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In this section, we will take a look at kubeconfig in kubernetes
Client uses the certificate file and key to query the kubernetes Rest API for a list of pods using curl.
You can specify the same using kubectl
We can move these information to a configuration file called kubeconfig. And the specify this file as the kubeconfig option in the command.
$ kubectl get pods --kubeconfig config
The kubeconfig file has 3 sections
- Clusters
- Contexts
- USers
To view the current file being used
$ kubectl config view
You can specify the kubeconfig file with kubectl config view with "--kubeconfig" flag
$ kubectl config veiw --kubeconfig=my-custom-config
How do you update your current context? Or change the current context
$ kubectl config view --kubeconfig=my-custom-config
kubectl config help
$ kubeclt config -h