数 (UDF); 在 SQLite3 上,使用 INSERT OR IGNORE.
+* [Seed dump]( - Rails 4 task to dump (parts) of your database to db/seeds.rb.
+* [Seed Fu]( - Advanced seed data handling for Rails.
+* [Standby]( - Read from standby databases for ActiveRecord (formerly Slavery).
+* [Strong Migrations]( - Catch unsafe migrations in development.
+* [Upsert]( - Upsert on MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite3. Transparently creates functions (UDF) for MySQL and PostgreSQL; on SQLite3, uses INSERT OR IGNORE.
## Date and Time Processing
-* [biz]( - 使用营业时间计算时间.
-* [business_time]( - 支持在工作时间和工作日内进行时间数学计算.
-* [ByStar]( - 按年、月、两周、周等查找 ActiveRecord 对象!
-* [Chronic]( - 用纯 Ruby 编写的自然语言日期/时间解析器.
-* [date_range_formatter]( - 这个简单的工具可以让 Ruby 中的日期范围处理变得更加愉快.
-* [groupdate]( - 在 ActiveRecord、数组和哈希中对时态数据进行分组的最简单方法.
-* [holidays]( - 处理法定和其他假期的 Ruby 方法集合.
-* [ice_cube]( - 日期重复库,可以轻松创建重复规则并快速查询.
-* [local_time]( - Rails 引擎,用于缓存友好的客户端本地时间.
-* [montrose]( - 一个简单的库,用于在 Ruby 中表达、序列化和枚举重复事件.
-* [stamp]( - 根据人类友好的示例而不是神秘的 strftime 指令来格式化日期和时间.
-* [time_diff]( - 计算两个时间之间的差异.
-* [timezone]( - 准确的当前和历史时区和转换,支持 Geonames 和 Google 纬度 - 经度时区查找.
-* [TZinfo]( - 提供不同时区时间之间的夏令时感知转换.
-* [validates_timeliness]( - ActiveModel 和 Rails 的日期和时间验证插件.
+* [biz]( - Time calculations using business hours.
+* [business_time]( - Support for doing time math in business hours and days.
+* [ByStar]( - Find ActiveRecord objects by year, month, fortnight, week and more!
+* [Chronic]( - A natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby.
+* [date_range_formatter]( - The simple tool to make work with date ranges in Ruby more enjoyable.
+* [groupdate]( - The simplest way to group temporal data in ActiveRecord, arrays and hashes.
+* [holidays]( - A collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays.
+* [ice_cube]( - A date recurrence library which allows easy creation of recurrence rules and fast querying.
+* [local_time]( - Rails Engine for cache-friendly, client-side local time.
+* [montrose]( - a simple library for expressing, serializing, and enumerating recurring events in Ruby.
+* [stamp]( - Format dates and times based on human-friendly examples, not arcane strftime directives.
+* [time_diff]( - Calculates the difference between two time.
+* [timezone]( - Accurate current and historical timezones and transformations, with support for Geonames and Google latitude - longitude timezone lookups.
+* [TZinfo]( - Provides daylight savings aware transformations between times in different timezones.
+* [validates_timeliness]( - Date and time validation plugin for ActiveModel and Rails.
* [working_hours]( - A modern ruby gem allowing to do time calculation with working hours.
-* [yymmdd]( - 用于惯用的日期解析和格式化的小型 DSL.
+* [yymmdd]( - Tiny DSL for idiomatic date parsing and formatting.
## Debugging Tools
-* [Byebug]( - 一个简单易用、功能丰富的 Ruby 2 调试器.
-* [did_you_mean]( - 在错误消息中添加类、方法和属性建议.
-* [Pry Byebug]( - 通过 byebug 撬动导航命令.
-* [pry-rails]( - 避免重复,使用 pry-rails 而不是将初始化程序复制到每个 Rails 项目. 这是一个小宝石,会导致 Rails 控制台打开撬开. 因此,这取决于撬动.
-* [Seeing Is Believing]( - 显示文件中每一行代码的结果.
-* [tapping_device]( - 一个允许您从对象的角度检查程序的工具.
-* [Xray]( - 一个揭示用户界面骨架的开发工具.
+* [Byebug]( - A simple to use, feature rich debugger for Ruby 2.
+* [did_you_mean]( - Adds class, method & attribute suggestions to error messages.
+* [Pry Byebug]( - Pry navigation commands via byebug.
+* [pry-rails]( - Avoid repeating yourself, use pry-rails instead of copying the initializer to every rails project. This is a small gem which causes rails console to open pry. It therefore depends on pry.
+* [Seeing Is Believing]( - Displays the results of every line of code in your file.
+* [tapping_device]( - A tool that allows you to inspect your program from an Object's perspective.
+* [Xray]( - A development tool that reveals your UI's bones.
## Decorators
-* [Draper]( - Draper 将面向对象的表示逻辑层添加到您的 Rails 应用程序中.
-* [Decent Exposure]( - 在控制器中创建声明性接口的助手.
-* [Responders]( - 一组 Rails 响应程序,可让您的应用程序枯竭.
-* [ShowFor]( - 快速显示具有 I18n 功能的型号信息. 类似于 form_for 用于显示模型数据.
+* [Draper]( - Draper adds an object-oriented layer of presentation logic to your Rails application.
+* [Decent Exposure]( - A helper for creating declarative interfaces in controllers.
+* [Responders]( - A set of Rails responders to dry up your application.
+* [ShowFor]( - Quickly show a model information with I18n features. Like form_for for displaying model data.
## DevOps Tools
-* [Backup]( - 在 Ruby 中提供优雅的 DSL,用于在类 UNIX 系统上执行备份.
-* [BOSH]( - Cloud Foundry BOSH 是一个开源工具链,用于大规模分布式服务的发布工程、部署和生命周期管理.
-* [Capistrano]( - 用 Ruby 编写的远程服务器自动化和部署工具.
-* [Centurion]( - 用于 Docker 队列的大规模部署工具.
-* [Chef]( - 一个系统集成框架,旨在将配置管理的优势带入您的整个基础设施.
-* [Einhorn]( - Einhorn 将打开一个或多个共享套接字并运行进程的多个副本. 您可以无缝地重新加载代码、动态重新配置 Einhorn 等等.
-* [Itamae]( - 受 Chef 启发的简单且轻量级的配置管理工具.
-* [Lita]( - ChatOps for Ruby:可插入的聊天机器人框架,可与任何聊天服务一起使用.
-* [Logstash]( - 日志/事件传输、处理、管理、搜索.
-* [Mina]( - 真正快速的部署器和服务器自动化工具.
-* [Puppet]( - 适用于 Linux、Unix 和 Windows 系统的自动化管理引擎,根据集中式规范执行管理任务(例如添加用户、安装软件包和更新服务器配置).
-* [Rubber]( - ruby 插件支持将 RubyOnRails 应用程序相对复杂的多实例部署到 Amazon 的弹性计算云 (EC2).
-* [SSHKey]( - 纯 Ruby 中的 SSH 私钥和公钥生成器(RSA 和 DSA).
-* [Sunzi]( - 适合极简主义者的服务器配置实用程序
-* [Ruby-LXC]( - Linux 容器的本机 ruby 绑定.
-* [Vagrant]( - 创建和配置轻量级、可重复且可移植的开发环境.
+* [Backup]( - Provides an elegant DSL in Ruby for performing backups on UNIX-like systems.
+* [BOSH]( - Cloud Foundry BOSH is an open source tool chain for release engineering, deployment and lifecycle management of large scale distributed services.
+* [Capistrano]( - A remote server automation and deployment tool written in Ruby.
+* [Centurion]( - A mass deployment tool for Docker fleets.
+* [Chef]( - A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.
+* [Einhorn]( - Einhorn will open one or more shared sockets and run multiple copies of your process. You can seamlessly reload your code, dynamically reconfigure Einhorn, and more.
+* [Itamae]( - Simple and lightweight configuration management tool inspired by Chef.
+* [Lita]( - ChatOps for Ruby: A pluggable chat bot framework usable with any chat service.
+* [Logstash]( - Logs/event transport, processing, management, search.
+* [Mina]( - Really fast deployer and server automation tool.
+* [Puppet]( - An automated administrative engine for your Linux, Unix, and Windows systems, performs administrative tasks (such as adding users, installing packages, and updating server configurations) based on a centralized specification.
+* [Rubber]( - The rubber plugin enables relatively complex multi-instance deployments of RubyOnRails applications to Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).
+* [SSHKey]( - SSH private and public key generator in pure Ruby (RSA & DSA).
+* [Sunzi]( - Server provisioning utility for minimalists
+* [Ruby-LXC]( - Native ruby binding for Linux containers.
+* [Vagrant]( - Create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments.
## Diff
-* [Diffy]( - 轻松与 Ruby 进行比较.
-* [gemdiff]( - 查找宝石的源存储库. 打开、比较和更新过时的 gem 版本.
-* [JsonCompare]( - 返回两个 JSON 文件之间的差异.
+* [Diffy]( - Easy Diffing With Ruby.
+* [gemdiff]( - Find source repositories for gems. Open, compare, and update outdated gem versions.
+* [JsonCompare]( - Returns the difference between two JSON files.
## Discover
-哪里可以发现新的 Ruby 库、项目和趋势.
+Where to discover new Ruby libraries, projects and trends.
-* [Awesome Ruby @LibHunt]( - 您的首选 Ruby 工具箱. Awesome Ruby 系列 + 按受欢迎程度排序、附加元数据和比较.
-* [GitHub Trending]( - 查找 GitHub 社区今天最令人兴奋的存储库.
-* [Open Source Rails]( - 最佳开源机架和 Ruby on Rails Web 应用程序的画廊.
-* [Ruby Bookmarks]( - Ruby 和 Ruby on Rails 书签集合.
-* [RubyDaily]( - 社区驱动的新闻.
-* [RubyFlow]( - Ruby 编程社区链接博客.
-* [Ruby Land]( - 一个维护良好的 Ruby/Rails 聚合器,其中包含新闻、意见、教程等.
-* [Ruby Rogues]( - 每周关于编程的小组讨论,主要是用 Ruby.
-* [Ruby Weekly]( - 每周一次的免费电子邮件综述,其中包含 Ruby 新闻和文章.
-* [The Ruby Bibliography]( - 有关 Ruby 的研究论文.
-* [The Ruby Toolbox]( - 面向 Ruby 开发人员的 Ruby 和 Rails 插件、gems、工具和资源的综合目录,其受欢迎度评级基于 GitHub 观察者和 Gem 下载.
+* [Awesome Ruby @LibHunt]( - Your go-to Ruby Toolbox. The Awesome Ruby collection + ordering by popularity, additional metadata and comparisons.
+* [GitHub Trending]( - Find what repositories the GitHub community is most excited about today.
+* [Open Source Rails]( - A gallery of the best open source rack and Ruby on Rails web applications.
+* [Ruby Bookmarks]( - Ruby and Ruby on Rails bookmarks collection.
+* [RubyDaily]( - Community driven news.
+* [RubyFlow]( - Ruby Programming Community Link Blog.
+* [Ruby Land]( - A well maintained Ruby/Rails aggregator that contains news, opinions, tutorials, and more.
+* [Ruby Rogues]( - Weekly panel discussion about programming, primarily in Ruby.
+* [Ruby Weekly]( - A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Ruby news and articles.
+* [The Ruby Bibliography]( - Research papers about Ruby.
+* [The Ruby Toolbox]( - A comprehensive catalog of Ruby and Rails plug-ins, gems, tools and resources for Ruby developers with popularity ratings based on GitHub watchers and Gem downloads.
## Documentation
-* [Annotate]( - 将记录当前架构的注释添加到每个 ActiveRecord 模型的顶部或底部.
-* [Apipie]( - 使用 Ruby 语法的 Rails API 文档和显示工具.
-* [Asciidoctor]( - 一个基于 Ruby 的快速文本处理器和发布工具链,用于将 AsciiDoc 转换为 HTML5、DocBook、EPUB3、PDF 等.
-* [Documentation]( - Rails 引擎,提供向 Rails 应用程序添加文档的能力.
-* [GitHub Changelog Generator]( - 根据 GitHub 上的标签、问题、标签和拉取请求自动生成更改日志.
-* [Gollum]( - 一个简单的、由 Git 驱动的 wiki,具有良好的 API 和本地前端.
-* [grape-swagger]( - 将 swagger 兼容文档添加到您的 Grape API.
-* [Hanna]( - RDoc 格式化程序以简单、美观和易于浏览为理念而构建.
-* [Hologram]( - 基于 Markdown 的风格指南文档系统. 它解析 CSS 中的注释并帮助您将它们变成漂亮的样式指南.
-* [Inch]( - Inch 是一个基于 YARD 的 Ruby 代码文档测量和评估工具.
-* [RDoc]( - RDoc 为 Ruby 项目生成 HTML 和命令行文档.
-* [rspec_api_documentation]( - 从 RSpec 自动生成 API 文档.
-* [YARD]( - YARD 使用户能够生成一致、可用的文档,并且可以轻松导出为多种格式.
+* [Annotate]( - Add a comment documenting the current schema to the top or bottom of each of your ActiveRecord models.
+* [Apipie]( - Rails API documentation and display tool using Ruby syntax.
+* [Asciidoctor]( - A fast, Ruby-based text processor & publishing toolchain for converting AsciiDoc to HTML5, DocBook, EPUB3, PDF & more.
+* [Documentation]( - A Rails engine to provide the ability to add documentation to a Rails application.
+* [GitHub Changelog Generator]( - Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub.
+* [Gollum]( - A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
+* [grape-swagger]( - Add swagger compliant documentation to your Grape API.
+* [Hanna]( - An RDoc formatter built with simplicity, beauty and ease of browsing in mind.
+* [Hologram]( - A markdown based documentation system for style guides. It parses comments in your CSS and helps you turn them into a beautiful style guide.
+* [Inch]( - Inch is a documentation measurement and evalutation tool for Ruby code, based on YARD.
+* [RDoc]( - RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects.
+* [rspec_api_documentation]( - Automatically generate API documentation from RSpec.
+* [YARD]( - YARD enables the user to generate consistent, usable documentation that can be exported to a number of formats very easily.
## E-Commerce and Payments
-* [Active Merchant]( - 从 Shopify 中提取的简单支付抽象库.
-* [Braintree]( - Braintree 红宝石绑定.
-* [Conekta]( - Conekta 红宝石绑定.
-* [credit_card_validations]( - 用于验证信用卡号码、生成有效号码、Luhn 检查的红宝石宝石.
-* [Paypal Merchant SDK]( - 适用于 Ruby 的官方 Paypal 商家 SDK.
-* [ROR Ecommerce]( - Rails 电子商务平台.
-* [Solidus]( - 面向大批量零售商的开源电子商务应用程序.
-* [Spree]( - Spree 是 Ruby on Rails 的完整开源电子商务解决方案.
-* [SquareConnect]( - Square 的支付 SDK 和其他 Square API.
-* [stripe-ruby]( - 条纹红宝石镶边.
-* [Workarea]( - 一些世界顶级零售商所依赖的可扩展、高性能电子商务平台.
+* [Active Merchant]( - A simple payment abstraction library extracted from Shopify.
+* [Braintree]( - Braintree Ruby bindings.
+* [Conekta]( - Conekta Ruby bindings.
+* [credit_card_validations]( - A ruby gem for validating credit card numbers, generating valid numbers, Luhn checks.
+* [Paypal Merchant SDK]( - Official Paypal Merchant SDK for Ruby.
+* [ROR Ecommerce]( - A Rails e-commerce platform.
+* [Solidus]( - An open source, eCommerce application for high volume retailers.
+* [Spree]( - Spree is a complete open source e-commerce solution for Ruby on Rails.
+* [SquareConnect]( - Square's SDK for payments and other Square APIs.
+* [stripe-ruby]( - Stripe Ruby bindings.
+* [Workarea]( - An extensible, high-performance eCommerce platform depended on by some of the world's top retailers.
## Ebook
-* [Bookshop]( - Bookshop 是一个为作者、编辑提供的开源敏捷图书开发和出版框架.
-* [Gepub]( - Ruby 的通用 EPUB 库:支持 EPUB 3.
-* [Mobi]( - 读取 MOBI 格式元数据的 Ruby 方式.
-* [Review]( - Re:VIEW 是灵活的文档格式/转换系统.
+* [Bookshop]( - Bookshop is a an open-source agile book development and publishing framework for authors, editors.
+* [Gepub]( - A generic EPUB library for Ruby : supports EPUB 3.
+* [Mobi]( - A Ruby way to read MOBI format metadata.
+* [Review]( - Re:VIEW is flexible document format/conversion system.
## Email
-* [Ahoy Email]( - 电子邮件分析和跟踪.
-* [Gibbon]( - Mailchimp 电子邮件营销平台的 API 包装器.
-* [Griddler]( - 简化在 Rails 中接收电子邮件的过程.
-* [Incoming]( - 来了! 帮助您在 Rack 应用程序中接收电子邮件.
-* [LetterOpener]( - 在浏览器中预览邮件而不是发送.
-* [Mail]( - 真正的 Ruby 邮件库.
-* [MailCatcher]( - 通过梦接收邮件并送达.
+* [Ahoy Email]( - Analytics and tracking for e-mails.
+* [Gibbon]( - API wrapper for the Mailchimp e-mail marketing platform.
+* [Griddler]( - Simplify receiving email in Rails.
+* [Incoming]( - Incoming! helps you receive email in your Rack apps.
+* [LetterOpener]( - Preview mail in the browser instead of sending.
+* [Mail]( - A Really Ruby Mail Library.
+* [MailCatcher]( - Catches mail and serves it through a dream.
* [MailForm]( - Send e-mail straight from forms in Rails with I18n, validations, attachments and request information.
-* [Maily]( - Rails 引擎,用于管理、测试和导航应用程序的所有电子邮件模板,并能够直接在浏览器中预览它们.
-* [MidiSmtpServer]( - 高度可定制的 ruby SMTP 服务库,内置对 AUTH 和 SSL/STARTTLS、8BITMIME 和 SMTPUTF8、IPv4 和 IPv6 等的支持.
-* [Pony]( - 从 Ruby 发送邮件的快速方式.
-* [Postal]( - 功能齐全的开源邮件传送平台,用于传入和传出电子邮件.
-* [premailer-rails]( - CSS 风格的电子邮件,没有任何麻烦.
-* [Roadie]( - Roadie 试图通过在电子邮件中内联样式表和重写相关 URL 来减轻发送 HTML 电子邮件的痛苦.
-* [Sup]( - 带有标签的诅咒线程风格的电子邮件客户端.
-* [Truemail]( - 可配置的框架无关的普通 Ruby 电子邮件验证器/验证器. 通过正则表达式、DNS 和 SMTP 验证电子邮件. 确保电子邮件地址有效且存在.
+* [Maily]( - A Rails Engine to manage, test and navigate through all your email templates of your app, being able to preview them directly in your browser.
+* [MidiSmtpServer]( - The highly customizable ruby SMTP-Service library with builtin support for AUTH and SSL/STARTTLS, 8BITMIME and SMTPUTF8, IPv4 and IPv6 and more.
