diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 900f28fe0c..b049722bd2 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ services:
- - BUILDINGSPY_VERSION=BuildingsPy@50ac74d8e4fd067179bb38bc23140c2c9254c94c
+ - BUILDINGSPY_VERSION=BuildingsPy@v5.0.0
- OMC_VERSION=ubuntu-2204-omc:1.22.0_dev-41-g8a5b18f-1
- DYMOLA_VERSION=travis_ubuntu-2004_dymola:2023x-x86_64_rev-1
diff --git a/IBPSA/BoundaryConditions/UsersGuide.mo b/IBPSA/BoundaryConditions/UsersGuide.mo
index 328ffe7384..e4c56de7bd 100644
--- a/IBPSA/BoundaryConditions/UsersGuide.mo
+++ b/IBPSA/BoundaryConditions/UsersGuide.mo
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Note that a ceiling has a tilt of 0
if they are facing straight upwards.
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/Interfaces/PowerOutput.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/Interfaces/PowerOutput.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c80ee34f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/Interfaces/PowerOutput.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.Interfaces;
+connector PowerOutput
+ "Connector with real power, reactive power and power factor"
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Power real "Real power";
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.ReactivePower apparent "Apparent power";
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phi "Phase shift";
+ output Real cosPhi "Power factor";
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={ Polygon(
+ points={{-100,100},{100,0},{-100,-100},{-100,100}},
+ lineColor={0,0,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}), Diagram(graphics={
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-100,50},{0,0},{-100,-50},{-100,50}},
+ lineColor={0,0,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Text(
+ extent={{30,110},{30,60}},
+ textColor={0,0,127},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This connector contains multiple quantities that can be used to monitor
+the power consumption of a generic AC systems.
+", revisions="
+March 19, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+end PowerOutput;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/Interfaces/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/Interfaces/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c57b5b9ba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/Interfaces/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC;
+package Interfaces "Package that contains some useful interfaces"
+extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains interfaces that are used by the models in the
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC package.
+end Interfaces;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/Interfaces/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/Interfaces/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29b1329317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/Interfaces/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Basics/Ground.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Basics/Ground.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77fedcefd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Basics/Ground.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Basics;
+model Ground "Ground connection"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Ground(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="gnd",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={
+ Line(
+ points={{0,90},{0,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{80,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-60,-20},{60,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-40,-40},{40,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}), Documentation(info="
+This model represents a connection to the ground.
+", revisions="
+June 4, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Ground;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Basics/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Basics/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..552cb675d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Basics/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase;
+package Basics "Package with basic models"
+extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains simple models used in AC single phase networks.
+", revisions="
+June 4, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Basics;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Basics/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Basics/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c72fd81ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Basics/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/ACACConverter.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/ACACConverter.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16cfad9289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/ACACConverter.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion;
+model ACACConverter "AC AC converter single phase systems"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Icons.RefAngleConversion;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialConversion(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n
+ constrainedby Interfaces.Terminal_n(
+ i(start = zeros(PhaseSystem_n.n),
+ each stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer)),
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p
+ constrainedby Interfaces.Terminal_p(
+ i(start = zeros(PhaseSystem_p.n),
+ each stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer)));
+ parameter Real conversionFactor(min = Modelica.Constants.eps)
+ "Ratio of QS rms voltage on side 2 / QS rms voltage on side 1";
+ parameter Real eta(min=0, max=1)
+ "Converter efficiency, pLoss = (1-eta) * Ptr";
+ parameter Boolean ground_1 = false
+ "If true, connect side 1 of converter to ground"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true,Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 1"));
+ parameter Boolean ground_2 = true
+ "If true, connect side 2 of converter to ground"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 2"));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power LossPower[2] "Loss power";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_p[2]=PhaseSystem_p.phasePowers_vi(terminal_p.v,
+ terminal_p.i) "Power transmitted at pin p";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_n[2]=PhaseSystem_n.phasePowers_vi(terminal_n.v,
+ terminal_n.i) "Power transmitted at pin n";
+ // Ideal transformation
+ terminal_p.v = conversionFactor*terminal_n.v;
+ // Power loss term
+ terminal_p.i[1] = terminal_n.i[1]/conversionFactor*
+ IBPSA.Utilities.Math.Functions.spliceFunction(eta-2, 1/(eta-2), P_p[1], deltax=0.1);
+ terminal_p.i[2] = terminal_n.i[2]/conversionFactor*
+ IBPSA.Utilities.Math.Functions.spliceFunction(eta-2, 1/(eta-2), P_p[1], deltax=0.1);
+ LossPower = P_p + P_n;
+ // The two sides have the same reference angle
+ terminal_p.theta = terminal_n.theta;
+ if ground_1 then
+ Connections.potentialRoot(terminal_n.theta);
+ end if;
+ if ground_2 then
+ Connections.root(terminal_p.theta);
+ end if;
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="conACAC",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Line(
+ points={{2,60},{2,60},{82,60},{2,60},{82,-60},{2,-60},{2,60},{2,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-2,60},{-2,60},{-82,60},{-2,60},{-82,-60},{-2,-60},{-2,60},{
+ -2,-60}},
+ color={11,193,87},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,92},{100,60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,-60},{100,-92}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%conversionFactor"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,-132}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="%eta"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-132,78},{-72,38}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="1"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-88,52},{-28,12}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{32,52},{92,12}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,78},{130,38}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="2")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This is an AC/AC converter, based on a power balance between both circuit sides.
+The parameter conversionFactor defines the ratio between the RMS voltages
+V2 = conversionFactor V1
+where V1 and V2 are the RMS voltages
+at the primary and secondary sides of the transformer, i.e., the
+connector N and P, respectively.
+The loss of the converter is proportional to the power transmitted.
+The parameter eta
is the efficiency of the transfer.
+The loss is computed as
+Ploss = (1-η) Ptr,
+where Ptr is the power transmitted. The model is bi-directional
+and the power can flow from the primary to the secondary side and vice-versa.
+Furthermore, reactive power on both side are set to zero.
+This model is derived from
+", revisions="
+January 30, 2019, by Michael Wetter:
+Added missing replaceable
for the terminal.
+September 4, 2014, by Michael Wetter:
+Revised model.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised implementation and added stateSelect
statement to use
+the current i[:]
on the connectors as iteration variable for the
+initialization problem.
+January 29, 2012, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+end ACACConverter;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/ACACTransformer.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/ACACTransformer.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..532238dc4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/ACACTransformer.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion;
+model ACACTransformer "AC AC transformer simplified equivalent circuit"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Icons.RefAngleConversion;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialConversion(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n
+ constrainedby Interfaces.Terminal_n(
+ i(start = zeros(PhaseSystem_n.n),
+ each stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer)),
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p
+ constrainedby Interfaces.Terminal_p(
+ i(start = zeros(PhaseSystem_p.n),
+ each stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer)));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VHigh
+ "Rms voltage on side 1 of the transformer (primary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VLow
+ "Rms voltage on side 2 of the transformer (secondary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.ApparentPower VABase
+ "Nominal power of the transformer";
+ parameter Real XoverR
+ "Ratio between the complex and real components of the impedance (XL/R)";
+ parameter Real Zperc "Short circuit impedance";
+ parameter Boolean ground_1 = false
+ "If true, connect side 1 of converter to ground"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true,Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 1"));
+ parameter Boolean ground_2 = true
+ "If true, connect side 2 of converter to ground"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 2"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phi_1=0
+ "Angle of the voltage side 1 at initialization"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab="Initialization"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phi_2=phi_1
+ "Angle of the voltage side 2 at initialization"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab="Initialization"));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Efficiency eta "Efficiency";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power PLoss[2] "Loss power";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V1[2](start=PhaseSystem_n.phaseVoltages(VHigh,
+ phi_1)) "Voltage at the winding - primary side";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V2[2](start=PhaseSystem_p.phaseVoltages(VLow, phi_2))
+ "Voltage at the winding - secondary side";
+ Real N = VHigh/VLow "Winding ratio";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current IHigh=VABase/VHigh
+ "Nominal current on primary side";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current ILow=VABase/VLow
+ "Nominal current on secondary side";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current IscHigh=IHigh/Zperc
+ "Short circuit current on primary side";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current IscLow=ILow/Zperc
+ "Short circuit current on secondary side";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Zp=VHigh/IscHigh
+ "Impedance of the primary side (module)";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z1[2]={Zp*cos(atan(XoverR)),Zp*sin(atan(XoverR))}
+ "Impedance of the primary side of the transformer";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Zs=VLow/IscLow
+ "Impedance of the secondary side (module)";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z2[2]={Zs*cos(atan(XoverR)),Zs*sin(atan(XoverR))}
+ "Impedance of the secondary side of the transformer";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_p[2]=PhaseSystem_p.phasePowers_vi(terminal_p.v,
+ terminal_p.i) "Power transmitted at pin p (secondary)";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_n[2]=PhaseSystem_n.phasePowers_vi(terminal_n.v,
+ terminal_n.i) "Power transmitted at pin n (primary)";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power S_p=Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(P_p[1]^2 + P_p[2]
+ ^2, delta=0.1) "Apparent power at terminal p";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power S_n=Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(P_n[1]^2 + P_n[2]
+ ^2, delta=0.1) "Apparent power at terminal n";
+ // Efficiency
+ eta = IBPSA.Utilities.Math.Functions.smoothMin(
+ x1=
+ Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(P_p[1]^2 + P_p[2]^2, delta=0.01)/
+ Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(P_n[1]^2 + P_n[2]^2 + 1e-6, delta=0.01),
+ x2=
+ Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(P_n[1]^2 + P_n[2]^2, delta=0.01)/
+ Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(P_p[1]^2 + P_p[2]^2 + 1e-6, delta=0.01),
+ deltaX = 0.01);
+ // Ideal transformation
+ V2 = V1/N;
+ terminal_p.i[1] + terminal_n.i[1]*N = 0;
+ terminal_p.i[2] + terminal_n.i[2]*N = 0;
+ // Losses due to the impedance
+ terminal_n.v = V1 + IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.product(
+ terminal_n.i, Z1);
+ V2 = terminal_p.v;
+ // Loss of power
+ PLoss = P_p + P_n;
+ // The two sides have the same reference angle
+ terminal_p.theta = terminal_n.theta;
+ if ground_1 then
+ Connections.potentialRoot(terminal_n.theta);
+ end if;
+ if ground_2 then
+ Connections.root(terminal_p.theta);
+ end if;
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="traACAC",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,-60},{100,-92}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,60},{-70,20}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="1"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,100},{-70,60}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,100},{130,60}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,60},{130,20}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="2"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-72,40},{-66,40},{-64,44},{-60,36},{-56,44},{-52,36},{-48,44},
+ {-44,36},{-42,40},{-38,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-60,-7.34764e-15}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ origin={-40,40},
+ rotation=180),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-30,46},{-18,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-18,46},{-6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-6,46},{6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-30,40},{6,28}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,40},{20,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,20},{26,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,8},{26,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,-4},{26,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{10,20},{20,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-16},{20,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-40},{-70,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,40},{34,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,20},{28,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,8},{28,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,-4},{28,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{44,20},{34,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,-16},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,-40},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,40},{34,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-64,60},{-48,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="R"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-20,60},{-4,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="L")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This is a simplified equivalent transformer model.
+The model accounts for winding Joule losses and leakage reactances
+that are represented by a series of a resistance R and an
+inductance L. The resistance and the inductance represent both the
+effects of the secondary and primary side of the transformer.
+The model is parameterized using the following parameters
- RMS voltage at primary side,
- RMS voltage at secondary side,
- apparent nominal power of the transformer,
- ratio between reactance and resistance, and
- the short circuit impedance.
+Given the nominal conditions,the model computes the values of the resistance and the inductance.
+", revisions="
+January 30, 2019, by Michael Wetter:
+Added missing replaceable
for the terminal.
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Made voltage public to allow setting a start value in
+This is for
+September 4, 2014, by Michael Wetter:
+Revised model.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+- June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Adde parameter phi_1
and phi_2
that are
+used during initialization to specify the angle of the voltage phasor.
+June 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised implementation and added stateSelect
statement to use
+the current i[:]
on the connectors as iteration variable for the
+initialization problem.
+January 29, 2012, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+end ACACTransformer;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/ACACTransformerFull.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/ACACTransformerFull.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5349b6886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/ACACTransformerFull.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion;
+model ACACTransformerFull "AC AC transformer with detailed equivalent circuit"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Icons.RefAngleConversion;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialConversion(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n
+ constrainedby Interfaces.Terminal_n(
+ i(start = zeros(PhaseSystem_n.n),
+ each stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer)),
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p
+ constrainedby Interfaces.Terminal_p(
+ i(start = zeros(PhaseSystem_p.n),
+ each stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer)));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VHigh
+ "RMS voltage on side 1 of the transformer (primary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VLow
+ "RMS voltage on side 2 of the transformer (secondary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.ApparentPower VABase
+ "Nominal power of the transformer";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Frequency f(start=60) "Nominal frequency";
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.PerUnit R1(min=0)
+ "Resistance on side 1 of the transformer (pu)";
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.PerUnit L1(min=0)
+ "Inductance on side 1 of the transformer (pu)";
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.PerUnit R2(min=0)
+ "Resistance on side 2 of the transformer (pu)";
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.PerUnit L2(min=0)
+ "Inductance on side 2 of the transformer (pu)";
+ parameter Boolean magEffects = false
+ "If true, introduce magnetization effects"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Magnetization"));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.PerUnit Rm(min=0)
+ "Magnetization resistance (pu)"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Magnetization", enable = magEffects));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.PerUnit Lm(min=0)
+ "Magnetization inductance (pu)"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Magnetization", enable = magEffects));
+ parameter Boolean ground_1 = false "Connect side 1 of converter to ground"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true,Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 1"));
+ parameter Boolean ground_2 = true "Connect side 2 of converter to ground"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 2"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phi_1=0
+ "Angle of the voltage side 1 at initialization"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab="Initialization"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phi_2=phi_1
+ "Angle of the voltage side 2 at initialization"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab="Initialization"));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Efficiency eta "Efficiency";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power PLoss[2] "Loss power";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V1[2](start=PhaseSystem_n.phaseVoltages(VHigh,
+ phi_1)) "Voltage at the winding - primary side";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V2[2](start=PhaseSystem_n.phaseVoltages(VLow, phi_2))
+ "Voltage at the winding - secondary side";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.AngularVelocity omega_n=2*Modelica.Constants.pi*f;
+ parameter Real N = VHigh/VLow "Winding ratio";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance RBaseHigh=VHigh^2/VABase
+ "Base impedance of the primary side";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance RBaseLow=VLow^2/VABase
+ "Base impedance of the secondary side";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z1[2]={RBaseHigh*R1,omega*L1*RBaseHigh/omega_n}
+ "Impedance of the primary side of the transformer";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z2[2]={RBaseLow*R2,omega*L2*RBaseLow/omega_n}
+ "Impedance of the secondary side of the transformer";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Zrm[2]={RBaseHigh*Rm,0}
+ "Magnetization impedance - resistance";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Zlm[2]={0,omega*Lm*RBaseHigh/omega_n}
+ "Magnetization impedance - impedence";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_p[2]=PhaseSystem_p.phasePowers_vi(terminal_p.v,
+ terminal_p.i) "Power transmitted at pin p (secondary)";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_n[2]=PhaseSystem_n.phasePowers_vi(terminal_n.v,
+ terminal_n.i) "Power transmitted at pin n (primary)";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power S_p=Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(P_p[1]^2 + P_p[2]
+ ^2, delta=0.1) "Apparent power at terminal p";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power S_n=Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(P_n[1]^2 + P_n[2]
+ ^2, delta=0.1) "Apparent power at terminal n";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.AngularVelocity omega "Angular velocity";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current Im[2] "Magnetization current";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Angle theRef "Absolute angle of rotating reference system";
+ assert(sqrt(P_p[1]^2 + P_p[2]^2) <= VABase*1.01,
+ "The load power of the transformer is higher than VABase");
+ // Angular velocity
+ theRef = PhaseSystem_p.thetaRef(terminal_p.theta);
+ omega = der(theRef);
+ // Efficiency
+ eta = IBPSA.Utilities.Math.Functions.smoothMin(
+ x1=
+ Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(P_p[1]^2 + P_p[2]^2, delta=0.01)/
+ Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(P_n[1]^2 + P_n[2]^2 + 1e-6, delta=0.01),
+ x2=
+ Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(P_n[1]^2 + P_n[2]^2, delta=0.01)/
+ Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(P_p[1]^2 + P_p[2]^2 + 1e-6, delta=0.01),
+ deltaX = 0.01);
+ // Ideal transformation
+ V2 = V1/N;
+ terminal_p.i[1] + (terminal_n.i[1] - Im[1])*N = 0;
+ terminal_p.i[2] + (terminal_n.i[2] - Im[2])*N = 0;
+ // Magnetization current
+ if magEffects then
+ Im = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.divide(V1, Zrm) +
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.divide(V1, Zlm);
+ else
+ Im = zeros(2);
+ end if;
+ // Losses due to the impedance - primary side
+ terminal_n.v = V1 + IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.product(
+ terminal_n.i, Z1);
+ // Losses due to the impedance - secondary side
+ terminal_p.v = V2 + IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.product(
+ terminal_p.i, Z2);
+ // Loss of power
+ PLoss = P_p + P_n;
+ // The two sides have the same reference angle
+ terminal_p.theta = terminal_n.theta;
+ if ground_1 then
+ Connections.potentialRoot(terminal_n.theta);
+ end if;
+ if ground_2 then
+ Connections.root(terminal_p.theta);
+ end if;
+ annotation (
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,-60},{100,-92}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-140,60},{-80,20}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="1"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,100},{-70,60}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,100},{130,60}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{80,60},{140,20}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="2"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-100,40},{-94,40},{-92,44},{-88,36},{-84,44},{-80,36},{-76,44},
+ {-72,36},{-70,40},{-64,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-64,46},{-52,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-52,46},{-40,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-40,46},{-28,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-64,40},{-26,28}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,40},{0,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-6,20},{6,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-6,8},{6,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-6,-4},{6,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-10,20},{0,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,-16},{0,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,-40},{-90,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{14,40},{14,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{20,20},{8,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{20,8},{8,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{20,-4},{8,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{24,20},{14,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{14,-16},{14,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{100,-40},{14,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-80,60},{-64,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="R"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-54,60},{-38,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="L"),
+ Line(
+ points={{66,40},{72,40},{74,44},{78,36},{82,44},{86,36},{90,44},{94,36},
+ {96,40},{100,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-54,-6.61288e-15}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ origin={14,40},
+ rotation=180),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{26,46},{38,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{38,46},{50,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{50,46},{62,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{26,40},{62,28}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{76,60},{92,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="R"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{36,60},{52,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="L"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-26,-1},{-10,-1},{-9,4},{-5,-4},{-1,4},{3,-4},{7,4},{10,-5},{
+ 12,-1},{22,-1}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ origin={-45,2},
+ rotation=90),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-36,18},{-24,6}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-36,6},{-24,-6}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-36,-6},{-24,-18}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-40,18},{-30,-18}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-28,-2.09669e-15}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ origin={-28,40},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-1.53415e-16,-6}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ origin={-30,18},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-1.53415e-16,-6}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ origin={-30,-24},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-44,24},{-20,24},{-20,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-44,-24},{-20,-24},{-20,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-70,22},{-54,10}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="Rm"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-70,-8},{-54,-20}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="Lm")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This is a detailed transformer model that takes into account the winding Joule losses
+and the leakage reactances on both primary and secondary side. The model also describes
+the core or iron losses and the losses due to magnetization effects.
+The losses are represented by a series of resistances R1, R2,
+Rm and inductances L1, L2, and
+The model is parameterized using the following parameters
- RMS voltage at primary side,
- RMS voltage at secondary side,
- apparent nominal power of the transformer,
- frequency,
+R_1, L_1
- resistance and inductance at primary side (per unit),
+R_2, L_2
- resistance and inductance at secondary side (per unit), and
+R_m, L_m
- resistance and inductance for magnetization effects (per unit).
+Given the nominal conditions, the model computes the values of the nominal impedances
+at both primary and secondary side. Given these values, the per unit values are transformed into
+the actual values of the resistances and inductances.
+The magnetization losses can be enabled or disabled using the boolean flag magEffects
+", revisions="
+January 30, 2019, by Michael Wetter:
+Added missing replaceable
for the terminal.
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Made voltage public to allow setting a start value.
+This is for
+May 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Moved function call to PhaseSystem.thetaRef
out of
+derivative operator as this is not yet supported by JModelica.
+September 4, 2014, by Michael Wetter:
+Revised model.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+- June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Adde parameter phi_1
and phi_2
that are
+used during initialization to specify the angle of the voltage phasor.
+June 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised implementation and added stateSelect
statement to use
+the current i[:]
on the connectors as iteration variable for the
+initialization problem.
+January 29, 2012, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+end ACACTransformerFull;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/ACDCConverter.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/ACDCConverter.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d6507c734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/ACDCConverter.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion;
+model ACDCConverter "AC DC converter"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialConversion(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n
+ constrainedby Interfaces.Terminal_n(
+ i(start = zeros(PhaseSystem_n.n),
+ each stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer)),
+ redeclare DC.Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p(
+ i(start = zeros(PhaseSystem_p.n),
+ each stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer)));
+ parameter Real conversionFactor(min = Modelica.Constants.eps)
+ "Ratio of DC voltage / AC RMS voltage";
+ parameter Real eta(min=0, max=1)
+ "Converter efficiency, pLoss = (1-eta) * Ptr";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power PLoss "Loss power";
+ parameter Boolean ground_AC = false "Connect AC side of converter to ground" annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="AC side"));
+ parameter Boolean ground_DC = true "Connect DC side of converter to ground" annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="DC side"));
+ PhaseSystem_p.Current i_dc "DC current";
+ PhaseSystem_p.Voltage v_dc "DC voltage";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_p[2]=PhaseSystem_p.phasePowers_vi(terminal_p.v,
+ terminal_p.i) "Power transmitted at pin p (secondary)";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_n[2](each start=0) = PhaseSystem_n.phasePowers_vi(
+ terminal_n.v, terminal_n.i) "Power transmitted at pin n (primary)";
+ //voltage relation
+ v_p = v_n*conversionFactor;
+ // Power losses
+ PLoss = (1-eta)*
+ IBPSA.Utilities.Math.Functions.spliceFunction(P_p[1], P_n[1], i_p, deltax=0.1);
+ P_n + P_p = {PLoss, 0};
+ if ground_AC then
+ Connections.potentialRoot(terminal_n.theta);
+ end if;
+ if ground_DC then
+ v_dc = 0;
+ Connections.root(terminal_p.theta);
+ else
+ i_dc = 0;
+ Connections.potentialRoot(terminal_p.theta);
+ end if;
+ v_dc = terminal_p.v[2];
+ sum(terminal_p.i) + i_dc = 0;
+ annotation (
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Line(
+ points={{2,60},{2,60},{82,60},{2,60},{82,-60},{2,-60},{2,60},{2,-60}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{36,54},{96,14}},
+ textColor={0,0,255},
+ textString="DC"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-2,60},{-2,60},{-82,60},{-2,60},{-82,-60},{-2,-60},{-2,60},{
+ -2,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,52},{-40,12}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,92},{100,60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,-60},{100,-92}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%conversionFactor"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,-132}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%eta"),
+ Line(visible = ground_DC == true,
+ points={{100,-100},{100,-12}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = ground_DC == true,
+ points={{80,-100},{120,-100}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = ground_DC == true,
+ points={{88,-106},{112,-106}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = ground_DC == true,
+ points={{94,-112},{108,-112}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = ground_AC == true,
+ points={{-80,-40},{-120,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(visible = ground_AC == true,
+ points={{-80,-40},{-106,-14}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(visible = ground_AC == true,
+ points={{-102,-16},{-114,-24},{-118,-42}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier)}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This is an AC/DC converter, based on a power balance between both circuit sides.
+The parameter conversionFactor
defines the ratio between the RMS voltages
+VDC = conversionFactor VAC,
+where VDC is the voltage of the DC circuit and VAC
+is the RMS voltage at the primary side of the transformer.
+The loss of the converter is proportional to the power transmitted.
+The parameter eta
is the efficiency of the transfer.
+The loss is computed as
+Ploss = (1-η) Ptr
+where Ptr is the power transmitted. The model is bi-directional
+and the power can flow from both the primary to the secondary side and vice-versa.
+Furthermore, reactive power on both side are set to 0.
+This model is derived from
+", revisions="
+January 30, 2019, by Michael Wetter:
+Added missing replaceable
for the terminal.
+March 30, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Added missing each
+September 4, 2014, by Michael Wetter:
+Revised model.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised implementation and added stateSelect
statement to use
+the current i[:]
on the connectors as iteration variable for the
+initialization problem.
+January 4, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end ACDCConverter;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACACConverter.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACACConverter.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42e0af6232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACACConverter.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.Examples;
+model ACACConverter
+ "This example illustrates how to use the AC/AC converter model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACConverter
+ conACAC(eta=0.9, conversionFactor=60/120) "ACAC transformer"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,0},{10,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage sou(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=120) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-60,10})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive load(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ V_nominal=60) "Load model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{24,0},{44,20}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp ramp(
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.3,
+ height=2000,
+ offset=-1000) "Power consumed by the model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{80,0},{60,20}})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, conACAC.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-50,10},{-10,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(conACAC.terminal_p, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,10},{24,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ramp.y, load.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,10},{44,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+This example illustrates the use of a model that converts AC voltage to AC voltage.
+The transformer model assumes a linear loss when transmitting the power.
+ revisions="
+September 24, 2015 by Michael Wetter:
+Removed binding of P_nominal
+this parameter is disabled and assigned a value
+in the initial equation
+This is for
+issue 426.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+January 29, 2013, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACACConverter.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end ACACConverter;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformer.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformer.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66fa69a4c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformer.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.Examples;
+model ACACTransformer
+ "This example illustrates how to use the AC/AC simplified transformer model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer tra_load(
+ Zperc=0.03,
+ VABase=4000,
+ XoverR=8,
+ VHigh=120,
+ VLow=60) "Transformer with load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-18,40},{2,60}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage sou(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=120) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-70,50})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive load(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ pf=0.8,
+ V_nominal=60) "Load model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,40},{30,60}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp ramp(
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.3,
+ offset=0,
+ height=-4000*0.8) "Load power consumption profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{70,40},{50,60}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer tra_cc(
+ XoverR=8,
+ Zperc=0.03,
+ VABase=4000,
+ VHigh=120,
+ VLow=60) "Transformer with short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-16,0},{4,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance shortCircuit(R=1e-8)
+ "Short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,0},{30,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer tra_void(
+ XoverR=8,
+ Zperc=0.03,
+ VABase=4000,
+ VHigh=120,
+ VLow=60) "Transformer with secondary not connected"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-16,-30},{4,-10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage sou1(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=120) "Voltage source for open and short circuit tests"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-70,10})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, tra_load.terminal_n)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,50},{-18,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(tra_load.terminal_p, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{2,50},{10,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ramp.y, load.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{49,50},{30,50}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(tra_cc.terminal_p, shortCircuit.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{4,10},{10,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou1.terminal, tra_cc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-16,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou1.terminal, tra_void.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-38,10},{-38,-20},{-16,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+This example illustrates the use of a the AC/AC transformer model.
+The example shows three different configurations:
+- With a load connected,
+- without a load connected, and
+- with a short circuit connection.
+ revisions="
+September 24, 2015 by Michael Wetter:
+Removed binding of P_nominal
+this parameter is disabled and assigned a value
+in the initial equation
+This is for
+issue 426.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+January 29, 2013, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformer.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end ACACTransformer;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformerFull.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformerFull.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8a715c882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformerFull.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.Examples;
+model ACACTransformerFull
+ "This example illustrates how to use the AC/AC transformer model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformerFull tra_load(
+ R1=0.0001,
+ L1=0.0001,
+ R2=0.0001,
+ L2=0.0001,
+ VABase=4000,
+ magEffects=true,
+ Rm=10,
+ Lm=10,
+ VHigh=120,
+ VLow=60,
+ f=60) "Transformer with load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-18,40},{2,60}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage sou(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=120) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-70,50})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive load(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ pf=0.8,
+ V_nominal=60) "Load model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,40},{30,60}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp ramp(
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.3,
+ offset=0,
+ height=-4000*0.8) "Load power consumption profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{70,40},{50,60}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformerFull
+ tra_cc(
+ VABase=4000,
+ R1=0.01,
+ L1=0.01,
+ R2=0.01,
+ L2=0.01,
+ magEffects=false,
+ Rm=100,
+ Lm=100,
+ VHigh=120,
+ VLow=60,
+ f=60) "Transformer with short circuit connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-16,0},{4,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance shortCircuit(R=1e-8)
+ "Short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,0},{30,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformerFull tra_void(
+ VABase=4000,
+ R1=0.01,
+ L1=0.01,
+ R2=0.01,
+ L2=0.01,
+ magEffects=false,
+ Rm=100,
+ Lm=100,
+ VHigh=120,
+ VLow=60,
+ f=60) "Transformer with open connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-16,-30},{4,-10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage sou1(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=120) "Voltage source for short circuit and open tests "
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-70,10})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, tra_load.terminal_n)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,50},{-18,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(tra_load.terminal_p, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{2,50},{10,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ramp.y, load.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{49,50},{30,50}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(tra_cc.terminal_p, shortCircuit.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{4,10},{10,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou1.terminal, tra_cc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-16,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou1.terminal, tra_void.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-38,10},{-38,-20},{-16,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+This example illustrates the use of the AC/AC transformer model
+that includes losses at the primary and secondary side and magnetization
+The example shows three different configurations:
+- With a load connected,
+- without a load connected, and
+- with a short circuit connection.
+ revisions="
+September 24, 2015 by Michael Wetter:
+Removed binding of P_nominal
+this parameter is disabled and assigned a value
+in the initial equation
+This is for
+issue 426.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+January 29, 2013, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformerFull.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end ACACTransformerFull;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACDCConverter.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACDCConverter.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7c0791a0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACDCConverter.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.Examples;
+model ACDCConverter
+ "This example illustrates how to use the AC/DC converter model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Resistor res(R=1, V_nominal=60)
+ "Resistive load" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={50,10})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACDCConverter conversion(
+ eta=0.9,
+ ground_AC=false,
+ ground_DC=true,
+ conversionFactor=60/120) "AC/DC transformer"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,0},{10,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage sou(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=120) "Voltage source" annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-62,10})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Conductor load(mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ V_nominal=60) "Variable resistive load"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={50,-10})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp pow(
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.2,
+ offset=-200,
+ height=5200) "Variable load profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-20},{70,0}})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, conversion.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-52,10},{-10,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(conversion.terminal_p, res.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,10},{40,10}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(conversion.terminal_p, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,10},{30,10},{30,-10},{40,-10}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pow.y, load.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{69,-10},{60,-10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+This example illustrates the use of a model that converts AC voltage to DC voltage.
+The transformer model assumes a linear loss when transmitting the power.
+ revisions="
+September 24, 2015 by Michael Wetter:
+Removed binding of P_nominal
+this parameter is disabled and assigned a value
+in the initial equation
+This is for
+issue 426.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+January 29, 2013, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/ACDCConverter.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end ACDCConverter;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afd509a360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e2ad8d42f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..975c8f2de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase;
+package Conversion "Package with models for AC/AC and AC/DC conversion"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains models for AC/AC and AC/DC conversion.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+end Conversion;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e342d1531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Conversion/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Examples/GeneratorLoadGrid.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Examples/GeneratorLoadGrid.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc36f1bc61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Examples/GeneratorLoadGrid.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Examples;
+model GeneratorLoadGrid "Generator with a load and grid connection"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.Grid grid(
+ f=60,
+ V=120,
+ phiSou=0.5235987755983) "Electrical grid"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,40},{20,60}})));
+ Sources.Generator sou(f=60, phiGen(displayUnit="rad")) "Gas turbine"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,10},{10,-10}},
+ origin={-30,-10})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive res(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ P_nominal=-5e3,
+ V_nominal=120,
+ pf=1) "Inductive load" annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={30,-10})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp ramp(
+ height=1e4,
+ duration=0.6,
+ startTime=0.1,
+ offset=0)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,-20},{-60,0}})));
+ connect(ramp.y, sou.P) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-59,-10},{-40,-10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, grid.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,-10},{10,-10},{10,40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(res.terminal, grid.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{20,-10},{10,-10},{10,40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(
+ StopTime=1.0,
+ Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Examples/GeneratorLoadGrid.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model illustrates a generator, an inductive load and a grid connection.
+The power output of the generator is equal to its input signal, which is
+a ramp function.
+The output grid.P
+the actual and apparent power, the power factor and
+the phase angle.
+", revisions="
+January 10, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end GeneratorLoadGrid;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Examples/GridDCLoad.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Examples/GridDCLoad.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbde883791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Examples/GridDCLoad.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Examples;
+model GridDCLoad "Model of a DC load connected to the grid"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.Grid
+ grid(
+ f=60,
+ phiSou=0,
+ V=120)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,-20},{-60,0}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACDCConverter
+ idealACDCConverter1(
+ eta=0.9,
+ ground_AC=false,
+ conversionFactor=12/120)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-50,-40},{-30,-20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Resistor resistor(R=1, V_nominal=12)
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={10,-30})));
+ connect(grid.terminal, idealACDCConverter1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-70,-20},{-70,-30},{-50,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(idealACDCConverter1.terminal_p, resistor.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-30,-30},{0,-30}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(
+ StopTime=1.0,
+ Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Examples/GridDCLoad.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+This model illustrates the use of a model for inductive load. The circuit on the left hand side
+uses an inductive load, whereas the circuit on the right hand side uses a resistor and inductance in
+The parameters of the inductor and resistor are such that the real power and the phase angle are
+identical (up to the numerical precision of the parameters) for the two systems.
+ revisions="
+January 2, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end GridDCLoad;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2214dcb6b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4069ef5bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Interfaces/Terminal_n.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Interfaces/Terminal_n.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2180a2364
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Interfaces/Terminal_n.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces;
+connector Terminal_n "Terminal n for AC one phase systems"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal(
+ redeclare replaceable package PhaseSystem =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase);
+ annotation (defaultComponentName = "term_p",
+ Documentation(info="
+Electric connector for AC one phase systems.
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
+ grid={2,2}), graphics={ Text(
+ extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
+ textColor={255,255,255},
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ textString=""), Polygon(
+ points={{0,100},{-100,0},{0,-100},{100,0},{0,100}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Diagram(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
+ grid={2,2}), graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,120},{100,60}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{14,16},{114,-84}},
+ textColor={255,255,255},
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ textString=""), Polygon(
+ points={{-50,50},{-100,0},{-50,-50},{0,0},{-50,50}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}));
+end Terminal_n;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Interfaces/Terminal_p.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Interfaces/Terminal_p.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d0e6ba4fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Interfaces/Terminal_p.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces;
+connector Terminal_p "Terminal p for AC one phase systems"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal(
+ redeclare replaceable package PhaseSystem =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase);
+ annotation (defaultComponentName = "term_p",
+ Documentation(info="
+Electric connector for AC one phase systems.
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
+ grid={2,2}), graphics={ Text(
+ extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
+ textColor={255,255,255},
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ textString=""), Polygon(
+ points={{0,100},{-100,0},{0,-100},{100,0},{0,100}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Diagram(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
+ grid={2,2}), graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,120},{100,60}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{14,16},{114,-84}},
+ textColor={255,255,255},
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ textString=""), Polygon(
+ points={{50,50},{0,0},{50,-50},{100,0},{50,50}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}));
+end Terminal_p;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Interfaces/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Interfaces/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74580ba964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Interfaces/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase;
+package Interfaces "Package with interfaces for one phase AC systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains connectors that are used by the models in the
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase package.
+The connectors extend the basic connectors
+and define a new graphical icon in order to be distinguished by connectors of other electrical systems (e.g. DC systems).
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+end Interfaces;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Interfaces/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Interfaces/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d23ecfc486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Interfaces/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5f7fcc3af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine
+ "Test model for a single phase line that uses commercial cable information"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage E( definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=120) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance R1(R=10) "Resistive load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-10},{20,10}})));
+ Line line_1(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ l=2000,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu50(),
+ V_nominal=120) "Resistive line that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
+ Line line_2a(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu50(),
+ l=1000,
+ V_nominal=120) "Resistive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-30},{-40,-10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance R2(
+ R=10) "Resistive load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ Line line_2b(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu50(),
+ l=1000,
+ V_nominal=120) "Resistive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-32,-30},{-12,-10}})));
+ Line line_3a(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu50(),
+ l=4000,
+ V_nominal=120) "Resistive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-50},{-40,-30}})));
+ Line line_3b(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu50(),
+ l=4000,
+ V_nominal=120) "Resistive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-70},{-40,-50}})));
+ Loads.Impedance R3(
+ R=10) "Resistive load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-60},{20,-40}})));
+ Line line_sc(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ l=2000,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu50(),
+ V_nominal=120) "Line that connects the source and the short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,20},{-40,40}})));
+ Loads.Impedance load_sc(R=0) "Short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,20},{20,40}})));
+ connect(line_1.terminal_p, R1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,0},{-24,0},{-24,6.66134e-16},{-4.44089e-16,6.66134e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,4.44089e-16},{-60,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,4.44089e-16},{-70,4.44089e-16},{-70,-20},{-60,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_2a.terminal_p, line_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-32,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_2b.terminal_p, R2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-12,-20},{0,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_3a.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-40},{-20,-40},{-20,-50},{0,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_3b.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-60},{-20,-60},{-20,-50},{-5.55112e-16,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_3a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-40},{-60,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-60},{-60,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_sc.terminal_p, load_sc.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,30},{-4.44089e-16,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_sc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,30},{-60,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Documentation and example revised.
+", info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a line model to connect
+a source to a load that uses commercial cable information.
+The model has four different loads. The load sc_load
+a short circuit R=0. The current that flows through the load depends
+on the impedance of the line.
+The remaining three loads R1
, R2
, and R3
+are resistive loads. Each load is connected to the source with different configurations,
+however the equivalent impedance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent impedances are the same, each load draws the same current.
+end ACLine;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb2b2f7cc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine_L "Test model for a single phase inductive line"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance Lbase=10/2/Modelica.Constants.pi/60
+ "Base value for the line inductances";
+ Sources.FixedVoltage E( definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=120) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance R1(R=10) "Resistive load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,0},{20,20}})));
+ Loads.Impedance R2(
+ R=10) "Resistive load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance R3(
+ R=10) "Resistive load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-62},{20,-42}})));
+ Loads.Impedance load_sc(R=0) "Short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,40},{20,60}})));
+ TwoPortInductance Lline_sc(L=Lbase)
+ "Inductive line connected to the short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,40},{-40,60}})));
+ TwoPortInductance Lline_1(L=Lbase) "Inductive line connected to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,0},{-40,20}})));
+ TwoPortInductance Lline_2a(L=0.5*Lbase) "Inductive line connected to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-30},{-40,-10}})));
+ TwoPortInductance Lline_2b(L=0.5*Lbase) "Inductive line connected to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-36,-30},{-16,-10}})));
+ TwoPortInductance Lline_3(L=2*Lbase) "Inductive line connected to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-50},{-40,-30}})));
+ TwoPortInductance Lline_3b(L=2*Lbase) "Inductive line connected to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-70},{-40,-50}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, Lline_sc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,50},{-60,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Lline_sc.terminal_p, load_sc.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,50},{0,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Lline_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,10},{-60,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Lline_1.terminal_p, R1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,10},{0,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Lline_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-20},{-60,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Lline_2a.terminal_p, Lline_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-36,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Lline_2b.terminal_p, R2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-16,-20},{-4.44089e-16,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Lline_3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-40},{-60,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Lline_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-60},{-60,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Lline_3.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-40},{-20,-40},{-20,-52},{0,-52}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Lline_3b.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-60},{-20,-60},{-20,-52},{0,-52}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-06),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a purely inductive line model to connect
+a source to a load.
+The model has four different loads. The load sc_load
+a short circuit R=0. The current that flows through the load depends
+on the inductance of the line.
+The remaining three loads R1
, R2
, and R3
+are resistive loads. Each load is connected to the source with different configurations,
+however the equivalent impedance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent impedances are the same, each load draw the same current.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Documentation and example revised.
+end ACLine_L;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6429eb6f99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine_R "Test model for a single phase resistive line"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage E(definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=120) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance R1(R=10) "Resistive load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,0},{20,20}})));
+ Loads.Impedance R2(
+ R=10) "Resistive load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance R3(
+ R=10) "Resistive load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-70},{20,-50}})));
+ Loads.Impedance sc_load(R=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,40},{20,60}})));
+ TwoPortResistance Rline_sc(R=10, useHeatPort=false)
+ "Resistive line that connects to the short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,60},{-40,40}})));
+ TwoPortResistance Rline_1(R=10) "Resistive line that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,0},{-40,20}})));
+ TwoPortResistance Rline_2a(R=5) "Resistive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-30},{-40,-10}})));
+ TwoPortResistance Rline_2b(R=5) "Resistive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-36,-30},{-16,-10}})));
+ TwoPortResistance Rline_3a(R=20) "Resistive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-60},{-40,-40}})));
+ TwoPortResistance Rline_3b(R=20) "Resistive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-80},{-40,-60}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_sc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,50},{-60,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_sc.terminal_p, sc_load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,50},{0,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,10},{-60,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_1.terminal_p, R1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,10},{0,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-20},{-60,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2a.terminal_p, Rline_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-36,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2b.terminal_p, R2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-16,-20},{-4.44089e-16,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-50},{-60,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-70},{-60,-70}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3a.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-50},{-20,-50},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3b.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-70},{-20,-70},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a resistive line model to connect
+a source to a load.
+The model has four different loads. The load sc_load
+a short circuit R=0. The current that flows through the load depends
+on the resistance of the line.
+The remaining three loads R1
, R2
, and R3
+are resistive loads. Each load is connected to the source with different configurations,
+however the equivalent resistance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent resistances are the same, each load draw the same current.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Documentation and example revised.
+end ACLine_R;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73a2c39fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine_RL "Test model for a single phase inductive-resistive line"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance Rbase=10
+ "Base value for the line resistance";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance Lbase=Rbase/2/Modelica.Constants.pi/60
+ "Base value for the line inductance";
+ Sources.FixedVoltage E( definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=120) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance load_sc_1(R=0) "Short circuit 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,20},{20,40}})));
+ Loads.Impedance load_sc_2(R=0) "Short circuit 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-10},{20,10}})));
+ TwoPortRL RL_2(R=Rbase, L=Lbase)
+ "Resistive-Inductive line connected to short circuit 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-48,-10},{-28,10}})));
+ TwoPortResistance R_1(R=Rbase) "Resistance line connected to short circuit 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,20},{-40,40}})));
+ TwoPortInductance L_1(L=Lbase) "Inductance line connected to short circuit 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,20},{-10,40}})));
+ TwoPortRL RL_3(
+ R=Rbase,
+ L=Lbase,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic,
+ i_start={0,0})
+ "Dynamic resistive-inductive line connected to short circuit 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-48,-40},{-28,-20}})));
+ Loads.Impedance load_sc_3(R=0) "Short circuit 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-40},{20,-20}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, R_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,30},{-60,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(R_1.terminal_p, L_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,30},{-30,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(L_1.terminal_p, load_sc_1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,30},{0,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RL_2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-48,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RL_2.terminal_p, load_sc_2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-28,0},{0,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RL_3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-30},{-48,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RL_3.terminal_p, load_sc_3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-28,-30},{0,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-06),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file="modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Documentation and example revised.
+", info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a resistive-inductive line model to connect
+a source to a load.
+The model has three loads load_sc_1
, load_sc_2
+and load_sc_3
representing short circuits R=0.
+The current that flows through the load depends on the impedance of the line.
+Each load is connected to the source with different configurations,
+however the equivalent impedance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent impedances are the same, each load draw the same current.
+The line model RL_3
is the same as RL_2
but it uses
+dynamic phasors.
