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Solutions to practice test env variables
Run the command 'kubectl get pods' and count the number of pods.
$ kubectl get pods
Run the command 'kubectl describe pod' and look for ENV option
$ kubectl describe pod
Run the command 'kubectl describe pod' and look for ENV option
$ kubectl describe pod
View the web application UI by clicking on the 'Webapp Color' Tab above your terminal.
Set the environment option to APP_COLOR - green.
$ kubectl get pods webapp-color -o yaml > green.yaml $ kubectl delete pods webapp-color Update APP_COLOR to green $ kubectl create -f green.yaml
View the changes to the web application UI by clicking on the 'Webapp Color' Tab above your terminal.
Run kubectl get configmaps
$ kubectl get configmaps
Run the command 'kubectl describe configmaps' and look for DB_HOST option
$ kubectl describe configmaps
Create a new ConfigMap for the 'webapp-color' POD. Use the spec given on the right.
$ kubectl create configmap webapp-config-map --from-literal=APP_COLOR=darkblue
Set the environment option to envFrom and use configMapRef webapp-config-map.
$ kubectl get pods webapp-color -o yaml > new-webapp.yaml $ kubectl delete pods webapp-color Update pod defination file, under spec.containers section update the below. - envFrom: - configMapRef: name: webapp-config-map
$ kubectl create -f new-webapp.yaml
View the changes to the web application UI by clicking on the 'Webapp Color' Tab above your terminal.