+* [Pony]( - The express way to send mail from Ruby.
+* [Postal]( - A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail.
+* [premailer-rails]( - CSS styled emails without the hassle.
+* [Roadie]( - Roadie tries to make sending HTML emails a little less painful by inlining stylesheets and rewriting relative URLs for you inside your emails.
+* [Sup]( - A curses threads-with-tags style email client.
+* [Truemail]( - Configurable framework agnostic plain Ruby email validator/verifier. Verify email via Regex, DNS and SMTP. Be sure that email address valid and exists.
## Encryption
-* [bcrypt-ruby]( - bcrypt-ruby 是 OpenBSD bcrypt() 密码哈希算法的 Ruby 绑定.
-* [RbNaCl]( - Ruby 绑定到网络和密码学 (NaCl) 库.
-* [Sym]( - 基于 OpenSSL 的省时对称加密 gem,使用 256 位(密码加密)密钥. 从 STDIN、文件、ENV 或 Mac 上的 OS-X 钥匙串读取密钥.
-* [Symmetric Encryption]( - 透明地加密 ActiveRecord、Mongoid 和 MongoMapper 属性. 对配置文件中的密码进行加密. 静态加密整个文件.
-* [Themis]( - 用于轻松数据安全的加密库,为移动和服务器平台提供对称和非对称加密、具有前向保密性的安全套接字.
+* [bcrypt-ruby]( - bcrypt-ruby is a Ruby binding for the OpenBSD bcrypt() password hashing algorithm.
+* [RbNaCl]( - Ruby binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library.
+* [Sym]( - A time-saving symmetric encryption gem based on OpenSSL that uses 256bit (password-encrypted) keys. Read the key from STDIN, a file, ENV or, on a Mac: OS-X Keychain.
+* [Symmetric Encryption]( - Transparently encrypt ActiveRecord, Mongoid, and MongoMapper attributes. Encrypt passwords in configuration files. Encrypt entire files at rest.
+* [Themis]( - crypto library for painless data security, providing symmetric and asymmetric encryption, secure sockets with forward secrecy, for mobile and server platforms.
## Environment Management
-* [chruby]( - 更改您当前的红宝石. 没有垫片,没有疯狂的选项或功能,~90 LOC.
-* [fry]( - 简单的鱼红宝石版本管理器.
-* [gem_home]( - 用于更改 $GEM_HOME 的工具.
-* [rbenv]( - 使用 rbenv 为您的应用程序选择 Ruby 版本,并保证您的开发环境与生产环境相匹配.
-* [ruby-build]( - 编译并安装 Ruby.
-* [ruby-install]( - 安装 Ruby、JRuby、Rubinius、MagLev 或 MRuby.
-* [RVM]( - RVM 是一个命令行工具,可让您轻松安装、管理和使用从解释器到 gem 集的多个 ruby 环境.
-* [Tokaido]( - Ruby、Rails、SQLite 和 Redis 封装在单个拖放式 OS X 应用程序中,旨在让初学者轻松安装工作 RoR 环境.
-* [Uru]( - Uru 是一个轻量级、多平台命令行工具,可帮助您在 32/64 位 Linux、OS X 或 Windows 系统上使用多个 rubies.
+* [chruby]( - Change your current Ruby. No shims, no crazy options or features, ~90 LOC.
+* [fry]( - Simple ruby version manager for fish.
+* [gem_home]( - A tool for changing your $GEM_HOME.
+* [rbenv]( - Use rbenv to pick a Ruby version for your application and guarantee that your development environment matches production.
+* [ruby-build]( - Compile and install Ruby.
+* [ruby-install]( - Installs Ruby, JRuby, Rubinius, MagLev or MRuby.
+* [RVM]( - RVM is a command-line tool which allows you to easily install, manage, and work with multiple ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems.
+* [Tokaido]( - Ruby, Rails, SQLite and Redis encapsulated in a single drag-and-drop OS X app, designed to make installing a working RoR environment easy for beginners.
+* [Uru]( - Uru is a lightweight, multi-platform command line tool that helps you use the multiple rubies on your 32/64-bit Linux, OS X, or Windows systems.
## Error Handling
-* [Airbrake]( - Ruby on Rails(以及其他基于 Rack 的框架)的官方 Airbrake 库.
-* [Better Errors]( - 更好的机架应用程序错误页面.
-* [Bugsnag]( - Rails、Sinatra、Rack 和普通 Ruby 应用程序的错误监控.
-* [Errbit]( - 开源、自托管的错误捕获器.
-* [Exception Handler]( - 自定义错误页面.
-* [Exception Notification]( - 一组通知程序,用于在 Rack/Rails 应用程序中发生错误时发送通知.
-* [Honeybadger]( - Ruby 的异常、正常运行时间和性能监控.
-* [Nesty]( - Ruby 的嵌套异常.
-* [Sentry Ruby]( - Sentry 的 Ruby 客户端.
-* [Rollbar]( - 简单而强大的应用程序异常和错误跟踪.
+* [Airbrake]( - The official Airbrake library for Ruby on Rails (and other Rack based frameworks).
+* [Better Errors]( - Better error page for Rack apps.
+* [Bugsnag]( - Error monitoring for Rails, Sinatra, Rack, and plain Ruby apps.
+* [Errbit]( - The open source, self-hosted error catcher.
+* [Exception Handler]( - Custom error pages.
+* [Exception Notification]( - A set of notifiers for sending notifications when errors occur in a Rack/Rails application.
+* [Honeybadger]( - Exception, uptime, and performance monitoring for Ruby.
+* [Nesty]( - Nested exceptions for Ruby.
+* [Sentry Ruby]( - The Ruby client for Sentry.
+* [Rollbar]( - Easy and powerful exception and error tracking for your applications.
## Event Sourcing
-* [Eventide Project]( - 由以下机构支持的发布/订阅、事件溯源和事件自治服务 [Message DB]( 消息存储.
-* [Rails Event Store (RES)]( - 用于发布、使用、存储和检索事件的库. 它是您为 Rails 应用程序采用事件驱动架构的最佳伴侣.
+* [Eventide Project]( - Pub/sub, event sourcing, and evented autonomous services backed by the [Message DB]( message store.
+* [Rails Event Store (RES)]( - A library for publishing, consuming, storing and retrieving events. It's your best companion for going with an event-driven architecture for your Rails application.
## Feature Flippers and A/B Testing
-* [Motorhead]( - Rails Engine 框架,有助于安全、快速地进行功能原型设计.
-* [flipper]( - 任意功能翻转. 让打开/关闭功能变得如此简单,每个人都可以做到. 无论您的数据存储、吞吐量或经验如何.
-* [Rollout]( - 配有脚蹼.
-* [Split]( - 基于机架的 AB 测试框架.
-* [Unleash]( - Unleash 的 Ruby 客户端,这是一个强大的功能切换系统,可让您全面了解所有应用程序和服务的所有功能切换.
-* [Vanity]( - 与数据存储无关的 Rails A/B 测试框架.
+* [Motorhead]( - A Rails Engine framework that helps safe and rapid feature prototyping.
+* [flipper]( - Feature flipping for ANYTHING. Make turning features on/off so easy that everyone does it. Whatever your data store, throughput, or experience.
+* [Rollout]( - Feature flippers.
+* [Split]( - Rack Based AB testing framework.
+* [Unleash]( - Ruby client for Unleash, a powerful feature toggle system that gives you a great overview over all feature toggles across all your applications and services.
+* [Vanity]( - an A/B testing framework for Rails that is datastore agnostic.
## File Upload
-* [attache]( - 独立的图像和文件服务器,使您的应用程序与文件管理问题脱钩.
-* [CarrierWave]( - 针对 Rails、Sinatra 和其他 Ruby Web 框架的文件上传的更经典的解决方案.
-* [DragonFly]( - 用于即时处理的 Ruby gem - 适合在 Rails、Sinatra 等中上传图像!
-* [PaperClip]( - ActiveRecord 的轻松文件附件管理. 自 2018 年 5 月 14 日起已弃用.
-* [rack-secure-upload]( - 安全上传文件.
-* [Refile]( - Refile 是一个用于 Ruby 应用程序的现代文件上传库,是 CarrierWave 的原作者为修复 CarrierWave 中的设计错误和过度设计而做出的尝试.
-* [Shrine]( - 用于在 Ruby 中处理文件上传的工具包.
+* [attache]( - Standalone image and file server to decouple your app from file management concerns.
+* [CarrierWave]( - Classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks.
+* [DragonFly]( - A Ruby gem for on-the-fly processing - suitable for image uploading in Rails, Sinatra and much more!.
+* [PaperClip]( - Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord. Deprecated as of May 14, 2018.
+* [rack-secure-upload]( - Upload files securely.
+* [Refile]( - A modern file upload library for Ruby applications, Refile is an attempt by CarrierWave's original author to fix the design mistakes and overengineering in CarrierWave.
+* [Shrine]( - Toolkit for handling file uploads in Ruby.
## File System Listener
-* [Guard]( - 一个命令行工具,可以轻松处理文件系统修改事件.
-* [Guard::LiveReload]( - 当“查看”文件被修改时自动重新加载浏览器.
-* [Listen]( - Listen gem 监听文件修改并通知您有关更改的信息.
-* [Rerun]( - 文件系统更改时重新启动应用程序. 如果在 OS X 上,则使用咆哮和 FSEventStream.
+* [Guard]( - A command line tool to easily handle events on file system modifications.
+* [Guard::LiveReload]( - Automatically reload your browser when 'view' files are modified.
+* [Listen]( - The Listen gem listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes.
+* [Rerun]( - Restarts an app when the filesystem changes. Uses growl and FSEventStream if on OS X.
## Form Builder
-* [Cocoon]( - 使用 jQuery 的动态嵌套表单变得简单; 适用于 formattastic、simple_form 或默认表单.
-* [ComfyBootstrapForm]( - Rails 表单生成器,可以轻松使用 Bootstrap 4 标记创建表单
-* [Formtastic]( - Rails 表单构建器插件,具有语义丰富且可访问的标记.
-* [Rails Bootstrap Forms]( - Rails 表单生成器,使使用 Twitter Bootstrap 3+ 创建美观的表单变得超级容易.
-* [Rapidfire]( - 进行动态调查应该很容易!
-* [Reform]( - 为您提供一个带有验证和嵌套模型设置的表单对象. 它完全与框架无关,并且不关心您的数据库.
-* [Simple Form]( - 轨道形式变得简单.
+* [Cocoon]( - Dynamic nested forms using jQuery made easy; works with formtastic, simple_form or default forms.
+* [ComfyBootstrapForm]( - Rails form builder that makes it easy to create forms with Bootstrap 4 markup
+* [Formtastic]( - A Rails form builder plugin with semantically rich and accessible markup.
+* [Rails Bootstrap Forms]( - Rails form builder that makes it super easy to create beautiful-looking forms with Twitter Bootstrap 3+.
+* [Rapidfire]( - Making dynamic surveys should be easy!
+* [Reform]( - Gives you a form object with validations and nested setup of models. It is completely framework-agnostic and doesn't care about your database.
+* [Simple Form]( - Rails forms made easy.
## Game Development and Graphics
-* [Dragon Ruby]( - DragonRuby 是一个零依赖、跨平台的 Ruby 运行时,构建在 mRuby、libSDL 和 LLVM 之上. 在任何操作系统上编写 Ruby 并部署到 PC、Mac、Linux、iOS、Android、Raspberry Pi、WASM、Nintendo Switch、Sony Playstation 和 Microsoft Xbox.
-* [Gosu]( - 用于 Ruby 和 C++ 编程语言的 2D 游戏开发库.
-* [Mittsu]( - Mittsu 通过提供 OpenGL 的抽象使 3D 图形变得更容易,并且很大程度上基于 THREE.js.
-* [Ruby 2D]( - 轻松创建跨平台 2D 应用程序、游戏和可视化.
-* [Taylor]( - Taylor 是使用 mruby 和 raylib 构建的游戏引擎.
+* [Dragon Ruby]( - DragonRuby is a zero dependency, cross platform, Ruby runtime built on top of mRuby, libSDL, and LLVM. Write Ruby on any OS and deploy to PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi, WASM, Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation, and Microsoft Xbox.
+* [Gosu]( - A 2D game development library for the Ruby and C++ programming languages.
+* [Mittsu]( - Mittsu makes 3D graphics easier by providing an abstraction over OpenGL, and is based heavily off of THREE.js.
+* [Ruby 2D]( - Create cross-platform 2D applications, games, and visualizations with ease.
+* [Taylor]( - Taylor is a game engine built using mruby and raylib.
## Gem Generators
-* [Gemsmith]( - 用于锻造新红宝石的命令行界面.
-* [Hoe]( - Hoe 是 Rakefiles 项目的 Rake/RubyGems 助手.
+* [Gemsmith]( - A command line interface for smithing new Ruby gems.
+* [Hoe]( - Hoe is a Rake/RubyGems helper for project Rakefiles.
## Geolocation
-* [Geocoder]( - Ruby 的完整地理编码解决方案. 通过 Rails,它添加了地理编码(通过街道或 IP 地址)、反向地理编码(根据给定坐标查找街道地址)和距离查询.
-* [geoip]( - 在 GeoIP 数据库中搜索给定的主机或 IP 地址,并返回有关分配 IP 地址的国家/地区以及城市、ISP 和其他信息的信息.
-* [Geokit]( - Geokit gem 提供地理编码和距离/航向计算.
-* [Google Maps for Rails]( - 可以在 Ruby 应用程序中轻松创建 Google 地图 + 叠加层.
-* [rgeo]( - 地理空间数据库. 空间数据类型、几何和球面计算以及 WKT/WKB 序列化.
+* [Geocoder]( - A complete geocoding solution for Ruby. With Rails it adds geocoding (by street or IP address), reverse geocoding (find street address based on given coordinates), and distance queries.
+* [geoip]( - Searches a GeoIP database for a given host or IP address, and returns information about the country where the IP address is allocated, and the city, ISP and other information.
+* [Geokit]( - Geokit gem provides geocoding and distance/heading calculations.
+* [Google Maps for Rails]( - Enables easy Google map + overlays creation in Ruby apps.
+* [rgeo]( - Geospatial data library. Spatial data types, geometric and spherical calculations, and WKT/WKB serialization.
## Git Tools
-* [ginatra]( - Git 存储库的 Web 前端.
-* [git-auto-bisect]( - 找到破坏master的提交.
-* [git_curate]( - 以符合人体工程学的方式仔细阅读和删除 git 分支.
-* [git_reflow]( - 敏捷团队的自动化质量控制工作流程.
-* [git-spelunk]( - 深入挖掘 git Blame 历史.
-* [git-whence]( - 查找提交来自哪个合并.
-* [Git Lint]( - 分析 Git 提交以获得一致的质量.
-* [Overcommit]( - 完全可配置且可扩展的 Git 挂钩管理器.
-* [Rugged]( - Ruby 绑定到 libgit2.
+* [ginatra]( - A web frontend for Git repositories.
+* [git-auto-bisect]( - Find the commit that broke master.
+* [git_curate]( - Peruse and delete git branches ergonomically.
+* [git_reflow]( - An automated quality control workflow for Agile teams.
+* [git-spelunk]( - Dig through git blame history.
+* [git-whence]( - Find which merge a commit came from.
+* [Git Lint]( - Analyzes Git commits for consistent quality.
+* [Overcommit]( - A fully configurable and extendable Git hook manager.
+* [Rugged]( - Ruby bindings to libgit2.
## GraphQL
-* [graphql-batch]( – 查询批处理执行器.
-* [graphql-client]( - 用于声明、编写和执行 GraphQL 查询的库.
-* [graphql-guard]( - 简单的字段级授权.
-* [graphql-ruby]( - GraphQL 的 Ruby 实现.
+* [graphql-batch]( – A query batching executor.
+* [graphql-client]( - A library for declaring, composing and executing GraphQL queries.
+* [graphql-guard]( - A simple field-level authorization.
+* [graphql-ruby]( - Ruby implementation of GraphQL.
## GUI
-* [FXRuby]( - 一个 Ruby 库,提供 FOX GUI 工具包的接口.
-* [Glimmer]( - 用于 SWT 的 Ruby DSL
-* [qtbindings]( - 允许从 Ruby 使用 QT Gui 工具包.
-* [Ruby-GNOME]( - GNOME 开发环境的 Ruby 语言绑定.
-* [Shoes]( - Shoes 使得为 Mac、Windows 和 Linux 构建小型图形程序变得非常简单.
+* [FXRuby]( - A Ruby library that provides an interface to the FOX GUI toolkit.
+* [Glimmer]( - Ruby DSL for SWT
+* [qtbindings]( - Allows the QT Gui toolkit to be used from Ruby.
+* [Ruby-GNOME]( - Ruby language bindings for the GNOME development environment.
+* [Shoes]( - Shoes makes building little graphical programs for Mac, Windows, and Linux super simple.
## HTML/XML Parsing
-* [HappyMapper]( - 对象到 XML 映射库,使用 Nokogiri.
-* [HTML::Pipeline]( - HTML 处理过滤器和实用程序.
-* [Nokogiri]( - 具有 XPath 和 CSS 选择器支持的 HTML、XML、SAX 和 Reader 解析器.
-* [Oga]( - 用 Ruby 编写的 XML/HTML 解析器. Oga 不需要 libxml 等系统库,从而可以更轻松、更快速地在各种平台上安装.
-* [Ox]( - 快速的 XML 解析器和对象编组器.
-* [ROXML]( - 通过 Nokogiri 或 LibXML 使用注释式类方法在 Ruby 和 XML 之间进行自定义映射和双向编组.
+* [HappyMapper]( - Object to XML mapping library, using Nokogiri.
+* [HTML::Pipeline]( - HTML processing filters and utilities.
+* [Nokogiri]( - An HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser with XPath and CSS selector support.
+* [Oga]( - An XML/HTML parser written in Ruby. Oga does not require system libraries such as libxml, making it easier and faster to install on various platforms.
+* [Ox]( - A fast XML parser and Object marshaller.
+* [ROXML]( - Custom mapping and bidirectional marshalling between Ruby and XML using annotation-style class methods, via Nokogiri or LibXML.
## HTTP Clients and tools
-* [Accept Language]( - 一个小型库,用于解析浏览器中的“Accept-Language”标头(如中定义 [RFC 2616](
-* [excon]( - 可用、快速、简单的 Ruby HTTP 1.1. 它作为通用 HTTP(s) 客户端效果很好,特别适合在 API 客户端中使用.
-* [Faraday]( - 一个 HTTP 客户端库,它在许多适配器(例如 Net::HTTP)上提供通用接口,并在处理请求/响应周期时采用 Rack 中间件的概念.
-* [Device Detector]( - 精确、快速的用户代理解析器和设备检测器,由最大和最新的用户代理数据库支持.
-* [Http Client]( - 提供类似于 Ruby 中 libwww-perl (LWP) 的功能.
-* [HTTP]( - HTTP Gem:用于发出 HTTP 请求的简单 Ruby DSL.