+end ACLine_RL;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e33efce3ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.Examples;
+model ACSimpleGrid "Test model for a network model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Network network(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Grids.TestGrid2Nodes grid,
+ V_nominal=120)
+ "Network model that represents the connection between the source and the load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,-10},{0,10}})));
+ Loads.Inductive load(
+ mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ V_nominal=120) "Load connected to the network"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-28,10},{-48,30}})));
+ Sources.FixedVoltage E(f=60, V=120) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={-70,0})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp load_inputs(
+ height=5000,
+ duration=2,
+ offset=-2000,
+ startTime=0.5) "Input signal for the power consumption of the loads"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,20},{-60,40}})));
+ connect(load.terminal, network.terminal[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-28,20},{-20,20},{-20,4.44089e-16},{-4.44089e-16,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, network.terminal[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,-8.88178e-16},{-56,-8.88178e-16},{-56,4.44089e-16},{-4.44089e-16,
+ 4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load_inputs.y, load.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-59,30},{-54,30},{-54,20},{-48,20}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+September 24, 2015 by Michael Wetter:
+Removed binding of P_nominal
+this parameter is disabled and assigned a value
+in the initial equation
+This is for
+issue 426.
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Documentation and example revised.
+", info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a network model to connect
+a source to a load. In this simple case the network has two nodes
+that are connected by a commercial line cable.
+At the beginning of the simulation the load consumes power while at the
+and it produces power. The voltage at the load at the beginning is lower
+than the nominal RMS voltage (120 V) while at the end of the simulation it is higher.
+The voltage drop and increase are due to the presence of the cable between
+the source and the load.
+The network uses cables of the type LowVoltageCable.Cu35
+a length of 200 m.
+The picture below describes the grid topology.
+end ACSimpleGrid;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35a99d9cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc13c92dd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Line.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Line.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a88262b38f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Line.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines;
+model Line "Model of an electrical line"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialLine(
+ V_nominal(start = 110),
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p,
+ commercialCable = IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.selectCable_low(P_nominal, V_nominal));
+ replaceable TwoPortRL line(
+ R=R/3,
+ L=L/3,
+ mode=modelMode) constrainedby
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialTwoPortRLC(
+ useHeatPort=true,
+ M=M,
+ T_ref=T_ref) "Model of the line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ connect(cableTemp.port, line.heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,22},{-28,22},{-28,-10},{4.44089e-16,-10}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line.terminal_n, terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,4.44089e-16},{-48,4.44089e-16},{-48,0},{-100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_p, line.terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{100,0},{56,0},{56,4.44089e-16},{10,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-70,10},{-50,-10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,94,94},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-60,10},{60,-10}},
+ fillColor={0,94,94},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{50,10},{70,-10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,128,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,0},{-90,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{60,10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-60,-10},{60,-10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{96,0},{60,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}),
+ Documentation(
+This model represents an AC single phase cable. The model is based on
+and provides functionalities to parametrize the values of R, L and C,
+either using commercial cables or using default values.
+", revisions="
+end Line;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Network.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Network.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90479fadfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/Network.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines;
+model Network "Single phase AC network"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialNetwork(
+ V_nominal(start = 110),
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal,
+ redeclare replaceable Transmission.Grids.TestGrid2Nodes grid,
+ redeclare Line lines(
+ commercialCable=grid.cables,
+ each use_C=use_C,
+ each modelMode=modelMode));
+ parameter Boolean use_C = false "If true, model the cable capacity"
+ annotation(Dialog(tab="Model", group="Assumptions"));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load modelMode=Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state
+ "Select between steady state and dynamic model" annotation (Dialog(
+ tab="Model",
+ group="Assumptions",
+ enable=use_C), choices(choice=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state
+ "Steady state", choice=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic "Dynamic"));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VAbs[grid.nNodes] "RMS voltage of the grid nodes";
+ for i in 1:grid.nLinks loop
+ connect(lines[i].terminal_p, terminal[grid.fromTo[i,1]]);
+ connect(lines[i].terminal_n, terminal[grid.fromTo[i,2]]);
+ end for;
+ for i in 1:grid.nNodes loop
+ VAbs[i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(terminal[i].v);
+ end for;
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="net",
+Icon(graphics={ Line(
+ points={{-92,-60},{-72,-20},{-52,-60},{-32,-100},{-12,-60}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier)}), Documentation(info="
+This model represents a generalized electrical AC single phase network.
+for information about the network model.
+for more information about the topology of the network, such as
+the number of nodes, how they are connected, and the length of each connection.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end Network;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/TwoPortInductance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/TwoPortInductance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2e6b788d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/TwoPortInductance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines;
+model TwoPortInductance
+ "Model of an inductive element with two electrical ports"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialTwoPortInductance(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p);
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load mode(
+ min=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ max=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input)=
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state
+ "Type of model (e.g., steady state, dynamic, prescribed power consumption, etc.)"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.AngularVelocity omega
+ "Frequency of the quasi-stationary sine waves";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Angle theRef "Absolute angle of rotating reference system";
+ theRef = PhaseSystem_p.thetaRef(terminal_p.theta);
+ omega = der(theRef);
+ if mode==IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic then
+ // Dynamics of the system
+ der(L*terminal_p.i) + L*omega*PhaseSystem_p.j(terminal_p.i) = terminal_p.v - terminal_n.v;
+ else
+ // Steady state relationship
+ L*omega*PhaseSystem_p.j(terminal_p.i) = terminal_p.v - terminal_n.v;
+ end if;
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="lineL",
+ Diagram(graphics={
+ Rectangle(extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}}, lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{70,0},{90,0}}, color={0,0,0})}), Icon(
+ coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-140,80},{140,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model represents an inductance that connects two AC one phase interfaces.
+This model can be used to represent a single phase cable in a AC grid.
+The model represents the lumped inductance as shown in the figure below.
+", revisions="
+January 29, 2019, by Michael Wetter:
+Added replaceable
for terminal.
+May 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Moved function call to PhaseSystem.thetaRef
out of
+derivative operator as this is not yet supported by JModelica.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+end TwoPortInductance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/TwoPortRL.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/TwoPortRL.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65e67f3154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/TwoPortRL.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines;
+model TwoPortRL
+ "Model of a resistive-inductive element with two electrical ports"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialTwoPortRLC(
+ final V_nominal=0,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p,
+ final C=0);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Current i_start[PhaseSystem_p.n]=zeros(
+ PhaseSystem_p.n)
+ "Initial current phasor of the line (positive if entering from terminal p)"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load mode(
+ min=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ max=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)=
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state
+ "Type of model (e.g., steady state, dynamic, prescribed power consumption, etc.)"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current i_p[2](start=i_start, each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)
+ "Current phasor at terminal p";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.AngularVelocity omega
+ "Frequency of the quasi-stationary sine waves";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Angle theRef "Absolute angle of rotating reference system";
+initial equation
+ if mode==IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic then
+ i_p = i_start;
+ end if;
+ theRef = PhaseSystem_p.thetaRef(terminal_p.theta);
+ omega = der(theRef);
+ terminal_p.i = - terminal_n.i;
+ i_p = terminal_p.i;
+ if mode==IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic then
+ // Dynamics of the system
+ der(L*i_p) + L*omega*PhaseSystem_p.j(i_p) +
+ i_p*diagonal(ones(PhaseSystem_p.n)*R_actual)
+ = terminal_p.v - terminal_n.v;
+ else
+ // steady state relationship
+ L*omega*PhaseSystem_p.j(i_p) +
+ i_p*diagonal(ones(PhaseSystem_p.n)*R_actual)
+ = terminal_p.v - terminal_n.v;
+ end if;
+ // Joule losses
+ LossPower = R_actual*(i_p[1]^2 + i_p[2]^2);
+ annotation (
+ Rectangle(extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}}, lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{70,0},{90,0}}, color={0,0,0})}), Icon(
+ coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-140,80},{140,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model represents a resistance and an inductance connected in series with
+two AC one phase interfaces. This model can be used
+to represent a single phase cable in a AC grid.
+The model represents the lumped RL cable as shown in the figure below.
+", revisions="
+January 29, 2019, by Michael Wetter:
+Added replaceable
for terminal.
+May 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Moved function call to PhaseSystem.thetaRef
out of
+derivative operator as this is not yet supported by JModelica.
+March 9, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added parameter for start value of the current.
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added equation that represents Joule losses
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+end TwoPortRL;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/TwoPortRLC.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/TwoPortRLC.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d408bcbecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/TwoPortRLC.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines;
+model TwoPortRLC "Model of an RLC element with two electrical ports"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialTwoPortRLC(
+ V_nominal(start = 110),
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystem_n),
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystem_p));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage Vc_start[2]={V_nominal,0}
+ "Initial voltage phasor of the capacitance located in the middle of the line"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load mode(
+ min=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ max=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)=
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state
+ "Type of model (e.g., steady state, dynamic, prescribed power consumption, etc.)"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage Vc[2](start=Vc_start, each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)
+ "Voltage of the Capacitance located in the middle of the line";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current Ic[2]
+ "Currenbt of the capacitance located in the middle of the line";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.AngularVelocity omega
+ "Frequency of the quasi-stationary sine waves";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Angle theRef "Absolute angle of rotating reference system";
+initial equation
+ if C > 0 and mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic then
+ Vc = Vc_start;
+ end if;
+ theRef = PhaseSystem_p.thetaRef(terminal_p.theta);
+ omega = der(theRef);
+ terminal_p.i + terminal_n.i = Ic;
+ L/2*omega*IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.j(terminal_p.i) +
+ terminal_p.i*diagonal(ones(PhaseSystem_p.n)*R_actual/2) = terminal_p.v - Vc;
+ L/2*omega*IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.j(terminal_n.i) +
+ terminal_n.i*diagonal(ones(PhaseSystem_n.n)*R_actual/2) = terminal_n.v - Vc;
+ if C > 0 then
+ if mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic then
+ // Dynamics of the system
+ C*der(Vc) + omega*C*IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.j(Vc) = Ic;
+ else
+ // steady state relationship
+ omega*C*IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.j(Vc) = Ic;
+ end if;
+ else
+ // No capacitive effect, the voltage in the middle of the line is the linear
+ // interpolation of the two phasors
+ Vc = (terminal_p.v + terminal_n.v)/2;
+ end if;
+ // Joule losses
+ LossPower = R_actual/2*(terminal_p.i[1]^2 + terminal_p.i[2]^2) +
+ R_actual/2*(terminal_n.i[1]^2 + terminal_n.i[2]^2);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="lineRLC",
+ Rectangle(extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}}, lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{70,0},{90,0}}, color={0,0,0})}), Icon(
+ coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-140,80},{140,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model represents a series of two resistive-inductive impedances and a capacitance
+that connects two AC single phase interfaces.
+This model can be used to represent a cable in a AC grid.
+The model represents the lumped resistances and capacity, as a T-model, as shown in the figure below.
+As can be seen in the figure, the resistance R and the inductance L are split in two halves
+and the capacitance is located in the center.
+The capacitance in the center is optional. If it is not present, set the
+parameter C=0
+The model is either dynamic or static depending on the
+presence of the capacitive effect.
+", revisions="
+November 8, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Added replaceable
to terminal redeclaration as they are redeclared by
+May 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Moved function call to PhaseSystem.thetaRef
out of
+derivative operator as this is not yet supported by JModelica.
+March 9, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added parameter for start value of the voltage.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+end TwoPortRLC;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/TwoPortResistance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/TwoPortResistance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea11f31ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/TwoPortResistance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines;
+model TwoPortResistance "Model of a resistance with two electrical ports"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialTwoPortResistance(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p);
+ terminal_p.v - terminal_n.v = terminal_p.i*diagonal(ones(PhaseSystem_p.n)*R_actual);
+ // Joule losses
+ LossPower = R_actual*(terminal_p.i[1]^2 + terminal_p.i[2]^2);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="lineR",
+ Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
+ -100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Rectangle(extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}}, lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{70,0},{90,0}}, color={0,0,0})}), Icon(
+ coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-140,80},{140,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(
+This model represents a resistance that connects two AC one phase interfaces.
+This model can be used to represent a single phase cable in a AC grid.
+The model represents the lumped resistance as shown in the figure below.
+", revisions="
+January 29, 2019, by Michael Wetter:
+Added replaceable
for terminal.
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added equation that represents Joule losses
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+end TwoPortResistance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..496154012a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase;
+package Lines "Package with models for AC electrical lines"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+annotation (Icon(graphics={
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,8},{16,-28}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{28,8},{-54,8},{-64,8},{-72,-10},{-64,-28},{-52,-28},{28,-28}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,-10},{-88,-10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{54,-10},{28,-10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}), Documentation(info="
+This package contains models for transmission lines and electrical networks.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+end Lines;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c13075e17a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Lines/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Capacitive.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Capacitive.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5860c5292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Capacitive.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads;
+model Capacitive "Model of a capacitive and resistive load"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.CapacitiveLoad(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal,
+ V_nominal(start = 110));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Angle theRef "Absolute angle of rotating reference system";
+initial equation
+ if mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic then
+ // q = Y[2]*{V_nominal, 0}/omega;
+ // Steady state initialization
+ der(q) = zeros(PhaseSystem.n);
+ end if;
+ theRef = PhaseSystem.thetaRef(terminal.theta);
+ omega = der(theRef);
+ if mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic then
+ // Use the dynamic phasorial representation
+ Y[1] = -(P_nominal/pf)*pf/V_nominal^2;
+ Y[2] = -(P_nominal/pf)*Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(1 - pf^2, delta=0.001)/V_nominal^2;
+ // Electric charge
+ q = Y[2]*{v[1], v[2]}/omega;
+ // Dynamics of the system
+ der(q) + omega*j(q) + Y[1]*v = i;
+ else
+ // Use the power specified by the parameter or inputs
+ if linearized then
+ i[1] = -homotopy(actual= (v[2]*Q + v[1]*P)/(V_nominal^2), simplified= v[1]*Modelica.Constants.eps*1e3);
+ i[2] = -homotopy(actual= (v[2]*P - v[1]*Q)/(V_nominal^2), simplified= v[2]*Modelica.Constants.eps*1e3);
+ else
+ if initMode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.InitMode.zero_current then
+ i[1] = -homotopy(actual=(v[2]*Q + v[1]*P)/(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2), simplified=0.0);
+ i[2] = -homotopy(actual=(v[2]*P - v[1]*Q)/(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2), simplified=0.0);
+ else
+ i[1] = -homotopy(actual=(v[2]*Q + v[1]*P)/(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2), simplified=(v[2]*Q + v[1]*P)/(V_nominal^2));
+ i[2] = -homotopy(actual=(v[2]*P - v[1]*Q)/(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2), simplified=(v[2]*P - v[1]*Q)/(V_nominal^2));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Y = {0, 0};
+ q = {0, 0};
+ end if;
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="loa",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
+ -100},{100,100}}), graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,40},{80,-40}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,28},{0,-28}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={48,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,28},{0,-28}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={40,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-42,-5.14335e-15},{10,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-2,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-26,-3.18398e-15},{0,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={48,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-10,-1.22461e-15},{10,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-82,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-42,1},
+ rotation=90),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,80},{120,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}), Documentation(info="
+Model of an capacitive load. It may be used to model a bank of capacitors.
+The model computes the complex power vector as
+S = P + jQ = V ⋅ i*
+where V is the voltage phasor and i* is the complex
+conjugate of the current phasor. The voltage and current phasors are shifted
+by an angle φ.
+The load model takes as input the power consumed by the inductive load and
+the power factor pf=cos(φ). The power
+can be either fixed using the parameter P_nominal
, or
+it is possible to specify a variable power using the inputs y
+The power factor can be either specified by the parameter pf
+or using the input variable pf_in
+The different modes can be selected with the parameter
and use_pf_in
, see
+IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Load and
+IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.CapacitiveLoad for more information.
+Given the active power P and the power factor pf the complex
+power Q is computed as
+Q = - P tan(arccos(pf)).
+The equations of the model can be rewritten as
+i1 = (P V1 + Q V2)/(V12 + V22),
+i2 = (P V2 - Q V1)/(V12 + V22),
+where i1, i2, V1, and V2
+are the real and imaginary parts of the current and voltage phasors.
+The nonlinearity of the model is due to the fact that the load consumes the power specified by the variables P
+and Q irrespectively of the voltage of the load.
+When multiple loads are connected in a grid through cables that cause voltage drops,
+the dimension of the system of nonlinear equations increases linearly with the number of loads.
+This nonlinear system of equations introduces challenges during the initialization,
+as Newton solvers may diverge if initialized far from a solution, as well during the simulation.
+In this situation, the model can be parameterized to use a linear approximation
+as discussed in the next section.
+Linearized model
+Given the constraints and the two-dimensional nature of the problem, it is difficult to
+find a linearized version of the AC load model. A solution could be to divide the voltage
+domain into sectors, and for each sector compute the best linear approximation.
+However the selection of the proper approximation depending on the value of the
+voltage can generate events that increase the simulation time. For these reasons, the
+linearized model assumes a voltage that is equal to the nominal value
+i1 = (P V1 + Q V2)/VRMS2,
+i2 = (P V2 - Q V1)/VRMS2,
+where VRMS is the Root Mean Square voltage os the AC system.
+Even though this linearized version of the load model introduces an approximation
+error in the current, it satisfies the constraints related to the ratio of the
+active and reactive powers.
+The initialization problem can be simplified using the homotopy operator. The homotopy operator
+uses two different types of equations to compute the value of a variable: the actual one
+and a simplified one. The actual equation is the one used during the normal operation.
+During initialization, the simplified equation is first solved and then slowly replaced
+with the actual equation to compute the initial values for the nonlinear systems of
+equations. The load model uses the homotopy operator, with the linearized model being used
+as the simplified equation. This numerical expedient has proven useful when simulating models
+with more than ten connected loads.
+The load model has a parameter initMode
that can be used to select
+the assumption to use during the initialization phase by the homotopy operator.
+The choices are between a null current or the linearized model.
+ revisions="
+January 29, 2019, by Michael Wetter:
+Added replaceable
for terminal.
+May 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Moved function call to PhaseSystem.thetaRef
out of
+derivative operator as this is not yet supported by JModelica.
+- September 4, 2014, by Michael Wetter:
+Revised documentation.
+- August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+January 2, 2012, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end Capacitive;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/DynamicLoads.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/DynamicLoads.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24ea51168a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/DynamicLoads.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Examples;
+model DynamicLoads "Example that illustrates the use of dynamic loads"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage source(
+ f=60,
+ V=120) "Voltage source" annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-70,10})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Capacitive dynRC(
+ pf=0.8,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic,
+ P_nominal=-1200,
+ V_nominal=120) "Dynamic RC load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-20},{20,0}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortResistance line(R=0.1)
+ "Line resistance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,0},{-20,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive dynRL(
+ pf=0.8,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic,
+ P_nominal=-1200,
+ V_nominal=120) "Dynamic RL load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,10},{20,30}})));
+ connect(source.terminal, line.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-40,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line.terminal_p, dynRC.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,10},{-10,10},{-10,-10},{-4.44089e-16,-10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(dynRL.terminal, line.terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-4.44089e-16,20},{-10,20},{-10,10},{-20,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model compares two dynamic load models that use the dynamic
+The loads at nominal conditions should consume an active power equal
+to 1.2 kW. Because of the line resistance the voltage at the load is
+attenuated and they consume less power.
+As expected the real part of the current vector drawn by the loads are
+the same while the complex parts have opposite signs.
+ revisions="
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+January 3, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/DynamicLoads.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end DynamicLoads;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/ParallelLoads.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/ParallelLoads.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99606621e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/ParallelLoads.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Examples;
+model ParallelLoads
+ "Example that illustrates the use of the load models at constant voltage"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive varRL(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ linearized=false,
+ V_nominal=120) "Variable inductor and resistor"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={10,50})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage source(f=60, V=120)
+ "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-70,10})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp load_y(duration=0.5, startTime=0.2)
+ "Input signal for RC load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,0},{40,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive RL(
+ P_nominal=-1e3,
+ linearized=false,
+ V_nominal=120) "Constant inductor and resistor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={10,30})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Capacitive varRC(mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input,
+ P_nominal=-1e3,
+ linearized=false,
+ V_nominal=120) "Variable conductor and resistor" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={10,10})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Capacitive RC(mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ P_nominal=-1e3,
+ linearized=false,
+ V_nominal=120) "Constant conductor and resistor" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={10,-10})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Resistive R(
+ P_nominal=-1e3,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ linearized=false,
+ V_nominal=120) "Resistive load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={10,-30})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp load_P(
+ startTime=0.2,
+ duration=0.5,
+ height=-2000,
+ offset=1000) "Power signal for load varRL"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,40},{40,60}})));
+ connect(source.terminal, varRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-30,10},{-30,50},{0,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(source.terminal, RL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-30,10},{-30,30},{0,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(source.terminal, varRC.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{0,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(source.terminal, R.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-30,10},{-30,-30},{0,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RC.terminal, R.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,-10},{-30,-10},{-30,-30},{-5.55112e-16,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load_y.y, varRC.y)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,10},{20,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load_P.y, varRL.Pow)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,50},{20,50}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model illustrates the use of the load models.
+The first two lines are inductive loads, followed by two capacitive loads and a resistive load.
+The inductive load varRL
and the capacitive load varRC
+have a variable load specified by the inputs Pow
and y
+All the loads have a nominal power of 1kW, and varRL
is the only one
+that at t=0 produces power 1kW and as the time increases it start to
+consume up to 1kW.
+ revisions="
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+January 3, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/ParallelLoads.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end ParallelLoads;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/ParallelResistors.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/ParallelResistors.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96fbe8f057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/ParallelResistors.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Examples;
+model ParallelResistors
+ "Example that illustrates the use of the load models at constant voltage"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage
+ source(f=60, V=120) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-70,10})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp load(duration=0.5, startTime=0.2,
+ height=2400,
+ offset=-1200) "Power signal for load R"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,0},{20,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Resistive R(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ V_nominal=120) "Variable resistive load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-22,10})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Resistive R1(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state, P_nominal=-1.2e3,
+ V_nominal=120) "Fixed resistive load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-22,-10})));
+ connect(source.terminal, R.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-32,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, R.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{19,10},{-12,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(source.terminal, R1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-46,10},{-46,-10},{-32,-10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model compares two resistive loads. Model R
consumes or produces
+a variable amount of power, while model R1
consumes a fixed power.
+At time t=0 R
and R1
consumes the same amount of power
+while at t=1 R
produces the same power consumed by R1
+ revisions="
+September 24, 2015 by Michael Wetter:
+Removed binding of P_nominal
+this parameter is disabled and assigned a value
+in the initial equation
+This is for
+issue 426.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+January 3, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/ParallelResistors.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end ParallelResistors;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/TestImpedance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/TestImpedance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..841ebc7d30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/TestImpedance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Examples;
+model TestImpedance "Example that illustrates the use of the impedances"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage V(f=60, V=120)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,20},{-60,40}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance Z1(R=0,
+ inductive=true,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60)) "Inductive impedance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,20},{0,40}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance Z2(R=0,
+ inductive=false,
+ C=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60)) "Capacitive impedance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,0},{0,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance Z3(R=1)
+ "Resistive impedance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-20},{0,0}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance Z4(
+ R=1,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60)) "Inductive-resistive impedance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-40},{0,-20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance Z5(
+ R=1,
+ inductive=false,
+ C=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60)) "Capacitive-resistive impedance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-60},{0,-40}})));
+ connect(V.terminal, Z1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,30},{-20,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(V.terminal, Z2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,30},{-40,30},{-40,10},{-20,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(V.terminal, Z3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,30},{-40,30},{-40,-10},{-20,-10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(V.terminal, Z4.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,30},{-40,30},{-40,-30},{-20,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(V.terminal, Z5.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,30},{-40,30},{-40,-50},{-20,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-06),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file="modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/TestImpedance.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model shows how to use the impedance model in different configurations:
+- Resistive (model
+- Inductive (model
+- Capacitive (model
+- Resistive-Inductive (model
+- Resistive-Capacitive (model
+", revisions="
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+end TestImpedance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/ThreePhases.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/ThreePhases.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0f7b2050a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/ThreePhases.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Examples;
+model ThreePhases
+ "Examples that illustrates how to replicate a three-phase balanced system"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage Va(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=120) "Source phase A"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,40},{-20,60}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance Za(
+ inductive=true,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60),
+ R=12) "Impedance phase A"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,40},{40,60}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage Vb(
+ definiteReference=true, phiSou=-2.0943951023932,
+ f=60,
+ V=120) "Source phase B"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,0},{-20,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance Zb(
+ inductive=true,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60),
+ R=12) "Impedance phase B"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,0},{40,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage Vc(
+ definiteReference=true, phiSou=2.0943951023932,
+ f=60,
+ V=120) "Source phase C"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,-40},{-20,
+ -20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance Zc(
+ inductive=true,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60),
+ R=12) "Impedance phase C"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,-40},{40,-20}})));
+ connect(Va.terminal, Za.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,50},{20,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Vb.terminal, Zb.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,10},{20,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Vc.terminal, Zc.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,-30},{20,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-06),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/ThreePhases.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model shows how a balanced three phase system can be represented with three
+independent single phase circuits.
+", revisions="
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+end ThreePhases;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/VariableImpedance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/VariableImpedance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02cecf3435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/VariableImpedance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Examples;
+model VariableImpedance
+ "Example that illustrates how using variable impedances"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage V(f=60, V=120)
+ "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,-10},{-60,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance Z_L(
+ R=0,
+ inductive=true,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60),
+ use_L_in=true,
+ LMin=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60),
+ LMax=2/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60)) "Impedance with variable L"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-60},{0,-40}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance Z_C(
+ R=0,
+ inductive=false,
+ C=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60),
+ use_C_in=true,
+ CMin=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60),
+ CMax=2/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60)) "Impedance with variable C"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-10},{0,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance Z_R(
+ R=1,
+ RMin=1,
+ RMax=2,
+ use_R_in=true,
+ L=0) "Impedance with variable R"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,40},{0,60}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp load(duration=0.5, startTime=0.2,
+ height=1,
+ offset=0) "Input signal for the loads"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,-10},{40,10}})));
+ connect(V.terminal, Z_L.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,6.66134e-16},{-40,6.66134e-16},{-40,-50},{-20,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(V.terminal, Z_C.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,6.66134e-16},{-20,6.66134e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(V.terminal, Z_R.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,6.66134e-16},{-40,6.66134e-16},{-40,50},{-20,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, Z_R.y_R) annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,0},{30,0},{30,80},{-14,80},{-14,60}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, Z_C.y_C) annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,4.44089e-16},{30,4.44089e-16},{30,20},{-10,20},{-10,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, Z_L.y_L) annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,6.66134e-16},{34,6.66134e-16},{34,0},{30,0},{30,-20},{-6,-20},
+ {-6,-40}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-06),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/VariableImpedance.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model shows how to vary the resistance,
+capacitance or inductance of an impedance model.
+", revisions="
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+end VariableImpedance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..238d5e310e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b5e430313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Impedance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Impedance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03e2c0abd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Impedance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads;
+model Impedance "Model of a generic impedance"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Impedance(
+ redeclare replaceable package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal);
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Angle theRef "Absolute angle of rotating reference system";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.AngularVelocity omega
+ "Frequency of the quasi-stationary sine waves";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Reactance X(start=1) "Complex component of the impedance";
+ theRef = PhaseSystem.thetaRef(terminal.theta);
+ omega = der(theRef);
+ if inductive then
+ X = omega*L_internal;
+ else
+ X = -1/(omega*C_internal);
+ end if;
+ terminal.v = {{R_internal,-X}*terminal.i, {X,R_internal}*terminal.i};
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="imp",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={Rectangle(extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={255,255,255}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,40},{80,-40}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={0,3.55271e-15},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{0,0},{12,0}}, color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-80,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,-40},{120,-80}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+Model of an impedance. This model can be used to represent any type
+of resistive, inductive or capacitive load.
+Note that the power consumed by the impedance model will drecrease if its voltage
+The model of the impedance is
+V = Z i,
+where Z = R + j X is the impedance. The value of the resistance R and the
+reactance X depend on the type of impedance. Different types of impedances
+can be selected using the boolean parameters inductive
, use_R_in
, and use_C_in
. See
+IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Impedance for more details.
+", revisions="
+May 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Moved function call to PhaseSystem.thetaRef
out of
+derivative operator as this is not yet supported by JModelica.
+March 30, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Made PhaseSystem
and terminal
replaceable. This was detected
+by the OpenModelica regression tests.
+- September 4, 2014, by Michael Wetter:
+Revised documentation.
+- August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+January 2, 2012, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end Impedance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Inductive.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Inductive.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87ccfb5a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Inductive.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads;
+model Inductive "Model of an inductive and resistive load"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.InductiveLoad(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal,
+ V_nominal(start = 110));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Angle theRef "Absolute angle of rotating reference system";
+initial equation
+ if mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic then
+ // psi = Z[2]*{P_nominal/V_nominal, 0}/omega;
+ // Steady state initialization
+ der(psi) = zeros(PhaseSystem.n);
+ end if;
+ theRef = PhaseSystem.thetaRef(terminal.theta);
+ omega = der(theRef);
+ if mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic then
+ // Use the dynamic phasorial representation
+ Z[1] = -pf*(V_nominal^2)/(P_nominal/pf);
+ Z[2] = -Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(1-pf^2, delta=0.001)*(V_nominal^2)/(P_nominal/pf);
+ // Dynamics of the system
+ der(psi) + omega*j(psi) + Z[1]*i = v;
+ // Magnetic flux
+ psi = Z[2]*{i[1], i[2]}/omega;
+ else
+ // Use the power specified by the parameter or inputs
+ if linearized then
+ i[1] = -homotopy(actual= (v[2]*Q + v[1]*P)/(V_nominal^2), simplified= v[1]*Modelica.Constants.eps*1e3);
+ i[2] = -homotopy(actual= (v[2]*P - v[1]*Q)/(V_nominal^2), simplified= v[2]*Modelica.Constants.eps*1e3);
+ else
+ //PhaseSystem.phasePowers_vi(terminal.v, terminal.i) = PhaseSystem.phasePowers(P, Q);
+ if initMode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.InitMode.zero_current then
+ i[1] = -homotopy(actual = (v[2]*Q + v[1]*P)/(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2), simplified= 0.0);
+ i[2] = -homotopy(actual = (v[2]*P - v[1]*Q)/(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2), simplified= 0.0);
+ else
+ i[1] = -homotopy(actual = (v[2]*Q + v[1]*P)/(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2), simplified= (v[2]*Q + v[1]*P)/(V_nominal^2));
+ i[2] = -homotopy(actual = (v[2]*P - v[1]*Q)/(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2), simplified= (v[2]*P - v[1]*Q)/(V_nominal^2));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Z = {0,0};
+ psi = {0,0};
+ end if;
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="loa",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,40},{80,-40}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={255,255,255}),
+ Ellipse(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={10,0},
+ rotation=360),
+ Ellipse(extent={{40,-10},{60,10}}),
+ Ellipse(extent={{20,-10},{40,10}}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{0,0},{60,-12}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(points={{0,0},{12,0}}, color={0,0,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{0,0},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={70,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-42,1},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(points={{-10,-1.22461e-15},{10,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-82,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,80},{120,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}), Documentation(info="
+Model of an inductive load. It may be used to model an inductive motor.
+The model computes the complex power vector as
+S = P + jQ = V ⋅ i*,
+where V is the voltage phasor and i* is the complex
+conjugate of the current phasor. The voltage and current phasors are shifted
+by an angle φ.
+The load model takes as input the power consumed by the inductive load and
+the power factor pf=cos(φ). The power
+can be either fixed using the parameter P_nominal
, or
+it is possible to specify a variable power using the inputs y
+The power factor can be either specified by the parameter pf
+or using the input connector pf_in
+The different modes can be selected with the parameter
and use_pf_in
, see
+IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Load and
+IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.InductiveLoad for more information.
+Given the active power P and the power factor pf, the complex
+power Q is computed as
+Q = P tan(arccos(pf)).
+The equations of the model can be rewritten as
+i1 = (P V1 + Q V2)/(V12 + V22),
+i2 = (P V2 - Q V1)/(V12 + V22),
+where i1, i2, V1, and V2
+are the real and imaginary parts of the current and voltage phasors.
+The nonlinearity of the model is due to the fact that the load consumes the power specified by the variables P
+and Q, irrespectively of the voltage of the load.
+When multiple loads are connected in a grid through cables that cause voltage drops,
+the dimension of the system of nonlinear equations increases linearly with the number of loads.
+This nonlinear system of equations introduces challenges during the initialization,
+as Newton solvers may diverge if initialized far from a solution, as well during the simulation.
+In this situation, the model can be parameterized to use a linear approximation
+as discussed in the next section.
+Linearized model
+Given the constraints and the two-dimensional nature of the problem, it is difficult to
+find a linearized version of the AC load model. A solution could be to divide the voltage
+domain into sectors, and for each sector compute the best linear approximation.
+However the selection of the proper approximation depending on the value of the
+voltage can generate events that increase the simulation time. For these reasons, the
+linearized model assumes a voltage that is equal to the nominal value
+i1 = (P V1 + Q V2)/VRMS2,
+i2 = (P V2 - Q V1)/VRMS2,
+where VRMS is the Root Mean Square voltage of the AC system.
+Even though this linearized version of the load model introduces an approximation
+error in the current, it satisfies the constraints related to the ratio of the
+active and reactive powers.
+The initialization problem can be simplified using the homotopy operator. The homotopy operator
+uses two different types of equations to compute the value of a variable: the actual one
+and a simplified one. The actual equation is the one used during the normal operation.
+During initialization, the simplified equation is first solved and then slowly replaced
+with the actual equation to compute the initial values for the nonlinear systems of
+equations. The load model uses the homotopy operator, with the linearized model being used
+as the simplified equation. This numerical expedient has proven useful when simulating models
+with more than ten connected loads.
+The load model has a parameter initMode
that can be used to select
+the assumption to use during the initialization phase by the homotopy operator.
+The choices are between a null current or the linearized model.
+", revisions="
+November 8, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Added replaceable
to terminal redeclaration as they are redeclared by
+May 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Moved function call to PhaseSystem.thetaRef
out of
+derivative operator as this is not yet supported by JModelica.
+- September 4, 2014, by Michael Wetter:
+Revised documentation.
+- August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+- June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Adde parameter initMode
that can be used to
+select the assumption to be used during initialization phase
+by the homotopy operator.
+January 2, 2012, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end Inductive;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Resistive.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Resistive.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3927c132c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/Resistive.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads;
+model Resistive "Model of a resistive load"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.ResistiveLoad(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal,
+ V_nominal(start = 110));
+ if linearized then
+ i[1] = -homotopy(actual = v[1]*P/V_nominal^2, simplified = v[1]*Modelica.Constants.eps*1e3);
+ i[2] = -homotopy(actual = v[2]*P/V_nominal^2, simplified = v[2]*Modelica.Constants.eps*1e3);
+ else
+ if initMode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.InitMode.zero_current then
+ i[1] = -homotopy(actual= v[1]*P/(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2), simplified= 0.0);
+ i[2] = -homotopy(actual= v[2]*P/(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2), simplified= 0.0);
+ else
+ i[1] = -homotopy(actual= v[1]*P/(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2),
+ simplified= v[1]*P/V_nominal^2);
+ i[2] = -homotopy(actual= v[2]*P/(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2),
+ simplified= v[2]*P/V_nominal^2);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="loa",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={Rectangle(extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={255,255,255}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,40},{80,-40}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={0,3.55271e-15},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-80,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,80},{120,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+Model of a resistive load. It may be used to model a load that has
+a power factor of one.
+The model computes the complex power vector as
+S = P + jQ = V ⋅ i*
+where V is the voltage phasor and i* is the complex
+conjugate of the current phasor.
+The load model takes as input the power consumed by the inductive load and
+the power factor pf=cos(φ). The power
+can be either fixed using the parameter P_nominal
, or
+it is possible to specify a variable power using the inputs y
. The different modes can be selected with the parameter
, see
+IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Load for more information.
+The equations of the model can be rewritten as
+i1 = (P V1 + Q V2)/(V12 + V22),
+i2 = (P V2 - Q V1)/(V12 + V22),
+where i1, i2, V1, and V2
+are the real and imaginary parts of the current and voltage phasors.
+Since the model represents a load with a power factor of one, the complex
+power is Q = 0. This leads to the following equations where
+there are nonlinear equations that relate the current to the voltage
+i1 = P V1/(V12 + V22)
+i2 = P V2/(V12 + V22)
+The non-linearity is due to the fact that the load consumes the power specified by the variable P,
+irrespectively of the voltage of the load. The figure below shows the relationship
+between the real part of the current phasor and the real and imaginary voltages of the load.
+When multiple loads are connected in a grid through cables that cause voltage drops,
+the dimension of the system of nonlinear equations increases linearly with the number of loads.
+This nonlinear system of equations introduces challenges during the initialization,
+as Newton solvers may diverge if initialized far from a solution, as well during the simulation.
+In this situation, the model can be parameterized to use a linear approximation
+as discussed in the next section.
+Linearized model
+Given the constraints and the two-dimensional nature of the problem, it is difficult to
+find a linearized version of the AC load model. A solution could be to divide the voltage
+domain into sectors, and for each sector compute the best linear approximation.
+However, the selection of the proper approximation depending on the value of the
+voltage can generate events that increase the simulation time. For these reasons, the
+linearized model assumes a voltage that is equal to the nominal value
+i1 = P V1/VRMS2
+i2 = P V2/VRMS2
+where VRMS is the Root Mean Square voltage of the AC system.
+Even though this linearized version of the load model introduces an approximation
+error in the current, it satisfies the constraints related to the ratio of the
+active and reactive powers.
+The image below show the linearized function
+The initialization problem can be simplified using the homotopy operator. The homotopy operator
+uses two different types of equations to compute the value of a variable: the actual one
+ and a simplified one. The actual equation is the one used during the normal operation.
+During initialization, the simplified equation is first solved and then slowly replaced
+with the actual equation to compute the initial values for the nonlinear system of
+equations. The load model uses the homotopy operator, with the linearized model being used
+as the simplified equation. This numerical expedient has proven useful when simulating models
+with more than ten connected loads.
+The load model has a parameter initMode
that can be used to select
+the assumption to use during the initialization phase by the homotopy operator.
+The choices are between a null current or the linearized model.
+", revisions="
+January 29, 2019, by Michael Wetter:
+Added replaceable
for terminal.
+- May 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Changed parent class to
+IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.ResistiveLoad in order
+to help openmodelica parsing the model. This fixes issue
+- September 4, 2014, by Michael Wetter:
+Revised documentation.
+- August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+- June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added parameter initMode
that can be used to
+select the assumption to be used during initialization phase
+by the homotopy operator.
+January 2, 2012, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end Resistive;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..120aa1eb44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase;
+package Loads "Package with load models for one phase AC systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains models that represent different types of AC single phase loads.
+", revisions="
+June 4, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Loads;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..865b97b429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Loads/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Examples/GeneralizedSensor.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Examples/GeneralizedSensor.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c512105e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Examples/GeneralizedSensor.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sensors.Examples;
+model GeneralizedSensor
+ "This example illustrates how to use the generalized sensor model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen
+ "Sensor that measures V, I, and S"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,0},{20,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Capacitive loa(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic,
+ P_nominal=-100,
+ V_nominal=120) "Constant load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,0},{60,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage sou(f=60, V=120)
+ "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,0},{-40,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortResistance res(R=0.05)
+ "Line resistance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-32,0},{-12,20}})));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, loa.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(points={{20,10},{40,10}}, smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, res.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,10},{-32,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(res.terminal_p, sen.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-12,10},{-4.44089e-16,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ Documentation(
+ info="
+This example illustrates the use of the generalized sensor.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+July 24, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Examples/GeneralizedSensor.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end GeneralizedSensor;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Examples/Probe.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Examples/Probe.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6a6735f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Examples/Probe.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sensors.Examples;
+model Probe "This example illustrates how to use the probe model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Capacitive loaRC(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ P_nominal=-10000,
+ V_nominal=120) "Constant load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,0},{30,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage sou(f=60, V=120)
+ "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-30},{-40,-10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortResistance res1(R=0.1)
+ "First line resistance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,0},{-6,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sensors.Probe probe_source(V_nominal=120)
+ "Probe that measures at the voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-50,30},{-30,50}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sensors.Probe probe_loadRC(V_nominal=120)
+ "Probe that measures at the RC load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,30},{10,50}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortResistance res2(R=0.1)
+ "Second line resistance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,-70},{-6,-50}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive loaRL(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state, P_nominal=-10000,
+ V_nominal=120) "Constant load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,-70},{30,-50}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sensors.Probe probe_loadRL(V_nominal=120)
+ "Probe that measures at the RL load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-28},{10,-8}})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, res1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-40,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(res1.terminal_p, loaRC.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,10},{10,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, probe_source.term) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-40,31}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(loaRC.terminal, probe_loadRC.term) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,10},{6.66134e-16,10},{6.66134e-16,31}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, res2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-40,-60},{-26,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(res2.terminal_p, loaRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,-60},{10,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(loaRL.terminal, probe_loadRL.term) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-60},{6.66134e-16,-60},{6.66134e-16,-27}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ Documentation(
+ info="
+This example illustrates the use of the probe model.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Examples/Probe.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end Probe;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b622f0811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sensors;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (preferredView="info", Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4597e24c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/GeneralizedSensor.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/GeneralizedSensor.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92c2aee11a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/GeneralizedSensor.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sensors;
+model GeneralizedSensor "Sensor for power, voltage and current"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Icons.GeneralizedSensor;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialTwoPort(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p);
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput V(final quantity="ElectricPotential",
+ final unit="V")=
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(terminal_n.v)
+ "Voltage"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={0,-50}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={0,-90})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput I(final quantity="ElectricCurrent",
+ final unit="A")=
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemCurrent(terminal_n.i)
+ "Current"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={60,-50}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={60,-90})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput S[PhaseSystems.OnePhase.n](
+ each final quantity="Power",
+ each final unit="W")=
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phasePowers_vi(v=terminal_n.v, i=terminal_n.i)
+ "Phase powers"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={-60,-50}),iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={-60,-90})));
+ connect(terminal_n, terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{2,0},{2,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (defaultComponentName="sen",
+ Documentation(info="
+Ideal sensor that measures power, voltage and current.
+The two components of the power S are the active and reactive power.
+", revisions="
+September 22, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Fixed bug. The model was referencing the wrong PhaseSystem.
+- September 4, 2014, by Michael Wetter:
+Revised model, changed equation
section to
+avoid mixing graphical and textual modeling.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+July 24, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,-42},{0,-82}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ lineThickness=1,
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="S")}));
+end GeneralizedSensor;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Probe.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Probe.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05a7dc90cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/Probe.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sensors;
+model Probe "Model of a probe that measures RMS voltage and angle"
+ extends Icons.GeneralizedProbe;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start=110)
+ "Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0)";
+ parameter Boolean perUnit = true "If true, display voltage in p.u.";
+ replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_n term "Electrical connector" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={0,-90})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput V(unit=if perUnit then "1" else "V")
+ "Voltage phasor magnitude" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(extent={{60,20},{80,40}}), iconTransformation(extent={{60,
+ 20},{80,40}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput theta(unit="rad", displayUnit="deg")
+ "Voltage phasor angle"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(extent={{60,-40},{80,-20}}), iconTransformation(extent={{60,
+ -40},{80,-20}})));
+ theta = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phase(term.v);
+ if perUnit then
+ V = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(term.v)/V_nominal;
+ else
+ V = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(term.v);
+ end if;
+ term.i = zeros(IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.n);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="sen",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={Text(
+ extent={{40,60},{100,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash,
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="V"), Text(
+ extent={{18,-40},{140,-60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash,
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="theta")}), Documentation(info="
+This model represents a probe that measures the RMS voltage and the angle
+of the voltage phasor at a given point.
+Optionally, given a reference voltage, the model can compute the voltage in per unit.
+", revisions="
+March 30, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Made term
replaceable. This was detected
+by the OpenModelica regression tests.
+- September 4, 2014, by Michael Wetter:
+Revised model.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+end Probe;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b43418239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase;
+package Sensors "Package with sensors for AC electrical systems"
+extends Modelica.Icons.SensorsPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains models for voltage, current and power sensors.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+end Sensors;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fb45c82b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sensors/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/FixedVoltageSource.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/FixedVoltageSource.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d62dd91793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/FixedVoltageSource.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.Examples;
+model FixedVoltageSource
+ "This example illustrates how using a fixed voltage source"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive RL(
+ P_nominal=-300, mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ V_nominal=120) "Load model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,-10},{40,10}})));
+ FixedVoltage grid(
+ f=60,
+ V=120,
+ phiSou=0.34906585039887) "AC one phase electrical grid"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,-10},{-20,10}})));
+ Sensors.Probe sen(V_nominal=120)
+ "Probe that measures the voltage at the load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,20},{10,40}})));
+ connect(grid.terminal, RL.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,4.44089e-16},{-20,0},{20,0},{20,5.55112e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(grid.terminal, sen.term) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,6.66134e-16},{0,6.66134e-16},{0,21},{4.44089e-16,21}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/FixedVoltageSource.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+September 22, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example shows how to use a fixed voltage generator model.
