A test REST API Flask server for CRUD operations in MongoDB. This application will accept HTTP requests to several routes and respond to those requests with either a Create, Read, Update, or Delete (CRUD) operation from the connected MongoDB database.
Make sure Python is installed in your system. Navigate to the express-mongodb-api folder and use terminal to run the following command to build the application:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once the application is built, run the application using the following command:
python src/main.py
The connected MongoDB database consistes of a collection users
which contains documents with the following schema:
first_name: STRING
last_name: STRING,
email: STRING,
interest: [
name: STRING,
priority: STRING
All data outputted from this application will follow the above format as a JSON object.
The following are the list of routes and HTTP requests that can be sent to perform CRUD operation on the database:
Routes | HTTP Method | Description |
/user | POST | Create a new user data |
/user | GET | Display all user data |
/user | DELETE | Delete all user data |
/user/:id | GET | Display a user data specified by id |
/user/:id | PUT | Update a user data specified by id |
/user/:id | DELETE | Delete a user data specified by id |
- The id of a user data can be found by sending a GET request to
. Copy the ID on top of the document and paste it to the address bar of the request in order to access the last three routes of the above table -- Example:
- For POST requests, input the new user data with the specified schema above inside the BODY of the POST request -- Example:
"first_name": "Ibrahim",
"last_name": "Fadhil",
"email": "[email protected]",
"age": 23,
"name": "Gaming",
"priority": "High"
"name": "Engineering",
"priority": "High"
"name": "Politics",
"priority": "Medium"
- For PUT requests, input only the properties to be updated inside the BODY of the POST request -- Example:
"age": 24