-* [HTTPX]( - 纯 ruby HTTP 客户端,支持 HTTP/2 和 HTTP/1、并发请求、扩展功能插件系统(cookie、重试、重定向、代理、流媒体...).
-* [httparty]( - 让http再次变得有趣!
-* [Http-2]( - HTTP/2 协议的纯 Ruby 实现
-* [Patron]( - Patron 是一个基于 libcurl 的 Ruby HTTP 客户端库.
-* [RESTClient]( - 适用于 Ruby 的简单 HTTP 和 REST 客户端,受到用于指定操作的微框架语法的启发.
-* [Savon]( - Savon 是 Ruby 编程语言的 SOAP 客户端.
-* [Sawyer]( - HTTP 的秘密用户代理,构建在 Faraday 之上.
-* [Sniffer]( – 用于记录和调试跨多个 ruby 库的传出 HTTP 请求的工具.
-* [Typhoeus]( - Typhoeus 包装了 libcurl,以便发出快速可靠的请求.
+* [Accept Language]( - A tiny library for parsing the `Accept-Language` header from browsers (as defined in [RFC 2616](
+* [excon]( - Usable, fast, simple Ruby HTTP 1.1. It works great as a general HTTP(s) client and is particularly well suited to usage in API clients.
+* [Faraday]( - an HTTP client lib that provides a common interface over many adapters (such as Net::HTTP) and embraces the concept of Rack middleware when processing the request/response cycle.
+* [Device Detector]( - A precise and fast user agent parser and device detector, backed by the largest and most up-to-date user agent database.
+* [Http Client]( - Gives something like the functionality of libwww-perl (LWP) in Ruby.
+* [HTTP]( - The HTTP Gem: a simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests.
+* [HTTPX]( - Pure ruby HTTP client, supports HTTP/2 and HTTP/1, concurrent requests, plugin system for extended features (cookies, retries, following redirects, proxy, streaming...).
+* [httparty]( - Makes http fun again!
+* [Http-2]( - Pure Ruby implementation of HTTP/2 protocol
+* [Patron]( - Patron is a Ruby HTTP client library based on libcurl.
+* [RESTClient]( - Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions.
+* [Savon]( - Savon is a SOAP client for the Ruby programming language.
+* [Sawyer]( - Secret user agent of HTTP, built on top of Faraday.
+* [Sniffer]( – Tool to log and debug outgoing HTTP requests across multiple ruby libraries.
+* [Typhoeus]( - Typhoeus wraps libcurl in order to make fast and reliable requests.
## Image Processing
-* [FastImage]( - FastImage 通过根据需要获取尽可能少的内容来查找给定 uri 的图像的大小或类型.
-* [ImageProcessing]( - libvips 和 ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick 的高级图像处理包装器
-* [MiniMagick]( - ImageMagick 或 GraphicsMagick 命令行的 ruby 包装器.
-* [Phasion]( - pHash 的 Ruby 包装器,pHash 是用于检测重复多媒体文件的感知哈希库.
-* [PSD.rb]( - 轻松解析 Ruby 中的 Photoshop 文件.
-* [RMagick]( - RMagick 是 Ruby 和 ImageMagick 之间的接口.
-* [ruby-vips]( - libvips 图像处理库的绑定.
-* [Skeptick]( - Skeptick 是用于构建和运行 ImageMagick 命令的通用 DSL.
+* [FastImage]( - FastImage finds the size or type of an image given its uri by fetching as little as needed.
+* [ImageProcessing]( - High-level image processing wrapper for libvips and ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick
+* [MiniMagick]( - A ruby wrapper for ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick command line.
+* [Phasion]( - Ruby wrapper around pHash, the perceptual hash library for detecting duplicate multimedia files.
+* [PSD.rb]( - Parse Photoshop files in Ruby with ease.
+* [RMagick]( - RMagick is an interface between Ruby and ImageMagick.
+* [ruby-vips]( - A binding for the libvips image processing library.
+* [Skeptick]( - Skeptick is an all-purpose DSL for building and running ImageMagick commands.
## Implementations/Compilers
-* [JRuby]( - Ruby 语言的 Java 实现.
-* [MRuby]( - 轻量级红宝石. 可以链接并嵌入到您的应用程序中.
-* [Opal]( - Ruby 到 Javascript 编译器.
-* [Rubinius]( - Ruby 编程语言的实现. Rubinius 包括字节码虚拟机、Ruby 语法解析器、字节码编译器、分代垃圾收集器、即时 (JIT) 本机代码编译器以及 Ruby 核心和标准库.
-* [TruffleRuby]( - Ruby 编程语言的高性能实现. 由 Oracle 实验室基于 GraalVM 构建.
+* [JRuby]( - A Java implementation of the Ruby language.
+* [MRuby]( - Lightweight Ruby. Can be linked and embedded in your application.
+* [Opal]( - Ruby to Javascript compiler.
+* [Rubinius]( - An implementation of the Ruby programming language. Rubinius includes a bytecode virtual machine, Ruby syntax parser, bytecode compiler, generational garbage collector, just-in-time (JIT) native machine code compiler, and Ruby Core and Standard libraries.
+* [TruffleRuby]( - A high performance implementation of the Ruby programming language. Built on the GraalVM by Oracle Labs.
## Internationalization
* [FastGettext]( - Ruby internationalization tool with less memory, simple, clean namespace and threadsafe.
-* [Globalize]( - Globalize 基于 Ruby on Rails 中的 I18n API 构建,将模型转换添加到 ActiveRecord 模型.
-* [i18n-tasks]( - 利用静态分析的强大功能管理丢失和未使用的翻译.
-* [i18n]( - Ruby 国际化和本地化解决方案.
-* [mini_i18n]( - 简约、灵活、快速的国际化库. 它支持本地化、插值、复数化、回退、嵌套键等.
-* [rails-i18n]( - 用于收集 Rails I18n 的区域设置数据以及其他有趣的、Rails 相关的 I18n 内容的存储库.
-* [r18n]( - 适用于 Rails、Sinatra、桌面应用程序、模型的高级 i18n 库,适用于俄语等复杂语言.
-* [Termit]( - 在您的终端中进行语音合成翻译.
-* [Tolk]( - 用于进行 i18n 翻译的 Web 界面,打包为 Rails 引擎.
-* [twitter-cldr-rb]( - ICU(Unicode 国际组件)的 Ruby 实现,使用公共区域设置数据存储库来格式化日期、复数等.
+* [Globalize]( - Globalize builds on the I18n API in Ruby on Rails to add model translations to ActiveRecord models.
+* [i18n-tasks]( - Manage missing and unused translations with the awesome power of static analysis.
+* [i18n]( - Ruby Internationalization and localization solution.
+* [mini_i18n]( - Minimalistic, flexible and fast Internationalization library. It supports localization, interpolations, pluralization, fallbacks, nested keys and more.
+* [rails-i18n]( - Repository for collecting Locale data for Rails I18n as well as other interesting, Rails related I18n stuff.
+* [r18n]( - Advanced i18n library for Rails, Sinatra, desktop apps, models, works well with complex languages like Russian.
+* [Termit]( - Translations with speech synthesis in your terminal.
+* [Tolk]( - A web interface for doing i18n translations packaged as a Rails engine.
+* [twitter-cldr-rb]( - Ruby implementation of the ICU (International Components for Unicode) that uses the Common Locale Data Repository to format dates, plurals, and more.
## IRB
-* [Clipboard]( - 访问 Linux、MacOS 和 Windows 上的系统剪贴板.
-* [irbtools]( - Ruby 的 IRB 的改进.
-* [Looksee]( - 用于说明对象的祖先和方法查找路径的工具. 方便探索不熟悉的代码库.
-* [Pry]( - Ruby 标准 IRB shell 的强大替代品.
-* [rib]( - 轻量级且可扩展的 IRB 替代品.
+* [Clipboard]( - Access to the system clipboard on Linux, MacOS and Windows.
+* [irbtools]( - Improvements for Ruby's IRB.
+* [Looksee]( - A tool for illustrating the ancestry and method lookup path of objects. Handy for exploring unfamiliar codebases.
+* [Pry]( - A powerful alternative to the standard IRB shell for Ruby.
+* [rib]( - A lightweight and extensible IRB replacement.
## Logging
-* [Fluentd]( - Fluentd 从各种数据源收集事件并将其写入文件、数据库或其他类型的存储中.
-* [HttpLog]( - 记录传出 HTTP 请求.
-* [Log4r]( - Log4r 是一个用于 Ruby 程序的全面且灵活的日志库.
-* [Logging]( - 基于 Java 的 log4j 库设计的灵活的日志库,用于 Ruby 程序.
-* [Lograge]( - 尝试驯服 Rails 的默认策略来记录所有内容.
-* [Ougai]( - 能够轻松处理消息、结构化数据或异常的结构化日志记录系统. 它具有 JSON 和人类可读的格式化程序.
-* [Scrolls]( - 简单的日志记录.
-* [Semantic Logger]( - 适用于 Ruby 的可扩展的下一代企业日志记录.
-* [Syslogger]( - 标准 Logger Ruby 库的直接替代品,记录到系统日志而不是日志文件.
-* [Yell]( - 您的可扩展日志库.
+* [Fluentd]( - Fluentd collects events from various data sources and writes them to files, database or other types of storages.
+* [HttpLog]( - Log outgoing HTTP requests.
+* [Log4r]( - Log4r is a comprehensive and flexible logging library for use in Ruby programs.
+* [Logging]( - A flexible logging library for use in Ruby programs based on the design of Java's log4j library.
+* [Lograge]( - An attempt to tame Rails' default policy to log everything.
+* [Ougai]( - A structured logging system that is capable of handling a message, structured data, or an exception easily. It has JSON and human-readable formatters.
+* [Scrolls]( - Simple logging.
+* [Semantic Logger]( - Scalable, next generation enterprise logging for Ruby.
+* [Syslogger]( - A drop-in replacement for the standard Logger Ruby library, that logs to the syslog instead of a log file.
+* [Yell]( - Your Extensible Logging Library.
## Machine Learning
-* [AI4R]( - 涵盖多个人工智能领域的算法.
-* [Awesome Machine Learning with Ruby]( - Ruby 机器学习链接和资源的精选列表.
-* [m2cgen]( - 一个 CLI 工具,用于将经过训练的经典 ML 模型转换为零依赖的本机 Ruby 代码.
-* [PredictionIO Ruby SDK]( - PredictionIO Ruby SDK 提供了方便的 API 来快速记录用户的行为并检索他们的个性化预测.
-* [rb-libsvm]( - LIBSVM 的 Ruby 语言绑定. SVM是一种机器学习和分类算法.
-* [ruby-fann]( - 用于与 FANN(快速人工神经网络)接口的 Ruby 库.
-* [ruby-openai]( - OpenAI API + Ruby!
-* [rumale]( - 一个机器学习库,其界面类似于 Scikit-Learn.
-* [TensorFlow]( - Ruby 的端到端机器学习平台.
-* [Torch.rb]( - Ruby 深度学习,由 LibTorch 提供支持.
-* [weka]( - JRuby 的机器学习和数据挖掘算法.
+* [AI4R]( - Algorithms covering several Artificial intelligence fields.
+* [Awesome Machine Learning with Ruby]( - A Curated List of Ruby Machine Learning Links and Resources.
+* [m2cgen]( - A CLI tool to transpile trained classic ML models into a native Ruby code with zero dependencies.
+* [PredictionIO Ruby SDK]( - The PredictionIO Ruby SDK provides a convenient API to quickly record your users' behavior and retrieve personalized predictions for them.
+* [rb-libsvm]( - Ruby language bindings for LIBSVM. SVM is a machine learning and classification algorithm.
+* [ruby-fann]( - Ruby library for interfacing with FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network).
+* [ruby-openai]( - OpenAI API + Ruby!
+* [rumale]( - A machine learning library with interfaces similar to Scikit-Learn.
+* [TensorFlow]( - The end-to-end machine learning platform for Ruby.
+* [Torch.rb]( - Deep learning for Ruby, powered by LibTorch.
+* [weka]( - Machine learning and data mining algorithms for JRuby.
## Markdown Processors
-* [kramdown]( - Kramdown 是另一个 markdown 解析器,但速度快、纯 Ruby,使用严格的语法定义并支持多种常见扩展.
-* [Maruku]( - 纯 Ruby Markdown 超集解释器.
-* [Redcarpet]( - 快速、安全且可扩展的 Markdown 到 (X)HTML 解析器.
-* [word-to-markdown]( - Gem 将 Microsoft Word 文档转换为 Markdown.
+* [kramdown]( - Kramdown is yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using a strict syntax definition and supporting several common extensions.
+* [Maruku]( - A pure-Ruby Markdown-superset interpreter.
+* [Redcarpet]( - A fast, safe and extensible Markdown to (X)HTML parser.
+* [word-to-markdown]( - Gem to convert Microsoft Word documents to Markdown.
## Measurements
-* [Measured]( - 将测量值及其关联单位封装在 Ruby 中的包装对象.
-* [Ruby Units]( - 提供执行单位数学和转换的类和方法.
+* [Measured]( - Wrapper objects which encapsulate measurements and their associated units in Ruby.
+* [Ruby Units]( - Provides classes and methods to perform unit math and conversions.
## Mobile Development
-* [dryrun]( - 直接从命令行尝试智能手机上的任何 Android 库.
-* [fastlane]( - 将所有 iOS 部署工具连接到一个简化的工作流程中.
-* [PubNub]( - 云端实时推送服务.
-* [Ruboto]( - 使用 Ruby 语言和库为 Android 开发完整独立应用程序的平台.
-* [RubyMotion]( - 革命性的工具链,可让您快速开发和测试适用于 iPhone、iPad、Mac 和 Android 的成熟本机 iOS 和 OS X 应用程序.
+* [dryrun]( - Try any Android library on your smartphone directly from the command line.
+* [fastlane]( - Connect all iOS deployment tools into one streamlined workflow.
+* [PubNub]( - Real-time Push Service in the Cloud.
+* [Ruboto]( - A platform for developing full stand-alone apps for Android using the Ruby language and libraries.
+* [RubyMotion]( - A revolutionary toolchain that lets you quickly develop and test full-fledged native iOS and OS X applications for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Android.
## Money
-* [eu_central_bank]( - 使用欧洲中央银行公布的汇率计算汇率的宝石.
-* [Monetize]( - 用于将各种对象转换为 Money 对象的库.
-* [Money]( - 用于处理货币和货币兑换的 Ruby 库.
+* [eu_central_bank]( - A gem that calculates the exchange rate using published rates from European Central Bank.
+* [Monetize]( - A library for converting various objects into Money objects.
+* [Money]( - A Ruby Library for dealing with money and currency conversion.
## Music and Sound
-* [Coltrane]( - 带有命令行界面的音乐理论库.
-* [Maestro]( - 一个 Slack 支持的 Spotify 音乐机器人
-* [Sonic Pi]( - 适合所有人的实时编码合成器,最初设计用于支持计算和音乐课程.
+* [Coltrane]( - A music theory library with a command-line interface.
+* [Maestro]( - A Slack-Powered music bot for Spotify
+* [Sonic Pi]( - A live coding synth for everyone originally designed to support computing and music lessons.
## Natural Language Processing
-* [Awesome NLP with Ruby]( - 用 Ruby 完成的实用自然语言处理的精彩列表.
-* [Parslet]( - 一个小型 Ruby 库,用于以 PEG(解析表达式语法)方式构建解析器.
-* [pocketsphinx-ruby]( - 使用 Pocketsphinx 进行 Ruby 语音识别.
-* [Pragmatic Segmenter]( - Pragmatic Segmenter 是一种基于规则的句子边界检测宝石,可以在多种语言中开箱即用.
-* [Ruby Natural Language Processing Resources]( - Ruby 自然语言处理 (NLP) 库、工具和软件的链接集合.
-* [Sentimental]( - 使用 Ruby 进行简单的情感分析.
-* [Text]( - 一系列文本算法,包括 Levenshtein 距离、Metaphone、Soundex 2、Porter 词干提取和 White 相似度.
-* [Treat]( - Treat 是 Ruby 中的自然语言处理和计算语言学工具包.
-* [Treetop]( - PEG(解析表达式语法)解析器.
-* [Words Counted]( - 高度可定制的 Ruby 文本分析器和字计数器.
+* [Awesome NLP with Ruby]( - Awesome List for Practical Natural Language Processing done in Ruby.
+* [Parslet]( - A small Ruby library for constructing parsers in the PEG (Parsing Expression Grammar) fashion.
+* [pocketsphinx-ruby]( - Ruby speech recognition with Pocketsphinx.
+* [Pragmatic Segmenter]( - Pragmatic Segmenter is a rule-based sentence boundary detection gem that works out-of-the-box across many languages.
+* [Ruby Natural Language Processing Resources]( - Collection of links to Ruby Natural Language Processing (NLP) libraries, tools and software.
+* [Sentimental]( - Simple sentiment analysis with Ruby.
+* [Text]( - A collection of text algorithms including Levenshtein distance, Metaphone, Soundex 2, Porter stemming & White similarity.
+* [Treat]( - Treat is a toolkit for natural language processing and computational linguistics in Ruby.
+* [Treetop]( - PEG (Parsing Expression Grammar) parser.
+* [Words Counted]( - A highly customisable Ruby text analyser and word counter.
## Networking
-* [Dnsruby]( - 一个纯 Ruby DNS 客户端库,它实现了存根解析器. 它旨在遵守所有 DNS RFC.
-* [RubyDNS]( - 高性能 DNS 服务器,可以轻松集成到其他项目或用作独立守护程序.
+* [Dnsruby]( - A pure Ruby DNS client library which implements a stub resolver. It aims to comply with all DNS RFCs.
+* [RubyDNS]( - A high-performance DNS server which can be easily integrated into other projects or used as a stand-alone daemon.
## Notifications
-* [Noticed]( - 适用于 Ruby on Rails 应用程序的类似 ActionMailer 的通知系统.
-* [Ruby Push Notifications]( - iOS、Android 和 Windows Phone 推送通知变得简单.
-* [Rpush]( - Ruby 的推送通知服务,支持 Apple 推送通知服务、Google Cloud Messaging、Amazon Device Messaging 和 Windows Phone 推送通知服务.
-* [webpush]( - Web Push 协议的加密实用程序.
+* [Noticed]( - ActionMailer-like Notification System for your Ruby on Rails app.
+* [Ruby Push Notifications]( - iOS, Android and Windows Phone Push notifications made easy.
+* [Rpush]( - The push notification service for Ruby which supports Apple Push Notification Service, Google Cloud Messaging, Amazon Device Messaging and Windows Phone Push Notification Service.
+* [webpush]( - Encryption Utilities for Web Push protocol.
## Optimizations
-* [bootsnap]( - 更快地启动大型 Ruby/Rails 应用程序.
-* [fast_blank]( - 提供 C 优化方法来确定字符串是否为空.
-* [fast_underscore]( - 提供了一种 C 优化方法,用于将字符串从任何大写形式转换为下划线分隔形式
-* [yajl-ruby]( - 用于 Ruby 的流式 JSON 解析和编码库(C 绑定到 yajl).
+* [bootsnap]( - Boot large Ruby/Rails apps faster.