+end FixedVoltageSource;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/VariablePowerSource.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/VariablePowerSource.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7947ef9a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/VariablePowerSource.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.Examples;
+model VariablePowerSource
+ "This example illustrates how using a variable power source"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.Generator generator(phiGen(displayUnit="deg") = 0.26179938779915, f=60)
+ "AC generator model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-50,-10},{-30,10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine generation(
+ offset=200,
+ startTime=1,
+ amplitude=100,
+ f=0.05) "Generated power"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-92,-10},{-72,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive RL(mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input,
+ P_nominal=-300,
+ V_nominal=120) "Load model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,-10},{40,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.Grid grid(f=60, V=120)
+ "AC one phase electrical grid"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,40},{0,60}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Trapezoid load(
+ rising=2,
+ width=3,
+ falling=3,
+ period=10,
+ startTime=1,
+ amplitude=0.8,
+ offset=0.2) "Power consumption profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{80,-10},{60,10}})));
+ connect(generation.y, generator.P) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-71,0},{-50,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(generator.terminal, RL.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-30,0},{20,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(grid.terminal, RL.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,40},{-10,0},{20,0},{20,5.55112e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, RL.y)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,0},{40,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/VariablePowerSource.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example shows how to use a variable generator model. The model has to be used
+together with a voltage source generator.
+end VariablePowerSource;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/WindTurbine.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/WindTurbine.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73a5c8ef48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/WindTurbine.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.Examples;
+model WindTurbine "Example for the WindTurbine AC model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.WindTurbine tur(
+ table=[3.5, 0;
+ 5.5, 100;
+ 12, 900;
+ 14, 1000;
+ 25, 1000], h=10,
+ scale=10,
+ V_nominal=120) "Wind turbine"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={60,0})));
+ IBPSA.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.ReaderTMY3 weaDat(
+ computeWetBulbTemperature=false, filNam=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://IBPSA/Resources/weatherdata/USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.mos"))
+ "Weather data"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-52,36},{-32,56}})));
+ IBPSA.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Bus weaBus "Weather bus"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{16,36},{36,56}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Resistive
+ res(P_nominal=-500, V_nominal=120)
+ "Resistive line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-22,-30},{-2,-10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.Grid sou(f=60, V=120)
+ "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,10},{-60,30}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortResistance
+ lin(R=0.1)
+ "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-22,-10},{-2,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sensors.GeneralizedSensor
+ sen "Generalized sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{8,-10},{28,10}})));
+ connect(weaDat.weaBus,weaBus) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-32,46},{26,46}},
+ color={255,204,51},
+ thickness=0.5,
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(weaBus.winSpe,tur. vWin) annotation (Line(
+ points={{26,46},{60,46},{60,12}},
+ color={255,204,51},
+ thickness=0.5,
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, lin.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-70,10},{-70,0},{-22,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, res.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-70,10},{-70,-20},{-22,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(lin.terminal_p, sen.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-2,0},{8,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, tur.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{28,0},{50,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=172800, Tolerance=1e-6),
+This model illustrates the use of the wind turbine model which is connected to a AC voltage source and a resistance.
+This voltage source can represent the grid to which the
+circuit is connected.
+Wind data for San Francisco, CA, are used.
+The turbine cut-in wind speed is 3.5 m/s,
+and hence it is off in the first day when the wind speed is low.
+ revisions="
+September 22, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/WindTurbine.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end WindTurbine;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99def7f824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b61d6f70a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/FixedVoltage.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/FixedVoltage.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b359c8bc47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/FixedVoltage.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources;
+model FixedVoltage "Fixed single phase AC voltage source"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Source(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Frequency f(start=60) "Frequency of the source";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V(start=110) "RMS voltage of the source";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phiSou=0 "Phase shift of the source";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Angle thetaRel
+ "Absolute angle of rotating system as offset to thetaRef";
+ if Connections.isRoot(terminal.theta) then
+ PhaseSystem.thetaRef(terminal.theta) = 2*Modelica.Constants.pi*f*time;
+ end if;
+ thetaRel = PhaseSystem.thetaRel(terminal.theta);
+ terminal.v = PhaseSystem.phaseVoltages(V, thetaRel + phiSou);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="fixVol",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
+ -100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Line(
+ points={{-44,0},{-24,40},{-4,0},{16,-40},{36,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,100},{120,60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,0},{90,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = definiteReference == true,
+ points={{80,-46},{120,-46}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(visible = definiteReference == true,
+ points={{80,-46},{106,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(visible = definiteReference == true,
+ points={{102,-22},{114,-30},{118,-48}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-118,-60},{122,-100}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="V = %V")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This is a constant voltage source. The complex voltage is specified by the RMS voltage
+and the phase shift.
+ revisions="
+November 8, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Added replaceable
to terminal redeclaration as they are redeclared by
+September 4, 2014, by Michael Wetter:
+Revised documentation.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+end FixedVoltage;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Generator.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Generator.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..558f39fd73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Generator.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources;
+model Generator "Model of a generator"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Source(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Frequency f(start=60) "Frequency of the source";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phiGen(displayUnit="deg") = 0
+ "Phase shift of the source";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current I "value of current";
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput P
+ "Variable power generated by the source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ origin={-100,0}),iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ origin={-100,0})));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Angle thetaRel
+ "Absolute angle of rotating system as offset to thetaRef";
+ if Connections.isRoot(terminal.theta) then
+ PhaseSystem.thetaRef(terminal.theta) = 2*Modelica.Constants.pi*f*time;
+ end if;
+ thetaRel = PhaseSystem.thetaRel(terminal.theta);
+ terminal.i = PhaseSystem.phaseCurrents(I, thetaRel+phiGen);
+ 0 = PhaseSystem.activePower(terminal.v, terminal.i) + P;
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="gen",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
+ -100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={Rectangle(extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={255,255,255}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-52,48},{-52,-52},{60,-16},{60,12},{-52,48}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,130},{120,100}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Line(visible = definiteReference == true,
+ points={{-20,-128},{20,-128}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(visible = definiteReference == true,
+ points={{-20,-128},{6,-102}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(visible = definiteReference == true,
+ points={{2,-104},{14,-112},{18,-130}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier)}),
+ Documentation(info="
+Model of a generator that produces real power
with a given phase shift phiGen
+This model must be used with
+or with a voltage source from the package
+Otherwise, there will be no equation that defines the phase
+angle of the voltage.
+The boolean flags potentialReference
allows to select the phase angle of the
+generator as reference for the models connected to it. More info about
+these flags are available in
+", revisions="
+January 29, 2019, by Michael Wetter:
+Added replaceable
for terminal.
+September 4, 2014, by Michael Wetter:
+Revised model.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+January 4, 2012, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end Generator;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Grid.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Grid.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3935e0571e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/Grid.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources;
+model Grid "Electrical grid"
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,
+ -110},{10,-90}}), iconTransformation(extent={{-10,-110},{10,-90}})));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Frequency f(start=60) "Frequency of the source";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V(start=110) "RMS voltage of the source";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phiSou=0 "Phase shift angle of the source";
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.Interfaces.PowerOutput P
+ "Power consumed from grid if positive, or fed to grid if negative"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{100,-10},{120,10}})));
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage sou(
+ potentialReference=true,
+ definiteReference=true,
+ final f=f,
+ final V=V,
+ final phiSou=phiSou) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}},
+ origin={10,0})));
+ P.real = -sou.S[1];
+ P.apparent = Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(sou.S[2]^2 + sou.S[1]^2, delta = 0.01);
+ P.phi = sou.phi;
+ P.cosPhi = cos(sou.phi);
+ connect(sou.terminal, terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-4.44089e-16,6.66134e-16},{-4.44089e-16,-100},{4.44089e-16,-100}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="gri",
+ Documentation(info="
+Model that can be used to represent the electrical grid supply.
+The model has an output connector named P
+contains information about the power supplied by the grid to the network.
+The convention is that P.real
is positive if real power is
+consumed from the grid, and negative if it is fed into the grid.
+The parameter V
is the root means square of the voltage.
+In US households, this is 120 Volts at 60 Hz,
+in Europe it is 230 Volts at 50 Hz.
+ revisions="
+August 31, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Corrected sign error in documentation string of variable P
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+January 2, 2012, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
+ grid={2,2}), graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,130},{120,100}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-60,-32},{-60,-72}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-74,-32},{-44,-32}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-72,-38},{-48,-28},{-28,-16},{-16,-2},{-12,14}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-46,-38},{-22,-28},{-2,-16},{10,-2},{14,14}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-72,-32},{-72,-38}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-46,-32},{-46,-38}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-14,20},{16,20}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,20},{0,-20}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-12,20},{-12,14}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{14,20},{14,14}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{14,14},{38,24},{58,36},{70,50},{74,66}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-12,14},{12,24},{32,36},{44,50},{48,66}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,72},{60,32}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{46,72},{76,72}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{48,72},{48,66}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{74,72},{74,66}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-100,-76},{-96,-74},{-88,-68},{-76,-54},{-72,-38}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-100,-88},{-82,-80},{-62,-68},{-50,-54},{-46,-38}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{48,68},{72,78},{92,90},{98,94},{100,96}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{74,68},{84,72},{100,82}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier)}));
+end Grid;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/WindTurbine.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/WindTurbine.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2d6b9550f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/WindTurbine.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources;
+model WindTurbine "Simple wind turbine model"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.BaseClasses.WindTurbine.PartialWindTurbine(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare replaceable Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal,
+ V_nominal(start = 110));
+ parameter Real pf(min=0, max=1) = 0.9 "Power factor"
+ annotation (Dialog(group="AC-Conversion"));
+ parameter Real eta_DCAC(min=0, max=1) = 0.9 "Efficiency of DC/AC conversion"
+ annotation (Dialog(group="AC-Conversion"));
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Capacitive load(
+ final mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ final pf=pf,
+ final P_nominal=0,
+ final V_nominal=V_nominal) "Load model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{12,-10},{32,10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gain_DCAC(final k=eta_DCAC) annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={52,0})));
+ connect(load.terminal, terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{12,0},{-100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(gain_DCAC.y, load.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{41,0},{32,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(gain.y, gain_DCAC.u) annotation (Line(
+ points={{23,30},{80,30},{80,0},{64,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ Documentation(info="
+Model of a wind turbine whose power is computed as a function of wind-speed as defined in a table.
+Input to the model is the local wind speed.
+The model requires the specification of a table that maps wind speed in meters per second to generated
+power Pt in Watts.
+The model has a parameter called scale
with a default value of one
+that can be used to scale the power generated by the wind turbine.
+The generated active electrical power is
+P = Pt scale ηDCAC
+where ηDCAC is the efficiency of the conversion of the DC electrical power to AC.
+For example, the following specification (with default scale=1
) of a wind turbine
+ WindTurbine_Table tur(
+ table=[3.5, 0;
+ 5.5, 100;
+ 12, 900;
+ 14, 1000;
+ 25, 1000]) \"Wind turbine\";
+yields the performance shown below. In this example, the cut-in wind speed is 3.5 meters per second,
+and the cut-out wind speed is 25 meters per second,
+as entered by the first and last entry of the wind speed column.
+Below and above these wind speeds, the generated power is zero.
+", revisions="
+January 29, 2019, by Michael Wetter:
+Added replaceable
for terminal.
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+In load, set P_nominal = 0
as it is not used.
+This is for
+issue 426.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end WindTurbine;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1f7e0b1ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase;
+package Sources "Package with sources models for one phase AC systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.SourcesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains models of AC sources.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+end Sources;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e0d521abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/Sources/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2323fb3e4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC;
+package OnePhase "One phase AC systems"
+extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+Package with models for alternate current (AC) single phase systems.
+The models contained in this package use the phase system
+IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase and they assume 120 V as nominal RMS voltage.
+", revisions="
+June 4, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end OnePhase;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e47a34334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/OnePhase/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/ACACConverter.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/ACACConverter.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4d7b27a1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/ACACConverter.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion;
+model ACACConverter "AC AC converter three phase balanced systems"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACConverter(
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="conACAC",
+ Documentation(info="
+This model represents a simplified conversion between two AC
+three-phase balanced systems. The conversion losses are represented by a
+constant efficiency η.
+See model
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACConverter for more
+", revisions="
+September 22, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+January 29, 2012, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+end ACACConverter;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformer.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformer.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9633ad6669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformer.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion;
+model ACACTransformer "AC AC transformer three phase balanced systems"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer(
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="traACAC",
+ Documentation(info="
+Simple transformer model for three-phase
+balanced AC systems. The model does not include core and
+magnetic losses.
+See model
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer for more
+", revisions="
+September 22, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+January 29, 2012, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+end ACACTransformer;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerFull.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerFull.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a40915ec07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerFull.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion;
+model ACACTransformerFull
+ "AC AC transformer full model for three phase balanced systems"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformerFull(
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p);
+ annotation (
+Model of a transformer for three-phase
+balanced AC systems. The model includes core and magnetic losses.
+See model
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformerFull for more
+", revisions="
+September 22, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+January 29, 2012, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+end ACACTransformerFull;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/ACDCConverter.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/ACDCConverter.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15be27bfd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/ACDCConverter.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion;
+model ACDCConverter "AC DC converter"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACDCConverter(
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n);
+ annotation (
+This model represents a simplified conversion between a three-phase
+balanced AC system and a DC systems.
+See model
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACDCConverter for more
+", revisions="
+September 22, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+July 24, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end ACDCConverter;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACACConverter.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACACConverter.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec90c11af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACACConverter.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion.Examples;
+model ACACConverter
+ "This example illustrates how to use the AC/AC converter model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion.ACACConverter
+ conACAC(eta=0.9, conversionFactor=120/480) "ACAC transformer"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,0},{10,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage sou(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-60,10})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Inductive load(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ V_nominal=120) "Load model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{24,0},{44,20}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp ramp(
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.3,
+ height=2000,
+ offset=-1000) "Power consumed by the model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{80,0},{60,20}})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, conACAC.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-50,10},{-10,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(conACAC.terminal_p, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,10},{24,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ramp.y, load.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,10},{44,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+This example illustrates the use of a model that converts AC voltage to AC voltage.
+The transformer model assumes a linear loss when transmitting the power.
+ revisions="
+October 1, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed assignment of load.P_nominal
as it is
+not required and leads to dublicate assignments.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+January 29, 2013, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACACConverter.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end ACACConverter;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformer.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformer.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e39b441fcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformer.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion.Examples;
+model ACACTransformer
+ "This example illustrates how to use the AC/AC simplified transformer model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformer tra_load(
+ Zperc=0.03,
+ VABase=4000,
+ XoverR=8,
+ VHigh=480,
+ VLow=120) "Transformer with load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-18,40},{2,60}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage sou(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-70,50})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Inductive load(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ pf=0.8,
+ V_nominal=120) "Load model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,40},{30,60}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp ramp(
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.3,
+ offset=0,
+ height=-4000*0.8) "Load power consumption profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{70,40},{50,60}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformer tra_cc(
+ XoverR=8,
+ Zperc=0.03,
+ VABase=4000,
+ VHigh=480,
+ VLow=120) "Transformer with short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-16,0},{4,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance shortCircuit(R=1e-8)
+ "Short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,0},{30,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformer tra_void(
+ XoverR=8,
+ Zperc=0.03,
+ VABase=4000,
+ VHigh=480,
+ VLow=120) "Transformer with secondary not connected"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-16,-30},{4,-10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage sou1(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source for open and short circuit tests"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-70,10})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, tra_load.terminal_n)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,50},{-18,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(tra_load.terminal_p, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{2,50},{10,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ramp.y, load.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{49,50},{30,50}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(tra_cc.terminal_p, shortCircuit.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{4,10},{10,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou1.terminal, tra_cc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-16,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou1.terminal, tra_void.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-38,10},{-38,-20},{-16,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+This example illustrates the use of the AC/AC transformer model.
+The example shows three different configurations:
+- With a load connected,
+- without a load connected, and
+- with a short circuit connection.
+", revisions="
+October 1, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed assignment of load.P_nominal
as it is
+not required and leads to dublicate assignments.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+January 29, 2013, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformer.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end ACACTransformer;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformerFull.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformerFull.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..327fd6fcd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformerFull.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion.Examples;
+model ACACTransformerFull
+ "This example illustrates how to use the AC/AC transformer model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerFull tra_load(
+ R1=0.0001,
+ L1=0.0001,
+ R2=0.0001,
+ L2=0.0001,
+ VABase=4000,
+ magEffects=true,
+ Rm=10,
+ Lm=10,
+ VHigh=480,
+ VLow=120,
+ f=60) "Transformer with load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-18,40},{2,60}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage sou(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-70,50})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Inductive load(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ pf=0.8,
+ V_nominal=120) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,40},{30,60}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp ramp(
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.3,
+ offset=0,
+ height=-4000*0.8) "Load power consumption profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{70,40},{50,60}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerFull tra_cc(
+ VABase=4000,
+ R1=0.01,
+ L1=0.01,
+ R2=0.01,
+ L2=0.01,
+ magEffects=false,
+ Rm=100,
+ Lm=100,
+ VHigh=480,
+ VLow=120,
+ f=60) "Transformer with short circuit connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-16,0},{4,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance shortCircuit(R=1e-8)
+ "Short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,0},{30,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerFull tra_void(
+ VABase=4000,
+ R1=0.01,
+ L1=0.01,
+ R2=0.01,
+ L2=0.01,
+ magEffects=false,
+ Rm=100,
+ Lm=100,
+ VHigh=480,
+ VLow=120,
+ f=60) "Transformer with open connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-16,-30},{4,-10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage sou1(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source for short circuit and open tests"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-70,10})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, tra_load.terminal_n)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,50},{-18,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(tra_load.terminal_p, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{2,50},{10,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ramp.y, load.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{49,50},{30,50}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(tra_cc.terminal_p, shortCircuit.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{4,10},{10,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou1.terminal, tra_cc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-16,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou1.terminal, tra_void.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-38,10},{-38,-20},{-16,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+This example illustrates the use of the AC/AC transformer model
+that includes losses at the primary and secondary side and magnetization
+The example shows three different configurations:
+- With a load connected,
+- without a load connected, and
+- with a short circuit connection.
+ revisions="
+October 1, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed assignment of load.P_nominal
as it is
+not required and leads to dublicate assignments.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+January 29, 2013, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACACTransformerFull.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end ACACTransformerFull;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACDCConverter.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACDCConverter.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bdb348a215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACDCConverter.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion.Examples;
+model ACDCConverter
+ "This example illustrates how to use the AC/DC converter model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Resistor res(
+ R=1,
+ V_nominal=120,
+ i(each start=0))
+ "Resistive load" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={50,10})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion.ACDCConverter conversion(
+ eta=0.9,
+ ground_AC=false,
+ ground_DC=true,
+ conversionFactor=120/480) "AC/DC transformer"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,0},{10,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage sou(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-62,10})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Conductor load(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ V_nominal=120) "Variable resistive load"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={50,-10})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp pow(
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.2,
+ offset=-200,
+ height=5200) "Variable load profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-20},{70,0}})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, conversion.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-52,10},{-10,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(conversion.terminal_p, res.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,10},{40,10}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(conversion.terminal_p, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,10},{30,10},{30,-10},{40,-10}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pow.y, load.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{69,-10},{60,-10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+This example illustrates the use of a model that converts AC voltage to DC voltage.
+The transformer model assumes a linear loss when transmitting the power.
+ revisions="
+October 1, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed assignment of load.P_nominal
as it is
+not required and leads to dublicate assignments.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+January 29, 2013, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/ACDCConverter.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end ACDCConverter;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86b0f66e1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Conversion;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+", info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e2ad8d42f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96d588db92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced;
+package Conversion "Package with transformers and converter models for three-phase balanced AC systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains models for three-phase balanced AC/AC
+transformers and AC/DC converters.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+end Conversion;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e342d1531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Conversion/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Interfaces/Terminal_n.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Interfaces/Terminal_n.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..909406470a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Interfaces/Terminal_n.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Interfaces;
+connector Terminal_n "AC three-phase balanced terminal ('negative')"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal(
+ redeclare replaceable package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.OnePhase);
+ annotation (defaultComponentName = "term_p",
+ Documentation(info="
+Electric connector with a vector of negative pins.
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
+ grid={2,2}), graphics={ Text(
+ extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
+ textColor={255,255,255},
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ textString=""), Polygon(
+ points={{-100,100},{-100,-100},{100,-100},{100,100},{-100,100}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Diagram(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
+ grid={2,2}), graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,120},{100,60}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{14,16},{114,-84}},
+ textColor={255,255,255},
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ textString=""), Polygon(
+ points={{-100,50},{-100,-50},{0,-50},{0,50},{-100,50}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}));
+end Terminal_n;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Interfaces/Terminal_p.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Interfaces/Terminal_p.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41aa21973d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Interfaces/Terminal_p.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Interfaces;
+connector Terminal_p "AC three-phase balanced terminal ('positive')"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal(
+ redeclare replaceable package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.OnePhase);
+ annotation (defaultComponentName = "term_p",
+ Documentation(info="
+Electric connector with a vector of positive pins.
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
+ grid={2,2}), graphics={ Text(
+ extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
+ textColor={255,255,255},
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ textString=""), Polygon(
+ points={{-100,100},{-100,-100},{100,-100},{100,100},{-100,100}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Diagram(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
+ grid={2,2}), graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,120},{100,60}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{14,16},{114,-84}},
+ textColor={255,255,255},
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ textString=""), Polygon(
+ points={{0,50},{0,-50},{100,-50},{100,50},{0,50}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}));
+end Terminal_p;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Interfaces/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Interfaces/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5dc1124791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Interfaces/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced;
+package Interfaces "Package interfaces for three-phase balanced AC systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains connectors that are used by the models in the
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced package.
+The connectors extends the basic connectors
+and define a new graphical icon in order to be distinguishable from connectors of other electrical systems (e.g. DC systems).
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+end Interfaces;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Interfaces/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Interfaces/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d23ecfc486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Interfaces/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a40e0bce07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine "Test model for single phase lines that use commercial cables"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage E(definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance R1(R=10) "Resistive load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-10},{20,10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Line line_1(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ l=2000,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu50(),
+ V_nominal=480) "Resistive line that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Line line_2a(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu50(),
+ l=1000,
+ V_nominal=480) "Resistive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-30},{-40,-10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance R2(R=10) "Resistive load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Line line_2b(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu50(),
+ l=1000,
+ V_nominal=480) "Resistive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-32,-30},{-12,-10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Line line_3a(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu50(),
+ l=4000,
+ V_nominal=480) "Resistive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-50},{-40,-30}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Line line_3b(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu50(),
+ l=4000,
+ V_nominal=480) "Resistive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-70},{-40,-50}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance R3(R=10) "Resistive load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-60},{20,-40}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Line line_sc(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ l=2000,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu50(),
+ V_nominal=480) "Line that connects the source and the short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,20},{-40,40}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance load_sc(R=0) "Short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,20},{20,40}})));
+ connect(line_1.terminal_p, R1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,0},{-24,0},{-24,6.66134e-16},{-4.44089e-16,6.66134e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,4.44089e-16},{-60,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,4.44089e-16},{-70,4.44089e-16},{-70,-20},{-60,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_2a.terminal_p, line_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-32,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_2b.terminal_p, R2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-12,-20},{0,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_3a.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-40},{-20,-40},{-20,-50},{0,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_3b.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-60},{-20,-60},{-20,-50},{-5.55112e-16,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_3a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-40},{-60,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-60},{-60,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_sc.terminal_p, load_sc.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,30},{-4.44089e-16,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_sc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,30},{-60,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+September 22, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Documentation and example revised.
+", info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a line model to connect
+a source to a load that uses commercial cables.
+The model has four different loads. The load sc_load
+a short circuit R=0. The current that flows through the load depends
+on the impedance of the line.
+The remaining three loads R1
, R2
, and R3
+are resistive loads. Each load is connected to the source with different configurations.
+However, the equivalent impedance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent impedances are the same, each load draws the same current.
+end ACLine;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMedium.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMedium.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd4de80531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMedium.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLineMedium
+ "Test model for a single phase line that uses medium voltage commercial cable information "
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage E(definiteReference=true, V=15000,
+ f=60) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance R1(R=10) "Resistive load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-10},{20,10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Line line_1(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ l=2000,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic
+ commercialCable = IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_10(),
+ V_nominal=15000) "Resistive line that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-58,-10},{-38,10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Line line_2a(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ l=1000,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic
+ commercialCable = IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_10(),
+ V_nominal=15000) "Resistive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-30},{-40,-10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance R2(R=10) "Resistive load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Line line_2b(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ l=1000,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic
+ commercialCable = IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_10(),
+ V_nominal=15000) "Resistive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-32,-30},{-12,-10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Line line_3a(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ l=4000,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic
+ commercialCable = IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_10(),
+ V_nominal=15000) "Resistive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-50},{-40,-30}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Line line_3b(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ l=4000,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic
+ commercialCable = IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_10(),
+ V_nominal=15000) "Resistive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-70},{-40,-50}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance R3(R=10) "Resistive load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-60},{20,-40}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Line line_sc(
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ l=2000,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic
+ commercialCable = IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_10(),
+ V_nominal=15000) "Line that connects the source and the short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-58,20},{-38,40}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance load_sc(R=0) "Short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,20},{20,40}})));
+ connect(line_1.terminal_p, R1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-38,0},{-24,0},{-24,6.66134e-16},{-4.44089e-16,6.66134e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,4.44089e-16},{-58,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,4.44089e-16},{-70,4.44089e-16},{-70,-20},{-60,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_2a.terminal_p, line_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-32,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_2b.terminal_p, R2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-12,-20},{0,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_3a.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-40},{-20,-40},{-20,-50},{0,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_3b.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-60},{-20,-60},{-20,-50},{-5.55112e-16,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_3a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-40},{-60,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-60},{-60,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_sc.terminal_p, load_sc.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-38,30},{-4.44089e-16,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_sc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,30},{-58,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMedium.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Documentation and example added.
+", info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a line model to connect
+a source to a load that uses medium voltage commercial cable information.
+The model has four different loads. The load sc_load
+a short circuit R=0. The current that flows through the load depends
+on the impedance of the line.
+The remaining three loads R1
, R2
, and R3
+are resistive loads. Each load is connected to the source with different configurations,
+however the equivalent impedance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent impedances are the same, each load draws the same current.
+ line_1(
+ V_nominal=220,
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ l=2000,
+ commercialCable =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_10
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 1"
+The code snippet shows how a line model line_1
redeclared its
+record type in order to be IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic
+end ACLineMedium;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a5d97801f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine_L "Test model for single phase inductive lines"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance Lbase=10/2/Modelica.Constants.pi/60
+ "Base value for the line inductances";
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage E(definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance R1(R=10) "Resistive load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,0},{20,20}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance R2(R=10) "Resistive load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance R3(R=10) "Resistive load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-62},{20,-42}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance load_sc(R=0) "Short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,40},{20,60}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortInductance Lline_sc(L=Lbase)
+ "Inductive line connected to the short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,40},{-40,60}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortInductance Lline_1(L=Lbase)
+ "Inductive line connected to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,0},{-40,20}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortInductance Lline_2a(L=0.5*Lbase)
+ "Inductive line connected to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-30},{-40,-10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortInductance Lline_2b(L=0.5*Lbase)
+ "Inductive line connected to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-36,-30},{-16,-10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortInductance Lline_3(L=2*Lbase)
+ "Inductive line connected to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-50},{-40,-30}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortInductance Lline_3b(L=2*Lbase)
+ "Inductive line connected to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-70},{-40,-50}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, Lline_sc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,50},{-60,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Lline_sc.terminal_p, load_sc.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,50},{0,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Lline_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,10},{-60,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Lline_1.terminal_p, R1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,10},{0,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Lline_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-20},{-60,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Lline_2a.terminal_p, Lline_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-36,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Lline_2b.terminal_p, R2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-16,-20},{-4.44089e-16,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Lline_3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-40},{-60,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Lline_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-60},{-60,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Lline_3.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-40},{-20,-40},{-20,-52},{0,-52}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Lline_3b.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-60},{-20,-60},{-20,-52},{0,-52}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-06),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a purely inductive line model to connect
+a source to a load.
+The model has four different loads. The load sc_load
+a short circuit R=0. The current that flows through the load depends
+on the inductance of the line.
+The remaining three loads R1
, R2
, and R3
+are resistive loads. Each load is connected to the source with different configurations.
+However, the equivalent impedance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent impedances are the same, each load draws the same current.
+", revisions="
+September 22, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Documentation and example revised.
+end ACLine_L;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9bd80ce9dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine_R "Test model for single phase resistive lines"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage E(definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance R1(R=10) "Resistive load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,0},{20,20}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance R2(R=10) "Resistive load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance R3(R=10) "Resistive load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-70},{20,-50}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance sc_load(R=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,40},{20,60}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortResistance Rline_sc(R=10, useHeatPort=false)
+ "Resistive line that connects to the short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,60},{-40,40}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortResistance Rline_1(R=10)
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,0},{-40,20}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortResistance Rline_2a(R=5)
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-30},{-40,-10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortResistance Rline_2b(R=5)
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-36,-30},{-16,-10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortResistance Rline_3a(R=20)
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-60},{-40,-40}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortResistance Rline_3b(R=20)
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-80},{-40,-60}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_sc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,50},{-60,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_sc.terminal_p, sc_load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,50},{0,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,10},{-60,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_1.terminal_p, R1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,10},{0,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-20},{-60,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2a.terminal_p, Rline_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-36,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2b.terminal_p, R2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-16,-20},{-4.44089e-16,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-50},{-60,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-70},{-60,-70}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3a.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-50},{-20,-50},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3b.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-70},{-20,-70},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a resistive line model to connect
+a source to a load.
+The model has four different loads. The load sc_load
+a short circuit R=0. The current that flows through the load depends
+on the resistance of the line.
+The remaining three loads R1
, R2
, and R3
+are resistive loads. Each load is connected to the source with different configurations.
+However, the equivalent resistance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent resistances are the same, each load draws the same current.
+", revisions="
+September 22, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Documentation and example revised.
+end ACLine_R;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37aae8acdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine_RL "Test model for single phase inductive-resistive lines"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance Rbase=10
+ "Base value for the line resistance";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance Lbase=Rbase/2/Modelica.Constants.pi/60
+ "Base value for the line inductance";
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage E(definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance load_sc_1(R=0) "Short circuit 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,20},{20,40}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance load_sc_2(R=0) "Short circuit 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-10},{20,10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortRL RL_2(R=Rbase, L=Lbase)
+ "Resistive-Inductive line connected to short circuit 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-48,-10},{-28,10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortResistance R_1(R=Rbase)
+ "Resistance line connected to short circuit 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,20},{-40,40}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortInductance L_1(L=Lbase)
+ "Inductance line connected to short circuit 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,20},{-10,40}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortRL RL_3(
+ R=Rbase,
+ L=Lbase,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)
+ "Dynamic resistive-inductive line connected to short circuit 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-48,-40},{-28,-20}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Impedance load_sc_3(R=0) "Short circuit 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-40},{20,-20}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, R_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,30},{-60,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(R_1.terminal_p, L_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,30},{-30,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(L_1.terminal_p, load_sc_1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,30},{0,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RL_2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-48,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RL_2.terminal_p, load_sc_2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-28,0},{0,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RL_3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-30},{-48,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RL_3.terminal_p, load_sc_3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-28,-30},{0,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0,Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file="modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+September 22, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Documentation and example revised.
+", info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a resistive-inductive line model to connect
+a source to a load.
+The model has three loads load_sc_1
, load_sc_2
+and load_sc_3
representing short circuits R=0.
+The current that flows through the load depends on the impedance of the line.
+Each load is connected to the source with different configurations.
+However, the equivalent impedance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent impedances are the same, each load draws the same current.
+The line model RL_3
is the same as RL_2
but it uses
+dynamic phasors.
+end ACLine_RL;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a8fcb2782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACSimpleGrid "Test model for a network model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Network network(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Grids.TestGrid2Nodes grid,
+ V_nominal=480)
+ "Network model that represents the connection between the source and the load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,-10},{0,10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Inductive load(
+ P_nominal=2500,
+ mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ V_nominal=480) "Load connected to the network"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-28,10},{-48,30}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage E(f=60, V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{10,10},{-10,-10}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={-70,0})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp load_inputs(
+ height=5000,
+ duration=2,
+ offset=-2000,
+ startTime=0.5) "Input signal for the power consumption of the loads"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,20},{-60,40}})));
+ connect(load.terminal, network.terminal[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-28,20},{-20,20},{-20,4.44089e-16},{-4.44089e-16,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, network.terminal[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,-1.33227e-15},{-56,-1.33227e-15},{-56,4.44089e-16},{
+ -4.44089e-16,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load_inputs.y, load.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-59,30},{-54,30},{-54,20},{-48,20}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+September 22, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Documentation and example revised.
+", info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a network model to connect
+a source to a load. In this simple case the network has two nodes
+that are connected by a commercial line cable.
+At the beginning of the simulation the load consumes power while at the
+and it produces power. The voltage at the load at the beginning is lower
+than the nominal RMS voltage (480 V) while at the end of the simulation it is higher.
+The voltage drop and increase are due to the presence of the cable between
+the source and the load.
+The network uses cables of the type LowVoltageCable.Cu35
+a length of 200 m.
+The picture below describes the grid topology.
+end ACSimpleGrid;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGridMedium.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGridMedium.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f201377b0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGridMedium.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACSimpleGridMedium "Test model for a network model with medium voltage"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Network network(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Grids.TestGrid2NodesMedium grid,
+ lines(redeclare
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic
+ commercialCable = network.grid.cables,
+ each V_nominal = network.V_nominal),
+ V_nominal=15000)
+ "Network model that represents the connection between the source and the load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,-10},{0,10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Inductive load(mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ P_nominal=250000,
+ V_nominal=15000) "Load connected to the network"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-28,10},{-48,30}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage E(V=15000, f=60) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={-70,0})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp load_inputs(
+ height=5000,
+ duration=2,
+ offset=-2000,
+ startTime=0.5) "Input signal for the power consumption of the loads"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,20},{-60,40}})));
+ connect(load.terminal, network.terminal[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-28,20},{-20,20},{-20,4.44089e-16},{-4.44089e-16,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, network.terminal[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,-8.88178e-16},{-56,-8.88178e-16},{-56,4.44089e-16},{-4.44089e-16,
+ 4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load_inputs.y, load.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-59,30},{-54,30},{-54,20},{-48,20}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGridMedium.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Documentation and example added.
+", info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a network model to connect
+a source to a load (using a medium voltage cable). In this simple case the network has two nodes
+that are connected by a commercial line cable.
+At the beginning of the simulation the load consumes power while at the
+end it produces power. The voltage at the load at the beginning is lower
+than the nominal RMS voltage (15 kV) while at the end of the simulation it is higher.
+The voltage drop and increase are due to the presence of the cable between
+the source and the load.
+The network uses cables of the type MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_30
+a length of 200 m.
+The picture below describes the grid topology.
+The cables are usually defined using the LowVoltageCable.Generic
type. In order to use a
+medium voltage cable it is necessary to redeclare the type of the record commercialCable
+ network(
+ grid,
+ lines(
+ commercialCable = network.grid.cables,
+V_nominal = network.V_nominal),
+ V_nominal=15000)
+The code snippet shows how each line that is part of the vector lines
+redeclared in order to have as type the record
. The lines are initialized
+using the cables of the grid network.grid.cables
. All the lines have the same
+nominal voltage each V_nominal = network.V_nominal
+end ACSimpleGridMedium;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f7ee11d2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+", info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..acaf01147b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Line.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Line.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9eb745f9cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Line.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines;
+model Line "Model of an electrical line"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.Line(
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p,
+ V_nominal(start=480),
+ redeclare TwoPortRLC line(
+ R=R,
+ L=L,
+ C=C,
+ V_nominal=V_nominal));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="line",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-70,10},{-50,-10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={11,193,87},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-60,10},{60,-10}},
+ fillColor={11,193,87},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{50,10},{70,-10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,128,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,0},{-90,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{60,10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-60,-10},{60,-10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{96,0},{60,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+This model represents a cable for three-phase balanced AC systems. The model is based on
+and provides functionalities to parametrize the values of R, L and C either
+using commercial cables or using default values.
+See model
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.Line for more
+end Line;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Network.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Network.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d69d2faf1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/Network.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines;
+model Network "Three phases balanced AC network"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialNetwork(
+ V_nominal(start = 480),
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal,
+ redeclare replaceable Transmission.Grids.TestGrid2Nodes grid,
+ redeclare Lines.Line lines(
+ redeclare replaceable
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic commercialCable=grid.cables));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VAbs[grid.nNodes] "RMS voltage of the grid nodes";
+ for i in 1:grid.nLinks loop
+ connect(lines[i].terminal_p, terminal[grid.fromTo[i,1]]);
+ connect(lines[i].terminal_n, terminal[grid.fromTo[i,2]]);
+ end for;
+ for i in 1:grid.nNodes loop
+ VAbs[i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(terminal[i].v);
+ end for;
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="net",
+ Icon(graphics={ Line(
+ points={{-98,-60},{-78,-20},{-58,-60},{-38,-100},{-18,-60}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier), Line(
+ points={{-88,-60},{-68,-20},{-48,-60},{-28,-100},{-8,-60}},
+ color={120,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier), Line(
+ points={{-78,-60},{-58,-20},{-38,-60},{-18,-100},{2,-60}},
+ color={215,215,215},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier)}), Documentation(revisions="
+March 30, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Made grid
replaceable. This error was caught by
+the regression tests of OpenModelica.
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Maintained replaceable the parameter commercialCable
when redeclaring
+the type of line.
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+This model represents a generalized electrical AC three-phase balanced network.
+for information about the network model.
+for more information about the topology of the network, such as
+the number of nodes, how they are connected, and the length of each connection.
+end Network;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/TwoPortInductance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/TwoPortInductance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76973c81f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/TwoPortInductance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortInductance "Model of an inductance with two electrical ports"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortInductance(
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="lineL",
+ Documentation(revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+Inductance that connects two AC three-phase
+balanced interfaces. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase balanced AC system.
+See model
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortInductance for more
+end TwoPortInductance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/TwoPortRL.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/TwoPortRL.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7d2dddb35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/TwoPortRL.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortRL
+ "Model of a resistive-inductive element with two electrical ports"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL(
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="lineRL",
+ Documentation(revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+Resistive-inductive impedance that connects two AC three-phase
+balanced interfaces. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase balanced AC system.
+See model
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL for more
+end TwoPortRL;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/TwoPortRLC.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/TwoPortRLC.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e07247abca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/TwoPortRLC.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortRLC "Model of a RLC element with two electrical ports"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRLC(
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="lineRLC",
+ Documentation(revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+RLC impedance that connects two AC three-phase
+balanced interfaces. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase balanced AC system.
+See model
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRLC for more
+end TwoPortRLC;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/TwoPortResistance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/TwoPortResistance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fa74ed2c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/TwoPortResistance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortResistance "Model of a resistance with two electrical ports"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortResistance(
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="lineR",
+ Documentation(revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+Resistance that connects two AC three-phase
+balanced interfaces. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase balanced AC system.
+See model
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortResistance for more
+end TwoPortResistance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa41e6a701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced;
+package Lines "Package with line models for three-phase balanced AC systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{44,6},{20,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{32,6},{-50,6},{-60,6},{-68,-12},{-60,-30},{-48,-30},{32,-30}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,-12},{-84,-12}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{58,-12},{32,-12}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}), Documentation(info="
+This package contains models for transmission lines and electrical networks.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+end Lines;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c13075e17a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Lines/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Capacitive.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Capacitive.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ffa1e080c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Capacitive.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads;
+model Capacitive "Model of a capacitive and resistive load"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Capacitive(
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal,
+ V_nominal(start=480));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="loa",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
+ -100},{100,100}}), graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,80},{80,-80}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(points={{-2,-2.44921e-16},{10,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-82,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,120},{120,80}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,1},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,0},{32,3.91873e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={10,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{44,5.38825e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={60,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,51},
+ rotation=90),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,-51},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,50},{76,0},{60,-52}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,-52},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{10,68},{10,32}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{16,68},{16,32}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{60,7.34764e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={76,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{16,18},{16,-18}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{10,18},{10,-18}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,0},{32,3.91873e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={10,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{44,5.38825e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={60,-52},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{16,-34},{16,-70}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{10,-34},{10,-70}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,0},{32,3.91873e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={10,-52},
+ rotation=180)}), Documentation(info="
+Model of a capacitive load. See
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Capacitive for more information.
+ revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+January 2, 2012, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end Capacitive;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/Impedances.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/Impedances.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0f041ece5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/Impedances.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Examples;
+model Impedances "Example that illustrates the use of the impedance models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage sou(f=60, V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,-20},{-60,0}})));
+ Impedance Z1(R=0,
+ inductive=true,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60),
+ star=true) "Impedance purely inductive"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,40},{0,60}})));
+ Impedance Z2(R=1, star=true) "Impedance purely resistive"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,10},{0,30}})));
+ Impedance Z3(R=0,
+ inductive=false,
+ C=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60),
+ star=true) "Impedance purely capacitive"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-20},{0,0}})));
+ Impedance Z4(
+ inductive=false,
+ R=1,
+ C=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60),
+ star=true) "Impedance capacitive"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-50},{0,-30}})));
+ Impedance Z5(
+ R=1,
+ inductive=true,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60),
+ star=true) "Impedance inductive"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-78},{0,-58}})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, Z1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,-10},{-40,-10},{-40,50},{-20,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, Z2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,-10},{-40,-10},{-40,20},{-20,20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, Z3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,-10},{-20,-10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, Z4.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,-10},{-40,-10},{-40,-40},{-20,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, Z5.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,-10},{-40,-10},{-40,-68},{-20,-68}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+September 22, 2014 by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation and revised the example.
+", info="
+This model illustrates the use of the impedance models.
+The impedances have unitary values such that the RMS value of the voltage and of the current are the same.
+ experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/Impedances.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end Impedances;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/ParallelLoads.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/ParallelLoads.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1951abbcb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/ParallelLoads.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Examples;
+model ParallelLoads "Example that illustrates the use of the load models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage E(f=60, V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,-10},{-60,10}})));
+ Resistive R(P_nominal=-2000, V_nominal=480) "Resistive load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,40},{0,60}})));
+ Inductive RL_pf(
+ pf=0.8,
+ P_nominal=-2000,
+ use_pf_in=true,
+ V_nominal=480) "Inductive load with variable power factor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-10},{0,10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp load( startTime=0.2, duration=0.3)
+ "Power signal profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,-50},{40,-30}})));
+ Inductive varRL_y( P_nominal=-2000,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input)
+ "Inductive load with y as input"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-36},{0,-16}})));
+ Capacitive varRC_y( P_nominal=-2000,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input)
+ "Capacitive load with y as input"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-60},{0,-40}})));
+ Inductive varRL_P(pf=0.8,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input)
+ "Inductive load with P as input"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,14},{0,34}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp pow(
+ startTime=0.2,
+ duration=0.3,
+ height=4000,
+ offset=-2000) "Power consumption profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,14},{40,34}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp pf(
+ height=0.2,
+ duration=0.2,
+ offset=0.8,
+ startTime=0.7) "Power factor profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,-20},{40,0}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, R.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,4.44089e-16},{-40,4.44089e-16},{-40,50},{-20,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RL_pf.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,4.44089e-16},{-40,4.44089e-16},{-40,0},{-20,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, varRL_y.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,4.44089e-16},{-40,4.44089e-16},{-40,-26},{-20,-26}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, varRC_y.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,4.44089e-16},{-40,4.44089e-16},{-40,-50},{-20,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, varRL_y.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,-40},{20,-40},{20,-26},{4.44089e-16,-26}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, varRC_y.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,-40},{20,-40},{20,-50},{4.44089e-16,-50}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, varRL_P.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,4.44089e-16},{-40,4.44089e-16},{-40,24},{-20,24}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pow.y, varRL_P.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,24},{4.44089e-16,24}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf.y, RL_pf.pf_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,-10},{30,-10},{30,6},{4.44089e-16,6}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Documentation(revisions="
+September 22, 2014 by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation and revised the example.
