At all times remember that I work on this project mostly in my free time and that I don't work for you, or for your benefit. I have no obligation to drop everything to help you – but if you're nice and make it easy for me I might do it anyway.
If you see something that you think is wrong, please open an issue and quote the section that is wrong and explain why you think it's wrong, and I will try to fix it as soon as I can.
All content has typos and grammatical errors, and my first language isn't English. If you see a mistake, please feel free to open a PR that fixes it. GitHub's inline editor makes it quite easy to do this from the comfort of your web browser.
I haven't made my mind up yet about whether to accept contributors to this guide. I might want to publish this as an ebook or sell it in some form or another at some point, and not owning all the content may make that difficult.
If you want to contribute content, please let me know, either by opening a draft pull request, or by contacting me some other way, and we can discuss it.
If you found the content helpful and want to give me a small contribution to show your appreciation you can do that at