+* [fast_blank]( - Provides a C-optimized method for determining if a string is blank.
+* [fast_underscore]( - Provides a C-optimized method for transforming a string from any capitalization into underscore-separated
+* [yajl-ruby]( - A streaming JSON parsing and encoding library for Ruby (C bindings to yajl).
-* [ActiveRecord]( - Rails 中的对象关系映射.
-* [Hanami::Model]( - 适用于 Hanami 和现代 Ruby 应用程序的基于精益存储库模式的 ORM 框架.
-* [Mongoid]( - Ruby 中 MongoDB 的 ODM(对象文档映射器)框架.
-* [MongoModel]( - 用于与 MongoDB 数据库连接的 Ruby ODM.
-* [Neo4j.rb]( - Neo4j OGM(对象图映射器),用于 Ruby on Rails 和 Rack 框架,很大程度上受到 ActiveRecord 的启发.
-* [NoBrainer]( - 适用于 Ruby 的 RethinkDB ORM
-* [Ohm]( - Redis 的对象哈希映射库.
-* [Redis-Objects]( - Redis 对象通过 redis gem 上的薄层将 Redis 数据类型映射到 Ruby 对象,为 Redis 提供了 Rubyish 接口.
-* [ROM]( - Ruby Object Mapper (ROM) 是一个实验性 Ruby 库,其目标是提供强大的对象映射功能,而不限制数据存储的全部功能.
-* [Sequel]( - Sequel 是一个简单、灵活且功能强大的 Ruby SQL 数据库访问工具包.
+* [ActiveRecord]( - Object-relational mapping in Rails.
+* [Hanami::Model]( - A lean Repository-pattern based ORM framework for Hanami and modern Ruby applications.
+* [Mongoid]( - An ODM (Object-Document-Mapper) framework for MongoDB in Ruby.
+* [MongoModel]( - Ruby ODM for interfacing with MongoDB databases.
+* [Neo4j.rb]( - A Neo4j OGM (Object-Graph-Mapper) for use in Ruby on Rails and Rack frameworks heavily inspired by ActiveRecord.
+* [NoBrainer]( - A RethinkDB ORM for Ruby
+* [Ohm]( - Object-hash mapping library for Redis.
+* [Redis-Objects]( - Redis Objects provides a Rubyish interface to Redis, by mapping Redis data types to Ruby objects, via a thin layer over the redis gem.
+* [ROM]( - Ruby Object Mapper (ROM) is an experimental Ruby library with the goal to provide powerful object mapping capabilities without limiting the full power of your datastore.
+* [Sequel]( - Sequel is a simple, flexible, and powerful SQL database access toolkit for Ruby.
## ORM/ODM Extensions
-* 审计和版本控制
- * [acts_as_archival]( - 用于原子对象树归档的 ActiveRecord 插件.
- * [ActsAsParanoid]( - ActiveRecord 插件允许您隐藏和恢复记录,而无需实际删除它们.
- * [Audited]( - Audited 是 ActiveRecord 和 MongoMapper 的 ORM 扩展,用于记录模型的所有更改.
- * [Destroyed At]( - 允许您“销毁”对象而不删除记录或关联记录.
- * [Discard]( - 一个简单的 ActiveRecord mixin,用于添加将记录标记为已丢弃的约定.
- * [Logidze]( - Rails 的数据库更改日志.
- * [marginalia]( - 将注释附加到您的 ActiveRecord 查询中. 默认情况下,它会在每个查询末尾添加应用程序、控制器和操作名称作为注释.
- * [mongoid-history]( - mongoid 的多用户非线性历史跟踪、审计、撤消、重做.
- * [PaperTrail]( - 跟踪 ActiveRecord 模型数据的更改以进行审核或版本控制.
- * [Paranoia]( - Rails 3和4的acts_as_paranoid的重新实现,使用了非常非常少的代码.
- * [PermenantRecords]( - 软删除您的 ActiveRecord 记录,就像 ActsAsParanoid 的显式版本.
-* 位数组
- * [ActiveFlag]( - 使用 ActiveRecord 在单个整数列中存储最多 64 个多个标志.
- * [Bitfields]( - 通过在单个整数中存储多个布尔值来保存迁移和列.
-* 进口
- * [ActiveRecord Import]( - 使用 ActiveRecord 批量插入数据的库.
- * [bulk_insert]( - 一个小的 ActiveRecord 扩展,用于帮助在单个插入语句中插入大量行.
- * [data_miner]( - 下载、提取 ZIP/TAR/GZ/BZ2 存档、解析、更正 XLS、ODS、XML、CSV、HTML 等并将其导入 ActiveRecord 模型中.
- * [ferry]( - 方便数据传输的红宝石宝石.
-* 杂项
- * [arel_extensions]( - 扩展 Arel:更多“rubyish”语法、字符串、日期、数学函数......并为某些数据库添加本机扩展.
- * [ActiveRecord::Turntable]( - ActiveRecord 的数据库分片扩展.
- * [ActiveValidators]( - 详尽的现成且经过测试的 ActiveModel/ActiveRecord 验证集合.
- * [DeepPluck]( - 允许您从嵌套关联中提取属性,而无需加载一堆记录.
- * [Enumerize]( - 支持 I18n 和 ActiveRecord/Mongoid/MongoMapper 的枚举属性.
- * [Goldiloader]( - 自动 ActiveRecord 预加载.
- * [Rating]( - 真正的贝叶斯评级系统,启用范围和缓存.
-* 多租户
- * [Acts As Tennant]( - 通过共享数据库策略向 Rails 应用程序添加多租户.
- * [Apartment]( - Rails 和 ActiveRecord 的多租户.
- * [Milia]( - Rails 的非侵入式多租户,支持开箱即用的 Devise 身份验证.
-* 社会
- * [Merit]( - 以 ActiveRecord 或 Mongoid 的徽章、积分和排名的形式向 Rails 应用程序添加声誉行为.
- * [PublicActivity]( - 为 Rails 3 和 4 中的 ActiveRecord、Mongoid 3 和 MongoMapper 模型提供简单的活动跟踪.类似于 Github 的公共活动.
- * [Simple Feed]( - 快速且高度可扩展的、读取优化的纯 Ruby 社交活动提要库,由 Redis 支持.
- * [Unread]( - 管理 ActiveRecord 对象的已读/未读状态 - 而且速度很快.
-* 排序
- * [ActsAsList]( - 提供对列表中的多个对象进行排序和重新排序的功能.
- * [ranked-model]( - ActiveRecord 的现代行排序库. 它积极使用 ARel,并且比大多数其他库进行了更好的优化.
-* 树
- * [ActsAsTree]( - 扩展 ActiveRecord 以添加对将项目组织成父子关系的简单支持.
- * [Ancestry]( - 使用物化路径模式的变体将 ActiveRecord 模型组织为树结构.
- * [Awesome Nested Set]( - Awesome Nested Set 是 ActiveRecord 模型的嵌套集模式的实现.
- * [Closure Tree]( - 使用闭包表轻松高效地使您的 ActiveRecord 模型支持层次结构.
- * [Mongoid Tree]( - 使用物化路径模式的 Mongoid 文档的树结构.
+* Auditing and Versioning
+ * [acts_as_archival]( - ActiveRecord plugin for atomic object tree archiving.
+ * [ActsAsParanoid]( - ActiveRecord plugin allowing you to hide and restore records without actually deleting them.
+ * [Audited]( - Audited is an ORM extension for ActiveRecord & MongoMapper that logs all changes to your models.
+ * [Destroyed At]( - Allows you to "destroy" an object without deleting the record or associated records.
+ * [Discard]( - A simple ActiveRecord mixin to add conventions for flagging records as discarded.
+ * [Logidze]( - Database changes log for Rails.
+ * [marginalia]( - Attach comments to your ActiveRecord queries. By default, it adds the application, controller, and action names as a comment at the end of each query.
+ * [mongoid-history]( - Multi-user non-linear history tracking, auditing, undo, redo for mongoid.
+ * [PaperTrail]( - Track changes to your ActiveRecord models' data for auditing or versioning.
+ * [Paranoia]( - A re-implementation of acts_as_paranoid for Rails 3 and 4, using much, much, much less code.
+ * [PermenantRecords]( - Soft-delete your ActiveRecord records, like an explicit version of ActsAsParanoid.
+* Bit array
+ * [ActiveFlag]( - Store up to 64 multiple flags in a single integer column with ActiveRecord.
+ * [Bitfields]( - Save migrations and columns by storing multiple booleans in a single integer.
+* Import
+ * [ActiveRecord Import]( - a library for bulk inserting data using ActiveRecord.
+ * [bulk_insert]( - A little ActiveRecord extension for helping to insert lots of rows in a single insert statement.
+ * [data_miner]( - Download, pull out of a ZIP/TAR/GZ/BZ2 archive, parse, correct, and import XLS, ODS, XML, CSV, HTML, etc. into your ActiveRecord models.
+ * [ferry]( - A ruby gem for easy data transfer.
+* Misc
+ * [arel_extensions]( - Extending Arel: more "rubyish" syntax, functions for strings, dates, math... and add native extensions for some DBs.
+ * [ActiveRecord::Turntable]( - A database sharding extension for ActiveRecord.
+ * [ActiveValidators]( - An exhaustive collection of off-the-shelf and tested ActiveModel/ActiveRecord validations.
+ * [DeepPluck]( - Allow you to pluck attributes from nested associations without loading a bunch of records.
+ * [Enumerize]( - Enumerated attributes with I18n and ActiveRecord/Mongoid/MongoMapper support.
+ * [Goldiloader]( - Automatic ActiveRecord eager loading.
+ * [Rating]( - A true Bayesian rating system with scope and cache enabled.
+* Multi-tenancy
+ * [Acts As Tennant]( - Add multi-tenancy to a Rails app through a shared database strategy.
+ * [Apartment]( - Multi-tenancy for Rails and ActiveRecord.
+ * [Milia]( - Non-invasive multi-tenancy for Rails which supports Devise authentication out of the box.
+* Social
+ * [Merit]( - Adds reputation behavior to Rails apps in the form of Badges, Points, and Rankings for ActiveRecord or Mongoid.
+ * [PublicActivity]( - Provides easy activity tracking for your ActiveRecord, Mongoid 3 and MongoMapper models in Rails 3 and 4. Similar to Github's Public Activity.
+ * [Simple Feed]( - Fast and highly scalable read-optimized social activity feed library in pure Ruby, backed by Redis.
+ * [Unread]( - Manage read/unread status of ActiveRecord objects - and it's fast.
+* Sorting
+ * [ActsAsList]( - Provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list.
+ * [ranked-model]( - A modern row sorting library for ActiveRecord. It uses ARel aggressively and is better optimized than most other libraries.
+* Tree
+ * [ActsAsTree]( - Extends ActiveRecord to add simple support for organizing items into parent–children relationships.
+ * [Ancestry]( - Organise ActiveRecord model into a tree structure using a variation on the materialised path pattern.
+ * [Awesome Nested Set]( - Awesome Nested Set is an implementation of the nested set pattern for ActiveRecord models.
+ * [Closure Tree]( - Easily and efficiently make your ActiveRecord models support hierarchies using a Closure Table.
+ * [Mongoid Tree]( - A tree structure for Mongoid documents using the materialized path pattern.
## Package Management
-* 宝石
- * [Bundler]( - 轻松管理应用程序的 gem 依赖项.
- * [RubyGems]( - 社区的宝石托管服务.
- * [Cloudsmith]( - 完全托管的包管理 SaaS,支持 Rubygems(以及许多其他).
-* 封装和应用
- * [Berkshelf]( - 厨师食谱经理.
- * [CocoaPods]( - Objective-C 依赖管理器.
- * [fpm]( - 有效的包管理! 轻松、理智地为多个平台(deb、rpm 等)构建软件包.
- * [Linuxbrew]( - 适用于 Linux 的 Homebrew 的一个分支.
- * [Homebrew-cask]( - 用于管理以二进制文件形式分发的 Mac 应用程序的 CLI 工作流程.
- * [Homebrew]( - OS X 缺少包管理器.
- * [Traveling Ruby]( - Traveling Ruby 可让您为 Linux 和 OS X 创建独立的 Ruby 应用程序包.
+* Gems
+ * [Bundler]( - Manage your application's gem dependencies with less pain.
+ * [RubyGems]( - Community's gem hosting service.
+ * [Cloudsmith]( - A fully managed package management SaaS with support for Rubygems (and many others).
+* Packages and Applications
+ * [Berkshelf]( - A Chef Cookbook manager.
+ * [CocoaPods]( - The Objective-C dependency manager.
+ * [fpm]( - Effing package management! Build packages for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity.
+ * [Linuxbrew]( - A fork of Homebrew for Linux.
+ * [Homebrew-cask]( - A CLI workflow for the administration of Mac applications distributed as binaries.
+ * [Homebrew]( - The missing package manager for OS X.
+ * [Traveling Ruby]( - Traveling Ruby lets you create self-contained Ruby app packages for Linux and OS X.
## Pagination
-* [Kaminari]( - 一个基于范围和引擎的、干净的、强大的、可定制的和复杂的分页器,适用于现代 Web 应用程序框架和 ORM.
-* [order_query]( - 一个键集分页库,用于有效地查找相对于当前记录的下一条或上一条记录,例如无限滚动.
-* [Pagy]( - Pagy 是终极分页宝石,在每个基准和比较中都优于其他分页宝石. 更多详细信息可以参见 [Pagy Wiki](
+* [Kaminari]( - A Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated paginator for modern web app frameworks and ORMs.
+* [order_query]( - A keyset pagination library to find the next or previous record(s) relative to the current one efficiently, e.g. for infinite scroll.
+* [Pagy]( - Pagy is the ultimate pagination gem that outperforms the others in each and every benchmark and comparison. More details can be found on [Pagy Wiki](
* [will_paginate]( - A pagination library that integrates with Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Merb, DataMapper and Sequel.
## PDF
-* [CombinePDF]( - 一个纯 ruby 库,用于合并或树桩 PDF 文件、页码等.
-* [Grim]( - 将 PDF 页面提取为图像和文本. 一个用于 Ghostscript、imagemagick 和 pdftotext 的简单 Ruby API.
-* [HexaPDF]( - 用于 Ruby 的多功能 PDF 创建和操作库.
-* [InvoicePrinter]( - Ruby 中的超级简单 PDF 发票(构建在 Prawn 之上).
-* [Kitabu]( - 使用 Ruby 从 Markdown/Textile 文本标记创建电子书的框架.
-* [Pdfkit]( - 使用 wkhtmltopdf 将 HTML+CSS 转换为 PDF.
-* [Prawn]( - 快速、灵活的 Ruby PDF 编写器.
-* [RGhost]( - RGhost 是一个文档创建和转换 API.
-* [Squid]( - Squid · 一个用于在 PDF 文件中绘制图表的 Ruby 库
-* [Wicked Pdf]( - 用于 Ruby on Rails 的 PDF 生成器(来自 HTML)插件.
+* [CombinePDF]( - A Pure ruby library to merge or stump PDF files, number pages and more.
+* [Grim]( - Extract PDF pages as images and text. A simple Ruby API to ghostscript, imagemagick, and pdftotext.
+* [HexaPDF]( - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby.
+* [InvoicePrinter]( - Super simple PDF invoicing in Ruby (built on top of Prawn).
+* [Kitabu]( - A framework for creating e-books from Markdown/Textile text markup using Ruby.
+* [Pdfkit]( - HTML+CSS to PDF using wkhtmltopdf.
+* [Prawn]( - Fast, Nimble PDF Writer for Ruby.
+* [RGhost]( - RGhost is a document creation and conversion API.
+* [Squid]( - Squid · A Ruby library to plot charts in PDF files
+* [Wicked Pdf]( - PDF generator (from HTML) plugin for Ruby on Rails.
## Performance Monitoring
-* [Instrumental]( - 实时测量您的应用程序 [Instrumental](
-* [New Relic]( - 通过 New Relic 应用程序监控和故障排除查找并修复 Ruby 错误.
-* [RoRvsWild]( - Rails 开发人员的性能和异常监控.
-* [Scout]( - Scout Ruby 应用程序监控代理.
-* [Skylight]( - 适用于 Rails 应用程序的智能分析器,可可视化请求性能.
+* [Instrumental]( - Measure your application in real time with [Instrumental](
+* [New Relic]( - Find and fix Ruby errors with New Relic application monitoring and troubleshooting.
+* [RoRvsWild]( - Performances and exceptions monitoring for Rails developers.
+* [Scout]( - Scout Ruby Application Monitoring Agent.
+* [Skylight]( - A smart profiler for your Rails apps that visualizes request performance.
## Presentation Programs
-* [Slide Show (S9)]( - 使用 Markdown 格式约定以纯文本编写幻灯片/演讲/演示文稿并生成(静态)网页; 模板包包括 Deck.js、impress.js、reveal.js、shower、s6、s5 等.
+* [Slide Show (S9)]( - Write your slides / talks / presentations in plain text with markdown formatting conventions and generate (static) web pages; template packs incl. deck.js, impress.js, reveal.js, shower, s6, s5 and more.
## Process Management and Monitoring
-* [Bluepill]( - 简单的过程监控工具.
-* [Eye]( - 过程监控工具. 灵感来自 Bluepill 和上帝.
-* [Foreman]( - 管理基于 Procfile 的应用程序.
-* [God]( - 一个用 Ruby 编写的易于配置、易于扩展的监控框架.
-* [Health Monitor Rails]( - 一个可安装的 Rails 插件,用于检查 Rails 应用程序使用的服务(数据库、缓存、Sidekiq、Redis 等)的运行状况.
-* [Procodile]( - 从 Procfile 在 Mac 和 Linux 上的后台(和前台)运行进程.
-* [RedisWebManager]( - Web 界面可让您轻松管理 Redis 实例(查看密钥、使用的内存、连接的客户端等).
+* [Bluepill]( - Simple process monitoring tool.
+* [Eye]( - Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God.
+* [Foreman]( - Manage Procfile-based applications.
+* [God]( - An easy to configure, easy to extend monitoring framework written in Ruby.
+* [Health Monitor Rails]( - A mountable Rails plug-in to check health of services (Database, Cache, Sidekiq, Redis, e.t.c.) used by the Rails app.
+* [Procodile]( - Run processes in the background (and foreground) on Mac & Linux from a Procfile.
+* [RedisWebManager]( - Web interface that allows you to manage easily your Redis instance (see keys, memory used, connected client, etc...).
## Processes
-* [childprocess]( - 用于管理子进程的跨平台 ruby 库.
-* [posix-spawn]( - Fast Process::spawn for Rubys >= 1.8.7 基于 posix_spawn() 系统接口.
+* [childprocess]( - Cross-platform ruby library for managing child processes.
+* [posix-spawn]( - Fast Process::spawn for Rubys >= 1.8.7 based on the posix_spawn() system interfaces.
## Profiler and Optimization
-* [batch-loader]( – 通用的延迟批处理机制,以避免 N+1 DB 查询、HTTP 查询等.
-* [benchmark-ips]( - 为 Ruby 提供每秒迭代基准测试.
-* [bullet]( - 帮助消除 N+1 查询和未使用的急切加载.