+", info="
+This model illustrates the use of the three-phase unbalanced load models.
+ experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/ParallelLoads.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end ParallelLoads;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/ThreePhases.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/ThreePhases.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f86199f601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/ThreePhases.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Examples;
+model ThreePhases
+ "Example that provides a comparison between AC one phase and three-phase balanced"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power errorY=sqrt((sen_Y.S[1] - (sen_a.S[1] + sen_b.S[1] +
+ sen_c.S[1]))^2 + (sen_Y.S[2] - (sen_a.S[2] + sen_b.S[2] + sen_c.S[2]))^2)
+ "Difference of the power consumption in the star (Y) connection";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power errorD=sqrt((sen_D.S[1] - (sen_ab.S[1] + sen_bc.S[1]
+ + sen_ca.S[1]))^2 + (sen_D.S[2] - (sen_ab.S[2] + sen_bc.S[2] + sen_ca.S[
+ 2]))^2)
+ "Difference of the power consumption in the triangle (D) connection";
+ Sources.FixedVoltage sou(definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Three phases balanced voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,50},{-40,70}})));
+ Impedance RL_star(
+ R=1,
+ inductive=true,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60)) "Impedance with Y connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,50},{60,70}})));
+ OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage sou_a(V=480/sqrt(3), definiteReference=true,
+ f=60) "Voltage source phase a"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-90,-30},{-70,-10}})));
+ OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage sou_b(
+ V=480/sqrt(3),
+ definiteReference=true,
+ phiSou=2.0943951023932,
+ f=60) "Voltage source phase b"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-90,-60},{-70,-40}})));
+ OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage sou_c(
+ V=480/sqrt(3),
+ definiteReference=true,
+ phiSou=-2.0943951023932,
+ f=60) "Voltage source phase c"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-90,-90},{-70,-70}})));
+ OnePhase.Loads.Impedance RL_a(
+ R=1,
+ inductive=true,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60)) "Impedance on phase A"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,-30},{-20,-10}})));
+ OnePhase.Loads.Impedance RL_b(
+ R=1,
+ inductive=true,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60)) "Impedance on phase B"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,-60},{-20,-40}})));
+ OnePhase.Loads.Impedance RL_c(
+ R=1,
+ inductive=true,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60)) "Impedance on phase C"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,-90},{-20,-70}})));
+ Impedance RL_tri(
+ R=1,
+ inductive=true,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60),
+ star=false) "Impedance with D connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,20},{60,40}})));
+ OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage sou_ab(
+ V=480,
+ phiSou=-0.5235987755983,
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60) "Voltage source line ab"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,-30},{30,-10}})));
+ OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage sou_bc(
+ phiSou=1.5707963267949,
+ V=480,
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60) "Voltage source line bc"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,-60},{30,-40}})));
+ OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage sou_ca(
+ phiSou=-3.6651914291881,
+ V=480,
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60) "Voltage source line ca"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,-90},{30,-70}})));
+ OnePhase.Loads.Impedance RL_ab(
+ R=1,
+ inductive=true,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60)) "Impedance on line AB"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,-30},{80,-10}})));
+ OnePhase.Loads.Impedance RL_bc(
+ R=1,
+ inductive=true,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60)) "Impedance on line BC"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,-60},{80,-40}})));
+ OnePhase.Loads.Impedance RL_c1(
+ R=1,
+ inductive=true,
+ L=1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*60)) "Impedance on linease CA"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,-90},{80,-70}})));
+ OnePhase.Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen_a
+ "Sensor located on phase A (Y connection)"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-66,-30},{-46,-10}})));
+ OnePhase.Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen_ab
+ "Sensor located on line AB (D connection)"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{34,-30},{54,-10}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen_Y "Sensor for Y connection (balanced case)"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{12,50},{32,70}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen_D "Sensor for D connection (balanced case)"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{12,20},{32,40}})));
+ OnePhase.Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen_b
+ "Sensor located on phase B (Y connection)"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-66,-60},{-46,-40}})));
+ OnePhase.Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen_c
+ "Sensor located on phase C (Y connection)"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-66,-90},{-46,-70}})));
+ OnePhase.Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen_bc
+ "Sensor located on line BC (D connection)"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{34,-60},{54,-40}})));
+ OnePhase.Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen_ca
+ "Sensor located on line CA (D connection)"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{34,-90},{54,-70}})));
+ connect(sou_a.terminal, sen_a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-70,-20},{-66,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen_a.terminal_p, RL_a.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-46,-20},{-40,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou_ab.terminal, sen_ab.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,-20},{34,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen_ab.terminal_p, RL_ab.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{54,-20},{60,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, sen_Y.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,60},{12,60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen_Y.terminal_p, RL_star.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{32,60},{40,60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, sen_D.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,60},{0,60},{0,30},{12,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen_D.terminal_p, RL_tri.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{32,30},{40,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou_b.terminal, sen_b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-70,-50},{-66,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen_b.terminal_p, RL_b.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-46,-50},{-40,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou_c.terminal, sen_c.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-70,-80},{-66,-80}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen_c.terminal_p, RL_c.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-46,-80},{-40,-80}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou_bc.terminal, sen_bc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,-50},{34,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen_bc.terminal_p, RL_bc.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{54,-50},{60,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou_ca.terminal, sen_ca.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,-80},{34,-80}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen_ca.terminal_p, RL_c1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{54,-80},{60,-80}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
+ -100},{100,100}}), graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-60,100},{60,80}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="Three phases, balanced (Y and D connection) "),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,10},{-4,-10}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="Three phases, balanced (Y connection) "),
+ Text(
+ extent={{4,10},{100,-10}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="Three phases, balanced (D connection) ")}), Documentation(
+ revisions="
+September 22, 2014 by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation and revised the example.
+", info="
+This model illustrates the use of the impedance models and how the three-phase balanced model
+can reproduce the same results obtained using three separate one phase circuits.
+ experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/ThreePhases.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end ThreePhases;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8aca4607d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+", info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d9b976ee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Impedance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Impedance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdef976646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Impedance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads;
+model Impedance "Model of a resistive load"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Impedance(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal);
+ parameter Boolean star = true
+ "Type of load connection: true = star, false = triangle" annotation(Evaluate=true, choices(
+ choice=true "Star",
+ choice=false "Triangle",
+ __Dymola_radioButtons=true));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Angle theRef "Absolute angle of rotating reference system";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.AngularVelocity omega
+ "Frequency of the quasi-stationary sine waves";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Reactance X(start=1) "Complex component of the impedance";
+ theRef = PhaseSystem.thetaRef(terminal.theta);
+ omega = der(theRef);
+ // Inductance of each line
+ if inductive then
+ X = omega*L_internal;
+ else
+ X = -1/(omega*C_internal);
+ end if;
+ // Ohm's law
+ if star then
+ terminal.v = {{R_internal,-X}*terminal.i, {X,R_internal}*terminal.i};
+ else
+ terminal.v = {{R_internal/3,-X/3}*terminal.i, {X/3,R_internal/3}*terminal.i};
+ end if;
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="loa",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={Rectangle(extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={255,255,255}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,80},{80,-80}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={7.10543e-15,7.10543e-15},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-80,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,-80},{120,-120}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={2,49},
+ rotation=90),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={2,1},
+ rotation=90),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={2,-49},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ visible=star == true,
+ points={{52,50},{68,0},{52,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = star == true,
+ points={{68,0},{52,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-68,50},{-28,50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-68,0},{-28,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-68,-50},{-28,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{32,50},{52,50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{32,0},{52,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{32,-50},{52,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = star == false,
+ points={{52,50},{52,36},{-50,14},{-50,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = star == false,
+ points={{52,0},{52,-14},{-50,-36},{-50,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = star == false,
+ points={{52,-50},{72,-50},{72,68},{-50,68},{-50,50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}),
+ Documentation(info="
+Model of a three-phase balanced impedance.
+If inductive=true
, then the
+inductance is a parameter, otherwise
+the capacitance is a parameter.
+The boolean parameter star
is used to
+select whether the star (Y) or triangle (D)
+configuration is used to connect the impedance.
+By default, the impedance is assumed to be connected
+with a star configuration.
+When the connection type changes from
to triangle
, the value of the impedance
+is recomputed in such a way that the nominal power consumed by the impedance
+does not change.
+", revisions="
+May 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Moved function call to PhaseSystem.thetaRef
out of
+derivative operator as this is not yet supported by JModelica.
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+January 2, 2012, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end Impedance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Inductive.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Inductive.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a791a0a73c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Inductive.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads;
+model Inductive "Model of an inductive and resistive load"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive(
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal,
+ V_nominal(start=480));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="loa",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
+ -100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,80},{80,-80}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={255,255,255}),
+ Ellipse(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=360),
+ Ellipse(extent={{30,-10},{50,10}}),
+ Ellipse(extent={{10,-10},{30,10}}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-10,0},{50,-12}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(points={{0,0},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-10,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{26,3.18398e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={76,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,1},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(points={{-2,-2.44921e-16},{10,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-82,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,120},{120,80}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Ellipse(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={0,50},
+ rotation=360),
+ Ellipse(extent={{30,40},{50,60}}),
+ Ellipse(extent={{10,40},{30,60}}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-10,50},{50,38}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(points={{0,0},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-10,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={60,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,51},
+ rotation=90),
+ Ellipse(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={0,-52},
+ rotation=360),
+ Ellipse(extent={{30,-62},{50,-42}}),
+ Ellipse(extent={{10,-62},{30,-42}}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-10,-52},{50,-64}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(points={{0,0},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-10,-52},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={60,-52},
+ rotation=180),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,-51},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,50},{76,0},{60,-52}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,-52},
+ rotation=180)}), Documentation(info="
+Model of an inductive load. See
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive for more information.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+January 2, 2012, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end Inductive;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Resistive.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Resistive.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6819223e8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/Resistive.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads;
+model Resistive "Model of a resistive load"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Resistive(
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal,
+ V_nominal(start=480));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="loa",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={Rectangle(extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={255,255,255}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,80},{80,-80}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={7.10543e-15,7.10543e-15},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-80,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,120},{120,80}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,50},{-26,50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={4,49},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,50},{54,50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{54,50},{70,0},{54,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,0},{70,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={4,1},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,0},{-26,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,-50},{-26,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={4,-49},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,-50},{54,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}),
+ Documentation(info="
+Model of a resistive load. See
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Resistive for more information.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+January 2, 2012, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end Resistive;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34920b265c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced;
+package Loads "Package with load models for three-phase balanced AC systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains models that represent different types of three
+phases balanced AC loads.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+end Loads;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..865b97b429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Loads/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Examples/GeneralizedSensor.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Examples/GeneralizedSensor.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e7132fccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Examples/GeneralizedSensor.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sensors.Examples;
+model GeneralizedSensor "Example model for generalized sensor"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sensors.GeneralizedSensor
+ sen "Sensor model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,2},{0,22}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Capacitive loa(
+ V_nominal=480, P_nominal=-100) "Constant load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,2},{60,22}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage
+ sou(f=60, V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,2},{-40,22}})));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, loa.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(points={{5.55112e-16,12},{40,12}}, smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_n, sou.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(points={{-20,12},{-40,12}}, smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (Documentation(
+ info="
+This example illustrates the use of the generalized sensor.
+July 24, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Examples/GeneralizedSensor.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end GeneralizedSensor;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Examples/Probe.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Examples/Probe.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a222117807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Examples/Probe.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sensors.Examples;
+model Probe "This example illustrates how to use the probe model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Capacitive loaRC(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ P_nominal=-10000,
+ V_nominal=480) "Constant load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,0},{30,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage sou(f=60, V=
+ 480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-30},{-40,-10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortResistance res1(R=0.1)
+ "First line resistance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,0},{-6,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sensors.Probe probe_source(V_nominal=
+ 480) "Probe that measures at the voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-50,30},{-30,50}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sensors.Probe probe_loadRC(V_nominal=
+ 480) "Probe that measures at the RC load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,30},{10,50}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.TwoPortResistance res2(R=0.1)
+ "Second line resistance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,-70},{-6,-50}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Inductive loaRL(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ P_nominal=-10000,
+ V_nominal=480) "Constant load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,-70},{30,-50}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sensors.Probe probe_loadRL(V_nominal=
+ 480) "Probe that measures at the RL load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-28},{10,-8}})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, res1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-40,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(res1.terminal_p, loaRC.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,10},{10,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, probe_source.term) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-40,31}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(loaRC.terminal, probe_loadRC.term) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,10},{6.66134e-16,10},{6.66134e-16,31}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, res2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-40,-60},{-26,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(res2.terminal_p, loaRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,-60},{10,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(loaRL.terminal, probe_loadRL.term) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-60},{6.66134e-16,-60},{6.66134e-16,-27}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ Documentation(
+ info="
+This example illustrates the use of the probe model.
+August 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Examples/Probe.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end Probe;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6f399e791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sensors;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (preferredView="info", Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4597e24c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/GeneralizedSensor.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/GeneralizedSensor.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5b0101b11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/GeneralizedSensor.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sensors;
+model GeneralizedSensor "Sensor for power, voltage and current"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Icons.GeneralizedSensor;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialTwoPort(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n(redeclare package PhaseSystem =
+ PhaseSystem_n),
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p(redeclare package PhaseSystem =
+ PhaseSystem_p));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput V(
+ final quantity="ElectricPotential",
+ final unit="V")=
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(terminal_n.v)
+ "Voltage"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={0,-50}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={0,-90})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput I(
+ final quantity="ElectricCurrent",
+ final unit="A")=
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemCurrent(terminal_n.i)
+ "Current"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={60,-50}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={60,-90})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput S[PhaseSystems.OnePhase.n](
+ each final quantity="Power",
+ each final unit="W")=
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phasePowers_vi(v=terminal_n.v, i=terminal_n.i)
+ "Phase powers"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={-60,-50}),iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={-60,-90})));
+ connect(terminal_n, terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{2,0},{2,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (defaultComponentName="sen",
+ Documentation(info="
+Ideal sensor that measures power, voltage and current.
+The two components of the power S are the active and reactive power.
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Michael Wetter:
+Moved assignments outside of equation section to avoid mixing
+textual and graphical modeling.
+September 22, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Fixed bug. The model was referencing the wrong PhaseSystem.
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+July 24, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,
+ 100}}), graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,-42},{0,-82}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ lineThickness=1,
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="S")}));
+end GeneralizedSensor;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Probe.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Probe.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..495f3215fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/Probe.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sensors;
+model Probe "Model of a probe that measures RMS voltage and angle"
+ extends OnePhase.Sensors.Probe(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Interfaces.Terminal_n term,
+ V_nominal(start=480));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="sen",
+ Documentation(info="
+This model represents a probe that measures the RMS voltage and the angle
+of the voltage phasor at a given point.
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end Probe;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..951628f3c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced;
+package Sensors "Package with sensors models for three-phase balanced AC systems"
+extends Modelica.Icons.SensorsPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains models for voltage, current and power sensors.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+end Sensors;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fb45c82b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sensors/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Examples/FixedVoltageSource.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Examples/FixedVoltageSource.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a07c6a693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Examples/FixedVoltageSource.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.Examples;
+model FixedVoltageSource
+ "This example illustrates how using a fixed voltage source"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Inductive RL(
+ P_nominal=-300, mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ V_nominal=480) "Load model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,-10},{40,10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage grid(
+ f=60,
+ V=480,
+ phiSou=0.34906585039887) "AC one phase electrical grid"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,-10},{-20,10}})));
+ ThreePhasesBalanced.Sensors.Probe sen(V_nominal=480)
+ "Probe that measures the voltage at the load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,20},{10,40}})));
+ connect(grid.terminal, RL.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,4.44089e-16},{-20,0},{20,0},{20,5.55112e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(grid.terminal, sen.term) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,6.66134e-16},{0,6.66134e-16},{0,21},{4.44089e-16,21}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Examples/FixedVoltageSource.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+September 22, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example shows how to use a fixed voltage generator model.
+end FixedVoltageSource;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Examples/VariablePowerSource.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Examples/VariablePowerSource.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cb72cbd76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Examples/VariablePowerSource.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.Examples;
+model VariablePowerSource
+ "This example illustrates how using a variable power source"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.Generator generator(f=60,
+ phiGen=0.26179938779915) "AC generator model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-50,-10},{-30,10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine generation(
+ offset=200,
+ startTime=1,
+ amplitude=100,
+ f=0.05) "Generated power"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-92,-10},{-72,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Loads.Inductive RL(mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input,
+ P_nominal=-300,
+ V_nominal=480) "Load model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,-10},{40,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.Grid grid(f=60, V=480)
+ "AC one phase electrical grid"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,40},{0,60}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Trapezoid load(
+ rising=2,
+ width=3,
+ falling=3,
+ period=10,
+ startTime=1,
+ amplitude=0.8,
+ offset=0.2) "Power consumption profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{80,-10},{60,10}})));
+ connect(generation.y, generator.P) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-71,0},{-50,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(generator.terminal, RL.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-30,0},{20,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(grid.terminal, RL.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,40},{-10,0},{20,0},{20,5.55112e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, RL.y)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,0},{40,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Examples/VariablePowerSource.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+September 22, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example shows how to use a variable generator model. The generator model has to be used
+together with a voltage source generator, which is in this example the
+grid model.
+end VariablePowerSource;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f9c1d0a19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0da5691906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/FixedVoltage.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/FixedVoltage.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8976dff9a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/FixedVoltage.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources;
+model FixedVoltage "Fixed three-phase balanced AC voltage source"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage(
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal,
+ f(start=60),
+ V(start=480));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="fixVol",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}),
+ graphics={ Line(
+ points={{-34,0},{-14,40},{6,0},{26,-40},{46,0}},
+ color={120,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier), Line(
+ points={{-24,0},{-4,40},{16,0},{36,-40},{56,0}},
+ color={215,215,215},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier)}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This is a constant voltage source, specifying the complex voltage
+by the RMS voltage and the phase shift.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end FixedVoltage;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Generator.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Generator.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f95f8fe870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Generator.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources;
+model Generator "Model of a generator"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.Generator(
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal,
+ f(start=60));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="gen",
+ Documentation(info="
+Model of an inductive generator.
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.Generator for
+more information.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+January 4, 2012, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end Generator;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Grid.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Grid.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b44c4187d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/Grid.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources;
+model Grid "Electrical grid"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.Grid(
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal,
+ f(start=60),
+ V(start=480),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage sou);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="gri",
+ Documentation(info="
+Model that can be used to represent the electrical grid supply.
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.Grid for
+more information.
+ revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+January 2, 2012, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end Grid;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01bde7471e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced;
+package Sources "Package with source models for three-phase balanced AC systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.SourcesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains models for three-phase balanced AC sources.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised User's guide.
+end Sources;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7398239cc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/Sources/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cba2b4369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC;
+package ThreePhasesBalanced "Three phases balanced AC systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+Package with models for alternate current (AC) three phase balanced systems.
+Because the phases are balanced, the models in this
+package extend the models of the package
+The models that are part of this package assume by default 480 V as nominal RMS phase
+to phase voltage. This default value can be changed.
+", revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end ThreePhasesBalanced;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c45c7275c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesBalanced/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACConverter.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACConverter.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da2b32bfe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACConverter.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion;
+model ACACConverter "AC AC converter single phase systems (YY)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterYY(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACConverter conv1(
+ conversionFactor=conversionFactor,
+ eta=eta,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACConverter conv2(
+ conversionFactor=conversionFactor,
+ eta=eta,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACConverter conv3(
+ conversionFactor=conversionFactor,
+ eta=eta,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2));
+ parameter Real conversionFactor
+ "Ratio of QS rms voltage on side 2 / QS rms voltage on side 1";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Efficiency eta(max=1)
+ "Converter efficiency, pLoss = (1-eta) * Ptr";
+ parameter Boolean ground_1 = false "Connect side 1 of converter to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 1"));
+ parameter Boolean ground_2 = true "Connect side 2 of converter to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 2"));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="conv",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Line(
+ points={{2,60},{2,60},{82,60},{2,60},{82,-60},{2,-60},{2,60},{2,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-2,60},{-2,60},{-82,60},{-2,60},{-82,-60},{-2,-60},{-2,60},{
+ -2,-60}},
+ color={11,193,87},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,92},{100,60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,-60},{100,-92}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%conversionFactor"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-132,78},{-72,38}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="1"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-88,52},{-28,12}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{32,52},{92,12}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,78},{130,38}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="2")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This is an AC AC converter, based on a power balance between both circuit sides.
+The parameter conversionFactor defines the ratio between the RMS voltages
+V2 = conversionFactor * V1
+where V1 and V2 are the RMS voltages
+at the primary and secondary sides of the transformer (connector N and P
+The loss of the converter is proportional to the power transmitted.
+The parameter eta
is the efficiency of the transfer.
+The loss is computed as
+Ploss = (1-η) Ptr
+where Ptr is the power transmitted. The model is bi-directional
+and the power can flow from both the primary to the secondary and vice-versa.
+Furthermore, reactive power on both side are set to 0.
+The image below describes the connection of the windings.
+This model reuses models from
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterYY for
+details on the connections.
+", revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+end ACACConverter;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformer.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformer.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73c41ecd66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformer.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion;
+model ACACTransformer "AC AC transformer simplified equivalent circuit (YY)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterYY(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv1(
+ VHigh=VHigh/sqrt(3),
+ VLow=VLow/sqrt(3),
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ phi_1=0),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv2(
+ VHigh=VHigh/sqrt(3),
+ VLow=VLow/sqrt(3),
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ phi_1=-2.0943951023932),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv3(
+ VHigh=VHigh/sqrt(3),
+ VLow=VLow/sqrt(3),
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ phi_1=2.0943951023932));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VHigh
+ "Rms voltage on side 1 of the transformer (primary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VLow
+ "Rms voltage on side 2 of the transformer (secondary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.ApparentPower VABase
+ "Nominal power of the transformer";
+ parameter Real XoverR
+ "Ratio between the complex and real components of the impedance (XL/R)";
+ parameter Real Zperc "Short circuit impedance";
+ parameter Boolean ground_1 = false "Connect side 1 of transformer to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 1"));
+ parameter Boolean ground_2 = true "Connect side 2 of transformer to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 2"));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="tra",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,-60},{100,-92}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,60},{-70,20}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="1"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,100},{-70,60}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,100},{130,60}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,60},{130,20}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="2"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-72,40},{-66,40},{-64,44},{-60,36},{-56,44},{-52,36},{-48,44},
+ {-44,36},{-42,40},{-38,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-60,-7.34764e-15}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ origin={-40,40},
+ rotation=180),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-30,46},{-18,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-18,46},{-6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-6,46},{6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-30,40},{6,28}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,40},{20,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,20},{26,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,8},{26,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,-4},{26,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{10,20},{20,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-16},{20,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-40},{-70,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,40},{34,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,20},{28,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,8},{28,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,-4},{28,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{44,20},{34,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,-16},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,-40},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,40},{34,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-64,60},{-48,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="R"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-20,60},{-4,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="L")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This is a simplified equivalent transformer model.
+The model accounts for winding Joule losses and leakage reactances
+that are represented by a series of a resistance R and an
+inductance L. The resistance and the inductance represent both the
+effects of the secondary and primary side of the transformer.
+The model is parameterized using the following parameters
- RMS voltage at primary side,
- RMS voltage at secondary side,
- apparent nominal power of the transformer,
- ratio between reactance and resistance, and
- the short circuit impedance.
+Given the nominal conditions, the model computes the values of the resistance and inductance.
+The image below describes the connection of the windings.
+This model reuses models from
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterYY for
+details on the connections.
+", revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+end ACACTransformer;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerDD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerDD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0cc9a9f63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerDD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion;
+model ACACTransformerDD "AC AC transformer simplified equivalent circuit (DD)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterDD(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv1(
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ VHigh=VHigh,
+ VLow=VLow,
+ phi_1=0.5235987755983),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv2(
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ VHigh=VHigh,
+ VLow=VLow,
+ phi_1=-1.5707963267949),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv3(
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ VHigh=VHigh,
+ VLow=VLow,
+ phi_1=2.6179938779915));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VHigh
+ "Rms voltage on side 1 of the transformer (primary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VLow
+ "Rms voltage on side 2 of the transformer (secondary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.ApparentPower VABase
+ "Nominal power of the transformer";
+ parameter Real XoverR
+ "Ratio between the complex and real components of the impedance (XL/R)";
+ parameter Real Zperc "Short circuit impedance";
+ parameter Boolean ground_1 = false "Connect side 1 of transformer to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 1"));
+ parameter Boolean ground_2 = true "Connect side 2 of transformer to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 2"));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="tra",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,-60},{100,-92}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,60},{-70,20}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="1"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,100},{-70,60}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,100},{130,60}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,60},{130,20}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="2"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-72,40},{-66,40},{-64,44},{-60,36},{-56,44},{-52,36},{-48,44},
+ {-44,36},{-42,40},{-38,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-60,-7.34764e-15}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ origin={-40,40},
+ rotation=180),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-30,46},{-18,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-18,46},{-6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-6,46},{6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-30,40},{6,28}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,40},{20,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,20},{26,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,8},{26,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,-4},{26,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{10,20},{20,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-16},{20,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-40},{-70,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,40},{34,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,20},{28,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,8},{28,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,-4},{28,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{44,20},{34,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,-16},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,-40},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,40},{34,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-64,60},{-48,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="R"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-20,60},{-4,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="L"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-50,-8},{-30,22},{-10,-8},{-50,-8}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{40,-8},{60,22},{80,-8},{40,-8}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5)}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This is a simplified equivalent transformer model with Delta-Delta connection.
+The model accounts for winding Joule losses and leakage reactances
+that are represented by a series of a resistance R and an
+inductance L. The resistance and the inductance represent the
+effects of the secondary and primary side of the transformer.
+The model is parameterized using the following parameters
- RMS voltage at primary side,
- RMS voltage at secondary side,
- apparent nominal power of the transformer,
- ratio between reactance and resistance, and
- the short circuit impedance.
+Given the nominal conditions, the model computes the values of the resistance and inductance.
+The image below describes the connection of the windings.
+This model reuses models from
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterDD for
+details on the connections.
+", revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+end ACACTransformerDD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerFull.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerFull.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4a81a5512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerFull.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion;
+model ACACTransformerFull "AC AC transformer detailed equivalent circuit (YY)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterYY(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformerFull conv1(
+ VHigh=VHigh/sqrt(3),
+ VLow=VLow/sqrt(3),
+ f = f,
+ VABase=VABase,
+ R1=R1,L1=L1,R2=R2,L2=L2,
+ magEffects=magEffects,
+ Rm=Rm,Lm=Lm,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformerFull conv2(
+ VHigh=VHigh/sqrt(3),
+ VLow=VLow/sqrt(3),
+ f = f,
+ VABase=VABase,
+ R1=R1,L1=L1,R2=R2,L2=L2,
+ magEffects=magEffects,
+ Rm=Rm,Lm=Lm,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformerFull conv3(
+ VHigh=VHigh/sqrt(3),
+ VLow=VLow/sqrt(3),
+ f = f,
+ VABase=VABase,
+ R1=R1,L1=L1,R2=R2,L2=L2,
+ magEffects=magEffects,
+ Rm=Rm,Lm=Lm,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VHigh
+ "Rms voltage on side 1 of the transformer (primary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VLow
+ "Rms voltage on side 2 of the transformer (secondary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.ApparentPower VABase
+ "Nominal power of the transformer";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Frequency f(start=60) "Nominal frequency";
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.PerUnit R1(min=0)
+ "Resistance on side 1 of the transformer (pu)";
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.PerUnit L1(min=0)
+ "Inductance on side 1 of the transformer (pu)";
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.PerUnit R2(min=0)
+ "Resistance on side 2 of the transformer (pu)";
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.PerUnit L2(min=0)
+ "Inductance on side 2 of the transformer (pu)";
+ parameter Boolean magEffects = false
+ "If =true introduce magnetization effects"
+ annotation(Dialog(group="Magnetization"));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.PerUnit Rm(min=0,start=0)
+ "Magnetization resistance (pu)" annotation(Dialog(group="Magnetization", enable = magEffects));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.PerUnit Lm(min=0,start=0)
+ "Magnetization inductance (pu)" annotation(Dialog(group="Magnetization", enable = magEffects));
+ parameter Boolean ground_1 = false "Connect side 1 of converter to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 1"));
+ parameter Boolean ground_2 = true "Connect side 2 of converter to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 2"));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="tra",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,-60},{100,-92}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,60},{-70,20}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="1"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,100},{-70,60}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,100},{130,60}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,60},{130,20}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="2"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-72,40},{-66,40},{-64,44},{-60,36},{-56,44},{-52,36},{-48,44},
+ {-44,36},{-42,40},{-38,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-60,-7.34764e-15}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ origin={-40,40},
+ rotation=180),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-30,46},{-18,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-18,46},{-6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-6,46},{6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-30,40},{6,28}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,40},{20,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,20},{26,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,8},{26,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,-4},{26,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{10,20},{20,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-16},{20,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-40},{-70,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,40},{34,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,20},{28,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,8},{28,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,-4},{28,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{44,20},{34,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,-16},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,-40},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,40},{34,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-64,60},{-48,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="R"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-20,60},{-4,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="L")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This is a detailed transformer model that takes into accounts the winding Joule losses,
+and the leakage reactances on the primary and secondary side. The model also takes into account
+the core or iron losses and the losses due to magnetization effects.
+The losses are represented by a series of resistances R1, R2,
+Rm and inductances L1, L2, and
+The model is parameterized using the following parameters
- RMS voltage at primary side,
- RMS voltage at secondary side,
- apparent nominal power of the transformer,
- frequency,
+R_1, L_1
- resistance and inductance at primary side (per unit),
+R_2, L_2
- resistance and inductance at secondary side (per unit), and
+R_m, L_m
- resistance and inductance for magnetization effects (per unit).
+Given the nominal conditions, the model computes the values of the nominal impedances
+at the primary and secondary side. Given these values, the per unit values are transformed into
+the actual values of the resistances and inductancs.
+The magnetization losses can be enabled or disabled using the boolean flag magEffects
+The image below describes the connection of the windings.
+This model reuses models from
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterYY for
+details on the connections.
+", revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+end ACACTransformerFull;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerStepDownDY.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerStepDownDY.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9afbefa2a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerStepDownDY.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion;
+model ACACTransformerStepDownDY
+ "AC AC transformer simplified equivalent circuit (DY step down)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterStepDownDY(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv1(
+ VHigh=VHigh,
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ VLow=-VLow/sqrt(3),
+ phi_1=2.6179938779915),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv2(
+ VHigh=VHigh,
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ VLow=-VLow/sqrt(3),
+ phi_1=0.5235987755983),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv3(
+ VHigh=VHigh,
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ VLow=-VLow/sqrt(3),
+ phi_1=-1.5707963267949));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VHigh
+ "Rms voltage on side 1 of the transformer (primary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VLow
+ "Rms voltage on side 2 of the transformer (secondary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.ApparentPower VABase
+ "Nominal power of the transformer";
+ parameter Real XoverR
+ "Ratio between the complex and real components of the impedance (XL/R)";
+ parameter Real Zperc "Short circuit impedance";
+ parameter Boolean ground_1 = false "Connect side 1 of transformer to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 1"));
+ parameter Boolean ground_2 = true "Connect side 2 of transformer to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 2"));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="tra",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,-60},{100,-92}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,60},{-70,20}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="1"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,100},{-70,60}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,100},{130,60}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,60},{130,20}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="2"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-72,40},{-66,40},{-64,44},{-60,36},{-56,44},{-52,36},{-48,44},
+ {-44,36},{-42,40},{-38,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-60,-7.34764e-15}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ origin={-40,40},
+ rotation=180),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-30,46},{-18,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-18,46},{-6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-6,46},{6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-30,40},{6,28}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,40},{20,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,20},{26,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,8},{26,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,-4},{26,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{10,20},{20,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-16},{20,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-40},{-70,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,40},{34,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,20},{28,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,8},{28,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,-4},{28,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{44,20},{34,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,-16},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,-40},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,40},{34,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-64,60},{-48,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="R"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-20,60},{-4,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="L"),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,26},{60,6},{46,-8}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,6},{74,-8}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{-52,-6},{-32,24},{-12,-6},{-52,-6}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,100},{32,68}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{0,-6},{6,6},{-6,0},{0,-6}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={34,66},
+ rotation=-90)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+This is a simplified equivalent transformer model with Y-Delta connection
+(voltage step down).
+The model accounts for winding Joule losses and leakage reactances
+that are represented by a series of a resistance R and an
+inductance L. The resistance and the inductance represent the
+effects of the secondary and primary side of the transformer.
+The model is parameterized using the following parameters
- RMS voltage at primary side,
- RMS voltage at secondary side,
- apparent nominal power of the transformer,
- ratio between reactance and resistance, and
- the short circuit impedance.
+Given the nominal conditions, the model computes the values of the resistance and inductance.
+The image below describes the connection of the windings.
+This model reuses models from
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterStepDownDY for
+details on the connections.
+end ACACTransformerStepDownDY;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerStepDownYD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerStepDownYD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..251d4fb69d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerStepDownYD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion;
+model ACACTransformerStepDownYD
+ "AC AC transformer simplified equivalent circuit (YD step down)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterStepDownYD(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv1(
+ VHigh=VHigh/sqrt(3),
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ VLow=VLow,
+ phi_1=0),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv2(
+ VHigh=VHigh/sqrt(3),
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ VLow=VLow,
+ phi_1=-2.0943951023932),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv3(
+ VHigh=VHigh/sqrt(3),
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ VLow=VLow,
+ phi_1=2.0943951023932));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VHigh
+ "Rms voltage on side 1 of the transformer (primary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VLow
+ "Rms voltage on side 2 of the transformer (secondary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.ApparentPower VABase
+ "Nominal power of the transformer";
+ parameter Real XoverR
+ "Ratio between the complex and real components of the impedance (XL/R)";
+ parameter Real Zperc "Short circuit impedance";
+ parameter Boolean ground_1 = false "Connect side 1 of transformer to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 1"));
+ parameter Boolean ground_2 = true "Connect side 2 of transformer to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 2"));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="tra",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,-60},{100,-92}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,60},{-70,20}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="1"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,100},{-70,60}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,100},{130,60}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,60},{130,20}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="2"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-72,40},{-66,40},{-64,44},{-60,36},{-56,44},{-52,36},{-48,44},
+ {-44,36},{-42,40},{-38,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-60,-7.34764e-15}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ origin={-40,40},
+ rotation=180),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-30,46},{-18,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-18,46},{-6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-6,46},{6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-30,40},{6,28}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,40},{20,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,20},{26,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,8},{26,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,-4},{26,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{10,20},{20,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-16},{20,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-40},{-70,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,40},{34,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,20},{28,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,8},{28,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,-4},{28,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{44,20},{34,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,-16},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,-40},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,40},{34,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-64,60},{-48,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="R"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-20,60},{-4,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="L"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-40,20},{-40,0},{-54,-14}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{-40,0},{-26,-14}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{40,-10},{60,20},{80,-10},{40,-10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,100},{32,68}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{0,-6},{6,6},{-6,0},{0,-6}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={34,66},
+ rotation=-90)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+This is a simplified equivalent transformer model with Y-Delta connection
+(voltage step down).
+The model accounts for winding Joule losses and leakage reactances
+that are represented by a series of a resistance R and an
+inductance L. The resistance and the inductance represent the
+effects of the secondary and primary side of the transformer.
+The model is parameterized using the following parameters
- RMS voltage at primary side,
- RMS voltage at secondary side,
- apparent nominal power of the transformer,
- ratio between reactance and resistance, and
- the short circuit impedance.
+Given the nominal conditions, the model computes the values of the resistance and inductance.
+The image below describes the connection of the windings.
+This model reuses models from
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterStepDownYD for
+details on the connections.
+end ACACTransformerStepDownYD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerStepUpDY.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerStepUpDY.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..830d8e5d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerStepUpDY.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion;
+model ACACTransformerStepUpDY
+ "AC AC transformer simplified equivalent circuit (DY step up)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterStepUpDY(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv1(
+ VHigh=VHigh,
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ VLow=VLow/sqrt(3),
+ phi_1=0.5235987755983),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv2(
+ VHigh=VHigh,
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ VLow=VLow/sqrt(3),
+ phi_1=-1.5707963267949),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv3(
+ VHigh=VHigh,
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ VLow=VLow/sqrt(3),
+ phi_1=2.6179938779915));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VHigh
+ "Rms voltage on side 1 of the transformer (primary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VLow
+ "Rms voltage on side 2 of the transformer (secondary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.ApparentPower VABase
+ "Nominal power of the transformer";
+ parameter Real XoverR
+ "Ratio between the complex and real components of the impedance (XL/R)";
+ parameter Real Zperc "Short circuit impedance";
+ parameter Boolean ground_1 = false "Connect side 1 of transformer to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 1"));
+ parameter Boolean ground_2 = true "Connect side 2 of transformer to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 2"));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="tra",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,-60},{100,-92}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,60},{-70,20}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="1"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,100},{-70,60}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,100},{130,60}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,60},{130,20}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="2"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-72,40},{-66,40},{-64,44},{-60,36},{-56,44},{-52,36},{-48,44},
+ {-44,36},{-42,40},{-38,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-60,-7.34764e-15}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ origin={-40,40},
+ rotation=180),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-30,46},{-18,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-18,46},{-6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-6,46},{6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-30,40},{6,28}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,40},{20,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,20},{26,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,8},{26,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,-4},{26,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{10,20},{20,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-16},{20,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-40},{-70,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,40},{34,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,20},{28,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,8},{28,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,-4},{28,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{44,20},{34,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,-16},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,-40},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,40},{34,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-64,60},{-48,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="R"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-20,60},{-4,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="L"),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,26},{60,6},{46,-8}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,6},{74,-8}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{-52,-6},{-32,24},{-12,-6},{-52,-6}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,60},{32,92}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{34,88},{40,100},{28,94},{34,88}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+This is a simplified equivalent transformer model with Delta-Y connection
+(voltage step up).
+The model accounts for winding Joule losses and leakage reactances
+that are represented by a series of a resistance R and an
+inductance L. The resistance and the inductance represent the
+effects of the secondary and primary side of the transformer.
+The model is parameterized using the following parameters
- RMS voltage at primary side,
- RMS voltage at secondary side,
- apparent nominal power of the transformer,
- ratio between reactance and resistance, and
- the short circuit impedance.
+Given the nominal conditions, the model computes the values of the resistance and inductance.
+The image below describes the connection of the windings.
+This model reuses models from
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterStepUpDY for
+details on the connections.
+end ACACTransformerStepUpDY;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerStepUpYD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerStepUpYD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31b6bd4451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/ACACTransformerStepUpYD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion;
+model ACACTransformerStepUpYD
+ "AC AC transformer simplified equivalent circuit (YD step up)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterStepUpYD(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv1(
+ VHigh=VHigh/sqrt(3),
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ VLow=-VLow,
+ phi_1=0),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv2(
+ VHigh=VHigh/sqrt(3),
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ VLow=-VLow,
+ phi_1=-2.0943951023932),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Conversion.ACACTransformer conv3(
+ VHigh=VHigh/sqrt(3),
+ XoverR=XoverR,
+ Zperc=Zperc,
+ ground_1=ground_1,
+ ground_2=ground_2,
+ VABase=VABase/3,
+ VLow=-VLow,
+ phi_1=2.0943951023932));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VHigh
+ "Rms voltage on side 1 of the transformer (primary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VLow
+ "Rms voltage on side 2 of the transformer (secondary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.ApparentPower VABase
+ "Nominal power of the transformer";
+ parameter Real XoverR
+ "Ratio between the complex and real components of the impedance (XL/R)";
+ parameter Real Zperc "Short circuit impedance";
+ parameter Boolean ground_1 = false "Connect side 1 of transformer to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 1"));
+ parameter Boolean ground_2 = true "Connect side 2 of transformer to ground" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 2"));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="tra",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,-60},{100,-92}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,60},{-70,20}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="1"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-130,100},{-70,60}},
+ textColor={11,193,87},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,100},{130,60}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="AC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,60},{130,20}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="2"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-72,40},{-66,40},{-64,44},{-60,36},{-56,44},{-52,36},{-48,44},
+ {-44,36},{-42,40},{-38,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-60,-7.34764e-15}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ origin={-40,40},
+ rotation=180),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-30,46},{-18,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-18,46},{-6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-6,46},{6,34}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-30,40},{6,28}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,40},{20,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,20},{26,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,8},{26,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,-4},{26,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{10,20},{20,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-16},{20,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{20,-40},{-70,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,40},{34,20}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,20},{28,8}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,8},{28,-4}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,-4},{28,-16}},
+ lineColor={0,127,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{44,20},{34,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,-16},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,-40},{34,-40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,40},{34,40}},
+ color={0,127,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-64,60},{-48,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="R"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-20,60},{-4,48}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="L"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-40,20},{-40,0},{-54,-14}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{-40,0},{-26,-14}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{40,-10},{60,20},{80,-10},{40,-10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,60},{32,92}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{34,88},{40,100},{28,94},{34,88}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+This is a simplified equivalent transformer model with Y-Delta connection
+(voltage step up).
+The model accounts for winding Joule losses and leakage reactances
+that are represented by a series of a resistance R and an
+inductance L. The resistance and the inductance represent the
+effects of the secondary and primary side of the transformer.
+The model is parameterized using the following parameters
- RMS voltage at primary side,
- RMS voltage at secondary side,
- apparent nominal power of the transformer,
- ratio between reactance and resistance, and
- the short circuit impedance.
+Given the nominal conditions, the model computes the values of the resistance and inductance.
+The image below describes the connection of the windings.
+This model reuses models from
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverterStepUpYD for
+details on the connections.
+end ACACTransformerStepUpYD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverter.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverter.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a5271a933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverter.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses;
+partial model PartialConverter "Partial model of a transformer"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Icons.RefAngleConversion;
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialConversion
+ conv1 constrainedby IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialConversion(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p)
+ "Transformer phase 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,42},{10,62}})));
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialConversion
+ conv2 constrainedby IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialConversion(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p)
+ "Transformer phase 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialConversion
+ conv3 constrainedby IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialConversion(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p)
+ "Transformer phase 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-70},{10,-50}})));
+ Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n "Electrical connector side N"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p "Electrical connector side P"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ annotation ( Documentation(revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+Partial model that represents a three-phase unbalanced
+transformer without neutral cable connection.
+end PartialConverter;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterDD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterDD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..686a02ab77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterDD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses;
+partial model PartialConverterDD "Model of a transformer with D connection primary side and D
+ connection secondary side"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverter;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.WyeToDelta wye_to_delta
+ "Delta to wye connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{78,-10},{58,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.WyeToDelta delta_to_wye
+ "Delta to wye connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-76,-10},{-56,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 ada_n "Adapter"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,-10},{-50,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 ada_p "Adapter"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-10},{50,10}})));
+ connect(delta_to_wye.wye, terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-76,4.44089e-16},{-80,4.44089e-16},{-80,0},{-100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(wye_to_delta.wye, terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{78,6.66134e-16},{82,6.66134e-16},{82,0},{92,0},{92,4.44089e-16},{100,
+ 4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(delta_to_wye.delta, ada_n.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(points={{-56,0},{-50,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(wye_to_delta.delta, ada_p.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(points={{58,0},{50,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(conv1.terminal_n, ada_n.terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,
+ 52},{-20,52},{-20,0.533333},{-30.2,0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv2.terminal_n, ada_n.terminals[2]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,0},
+ {-20,0},{-20,0},{-30.2,0}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv3.terminal_n, ada_n.terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,
+ -60},{-20,-60},{-20,-14},{-20,-0.533333},{-30.2,-0.533333}}, color={0,
+ 0,0}));
+ connect(conv1.terminal_p, ada_p.terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{10,52},
+ {20,52},{20,0.533333},{30.2,0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv2.terminal_p, ada_p.terminals[2])
+ annotation (Line(points={{10,0},{20,0},{20,0},{30.2,0}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv3.terminal_p, ada_p.terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{10,
+ -60},{20,-60},{20,-26},{20,-0.533333},{30.2,-0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ annotation(Documentation(revisions="
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Added adapter for
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+Partial model that represents a three-phase unbalanced
+transformer with delta connection on both primary and secondary side.