-* [Derailed Benchmarks]( - 您可以使用一系列的东西来对任何基于 Rack 的应用程序进行基准测试.
-* [Peek]( - 显示 Rails 性能的可视状态栏.
+* [batch-loader]( – A generic lazy batching mechanism to avoid N+1 DB queries, HTTP queries, etc.
+* [benchmark-ips]( - Provides iteration per second benchmarking for Ruby.
+* [bullet]( - Help to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading.
+* [Derailed Benchmarks]( - A series of things you can use to benchmark any Rack based app.
+* [Peek]( - Visual status bar showing Rails performance.
* [rack-mini-profiler]( - Profiler for your development and production Ruby rack apps.
-* [Rbkit]( - Ruby 分析器. 带有图形用户界面.
-* [rbspy]( - 适用于任何 Ruby 进程的采样分析器.
-* [ruby-prof]( - MRI 红宝石代码分析器.
-* [stackprof]( - ruby 2.1+ 的采样调用堆栈分析器.
-* [test-prof]( - Ruby 测试分析工具箱
+* [Rbkit]( - profiler for Ruby. With a GUI.
+* [rbspy]( - Sampling profiler for any Ruby process.
+* [ruby-prof]( - A code profiler for MRI rubies.
+* [stackprof]( - A sampling call-stack profiler for ruby 2.1+.
+* [test-prof]( - Ruby Tests Profiling Toolbox
## QR
-* [RQRCode]( - RQRCode 是一个用于创建 QR 码并将其呈现为各种格式的库.
+* [RQRCode]( - RQRCode is a library for creating and rendering QR codes into various formats.
## Queues and Messaging
-* [Backburner]( - Backburner 是一个由 beanstalkd 支持的作业队列,可以处理大量作业.
-* [Bunny]( - Bunny 是一个流行的、易于使用的、维护良好的 RabbitMQ (3.3+) Ruby 客户端.
-* [Delayed::Job]( - 数据库支持的异步优先级队列.
-* [GoodJob]( - GoodJob 是 Ruby on Rails 的多线程、基于 Postgres 的 ActiveJob 后端.
-* [Gush]( - 仅使用 Redis 和 Sidekiq 的复杂工作流程的并行运行程序.
-* [JobIteration]( - ActiveJob 扩展,使长时间运行的作业可中断和恢复.
-* [Karafka]( - 用于简化基于 Apache Kafka(分布式流平台)的 Ruby 应用程序开发的框架.
-* [Lowkiq]( - 对于 Sidekiq 无法提供帮助的情况,有序处理后台作业.
-* [March Hare]( - RabbitMQ 惯用、快速且维护良好的 JRuby 客户端.
-* [Resque]( - 用于创建后台作业的 Redis 支持的 Ruby 库.
-* [Que]( - Ruby 作业队列,使用 PostgreSQL 的咨询锁来提高速度和可靠性.
-* [RocketJob]( - 企业批处理系统专注于系统中每个作业的性能、可扩展性、可靠性和可见性. 现有解决方案已经无法满足需求? 或者,先从小规模开始,然后再扩大规模.
-* [Shoryuken]( - 适用于 Ruby 的超高效 AWS SQS 基于线程的消息处理器.
-* [Sidekiq]( - Ruby 的全功能后台处理框架. 它的目标是能够简单地与任何现代 Rails 应用程序集成,并且比其他现有解决方案具有更高的性能.
-* [SidekiqIteration]( - Sidekiq 扩展,使长时间运行的作业可中断和恢复.
-* [Sneakers]( - Ruby 和 RabbitMQ 的快速后台处理框架.
-* [Sucker Punch]( - 使用赛璐珞的单进程后台处理库. 目标是成为 Sidekiq 的弟弟.
+* [Backburner]( - Backburner is a beanstalkd-powered job queue that can handle a very high volume of jobs.
+* [Bunny]( - Bunny is a popular, easy to use, well-maintained Ruby client for RabbitMQ (3.3+).
+* [Delayed::Job]( - Database backed asynchronous priority queue.
+* [GoodJob]( - GoodJob is a multithreaded, Postgres-based, ActiveJob backend for Ruby on Rails.
+* [Gush]( - A parallel runner for complex workflows using only Redis and Sidekiq.
+* [JobIteration]( - An ActiveJob extension to make long-running jobs interruptible and resumable.
+* [Karafka]( - Framework used to simplify Apache Kafka (a distributed streaming platform) based Ruby applications development.
+* [Lowkiq]( - Ordered processing of background jobs for cases where Sidekiq can't help.
+* [March Hare]( - Idiomatic, fast and well-maintained JRuby client for RabbitMQ.
+* [Resque]( - A Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs.
+* [Que]( - A Ruby job queue that uses PostgreSQL's advisory locks for speed and reliability.
+* [RocketJob]( - Enterprise Batch Processing System focused on performance, scalability, reliability, and visibility of every job in the system. Outgrown existing solutions? Or, start small and scale up later.
+* [Shoryuken]( - A super efficient AWS SQS thread based message processor for Ruby.
+* [Sidekiq]( - A full-featured background processing framework for Ruby. It aims to be simple to integrate with any modern Rails application and much higher performance than other existing solutions.
+* [SidekiqIteration]( - A Sidekiq extension to make long-running jobs interruptible and resumable.
+* [Sneakers]( - A fast background processing framework for Ruby and RabbitMQ.
+* [Sucker Punch]( - A single process background processing library using Celluloid. Aimed to be Sidekiq's little brother.
## Rails Application Generators
-* [Bootstrappers]( - Bootstrappers 使用 Bootstrap 模板和其他好东西生成一个基本的 Rails 应用程序.
-* [Hobo]( - Rails 的网络应用程序构建器.
-* [orats]( - 固执己见的轨道应用程序模板.
-* [Rails Composer]( - 用于入门应用程序的 Rails 生成器.
-* [Raygun]( - 使用已完成的常见自定义内容构建应用程序.
-* [Suspenders]( - Suspenders 是thoughtbot 使用的基础Rails 应用程序.
+* [Bootstrappers]( - Bootstrappers generates a base Rails app using Bootstrap template and other goodies.
+* [Hobo]( - The web app builder for Rails.
+* [orats]( - Opinionated rails application templates.
+* [Rails Composer]( - The Rails generator on steroids for starter apps.
+* [Raygun]( - Builds applications with the common customization stuff already done.
+* [Suspenders]( - Suspenders is the base Rails application used at thoughtbot.
## Robotics
-* [Arli]( - Arli 是一个 CLI 工具,用于使用基于 YAML 的 Arlifile 搜索、安装和打包 Arduino 库以及项目. 它是一个“Arduino 开发捆绑器”.
-* [Artoo]( - 支持不同平台的下一代机器人框架:Arduino、Leap Motion、Pebble、Raspberry Pi 等.
+* [Arli]( - Arli is the CLI tool for searching, installing, and packaging Arduino libraries with a project using a YAML-based Arlifile. It's a "Bundler for Arduino Development".
+* [Artoo]( - Next generation robotics framework with support for different platforms: Arduino, Leap Motion, Pebble, Raspberry Pi, etc.
## RSS
-* [Feed normalizer]( - Atom 和 RSS 解析器的可扩展 Ruby 包装器.
-* [Feedjira]( - 提要获取和解析库.
-* [feedparser]( - 提要解析器和规范器(Atom、RSS、JSON 等)库.
-* [Simple rss]( - 一个简单、灵活、可扩展且自由的 RSS 和 Atom 阅读器.
-* [Stringer]( - 一个自托管、反社交的 RSS 阅读器.
+* [Feed normalizer]( - Extensible Ruby wrapper for Atom and RSS parsers.
+* [Feedjira]( - A feed fetching and parsing library.
+* [feedparser]( - A feed parser and normalizer (Atom, RSS, JSON, etc) library.
+* [Simple rss]( - A simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader.
+* [Stringer]( - A self-hosted, anti-social RSS reader.
## Serverless
-* [FaaStRuby]( - 面向 Ruby 和 Crystal 开发人员的无服务器软件开发平台.
-* [Jets]( - Ruby 无服务器框架,可轻松创建和部署无服务器微服务,并无缝粘合 AWS 服务.
-* [🐑 Lamby]( - 使用 Rack 进行简单 Rails 和 AWS Lambda 集成
+* [FaaStRuby]( - Serverless Software Development Platform for Ruby and Crystal developers.
+* [Jets]( - A Ruby Serverless Framework to create and deploy serverless microservices with ease, and to seamlessly glue AWS services.
+* [🐑 Lamby]( - Simple Rails & AWS Lambda Integration using Rack
## Scheduling
-* [minicron]( - 管理和监控 cron 作业的系统.
-* [que-scheduler]( - 用于异步作业工作线程 Que 的轻量级 cron 调度程序.
-* [resque-scheduler]( - 构建在 Resque 之上的轻量级作业调度系统.
-* [rufus-scheduler]( - Ruby 的作业调度程序(at、cron、in 和每个作业).
-* [Sidekiq-Cron]( - Sidekiq 的日程安排插件.
-* [Simple Scheduler]( - Heroku Scheduler + Sidekiq 的增强功能,用于使用可读的 YML 文件在特定时间安排作业.
-* [Whenever]( - Ruby gem,为编写和部署 cron 作业提供清晰的语法.
+* [minicron]( - A system to manage and monitor cron jobs.
+* [que-scheduler]( - A lightweight cron scheduler for the async job worker Que.
+* [resque-scheduler]( - A light-weight job scheduling system built on top of Resque.
+* [rufus-scheduler]( - Job scheduler for Ruby (at, cron, in and every jobs).
+* [Sidekiq-Cron]( - A scheduling add-on for Sidekiq.
+* [Simple Scheduler]( - An enhancement for Heroku Scheduler + Sidekiq for scheduling jobs at specific times with a readable YML file.
+* [Whenever]( - A Ruby gem that provides a clear syntax for writing and deploying cron jobs.
## Scientific
-* 绑定
- * [PyCall]( - 从 Ruby 语言调用 Python 函数.
- * [ruby-opencv]( - Ruby 的 OpenCV 包装器.
-* 分类器
- * [classifier-reborn]( - 分类器的活跃分支,以及允许贝叶斯和其他类型分类的通用模块.
-* 数据分析/结构
- * [daru]( - 纯 Ruby 中用于存储、分析、操作和可视化数据的库.
- * [Daru::View]( - 用于在 Jupyter Notebooks 和 Web 应用程序上轻松进行交互式绘图的库.
- * [Rgl]( - 图数据结构和算法的框架.
-* 数值数组
- * [NMatrix]( - Ruby 的快速数值线性代数库.
- * [Numo::NArray]( - Ruby 的 N 维数值数组.
- * [mdarray]( - 受 NumPy 启发,为 JRuby 实现了多维数组.
-* [Red Data Tools]( - Ruby 的数据处理工具.
-* [SciRuby]( - Ruby/Rails 中的科学计算工具.
- * [IRuby]( - Jupyter 的 Ruby 内核.
- * [statsample]( - Ruby 基本和高级统计数据套件.
- * [statsample-timeseries]( - Bioruby Statsample 时间系列.
- * [statsample-glm]( - Statsample 的广义线性模型扩展.
- * [distribution]( - 统计分布多库包装器.
- * [minimization]( - 纯 Ruby 上的最小化算法.
-* 具体
- * [BioRuby]( - 用于开发生物信息学软件的库.
- * [bloomfilter-rb]( - Ruby 中的 BloomFilter:本机计数过滤器 + Redis 计数/非计数过滤器.
- * [decisiontree]( - 一个 ruby 库,它实现了用于决策树学习的 ID3(信息增益)算法.
-* 公用事业
- * [algorithms]( - 包含有关何时使用特定结构/算法的文档的库.
- * [jaro_winkler]( - 支持 UTF-8 字符串的 Jaro-Winkler 距离算法的 Ruby 和 C 实现.
- * [primes-utils]( - Rubygem,它提供了一套极其快速的实用方法来测试和生成素数.
- * [Roots]( - Rubygem,提供实用程序来查找实值和复值的所有 n 次根.
- * [smarter_csv]( - Ruby Gem 用于更智能地将 CSV 文件导入为哈希数组.
+* Bindings
+ * [PyCall]( - Calling Python functions from the Ruby language.
+ * [ruby-opencv]( - An OpenCV wrapper for Ruby.
+* Classifiers
+ * [classifier-reborn]( - An active fork of Classifier, and general module to allow Bayesian and other types of classifications.
+* Data analysis/structures
+ * [daru]( - A library for storage, analysis, manipulation and visualization of data in pure Ruby.
+ * [Daru::View]( - A library for easy and interactive plotting on Jupyter Notebooks and web applications.
+ * [Rgl]( - A framework for graph data structures and algorithms.
+* Numerical arrays
+ * [NMatrix]( - Fast numerical linear algebra library for Ruby.
+ * [Numo::NArray]( - N-dimensional Numerical Array for Ruby.
+ * [mdarray]( - Multi dimensional array implemented for JRuby inspired by NumPy.
+* [Red Data Tools]( - Data processing tools for Ruby.
+* [SciRuby]( - Tools for scientific computation in Ruby/Rails.
+ * [IRuby]( - A Ruby kernel for Jupyter.
+ * [statsample]( - A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby.
+ * [statsample-timeseries]( - Bioruby Statsample TimeSeries.
+ * [statsample-glm]( - Generalized Linear Models extension for Statsample.
+ * [distribution]( - Statistical Distributions multi library wrapper.
+ * [minimization]( - Minimization algorithms on pure Ruby.
+* Specific
+ * [BioRuby]( - Library for developing bioinformatics software.
+ * [bloomfilter-rb]( - BloomFilter(s) in Ruby: Native counting filter + Redis counting/non-counting filters.
+ * [decisiontree]( - A ruby library which implements ID3 (information gain) algorithm for decision tree learning.
+* Utilities
+ * [algorithms]( - Library with documentation on when to use a particular structure/algorithm.
+ * [jaro_winkler]( - Ruby & C implementation of Jaro-Winkler distance algorithm which supports UTF-8 string.
+ * [primes-utils]( - A Rubygem which provides a suite of extremely fast utility methods for testing and generating primes.
+ * [Roots]( - A Rubygem which provides utilities to find all the nth roots of real and complex values.
+ * [smarter_csv]( - Ruby Gem for smarter importing of CSV Files as Array(s) of Hashes.
## Search
-* [chewy]( - 基于官方elasticsearch-ruby客户端的高级Elasticsearch Ruby框架.
-* [elasticsearch-ruby]( - Elasticsearch 的 Ruby 集成.
-* [elastics]( - 简单的 ElasticSearch 客户端,支持迁移和 ActiveRecord 集成.
-* [has_scope]( - 具有范围允许您根据名为范围的资源轻松创建控制器过滤器.
-* [Mongoid Search]( - Mongoid 的简单全文搜索实现.
-* [pg_search]( - 构建利用 PostgreSQL 全文搜索的 ActiveRecord 命名范围.
+* [chewy]( - High-level Elasticsearch Ruby framework based on the official elasticsearch-ruby client.
+* [elasticsearch-ruby]( - Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch.
+* [elastics]( - Simple ElasticSearch client with support for migrations and ActiveRecord integration.
+* [has_scope]( - Has scope allows you to easily create controller filters based on your resources named scopes.
+* [Mongoid Search]( - Simple full text search implementation for Mongoid.
+* [pg_search]( - Builds ActiveRecord named scopes that take advantage of PostgreSQL's full text search.
* [ransack]( - Object-based searching.
-* [Rroonga]( - Groonga 的 Ruby 绑定.
-* [scoped_search]( - 添加了支持针对 ActiveRecord 模型和关联上的现有字段进行搜索查询和自动完成的范围.
-* [SearchCop]( - 扩展您的 ActiveRecord 模型以支持全文搜索引擎,例如通过简单查询字符串和基于哈希的查询进行查询.
-* [Searchkick]( - Searchkick 了解您的用户正在寻找什么. 随着越来越多的人搜索,它会变得更加智能,结果也会变得更好. 它对开发人员来说很友好,对用户来说也很神奇.
-* [Sunspot]( - 一个 Ruby 库,用于与 Solr 搜索引擎进行富有表现力的、强大的交互.
-* [textacular]( - 公开 PostgreSQL 的全文搜索功能,并允许您声明全文索引. Textaular 使用named_scope 方法扩展了ActiveRecord,使搜索变得轻松有趣!
-* [Thinking Sphinx]( - 用于将 ActiveRecord 连接到 Sphinx 全文搜索工具的库.
+* [Rroonga]( - The Ruby bindings of Groonga.
+* [scoped_search]( - Adds a scope supporting search queries and autocompletion against existing fields on ActiveRecord models and associations.
+* [SearchCop]( - Extends your ActiveRecord models to support fulltext search engine like queries via simple query strings and hash-based queries.
+* [Searchkick]( - Searchkick learns what your users are looking for. As more people search, it gets smarter and the results get better. It’s friendly for developers - and magical for your users.
+* [Sunspot]( - A Ruby library for expressive, powerful interaction with the Solr search engine.
+* [textacular]( - Exposes full text search capabilities from PostgreSQL, and allows you to declare full text indexes. Textacular extends ActiveRecord with named_scope methods making searching easy and fun!
+* [Thinking Sphinx]( - A library for connecting ActiveRecord to the Sphinx full-text search tool.
## Security
-* [BeEF]( - BeEF 是浏览器利用框架的缩写. 它是一个专注于网络浏览器的渗透测试工具.
-* [bundler-audit]( - Bundler 的补丁级安全验证.
-* [Fingerprinter]( - CMS/LMS/Library 等版本指纹识别器.
-* [haiti]( - 哈希类型标识符(CLI 和 lib).
-* [Metasploit]( - 世界上最常用的渗透测试软件.
-* [Pipal]( - 密码分析器和统计生成器
-* [Rack::Attack]( - 用于阻止和限制滥用请求的机架中间件.
-* [Rack::Protection]( - 用于防御典型 Web 攻击的机架中间件.
-* [Ronin]( - 用于漏洞研究和漏洞利用开发的 Ruby 平台.
-* [WhatWeb]( - 网站指纹.
-* [WPscan]( - WordPress 漏洞扫描器.
+* [BeEF]( - BeEF is short for The Browser Exploitation Framework. It is a penetration testing tool that focuses on the web browser.
+* [bundler-audit]( - Patch-level security verification for Bundler.
+* [Fingerprinter]( - CMS/LMS/Library etc versions fingerprinter.
+* [haiti]( - Hash type identifier (CLI & lib).
+* [Metasploit]( - World's most used penetration testing software.
+* [Pipal]( - Password analyser and statistics generator
+* [Rack::Attack]( - Rack middleware for blocking & throttling abusive requests.
+* [Rack::Protection]( - Rack middleware for protecting against typical Web attacks.
+* [Ronin]( - A Ruby platform for vulnerability research and exploit development.
+* [WhatWeb]( - Website Fingerprinter.
+* [WPscan]( - WordPress vulnerability scanner.
## Services and Apps
-用于简化开发的在线工具、服务和 API.
-* [AppSignal]( - 更好地监控您的 Rails 应用程序.
-* [Codacy]( - Ruby、Rails、JS、PHP、Python 等的自动代码审查.安全性、覆盖范围和质量.
-* [CodeClimate]( - Ruby on Rails 和 Javascript 的质量和安全性分析.
-* [GitHub]( - 针对开源和私有项目的强大协作、代码审查和代码管理.
-* [Gitlab CI]( - 与您的 GitLab 集成,为您的项目运行测试.
-* [GitLab]( - 用于代码协作的开源软件.
-* [HoundCI]( - 检查您的 Ruby 代码是否违反样式指南.
-* [Inch CI]( - Ruby 项目的文档徽章.
-* [OctoLinker]( - 使用 OctoLinker 浏览器扩展程序高效地浏览 上的项目.
-* [SemaphoreCI]( - 为开源和私有项目托管持续集成和部署服务.
-* [Sider]( - 使用 GitHub PR 进行自动代码审查. 监控风格违规、质量、安全、依赖性.
-* [Travis CI]( - 充满信心地测试和部署您的代码.
+Online tools, services and APIs to simplify development.
+* [AppSignal]( - Better monitoring for your Rails applications.
+* [Codacy]( - Automated Code Review for Ruby, Rails, JS, PHP, Python etc. Security, Coverage & Quality.
+* [CodeClimate]( - Quality & security analysis for Ruby on Rails and Javascript.
+* [GitHub]( - Powerful collaboration, code review, and code management for open source and private projects.
+* [Gitlab CI]( - Integrate with your GitLab to run tests for your projects.
+* [GitLab]( - Open source software to collaborate on code.
+* [HoundCI]( - Review your Ruby code for style guide violations.
+* [Inch CI]( - Documentation badges for Ruby projects.
+* [OctoLinker]( - Navigate through projects on efficiently with the OctoLinker browser extension.
+* [SemaphoreCI]( - Hosted continuous integration and deployment service for open source and private projects.
+* [Sider]( - Automated Code Review with GitHub PR. Monitoring Style Violations, Quality, Security, Dependencies.
+* [Travis CI]( - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence.
## SEO
-* [FriendlyId]( - Active Record 的“瑞士陆军推土机”的重击和永久链接插件.
-* [MetaTags]( - 使您的 Rails 应用程序 SEO 友好的宝石.
-* [prerender_rails]( - Rails 中间件 gem,用于动态预渲染 javascript 渲染页面以进行 SEO.
-* [SitemapGenerator]( - 用 Ruby 编写的与框架无关的 XML 站点地图生成器.
+* [FriendlyId]( - The "Swiss Army bulldozer" of slugging and permalink plugins for Active Record.
+* [MetaTags]( - A gem to make your Rails application SEO-friendly.
+* [prerender_rails]( - Rails middleware gem for prerendering javascript-rendered pages on the fly for SEO.
+* [SitemapGenerator]( - A framework-agnostic XML Sitemap generator written in Ruby.
## Social Networking
-* [Decidim]( - 城市和组织的免费开源参与式民主
-* [diaspora*]( - 一个隐私意识强、分布式、开源的社交网络.
-* [Discourse]( - 社区讨论的平台. 免费、开放、简单.
-* [Mailboxer]( - Rails 应用程序的私人消息系统.
-* [Mastodon]( - 兼容 GNU Social 的微博服务器.
-* [Retrospring]( - 遵循 Q/A(问题和答案)原则的社交网络.
-* [Social Shares]( - 用于检查 url 在社交网络中共享了多少次的 gem.
-* [Thredded]( - Rails 4.2+ 论坛/留言板引擎. 它的目标是尽可能简单且功能丰富.
+* [Decidim]( - free open-source participatory democracy for cities and organizations
+* [diaspora*]( - A privacy aware, distributed, open source social network.
+* [Discourse]( - A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
+* [Mailboxer]( - A private message system for Rails applications.
+* [Mastodon]( - A GNU Social-compatible microblogging server.
+* [Retrospring]( - A social network following the Q/A (question and answer) principle.
+* [Social Shares]( - A gem to check how many times url was shared in social networks.
+* [Thredded]( - Rails 4.2+ forums/messageboards engine. Its goal is to be as simple and feature rich as possible.
## Spreadsheets and Documents
-* [CAXLSX]( - 社区维护的 Excel xlsx 生成库. [AXLSX]( - 原本的.
-* [Docsplit]( - Gem 将 Microsoft Word(和其他)文档转换为图像、pdf、页面或文本.
+* [CAXLSX]( - A community maintained excel xlsx generation library. [AXLSX]( - The original.
+* [Docsplit]( - Gem to convert Microsoft Word (and other) documents into images, pdf, pages or text.
* [Roo]( - Implements read access for all spreadsheet types and read/write access for Google spreadsheets.
-* [spreadsheet_architect]( - Spreadsheet Architect 是一个库,允许您从 ActiveRecord 关系、普通 Ruby 对象或表格数据轻松创建 XLSX、ODS 或 CSV 电子表格.
+* [spreadsheet_architect]( - Spreadsheet Architect is a library that allows you to create XLSX, ODS, or CSV spreadsheets super easily from ActiveRecord relations, plain Ruby objects, or tabular data.
## State Machines
-* [AASM]( - Ruby 类的状态机(普通 Ruby、Rails Active Record、Mongoid).
-* [FiniteMachine]( - 一个简单的 Ruby 状态机,具有简单且富有表现力的语法.
-* [MicroMachine]( - 少于 50 行代码的最小有限状态机实现.
-* [simple_states]( - 一个超薄的类似状态机的支持库.
-* [Statesman]( - 一个政治家般的状态机库.
-* [state_machines]( - 添加了对为任何 Ruby 类上的属性创建状态机的支持.
-* [transitions]( - ruby 状态机实现.
-* [Workflow]( - 受有限状态机启发的 API,用于建模并与我们通常所说的“工作流”进行交互.
+* [AASM]( - State machines for Ruby classes (plain Ruby, Rails Active Record, Mongoid).
+* [FiniteMachine]( - A plain Ruby state machine with a straightforward and expressive syntax.
+* [MicroMachine]( - A minimal finite state machine implementation in less than 50 lines of code.
+* [simple_states]( - A super-slim statemachine-like support library.
+* [Statesman]( - A statesmanlike state machine library.
+* [state_machines]( - Adds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class.
+* [transitions]( - A ruby state machine implementation.
+* [Workflow]( - A finite-state-machine-inspired API for modeling and interacting with what we tend to refer to as 'workflow'.
## Static Site Generation
-* [Bridgetown]( - 适用于现代 Jamstack 时代的 Webpack 感知、Ruby 支持的静态站点生成器.
-* [High Voltage]( - 轻松在 Rails 应用程序中包含静态页面.
-* [Jekyll]( - 将纯文本转换为静态网站和博客.
- * [Awesome Jekyll]( - 一系列很棒的 Jekyll 工具、插件、主题、指南等等.
-* [Middleman]( - 静态站点生成器,使用现代 Web 开发中的所有快捷方式和工具.
-* [Nanoc]( - 静态站点生成器,适合构建从小型个人博客到大型企业网站的任何内容.
-* [Photish]( - 从照片集中生成高度可配置的静态网站.
-* [webgen]( - webgen 是一个快速、强大且可扩展的静态网站生成器.
+* [Bridgetown]( - A Webpack-aware, Ruby-powered static site generator for the modern Jamstack era.
+* [High Voltage]( - Easily include static pages in your Rails app.
+* [Jekyll]( - Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs.
+ * [Awesome Jekyll]( - A collection of awesome Jekyll tools, plugins, themes, guides and much more.
+* [Middleman]( - A static site generator using all the shortcuts and tools in modern web development.
+* [Nanoc]( - A static site generator, fit for building anything from a small personal blog to a large corporate web site.
+* [Photish]( - Generate a highly configurable static website from a photo collection.
+* [webgen]( - webgen is a fast, powerful and extensible static website generator.
## Template Engine
-* [Curly]( - 结构和逻辑完全分离的模板语言.
-* [Haml]( - HTML 抽象标记语言.
-* [Liquid]( - 安全、面向客户的模板语言,适用于灵活的网络应用程序.
-* [Mustache]( - 无逻辑 Ruby 模板.
-* [Slim]( - 一种模板语言,其目标是将语法减少到基本部分而不变得神秘.
-* [Tilt]( - 多个 Ruby 模板引擎的通用接口.
+* [Curly]( - A template language that completely separates structure and logic.
+* [Haml]( - HTML Abstraction Markup Language.
+* [Liquid]( - Safe, customer facing template language for flexible web apps.
+* [Mustache]( - Logic-less Ruby templates.
+* [Slim]( - A template language whose goal is reduce the syntax to the essential parts without becoming cryptic.
+* [Tilt]( - Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines.
## Testing
-* 构架
- * [RSpec]( - Ruby 的行为驱动开发.
- * 格式化程序
- * [Emoji-RSpec]( - RSpec 的自定义表情符号格式化程序.
- * [Fuubar]( - 安装失败的 RSpec 进度条格式化程序.
- * [Nyan Cat]( -受 Nyan Cat 启发的 RSpec 格式化程序!
- * [Aruba]( - 使用 Cucumber 和 rspec 测试命令行应用程序.
- * [Bacon]( - 一个小的 RSpec 克隆.
- * [Capybara]( - Web 应用程序的验收测试框架.
- * [Cucumber]( - BDD 首先与领域专家交谈,然后与代码交谈.
- * [Cutest]( - Ruby 中的独立测试.
- * [Fix]( - Ruby 规范框架.
+* Frameworks
+ * [RSpec]( - Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby.
+ * Formatters
+ * [Emoji-RSpec]( - Custom Emoji Formatters for RSpec.
+ * [Fuubar]( - The instafailing RSpec progress bar formatter.
+ * [Nyan Cat]( - Nyan Cat inspired RSpec formatter!
+ * [Aruba]( - Testing command line applications with cucumber and rspec.
+ * [Bacon]( - A small RSpec clone.
+ * [Capybara]( - Acceptance test framework for web applications.
+ * [Cucumber]( - BDD that talks to domain experts first and code second.
+ * [Cutest]( - Isolated tests in Ruby.
+ * [Fix]( - Specing framework for Ruby.
* [Howitzer]( - Ruby based framework for acceptance testing
- * [minitest]( - minitest 提供了一整套支持 TDD、BDD、mocking 和 benchmarking 的测试工具.
- * [Mocha]( - Mocha 是 Ruby 的模拟和存根库.
- * [RR]( - 一个测试双重框架,具有丰富的双重技术选择和简洁的语法.
- * [shoulda-matchers]( - 提供 Test::Unit 和 RSpec 兼容的单线,用于测试公共 Rails 功能. 否则这些测试将会更长、更复杂并且容易出错.
- * [Spinach]( - Spinach 是一个高级 BDD 框架,它利用富有表现力的 Gherkin 语言(Cucumber 使用)来帮助您定义应用程序或库的验收标准的可执行规范.
- * [TestBench]( - TestBench 是一个适用于 Ruby 和 MRuby 的原则性测试框架,旨在准确地提供有效、轻松地测试精心设计的代码所需的内容.
- * [Test::Unit]( - Test::Unit 是 Ruby 的 xUnit 系列单元测试框架.
-* 虚假数据
- * [Fabrication]( - 一个简单而强大的对象生成库.
- * [factory_bot]( - 用于将 Ruby 对象设置为测试数据的库.
- * [Fake Person]( - 使用美国和英国一些最流行的名字和姓氏.
- * [faker]( - 用于生成姓名、地址和电话号码等虚假数据的库.
- * [ffaker]( - 更快的Faker,生成虚拟数据,重写faker.
- * [Forgery]( - 轻松且可定制地生成伪造数据.
-* 嘲笑
- * [ActiveMocker]( - 从 ActiveRecord 模型生成模拟,以进行快速运行的单元测试,因为它们不需要加载 Rails 或数据库.
- * [DnsMock]( - Ruby DNS 模拟. 模仿您的测试环境甚至更多环境的任何 DNS 记录.
- * [DuckRails]( - 用于快速动态模拟 API 端点的工具.
- * [SmtpMock]( - Ruby SMTP 模拟. 使用假 SMTP 服务器模拟测试环境中的任何 SMTP 服务器行为.
- * [TestXml]( - TestXml 是一个用于测试 XML/HTML 的小扩展.
- * [WebMock]( - 用于对 HTTP 请求进行存根和设置期望的库.
-* 网络驱动程序
- * [Ferrum]( - 在 Ruby 中控制 Chrome 的高级 API.
- * [Poltergeist]( - 水豚的 PhantomJS 驱动程序.
- * [Selenium WebDriver]( - WebDriver 的 Ruby 绑定.
- * [Watir]( - Ruby 中的 Web 应用程序测试.
-* 额外
- * [Appraisal]( - Appraisal 与捆绑器和 rake 集成,以针对不同版本的依赖项测试您的库.
- * [CQL]( - CQL 是一个用于针对 Cucumber 样式测试套件进行查询的库.
- * [cuke_modeler]( - “.feature” 文件的建模库,它是“gherkin” gem 之上的抽象层,为构建其他 Gherkin 相关工具提供了稳定的基础.
- * [gitarro]( - 针对 GitHub Pull 请求运行、重新触发、处理所有类型和操作系统无关的测试.
- * [Knapsack]( - RSpec、Cucumber、Minitest、Spinach 和 Turnip 的 CI 节点之间的最佳测试套件并行化.
- * [mutant]( - Mutant 是 Ruby 的突变测试工具.
- * [Parallel Tests]( - 加速测试::Unit + RSpec + Cucumber 通过在多个 CPU(或核心)上并行运行.
- * [power_assert]( - Ruby 的电源断言.
- * [Ruby-JMeter]( - 用于构建 JMeter 测试计划的基于 Ruby 的 DSL.
- * [Spring]( - 在后台预加载 Rails 环境,以加快测试和 Rake 任务的速度.
- * [timecop]( - 提供“时间旅行”和“时间冻结”功能,使测试时间相关代码变得非常简单.
- * [Turbo Tests]( - 在多个内核上运行 RSpec 测试. 类似于“parallel_tests”,但具有增量汇总输出.
- * [vcr]( - 记录测试套件的 HTTP 交互,并在未来的测试运行期间重播它们,以实现快速、确定性、准确的测试.
- * [Wraith]( - 响应式屏幕截图比较工具.
- * [Zapata]( - 谁有时间写测试? 这是让他们自己编写的革命性工具.
+ * [minitest]( - minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking.
+ * [Mocha]( - Mocha is a mocking and stubbing library for Ruby.
+ * [RR]( - A test double framework that features a rich selection of double techniques and a terse syntax.
+ * [shoulda-matchers]( - Provides Test::Unit- and RSpec-compatible one-liners that test common Rails functionality. These tests would otherwise be much longer, more complex, and error-prone.
+ * [Spinach]( - Spinach is a high-level BDD framework that leverages the expressive Gherkin language (used by Cucumber) to help you define executable specifications of your application or library's acceptance criteria.
+ * [TestBench]( - TestBench is a principled test framework for Ruby and MRuby aiming to offer precisely what is needed to test well-designed code effectively and easily.
+ * [Test::Unit]( - Test::Unit is a xUnit family unit testing framework for Ruby.
+* Fake Data
+ * [Fabrication]( - A simple and powerful object generation library.
+ * [factory_bot]( - A library for setting up Ruby objects as test data.
+ * [Fake Person]( - Uses some of the most popular given & surnames in the US & UK.
+ * [faker]( - A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.
+ * [ffaker]( - A faster Faker, generates dummy data, rewrite of faker.
+ * [Forgery]( - Easy and customizable generation of forged data.
+* Mock
+ * [ActiveMocker]( - Generate mocks from ActiveRecord models for unit tests that run fast because they don’t need to load Rails or a database.
+ * [DnsMock]( - Ruby DNS mock. Mimic any DNS records for your test environment and even more.
+ * [DuckRails]( - Tool for mocking API endpoints quickly & dynamically.
+ * [SmtpMock]( - Ruby SMTP mock. Mimic any SMTP server behaviour for your test environment with fake SMTP server.
+ * [TestXml]( - TestXml is a small extension for testing XML/HTML.
+ * [WebMock]( - Library for stubbing and setting expectations on HTTP requests.
+* WebDrivers
+ * [Ferrum]( - High-level API to control Chrome in Ruby.
+ * [Poltergeist]( - A PhantomJS driver for Capybara.
+ * [Selenium WebDriver]( - Ruby bindings for WebDriver.
+ * [Watir]( - Web application testing in Ruby.
+* Extra
+ * [Appraisal]( - Appraisal integrates with bundler and rake to test your library against different versions of dependencies.
+ * [CQL]( - CQL is a library for making queries against Cucumber style test suites.
+ * [cuke_modeler]( - An modeling library for `.feature` files that is an abstration layer on top of the `gherkin` gem, providing a stable base upon which to build other Gherkin related tools.
+ * [gitarro]( - Run, retrigger, handle all type and OS-independent tests against your GitHub Pull Requests.
+ * [Knapsack]( - Optimal test suite parallelisation across CI nodes for RSpec, Cucumber, Minitest, Spinach and Turnip.
+ * [mutant]( - Mutant is a mutation testing tool for Ruby.
+ * [Parallel Tests]( - Speedup Test::Unit + RSpec + Cucumber by running parallel on multiple CPUs (or cores).
+ * [power_assert]( - Power Assert for Ruby.
+ * [Ruby-JMeter]( - A Ruby based DSL for building JMeter test plans.
+ * [Spring]( - Preloads your rails environment in the background for faster testing and Rake tasks.
+ * [timecop]( - Provides "time travel" and "time freezing" capabilities, making it dead simple to test time-dependent code.
+ * [Turbo Tests]( - Run RSpec tests on multiple cores. Like `parallel_tests` but with incremental summarized output.
+ * [vcr]( - Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
+ * [Wraith]( - A responsive screenshot comparison tool.
+ * [Zapata]( - Who has time to write tests? This is a revolutionary tool to make them write themselves.
## Third-party APIs
-* [Ably]( - 用于通过 Ably 进行实时通信的 Ruby 库.
-* [Buffer]( - 缓冲区 API Ruby 库
-* [discordrb]( - Discord API 的实现.
-* [Dropbox]( - Dropbox API v2 的 Ruby 客户端.
-* [fb_graph2]( - 全栈 Facebook Graph API 包装器.
-* [flickr]( - Flickr API 的 Ruby 接口.
-* [gitlab]( - 用于 GitLab API 的 Ruby 包装器和 CLI.
-* [google-api-ads-ruby]( - Google Adwords Ruby 客户端
-* [gmail]( - Gmail 的 Ruby 风格界面,包含您需要的所有工具.
-* [hipchat-rb]( - 带有 Capistrano 挂钩的 Ruby 中的 HipChat HTTP API 包装器.
-* [instagram-ruby-gem]( - Instagram REST 和搜索 API 的官方宝石.
-* [itunes_store_transporter]( - Apple 的 iTMSTransporter 程序的 Ruby 包装器.
-* [linkedin]( - 为 LinkedIn 的 REST API 提供易于使用的包装器.