+The image below describes the connection of the windings.
+end PartialConverterDD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterStepDownDY.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterStepDownDY.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed36886f79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterStepDownDY.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses;
+partial model PartialConverterStepDownDY "Model of a transformer with D connection primary side and
+ Y connection secondary side (Voltage step down)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverter;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.WyeToWyeGround wye_to_wyeg
+ "Wye to wye grounded connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{78,-10},{58,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.WyeToDelta delta_to_wye
+ "Delta to wye connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-76,-10},{-56,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 ada3to3_n "Adapter for connections"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,-10},{-50,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 ada3to3_p "Adapter for connections"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-10},{50,10}})));
+ connect(delta_to_wye.wye, terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-76,4.44089e-16},{-80,4.44089e-16},{-80,0},{-100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(wye_to_wyeg.wye, terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{78,6.66134e-16},{82,6.66134e-16},{82,0},{92,0},{92,4.44089e-16},{100,
+ 4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(conv1.terminal_n, ada3to3_n.terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,52},
+ {-20,52},{-20,0.533333},{-30,0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv2.terminal_n, ada3to3_n.terminals[1])
+ annotation (Line(points={{-10,0},{-30,0},{-30,-0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv3.terminal_n, ada3to3_n.terminals[2]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,
+ -60},{-20,-60},{-20,0},{-30,0}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(delta_to_wye.delta, ada3to3_n.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(points={{-56,0},{-53,0},{-50,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(conv1.terminal_p, ada3to3_p.terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{10,52},
+ {20,52},{20,-0.533333},{30,-0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv2.terminal_p, ada3to3_p.terminals[2])
+ annotation (Line(points={{10,0},{20,0},{30,0}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv3.terminal_p, ada3to3_p.terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{10,-60},
+ {20,-60},{20,0.533333},{30,0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(ada3to3_p.terminal, wye_to_wyeg.wyeg)
+ annotation (Line(points={{50,0},{54,0},{58,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ annotation ( Documentation(revisions="
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Added adapter for
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+Partial model that represents a three-phase unbalanced
+transformer with delta connection on the primary and Y connection on
+the secondary side. The configuration is for voltage step down.
+The image below describes the connection of the windings.
+end PartialConverterStepDownDY;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterStepDownYD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterStepDownYD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42f3c9e1f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterStepDownYD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses;
+partial model PartialConverterStepDownYD "Model of a transformer with Y connection primary side and D
+connection secondary side (Voltage step down)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverter;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.WyeToWyeGround wye_to_wyeg
+ "Wye to wye grounded connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-82,-10},{-62,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.WyeToDelta delta_to_wye
+ "Delta to wye connection "
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{80,-10},{60,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 ada3to3_n "Adapter for connections"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,-10},{-50,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 ada3to3_p "Adapter for connections"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-10},{50,10}})));
+ connect(delta_to_wye.wye, terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{80,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(wye_to_wyeg.wye, terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-82,6.66134e-16},{-84,6.66134e-16},{-84,0},{-86,0},{-86,4.44089e-16},
+ {-100,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(conv1.terminal_n, ada3to3_n.terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,52},
+ {-20,52},{-20,-0.533333},{-30,-0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv2.terminal_n, ada3to3_n.terminals[2])
+ annotation (Line(points={{-10,0},{-30,0},{-30,0}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv3.terminal_n, ada3to3_n.terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,-60},
+ {-20,-60},{-20,0.533333},{-30,0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv1.terminal_p, ada3to3_p.terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{10,52},
+ {20,52},{20,-0.533333},{30,-0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv2.terminal_p, ada3to3_p.terminals[2])
+ annotation (Line(points={{10,0},{20,0},{30,0}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv3.terminal_p, ada3to3_p.terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{10,-60},
+ {20,-60},{20,0.533333},{30,0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(ada3to3_p.terminal, delta_to_wye.delta)
+ annotation (Line(points={{50,0},{55,0},{60,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(wye_to_wyeg.wyeg, ada3to3_n.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(points={{-62,0},{-56,0},{-50,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ annotation ( Documentation(revisions="
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Added adapter for
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+Partial model that represents a three-phase unbalanced
+transformer with Y connection on primary and delta connection on
+the secondary one. The configuration is for voltage step down.
+The image below describes the connection of the windings.
+end PartialConverterStepDownYD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterStepUpDY.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterStepUpDY.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf9d271acd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterStepUpDY.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses;
+partial model PartialConverterStepUpDY "Model of a transformer with D connection primary side and Y connection
+ secondary side (Voltage step up)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverter;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.WyeToWyeGround wye_to_wyeg
+ "Wye to wye grounded connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{78,-10},{58,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.WyeToDelta delta_to_wye
+ "Delta to wye connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-76,-10},{-56,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 ada3to3_n "Adapter for connections"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,-10},{-50,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 ada3to3_p "Adapter for connections"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-10},{50,10}})));
+ connect(delta_to_wye.wye, terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-76,4.44089e-16},{-80,4.44089e-16},{-80,0},{-100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(wye_to_wyeg.wye, terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{78,6.66134e-16},{82,6.66134e-16},{82,0},{92,0},{92,4.44089e-16},{100,
+ 4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(conv1.terminal_n,ada3to3_n. terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,52},
+ {-20,52},{-20,-0.533333},{-30,-0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv2.terminal_n,ada3to3_n. terminals[2])
+ annotation (Line(points={{-10,0},{-30,0}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv3.terminal_n,ada3to3_n. terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,-60},
+ {-20,-60},{-20,0.533333},{-30,0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv1.terminal_p,ada3to3_p. terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{10,52},
+ {20,52},{20,-0.533333},{30,-0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv2.terminal_p,ada3to3_p. terminals[2])
+ annotation (Line(points={{10,0},{10,0},{30,0}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv3.terminal_p,ada3to3_p. terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{10,-60},
+ {20,-60},{20,0.533333},{30,0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(ada3to3_p.terminal, wye_to_wyeg.wyeg)
+ annotation (Line(points={{50,0},{54,0},{58,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(delta_to_wye.delta, ada3to3_n.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(points={{-56,0},{-50,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ annotation ( Documentation(revisions="
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Added adapter for
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+Partial model that represents a three-phase unbalanced
+transformer with delta connection on the primary and Y connection on
+the secondary side. The configuration is for voltage step up.
+The image below describes the connection of the windings.
+end PartialConverterStepUpDY;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterStepUpYD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterStepUpYD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..691ddaf68c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterStepUpYD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses;
+partial model PartialConverterStepUpYD "Model of a transformer with Y connection primary side and D connection
+ secondary side (Voltage step up)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverter;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.WyeToWyeGround wye_to_wyeg
+ "Wye to wye grounded connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-82,-10},{-62,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.WyeToDelta delta_to_wye
+ "Delta to wye connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{80,-10},{60,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 ada3to3_n "Adapter for connections"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,-10},{-50,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 ada3to3_p "Adapter for connections"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{26,-10},{46,10}})));
+ connect(delta_to_wye.wye, terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{80,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(wye_to_wyeg.wye, terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-82,6.66134e-16},{-84,6.66134e-16},{-84,0},{-86,0},{-86,4.44089e-16},
+ {-100,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(conv1.terminal_n,ada3to3_n. terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,52},
+ {-20,52},{-20,-0.533333},{-30,-0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv2.terminal_n,ada3to3_n. terminals[2])
+ annotation (Line(points={{-10,0},{-26,0},{-30,0}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv3.terminal_n,ada3to3_n. terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,-60},
+ {-20,-60},{-20,0.533333},{-30,0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(wye_to_wyeg.wyeg, ada3to3_n.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(points={{-62,0},{-56,0},{-50,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(conv1.terminal_p, ada3to3_p.terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{10,52},
+ {20,52},{20,0.533333},{26,0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv2.terminal_p, ada3to3_p.terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{10,0},{
+ 28,0},{28,-0.533333},{26,-0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv3.terminal_p, ada3to3_p.terminals[2]) annotation (Line(points={{10,
+ -60},{10,-60},{16,-60},{16,-60},{20,-60},{20,0},{26,0},{26,0}}, color=
+ {0,0,0}));
+ connect(ada3to3_p.terminal, delta_to_wye.delta)
+ annotation (Line(points={{46,0},{53,0},{60,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ annotation ( Documentation(revisions="
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Added adapter for
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+Partial model that represents a three-phase unbalanced
+transformer with Y connection on the primary and delta connection on
+the secondary side. The configuration is for voltage step up.
+The image below describes the connection of the windings.
+end PartialConverterStepUpYD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterYY.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterYY.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0bd24df89a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/PartialConverterYY.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses;
+partial model PartialConverterYY "Model of a transformer with Y connection primary side and Y
+ connection secondary side"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverter;
+ Interfaces.Connection3to3Ground_n connection3to4_n
+ "Conversion between 3 to 4 connectors"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Connection3to3Ground_p connection3to4_p
+ "Conversion between 3 to 4 connectors"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,-10},{80,10}})));
+ OnePhase.Basics.Ground ground_n "Ground reference"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-70,-90},{-50,-70}})));
+ OnePhase.Basics.Ground ground_p "Ground reference"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{50,-90},{70,-70}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 ada3to3_n "Adapter for connections"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,-10},{-50,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 ada3to3_p "Adapter for connections"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-10},{50,10}})));
+ connect(terminal_p, connection3to4_p.terminal3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{100,0},{80,0},{80,6.66134e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n, connection3to4_n.terminal3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,4.44089e-16},{-80,4.44089e-16},{-80,6.66134e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(connection3to4_p.ground4, ground_p.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(points={{59.6,-6},{60,-6},{60,-70}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(ground_n.terminal, connection3to4_n.ground4) annotation (Line(points={
+ {-60,-70},{-60,-6},{-60.1,-6}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(connection3to4_n.terminal4, ada3to3_n.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(points={{-60,0},{-55,0},{-50,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(ada3to3_n.terminals[1], conv1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(points={{-30,
+ -0.533333},{-26,-0.533333},{-20,-0.533333},{-20,52},{-10,52}}, color={
+ 0,0,0}));
+ connect(ada3to3_n.terminals[2], conv2.terminal_n)
+ annotation (Line(points={{-30,0},{-20,0},{-10,0}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(ada3to3_n.terminals[3], conv3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(points={{-30,
+ 0.533333},{-20,0.533333},{-20,-60},{-10,-60}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv1.terminal_p, ada3to3_p.terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{10,52},
+ {20,52},{20,-0.533333},{30,-0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv2.terminal_p, ada3to3_p.terminals[2])
+ annotation (Line(points={{10,0},{20,0},{30,0}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(conv3.terminal_p, ada3to3_p.terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{10,-60},
+ {20,-60},{20,0.533333},{30,0.533333}}, color={0,0,0}));
+ connect(ada3to3_p.terminal, connection3to4_p.terminal4)
+ annotation (Line(points={{50,0},{55,0},{60,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ annotation ( Documentation(revisions="
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Added adapters for
+issue 426.
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+Partial model that represents a three-phase unbalanced
+transformer with Y connection on both primary and secondary side.
+The image below describes the connection of the windings.
+end PartialConverterYY;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b604f6f63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion;
+package BaseClasses "Package with base class models"
+extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains base classes used by the models that are part of the package
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end BaseClasses;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea6d2d73c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/BaseClasses/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/BaseClasses/TransformerExample.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/BaseClasses/TransformerExample.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..945fe446ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/BaseClasses/TransformerExample.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.Examples.BaseClasses;
+model TransformerExample
+ "This example represents the basic test for a transformer model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_primary=12470
+ "RMS Voltage on the primary side of the transformer";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_secondary=4160
+ "RMS Voltage on the secondary side of the transformer";
+ Sources.FixedVoltage sou(
+ f=60,
+ V=V_primary) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-70,-10},{-50,10}})));
+ replaceable
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.BaseClasses.PartialConverter
+ tra "Transformer model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ Loads.Resistive load(
+ loadConn=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_wyeg,
+ P_nominal=-1800e3,
+ V_nominal=V_secondary,
+ linearized=true) "Load model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{50,-10},{70,10}})));
+ Sensors.ProbeWye probe_Y_1(perUnit=false, V_nominal = V_primary)
+ "Probe that measures the voltage in Y configuration, primary side"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,30},{-20,50}})));
+ Sensors.ProbeDelta probe_D_1(perUnit=false, V_nominal = V_primary)
+ "Probe that measures the voltage in D configuration, primary side"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,-30},{-20,-50}})));
+ replaceable Sensors.BaseClasses.GeneralizedProbe probe_2 constrainedby
+ Sensors.BaseClasses.GeneralizedProbe(perUnit=false,
+ V_nominal=V_secondary)
+ "Probe that measures the voltage at the secondary side"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,30},{40,50}})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, tra.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-50,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(probe_Y_1.term, tra.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-30,31},{-30,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(probe_D_1.term, tra.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-30,-31},{-30,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(tra.terminal_p, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,0},{50,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+November 3, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Linearized load to avoid large nonlinear system of equations.
+This is for
+issue 568.
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This model is the base classes used by the examples that are part of the package
+The model has a voltage source, a transformer and a load. The transformer
+model is replaceable so that different types of transformers can easily be tested.
+end TransformerExample;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/BaseClasses/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/BaseClasses/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90d066ba9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/BaseClasses/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.Examples;
+package BaseClasses "This package contains base classes inherited by the examples"
+extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains base classes used by the examples that are part of the package
+", revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end BaseClasses;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/BaseClasses/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/BaseClasses/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a13655a958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/BaseClasses/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/Converter.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/Converter.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..290e403cab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/Converter.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.Examples;
+model Converter "Test for the AC/AC converter model"
+ extends BaseClasses.TransformerExample(
+ V_primary = 480,
+ V_secondary = 240,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye probe_2,
+ redeclare
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACConverter
+ tra(conversionFactor=0.5,eta=0.9));
+ connect(probe_2.term, tra.terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,31},{30,4.44089e-16},{10,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example model tests the
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACConverter model.
+experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/Converter.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end Converter;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/Transformer.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/Transformer.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4c8bc71eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/Transformer.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.Examples;
+model Transformer "Test for the AC/AC transformer model"
+ extends BaseClasses.TransformerExample(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye probe_2,
+ redeclare
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformer
+ tra(VHigh=V_primary,
+ VLow=V_secondary,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=6000000));
+ connect(probe_2.term, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,31},{30,0},{50,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example model tests the
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformer model.
+experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/Transformer.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end Transformer;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerDD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerDD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2db76bd231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerDD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.Examples;
+model TransformerDD
+ "Test for the AC/AC transformer model with Delta-Delta configuration"
+ extends BaseClasses.TransformerExample(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta probe_2,
+ redeclare
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerDD
+ tra(VHigh=V_primary,
+ VLow=V_secondary,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=6000000));
+ connect(probe_2.term, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,31},{30,0},{50,0},{50,5.55112e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example model tests the
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerDD model.
+When the secondary side of the transformer is in the Delta (D) configuration,
+measuring the voltage with a Wye (Y) is not possible because the voltage vectors
+in the connector do not have a neutral reference.
+experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerDD.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end TransformerDD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerFull.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerFull.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04401784af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerFull.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.Examples;
+model TransformerFull "Test for the AC/AC transformer full model"
+ extends BaseClasses.TransformerExample(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye probe_2,
+ redeclare
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerFull
+ tra(VHigh=V_primary,
+ VLow=V_secondary,
+ VABase=6000000,
+ f=60,
+ R1=0.005,
+ L1=0.005*6,
+ R2=0.005,
+ L2=0.005*6,
+ magEffects=true,
+ Rm=10,
+ Lm=10),
+ load(initMode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.InitMode.linearized));
+ connect(probe_2.term, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,31},{30,0},{50,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example model tests the
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerFull model.
+experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerFull.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end TransformerFull;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepDownDY.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepDownDY.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b0482ef67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepDownDY.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.Examples;
+model TransformerStepDownDY
+ "Test for the AC/AC transformer model with Delta-Wye configuration (step-down voltage)"
+ extends BaseClasses.TransformerExample(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye probe_2,
+ redeclare
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepDownDY
+ tra(VHigh=V_primary,
+ VLow=V_secondary,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=6000000));
+ connect(probe_2.term, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,31},{30,0},{50,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example model tests the
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepDownDY model.
+experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepDownDY.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end TransformerStepDownDY;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepDownYD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepDownYD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..505c9a7b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepDownYD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.Examples;
+model TransformerStepDownYD
+ "Test for the AC/AC transformer model with Wye-Delta configuration (step-down voltage)"
+ extends BaseClasses.TransformerExample(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta probe_2,
+ redeclare
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepDownYD
+ tra(VHigh=V_primary,
+ VLow=V_secondary,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=6000000));
+ connect(probe_2.term, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,31},{30,0},{50,0},{50,5.55112e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example model tests the
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepDownYD model.
+When the secondary side of the transformer is in the Delta (D) configuration,
+measuring the voltage with a Wye (Y) is not possible because the voltage vectors
+in the connector do not have a neutral reference.
+experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepDownYD.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end TransformerStepDownYD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepUpDY.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepUpDY.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d58a618b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepUpDY.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.Examples;
+model TransformerStepUpDY
+ "Test for the AC/AC transformer model with Delta-Wye configuration (step-up voltage)"
+ extends BaseClasses.TransformerExample(
+ V_primary = 4160,
+ V_secondary = 12470,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye probe_2,
+ redeclare
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepUpDY
+ tra(VHigh=V_primary,
+ VLow=V_secondary,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=6000000));
+ connect(probe_2.term, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,31},{30,0},{50,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example model tests the
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepUpDY model.
+experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepUpDY.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end TransformerStepUpDY;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepUpYD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepUpYD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cf9dd27d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepUpYD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.Examples;
+model TransformerStepUpYD
+ "Test for the AC/AC transformer model with Wye-Delta configuration (step-up voltage)"
+ extends BaseClasses.TransformerExample(
+ V_primary = 4160,
+ V_secondary = 12470,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta probe_2,
+ redeclare
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepUpYD
+ tra(VHigh=V_primary,
+ VLow=V_secondary,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=6000000));
+ connect(probe_2.term, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,31},{30,0},{50,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example model tests the
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepUpYD model.
+When the secondary side of the transformer is in the Delta (D) configuration,
+measuring the voltage with a Wye (Y) is not possible because the voltage vectors
+in the connector do not have a neutral reference.
+experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/TransformerStepUpYD.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end TransformerStepUpYD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee574c7986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad3a368e02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67cbc3e9f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced;
+package Conversion "Package with converter and transformer models for three-phase
+ unbalanced AC systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+This package contains models that represent different types of three
+phases unbalanced AC/AC transformers and AC/DC converters.
+end Conversion;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03efaf099a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Conversion/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Adapter3to3.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Adapter3to3.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac0470e16d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Adapter3to3.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces;
+model Adapter3to3
+ "Adapter from 3 single phase connectors to a connector with 3 phases"
+ extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal terminals[3](
+ redeclare final package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.OnePhase)
+ "Generalized terminal"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-92,-6},{-108,10}}),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{-106,8},{-90,-8}})));
+ Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal "Connector with 3 lines"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}}),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ for i in 1:3 loop
+ terminal.phase[i].v = terminals[i].v;
+ terminal.phase[i].i = -terminals[i].i;
+ Connections.branch(terminal.phase[i].theta, terminals[i].theta);
+ terminal.phase[i].theta = terminals[i].theta;
+ end for;
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="ada",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false), graphics={
+ Line(points={{-64,0},{66,0}}, color={28,108,200})}), Documentation(info="
+Adapter that connect 3 single phase connectors with a connector that has 3 phases.
+", revisions="
+February 25, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation for
+issue 426.
+end Adapter3to3;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Connection3to3Ground_n.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Connection3to3Ground_n.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd0bae5af3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Connection3to3Ground_n.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces;
+model Connection3to3Ground_n
+ "Adapter between Terminal4 (3 phases and ground) and Terminal3 N"
+ Terminal_n terminal4 "Connector for side with neutral" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},
+ {-90,10}}), iconTransformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n ground4
+ "Connector for neutral"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-109,-70},{-89,-50}}),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{-109,-70},{-89,-50}})));
+ Terminal_n terminal3 "Connector without neutral" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,
+ 10}}), iconTransformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ // Connection branches required to propagate the reference angle
+ Connections.branch(terminal4.phase[1].theta, ground4.theta);
+ terminal4.phase[1].theta = ground4.theta;
+ for i in 1:3 loop
+ Connections.branch(terminal3.phase[i].theta, terminal4.phase[i].theta);
+ terminal3.phase[i].theta = terminal4.phase[i].theta;
+ end for;
+ // KVL and KCL
+ terminal3.phase[1].v[:] = terminal4.phase[1].v[:] - ground4.v[:];
+ terminal3.phase[2].v[:] = terminal4.phase[2].v[:] - ground4.v[:];
+ terminal3.phase[3].v[:] = terminal4.phase[3].v[:] - ground4.v[:];
+ terminal4.phase[1].i[:] + terminal4.phase[2].i[:] = -terminal4.phase[3].i[:] - ground4.i[:];
+ terminal4.phase[1].i[:] = - terminal3.phase[1].i[:];
+ terminal4.phase[2].i[:] = - terminal3.phase[2].i[:];
+ terminal4.phase[3].i[:] = - terminal3.phase[3].i[:];
+ annotation ( Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-80,110},{-80,70},{0,70},{0,110},{-80,110}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-80,50},{-80,10},{0,10},{0,50},{-80,50}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-80,-10},{-80,-50},{0,-50},{0,-10},{-80,-10}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-80,-70},{-80,-110},{0,-110},{0,-70},{-80,-70}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{0,-40},{0,-80},{80,-80},{80,-40},{0,-40}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{0,20},{0,-20},{80,-20},{80,20},{0,20}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{0,80},{0,40},{80,40},{80,80},{0,80}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+February 25, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation based on previous
+which did not conform to the Modelica Language Definition.
+This is for
+issue 426.
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+Adapter between electric connectors type n for AC three-phase unbalanced systems.
+This adapter connects a connector without neutral cable to a connector without
+neutral cable.
+end Connection3to3Ground_n;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Connection3to3Ground_p.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Connection3to3Ground_p.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99dabc3a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Connection3to3Ground_p.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces;
+model Connection3to3Ground_p
+ "Adapter between Terminal4 (3 phases and ground) and Terminal3 P"
+ Terminal_p terminal4 "Connector with neutral" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},
+ {-90,10}}), iconTransformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_p ground4
+ "Connector for neutral"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-114,-70},{-94,-50}}),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{-114,-70},{-94,-50}})));
+ Terminal_p terminal3 "Connector without neutral" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,
+ 10}}), iconTransformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ // Connection branches required to propagate the reference angle
+ Connections.branch(terminal4.phase[1].theta, ground4.theta);
+ terminal4.phase[1].theta = ground4.theta;
+ for i in 1:3 loop
+ Connections.branch(terminal3.phase[i].theta, terminal4.phase[i].theta);
+ terminal3.phase[i].theta = terminal4.phase[i].theta;
+ end for;
+ // KVL and KCL
+ terminal3.phase[1].v[:] = terminal4.phase[1].v[:] - ground4.v[:];
+ terminal3.phase[2].v[:] = terminal4.phase[2].v[:] - ground4.v[:];
+ terminal3.phase[3].v[:] = terminal4.phase[3].v[:] - ground4.v[:];
+ terminal4.phase[1].i[:] + terminal4.phase[2].i[:] = -terminal4.phase[3].i[:] - ground4.i[:];
+ terminal4.phase[1].i[:] = - terminal3.phase[1].i[:];
+ terminal4.phase[2].i[:] = - terminal3.phase[2].i[:];
+ terminal4.phase[3].i[:] = - terminal3.phase[3].i[:];
+ annotation ( Icon(graphics={ Polygon(
+ points={{-80,110},{-80,70},{0,70},{0,110},{-80,110}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={127,0,127},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-80,50},{-80,10},{0,10},{0,50},{-80,50}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={127,0,127},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-80,-10},{-80,-50},{0,-50},{0,-10},{-80,-10}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={127,0,127},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-80,-70},{-80,-110},{0,-110},{0,-70},{-80,-70}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={127,0,127},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{0,80},{0,40},{80,40},{80,80},{0,80}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),Polygon(
+ points={{0,20},{0,-20},{80,-20},{80,20},{0,20}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),Polygon(
+ points={{0,-40},{0,-80},{80,-80},{80,-40},{0,-40}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+February 25, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation based on previous
+which did not conform to the Modelica Language Definition.
+This is for
+issue 426.
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+Adapter between electric connectors type p for AC three-phase unbalanced systems.
+This adapter connects a connector without neutral cable to a connector without
+neutral cable.
+end Connection3to3Ground_p;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Connection3to4_n.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Connection3to4_n.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fe985ec86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Connection3to4_n.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces;
+model Connection3to4_n "Adapter between Terminal4 and Terminal3 N"
+ Terminal4_n terminal4 "Connector with neutral" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},
+ {-90,10}}), iconTransformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ Terminal_n terminal3 "Connector without neutral" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,
+ 10}}), iconTransformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ // Connection branches required to propagate the reference angle
+ Connections.branch(terminal4.phase[1].theta, terminal4.phase[4].theta);
+ terminal4.phase[1].theta = terminal4.phase[4].theta;
+ for i in 1:3 loop
+ Connections.branch(terminal3.phase[i].theta, terminal4.phase[i].theta);
+ terminal3.phase[i].theta = terminal4.phase[i].theta;
+ end for;
+ // KVL and KCL
+ terminal3.phase[1].v[:] = terminal4.phase[1].v[:] - terminal4.phase[4].v[:];
+ terminal3.phase[2].v[:] = terminal4.phase[2].v[:] - terminal4.phase[4].v[:];
+ terminal3.phase[3].v[:] = terminal4.phase[3].v[:] - terminal4.phase[4].v[:];
+ terminal4.phase[1].i[:] + terminal4.phase[2].i[:] = -terminal4.phase[3].i[:] - terminal4.phase[4].i[:];
+ terminal4.phase[1].i[:] = - terminal3.phase[1].i[:];
+ terminal4.phase[2].i[:] = - terminal3.phase[2].i[:];
+ terminal4.phase[3].i[:] = - terminal3.phase[3].i[:];
+ annotation ( Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-80,110},{-80,70},{0,70},{0,110},{-80,110}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-80,50},{-80,10},{0,10},{0,50},{-80,50}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-80,-10},{-80,-50},{0,-50},{0,-10},{-80,-10}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-80,-70},{-80,-110},{0,-110},{0,-70},{-80,-70}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{0,-40},{0,-80},{80,-80},{80,-40},{0,-40}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{0,20},{0,-20},{80,-20},{80,20},{0,20}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{0,80},{0,40},{80,40},{80,80},{0,80}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+Adapter between electric connectors type n for AC three-phase unbalanced systems.
+This adapter connects a connector without neutral cable with a one that has it
+end Connection3to4_n;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Connection3to4_p.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Connection3to4_p.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99e12514f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Connection3to4_p.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces;
+model Connection3to4_p "Adapter between Terminal4 and Terminal3 P"
+ Terminal4_p terminal4 "Connector with neutral" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},
+ {-90,10}}), iconTransformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ Terminal_p terminal3 "Connector without neutral" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,
+ 10}}), iconTransformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ // Connection branches required to propagate the reference angle
+ Connections.branch(terminal4.phase[1].theta, terminal4.phase[4].theta);
+ terminal4.phase[1].theta = terminal4.phase[4].theta;
+ for i in 1:3 loop
+ Connections.branch(terminal3.phase[i].theta, terminal4.phase[i].theta);
+ terminal3.phase[i].theta = terminal4.phase[i].theta;
+ end for;
+ // KVL and KCL
+ terminal3.phase[1].v[:] = terminal4.phase[1].v[:] - terminal4.phase[4].v[:];
+ terminal3.phase[2].v[:] = terminal4.phase[2].v[:] - terminal4.phase[4].v[:];
+ terminal3.phase[3].v[:] = terminal4.phase[3].v[:] - terminal4.phase[4].v[:];
+ terminal4.phase[1].i[:] + terminal4.phase[2].i[:] = -terminal4.phase[3].i[:] - terminal4.phase[4].i[:];
+ terminal4.phase[1].i[:] = - terminal3.phase[1].i[:];
+ terminal4.phase[2].i[:] = - terminal3.phase[2].i[:];
+ terminal4.phase[3].i[:] = - terminal3.phase[3].i[:];
+ annotation ( Icon(graphics={ Polygon(
+ points={{-80,110},{-80,70},{0,70},{0,110},{-80,110}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={127,0,127},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-80,50},{-80,10},{0,10},{0,50},{-80,50}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={127,0,127},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-80,-10},{-80,-50},{0,-50},{0,-10},{-80,-10}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={127,0,127},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-80,-70},{-80,-110},{0,-110},{0,-70},{-80,-70}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={127,0,127},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{0,80},{0,40},{80,40},{80,80},{0,80}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),Polygon(
+ points={{0,20},{0,-20},{80,-20},{80,20},{0,20}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),Polygon(
+ points={{0,-40},{0,-80},{80,-80},{80,-40},{0,-40}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+Adapter between electric connectors type p for AC three-phase unbalanced systems.
+This adapter connects two connectors without and without a neutral cable.
+end Connection3to4_p;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Examples/WyeToDelta.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Examples/WyeToDelta.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66f7f72b9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Examples/WyeToDelta.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Examples;
+model WyeToDelta "Test for Y to D connection"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.WyeToDelta wyeToDelta
+ "Conversion of the voltages from Y to D"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage V1(f=60, V=
+ 480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye probe_Y(perUnit=
+ false, V_nominal=480)
+ "Probe that measures the voltage and the angles on each phase"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,10},{-10,30}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye probeD(perUnit=
+ false, V_nominal=480)
+ "Probe that measures the voltage and the angles on each phase"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,10},{30,30}})));
+ connect(V1.terminal, wyeToDelta.wye) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(probe_Y.term, wyeToDelta.wye) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,11},{-20,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(probeD.term, wyeToDelta.delta) annotation (Line(
+ points={{20,11},{20,0},{10,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Examples/WyeToDelta.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised example and documentation.
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added info section.
+", info="
+This simple example shows how to use a Y to D adapter.
+The probe probe_Y
mesaures the phase voltages before they
+are converted into D. Their RMS value is equal to 480/sqrt(3) V.
+The probe probe_D
measures the phase
+voltages after the conversion to D. Their RMS value is equal to 480 V,
+the line voltage provided by the voltage source.
+end WyeToDelta;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5a4405dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..867feeeb98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Terminal4_n.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Terminal4_n.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c0f0ae978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Terminal4_n.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces;
+connector Terminal4_n
+ "Terminal N for AC three-phase unbalanced systems (neutral cable)"
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n phase[4];
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={ Polygon(
+ points={{-100,110},{-100,70},{100,70},{100,110},{-100,110}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-100,-10},{-100,-50},{100,-50},{100,-10},{-100,-10}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-100,50},{-100,10},{100,10},{100,50},{-100,50}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-100,-70},{-100,-110},{100,-110},{100,-70},{-100,-70}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}), Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+Electric connector type n for AC three-phase unbalanced systems
+with neutral cable connection.
+end Terminal4_n;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Terminal4_p.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Terminal4_p.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5bdb728e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Terminal4_p.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces;
+connector Terminal4_p
+ "Terminal P for AC three-phase unbalanced systems (neutral cable)"
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_p phase[4]
+ "Terminal with 3 phases and neutral cable";
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={ Polygon(
+ points={{-100,110},{-100,70},{100,70},{100,110},{-100,110}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={127,0,127},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-100,50},{-100,10},{100,10},{100,50},{-100,50}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={127,0,127},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-100,-10},{-100,-50},{100,-50},{100,-10},{-100,-10}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={127,0,127},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-100,-70},{-100,-110},{100,-110},{100,-70},{-100,-70}},
+ lineColor={127,0,127},
+ fillColor={127,0,127},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}), Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+Electric connector type p for AC three-phase unbalanced systems
+with neutral cable connection.
+end Terminal4_p;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Terminal_n.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Terminal_n.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87489b728c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Terminal_n.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces;
+connector Terminal_n
+ "Terminal N for AC three-phase unbalanced systems (no neutral cable)"
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n phase[3];
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={ Polygon(
+ points={{-100,100},{-100,60},{100,60},{100,100},{-100,100}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-100,-60},{-100,-100},{100,-100},{100,-60},{-100,-60}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-100,20},{-100,-20},{100,-20},{100,20},{-100,20}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}), Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+Electric connector type n for AC three-phase unbalanced systems.
+end Terminal_n;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Terminal_p.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Terminal_p.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..048721946f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/Terminal_p.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces;
+connector Terminal_p
+ "Terminal P for AC three-phase unbalanced systems (no neutral cable)"
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_p phase[3];
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={ Polygon(
+ points={{-100,100},{-100,60},{100,60},{100,100},{-100,100}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Polygon(
+ points={{-100,-100},{100,-100},{100,-60},{-100,-60},{-100,-100}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),Polygon(
+ points={{-100,-20},{100,-20},{100,20},{-100,20},{-100,-20}},
+ lineColor={0,120,120},
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}), Documentation(info="
+Electric connector type p for AC three-phase unbalanced systems.
+", revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end Terminal_p;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/TwoPort.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/TwoPort.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c84962a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/TwoPort.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces;
+partial model TwoPort
+ "Partial model interface for a two port component without neutral cable"
+ Terminal_p terminal_p "Electric terminal side p"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}}),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ Terminal_n terminal_n "Electric terminal side n"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model and documentation.
+", info="
+Interface model for an AC three-phase unbalanced component with two ports
+and without neutral cable.
+end TwoPort;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/TwoPort_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/TwoPort_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2a4176b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/TwoPort_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces;
+partial model TwoPort_N
+ "Partial model interface for a two port component with neutral cable"
+ Terminal4_p terminal_p "Electric terminal side p"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}}),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ Terminal4_n terminal_n "Electric terminal side n"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model and documentation.
+", info="
+Interface model for an AC three-phase unbalanced component with two ports
+and with neutral cable.
+end TwoPort_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/WyeToDelta.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/WyeToDelta.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2f8fa3a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/WyeToDelta.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces;
+model WyeToDelta "This model represent a connection between wye to delta"
+ Terminal_n wye "Terminal Y" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}}),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ Terminal_n delta "Terminal D" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}}),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ for i in 1:3 loop
+ Connections.branch(wye.phase[i].theta, delta.phase[i].theta);
+ wye.phase[i].theta = delta.phase[i].theta;
+ end for;
+ delta.phase[1].v[:] = wye.phase[1].v[:] - wye.phase[2].v[:];
+ delta.phase[2].v[:] = wye.phase[2].v[:] - wye.phase[3].v[:];
+ delta.phase[3].v[:] = wye.phase[3].v[:] - wye.phase[1].v[:];
+ -wye.phase[1].i[:] + delta.phase[3].i[:] = delta.phase[1].i[:];
+ -wye.phase[2].i[:] + delta.phase[1].i[:] = delta.phase[2].i[:];
+ -wye.phase[3].i[:] + delta.phase[2].i[:] = delta.phase[3].i[:];
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="y2d",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={
+ Line(
+ points={{-40,-26},{0,34},{40,-26},{-40,-26}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model.
+", info="
+Adapter from Wye (Y) to Delta (D) connector.
+A three-phase unbalanced connector has three AC single phase
+connectors. Each AC single phase connector contains the phase voltage,
+which is measured between the phase and the neutral.
+This model converts the phase voltage to the line voltage, measured between
+the phases.
+The image below show how the phasors are computed when converting from Y to D.
+end WyeToDelta;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/WyeToWyeGround.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/WyeToWyeGround.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68496260dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/WyeToWyeGround.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces;
+model WyeToWyeGround
+ "This model represent a connection between wye to wye grounded"
+ Terminal_n wye "Terminal Y" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}}),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ Terminal_n wyeg "Terminal Y with ground connection" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}}),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ Connection3to3Ground_n connection3to4
+ "Adapter between Termina3 and Terminal4"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,-10},{-60,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Basics.Ground ground "Ground reference"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,-40},{-10,-20}})));
+ connect(wye, connection3to4.terminal3)
+ annotation (Line(points={{-100,0},{-60,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(connection3to4.terminal4, wyeg) annotation (Line(points={{-40,0},{28,0},
+ {100,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(connection3to4.ground4, ground.terminal) annotation (Line(points={{-40.6,
+ -6},{-20,-6},{-20,-20}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="y2yg",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={
+ Line(
+ points={{0,40},{0,0},{-30,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,0},{30,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,0},{0,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.25),
+ Line(
+ points={{-8,-40},{8,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.25),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6,-42},{6,-42}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.25),
+ Line(
+ points={{-4,-44},{4,-44}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.25)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Replaced connection3to4
with new model.
+This is for
+issue 426.
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model.
+", info="
+Adapter from wye (Y) to wye grounded (Yg) connector.
+A three-phase unbalanced connector has three AC single phase
+connectors. Each AC single phase connector contains a the phase voltage,
+which is measured
+between the phase and the neutral. This model assures that the voltage of the neutral
+cable is equal to zero.
+end WyeToWyeGround;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..810b8cb606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced;
+package Interfaces "Package with interfaces for three-phase unbalanced AC models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains connectors that are used by the models in the
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced package.
+The connectors extends the basic connectors
+and define a new graphical icon in order to be distinguished by connectors of other electrical systems (e.g. DC systems).
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end Interfaces;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc33a34500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Interfaces/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7a53e4f7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine
+ "Test model for a three-phase unbalanced commercial cable without neutral"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage E(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,-10},{-60,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance R1(R=10) "Resistive load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{22,20},{42,40}})));
+ Loads.Impedance R2(R=10) "Resistive load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{22,-10},{42,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance R3(R=10) "Resistive load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{22,-50},{42,-30}})));
+ Line line_1(
+ l=1000,
+ P_nominal=2000,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu35
+ commercialCable) "Cable that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-38,20},{-18,40}})));
+ Line line_2a(
+ l=500,
+ P_nominal=2000,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu35
+ commercialCable) "Cable that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-38,-10},{-18,10}})));
+ Line line_2b(
+ l=500,
+ P_nominal=2000,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu35
+ commercialCable) "Cable that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-14,-10},{6,10}})));
+ Line line_3a(
+ l=2000,
+ P_nominal=1000,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu35
+ commercialCable) "Cable that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-38,-40},{-18,-20}})));
+ Line line_3b(
+ l=2000,
+ P_nominal=1000,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu35
+ commercialCable) "Cable that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-38,-60},{-18,-40}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,0},{-50,0},{-50,30},{-38,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_1.terminal_p, R1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-18,30},{22,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,0},{-50,0},{-50,6.66134e-16},{-38,6.66134e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_2a.terminal_p, line_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-18,0},{-14,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_2b.terminal_p, R2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,0},{22,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_3a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,0},{-50,0},{-50,-30},{-38,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,0},{-50,0},{-50,-50},{-38,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_3a.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-18,-30},{2,-30},{2,-40},{22,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_3b.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-18,-50},{2,-50},{2,-40},{22,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a cable model without neutral line
+to connect a source to a load.
+The model has three resistive loads R1
, R2
, and R3
+Each load is connected to the source with different configurations,
+but the equivalent resistance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent resistances are the same, each load draws the same current.
+", revisions="
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end ACLine;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RL.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RL.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ad528aa82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RL.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLineMatrix_RL
+ "Test model for a three-phase unbalanced inductive-resistive line specified by a Z matrix"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage E(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=100*sqrt(3)) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance sc_load1(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,20},{20,40}})));
+ Loads.Impedance sc_load2(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-10},{20,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance sc_load3(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-50},{20,-30}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortMatrixRL Rline_1(
+ Z11={10,10},
+ Z12={0,0},
+ Z13={0,0},
+ Z22={10,10},
+ Z23={0,0},
+ Z33={10,10},
+ V_nominal=100*sqrt(3)) "RL line that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,20},{-40,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortMatrixRL Rline_2a(
+ Z12={0,0},
+ Z13={0,0},
+ Z23={0,0},
+ Z11=0.5*{10,10},
+ Z22=0.5*{10,10},
+ Z33=0.5*{10,10},
+ V_nominal=100*sqrt(3)) "RL line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortMatrixRL Rline_2b(
+ Z12={0,0},
+ Z13={0,0},
+ Z23={0,0},
+ Z11=0.5*{10,10},
+ Z22=0.5*{10,10},
+ Z33=0.5*{10,10},
+ V_nominal=100*sqrt(3)) "RL line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-36,-10},{-16,10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortMatrixRL Rline_3a(
+ Z12={0,0},
+ Z13={0,0},
+ Z23={0,0},
+ Z11=2*{10,10},
+ Z22=2*{10,10},
+ Z33=2*{10,10},
+ V_nominal=100*sqrt(3)) "RL line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-40},{-40,-20}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortMatrixRL Rline_3b(
+ Z12={0,0},
+ Z13={0,0},
+ Z23={0,0},
+ Z11=2*{10,10},
+ Z22=2*{10,10},
+ Z33=2*{10,10},
+ V_nominal=100*sqrt(3)) "RL line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-60},{-40,-40}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,30},{-60,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_1.terminal_p, sc_load1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,30},{0,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,6.66134e-16},{-60,6.66134e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2a.terminal_p, Rline_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,0},{-36,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2b.terminal_p, sc_load2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-16,0},{-4.44089e-16,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-30},{-60,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-50},{-60,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3a.terminal_p, sc_load3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-30},{-20,-30},{-20,-40},{0,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3b.terminal_p, sc_load3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-50},{-20,-50},{-20,-40},{0,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RL.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use an inductive resistive line model to connect
+a source to a load. The model is parameterized using the impedance matrix Z.
+The model has three loads. The loads represent a short circuit R=0.
+The current that flows through the load depends on the resistance of the line.
+", revisions="
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end ACLineMatrix_RL;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RLC.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RLC.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ca3baf31c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RLC.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLineMatrix_RLC
+ "Test model for a three-phase unbalanced RLC line specified by Z and B matrices"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage E(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=100*sqrt(3)) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance sc_load1(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,20},{20,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortMatrixRLC Rline_1(
+ Z11={10,10},
+ Z12={0,0},
+ Z13={0,0},
+ Z22={10,10},
+ Z23={0,0},
+ Z33={10,10},
+ V_nominal=100*sqrt(3),
+ B12=0,
+ B13=0,
+ B23=0,
+ B11=10,
+ B22=10,
+ B33=10) "RL line that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,20},{-40,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortMatrixRLC Rline_2(
+ Z12={0,0},
+ Z13={0,0},
+ Z23={0,0},
+ V_nominal=100*sqrt(3),
+ B12=0,
+ B13=0,
+ B23=0,
+ Z11={0,0},
+ Z22={0,0},
+ Z33={0,0},
+ B11=0.1,
+ B22=0.1,
+ B33=0.1) "RL line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,30},{-60,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_1.terminal_p, sc_load1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,30},{0,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,6.66134e-16},{-60,6.66134e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RLC.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a RLC line model to connect
+a source to a load. The model is parameterized using the impedance matrix Z
+and the admittance matrix B.
+The example shows two configurations to test a zero and non-zero matrix B.
+In the second case the impedance matrix Z has been set to zero.
+Therefore, the line model does not have a load connected to it.