-* [Notion Ruby Client]( - Notion API 的 Ruby 包装器.
-* [Octokit]( - 用于 GitHub API 的 Ruby 工具包.
-* [Pusher]( - 用于 Pusher API 的 Ruby 服务器库.
-* [Restforce]( - Salesforce REST API 的 Ruby 客户端.
-* [ruby-gmail]( - Gmail 的 Ruby 风格界面.
-* [ruby-trello]( - Ruby 版 Trello API 的实现.
-* [simple-slack-bot]( - 您可以轻松制作 Slack Bot.
-* [Slack Notifier]( - 用于发布到 Slack 频道的简单包装.
-* [Slack ruby gem]( - Slack API 的 Ruby 包装器.
-* [soundcloud-ruby]( - Ruby 的官方 SoundCloud API 包装器.
-* [t]( - Twitter 的命令行强大工具.
-* [terjira]( - Jira 的命令行强大工具.
-* [tweetstream]( - 一个用于使用 Twitter 流 API 的简单库.
-* [twilio-ruby]( - 用于使用 Twilio REST API 并生成有效 TwiML 的模块.
-* [twitter]( - Twitter API 的 Ruby 接口.
-* [whatsapp-sdk]( - Whatsapp API 的 Ruby 客户端.
-* [wikipedia]( - 维基百科 API 的 Ruby 客户端.
-* [Yt]( - YouTube API V3 的面向对象的 Ruby 客户端.
+* [Ably]( - Ruby library for realtime communication over Ably.
+* [Buffer]( - Buffer API Ruby Library
+* [discordrb]( - An implementation of the Discord API.
+* [Dropbox]( - Ruby client for Dropbox API v2.
+* [fb_graph2]( - A full-stack Facebook Graph API wrapper.
+* [flickr]( - A Ruby interface to the Flickr API.
+* [gitlab]( - Ruby wrapper and CLI for the GitLab API.
+* [google-api-ads-ruby]( - Google Adwords Ruby client
+* [gmail]( - A Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need.
+* [hipchat-rb]( - HipChat HTTP API Wrapper in Ruby with Capistrano hooks.
+* [instagram-ruby-gem]( - The official gem for the Instagram REST and Search APIs.
+* [itunes_store_transporter]( - Ruby wrapper around Apple's iTMSTransporter program.
+* [linkedin]( - Provides an easy-to-use wrapper for LinkedIn's REST APIs.
+* [Notion Ruby Client]( - A Ruby wrapper for the Notion API.
+* [Octokit]( - Ruby toolkit for the GitHub API.
+* [Pusher]( - Ruby server library for the Pusher API.
+* [Restforce]( - A Ruby client for the Salesforce REST api.
+* [ruby-gmail]( - A Rubyesque interface to Gmail.
+* [ruby-trello]( - Implementation of the Trello API for Ruby.
+* [simple-slack-bot]( - You can easily make Slack Bot.
+* [Slack Notifier]( - A simple wrapper for posting to Slack channels.
+* [Slack ruby gem]( - A Ruby wrapper for the Slack API.
+* [soundcloud-ruby]( - Official SoundCloud API Wrapper for Ruby.
+* [t]( - A command-line power tool for Twitter.
+* [terjira]( - A command-line power tool for Jira.
+* [tweetstream]( - A simple library for consuming Twitter's Streaming API.
+* [twilio-ruby]( - A module for using the Twilio REST API and generating valid TwiML.
+* [twitter]( - A Ruby interface to the Twitter API.
+* [whatsapp-sdk]( - Ruby client for the Whatsapp API.
+* [wikipedia]( - Ruby client for the Wikipedia API.
+* [Yt]( - An object-oriented Ruby client for YouTube API V3.
## Video
-* [Streamio FFMPEG]( - 简单但功能强大的 ffmpeg 命令包装器,用于读取元数据和转码电影.
-* [VideoInfo]( - 从 Dailymotion、Vimeo、Wistia 和 YouTube URL 获取视频信息.
-* [Video Transcoding]( - 转码、检查和转换视频的工具.
+* [Streamio FFMPEG]( - Simple yet powerful wrapper around the ffmpeg command for reading metadata and transcoding movies.
+* [VideoInfo]( - Get video info from Dailymotion, Vimeo, Wistia, and YouTube URLs.
+* [Video Transcoding]( - Tools to transcode, inspect and convert videos.
## View components
-* [Cells]( - 查看 Rails 组件.
-* [Komponent]( - 在 Rails 中基于组件组织前端代码的一种固执己见的方式.
-* [Phlex]( - 用于在 Ruby 中构建面向对象视图的框架.
-* [ViewComponent]( - 查看 Rails 的组件.
+* [Cells]( - View Components for Rails.
+* [Komponent]( - An opinionated way of organizing front-end code in Rails, based on components.
+* [Phlex]( - A framework for building object-oriented views in Ruby.
+* [ViewComponent]( - View components for Rails.
## View helpers
-* [active_link_to]( - 查看帮助程序来管理链接的“活动”状态.
-* [auto_html]( - Rails 扩展,用于将 URL 转换为适当的资源(图像、链接、YouTube、Vimeo 视频...).
-* [Bh]( - Ruby 的引导助手.
-* [gon]( - 如果您需要将一些数据发送到 js 文件,并且您不想通过视图和解析来完成此操作 - 请使用 gon.
-* [PluggableJs]( - Rails 应用程序的页面特定 JavaScript,能够从控制器传递数据.
-* [render_async]( - 异步渲染视图的部分内容并提高页面的加载性能.
+* [active_link_to]( - View helper to manage "active" state of a link.
+* [auto_html]( - Rails extension for transforming URLs to appropriate resource (image, link, YouTube, Vimeo video...).
+* [Bh]( - Bootstrap Helpers for Ruby.
+* [gon]( - If you need to send some data to your js files and you don't want to do this with long way through views and parsing - use gon.
+* [PluggableJs]( - Page-specific javascript for Rails applications with the ability of passing data from a controller.
+* [render_async]( - Render partials to your views asynchronously and increase load performance of your pages.
## Web Crawling
-* [LinkThumbnailer]( - Ruby gem,可以从给定的 URL 生成缩略图和视频. 很像带有链接预览的流行社交网站.
-* [Kimurai]( - 用 Ruby 编写的现代网络抓取框架,可与 Headless Chromium/Firefox、PhantomJS 或简单的 HTTP 请求一起开箱即用,并允许抓取 JavaScript 渲染的网站并与之交互.
-* [Mechanize]( - Mechanize 是一个 Ruby 库,可以轻松实现自动化 Web 交互.
-* [MetaInspector]( - 用于网络抓取目的的 Ruby gem.
-* [Spidr]( - 一个多功能的 Ruby 网络蜘蛛库,可以蜘蛛一个网站、多个域、某些链接或无限. Spidr 的设计目标是快速且易于使用.
-* [Upton]( - 包含电池的框架,可轻松进行网页抓取.
-* [Wombat]( - 具有优雅 DSL 的网络抓取工具,可解析网页中的结构化数据.
+* [LinkThumbnailer]( - Ruby gem that generates thumbnail images and videos from a given URL. Much like popular social website with link preview.
+* [Kimurai]( - A modern web scraping framework written in Ruby which works out of box with Headless Chromium/Firefox, PhantomJS, or simple HTTP requests and allows to scrape and interact with JavaScript rendered websites.
+* [Mechanize]( - Mechanize is a ruby library that makes automated web interaction easy.
+* [MetaInspector]( - Ruby gem for web scraping purposes.
+* [Spidr]( - A versatile Ruby web spidering library that can spider a site, multiple domains, certain links or infinitely. Spidr is designed to be fast and easy to use.
+* [Upton]( - A batteries-included framework for easy web-scraping.
+* [Wombat]( - Web scraper with an elegant DSL that parses structured data from web pages.
## Web Frameworks
-* [Camping]( - 代码始终保持在 4kB 以下的 Web 微框架.
-* [Cuba]( - 用于网络开发的微框架.
-* [Hobbit]( - 构建在 Rack 之上的简约微框架.
-* [Hanami]( - 它的目标是利用稳定的 API、最小的 DSL 和普通对象,将面向对象编程带回到 Web 开发中.
-* [Hyperstack]( - 使用 React 和 Opal 的完整同构 Ruby 框架.
-* [Padrino]( - 基于 Sinatra 构建的全栈 ruby 框架.
-* [Pakyow]( - 用于在 Ruby 中构建现代 Web 应用程序的框架. 它可以帮助您通过对设计人员和开发人员都友好的开发过程更快地构建工作软件.
-* [Rack::App]( - 用于构建机架应用程序的简单框架.
-* [Ramaze]( - 一个用 Ruby 编写的简单、轻量级和模块化的开源 Web 应用程序框架.
-* [Roda]( - 路由树网络框架.
-* [Ruby on Rails]( - 一个 Web 应用程序框架,包括根据模型-视图-控制器 (MVC) 模式创建数据库支持的 Web 应用程序所需的一切.
-* [Scorched]( - 轻量级、可继承和可组合的 Web 框架,灵感来自 Sinatra.
-* [Sinatra]( - 优雅的 Web 开发采用 DSL.
-* [Syro]( - 用于 Web 应用程序的简单路由器.
-* [Trailblazer]( - Trailblazer 是 Rails 顶部的一个薄层. 它温和地强制执行封装、直观的代码结构,并为您提供面向对象的体系结构.
+* [Camping]( - A web microframework which consistently stays at less than 4kB of code.
+* [Cuba]( - A microframework for web development.
+* [Hobbit]( - A minimalistic microframework built on top of Rack.
+* [Hanami]( - It aims to bring back Object Oriented Programming to web development, leveraging on a stable API, a minimal DSL, and plain objects.
+* [Hyperstack]( - A Complete Isomorphic Ruby Framework using React and Opal.
+* [Padrino]( - A full-stack ruby framework built upon Sinatra.
+* [Pakyow]( - A framework for building modern web-apps in Ruby. It helps you build working software faster with a development process that remains friendly to both designers and developers.
+* [Rack::App]( - Bare bone minimalistic framework for building rack apps.
+* [Ramaze]( - A simple, light and modular open-source web application framework written in Ruby.
+* [Roda]( - A routing tree web framework.
+* [Ruby on Rails]( - A web-application framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.
+* [Scorched]( - Light-weight, inheritable and composable web framework, inspired by Sinatra.
+* [Sinatra]( - Classy web-development dressed in a DSL.
+* [Syro]( - Simple router for web applications.
+* [Trailblazer]( - Trailblazer is a thin layer on top of Rails. It gently enforces encapsulation, an intuitive code structure and gives you an object-oriented architecture.
## Web Servers
-* [Agoo]( - 适用于 Ruby 的高性能 HTTP 服务器,包括 GraphQL 和 WebSocket 支持.
-* [Falcon]( - Ruby 的高性能 Web 服务器,支持 HTTP/1、HTTP/2 和 TLS.
-* [Iodine]( - 针对 Linux/BDS/macOS 和 Ruby MRI 优化的非阻塞 HTTP 和 Websocket Web 服务器.
-* [Phusion Passenger]( - 快速且强大的网络服务器和应用程序服务器.
-* [Puma]( - Ruby 的现代并发 Web 服务器.
-* [Rack]( - 通用 Ruby Web 服务器界面. 它本身只是一个规范和实用程序库,但所有 Ruby Web 服务器都实现此接口.
-* [Thin]( - 小型、快速且有趣的 HTTP 服务器.
-* [TorqueBox]( - 基于 JBoss AS7 和 JRuby 构建的 Ruby 应用程序服务器.
-* [Unicorn]( - 用于快速客户端和 Unix 的机架 HTTP 服务器.
+* [Agoo]( - A high performance HTTP server for Ruby that includes GraphQL and WebSocket support.
+* [Falcon]( - A high-performance web server for Ruby, supporting HTTP/1, HTTP/2 and TLS.
+* [Iodine]( - An non-blocking HTTP and Websocket web server optimized for Linux/BDS/macOS and Ruby MRI.
+* [Phusion Passenger]( - Fast and robust web server and application server.
+* [Puma]( - A modern, concurrent web server for Ruby.
+* [Rack]( - A common Ruby web server interface. By itself, it's just a specification and utility library, but all Ruby web servers implement this interface.
+* [Thin]( - Tiny, fast & funny HTTP server.
+* [TorqueBox]( - A Ruby application server built on JBoss AS7 and JRuby.
+* [Unicorn]( - Rack HTTP server for fast clients and Unix.
## WebSocket
-* [AnyCable]( – 使用 Action Cable 协议对 Ruby WebSocket 服务器进行多语言替代.
-* [CableReady]( - CableReady 完善了 ActionCable 的故事,并扩展了 Rails 应用程序中 Web 套接字的实用性.
-* [Faye]( - 一组用于在 Web 客户端之间进行简单发布-订阅消息传递的工具.
-* [Firehose]( - 构建实时 Ruby Web 应用程序.
-* [Slanger]( - 与 Pusher 库兼容的开放 Pusher 实现.
-* [StimulusReflex]( - 使用您已经了解和喜爱的 Rails 工具构建反应式应用程序.
+* [AnyCable]( – Polyglot replacement for Ruby WebSocket servers with Action Cable protocol.
+* [CableReady]( - CableReady completes the ActionCable story and expands the utility of web sockets in your Rails app.
+* [Faye]( - A set of tools for simple publish-subscribe messaging between web clients.
+* [Firehose]( - Build realtime Ruby web applications.
+* [Slanger]( - Open Pusher implementation compatible with Pusher libraries.
+* [StimulusReflex]( - Build reactive applications with the Rails tooling you already know and love.
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index 82126fc3fe..6f03c55efe 100644
--- a/docs/awesome/
+++ b/docs/awesome/
@@ -1628,6 +1628,7 @@ A [search engine]( is an
- [OpenSearch]( - Open source distributed and RESTful search engine. ([Source Code]( `Apache-2.0` `Java`
- [SearXNG]( `⚠` - Internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from various search services and databases (Fork of Searx). ([Source Code]( `AGPL-3.0` `Python/Docker`
- [sist2]( - Lightning-fast file system indexer and search tool. `GPL-3.0` `C`
+- [Sosse]( - Selenium based search engine and crawler with offline archiving. ([Source Code]( `AGPL-3.0` `Python/Docker`
- [Typesense]( - Blazing fast, typo-tolerant open source search engine optimized for developer happiness and ease of use. ([Source Code]( `GPL-3.0` `C++`
- [Whoogle]( `⚠` - A self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine. `MIT` `Python`
- [Yacy]( - Peer based, decentralized search engine server. ([Source Code]( `GPL-2.0` `Java`
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@@ -1,73 +1,157 @@
-## Awesome Slack Communities [![Awesome](](
-[![Build Status](](
-A list of communities about web development and design that are powered by **Slack**.
-## What's Slack
-> Slack is a platform for team communication: everything in one place, instantly searchable, available wherever you go. *-*
-## Development
-- [Ember](
-- [Laravel](
-- [Ruby](
-- [Front end](
-- [Android](
-- [GO](
-- [PHP Chat](
-- [Clojure](
-- [iOS Developers](
-- [Elixir](
-- [slashrocket](
-- [Cordova](
-- [Python Community](
-- [CFML/ColdFusion](
-## Regional
-- [Australia & New Zealand](
-- [Les Pitonneux - Montreal QC Canada](
-- [Python Brazilian Community](
-- [Remote workers in Romania](
-- [Russian-speaking developers community](
-- [Kazan Developers](
-- [Polish developers](
-- [Spanish-speaking developer communities list](
-- [Ruby Turkey Community](
-- [Rochester NY USA Developers (RocDev)](
-- [Vancouver Developers (yvrdev)](
-## Design
-- [Sketch](
-- [Design Talks](
-- [Designer Hangout](
-## Misc
-- [WordPress](
-- [Chit Chats](
-- [The Evangelist Collective](
-- [Psychedelic Chat](
-- [LGBTQ in Technology](
-- [#Startup](
-- [Safelight]( - Photography.
-- [DFIR Community]( - Information Security.
-- [First Contributors]( - Help / mentorship for open source contributors.
-- [IT Pro Community]( - Connect and network with IT practitioners and decision-makers
-- [SaaS Community]( - Community for SaaS product builders, to discuss the challenges involved.
-- [Developer Marketing]( - Passionate marketing folks working in API Marketing, developer tooling, or actively marketing to developers.
-## DevOps
-- [Google Cloud Platform](
-- [Kubernetes](
-- [DevOps](
-- [Devop Engineers](
-- [SweetOps](
-## Looking for more lists like that
-- [Awesome Community](
-## Contribute
-Your contributions and suggestions are :heart: welcome. Ensure to read the [guidelines]( first.