+", revisions="
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end ACLineMatrix_RLC;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RLC_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RLC_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8099398b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RLC_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLineMatrix_RLC_N
+ "Test model for a three-phase unbalanced RLC line with neutral cable specified by Z and B matrices"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage_N E(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=100*sqrt(3)) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N sc_load1(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,20},{20,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortMatrixRLC_N Rline_1(
+ Z11={10,10},
+ Z12={0,0},
+ Z13={0,0},
+ Z22={10,10},
+ Z23={0,0},
+ Z33={10,10},
+ V_nominal=100*sqrt(3),
+ B12=0,
+ B13=0,
+ B23=0,
+ B11=10,
+ B22=10,
+ B33=10,
+ Z14={0,0},
+ Z24={0,0},
+ Z34={0,0},
+ Z44={10,10},
+ B14=0,
+ B24=0,
+ B34=0,
+ B44=10) "RL line that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,20},{-40,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortMatrixRLC_N Rline_2(
+ Z12={0,0},
+ Z13={0,0},
+ Z23={0,0},
+ V_nominal=100*sqrt(3),
+ B12=0,
+ B13=0,
+ B23=0,
+ Z11={0,0},
+ Z22={0,0},
+ Z33={0,0},
+ B11=0.1,
+ B22=0.1,
+ B33=0.1,
+ Z14={0,0},
+ Z24={0,0},
+ B14=0,
+ B24=0,
+ B34=0,
+ B44=0.1,
+ Z34={0,0},
+ Z44={0,0}) "RL line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,30},{-60,30}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-60,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_1.terminal_p, sc_load1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,30},{0,30}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RLC_N.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a RLC line model with neutral line to connect
+a source to a load. The model is parameterized using the impedance matrix Z
+and the admittance matrix B.
+The example shows two configurations to test a zero and non-zero matrix B.
+In the second case the impedance matrix Z has been set to zero.
+Therefore, the line model does not have a load connected to it.
+", revisions="
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end ACLineMatrix_RLC_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RL_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RL_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7744673a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RL_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLineMatrix_RL_N
+ "Test model for a three-phase unbalanced inductive-resistive line with neutral cable specified by a Z matrix"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage_N E(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=100*sqrt(3)) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N sc_load1(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,20},{20,40}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N sc_load2(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-10},{20,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N sc_load3(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-50},{20,-30}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortMatrixRL_N Rline_1(
+ Z11={10,10},
+ Z12={0,0},
+ Z13={0,0},
+ Z22={10,10},
+ Z23={0,0},
+ Z33={10,10},
+ V_nominal=100*sqrt(3),
+ Z14={0,0},
+ Z24={0,0},
+ Z34={0,0},
+ Z44={10,10}) "RL line that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,20},{-40,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortMatrixRL_N Rline_2a(
+ Z12={0,0},
+ Z13={0,0},
+ Z23={0,0},
+ Z11=0.5*{10,10},
+ Z22=0.5*{10,10},
+ Z33=0.5*{10,10},
+ V_nominal=100*sqrt(3),
+ Z14={0,0},
+ Z24={0,0},
+ Z34={0,0},
+ Z44=0.5*{10,10}) "RL line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortMatrixRL_N Rline_2b(
+ Z12={0,0},
+ Z13={0,0},
+ Z23={0,0},
+ Z11=0.5*{10,10},
+ Z22=0.5*{10,10},
+ Z33=0.5*{10,10},
+ V_nominal=100*sqrt(3),
+ Z14={0,0},
+ Z24={0,0},
+ Z34={0,0},
+ Z44=0.5*{10,10}) "RL line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-32,-10},{-12,10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortMatrixRL_N Rline_3a(
+ Z12={0,0},
+ Z13={0,0},
+ Z23={0,0},
+ Z11=2*{10,10},
+ Z22=2*{10,10},
+ Z33=2*{10,10},
+ V_nominal=100*sqrt(3),
+ Z14={0,0},
+ Z24={0,0},
+ Z34={0,0},
+ Z44=2*{10,10}) "RL line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-40},{-40,-20}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortMatrixRL_N Rline_3b(
+ Z12={0,0},
+ Z13={0,0},
+ Z23={0,0},
+ Z11=2*{10,10},
+ Z22=2*{10,10},
+ Z33=2*{10,10},
+ V_nominal=100*sqrt(3),
+ Z14={0,0},
+ Z24={0,0},
+ Z34={0,0},
+ Z44=2*{10,10}) "RL line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-60},{-40,-40}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,30},{-60,30}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-60,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-30},{-60,-30}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-50},{-60,-50}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3b.terminal_p, sc_load3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-50},{-20,-50},{-20,-40},{0,-40}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3a.terminal_p, sc_load3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-30},{-20,-30},{-20,-40},{0,-40}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2b.terminal_p, sc_load2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-12,0},{0,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_1.terminal_p, sc_load1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,30},{0,30}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2a.terminal_p, Rline_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,0},{-32,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLineMatrix_RL_N.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use an inductive resistive line model with neutral line to connect
+a source to a load. The model is parameterized using the impedance matrix Z.
+The model has three loads. The loads represent a short circuit R=0.
+The current that flows through the load depends on the resistance of the line.
+", revisions="
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end ACLineMatrix_RL_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31079db02b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine_L "Test model for a three-phase unbalanced inductive line"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance Lbase=10/2/Modelica.Constants.pi/60
+ "Base value for the line inductances";
+ Sources.FixedVoltage E(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance L1(R=0, L=Lbase) "Inductive load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,0},{20,20}})));
+ Loads.Impedance L2(R=0, L=Lbase) "Inductive load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance L3(R=0, L=Lbase) "Inductive load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-70},{20,-50}})));
+ Loads.Impedance sc_load(R=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,40},{20,60}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortInductance Lline_sc(L=6*Lbase)
+ "Inductive line that connects to the short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,60},{-40,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortInductance Rline_1(L=3*Lbase)
+ "Inductive line that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,0},{-40,20}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortInductance Rline_2a(L=3*Lbase/2)
+ "Inductive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-30},{-40,-10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortInductance Rline_2b(L=3*Lbase/2)
+ "Inductive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-36,-30},{-16,-10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortInductance Rline_3a(L=6*Lbase)
+ "Inductive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-60},{-40,-40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortInductance Rline_3b(L=6*Lbase)
+ "Inductive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-80},{-40,-60}})));
+ connect(E.terminal,Lline_sc. terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,50},{-60,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Lline_sc.terminal_p, sc_load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,50},{0,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,10},{-60,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_1.terminal_p,L1. terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,10},{0,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-20},{-60,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2a.terminal_p, Rline_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-36,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2b.terminal_p,L2. terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-16,-20},{-4.44089e-16,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-50},{-60,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-70},{-60,-70}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3a.terminal_p,L3. terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-50},{-20,-50},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3b.terminal_p,L3. terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-70},{-20,-70},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a purely inductive line model to connect
+a source to a load.
+The model has four different loads. The load sc_load
+a short circuit R=0. The current that flows through the load depends
+on the resistance of the line.
+The remaining three loads L1
, L2
, and L3
+are inductive loads. Each load is connected to the source with different configurations,
+but the equivalent impedance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent impedances are the same, each load draws the same current.
+", revisions="
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end ACLine_L;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52d08f2e85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine_L_N
+ "Test model for a three-phase unbalanced inductive line with neutral cable"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance Lbase=10/2/Modelica.Constants.pi/60
+ "Base value for the line inductances";
+ Sources.FixedVoltage_N E(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N L1(R=0, L=Lbase) "Inductive load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,0},{20,20}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N L2(R=0, L=Lbase) "Inductive load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N L3(R=0, L=Lbase) "Inductive load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-70},{20,-50}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N sc_load(R=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,40},{20,60}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortInductance_N Lline_sc(L=6*Lbase, Ln=Lbase)
+ "Inductive line that connects to the short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,60},{-40,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortInductance_N Rline_1(L=3*Lbase, Ln=0.5*Lbase)
+ "Inductive line that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,0},{-40,20}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortInductance_N Rline_2a(L=3*Lbase/2, Ln=0.5*Lbase/2)
+ "Inductive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-30},{-40,-10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortInductance_N Rline_2b(L=3*Lbase/2, Ln=0.5*Lbase/2)
+ "Inductive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-32,-30},{-12,-10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortInductance_N Rline_3a(L=6*Lbase, Ln=Lbase)
+ "Inductive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-60},{-40,-40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortInductance_N Rline_3b(L=6*Lbase, Ln=Lbase)
+ "Inductive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-80},{-40,-60}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, Lline_sc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,50},{-60,50}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,10},{-60,10}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-20},{-60,-20}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-50},{-60,-50}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-70},{-60,-70}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3b.terminal_p, L3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-70},{-20,-70},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3a.terminal_p, L3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-50},{-20,-50},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2b.terminal_p, L2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-12,-20},{0,-20}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2a.terminal_p, Rline_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-32,-20}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_1.terminal_p, L1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,10},{0,10}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Lline_sc.terminal_p, sc_load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,50},{0,50}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_L_N.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a purely inductive line model with neutral cable to connect
+a source to a load.
+The model has four different loads. The load sc_load
+a short circuit R=0. The current that flows through the load depends
+on the resistance of the line.
+The remaining three loads L1
, L2
, and L3
+are inductive loads. Each load is connected to the source with different configurations,
+but the equivalent impedance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent impedances are the same, each load draws the same current.
+", revisions="
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end ACLine_L_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..211ace34a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine_N
+ "Test model for a three-phase unbalanced commercial cable with neutral"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage_N E(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,-10},{-60,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N R1(R=10) "Resistive load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{22,20},{42,40}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N R2(R=10) "Resistive load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{22,-10},{42,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N R3(R=10) "Resistive load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{22,-50},{42,-30}})));
+ Line_N line_1(
+ l=1000,
+ P_nominal=2000,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu35
+ commercialCable) "Cable that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-38,20},{-18,40}})));
+ Line_N line_2a(
+ l=500,
+ P_nominal=2000,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu35
+ commercialCable) "Cable that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-44,-10},{-24,10}})));
+ Line_N line_2b(
+ l=500,
+ P_nominal=2000,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu35
+ commercialCable) "Cable that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-14,-10},{6,10}})));
+ Line_N line_3a(
+ l=2000,
+ P_nominal=1000,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu35
+ commercialCable) "Cable that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-38,-40},{-18,-20}})));
+ Line_N line_3b(
+ l=2000,
+ P_nominal=1000,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu35
+ commercialCable) "Cable that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-38,-60},{-18,-40}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,0},{-44,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,0},{-50,0},{-50,30},{-38,30}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_1.terminal_p, R1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-18,30},{22,30}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_3a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,0},{-50,0},{-50,-30},{-38,-30}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,4.44089e-16},{-50,4.44089e-16},{-50,-50},{-38,-50}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_2a.terminal_p, line_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-24,0},{-14,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_3a.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-18,-30},{2,-30},{2,-40},{22,-40}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_3b.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-18,-50},{2,-50},{2,-40},{22,-40}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line_2b.terminal_p, R2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,0},{22,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_N.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a cable line model with
+neutral to connect a source to a load.
+The model has three resistive loads R1
, R2
, and R3
+Each load is connected to the source with different configurations,
+but the equivalent resistance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent resistances are the same, each load draws the same current.
+", revisions="
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end ACLine_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86348d8d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine_R "Test model for a three-phase unbalanced resistive line"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage E(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance R1(R=10) "Resistive load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,0},{20,20}})));
+ Loads.Impedance R2(R=10) "Resistive load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance R3(R=10) "Resistive load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-70},{20,-50}})));
+ Loads.Impedance sc_load(R=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,40},{20,60}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance Rline_sc( useHeatPort=false, R=60)
+ "Resistive line that connects to the short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,60},{-40,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance Rline_1(R=30)
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,0},{-40,20}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance Rline_2a(R=15)
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-30},{-40,-10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance Rline_2b(R=15)
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-36,-30},{-16,-10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance Rline_3a(R=60)
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-60},{-40,-40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance Rline_3b(R=60)
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-80},{-40,-60}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_sc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,50},{-60,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_sc.terminal_p, sc_load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,50},{0,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,10},{-60,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_1.terminal_p, R1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,10},{0,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-20},{-60,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2a.terminal_p, Rline_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-36,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2b.terminal_p, R2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-16,-20},{-4.44089e-16,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-50},{-60,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-70},{-60,-70}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3a.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-50},{-20,-50},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3b.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-70},{-20,-70},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a resistive line model to connect
+a source to a load.
+The model has four different loads. The load sc_load
+a short circuit R=0. The current that flows through the load depends
+on the resistance of the line.
+The remaining three loads R1
, R2
, and R3
+are resistive loads. Each load is connected to the source with different configurations,
+but the equivalent resistance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent resistances are the same, each load draws the same current.
+", revisions="
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end ACLine_R;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3c9df2465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine_RL
+ "Test model for a three-phase unbalanced inductive-resistive line"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance Rbase=3*10
+ "Base value for the line resistance";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance Lbase=Rbase/2/Modelica.Constants.pi/60
+ "Base value for the line inductance";
+ Sources.FixedVoltage E(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=100*sqrt(3)) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance load_sc_1(R=0) "Short circuit 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,20},{20,40}})));
+ Loads.Impedance load_sc_2(R=0) "Short circuit 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-10},{20,10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortRL RL_2(
+ R=Rbase,
+ L=Lbase) "Resistive-Inductive line connected to short circuit 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-48,-10},{-28,10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance R_1(R=Rbase)
+ "Resistance line connected to short circuit 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,20},{-40,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortInductance L_1(L=Lbase)
+ "Inductance line connected to short circuit 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,20},{-10,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortRL RL_3(
+ R=Rbase,
+ L=Lbase,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)
+ "Dynamic resistive-inductive line connected to short circuit 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-48,-40},{-28,-20}})));
+ Loads.Impedance load_sc_3(R=0) "Short circuit 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-40},{20,-20}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, R_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,30},{-60,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(R_1.terminal_p, L_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,30},{-30,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(L_1.terminal_p, load_sc_1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,30},{0,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RL_2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-48,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RL_2.terminal_p, load_sc_2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-28,0},{0,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RL_3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-30},{-48,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RL_3.terminal_p, load_sc_3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-28,-30},{0,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0,Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+August 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Documentation and example revised.
+", info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a resistive-inductive line model to connect
+a source to a load.
+The model has three loads load_sc_1
, load_sc_2
+and load_sc_3
representing short circuits R=0.
+The current that flows through the load depends on the impedance of the line.
+Each load is connected to the source with different configurations,
+but the equivalent impedance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent impedances are the same, each load draw the same current.
+The line model RL_3
is the same as RL_2
but it uses
+dynamic phasors.
+end ACLine_RL;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RLC.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RLC.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60230f5eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RLC.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine_RLC "Test model for a three-phase unbalanced RLC line"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance RBase=3*10
+ "Base value for the line resistance";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance LBase=RBase/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*
+ 60) "Base value for the line inductances";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Capacitance CBase=3*0.1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*
+ 60) "Base value for the line inductances";
+ Sources.FixedVoltage E(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=100*sqrt(3)) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance sc_load1(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,0},{20,20}})));
+ Loads.Impedance sc_load2(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance sc_load3(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-70},{20,-50}})));
+ Loads.Impedance sc_load(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,40},{20,60}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortRLC RLCLine_sc(
+ R=RBase,
+ C=CBase,
+ L=LBase,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic,
+ V_nominal=480) "RLC line that connects to the short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,60},{-40,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortRLC RLCLine_1(
+ R=RBase,
+ C=CBase,
+ L=LBase,
+ V_nominal=480) "RLC line that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,0},{-40,20}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortRLC RLCLine_2a(
+ V_nominal=480,
+ R=RBase/2,
+ L=LBase/2,
+ C=CBase/2) "RLC line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-30},{-40,-10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortRLC RLCLine_2b(
+ V_nominal=480,
+ R=RBase/2,
+ L=LBase/2,
+ C=CBase/2) "RLC line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,-30},{-10,-10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortRLC RLCLine_3a(
+ R=2*RBase,
+ L=2*LBase,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ C=CBase/2) "RLC line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-60},{-40,-40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortRLC RLCLine_3b(
+ R=2*RBase,
+ L=2*LBase,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ C=CBase/2) "RLC line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-80},{-40,-60}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, RLCLine_sc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,50},{-60,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RLCLine_sc.terminal_p, sc_load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,50},{0,50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RLCLine_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,10},{-60,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RLCLine_1.terminal_p, sc_load1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,10},{0,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RLCLine_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-20},{-60,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RLCLine_2a.terminal_p, RLCLine_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-30,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RLCLine_2b.terminal_p, sc_load2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,-20},{-4.44089e-16,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RLCLine_3a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-50},{-60,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RLCLine_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-70},{-60,-70}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RLCLine_3a.terminal_p, sc_load3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-50},{-20,-50},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RLCLine_3b.terminal_p, sc_load3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-70},{-20,-70},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0,Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RLC.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use an RLC line model to connect
+a source to a load.
+The model has four different loads. The loads sc_load
, sc_load2
, sc_load3
+short circuits R=0. The current that flows through the load depends
+on the resistance, inductance and capacitance of the line.
+The parameter R, L and C are such that at the nominal
+frequency fnom = 60 Hz the respective resistance and
+reactances are all equal to 10 Ω.
+The lines used in this example have a T model (see
+The equivalent impedance of the line on each phase is equal to
+ZEQ = R/2 +jXL/2 + (R/2 +jXL/2)(-jXC)/
+(R/2 +jXL/2 -jXC)
+that in this case is equal to ZEQ = 15 + j5 Ω.
+Given the equivalent impedance of each phase, and a voltage
+with an RMS value of 100 V produces a current equal to
+I = 6 - j2 A flowing through phase 1.
+(1) Note:
+The line model RLCLine_sc
is the same as RLCLine_1
but it uses
+dynamic phasors.
+(2) Note:
+The line model RLCLine_2a
has a current that is different
+from the one passing in RLCLine_1
because the series of two T
+line models is different from the sum of the two separate line models.
+(3) Note:
+The line models RLCLine_3a
and RLCLine_3b
have currents that are
+50% of the other lines because they are in parallel.
+", revisions="
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end ACLine_RLC;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RLC_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RLC_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29599c0de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RLC_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine_RLC_N
+ "Test model for a three-phase unbalanced RLC line with neutral cable"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance RBase=3*10
+ "Base value for the line resistance";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance LBase=RBase/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*
+ 60) "Base value for the line inductances";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Capacitance CBase=3*0.1/(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*
+ 60) "Base value for the line inductances";
+ Sources.FixedVoltage_N E(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=100*sqrt(3)) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N sc_load1(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,0},{20,20}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N sc_load2(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N sc_load3(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-70},{20,-50}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N sc_load(R=0, L=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,40},{20,60}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortRLC_N RLCLine_sc(
+ R=RBase,
+ C=CBase,
+ L=LBase,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ Rn=RBase,
+ Cn=CBase,
+ Ln=LBase) "RLC line that connects to the short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,60},{-40,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortRLC_N RLCLine_1(
+ R=RBase,
+ C=CBase,
+ L=LBase,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ Rn=RBase,
+ Cn=CBase,
+ Ln=LBase) "RLC line that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,0},{-40,20}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortRLC_N RLCLine_2a(
+ V_nominal=480,
+ R=RBase/2,
+ L=LBase/2,
+ C=CBase/2,
+ Rn=RBase/2,
+ Cn=CBase/2,
+ Ln=LBase/2) "RLC line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-30},{-40,-10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortRLC_N RLCLine_2b(
+ V_nominal=480,
+ R=RBase/2,
+ L=LBase/2,
+ C=CBase/2,
+ Rn=RBase/2,
+ Cn=CBase/2,
+ Ln=LBase/2) "RLC line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,-30},{-10,-10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortRLC_N RLCLine_3a(
+ R=2*RBase,
+ L=2*LBase,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ C=CBase/2,
+ Rn=2*RBase,
+ Cn=CBase/2,
+ Ln=2*LBase) "RLC line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-60},{-40,-40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortRLC_N RLCLine_3b(
+ R=2*RBase,
+ L=2*LBase,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ C=CBase/2,
+ Rn=2*RBase,
+ Cn=CBase/2,
+ Ln=2*LBase) "RLC line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-80},{-40,-60}})));
+ connect(RLCLine_2a.terminal_p, RLCLine_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-30,-20}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RLCLine_2b.terminal_p, sc_load2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,-20},{0,-20}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RLCLine_3a.terminal_p, sc_load3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-50},{-20,-50},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RLCLine_3b.terminal_p, sc_load3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-70},{-20,-70},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RLCLine_1.terminal_p, sc_load1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,10},{0,10}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RLCLine_sc.terminal_p, sc_load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,50},{0,50}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RLCLine_sc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,50},{-60,50}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RLCLine_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,10},{-60,10}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RLCLine_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-20},{-60,-20}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RLCLine_3a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-50},{-60,-50}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RLCLine_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-70},{-60,-70}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0,Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RLC_N.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use an RLC line model with neutral cable to connect
+a source to a load.
+The model has four different loads. The loads sc_load
, sc_load2
, sc_load3
+short circuits R=0. The current that flows through the load depends
+on the resistance, inductance and capacitance of the line.
+The parameter R, L and C are such that at the nominal
+frequency fnom = 60 Hz the respective resistance and
+reactances are all equal to 10 Ω.
+The lines used in this example have a T model (see
+The equivalent impedance of the line on each phase is equal to
+ZEQ = R/2 +jXL/2 + (R/2 +jXL/2)(-jXC)/
+(R/2 +jXL/2 -jXC)
+that in this case is equal to ZEQ = 15 + j5 Ω.
+Given the equivalent impedance of each phase, and a voltage
+with an RMS value of 100 V produces a current equal to
+I = 6 - j2 A flowing through phase 1.
+(1) Note:
+The line model RLCLine_sc
is the same as RLCLine_1
but it uses
+dynamic phasors.
+(2) Note:
+The line model RLCLine_2a
has a current that is different
+from the one passing in RLCLine_1
because the series of two T
+line models is different from the sum of the two separate line models.
+(3) Note:
+The line models RLCLine_3a
and RLCLine_3b
have currents that are
+50% of the other lines because they are in parallel.
+", revisions="
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end ACLine_RLC_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7300ae4572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine_RL_N
+ "Test model for a three-phase unbalanced inductive-resistive line with neutral cable"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance Rbase=3*10
+ "Base value for the line resistance";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance Lbase=Rbase/2/Modelica.Constants.pi/60
+ "Base value for the line inductance";
+ Sources.FixedVoltage_N E(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=100*sqrt(3)) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-96,-10},{-76,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N load_sc_1(R=0) "Short circuit 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,20},{20,40}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N load_sc_2(R=0) "Short circuit 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-10},{20,10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortRL_N RL_2(
+ R=Rbase,
+ L=Lbase,
+ Rn=0.5*Rbase,
+ Ln=0.5*Lbase) "Resistive-Inductive line connected to short circuit 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-48,-10},{-28,10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance_N R_1(R=Rbase, Rn=0.5*Rbase)
+ "Resistance line connected to short circuit 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,20},{-40,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortInductance_N L_1(L=Lbase, Ln=0.5*Lbase)
+ "Inductance line connected to short circuit 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,20},{-10,40}})));
+ connect(RL_2.terminal_p, load_sc_2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-28,0},{0,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(L_1.terminal_p, load_sc_1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,30},{0,30}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(L_1.terminal_n, R_1.terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-30,30},{-40,30}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(R_1.terminal_n, E.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,30},{-70,30},{-70,0},{-76,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, RL_2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-76,0},{-48,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0,Tolerance=1e-06),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_RL_N.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+March 20, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed dynamic load model as this caused divergence.
+(Dassault SR00259003.)
+March 19, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added initial conditions for the dynamic load model.
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a resistive-inductive line model with neutral cable to connect
+a source to a load.
+The model has two loads load_sc_1
and load_sc_2
+representing short circuits R=0.
+The current that flows through the load depends on the impedance of the line.
+Each load is connected to the source with different configurations,
+but the equivalent impedance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent impedances are the same, each load draw the same current.
+end ACLine_RL_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39c570ed45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACLine_R_N
+ "Test model for a three-phase unbalanced resistive line with neutral cable"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage_N E(
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-10},{-80,10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N R1(R=10) "Resistive load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,0},{20,20}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N R2(R=10) "Resistive load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N R3(R=10) "Resistive load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-70},{20,-50}})));
+ Loads.Impedance_N sc_load(R=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,40},{20,60}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance_N Rline_sc( useHeatPort=false, R=60,
+ Rn=20) "Resistive line that connects to the short circuit"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,60},{-40,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance_N Rline_1(R=30, Rn=10)
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,0},{-40,20}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance_N Rline_2a(R=15, Rn=5)
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-30},{-40,-10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance_N Rline_2b(R=15, Rn=5)
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-32,-30},{-12,-10}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance_N Rline_3a(R=60, Rn=20)
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-60},{-40,-40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance_N Rline_3b(R=60, Rn=20)
+ "Resistive line that connects to load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-80},{-40,-60}})));
+ connect(Rline_sc.terminal_p, sc_load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,50},{0,50}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_1.terminal_p, R1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,10},{0,10}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2b.terminal_p, R2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-12,-20},{0,-20}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_2a.terminal_p, Rline_2b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-32,-20}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3b.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-70},{-20,-70},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline_3a.terminal_p, R3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-50},{-20,-50},{-20,-60},{0,-60}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_sc.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,50},{-60,50}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,10},{-60,10}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_2a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-20},{-60,-20}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3a.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-50},{-60,-50}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, Rline_3b.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,0},{-70,0},{-70,-70},{-60,-70}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACLine_R_N.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a resistive line model with neutral cable to connect
+a source to a load.
+The model has four different loads. The load sc_load
+a short circuit R=0. The current that flows through the load depends
+on the resistance of the line.
+The remaining three loads R1
, R2
, and R3
+are resistive loads. Each load is connected to the source with different configurations,
+but the equivalent resistance between each load and the source is the same.
+Since the equivalent resistances are the same, each load draws the same current.
+", revisions="
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end ACLine_R_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd58fd3e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACSimpleGrid
+ "Test model for a network model for three-phase unbalanced systems without neutral cable"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Network network(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Grids.TestGrid2Nodes grid,
+ V_nominal=480)
+ "Network model that represents the connection between the source and the load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,-10},{0,10}})));
+ Loads.Inductive load(
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ plugPhase3=false) "Load connected to the network"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-34,10},{-54,30}})));
+ Sources.FixedVoltage E(f=60, V=480,
+ definiteReference=true) "Voltage source" annotation (
+ Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={-50,-20})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp load_inputs(
+ height=5000,
+ offset=-2000,
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.25) "Input signal for the power consumption of the loads"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-90,10},{-70,30}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, network.terminal[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-20,-20},{-20,0},{0,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.terminal, network.terminal[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-34,20},{-20,20},{-20,0},{0,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load_inputs.y, load.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-69,20},{-62,20},{-62,28},{-56,28}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load_inputs.y, load.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-69,20},{-56,20}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a network model to connect
+a source to a load. In this simple case the network has two nodes
+that are connected by a commercial cable without a neutral line.
+At the beginning of the simulation, the load consumes power while at the
+and it produces power. The voltage at the load at the beginning is lower
+than the nominal RMS voltage (480 V), while at the end of the simulation it is higher.
+The voltage drop and increase are due to the presence of the cable between
+the source and the load.
+The network uses cables of the type LowVoltageCable.Cu35
+a length of 200 m.
+The picture below describes the grid topology.
+end ACSimpleGrid;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..894051d8a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Examples;
+model ACSimpleGrid_N
+ "Test model for a network model for three-phase unbalanced systems with neutral cable"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Network_N network(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Grids.TestGrid2Nodes grid,
+ V_nominal=480)
+ "Network model that represents the connection between the source and the load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,-10},{0,10}})));
+ Loads.Inductive_N load(
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ plugPhase3=false) "Load connected to the network"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-34,10},{-54,30}})));
+ Sources.FixedVoltage_N E(
+ f=60,
+ V=480,
+ definiteReference=true) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (
+ Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={-50,-20})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp load_inputs(
+ height=5000,
+ offset=-2000,
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.25) "Input signal for the power consumption of the loads"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-90,10},{-70,30}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, network.terminal[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-20},{-20,-20},{-20,0},{0,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.terminal, network.terminal[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-34,20},{-20,20},{-20,0},{0,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load_inputs.y, load.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-69,20},{-62,20},{-62,28},{-56,28}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load_inputs.y, load.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-69,20},{-56,20}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/ACSimpleGrid_N.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example demonstrates how to use a network model to connect
+a source to a load. In this simple case the network has two nodes
+that are connected by a commercial cable with neutral line.
+At the beginning of the simulation the load consumes power while at the
+and it produces power. The voltage at the load at the beginning is lower
+than the nominal RMS voltage (480 V) while at the end of the simulation it is higher.
+The voltage drop and increase are due to the presence of the cable between
+the source and the load.
+The network uses cables of the type LowVoltageCable.Cu35
+a length of 200 m.
+The picture below describes the grid topology.
+end ACSimpleGrid_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..295fa34396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a489517a6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Line.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Line.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e37d3c641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Line.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model Line "Model of an electrical line without neutral cable"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.TwoPort(
+ terminal_p(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))),
+ terminal_n(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))));
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialBaseLine(
+ V_nominal(start = 480),
+ commercialCable = IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.selectCable_low(P_nominal, V_nominal));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL phase1(
+ final useHeatPort=true,
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3,
+ final mode=modelMode) "Impedance line 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,20},{10,40}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL phase2(
+ final useHeatPort=true,
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3,
+ final mode=modelMode) "Impedance line 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL phase3(
+ final useHeatPort=true,
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3,
+ final mode=modelMode) "Impedance line 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-40},{10,-20}})));
+ connect(cableTemp.port, phase1.heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,22},{-26,22},{-26,10},{6.66134e-16,10},{6.66134e-16,20}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(cableTemp.port, phase2.heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,22},{-26,22},{-26,-20},{0,-20},{0,-10},{4.44089e-16,-10}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(cableTemp.port, phase3.heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,22},{-26,22},{-26,-50},{0,-50},{0,-40}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[1], phase1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-20,0},{-20,30},{-10,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[2], phase2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[3], phase3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,4.44089e-16},{-20,4.44089e-16},{-20,-30},{-10,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,30},{20,30},{20,4.44089e-16},{100,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[3]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-30},{20,-30},{20,4.44089e-16},{100,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="line",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-70,10},{-50,-10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={11,193,87},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-60,10},{60,-10}},
+ fillColor={11,193,87},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{50,10},{70,-10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,128,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,0},{-90,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{60,10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-60,-10},{60,-10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{96,0},{60,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+April 5, 2023, by Michael Wetter:
+Set nominal attribute for voltage at terminal.
+October 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation and model.
+", info="
+This model represents an AC three-phase unbalanced cable without
+neutral connection. The model is based on
+and provides functionalities to parametrize the values of R, L and C
+using either commercial cables or default values.
+end Line;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Line_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Line_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1e8c7d4b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Line_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model Line_N "Model of an electrical line with neutral cable"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.TwoPort_N(
+ terminal_p(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))),
+ terminal_n(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))));
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialBaseLine(
+ V_nominal(start = 480),
+ commercialCable = IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.selectCable_low(P_nominal, V_nominal));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL phase1(
+ final useHeatPort=true,
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final mode=modelMode,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3) "Impedance line 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,20},{10,40}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL phase2(
+ final useHeatPort=true,
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final mode=modelMode,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3) "Impedance line 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL phase3(
+ final useHeatPort=true,
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final mode=modelMode,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3) "Impedance line 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-40},{10,-20}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL neutral(
+ final useHeatPort=true,
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final mode=modelMode,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3) "Impedance of the neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-70},{10,-50}})));
+ connect(cableTemp.port, phase1.heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,22},{-26,22},{-26,10},{6.66134e-16,10},{6.66134e-16,20}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(cableTemp.port, phase2.heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,22},{-26,22},{-26,-20},{0,-20},{0,-10},{4.44089e-16,-10}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(cableTemp.port, phase3.heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,22},{-26,22},{-26,-50},{0,-50},{0,-40}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[1], phase1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-20,0},{-20,30},{-10,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[2], phase2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[3], phase3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,4.44089e-16},{-20,4.44089e-16},{-20,-30},{-10,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,30},{20,30},{20,4.44089e-16},{100,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[3]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-30},{20,-30},{20,4.44089e-16},{100,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(cableTemp.port, neutral.heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,22},{-26,22},{-26,-74},{6.66134e-16,-74},{6.66134e-16,-70}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ // Neutral cable connection
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[4], neutral.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,4.44089e-16},{-20,4.44089e-16},{-20,-60},{-10,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_p.phase[4], neutral.terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{100,4.44089e-16},{20,4.44089e-16},{20,-60},{10,-60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="line",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-70,10},{-50,-10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={11,193,87},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-60,10},{60,-10}},
+ fillColor={11,193,87},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{50,10},{70,-10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,128,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,0},{-90,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{60,10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-60,-10},{60,-10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{96,0},{60,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+April 5, 2023, by Michael Wetter:
+Set nominal attribute for voltage at terminal.
+October 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation and model.
+", info="
+This model represents an AC three-phase unbalanced cable with
+neutral connection. The model is based on
+and provides functionalities to parametrize the values of R, L and C
+using either commercial cables or default values.
+end Line_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Network.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Network.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a803cd99f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Network.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model Network "Three phases unbalanced AC network without neutral cable"
+ extends Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialNetwork(
+ redeclare
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal,
+ redeclare replaceable Transmission.Grids.TestGrid2Nodes grid,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Line lines(commercialCable=grid.cables));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VAbs[3,grid.nNodes] "RMS voltage of the grid nodes";
+ for i in 1:grid.nLinks loop
+ connect(lines[i].terminal_p, terminal[grid.fromTo[i,1]]);
+ connect(lines[i].terminal_n, terminal[grid.fromTo[i,2]]);
+ end for;
+ for i in 1:grid.nNodes loop
+ VAbs[1,i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(terminal[i].phase[1].v);
+ VAbs[2,i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(terminal[i].phase[2].v);
+ VAbs[3,i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(terminal[i].phase[3].v);
+ end for;
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="net",
+ Documentation(revisions="
+ -
+March 30, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Made network
replaceable. This was detected
+by the OpenModelica regression tests.
+October 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation and model.
+", info="
+This model represents a generalized electrical AC three-phase unbalanced network
+without neutral cable.
+for information about the network model.
+for more information about the topology of the network, such as
+the number of nodes, how they are connected, and the length of each connection.
+end Network;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Network_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Network_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4d2f0f834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/Network_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model Network_N "Three phases unbalanced AC network with neutral cable"
+ extends Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialNetwork(
+ redeclare
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Terminal4_p terminal,
+ redeclare replaceable Transmission.Grids.TestGrid2Nodes grid,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Line_N lines(
+ commercialCable=grid.cables));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VAbs[3,grid.nNodes] "RMS voltage of the grid nodes";
+ for i in 1:grid.nLinks loop
+ connect(lines[i].terminal_p, terminal[grid.fromTo[i,1]]);
+ connect(lines[i].terminal_n, terminal[grid.fromTo[i,2]]);
+ end for;
+ for i in 1:grid.nNodes loop
+ VAbs[1,i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(terminal[i].phase[1].v - terminal[i].phase[4].v);
+ VAbs[2,i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(terminal[i].phase[2].v - terminal[i].phase[4].v);
+ VAbs[3,i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(terminal[i].phase[3].v - terminal[i].phase[4].v);
+ end for;
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="net",
+ Documentation(revisions="
+March 30, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Made term
replaceable. This was detected
+by the OpenModelica regression tests.
+October 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation and model.
+", info="
+This model represents a generalized electrical AC three-phase unbalanced network
+with neutral cable.
+for information about the network model.
+for more information about the topology of the network, such as
+the number of nodes, how they are connected, and the length of each connection.
+end Network_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortInductance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortInductance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a48253c062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortInductance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortInductance "Model of an inductance with two electrical ports"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.TwoPort;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance L "Inductance";
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortInductance phase1(
+ final L=L/3) "Inductance line 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,20},{10,40}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortInductance phase2(
+ final L=L/3) "Inductance line 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortInductance phase3(
+ final L=L/3) "Inductance line 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-40},{10,-20}})));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[1], phase1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-20,0},{-20,30},{-10,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[2], phase2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[3], phase3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,4.44089e-16},{-20,4.44089e-16},{-20,-30},{-10,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,30},{20,30},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[3]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-30},{20,-30},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="line",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-72,32},{68,-28}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,14},{42,-14}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-140,-28},{140,-60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="L=%L"),
+ Line(points={{-92,0},{-72,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{68,0},{88,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-142,80},{138,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,0},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-42,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-42,14},{-14,-14}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-14,14},{14,-14}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-42,0},{48,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={52,0},
+ rotation=180)}),
+ Documentation(info="
+Inductive model that connects two AC three-phase
+unbalanced interfaces. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase unbalanced AC system.
+The model represents the lumped inductances as shown in the figure above.
+Assuming that the inductance L is the overall inductance of the cable,
+each line has an inductance equal to L/3.
+", revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model and documentation.
+end TwoPortInductance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortInductance_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortInductance_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94245ce8ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortInductance_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortInductance_N
+ "Model of an inductance with two electrical ports and neutral line cable"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.TwoPort_N;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance L "Inductance";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance Ln "Inductance of neutral cable";
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortInductance phase1(
+ final L=L/3) "Inductance line 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,32},{10,52}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortInductance phase2(
+ final L=L/3) "Inductance line 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,2},{10,22}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortInductance phase3(
+ final L=L/3) "Inductance line 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-28},{10,-8}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortInductance phase4(
+ final L=L/3) "Inductance line 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-58},{10,-38}})));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[1], phase1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-20,0},{-20,42},{-10,42}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[2], phase2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-20,0},{-20,12},{-10,12}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[3], phase3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,4.44089e-16},{-20,4.44089e-16},{-20,-18},{-10,-18}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,42},{20,42},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,12},{20,12},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[3]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-18},{20,-18},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase4.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[4]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-48},{20,-48},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase4.terminal_n, terminal_n.phase[4]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,-48},{-20,-48},{-20,0},{-100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="line",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-72,32},{68,-28}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,14},{42,-14}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-140,-28},{140,-60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="L=%L"),
+ Line(points={{-92,0},{-72,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{68,0},{88,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-142,80},{138,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,0},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-42,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-42,14},{-14,-14}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-14,14},{14,-14}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-42,0},{48,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={52,0},
+ rotation=180)}),
+ Documentation(info="
+Inductive model that connects two AC three-phase
+unbalanced interfaces with neutral line. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase unbalanced AC system.
+The model represents the lumped inductances as shown in the figure above.
+Assuming that the inductance L is the overall inductance of the cable,
+each line has an inductance equal to L/3.
+The inductance of the neutral cable is defined separately using the parameter
+", revisions="
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model and user guide
+end TwoPortInductance_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortMatrixRL.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortMatrixRL.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6b1443bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortMatrixRL.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortMatrixRL
+ "Model of an RL line parameterized with impedance matrices"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.TwoPort(
+ terminal_p(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))),
+ terminal_n(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start=480)
+ "Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0)"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Nominal conditions"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z11[2]
+ "Element [1,1] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z12[2]
+ "Element [1,2] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z13[2]
+ "Element [1,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z22[2]
+ "Element [2,2] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z23[2]
+ "Element [2,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z33[2]
+ "Element [3,3] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z21=Z12
+ "Element [2,1] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z31=Z13
+ "Element [3,1] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z32=Z23
+ "Element [3,1] of impedance matrix";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current i1[2](each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)=
+ terminal_n.phase[1].i "Current in line 1";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current i2[2](each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)=
+ terminal_n.phase[2].i "Current in line 2";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current i3[2](each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)=
+ terminal_n.phase[3].i "Current in line 3";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v1_n[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=0),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_n.phase[1].v
+ "Voltage in line 1 at connector N";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v2_n[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=-2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_n.phase[2].v
+ "Voltage in line 2 at connector N";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v3_n[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_n.phase[3].v
+ "Voltage in line 3 at connector N";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v1_p[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=0),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_p.phase[1].v
+ "Voltage in line 1 at connector P";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v2_p[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=-2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_p.phase[2].v
+ "Voltage in line 2 at connector P";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v3_p[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_p.phase[3].v
+ "Voltage in line 3 at connector P";
+ function productAC1p = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.product
+ "Product between complex quantities";
+ // Link the connectors to propagate the overdetermined variable
+ for i in 1:3 loop
+ Connections.branch(terminal_p.phase[i].theta, terminal_n.phase[i].theta);
+ terminal_p.phase[i].theta = terminal_n.phase[i].theta;
+ // No current losses, they are preserved in each line
+ terminal_p.phase[i].i = - terminal_n.phase[i].i;
+ end for;
+ // Voltage drop caused by the impedance matrix
+ v1_n - v1_p = productAC1p(Z11, i1) + productAC1p(Z12, i2) + productAC1p(Z13, i3);
+ v2_n - v2_p = productAC1p(Z21, i1) + productAC1p(Z22, i2) + productAC1p(Z23, i3);
+ v3_n - v3_p = productAC1p(Z31, i1) + productAC1p(Z32, i2) + productAC1p(Z33, i3);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="line",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Line(points={{-92,0},{-72,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{68,0},{88,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-72,40},{70,-40}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-26,16},{10,4}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-140,100},{140,60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-70,10},{70,-10}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="R+jX 3x3")}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+April 5, 2022, by Michael Wetter:
+Set nominal attribute for voltage at terminals.
+This is required for
+to converge with Dymola 2023 beta3.
+Inspecting the homotopy trajectory showed that this variable diverged to an unreasonable value.
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed zero start value for currents i1
, i2
+Setting a zero start value led Dymola 2017 on Linux to find a different solution
+Also, the current is typically non-zero and zero is anyway the default start value, hence there is no need to set it.
+Made current and voltage public to allow setting start values.
+This is for
+October 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation and model.
+June 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model.
+", info="
+Resistive-inductive model that connects two AC three-phase
+unbalanced interfaces. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase unbalanced AC system.
+The voltage between the ports is
+where Vi{p,n} is the voltage phasor at the connector p
of the i-th phase, while Iip
+the current phasor entering from the connector p
of the i-th phase.
+The model is parameterized with an impedance matrix Z.
+The matrix is symmetric thus just the upper triangular
+part of it has to be defined.
+end TwoPortMatrixRL;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortMatrixRLC.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortMatrixRLC.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d03d7ab4d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortMatrixRLC.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortMatrixRLC
+ "PI model of a line parameterized with impedance and admittance matrices"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.TwoPort(
+ terminal_p(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))),
+ terminal_n(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start=480)
+ "Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0)"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Nominal conditions"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z11[2]
+ "Element [1,1] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z12[2]
+ "Element [1,2] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z13[2]
+ "Element [1,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z22[2]
+ "Element [2,2] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z23[2]
+ "Element [2,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z33[2]
+ "Element [3,3] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z21=Z12
+ "Element [2,1] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z31=Z13
+ "Element [3,1] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z32=Z23
+ "Element [3,1] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B11
+ "Element [1,1] of admittance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B12
+ "Element [1,2] of admittance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B13
+ "Element [1,3] of admittance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B22
+ "Element [2,2] of admittance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B23
+ "Element [2,3] of admittance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B33
+ "Element [3,3] of admittance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B21=B12
+ "Element [2,1] of admittance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B31=B13
+ "Element [3,1] of admittance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B32=B23
+ "Element [3,2] of admittance matrix";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v1_n[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=0),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_n.phase[1].v
+ "Voltage in line 1 at connector N";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v2_n[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=-2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_n.phase[2].v
+ "Voltage in line 2 at connector N";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v3_n[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_n.phase[3].v
+ "Voltage in line 3 at connector N";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v1_p[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=0),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_p.phase[1].v
+ "Voltage in line 1 at connector P";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v2_p[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=-2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_p.phase[2].v
+ "Voltage in line 2 at connector P";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v3_p[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_p.phase[3].v
+ "Voltage in line 3 at connector P";
+ function productAC1p = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.product
+ "Product between complex quantities";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current Isr[3,2](start=zeros(3, IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.n),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)
+ "Currents that pass through the lines";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current Ish_p[3,2](start=zeros(3, IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.n),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer) "Shunt current on side p";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current Ish_n[3,2](start=zeros(3, IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.n),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer) "Shunt current on side n";
+ // Link the connectors to propagate the overdetermined variable
+ for i in 1:3 loop
+ Connections.branch(terminal_p.phase[i].theta, terminal_n.phase[i].theta);
+ terminal_p.phase[i].theta = terminal_n.phase[i].theta;
+ end for;
+ // Kirkoff current law for the terminal n (left side)
+ Isr[1,:] = terminal_n.phase[1].i - Ish_n[1,:];
+ Isr[2,:] = terminal_n.phase[2].i - Ish_n[2,:];
+ Isr[3,:] = terminal_n.phase[3].i - Ish_n[3,:];
+ // Kirkoff current law for the terminal p (right side)
+ Isr[1,:] + terminal_p.phase[1].i = Ish_p[1,:];
+ Isr[2,:] + terminal_p.phase[2].i = Ish_p[2,:];
+ Isr[3,:] + terminal_p.phase[3].i = Ish_p[3,:];
+ // Voltage drop caused by the impedance matrix
+ terminal_n.phase[1].v - terminal_p.phase[1].v = productAC1p(Z11, terminal_n.phase[1].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z12, terminal_n.phase[2].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z13, terminal_n.phase[3].i);
+ terminal_n.phase[2].v - terminal_p.phase[2].v = productAC1p(Z21, terminal_n.phase[1].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z22, terminal_n.phase[2].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z23, terminal_n.phase[3].i);
+ terminal_n.phase[3].v - terminal_p.phase[3].v = productAC1p(Z31, terminal_n.phase[1].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z32, terminal_n.phase[2].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z33, terminal_n.phase[3].i);
+ // Current loss at the terminal n
+ Ish_n[1,:] = productAC1p({0, B11/2}, v1_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B12/2}, v2_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B13/2}, v3_n);
+ Ish_n[2,:] = productAC1p({0, B21/2}, v1_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B22/2}, v2_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B23/2}, v3_n);
+ Ish_n[3,:] = productAC1p({0, B31/2}, v1_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B32/2}, v2_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B33/2}, v3_n);
+ // Current loss at the terminal n
+ Ish_p[1,:] = productAC1p({0, B11/2}, v1_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B12/2}, v2_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B13/2}, v3_p);
+ Ish_p[2,:] = productAC1p({0, B21/2}, v1_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B22/2}, v2_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B23/2}, v3_p);
+ Ish_p[3,:] = productAC1p({0, B31/2}, v1_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B32/2}, v2_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B33/2}, v3_p);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="line",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Line(points={{-92,0},{-72,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{68,0},{88,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-72,40},{70,-40}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-140,100},{140,60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-72,30},{70,10}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="R+jX 3x3"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-72,-10},{70,-30}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="C 3x3")}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+April 5, 2023, by Michael Wetter:
+Set nominal attribute for voltage at terminal.