-## License
+Awesome Slack
+ A curated list of awesome, Slack-related things. +
+ +*** + +An avid Slack user? A developer looking for awesome tools to build out an integration? Just looking for inspiration? This is a list of all the best things Slack. + + +## :pencil: Lists +- [Community-Built Libraries]( - Slack-curated list of community open-source libraries +- [Slack App Directory]( - Official directory of publicly available Slack apps +- [Slack Emojis]( - Unofficial directory of custom emojis for Slack + +## :art: Themes + +- [Slack Themes]( - A Slack sidebar theme browser +- [Sweet Themes Are Made of These]( - Website for sharing Slack custom palettes + +## :hammer_and_wrench: Libraries and SDKs + +### C# + +- [margiebot]( - A .NET library designed to make building bots for Slack fast, easy, and fun +- [Slack.Webhooks]( - A library to work with Slack webhooks more easily +- [SlackAPI]( - A third-party implementation of Slack's API written in C# + +### Erlang + +- [slacker]( - Erlang Slack REST API wrapper + +### Go + +- [webhook]( - Easily run commands in response to HTTP webhook requests from Slack + +### Java + +- [java-slack-sdk]( - Slack's official Java framework for building Slack apps +- [simple-slack-api]( - A Slack client library in Java + +### JavaScript/TypeScript + +- [bolt-js]( - Slack's official JavaScript framework for building Slack apps +- [jsx-slack]( - Build JSON object for Slack Block Kit surfaces from JSX +- [node-slack-sdk]( - Slack's official SDK for Node.js +- [slack-block-builder]( - Lightweight Node.js library for building Slack Block Kit UIs, with a declarative syntax inspired by SwiftUI + +### PHP + +- [SlackBundle]( - SlackBundle for Symfony2 +- [slack-php-app-framework]( - Robust PHP framework for building Slack apps in PHP +- [slack-php-block-kit]( - Fluent interface for composing Slack Block Kit messages and modals in PHP +- [slack-php-socket-mode]( - A Socket Mode implementation for [slack-php-app-framework]( +- [slack-php-slick]( - Dependency-free micro-framework for building Slack apps in PHP + +### PowerShell + +- [PSSlack]( - PowerShell module for simple Slack integration. + +### Python + +- [blockkit]( - A fast way to build Block Kit interfaces in Python +- [bolt-python]( - Slack's official Python framework for building Slack apps +- [django-slack]( - Slack integration for Django, using the templating engine to generate messages +- [django-slack-oauth]( - Slack OAuth module for Django +- [python-slack-events-api]( - Slack Events API adapter for Python +- [python-slack-sdk]( - Slack's official SDK for Python +- [slackblocks]( - Python API for building Slack Block Kit messages +- [slack-php-api]( - PHP Slack client based on the official OpenAPI specification +- [slacker-cli]( - Messages to slack from the command line +- [slashbot]( - An easy way to create slash commands using AWS Lambda functions +- [boltworks]( - Extensions to Slack's bolt framework: expandable GUIs, easier callbacks, richer CLIs + +### R + +- [slackr]( - A package to send webhook API messages to Slack channels/users from R + +### Ruby + +- [slack-notifier]( - A simple wrapper for posting to Slack +- [slack-notify]( - Send notifications to Slack +- [slack-poster]( - Simple gem to post messages on Slack using webhooks +- [slack-ruby-block-kit]( - A ruby wrapper for Slack's Block Kit +- [slack-ruby-bot]( - The easiest way to write a Slack bot in Ruby +- [slack-ruby-bot-server]( - Ruby library for building Slack applications +- [slack-ruby-client]( - A Ruby client for the Slack Web and RealTime Messaging APIs + +### Rust + +- [slack-morphism-rust]( - A modern async Slack API client for Rust + +### Scala + +- [slack-scala-client]( - A Scala Slack client for the Web and RTM API + +### Swift + +- [SwiftBlocksUI]( - Interactive Slack messages and modals using a SwiftUI-like declarative style + +## :gear: Open-Source Slack Apps and Integrations + +### CoffeeScript + +- [jinora]( - Slack webhook app to create anonymous public channels + +### Java + +- [simple-slack-api]( - A Slack client library in Java +- [tasks-app]( - Simple task management app produced by Slack + +### JavaScript/Typescript + +- [definition-app]( - App for storing and accessing company-specific phrases +- [slack-github-action]( - Send data into Slack using this GitHub Action +- [slack-reporting-tool]( - App that allows team members to report offensive messages +- [tesla-slack]( - Track your Tesla from Slack +- [tasks-app]( - Simple task management app produced by Slack + +### PHP + +- [MantisBT-Slack]( - MantisBT plugin to send bug updates to Slack +- [monolog]( - Sends your logs to Slack + +### Python + +- [slackbot]( - A chat bot for Slack +- [slacker-cli]( - Messages to slack from the command line +- [tasks-app]( - Simple task management app produced by Slack +- [wee-slack]( - A WeeChat plugin for Slack + +### Ruby + +- [slack-gamebot]( - A game bot for Slack +- [snarkov]( - Sinatra-based Markov bot for Slack +- [tickbot]( - Simple team time tracking reminder +- [trebekbot]( - A Jeopardy! bot for Slack + +## :busts_in_silhouette: Contributions + +Contributions are always welcome! Please read the [contribution guidelines]( first. + +## :classical_building: License + +[![CC0](]( + +To the extent possible under law, [Matias Singers]( has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. diff --git a/docs/awesome/ b/docs/awesome/ index 8ceed3a454..e64ebd36d4 100644 --- a/docs/awesome/ +++ b/docs/awesome/ @@ -1,142 +1,146 @@ ## Awesome Veganism [![Awesome](]( -> 精选资源、建议和技巧的精选列表,让每个人都能轻松享受纯素食主义. +> A curated list of awesome resources, pointers, and tips to make veganism easy and accessible to everyone. -[Veganism]( 是一种以植物为基础的生活方式,尽可能避免使用动物产品. -此列表试图创建一种社区驱动的方法来保证严肃的内容,100% 与素食生活方式保持一致,以最大限度地减少获得令人敬畏的体验所需的努力. +[Veganism]( is a plant-based lifestyle, avoiding animal products as much as possible. +This list is an attempt to create a community driven approach to guarantee no-nonsense content, 100% aligned with the vegan lifestyle, in order to minimise the effort needed for an awesome experience. ## Books -- [Happily Ever Esther]( - 精彩的真实生活故事,充满爱和同情心,而且很搞笑. -- [That's Not My Momma's Milk!]( - 非常简单的书,非常容易掌握,通过探索动物王国和小动物从哪里获得奶汁,任何年龄段的人都会思考. +- [Happily Ever Esther]( - Wonderful true life tale, with a lot of love and compassion, and it's hilarious. +- [That's Not My Momma's Milk!]( - Really simple book, really easy to grasp and makes anyone of any age think, by exploring the animal kingdom and where baby animals get their milk from. ## Shoes -- [Adidas Superstar Vegan]( - 老式滑板鞋的全新素食版模型. -- [Etnies]( - 轻便且非常舒适的鞋子. -- [Vegano Shoes]( - 巴西的靴子、鞋子和运动鞋参考. +- [Adidas Superstar Vegan]( - New and vegan version model of old school skater shoes. +- [Etnies]( - Light and very comfortable shoes. +- [Vegano Shoes]( - Boots, shoes and sneakers reference in Brazil. ## Bakeries -*此类别严格限于纯素食/100% 植物性面包店.* +*This category is strictly limited to fully vegan / 100% plant-based bakeries.* -- 荷兰阿姆斯特丹 - - [Vegan Sugar Mama's]( - 各种颜色的美味素食,甚至还有带有个性化图片的饼干. +- Amsterdam, Netherlands + - [Vegan Sugar Mama's]( - Delicious vegan treats in various colors, and even cookies with a personalised picture. -- 柏林,德国 - - [Brammibal's Donuts]( - 柏林最美味的高品质素食甜甜圈. +- Berlin, Germany + - [Brammibal's Donuts]( - The most tasty high quality vegan donuts in Berlin. -- 美国犹他州米德韦尔 - - [Sweet Hazel & Co]( - 美味的糖果、食物等等. LGBTQ+ 友好! +- Midvale, UT, USA + - [Sweet Hazel & Co]( - Tasty candy bars, food and more. LGBTQ+ friendly! -- 怪物,荷兰 - - [My Cakes]( - 精选蛋糕、马卡龙、荷兰特色菜等. +- Monster, Netherlands + - [My Cakes]( - Amazing selection of cakes, macarons, dutch specialties, and more. -- 美国俄勒冈州波特兰 - - [Shoofly bakery]( - 提供纯素食品. +- Portland, OR, USA + - [Shoofly bakery]( - Vegan items delivered. -- 美国犹他州盐湖城 - - [Yumz Vegan Bakery & Cafe]( - 墨西哥素食面包店,提供一流的食物选择. +- Salt Lake City, UT, USA + - [Yumz Vegan Bakery & Cafe]( - Mexican vegan bakery with excellent food options. -- 荷兰赞代克 - - [Vegan bakery]( - 荷兰纯素面包店,提供各种纯素蛋糕、松饼和其他美味佳肴. +- Zaandijk, Netherlands + - [Vegan bakery]( - Dutch vegan bakery with a big selection of vegan cakes, muffins, and other awesomeness. ## Restaurants -*此类别严格限于纯素食/100% 植物性餐厅.* +*This category is strictly limited to fully vegan / 100% plant-based restaurants.* -- 荷兰阿姆斯特丹 - - [Deer Mama]( - 奶昔、汉堡、美食和五颜六色的蛋糕. - - [Koffie Ende Koeck]( - 小型素食咖啡馆,提供美味的早午餐和美味的素食下午茶. - - [Loving Hut]( - 舒适且适合家庭入住,配有亚洲厨房和一些荷兰经典菜肴. - - [Mooshka]( - 时尚的地方,气氛宜人,提供各种美味的菜肴和饮料. - - [Mr. & Mrs. Watson]( - 轻松的氛围、美味的饮品和美味的菜肴. - - [TerraZen Centre]( - 带有加勒比和日本风味的凉爽氛围和令人垂涎的菜肴,非常靠近中央车站. - - [Trevi's Plant Based Italian Food]( - 舒适的意大利餐厅、可爱的氛围、美味而正宗的食物、感觉和味道就像在意大利一样. - - [Vegan Junk Food Bar]( - 高品质汉堡、精美热狗、Bitterballen 等荷兰特色菜、鸡尾酒等. - - [Yemayá's Vegan Corner]( - 由可持续的当地社区努力推动的超级美味食物. +- Amsterdam, Netherlands + - [Koffie Ende Koeck]( - Small vegan cafe, with nice brunch, and awesome vegan high tea. + - [Loving Hut]( - Cozy and family friendly with Asian kitchen and some dutch classics. + - [Mooshka]( - Stylish place with nice atmosphere, and a great variety of tasty dishes and drinks. + - [TerraZen Centre]( - Chill vibe and mouth-watering dishes with Caribbean and Japanese influence, really close to central station. + - [Trevi's Plant Based Italian Food]( - Cozy Italian, lovely vibe, amazing and authentic food, feels and tastes like in Italy. + - [Vegan Junk Food Bar]( - High quality burgers, fancy hotdogs, Dutch specialties like Bitterballen, cocktails, and more. + - [Yemayá's Vegan Corner]( - Super tasty food driven by sustainable local community efforts. -- 美国俄勒冈州阿什兰 - - [NW Raw]( - 果汁和小吃、素食冰淇淋. +- Ashland, OR, USA + - [NW Raw]( - Juices and snacks, vegan ice cream. -- 美国加利福尼亚州伯克利 - - [The Butcher's Son]( - 舒适的食物从您的盘子里溢出. 拿一个主菜,几个配菜和大量餐巾纸. +- Berkeley, CA, USA + - [The Butcher's Son]( - Comfort food spilling off of your plate. Grab a main, a couple of sides and a plenty of napkins. -- 德国波恩 - - [Kaiserhüttn]( - 像在奥地利一样吃. +- Bonn, Germany + - [Kaiserhüttn]( - Eat like in Austria. -- 荷兰埃因霍温 - - [Bar Bistro Calypso]( - 镇上最舒适的起居室,提供可口的朴素菜肴和美酒. - - [Bij Albrecht]( - 使用时令农产品的素食和有机食品体验. - - [Jungle Café & Catering]( - 老少皆宜的素食咖啡吧和午餐室. 还提供餐饮和外卖服务. - - [Vegan Heroes]( - 美味的素食快餐、冰沙碗、小吃和甜点. +- Duisburg, Germany + - [Falafel 1001]( - Amazing arabic dishes, delicious ingredients and spices, big portions, and very good prices. + - [Krümelküche]( - Cosy place with a nice selection of main dishes, burgers, cakes, and good drinks. -- 荷兰希尔弗瑟姆 - - [Mr. Vegan Foodbar]( - 美味汤、碗、咖喱、优质垃圾食品和美味小吃的惊人选择. +- Eindhoven, Netherlands + - [Bar Bistro Calypso]( - Cosiest livingroom in town, with tasty no-nonsense dishes and good drinks. + - [Bij Albrecht]( - Vegan and organic food experience with seasonal produce. + - [Jungle Café & Catering]( - Vegan coffeebar & lunchroom for young and old. Also offers catering & take away. + - [Vegan Heroes]( - Great vegan fast food, smoothie bowls, snacks, and desserts. -- 德国科隆 - - [Sattgrün]( - 品种丰富、质量上乘的自助餐. +- Essen, Germany + - [Peace Food]( - Relaxed atmosphere, big selection of really good vietnamese dishes, and offering refreshing home-made drinks. -- 英国伦敦 - - [Eat By Cloe]( - 对于强制性的炸鱼和薯条,这个地方绝对值得一游. +- Hilversum, Netherlands + - [Mr. Vegan Foodbar]( - Amazing selection of delicious soups, bowls, curries, quality junk food, and tasty snacks. -- 美国纽约 - - [Berben & Wolff's]( - 轻松愉快的柜台式熟食店,氛围欢快,专营素食便餐和甜点. 位于纽约州奥尔巴尼和特洛伊的地点. +- Köln, Germany + - [Sattgrün]( - Buffet with great varieity and quality. -- 美国奥克兰 - - [Millennium Restaurant]( - 与您的普通素食餐厅大不相同,因为它需要亲自动手,从零开始制作食物,确保每次都是新鲜的、本地的、有机的和自制的产品. +- London, UK + - [Eat By Cloe]( - For the mandatory fish and chips this place is definitely worth visiting. -- 美国犹他州盐湖城 - - [Mark of the Beastro]( - 优质的素食和餐饮. +- New York, USA + - [Berben & Wolff's]( - Easygoing counter-serve deli with a cheerful vibe specializing in vegan light fare & desserts. Locations in Albany and Troy, New York. --荷兰乌得勒支 - - [Oproer]( - 提供美味啤酒和素食街头美食的当地啤酒厂. +- Oakland, USA + - [Millennium Restaurant]( - Far cry from your ordinary vegan spot in that it takes a hands on, from scratch approach to food which assures a fresh, local, organic and homemade product every time. + +- Salt Lake City, UT, USA + - [Mark of the Beastro]( - Excellent vegan food and dining. + +- Utrecht, Netherlands + - [Oproer]( - Local brewery with tasty beers and vegan street food. ## Shops -- [VEGA-LIFE]( - 鞋履、时装、生活用品,20 多年历史. -- [Vegabond]( - 荷兰阿姆斯特丹的全素食商店、内部熟食店和餐饮服务. -- [Vegan Mission]( - 比利时和荷兰的在线商店. -- [veggie4u]( - 荷兰网上商店,提供多种食物. -- [veganized]( - 出售男装、女装和童装的西班牙(马拉加)商店. +- [VEGA-LIFE]( - Shoes, fashion, lifestlye products, 20+ years around. +- [Vegan Mission]( - Online store for Belgium and the Netherlands. +- [veggie4u]( - Dutch webshop with big selection of food. +- [veganized]( - Spanish (Malaga) store with mens, womens and children clothes. ## Brands -*此类别严格限于纯素食/100% 植物性品牌.* +*This category is stricly limited to fully vegan / 100% plant-based brands.* -- [AlPro]( - 种类繁多的植物性产品. -- [Bedda]( - 各种美味的非牛奶奶酪片和块、要融化的碎片、酱汁和奶油奶酪. -- [Beyond Meat]( - 非常有说服力的汉堡、香肠、肉丸等,全部以植物为原料. -- [Dandies]( - 美味、柔软、融化的纯天然棉花糖,带有香草、南瓜或薄荷口味. -- [Daiya]( - 令人惊叹的芝士蛋糕、冷冻比萨饼、各种芝士产品和更多甜点. +- [AlPro]( - Big variety of plant-based products. +- [Bedda]( - Whole selection of nice non-milk cheese slices and blocks, shreds to melt, as well as sauces, and cream cheese. +- [Beyond Meat]( - Very convincing burgers, sausages, meatballs, and more, all based on plants. +- [Dandies]( - Delicious, soft, melting, and all natural marshmallows with vanilla, pumpkin, or peppermint taste. +- [Daiya]( - Amazing cheesecakes, frozen pizzas, various cheesy products, and more desserts. - [Eat Real]( - Snacking galore with chips, sticks, and puffs; offering tastes like sour cream & chives, paprika, chilli cheese, mediterranean, and others. -- [Happy Cashew]( - 奶油味、美味的腰果奶制品替代品,以及种类繁多的布里干酪等. -- [Nurishh]( - 精选不同口味的不同奶酪. -- [Oatly]( - 来自瑞典的各种燕麦产品. -- [Peas of Heaven]( - 范围广泛的以豌豆为基础的美味产品,从鸡尾酒香肠、多味腊肠到切片. -- [Petit Veganne]( - 令人惊叹的法国手工奶酪,柔软的奶油布里干酪,口味各异. -- [Provamel]( - 美味的有机和生物植物酸奶、乳饮料和大豆甜点. -- [Tofuture]( - 很棒的豆腐压榨机,使用起来超级简单可靠,可以放在冰箱里. -- [Tofurky]( - 美味的香肠、熟食切片、汉堡、烤肉和其他植物性蛋白质产品. -- [Valsoia]( - 绝对令人惊叹的意大利冰淇淋、冰锥、榛子酱和其他食品. -- [Vantastic Foods]( - 大量植物性产品可供选择,包括他们自己的品牌以及不同类型的美味香肠、切片等. -- [Vega]( - 种类繁多的植物蛋白粉、能量棒、维生素和适合健美运动员和健身人士的补品. -- [Vegafit]( - 广泛而美味的植物性肉类产品. -- [Vego]( - 超级美味的榛子巧克力棒,以及松脆的巧克力酱和白杏仁巧克力. -- [Vegusto]( - 令人难以置信的优质瑞士纯素奶酪 (No-Muh)、植物性肉类以及纯素动物食品. -- [Violife]( - 非常好的植物奶酪产品,实际上也会融化. +- [Happy Cashew]( - Creamy, delicious cashew based milk product alternatives, with a big variety of brie style cheeses and more. +- [Nurishh]( - Great selection of different cheeses with various tastes. +- [Oatly]( - Amazing range of oat based products from Sweden. +- [Peas of Heaven]( - Wide range of tasty products based on peas, from cocktail sausages, over bratwurst, to slices. +- [Petit Veganne]( - Amazing French artisanal cheese, soft and creamy brie with different flavours. +- [Provamel]( - Delicious organic and biological plant-based yogurts, milky drinks, and soy desserts. +- [Tofuture]( - Awesome tofu press, super easy and reliable to use, and can be placed in the fridge. +- [Tofurky]( - Delicious sausages, deli slices, burgers, roasts, and other plant-based protein products. +- [Valsoia]( - Absolutely amazing Italian ice cream, ice cones, hazelnut spread, and other food products. +- [Vantastic Foods]( - Massive selection of plant-based products, including their own brand with different types of delicious sausages, slices, and more. +- [Vega]( - Big selection of plant-based protein powders, power bars, vitamins, and supplements for bodybuilders and fitness people. +- [Vegafit]( - Broad and tasty selection of plant-based meat products. +- [Vego]( - Super delicious chocolate bars with hazel nuts, as well as crunchy chocolate spread, and white almond chocolate. +- [Vegusto]( - Unbelievable good swiss vegan cheese (No-Muh), plant-based meats, as well as vegan animal food. +- [Violife]( - Really good plant-based cheese products that actually melt as well. ## Websites -- [/r/Vegan]( - 互联网上最大的素食社区. -- [Gewoon Vegan]( - 非常有用的网站,展示了许多可以在荷兰超市找到的普通素食产品. -- [Nederlandse Vereniging voor Veganisme]( - 荷兰素食主义协会,经营一本杂志,颁发年度素食奖,支持社区和其他各种项目. -- [Vegan Wiki]( - 来自荷兰素食主义协会的 Wiki,其中包含荷兰提供的大量产品. +- [/r/Vegan]( - Largest vegan community on the internet. +- [Gewoon Vegan]( - Really useful website showing a lot of regular vegan products that can be found in Dutch supermarkets. +- [Nederlandse Vereniging voor Veganisme]( - Dutch association for veganism, running a magazine, giving yearly vegan awards, supporting the community, and various other projects. +- [Vegan Wiki]( - Wiki from the Dutch association for veganism with a huge collection of products available in the Netherlands. ## Contributing -欢迎大家为此列表做出贡献 - 阅读 [contribution guidelines]( 和 [code of conduct]( 找出方法. +Everyone is welcome to contribute to this list - read the [contribution guidelines]( and the [code of conduct]( to find out how.