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Made current and voltage public to allow setting start values.
+This is for
+October 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation and model.
+June 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model.
+", info="
+RLC line model (π-model) that connects two AC three-phase
+unbalanced interfaces. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase unbalanced AC system.
+The model is parameterized with an impedance matrix Z and
+an admittance matrix B.
+The impedance matrix is symmetric, and therefore only the upper triangular
+part of the matrix needs to be defined.
+This model is a more detailed version of the model
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.TwoPortMatrixRL that includes
+the capacitive effects of the lines.
+end TwoPortMatrixRLC;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortMatrixRLC_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortMatrixRLC_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c79711d8eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortMatrixRLC_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortMatrixRLC_N
+ "PI model of a line parameterized with impedance and admittance matrices and neutral line"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.TwoPort_N(
+ terminal_p(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))),
+ terminal_n(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start=480)
+ "Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0)"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Nominal conditions"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z11[2]
+ "Element [1,1] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z12[2]
+ "Element [1,2] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z13[2]
+ "Element [1,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z14[2]
+ "Element [1,4] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z22[2]
+ "Element [2,2] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z23[2]
+ "Element [2,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z24[2]
+ "Element [2,4] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z33[2]
+ "Element [3,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z34[2]
+ "Element [3,4] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z44[2]
+ "Element [4,4] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z21=Z12
+ "Element [2,1] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z31=Z13
+ "Element [3,1] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z32=Z23
+ "Element [3,1] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z41=Z14
+ "Element [4,1] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z42=Z24
+ "Element [4,2] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z43=Z34
+ "Element [4,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B11
+ "Element [1,1] of admittance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B12
+ "Element [1,2] of admittance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B13
+ "Element [1,3] of admittance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B14
+ "Element [1,4] of admittance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B22
+ "Element [2,2] of admittance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B23
+ "Element [2,3] of admittance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B24
+ "Element [2,4] of admittance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B33
+ "Element [3,3] of admittance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B34
+ "Element [3,4] of admittance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B44
+ "Element [4,4] of admittance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B21=B12
+ "Element [2,1] of admittance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B31=B13
+ "Element [3,1] of admittance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B32=B23
+ "Element [3,2] of admittance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B41=B14
+ "Element [4,1] of admittance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B42=B24
+ "Element [4,2] of admittance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance B43=B34
+ "Element [4,3] of admittance matrix";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v1_n[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=0),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_n.phase[1].v
+ "Voltage in line 1 at connector N";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v2_n[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=-2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_n.phase[2].v
+ "Voltage in line 2 at connector N";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v3_n[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_n.phase[3].v
+ "Voltage in line 3 at connector N";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v4_n[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(0),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_n.phase[4].v
+ "Voltage in line 4 (neutral) at connector N";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v1_p[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=0),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_p.phase[1].v
+ "Voltage in line 1 at connector P";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v2_p[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=-2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_p.phase[2].v
+ "Voltage in line 2 at connector P";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v3_p[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_p.phase[3].v
+ "Voltage in line 3 at connector P";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v4_p[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(0),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_p.phase[4].v
+ "Voltage in line 4 (neutral) at connector P";
+ function productAC1p = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.product
+ "Product between complex quantities";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current Isr[4,2](each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)
+ "Currents that pass through the lines";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current Ish_p[4,2](each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)
+ "Shunt current on side p";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current Ish_n[4,2](each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)
+ "Shunt current on side n";
+ // Link the connectors to propagate the overdetermined variable
+ for i in 1:4 loop
+ Connections.branch(terminal_p.phase[i].theta, terminal_n.phase[i].theta);
+ terminal_p.phase[i].theta = terminal_n.phase[i].theta;
+ end for;
+ // Kirkoff current law for the terminal n (left side)
+ Isr[1,:] = terminal_n.phase[1].i - Ish_n[1,:];
+ Isr[2,:] = terminal_n.phase[2].i - Ish_n[2,:];
+ Isr[3,:] = terminal_n.phase[3].i - Ish_n[3,:];
+ Isr[4,:] = terminal_n.phase[4].i - Ish_n[4,:];
+ // Kirkoff current law for the terminal p (right side)
+ Isr[1,:] + terminal_p.phase[1].i = Ish_p[1,:];
+ Isr[2,:] + terminal_p.phase[2].i = Ish_p[2,:];
+ Isr[3,:] + terminal_p.phase[3].i = Ish_p[3,:];
+ Isr[4,:] + terminal_p.phase[4].i = Ish_p[4,:];
+ // Voltage drop caused by the impedance matrix
+ terminal_n.phase[1].v - terminal_p.phase[1].v = productAC1p(Z11, terminal_n.phase[1].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z12, terminal_n.phase[2].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z13, terminal_n.phase[3].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z14, terminal_n.phase[4].i);
+ terminal_n.phase[2].v - terminal_p.phase[2].v = productAC1p(Z21, terminal_n.phase[1].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z22, terminal_n.phase[2].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z23, terminal_n.phase[3].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z24, terminal_n.phase[4].i);
+ terminal_n.phase[3].v - terminal_p.phase[3].v = productAC1p(Z31, terminal_n.phase[1].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z32, terminal_n.phase[2].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z33, terminal_n.phase[3].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z34, terminal_n.phase[4].i);
+ terminal_n.phase[4].v - terminal_p.phase[4].v = productAC1p(Z41, terminal_n.phase[1].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z42, terminal_n.phase[2].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z43, terminal_n.phase[3].i)
+ + productAC1p(Z44, terminal_n.phase[4].i);
+ // Current loss at the terminal n
+ Ish_n[1,:] = productAC1p({0, B11/2}, v1_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B12/2}, v2_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B13/2}, v3_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B14/2}, v4_n);
+ Ish_n[2,:] = productAC1p({0, B21/2}, v1_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B22/2}, v2_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B23/2}, v3_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B24/2}, v4_n);
+ Ish_n[3,:] = productAC1p({0, B31/2}, v1_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B32/2}, v2_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B33/2}, v3_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B34/2}, v4_n);
+ Ish_n[4,:] = productAC1p({0, B41/2}, v1_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B42/2}, v2_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B43/2}, v3_n)
+ + productAC1p({0, B44/2}, v4_n);
+ // Current loss at the terminal n
+ Ish_p[1,:] = productAC1p({0, B11/2}, v1_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B12/2}, v2_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B13/2}, v3_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B14/2}, v4_p);
+ Ish_p[2,:] = productAC1p({0, B21/2}, v1_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B22/2}, v2_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B23/2}, v3_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B24/2}, v4_p);
+ Ish_p[3,:] = productAC1p({0, B31/2}, v1_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B32/2}, v2_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B33/2}, v3_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B34/2}, v4_p);
+ Ish_p[4,:] = productAC1p({0, B41/2}, v1_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B42/2}, v2_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B43/2}, v3_p)
+ + productAC1p({0, B44/2}, v4_p);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="line",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Line(points={{-92,0},{-72,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{68,0},{88,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-72,40},{70,-40}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-140,100},{140,60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-72,30},{70,10}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="R+jX 4x4"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-72,-10},{70,-30}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="C 4x4")}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+April 5, 2023, by Michael Wetter:
+Set nominal attribute for voltage at terminal.
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Made current and voltage public to allow setting start values.
+This is for
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed zero start value for currents i1
, i2
+Setting a zero start value led Dymola 2017 on Linux to find a different solution
+Also, the current is typically non-zero and zero is anyway the default start value, hence there is no need to set it.
+This is for
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+RLC line model (π-model) that connects two AC three-phase
+unbalanced interfaces and neutral line. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase unbalanced AC system.
+The model is parameterized with an impedance matrix Z and
+an admittance matrix B.
+The impedance matrix is symmetric, and therefore only the upper triangular
+part of the matrix needs to be defined.
+This model is a more detailed version of the model
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.TwoPortMatrixRL_N that includes
+the capacitive effects of the lines.
+The fourth line is the neutral one.
+end TwoPortMatrixRLC_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortMatrixRL_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortMatrixRL_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edc2f4fada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortMatrixRL_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortMatrixRL_N
+ "Model of an RL line parameterized with impedance matrices and neutral line"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.TwoPort_N(
+ terminal_p(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))),
+ terminal_n(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start=480)
+ "Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0)"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Nominal conditions"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z11[2]
+ "Element [1,1] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z12[2]
+ "Element [1,2] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z13[2]
+ "Element [1,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z14[2]
+ "Element [1,4] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z22[2]
+ "Element [2,2] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z23[2]
+ "Element [2,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z24[2]
+ "Element [2,4] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z33[2]
+ "Element [3,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z34[2]
+ "Element [3,4] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z44[2]
+ "Element [4,4] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z21=Z12
+ "Element [2,1] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z31=Z13
+ "Element [3,1] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z32=Z23
+ "Element [3,1] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z41=Z14
+ "Element [4,1] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z42=Z24
+ "Element [4,2] of impedance matrix";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance[2] Z43=Z34
+ "Element [4,3] of impedance matrix";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current i1[2](each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)=
+ terminal_n.phase[1].i "Current in line 1";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current i2[2](each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)=
+ terminal_n.phase[2].i "Current in line 2";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current i3[2](each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)=
+ terminal_n.phase[3].i "Current in line 3";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current i4[2](each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)=
+ terminal_n.phase[4].i "Current in line 4 (neutral)";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v1_n[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=0),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_n.phase[1].v
+ "Voltage in line 1 at connector N";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v2_n[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=-2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_n.phase[2].v
+ "Voltage in line 2 at connector N";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v3_n[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_n.phase[3].v
+ "Voltage in line 3 at connector N";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v4_n[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(0),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_n.phase[4].v
+ "Voltage in line 4 (neutral) at connector N";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v1_p[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=0),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_p.phase[1].v
+ "Voltage in line 1 at connector P";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v2_p[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=-2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_p.phase[2].v
+ "Voltage in line 2 at connector P";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v3_p[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(V_nominal/
+ sqrt(3), phi=2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_p.phase[3].v
+ "Voltage in line 3 at connector P";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v4_p[2](
+ start=IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phaseVoltages(0),
+ each stateSelect=StateSelect.never) = terminal_p.phase[4].v
+ "Voltage in line 4 (neutral) at connector P";
+ function productAC1p = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.product
+ "Product between complex quantities";
+ // Link the connectors to propagate the overdetermined variable
+ for i in 1:4 loop
+ Connections.branch(terminal_p.phase[i].theta, terminal_n.phase[i].theta);
+ terminal_p.phase[i].theta = terminal_n.phase[i].theta;
+ // No current losses, they are preserved in each line
+ terminal_p.phase[i].i = - terminal_n.phase[i].i;
+ end for;
+ // Voltage drop caused by the impedance matrix
+ v1_n - v1_p = productAC1p(Z11, i1) + productAC1p(Z12, i2) + productAC1p(Z13, i3)+ productAC1p(Z14, i4);
+ v2_n - v2_p = productAC1p(Z21, i1) + productAC1p(Z22, i2) + productAC1p(Z23, i3)+ productAC1p(Z24, i4);
+ v3_n - v3_p = productAC1p(Z31, i1) + productAC1p(Z32, i2) + productAC1p(Z33, i3)+ productAC1p(Z34, i4);
+ v4_n - v4_p = productAC1p(Z41, i1) + productAC1p(Z42, i2) + productAC1p(Z43, i3)+ productAC1p(Z44, i4);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="line",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Line(points={{-92,0},{-72,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{68,0},{88,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-72,40},{70,-40}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-26,16},{10,4}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-140,100},{140,60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-70,10},{70,-10}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="R+jX 4x4")}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+April 5, 2023, by Michael Wetter:
+Set nominal attribute for voltage at terminal.
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Made current and voltage public to allow setting start values.
+This is for
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed zero start value for currents i1
, i2
+Setting a zero start value led Dymola 2017 on Linux to find a different solution
+Also, the current is typically non-zero and zero is anyway the default start value, hence there is no need to set it.
+This is for
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documantation.
+", info="
+Resistive-inductive model that connects two AC three-phase
+unbalanced interfaces with neutral line. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase unbalanced AC system.
+The voltage between the ports is
+where Vi{p,n} is the voltage phasor at the connector p
of the i-th phase, while Iip
+the current phasor entering from the connector p
of the i-th phase.
+The model is parameterized with an impedance matrix Z.
+The matrix is symmetric thus just the upper triangular
+part of it has to be defined.
+The fourth line is the neutral one.
+end TwoPortMatrixRL_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortRL.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortRL.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0cf508b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortRL.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortRL
+ "Model of a resistive-inductive element with two electrical ports"
+ extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.TwoPort;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R "Resistance at temperature T_ref"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature T_ref=298.15 "Reference temperature"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature M=507.65
+ "Temperature constant (R_actual = R*(M + T_heatPort)/(M + T_ref))"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance L "Inductance";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Current i1_start[2]={0,0}
+ "Initial current phasor of phase 1 (positive if entering from terminal p)"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Current i2_start[2]={0,0}
+ "Initial current phasor of phase 2 (positive if entering from terminal p)"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Current i3_start[2]={0,0}
+ "Initial current phasor of phase 3 (positive if entering from terminal p)"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load mode(
+ min=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ max=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic) = IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state
+ "Type of model (e.g., steady state, dynamic, prescribed power consumption, etc.)"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL phase1(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort,
+ i_start=i1_start) "Impedance line 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,20},{10,40}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL phase2(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort,
+ i_start=i2_start) "Impedance line 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL phase3(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort,
+ i_start=i3_start) "Impedance line 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-40},{10,-20}})));
+ // Joule Losses
+ LossPower = phase1.LossPower + phase2.LossPower + phase3.LossPower;
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[1], phase1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-99.95,0.05},{-20,0.05},{-20,30},{-10,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[2], phase2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-99.95,0.05},{-54,0.05},{-54,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[3], phase3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-99.95,0.05},{-20,0.05},{-20,-30},{-10,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,30},{20,30},{20,0.05},{100.05,0.05}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,0},{56,0},{56,0.05},{100.05,0.05}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[3]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-30},{20,-30},{20,0.05},{100.05,0.05}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,20},{0,14},{-32,14},{-32,-72},{0,-72},{0,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{4.44089e-16,-40},{0,-40},{0,-100},{4.44089e-16,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{4.44089e-16,-10},{4.44089e-16,-16},{-32,-16},{-32,-72},{
+ 4.44089e-16,-72},{4.44089e-16,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="line",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-150,-28},{136,-60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="R=%R, L=%L"),
+ Line(points={{-92,0},{-72,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{68,0},{88,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-72,32},{68,-28}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{66,8.0824e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={52,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-48,0},{-42,0},{-40,4},{-36,-4},{-32,4},{-28,-4},{-24,4},{-20,
+ -4},{-18,0},{-14,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-6,6},{6,-6}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{6,6},{18,-6}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{18,6},{30,-6}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-6,0},{30,-12}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-142,80},{138,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+Resistive-inductive model that connects two AC three-phase
+unbalanced interfaces. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase unbalanced AC system.
+The model represents the lumped impedances as shown in the figure above.
+Assuming that the overall cable has a resistance R and an inductance
+L, each line has an inductance equal to L/3 and a resistance
+equal to R/3.
+", revisions="
+March 9, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added parameter for start value of the current.
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added equation that represents Joule losses
+October 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation and model.
+end TwoPortRL;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortRLC.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortRLC.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8697d2b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortRLC.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortRLC "Model of an RLC element with two electrical ports"
+ extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.TwoPort(
+ terminal_p(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))),
+ terminal_n(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R "Resistance at temperature T_ref";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Capacitance C "Capacity";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance L "Inductance";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature T_ref=298.15 "Reference temperature"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature M=507.65
+ "Temperature constant (R_actual = R*(M + T_heatPort)/(M + T_ref))"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage Vc1_start[2]=V_nominal/sqrt(3)*{1,0}
+ "Initial voltage phasor of the capacitance located in the middle of phase 1"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage Vc2_start[2]=V_nominal/sqrt(3)*{-1/2,-
+ sqrt(3)/2}
+ "Initial voltage phasor of the capacitance located in the middle of phase 1"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage Vc3_start[2]=V_nominal/sqrt(3)*{-1/2,+
+ sqrt(3)/2}
+ "Initial voltage phasor of the capacitance located in the middle of phase 1"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load mode(
+ min=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ max=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)=
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state
+ "Type of model (e.g., steady state, dynamic, prescribed power consumption, etc.)"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start=480)
+ "Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0)"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Nominal conditions"));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRLC phase1(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3,
+ final C=C/3,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final V_nominal = V_nominal/sqrt(3),
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort,
+ Vc_start=Vc1_start) "Impedance line 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,20},{10,40}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRLC phase2(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3,
+ final C=C/3,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final V_nominal = V_nominal/sqrt(3),
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort,
+ Vc_start=Vc2_start) "Impedance line 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRLC phase3(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3,
+ final C=C/3,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final V_nominal = V_nominal/sqrt(3),
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort,
+ Vc_start=Vc3_start) "Impedance line 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-40},{10,-20}})));
+ // Joule Losses
+ LossPower = phase1.LossPower + phase2.LossPower + phase3.LossPower;
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[1], phase1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-20,0},{-20,30},{-10,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[2], phase2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[3], phase3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,4.44089e-16},{-20,4.44089e-16},{-20,-30},{-10,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,30},{20,30},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[3]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-30},{20,-30},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,20},{0,14},{-32,14},{-32,-72},{0,-72},{0,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{4.44089e-16,-40},{0,-40},{0,-100},{4.44089e-16,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{4.44089e-16,-10},{4.44089e-16,-16},{-32,-16},{-32,-72},{
+ 4.44089e-16,-72},{4.44089e-16,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="line",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-150,-28},{136,-60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="R=%R, L=%L"),
+ Line(points={{-92,0},{-72,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{68,0},{88,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-72,32},{68,-28}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{96,1.22003e-14}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={62,16},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-4.17982e-15,16}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={20,16},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{16,1.95937e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={28,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{16,1.95937e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={28,-4},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-2.40346e-15,16}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={20,-4},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-68,16},{-62,16},{-60,20},{-56,12},{-52,20},{-48,12},{-44,20},
+ {-40,12},{-38,16},{-34,16}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-26,22},{-14,10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-14,22},{-2,10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-2,22},{10,10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-26,16},{10,4}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-144,-56},{142,-88}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="C=%C"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-142,80},{138,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+RLC line model (T-model) that connects two AC three-phase
+unbalanced interfaces. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase unbalanced AC system.
+The model represents the lumped impedances as shown in the figure above.
+Assuming that the overall cable has a resistance R, an inductance
+L, and a capacitance C, each line has an inductance equal
+to L/3, a resistance equal to R/3 and a capacity equal to
+", revisions="
+April 5, 2023, by Michael Wetter:
+Set nominal attribute for voltage at terminal.
+September 17, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Corrected wrong annotation to avoid an error in the pedantic model check
+in Dymola 2017 FD01 beta2.
+This is for
+issue 557.
+March 9, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added parameter for start value of the voltage.
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added equation that represents Joule losses
+October 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation and model.
+end TwoPortRLC;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortRLC_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortRLC_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4023adb43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortRLC_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortRLC_N
+ "Model of an RLC element with two electrical ports and neutral line cable"
+ extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.TwoPort_N(
+ terminal_p(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))),
+ terminal_n(phase(v(each nominal = V_nominal))));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R "Resistance at temperature T_ref";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance Rn
+ "Resistance of neutral cable at temperature T_ref";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Capacitance C "Capacity";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Capacitance Cn "Capacityof neutral cable";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance L "Inductance";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance Ln "Inductance of neutral cable";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature T_ref=298.15 "Reference temperature"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature M=507.65
+ "Temperature constant (R_actual = R*(M + T_heatPort)/(M + T_ref))"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage Vc1_start[2]=V_nominal/sqrt(3)*{1,0}
+ "Initial voltage phasor of the capacitance located in the middle of phase 1"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage Vc2_start[2]=V_nominal/sqrt(3)*{-1/2,-
+ sqrt(3)/2}
+ "Initial voltage phasor of the capacitance located in the middle of phase 1"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage Vc3_start[2]=V_nominal/sqrt(3)*{-1/2,+
+ sqrt(3)/2}
+ "Initial voltage phasor of the capacitance located in the middle of phase 1"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load mode(
+ min=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ max=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)=
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state
+ "Type of model (e.g., steady state, dynamic, prescribed power consumption, etc.)"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start=480)
+ "Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0)"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Nominal conditions"));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRLC phase1(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3,
+ final C=C/3,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final V_nominal = V_nominal/sqrt(3),
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort,
+ Vc_start=Vc1_start) "Impedance line 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,20},{10,40}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRLC phase2(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3,
+ final C=C/3,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final V_nominal = V_nominal/sqrt(3),
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort,
+ Vc_start=Vc2_start) "Impedance line 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRLC phase3(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3,
+ final C=C/3,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final V_nominal = V_nominal/sqrt(3),
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort,
+ Vc_start=Vc3_start) "Impedance line 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-40},{10,-20}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRLC neutral(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3),
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort,
+ final R=Rn,
+ final C=Cn,
+ final L=Ln,
+ Vc_start=-Vc1_start - Vc2_start - Vc3_start) "Neutral line RLC model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-64},{10,-44}})));
+ // Joule Losses
+ LossPower = phase1.LossPower + phase2.LossPower + phase3.LossPower + neutral.LossPower;
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[1], phase1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-20,0},{-20,30},{-10,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[2], phase2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[3], phase3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,4.44089e-16},{-20,4.44089e-16},{-20,-30},{-10,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,30},{20,30},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[3]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-30},{20,-30},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,20},{0,14},{-32,14},{-32,-72},{0,-72},{0,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,-40},{-32,-40},{-32,-72},{0,-72},{0,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{4.44089e-16,-10},{4.44089e-16,-16},{-32,-16},{-32,-72},{
+ 4.44089e-16,-72},{4.44089e-16,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(neutral.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[4]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-54},{20,-54},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(neutral.terminal_n, terminal_n.phase[4]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,-54},{-20,-54},{-20,0},{-100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(neutral.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,-64},{0,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="line",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-150,-28},{136,-60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="R=%R, L=%L"),
+ Line(points={{-92,0},{-72,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{68,0},{88,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-72,32},{68,-28}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{96,1.22003e-14}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={62,16},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-4.17982e-15,16}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={20,16},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{16,1.95937e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={28,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{16,1.95937e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={28,-4},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-2.40346e-15,16}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={20,-4},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-68,16},{-62,16},{-60,20},{-56,12},{-52,20},{-48,12},{-44,20},
+ {-40,12},{-38,16},{-34,16}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-26,22},{-14,10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-14,22},{-2,10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-2,22},{10,10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-26,16},{10,4}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-144,-56},{142,-88}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="C=%C"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-142,80},{138,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+RLC line model (T-model) that connects two AC three-phase
+unbalanced interfaces with neutral line. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase unbalanced AC system.
+The model represents the lumped impedances as shown in the figure above.
+Assuming that the overall cable has a resistance R, an inductance
+L, and a capacitance C, each line has an inductance equal
+to L/3, a resistance equal to R/3 and a capacity equal to
+The resistance, capacitance and inductance of the neutral cable are defined separately using the parameters
, and Ln
+", revisions="
+April 5, 2023, by Michael Wetter:
+Set nominal attribute for voltage at terminal.
+September 17, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Corrected wrong annotation to avoid an error in the pedantic model check
+in Dymola 2017 FD01 beta2.
+This is for
+issue 557.
+March 9, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added parameter for start value of the voltage.
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model and user guide
+end TwoPortRLC_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortRL_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortRL_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e68c384e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortRL_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortRL_N
+ "Model of a resistive-inductive element with two electrical ports and neutral line cable"
+ extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.TwoPort_N;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R "Resistance at temperature T_ref";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance Rn
+ "Resistance of neutral cable at temperature T_ref";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature T_ref=298.15 "Reference temperature"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature M=507.65
+ "Temperature constant (R_actual = R*(M + T_heatPort)/(M + T_ref))"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance L "Inductance";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance Ln "Inductance of neutral cable";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Current i1_start[2]={0,0}
+ "Initial current phasor of phase 1 (positive if entering from terminal p)"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Current i2_start[2]={0,0}
+ "Initial current phasor of phase 2 (positive if entering from terminal p)"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Current i3_start[2]={0,0}
+ "Initial current phasor of phase 3 (positive if entering from terminal p)"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic)));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load mode(
+ min=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ max=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic) = IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state
+ "Type of model (e.g., steady state, dynamic, prescribed power consumption, etc.)"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL phase1(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort,
+ i_start=i1_start) "Impedance line 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,20},{10,40}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL phase2(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort,
+ i_start=i2_start) "Impedance line 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL phase3(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final L=L/3,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort,
+ i_start=i3_start) "Impedance line 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-40},{10,-20}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortRL neutral(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort,
+ final R=Rn,
+ final L=Ln,
+ i_start=-i1_start - i2_start - i3_start) "neutral cable RL model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-66},{10,-46}})));
+ // Joule Losses
+ LossPower = phase1.LossPower + phase2.LossPower + phase3.LossPower + neutral.LossPower;
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[1], phase1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-20,0},{-20,30},{-10,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[2], phase2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[3], phase3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,4.44089e-16},{-20,4.44089e-16},{-20,-30},{-10,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,30},{20,30},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[3]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-30},{20,-30},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,20},{0,14},{-32,14},{-32,-72},{0,-72},{0,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,-40},{0,-44},{-32,-44},{-32,-72},{0,-72},{0,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{4.44089e-16,-10},{4.44089e-16,-16},{-32,-16},{-32,-72},{
+ 4.44089e-16,-72},{4.44089e-16,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(neutral.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,-66},{0,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(neutral.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[4]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-56},{20,-56},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(neutral.terminal_n, terminal_n.phase[4]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,-56},{-20,-56},{-20,0},{-100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="line",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-150,-28},{136,-60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="R=%R, L=%L"),
+ Line(points={{-92,0},{-72,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{68,0},{88,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-72,32},{68,-28}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{66,8.0824e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={52,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-48,0},{-42,0},{-40,4},{-36,-4},{-32,4},{-28,-4},{-24,4},{-20,
+ -4},{-18,0},{-14,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-6,6},{6,-6}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{6,6},{18,-6}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{18,6},{30,-6}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-6,0},{30,-12}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-142,80},{138,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+Resistive-inductive model that connects two AC three-phase
+unbalanced interfaces with neutral line. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase unbalanced AC system.
+The model represents the lumped impedances as shown in the figure above.
+Assuming that the overall cable has a resistance R and an inductance
+L, each line has an inductance equal to L/3 and a resistance
+equal to R/3.
+The resistance and the inductance of the neutral cable are defined separately using the parameters
and Ln
+", revisions="
+March 9, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added parameter for start value of the current.
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model and user guide
+end TwoPortRL_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortResistance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortResistance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62921d1b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortResistance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortResistance "Model of a resistance with two electrical ports"
+ extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.TwoPort;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature T_ref=298.15 "Reference temperature"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature M=507.65
+ "Temperature constant (R_actual = R*(M + T_heatPort)/(M + T_ref))"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R "Resistance at temperature T_ref";
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortResistance phase1(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort) "Resistance line 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,20},{10,40}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortResistance phase2(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort) "Resistance line 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortResistance phase3(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort) "Resistance line 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-40},{10,-20}})));
+ // Joule Losses
+ LossPower = phase1.LossPower + phase2.LossPower + phase3.LossPower;
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[1], phase1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-20,0},{-20,30},{-10,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[2], phase2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[3], phase3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,4.44089e-16},{-20,4.44089e-16},{-20,-30},{-10,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,30},{20,30},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[3]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-30},{20,-30},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,20},{0,14},{-32,14},{-32,-72},{0,-72},{0,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{4.44089e-16,-40},{0,-40},{0,-100},{4.44089e-16,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{4.44089e-16,-10},{4.44089e-16,-16},{-32,-16},{-32,-72},{
+ 4.44089e-16,-72},{4.44089e-16,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="line",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-140,-28},{138,-60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="R=%R"),
+ Line(points={{-92,0},{-72,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{68,0},{88,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-72,32},{68,-28}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-142,80},{138,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+Resistive model that connects two AC three-phase
+unbalanced interfaces. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase unbalanced AC system.
+The model represents the lumped resistance as shown in the figure above.
+Assuming that the resistance R is the overall resistance of the cable,
+each line has a resistance equal to R/3.
+", revisions="
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added equation that represents Joule losses
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model and documentation.
+end TwoPortResistance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortResistance_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortResistance_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3dffdbb3df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/TwoPortResistance_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines;
+model TwoPortResistance_N
+ "Model of a resistance with two electrical ports and neutral cable"
+ extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.TwoPort_N;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature T_ref=298.15 "Reference temperature"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature M=507.65
+ "Temperature constant (R_actual = R*(M + T_heatPort)/(M + T_ref))"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R "Resistance at temperature T_ref";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance Rn
+ "Resistance of neutral cable at temperature T_ref";
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortResistance phase1(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort) "Resistance line 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,20},{10,40}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortResistance phase2(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort) "Resistance line 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortResistance phase3(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final R=R/3,
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort) "Resistance line 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-40},{10,-20}})));
+ OnePhase.Lines.TwoPortResistance neutral(
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final useHeatPort=useHeatPort,
+ final R=Rn) "Resistance neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-64},{10,-44}})));
+ // Joule Losses
+ LossPower = phase1.LossPower + phase2.LossPower + phase3.LossPower + neutral.LossPower;
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[1], phase1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-20,0},{-20,30},{-10,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[2], phase2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal_n.phase[3], phase3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,4.44089e-16},{-20,4.44089e-16},{-20,-30},{-10,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,30},{20,30},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[3]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-30},{20,-30},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase1.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,20},{0,14},{-32,14},{-32,-72},{0,-72},{0,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase3.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,-40},{-32,-40},{-32,-72},{0,-72},{0,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(phase2.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{4.44089e-16,-10},{4.44089e-16,-16},{-32,-16},{-32,-72},{
+ 4.44089e-16,-72},{4.44089e-16,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(neutral.heatPort, heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,-64},{0,-100}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(neutral.terminal_p, terminal_p.phase[4]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-54},{20,-54},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(neutral.terminal_n, terminal_n.phase[4]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,-54},{-20,-54},{-20,0},{-100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="line",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-140,-28},{138,-60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="R=%R"),
+ Line(points={{-92,0},{-72,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{68,0},{88,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-72,32},{68,-28}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-142,80},{138,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+Resistive model that connects two AC three-phase
+unbalanced interfaces with neutral line. This model can be used to represent a
+cable in a three-phase unbalanced AC system.
+The model represents the lumped resistance as shown in the figure above.
+Assuming that the resistance R is the overall resistance of the cable,
+each line has a resistance equal to R/3.
+The resistance of the neutral cable is defined separately using the parameter
+", revisions="
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model and user guide
+end TwoPortResistance_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67d45cca1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced;
+package Lines "Package with transmission line models for three-phase unbalanced AC systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+annotation (Icon(graphics={
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{42,6},{18,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{30,6},{-52,6},{-62,6},{-70,-12},{-62,-30},{-50,-30},{30,-30}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-68,-12},{-86,-12}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{56,-12},{30,-12}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}), Documentation(revisions="
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised package: added examples, checked results and added unit tests.
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+This package contains models for transmission lines and electrical networks
+of AC three-phase unbalanced systems.
+end Lines;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a0a209c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Lines/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/BaseImpedance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/BaseImpedance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f1e3e7e9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/BaseImpedance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses;
+partial model BaseImpedance
+ "Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPluggableUnbalanced;
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance
+ load1(
+ inductive=inductive,
+ R=R,
+ L=L,
+ C=C,
+ use_R_in=use_R_in,
+ RMin=RMin,
+ RMax=RMax,
+ use_C_in=use_C_in,
+ CMin=CMin,
+ CMax=CMax,
+ use_L_in=use_L_in,
+ LMin=LMin,
+ LMax=LMax)
+ if plugPhase1 "Load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,30},{10,50}})));
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance
+ load2(
+ inductive=inductive,
+ R=R,
+ L=L,
+ C=C,
+ use_R_in=use_R_in,
+ RMin=RMin,
+ RMax=RMax,
+ use_C_in=use_C_in,
+ CMin=CMin,
+ CMax=CMax,
+ use_L_in=use_L_in,
+ LMin=LMin,
+ LMax=LMax)
+ if plugPhase2 "Load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance
+ load3(
+ inductive=inductive,
+ R=R,
+ L=L,
+ C=C,
+ use_R_in=use_R_in,
+ RMin=RMin,
+ RMax=RMax,
+ use_C_in=use_C_in,
+ CMin=CMin,
+ CMax=CMax,
+ use_L_in=use_L_in,
+ LMin=LMin,
+ LMax=LMax)
+ if plugPhase3 "Load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-50},{10,-30}})));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection loadConn=
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_wyeg
+ "Type of load connection (Yg or D)";
+ parameter Boolean inductive=true
+ "If =true the load is inductive, otherwise it is capacitive"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, choices(
+ choice=true "Inductive",
+ choice=false "Capacitive",
+ __Dymola_radioButtons=true));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R(
+ start=1,
+ min=0) = 1 "Resistance" annotation (Dialog(enable=not use_R_in));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance L(
+ start=0,
+ min=0) = 0 "Inductance"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=inductive and (not use_L_in)));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Capacitance C(
+ start=0,
+ min=0) = 0 "Capacitance"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(not inductive) and (not use_C_in)));
+ parameter Boolean use_R_in = false "if true, R is specified by an input"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab = "Variable load", group="Resistance"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance RMin(
+ start=R,
+ min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e-4 "Minimum value of the resistance"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(
+ enable=use_R_in,
+ tab="Variable load",
+ group="Resistance"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance RMax(
+ start=R,
+ min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e2 "Maximum value of the resistance"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(
+ enable=use_R_in,
+ tab="Variable load",
+ group="Resistance"));
+ parameter Boolean use_C_in = false "if true, C is specified by an input"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab = "Variable load", group="Capacitance"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Capacitance CMin(
+ start=C,
+ min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e-4 "Minimum value of the capacitance"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(
+ enable=use_C_in,
+ tab="Variable load",
+ group="Capacitance"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Capacitance CMax(
+ start=C,
+ min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e2 "Maximum value of the capacitance"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(
+ enable=use_C_in,
+ tab="Variable load",
+ group="Capacitance"));
+ parameter Boolean use_L_in = false "if true, L is specified by an input"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab = "Variable load", group="Inductance"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance LMin(
+ start=L,
+ min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e-4 "Minimum value of the inductance"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(
+ enable=use_L_in,
+ tab="Variable load",
+ group="Inductance"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance LMax(
+ start=L,
+ min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e2 "Maximum value of the inductance"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(
+ enable=use_L_in,
+ tab="Variable load",
+ group="Inductance"));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y_R(min=0, max=1) if use_R_in
+ "Input that sepecifies variable R"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={-40,100})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y_C(min=0, max=1) if use_C_in
+ "Input that sepecifies variable C"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={0,100})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y_L(min=0, max=1) if use_L_in
+ "Input that sepecifies variable L"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={40,100})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.WyeToDelta
+ wyeToDelta if (loadConn == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta)
+ "Wye to delta load connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-64,0},{-44,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.WyeToWyeGround
+ wyeToWyeGround if (loadConn == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_wyeg)
+ "Wye to grounded wye connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-64,-20},{-44,0}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 adaDel
+ if (loadConn == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta)
+ "Adapter"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,-50},{-60,-30}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 adaWye
+ if (loadConn == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_wyeg)
+ "Adapter"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,-80},{-60,-60}})));
+ // Conditional connections to load 1
+ if plugPhase1 then
+ if use_R_in then
+ connect(y_R, load1.y_R) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,100},{-40,60},{-4,60},{-4,50}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if use_C_in then
+ connect(y_C, load1.y_C) annotation (Line(
+ points={{8.88178e-16,100},{8.88178e-16,75},{0,75},{0,50}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if use_L_in then
+ connect(y_L, load1.y_L) annotation (Line(
+ points={{40,100},{40,60},{4,60},{4,50}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ // Conditional connections to load 2
+ if plugPhase2 then
+ if use_R_in then
+ connect(y_R, load2.y_R) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,100},{-40,20},{-4,20},{-4,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if use_L_in then
+ connect(y_L, load2.y_L) annotation (Line(
+ points={{40,100},{40,10},{4,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if use_C_in then
+ connect(y_C, load2.y_C) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,100},{0,70},{-20,70},{-20,24},{0,24},{0,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ // Conditional connections to load 3
+ if plugPhase3 then
+ if use_R_in then
+ connect(y_R, load3.y_R) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,100},{-40,-20},{-4,-20},{-4,-30}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if use_C_in then
+ connect(y_C, load3.y_C) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,100},{0,70},{-20,70},{-20,-16},{0,-16},{0,-30}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if use_L_in then
+ connect(y_L, load3.y_L) annotation (Line(
+ points={{40,100},{40,-20},{4,-20},{4,-30}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ // Connection of the single loads to the 3phases connector
+ if plugPhase1 then
+ connect(load1.terminal, adaDel.terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,40},
+ {-26,40},{-26,-40.5333},{-40,-40.5333}},
+ color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(load1.terminal, adaWye.terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,40},
+ {-26,40},{-26,-70.5333},{-40,-70.5333}},
+ color={0,120,120}));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase2 then
+ connect(load2.terminal, adaDel.terminals[2]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,0},
+ {-22,0},{-22,-40},{-40,-40}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(load2.terminal, adaWye.terminals[2]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,0},
+ {-22,0},{-22,-70},{-40,-70}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase3 then
+ connect(load3.terminal, adaDel.terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,-40},
+ {-20,-40},{-20,-40},{-30,-40},{-30,-39.4667},{-40,-39.4667}},
+ color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(load3.terminal, adaWye.terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,-40},
+ {-20,-40},{-20,-69.4667},{-40,-69.4667}},
+ color={0,120,120}));
+ end if;
+ connect(adaDel.terminal, wyeToDelta.delta) annotation (Line(points={{-60,-40},
+ {-64,-40},{-64,-20},{-28,-20},{-28,10},{-44,10}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(adaWye.terminal, wyeToWyeGround.wyeg) annotation (Line(points={{-60,-70},
+ {-66,-70},{-66,-18},{-30,-18},{-30,-10},{-44,-10}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ annotation ( Documentation(info="
+This model represents a partial interface for a three-phase AC
+unbalanced impedance.
+The model can be configured in order to represent different type of
+impedances as well as configurations.
+The loads can be connected either in wye (Y) or delta (D) configuration.
+The parameter loadConn
can be used for such a purpose.
+The model has three impedances that can be either connected in Y or
+D configuration. The parameter loadConn
can be used for
+such a purpose. The Boolean parameter inductive
can be selected
+to specify the type of impedance.
+The impedances on each phase can be removed using the boolean flags
, plugPhase2
, and plugPhase3
+These parameters can be used to generate unbalanced loads.
+The values of the impedances are computed starting from the parameters R
, and C
. Depending on the values of the boolean flag
some of these parameters may be disabled. There are additional
+flags use_R_in
, use_L_in
, and use_C_in
that can
+be used to specify time varying impedances.
+", revisions="
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Added adapters for
+issue 426.
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model from previus version.
+end BaseImpedance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/BaseLoadCtrl.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/BaseLoadCtrl.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f488226c2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/BaseLoadCtrl.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses;
+partial model BaseLoadCtrl
+ "Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced load with voltage controllers"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPluggableUnbalanced;
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection loadConn=
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_wyeg
+ "Type of load connection (Yg or D)";
+ parameter Boolean linearized = false
+ "If =true introduce a linearization in the load" annotation(Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load mode(
+ min=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ max=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input)=
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state "Parameters that specifies the mode of the load (e.g., steady state,
+ dynamic, prescribed power consumption, etc.)" annotation(Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_nominal=0
+ "Nominal power (negative if consumed, positive if generated)" annotation (
+ Dialog(group="Nominal conditions", enable=mode <> IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start=480)
+ "Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0)"
+ annotation (Dialog(group="Nominal conditions"));
+ parameter Boolean voltageCtrl = false "This flag enables the voltage control"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Voltage CTRL"));
+ parameter Real vThresh(min=0.0, max=1.0) = 0.1
+ "Threshold that activates voltage ctrl (ratio of nominal voltage)" annotation(Dialog(group="Voltage CTRL",
+ enable = voltageCtrl));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time tDelay=300
+ "Time to wait before plugging the load again after disconnection"
+ annotation (Dialog(group="Voltage CTRL", enable=voltageCtrl));
+ parameter Types.InitMode initMode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.InitMode.zero_current
+ "Initialization mode for homotopy operator"
+ annotation (Dialog(tab="Initialization"));
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Load load1(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal,
+ final linearized=linearized,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final P_nominal = P_nominal,
+ final V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3),
+ final initMode=initMode)
+ if plugPhase1 "Load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,40},{10,60}})));
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Load load2(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal,
+ final linearized=linearized,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final P_nominal = P_nominal,
+ final V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3),
+ final initMode=initMode)
+ if plugPhase2 "Load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-30},{10,-10}})));
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Load load3(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal,
+ final linearized=linearized,
+ final mode=mode,
+ final P_nominal = P_nominal,
+ final V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3),
+ final initMode=initMode)
+ if plugPhase3 "Load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-98},{10,-78}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y1 if plugPhase1 and
+ mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input
+ "Fraction of the nominal power consumed" annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={120,80}),iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={120,80})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput Pow1(unit="W") if plugPhase1 and
+ mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input "Power consumed"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={120,80}),iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={120,80})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y2 if plugPhase2 and
+ mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input
+ "Fraction of the nominal power consumed" annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={120,0}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={120,0})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput Pow2(unit="W") if plugPhase2 and
+ mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input "Power consumed"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={120,0}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={120,0})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y3 if plugPhase3 and
+ mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input
+ "Fraction of the nominal power consumed" annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={120,-80}),
+ iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={120,-80})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput Pow3(unit="W") if plugPhase3 and
+ mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input "Power consumed"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={120,-80}),
+ iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={120,-80})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Utilities.VoltageControl vCTRL_1(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal,
+ vThresh=vThresh,
+ tDelay=tDelay,
+ V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3))
+ if plugPhase1 and voltageCtrl "Voltage controller for load 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,80},{30,100}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Math.Product cmd1 if plugPhase1 and voltageCtrl
+ "Block that impose voltage ctrl"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{56,56},{36,76}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Utilities.VoltageControl vCTRL_2(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal,
+ vThresh=vThresh,
+ tDelay=tDelay,
+ V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3))
+ if plugPhase2 and voltageCtrl "Voltage controller for load 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,10},{30,30}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Math.Product cmd2 if plugPhase2 and voltageCtrl
+ "Block that impose voltage ctrl"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{56,-16},{36,4}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Utilities.VoltageControl vCTRL_3(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal,
+ vThresh=vThresh,
+ tDelay=tDelay,
+ V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3))
+ if plugPhase3 and voltageCtrl "Voltage controller for load 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,-60},{30,-40}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Math.Product cmd3 if plugPhase3 and voltageCtrl
+ "Block that impose voltage ctrl"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{56,-80},{36,-60}})));
+ Interfaces.WyeToDelta
+ wyeToDelta if (loadConn == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta)
+ "Wye to delta load connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-54,0},{-34,20}})));
+ Interfaces.WyeToWyeGround
+ wyeToWyeGround if (loadConn == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_wyeg)
+ "Wye to wye grounded connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-54,-20},{-34,0}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 adaDel
+ if (loadConn == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta)
+ "Adapter"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,-50},{-60,-30}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 adaWye
+ if (loadConn == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_wyeg)
+ "Adapter"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,-80},{-60,-60}})));
+ // Connections enabled when the input provided is y (between 0 and 1)
+ if mode==IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input then
+ if plugPhase1 and voltageCtrl then
+ connect(cmd1.y, load1.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{35,66},{20,66},{20,50},{10,50}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(cmd1.u2, y1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{58,60},{90,60},{90,80},{120,80}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase1 and not voltageCtrl then
+ connect(y1, load1.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{120,80},{66,80},{66,50},{10,50}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase2 and voltageCtrl then
+ connect(cmd2.y, load2.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{35,-6},{23,-6},{23,-20},{10,-20}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(cmd2.u2, y2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{58,-12},{72,-12},{72,0},{120,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase2 and not voltageCtrl then
+ connect(y2, load2.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{120,0},{66,0},{66,-20},{10,-20}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase3 and voltageCtrl then
+ connect(cmd3.y, load3.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{35,-70},{24,-70},{24,-88},{10,-88}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(cmd3.u2, y3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{58,-76},{72,-76},{72,-80},{120,-80}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase3 and not voltageCtrl then
+ connect(y3, load3.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{120,-80},{72,-80},{72,-88},{10,-88}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ // Connections enabled when the input provided is the power
+ if mode==IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input then
+ if plugPhase1 and voltageCtrl then
+ connect(cmd1.y, load1.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{35,66},{20,66},{20,50},{10,50}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(cmd1.u2, Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{58,60},{82,60},{82,80},{120,80}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase1 and not voltageCtrl then
+ connect(Pow1, load1.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{120,80},{70,80},{70,50},{10,50}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase2 and voltageCtrl then
+ connect(cmd2.y, load2.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{35,-6},{23,-6},{23,-20},{10,-20}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(cmd2.u2, Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{58,-12},{72,-12},{72,0},{120,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase2 and not voltageCtrl then
+ connect(Pow2, load2.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{120,0},{72,0},{72,-20},{10,-20}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase3 and voltageCtrl then
+ connect(cmd3.y, load3.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{35,-70},{24,-70},{24,-88},{10,-88}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(cmd3.u2, Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{58,-76},{72,-76},{72,-80},{120,-80}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase3 and not voltageCtrl then
+ connect(Pow3, load3.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{120,-80},{72,-80},{72,-88},{10,-88}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ // Connections enabled when phase 1 is plugged and voltage ctrl activated
+ if plugPhase1 and voltageCtrl then
+ connect(load1.terminal, vCTRL_1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,50},{-20,50},{-20,90},{10,90}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(vCTRL_1.y, cmd1.u1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30.6,90},{70,90},{70,72},{58,72}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase2 and voltageCtrl then
+ connect(load2.terminal, vCTRL_2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,-20},{-20,-20},{-20,20},{10,20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(vCTRL_2.y, cmd2.u1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30.6,20},{66,20},{66,0},{58,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase3 and voltageCtrl then
+ connect(load3.terminal, vCTRL_3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,-88},{-20,-88},{-20,-50},{10,-50}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(vCTRL_3.y, cmd3.u1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30.6,-50},{66,-50},{66,-64},{58,-64}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ end if;
+ // Connection of the single loads to the 3phases connector
+ if plugPhase1 then
+ connect(load1.terminal, adaDel.terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,50},
+ {-26,50},{-26,-39.4667},{-40.2,-39.4667}},
+ color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(load1.terminal, adaWye.terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,50},
+ {-26,50},{-26,-69.4667},{-40.2,-69.4667}},
+ color={0,120,120}));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase2 then
+ connect(load2.terminal, adaDel.terminals[2]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,-20},
+ {-22,-20},{-22,-40},{-40.2,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(load2.terminal, adaWye.terminals[2]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,-20},
+ {-22,-20},{-22,-70},{-40.2,-70}},
+ color={0,120,120}));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase3 then
+ connect(load3.terminal, adaDel.terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,-88},
+ {-16,-88},{-20,-88},{-20,-40.5333},{-40.2,-40.5333}},
+ color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(load3.terminal, adaWye.terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{-10,-88},
+ {-20,-88},{-20,-70.5333},{-40.2,-70.5333}},
+ color={0,120,120}));
+ end if;
+ connect(adaDel.terminal, wyeToDelta.delta) annotation (Line(points={{-60,-40},
+ {-64,-40},{-64,-20},{-28,-20},{-28,10},{-34,10}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(adaWye.terminal, wyeToWyeGround.wyeg) annotation (Line(points={{-60,-70},
+ {-66,-70},{-66,-18},{-30,-18},{-30,-10},{-34,-10}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ annotation ( Documentation(info="
+This model represents a partial interface for a three-phase AC unbalanced
+The loads on each phase can be removed using the boolean flags
, plugPhase2
, and plugPhase3
+These parameters can be used to generate unbalanced loads.
+The loads can be connected either in wye (Y) or delta (D) configuration.
+The parameter loadConn
can be used for such a purpose.
+Each load model has the option to be controlled by a voltage controller.
+When enabled, the voltage controller unplugs the load for a certain amount of
+time if the voltage exceeds a given threshold. Mode information about the
+voltage controller can be found
+", revisions="
+September 17, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Corrected wrong annotation to avoid an error in the pedantic model check
+in Dymola 2017 FD01 beta2.
+This is for
+issue 557.
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Added adapters for
+issue 426.
+September 24, 2015 by Michael Wetter:
+Provided value for P_nominal
+mode <> IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input
+This avoids a warning during translation of
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end BaseLoadCtrl;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/Impedance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/Impedance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4e63b2ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/Impedance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses;
+partial model Impedance
+ "Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance without neutral cable"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseImpedance;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal
+ "Electrical connector"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ connect(terminal, wyeToDelta.wye) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-80,0},{-80,10},{-64,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal, wyeToWyeGround.wye) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-80,0},{-80,-10},{-64,-10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Documentation(info="
+This model represents a partial interface for a three-phase AC
+unbalanced impedance without neutral cable.
+The model can be configured in order to represent different type of
+impedances as well as configurations.
+The loads can be connected either in wye (Y) or delta (D) configuration.
+The parameter loadConn
can be used for such a purpose.
+The model has three impedances that can be either connected in Y or
+Delta configuration. The parameter loadConn
can be used for
+such a purpose. The Boolean parameter inductive
can be selected
+to specify the type of impedance.
+The impedances on each phase can be removed using the boolean flags
, plugPhase2
, and plugPhase3
+These parameters can be used to generate unbalanced loads.
+The values of the impedances are computed starting from the parameters R
, and C
. Depending on the values of the boolean flag
some of these parameters may be disabled. There are additional
+flags use_R_in
, use_L_in
, and use_C_in
that can
+be used to specify time varying impedances.
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model from previus version.
+end Impedance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/Impedance_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/Impedance_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4aee7e6a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/Impedance_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses;
+partial model Impedance_N
+ "Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance with neutral cable"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseImpedance;
+ Interfaces.Terminal4_n terminal "Electrical connector"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Connection3to4_n connection3to4
+ "Connection from three-phase and neutral to three-phase" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-88,-10},{-68,10}})));
+ connect(connection3to4.terminal3, wyeToDelta.wye) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-68,6.66134e-16},{-68,10},{-64,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(connection3to4.terminal3, wyeToWyeGround.wye) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-68,4.44089e-16},{-68,-10},{-64,-10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(connection3to4.terminal4, terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-88,0},{-100,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Documentation(info="
+This model represents a partial interface for a three-phase AC
+unbalanced impedance with a neutral cable. The current in the neutral
+cable is computed as the algebraic sum of the currents in the loads.
+The model can be configured in order to represent different type of
+impedances as well as configurations.
+The loads can be connected either in wye (Y) or delta (D) configuration.
+The parameter loadConn
can be used for such a purpose.
+The model has three impedances that can be either connected in Y or
+Delta configuration. The parameter loadConn
can be used for
+such a purpose. The Boolean parameter inductive
can be selected
+to specify the type of impedance.
+The impedances on each phase can be removed using the boolean flags
, plugPhase2
, and plugPhase3
+These parameters can be used to generate unbalanced loads.
+The values of the impedances are computed starting from the parameters R
, and C
. Depending on the values of the boolean flag
some of these parameters may be disabled. There are additional
+flags use_R_in
, use_L_in
, and use_C_in
that can
+be used to specify time varying impedances.
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model from previus version.
+end Impedance_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/LoadCtrl.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/LoadCtrl.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17d5e5982f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/LoadCtrl.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses;
+partial model LoadCtrl
+ "Partial model of a three-phase load with voltage controller without neutral cable"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseLoadCtrl;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal
+ "Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems without neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ connect(terminal, wyeToDelta.wye) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-78,0},{-78,10},{-54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(terminal, wyeToWyeGround.wye) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-78,0},{-78,-10},{-54,-10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Documentation(info="
+This model represents a partial interface for a three-phase AC unbalanced
+load without neutral cable.
+The loads on each phase can be removed using the boolean flags
, plugPhase2
, and plugPhase3
+These parameters can be used to generate unbalanced loads.
+The loads can be connected either in wye (Y) or delta (D) configuration.
+The parameter loadConn
can be used for such a purpose.
+Each load model has the option to be controlled by a voltage controller.
+When enabled, the voltage controller unplugs the load for a certain amount of
+time if the voltage exceeds a given threshold. Mode information about the
+voltage controller can be found
+", revisions="
+end LoadCtrl;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/LoadCtrl_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/LoadCtrl_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc6b93c345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/LoadCtrl_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses;
+partial model LoadCtrl_N
+ "Partial model of a three-phase unbalanced load with voltage controller and neutral cable"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.BaseLoadCtrl;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Terminal4_n terminal
+ "Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems with neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Connection3to4_n
+ connection3to4 "Connection from three-phase and neutral to three-phase"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-84,-10},{-64,10}})));
+ connect(connection3to4.terminal3, wyeToDelta.wye) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-64,0},{-58,0},{-58,10},{-54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(connection3to4.terminal3, wyeToWyeGround.wye) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-64,0},{-58,0},{-58,-10},{-54,-10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(connection3to4.terminal4, terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-84,0},{-100,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Documentation(info="
+This model represents a partial interface for a three-phase AC unbalanced
+load with neutral cable. The current in the neutral cable is computed as the
+algebraic sum of the currents in the loads.
+The loads on each phase can be removed using the boolean flags
, plugPhase2
, and plugPhase3
+These parameters can be used to generate unbalanced loads.
+The loads can be connected either in wye (Y) or delta (D) configuration.
+The parameter loadConn
can be used for such a purpose.
+Each load model has the option to be controlled by a voltage controller.
+When enabled, the voltage controller unplugs the load for a certain amount of
+time if the voltage exceeds a given threshold. Mode information about the
+voltage controller can be found
+", revisions="
+end LoadCtrl_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1128631d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads;
+package BaseClasses "Package with base class models"
+extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains base classes used by the models that are part of the package
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end BaseClasses;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8803d072ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/BaseClasses/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Capacitive.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Capacitive.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..450fc613ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Capacitive.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads;
+model Capacitive
+ "Model of a three-phase unbalanced capacitive load without neutral cable"
+ extends BaseClasses.LoadCtrl(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Capacitive load1(pf=pf,
+ use_pf_in=use_pf_in),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Capacitive load2(pf=pf,
+ use_pf_in=use_pf_in),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Capacitive load3(pf=pf,
+ use_pf_in=use_pf_in));
+ parameter Boolean use_pf_in = false
+ "If true, the power factor is defined by an input"
+ annotation(Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ parameter Real pf(min=0, max=1) = 0.8 "Power factor"
+ annotation(Dialog(group="Nominal conditions"));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_in_1(
+ min=0,
+ max=1,
+ unit="1") if (use_pf_in and plugPhase1) "Power factor of load on phase 1" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={-60,-120}),
+ iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={-60,-100})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_in_2(
+ min=0,
+ max=1,
+ unit="1") if (use_pf_in and plugPhase2) "Power factor of load on phase 2" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={30,-120}),iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={0,-100})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_in_3(
+ min=0,
+ max=1,
+ unit="1") if (use_pf_in and plugPhase3) "Power factor of load on phase 3" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={80,-120}),iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={60,-100})));
+ connect(pf_in_1, load1.pf_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,-120},{-60,56},{10,56}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ connect(pf_in_2, load2.pf_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,-120},{30,-14},{10,-14}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ connect(pf_in_3, load3.pf_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{80,-120},{80,-82},{10,-82}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="loa",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,80},{80,-80}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(points={{-42,-5.14335e-15},{10,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-2,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-26,-3.18398e-15},{6.85214e-44,8.39117e-60}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={48,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-10,-1.22461e-15},{10,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-82,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-2,-2.44921e-16},{16,1.95937e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-82,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,120},{120,80}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,1},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,0},{32,3.91873e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={10,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{44,5.38825e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={60,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,51},
+ rotation=90),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,-51},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,50},{76,0},{60,-52}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,-52},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{10,68},{10,32}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{16,68},{16,32}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{60,7.34764e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={76,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{16,18},{16,-18}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{10,18},{10,-18}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,0},{32,3.91873e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={10,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{44,5.38825e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={60,-52},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{16,-34},{16,-70}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{10,-34},{10,-70}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,0},{32,3.91873e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={10,-52},
+ rotation=180)}), Documentation(revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+This model represents a three-phase unbalanced capacitive load.
+The model extends from
+and uses the load model from the package
+The model computes the voltages, currents and powers on each phase.
+For more information, see
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.LoadCtrl and
+end Capacitive;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Capacitive_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Capacitive_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b00eafba73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Capacitive_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads;
+model Capacitive_N
+ "Model of a three-phase unbalanced capacitive load with neutral cable"
+ extends BaseClasses.LoadCtrl_N(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Capacitive load1(pf=pf,
+ use_pf_in=use_pf_in),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Capacitive load2(pf=pf,
+ use_pf_in=use_pf_in),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Capacitive load3(pf=pf,
+ use_pf_in=use_pf_in));
+ parameter Boolean use_pf_in = false
+ "If true, the power factor is defined by an input"
+ annotation(Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ parameter Real pf(min=0, max=1) = 0.8 "Power factor"
+ annotation(Dialog(group="Nominal conditions"));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_in_1(
+ min=0,
+ max=1,
+ unit="1") if (use_pf_in and plugPhase1) "Power factor of load on phase 1" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={-60,-120}),
+ iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={-60,-100})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_in_2(
+ min=0,
+ max=1,
+ unit="1") if (use_pf_in and plugPhase2) "Power factor of load on phase 2" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={30,-120}),iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={0,-100})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_in_3(
+ min=0,
+ max=1,
+ unit="1") if (use_pf_in and plugPhase3) "Power factor of load on phase 3" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={80,-120}),iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={60,-100})));
+ connect(pf_in_1, load1.pf_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,-120},{-60,56},{10,56}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ connect(pf_in_2, load2.pf_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,-120},{30,-14},{10,-14}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ connect(pf_in_3, load3.pf_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{80,-120},{80,-82},{10,-82}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="loa",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,80},{80,-80}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(points={{-42,-5.14335e-15},{10,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-2,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-26,-3.18398e-15},{6.85214e-44,8.39117e-60}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={48,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-10,-1.22461e-15},{10,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-82,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-2,-2.44921e-16},{16,1.95937e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-82,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,120},{120,80}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,1},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,0},{32,3.91873e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={10,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{44,5.38825e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={60,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,51},
+ rotation=90),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,-51},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,50},{76,0},{60,-52}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,-52},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{10,68},{10,32}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{16,68},{16,32}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{60,7.34764e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={76,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{16,18},{16,-18}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{10,18},{10,-18}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,0},{32,3.91873e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={10,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{44,5.38825e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={60,-52},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{16,-34},{16,-70}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{10,-34},{10,-70}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,0},{32,3.91873e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={10,-52},
+ rotation=180)}), Documentation(revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+This model represents a three-phase unbalanced capacitive load.
+The model extends from
+and uses the load model from the package
+The model computes the voltages, currents and powers on each phase.
+This model has a connector with four cables and it represents the neutral cable.
+The current in the neutral cable is computed as the algebraic sum of the currents
+of the loads.
+For more information, see
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.LoadCtrl_N and
+end Capacitive_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/Impedances.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/Impedances.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63bc9c4752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/Impedances.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.Examples;
+model Impedances
+ "This model tests three-phase unbalanced impedances with and without neutral cable"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage_N sou_N(definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source with neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-94,-50},{-74,-30}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor_N sen_N "Power sensor with neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-50},{-40,-30}})));
+ Impedance_N imp_N(
+ plugPhase2=false,
+ use_R_in=true,
+ RMin=1,
+ RMax=10,
+ use_L_in=true,
+ LMin=0.1,
+ LMax=1) "Impedance with neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-50},{20,-30}})));
+ Sources.FixedVoltage sou(definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source without neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-94,30},{-74,50}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen "Power sensor without neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,30},{-40,50}})));
+ Impedance imp(
+ plugPhase2=false,
+ use_R_in=true,
+ RMin=1,
+ RMax=10,
+ use_L_in=true,
+ LMin=0.1,
+ LMax=1) "Impedance without neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,30},{20,50}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp var_RL(
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.25,
+ height=1,
+ offset=0) "Power signal for loads on phase 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,-10},{40,10}})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, sen.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,40},{-60,40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, imp.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,40},{0,40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(var_RL.y, imp.y_R) annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,0},{36,0},{36,70},{6,70},{6,50}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(var_RL.y, imp.y_L) annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,6.66134e-16},{26,6.66134e-16},{26,62},{14,62},{14,50}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(var_RL.y, imp_N.y_R) annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,0},{6,0},{6,-30}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(var_RL.y, imp_N.y_L) annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,0},{14,0},{14,-30}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou_N.terminal, sen_N.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,-40},{-60,-40}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen_N.terminal_p, imp_N.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,-40},{0,-40}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
+ -100},{100,100}}), graphics={Text(
+ extent={{-80,80},{0,74}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash,
+ textString="Without neutral"), Text(
+ extent={{-80,-10},{0,-16}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash,
+ textString="With neutral")}), Documentation(info="
+This example model shows how to use three-phase unbalanced impedances with and without neutral cable.
+This model contains two identical inductive impedances with and without neutral cable.
+The impedances have inputs that allow to change the value of their resistances and inductances
+externally. The values start to change from their minimum to their maximum values at time
+t = 0.25 s.
+The unbalanced impedance that has the neutral cable
is able to measure the current in the neutral. that is
+the current necessary to satisfy the Kirchoff Current Law (KCL)
+such that the algebraic sum of the phase current in each impedance is equal to zero.
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model from previus version and added documentation.
+ experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/Impedances.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end Impedances;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/LoadCtrl.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/LoadCtrl.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..515051f9b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/LoadCtrl.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.Examples;
+model LoadCtrl
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage_N sou(f=60, V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,-10},{-60,10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine pow_1(
+ f=0.1,
+ amplitude=4500,
+ offset=6000) "Power on phase 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,10},{40,30}})));
+ Resistive_N load_ctrl(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ vThresh=0.05,
+ tDelay=2,
+ voltageCtrl=true,
+ plugPhase2=false,
+ plugPhase3=false,
+ V_nominal=480) "Voltage controlled load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-8,-10},{12,10}})));
+ Lines.Line_N line1(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu10
+ commercialCable,
+ l=400,
+ P_nominal=10000,
+ V_nominal=480) "Transmission line to voltage controlled load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-46,-10},{-26,10}})));
+ Resistive_N load(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ plugPhase2=false,
+ plugPhase3=false,
+ V_nominal=480) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-8,-40},{12,-20}})));
+ Lines.Line_N line(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu10
+ commercialCable,
+ l=400,
+ P_nominal=10000,
+ V_nominal=480)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-46,-40},{-26,-20}})));
+ connect(pow_1.y, load_ctrl.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,20},{30,20},{30,8},{14,8}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pow_1.y, load.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,20},{30,20},{30,-22},{14,-22}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,0},{-46,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, line.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,0},{-54,0},{-54,-30},{-46,-30}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line.terminal_p, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-26,-30},{-8,-30}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, load_ctrl.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-26,0},{-8,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=10.0),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/LoadCtrl.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+This example model shows how the voltage controller can act on a three-phase unbalanced load.
+This model contains two loads: one with voltage control and one without.
+The loads produce power only on the first phase that is connected through a transmission line to a voltage
+source. When the power production increases, the losses on the line cause an increase of the voltage
+at the load. The load with voltage controller detects when the overvoltage happens
+and unplugs the load for 2 seconds. After 2 seconds the load is plugged again and if this causes an other
+overvoltage it will be unplugged again.
+The model contains both a controlled and a not controlled load so the user can
+compare the difference in the voltages and powers when the load is unplugged.
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed assignment of P_nominal
to avoid the warning
+\"The following parameters with fixed = false also have a binding\"
+in Dymola 2016.
+March 10, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation of the example.
+end LoadCtrl;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/Loads.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/Loads.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eefc6783be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/Loads.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.Examples;
+model Loads "This model tests the load models without neutral cable connection"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage sou(definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-94,-10},{-74,10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine ph_1(
+ amplitude=2000,
+ f=10,
+ offset=-2500) "Power signal for loads on phase 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{80,30},{60,50}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant ph_23(k=0)
+ "Power signal for loads on phase 2 and 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{100,-10},{80,10}})));
+ Resistive loaR(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ V_nominal=480) "Resistive load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-8,-10},{12,10}})));
+ Inductive loaRL(mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ V_nominal=480) "Inductive load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-8,-40},{12,-20}})));
+ Capacitive loaRC(mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ V_nominal=480) "Capacitive load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-8,-80},{12,-60}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen "Power sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-64,-10},{-44,10}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor senSingleConn "Power sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,50},{-40,70}})));
+ Capacitive loaRC1(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ plugPhase2=false,
+ plugPhase3=false,
+ V_nominal=480) "Capacitive load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,30},{30,50}})));
+ Inductive loaRL1(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ plugPhase2=false,
+ plugPhase3=false,
+ V_nominal=480) "Inductive load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,50},{10,70}})));
+ Resistive loaR1(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ plugPhase2=false,
+ plugPhase3=false,
+ V_nominal=480) "Resistive load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,70},{-10,90}})));
+ connect(ph_1.y, loaR.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,40},{54,40},{54,8},{14,8}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_23.y, loaR.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{79,4.44089e-16},{68,4.44089e-16},{68,-8},{14,-8}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_23.y, loaR.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{79,4.44089e-16},{68,4.44089e-16},{68,6.66134e-16},{14,6.66134e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_1.y, loaRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,40},{54,40},{54,-22},{14,-22}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_1.y, loaRC.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,40},{54,40},{54,-62},{14,-62}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_23.y, loaRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{79,4.44089e-16},{68,4.44089e-16},{68,-30},{14,-30}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_23.y, loaRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{79,4.44089e-16},{68,4.44089e-16},{68,-38},{14,-38}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_23.y, loaRC.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{79,4.44089e-16},{68,4.44089e-16},{68,-70},{14,-70}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_23.y, loaRC.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{79,4.44089e-16},{68,4.44089e-16},{68,-78},{14,-78}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, sen.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,5.55112e-16},{-66,5.55112e-16},{-66,4.44089e-16},{-64,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, loaR.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-44,0},{-8,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, loaRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-44,0},{-26,0},{-26,-30},{-8,-30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, loaRC.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-44,0},{-26,0},{-26,-70},{-8,-70}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(senSingleConn.terminal_p, loaR1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,60},{-36,60},{-36,80},{-30,80}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(senSingleConn.terminal_p, loaRL1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,60},{-10,60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(senSingleConn.terminal_p, loaRC1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,60},{-16,60},{-16,40},{10,40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_1.y, loaRC1.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,40},{46,40},{46,48},{32,48}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_1.y, loaRL1.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,40},{46,40},{46,68},{12,68}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_1.y, loaR1.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,40},{46,40},{46,88},{-8,88}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, senSingleConn.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,0},{-68,0},{-68,60},{-60,60}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Documentation(info="
+This example model shows how three-phase unbalanced loads can be used.
+This model contains two set of loads (one for each type: resistive, inductive and capacitive)
+that consume power just on the first phase. The example shows how it's possible to model
+this situation in two different ways. It's possible to not connect the loads on the phases
+setting the parameters plugLoad*=false
+The alternative is to impose the load on a specific phase equal to zero.
+The power measured by the sensors on each phase show that the results are equal.
+Whenever possible it is preferred to disable the load on a specific phase using the parameter plugLoad*
+because the equations relative to the load are conditionally removed, reducing the size
+of the system of equations.
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed assignment of P_nominal
to avoid the warning
+\"The following parameters with fixed = false also have a binding\"
+in Dymola 2016.
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model from previus version and added documentation.
+ experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/Loads.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end Loads;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/Loads_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/Loads_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3af8204002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/Loads_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.Examples;
+model Loads_N
+ "This model tests unbalanced load models with neutral cable connection"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage_N
+ sou(definiteReference=true,
+ f=60,
+ V=480) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-94,-10},{-74,10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp ph_1(
+ offset=-1000,
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.25,
+ height=-500) "Power signal for loads on phase 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{80,30},{60,50}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant ph_23(k=-1000)
+ "Power signal for loads on phase 2 and 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{100,-10},{80,10}})));
+ Resistive_N loaR_N(mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ V_nominal=480) "Resistive load with neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-8,-10},{12,10}})));
+ Inductive_N loaRL_N(mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ pf=0.9,
+ V_nominal=480) "Inductive load with neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-8,-40},{12,-20}})));
+ Capacitive_N loaRC_N(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ pf=0.7,
+ V_nominal=480) "Capacitive load with neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-8,-80},{12,-60}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor_N
+ sen "Power sensor with neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
+ connect(ph_1.y, loaR_N.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,40},{54,40},{54,8},{14,8}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_23.y, loaR_N.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{79,4.44089e-16},{68,4.44089e-16},{68,-8},{14,-8}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_23.y, loaR_N.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{79,4.44089e-16},{68,4.44089e-16},{68,6.66134e-16},{14,6.66134e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_1.y, loaRL_N.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,40},{54,40},{54,-22},{14,-22}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_1.y, loaRC_N.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,40},{54,40},{54,-62},{14,-62}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_23.y, loaRL_N.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{79,4.44089e-16},{68,4.44089e-16},{68,-30},{14,-30}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_23.y, loaRL_N.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{79,4.44089e-16},{68,4.44089e-16},{68,-38},{14,-38}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_23.y, loaRC_N.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{79,4.44089e-16},{68,4.44089e-16},{68,-70},{14,-70}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ph_23.y, loaRC_N.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{79,4.44089e-16},{68,4.44089e-16},{68,-78},{14,-78}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, sen.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,0},{-60,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, loaR_N.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,0},{-8,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, loaRL_N.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,0},{-26,0},{-26,-30},{-8,-30}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, loaRC_N.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,0},{-26,0},{-26,-70},{-8,-70}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Documentation(info="
+This example model shows how three-phase unbalanced loads with the neutral cable can be used.
+This model contains three different loads of different type. They start in a balanced configuration
+and at time t = 0.25 s the loads on the first phase start to increase their power consumption.
+When the loads start to be unbalanced the sensors starts to measure a current in the neutral cable
. This is the current necessary to satisfy the Kirchoff Current Law (KCL)
+such that the algebraic sum of the phase current in each load is equal to zero.
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed assignment of P_nominal
to avoid the warning
+\"The following parameters with fixed = false also have a binding\"
+in Dymola 2016.
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model from previus version and added documentation.
+ experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/Loads_N.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end Loads_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c85d3f4fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ae3c2a8a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Impedance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Impedance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9b90e5a74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Impedance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads;
+model Impedance
+ "Model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance without neutral cable"
+ extends BaseClasses.Impedance(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance load1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance load2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance load3);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="imp",
+ Icon(graphics={ Rectangle(extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={255,255,255}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,80},{80,-80}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={7.10543e-15,7.10543e-15},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-80,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{18,2.20429e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-80,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,-80},{120,-120}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,50},{-26,50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={4,49},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,50},{54,50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{54,50},{70,0},{54,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,0},{70,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={4,1},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,0},{-26,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,-50},{-26,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={4,-49},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,-50},{54,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}), Documentation(revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+This model represents a three-phase unbalanced impedance without neutral cable.
+The model extends from
+and uses the load model from the package
+The model computes the voltages, currents and powers on each phase.
+end Impedance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Impedance_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Impedance_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b35b10c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Impedance_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads;
+model Impedance_N
+ "Model of a three-phase unbalanced impedance with neutral cable"
+ extends BaseClasses.Impedance_N(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance load1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance load2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Impedance load3);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="imp",
+ Icon(graphics={ Rectangle(extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={255,255,255}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,80},{80,-80}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={7.10543e-15,7.10543e-15},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-80,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{18,2.20429e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-80,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,-80},{120,-120}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,50},{-26,50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={4,49},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,50},{54,50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{54,50},{70,0},{54,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,0},{70,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={4,1},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,0},{-26,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,-50},{-26,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={4,-49},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,-50},{54,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}), Documentation(revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+This model represents a three-phase unbalanced impedance with neutral cable.
+The current in the neutral cable is computed as the algebraic sum of the currents
+of the loads.
+The model extends from
+and uses the load model from the package
+The model computes the voltages, currents and powers on each phase.
+end Impedance_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Inductive.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Inductive.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2db9f86699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Inductive.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads;
+model Inductive
+ "Model of a three-phase unbalanced inductive load without neutral cable"
+ extends BaseClasses.LoadCtrl(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive load1(
+ pf=pf,
+ use_pf_in=use_pf_in),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive load2(
+ pf=pf,
+ use_pf_in=use_pf_in),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive load3(
+ pf=pf,
+ use_pf_in=use_pf_in));
+ parameter Boolean use_pf_in = false
+ "If true, the power factor is defined by an input"
+ annotation(Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ parameter Real pf(min=0, max=1) = 0.8 "Power factor"
+ annotation(Dialog(group="Nominal conditions"));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_in_1(
+ min=0,
+ max=1,
+ unit="1") if (use_pf_in and plugPhase1) "Power factor of load on phase 1" annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={-60,-120}),
+ iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={-60,-100})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_in_2(
+ min=0,
+ max=1,
+ unit="1") if (use_pf_in and plugPhase2) "Power factor of load on phase 2" annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={50,-120}),iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={0,-100})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_in_3(
+ min=0,
+ max=1,
+ unit="1") if (use_pf_in and plugPhase3) "Power factor of load on phase 3" annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={20,-120}),iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={62,-100})));
+ connect(pf_in_1, load1.pf_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,-120},{-60,56},{10,56}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ connect(pf_in_2, load2.pf_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{50,-120},{50,-14},{10,-14}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ connect(pf_in_3, load3.pf_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{20,-120},{20,-82},{10,-82}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="loa",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,80},{80,-80}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={255,255,255}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{0,0},{60,-12}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(points={{0,0},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={70,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-10,-1.22461e-15},{10,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-82,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Ellipse(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=360),
+ Ellipse(extent={{30,-10},{50,10}}),
+ Ellipse(extent={{10,-10},{30,10}}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-10,0},{50,-12}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(points={{0,0},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-10,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{26,3.18398e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={76,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,1},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(points={{-2,-2.44921e-16},{18,2.20429e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-82,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,120},{120,80}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Ellipse(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={0,50},
+ rotation=360),
+ Ellipse(extent={{30,40},{50,60}}),
+ Ellipse(extent={{10,40},{30,60}}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-10,50},{50,38}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(points={{0,0},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-10,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={60,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,51},
+ rotation=90),
+ Ellipse(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={0,-52},
+ rotation=360),
+ Ellipse(extent={{30,-62},{50,-42}}),
+ Ellipse(extent={{10,-62},{30,-42}}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-10,-52},{50,-64}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(points={{0,0},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-10,-52},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={60,-52},
+ rotation=180),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,-51},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,50},{76,0},{60,-52}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,-52},
+ rotation=180)}), Documentation(revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+This model represents a three-phase unbalanced inductive load.
+The model extends from
+and uses the load model from the package
+The model computes the voltages, currents and powers on each phase.
+For more information, see
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.LoadCtrl and
+end Inductive;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Inductive_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Inductive_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5ddad2665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Inductive_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads;
+model Inductive_N
+ "Model of a three-phase unbalanced inductive load with neutral cable"
+ extends BaseClasses.LoadCtrl_N(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive load1(pf=pf,
+ use_pf_in=use_pf_in),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive load2(pf=pf,
+ use_pf_in=use_pf_in),
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Inductive load3(pf=pf,
+ use_pf_in=use_pf_in));
+ parameter Boolean use_pf_in = false
+ "If true, the power factor is defined by an input"
+ annotation(Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ parameter Real pf(min=0, max=1) = 0.8 "Power factor" annotation(Dialog(group="Nominal conditions"));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_in_1(
+ min=0,
+ max=1,
+ unit="1") if (use_pf_in and plugPhase1) "Power factor of load on phase 1" annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={80,-120}),iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={-60,-100})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_in_2(
+ min=0,
+ max=1,
+ unit="1") if (use_pf_in and plugPhase2) "Power factor of load on phase 2" annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={40,-120}),iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={0,-100})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_in_3(
+ min=0,
+ max=1,
+ unit="1") if (use_pf_in and plugPhase3) "Power factor of load on phase 3" annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={-60,-120}),
+ iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={62,-100})));
+ connect(pf_in_1, load1.pf_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{80,-120},{80,56},{10,56}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ connect(pf_in_2, load2.pf_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{40,-120},{40,-14},{10,-14}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ connect(pf_in_3, load3.pf_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,-120},{-60,-82},{10,-82}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="loa",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,80},{80,-80}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={255,255,255}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{0,0},{60,-12}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(points={{0,0},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={70,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-10,-1.22461e-15},{10,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-82,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Ellipse(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=360),
+ Ellipse(extent={{30,-10},{50,10}}),
+ Ellipse(extent={{10,-10},{30,10}}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-10,0},{50,-12}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(points={{0,0},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-10,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{26,3.18398e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={76,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,1},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(points={{-2,-2.44921e-16},{18,2.20429e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-82,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,120},{120,80}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Ellipse(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={0,50},
+ rotation=360),
+ Ellipse(extent={{30,40},{50,60}}),
+ Ellipse(extent={{10,40},{30,60}}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-10,50},{50,38}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(points={{0,0},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-10,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={60,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,51},
+ rotation=90),
+ Ellipse(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={0,-52},
+ rotation=360),
+ Ellipse(extent={{30,-62},{50,-42}}),
+ Ellipse(extent={{10,-62},{30,-42}}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-10,-52},{50,-64}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(points={{0,0},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-10,-52},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={60,-52},
+ rotation=180),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,22},{11,-22}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={-44,-51},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,50},{76,0},{60,-52}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,50},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-66,-52},
+ rotation=180)}), Documentation(revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+This model represents a three-phase unbalanced inductive load.
+The model extends from
+and uses the load model from the package
+The model computes the voltages, currents and powers on each phase.
+This model has a connector with four cables and it represents the neutral cable.
+The current in the neutral cable is computed as the algebraic sum of the currents
+of the loads.
+For more information, see
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.LoadCtrl_N and
+end Inductive_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Resistive.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Resistive.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5a72da23e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Resistive.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads;
+model Resistive
+ "Model of a three-phase unbalanced resistive load without neutral cable"
+ extends BaseClasses.LoadCtrl(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Resistive load1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Resistive load2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Resistive load3);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="loa",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={ Rectangle(extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={255,255,255}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,80},{80,-80}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={7.10543e-15,7.10543e-15},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-80,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{18,2.20429e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-80,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,120},{120,80}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,50},{-26,50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={4,49},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,50},{54,50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{54,50},{70,0},{54,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,0},{70,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={4,1},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,0},{-26,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,-50},{-26,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={4,-49},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,-50},{54,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}), Documentation(revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+This model represents a three-phase unbalanced resistive load.
+The model extends from
+and uses the load model from the package
+The model computes the voltages, currents and powers on each phase.
+For more information, see
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.LoadCtrl and
+end Resistive;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Resistive_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Resistive_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3a63a2862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/Resistive_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads;
+model Resistive_N
+ "Model of a three-phase unbalanced resistive load with neutral cable"
+ extends BaseClasses.LoadCtrl_N(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Resistive load1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Resistive load2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Loads.Resistive load3);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="loa",
+ Icon(graphics={ Rectangle(extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={255,255,255}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-80,80},{80,-80}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={7.10543e-15,7.10543e-15},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-80,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{18,2.20429e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-80,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-114,116},{126,76}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,50},{-26,50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={4,49},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,50},{54,50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{54,50},{70,0},{54,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,0},{70,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={4,1},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,0},{-26,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,-50},{-26,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-11,30},{11,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={4,-49},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(
+ points={{34,-50},{54,-50}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}), Documentation(revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+This model represents a three-phase unbalanced resistive load.
+The model extends from
+and uses the load model from the package
+The model computes the voltages, currents and powers on each phase.
+This model has a connector with four cables and it represents the neutral cable.
+The current in the neutral cable is computed as the algebraic sum of the currents
+of the loads.
+For more information, see
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.BaseClasses.LoadCtrl_N and
+end Resistive_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83fa036e03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced;
+package Loads "Package with load models for three-phase unbalanced AC systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised load models, now they all have the optional voltage controller and the
+ability to select the type of connection: Wye (Y) or Delta (D).
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+This package contains models that represent different types of three
+phases unbalanced AC loads.
+end Loads;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e70aae27a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Loads/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/BaseClasses/GeneralizedProbe.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/BaseClasses/GeneralizedProbe.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45a14a8e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/BaseClasses/GeneralizedProbe.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.BaseClasses;
+partial model GeneralizedProbe
+ "Partial model of a generalized three-phase probe"
+ extends Icons.GeneralizedProbe;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start=480)
+ "RMS Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0)";
+ parameter Boolean perUnit = true "This flag display voltage in p.u.";
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput V[3](each unit="1")
+ "Voltage in per unit" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(extent={{60,20},{80,40}}), iconTransformation(extent={{60,
+ 20},{80,40}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput theta[3](each unit="rad", each displayUnit="deg") "Angle" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(extent={{60,-40},{80,-20}}), iconTransformation(extent={{60,
+ -40},{80,-20}})));
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={ Text(
+ extent={{40,60},{100,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash,
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="V"), Text(
+ extent={{18,-40},{140,-60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash,
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="theta")}), Documentation(revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+This model contains the parameters and connectors that are used by
+probe models such as
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye and
+The output connectors are for the RMS voltage and the angle of the voltage phasors.
+end GeneralizedProbe;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/BaseClasses/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/BaseClasses/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a35d63e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/BaseClasses/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors;
+package BaseClasses "Package that contains base classes"
+extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains base classes used by the models that are part of the package
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end BaseClasses;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/BaseClasses/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/BaseClasses/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80ee31c9d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/BaseClasses/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/Examples/Sensors.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/Examples/Sensors.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8446417cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/Examples/Sensors.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.Examples;
+model Sensors "Test models for sensors and probes"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Sources.FixedVoltage source(
+ f=60,
+ V=480)
+ "Voltage source without neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,20},{-60,40}})));
+ Loads.Resistive load(
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input)
+ "Load model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,20},{40,40}})));
+ ProbeWye probeWye(V_nominal=480) "Probe that measures the phase voltages"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-46,48},{-26,68}})));
+ ProbeDelta probeDelta(V_nominal=480) "Probe that measures the line voltages"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,48},{0,68}})));
+ Sources.FixedVoltage_N source_N(
+ f=60,
+ V=480)
+ "Voltage source with neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,-40},{-60,-20}})));
+ Loads.Resistive_N load_N(
+ V_nominal=480,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input)
+ "Load model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,-40},{40,-20}})));
+ ProbeWye_N probeWye_N(V_nominal=480)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,-12},{-10,8}})));
+ GeneralizedSensor sen "Generalized sensor withour neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-4,20},{16,40}})));
+ GeneralizedSensor_N sen_N "Generalized sensor with neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-8,-40},{12,-20}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp ramp(
+ height=2e4,
+ duration=0.5,
+ offset=-1e4,
+ startTime=0.25)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{80,-10},{60,10}})));
+ connect(probeWye.term, source.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-36,49},{-36,30},{-60,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(probeDelta.term, source.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,49},{-10,30},{-60,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(source_N.terminal, probeWye_N.term) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,-30},{-20,-30},{-20,-11}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(source_N.terminal, sen_N.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,-30},{-8,-30}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen_N.terminal_p, load_N.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{12,-30},{20,-30}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, load.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{16,30},{20,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_n, source.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-4,30},{-60,30}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ramp.y, load.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,0},{50,0},{50,38},{42,38}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ramp.y, load.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,0},{50,0},{50,30},{42,30}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ramp.y, load.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,0},{50,0},{50,22},{42,22}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ramp.y, load_N.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,0},{50,0},{50,-22},{42,-22}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ramp.y, load_N.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,0},{50,0},{50,-30},{42,-30}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ramp.y, load_N.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,0},{50,0},{50,-38},{42,-38}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Documentation(
+February 27, 2016 by Michael Wetter:
+Stored example in a single file rather than a file with multiple examples.
+This is for
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed unused parameter assignment for P_nominal
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+This example shows how different types of sensors and probes can be used
+to measure the voltages, currents and powers in a three-phase
+unbalanced system.
+In this example all the loads are directly connected to the sources,
+avoiding voltage losses. The loads are all resistive and they start
+by consuming 10 kW for each phase, while at the end of the simulation
+they all produce 10 kW.
+experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/Examples/Sensors.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end Sensors;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cee7020bbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c57005d181
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/GeneralizedSensor.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/GeneralizedSensor.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63c1ec22ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/GeneralizedSensor.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors;
+model GeneralizedSensor
+ "Sensor for power, voltage and current (3 wire system, no neutral cable)"
+ Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n "Electrical connector side N"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p "Electrical connector side P"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput V[3](each final quantity="ElectricPotential",
+ each final unit="V") "Voltage" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={10,-40}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={0,-90})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput I[3](each final quantity="ElectricCurrent",
+ each final unit="A") "Current" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={70,-40}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={60,-90})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput S[3, IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.n](
+ each final quantity="Power",
+ each final unit="W") "Phase powers" annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={-50,-40}),iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={-60,-90})));
+ for i in 1:3 loop
+ V[i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(terminal_n.phase[i].v);
+ I[i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemCurrent(terminal_n.phase[i].i);
+ S[i,:] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phasePowers_vi(v=terminal_n.phase[i].v, i=terminal_n.phase[i].i);
+ end for;
+ connect(terminal_n, terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (defaultComponentName="sen",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-70,28},{70,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{-92,0},{-70,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,-42},{0,-82}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ lineThickness=1,
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="S"),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-0.48,33.6},{18,28},{18,59.2},{-0.48,33.6}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(points={{-37.6,15.7},{-54,22}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{-22.9,34.8},{-32,50}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{0,60},{0,42}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{22.9,34.8},{32,50}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{37.6,15.7},{54,24}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{0,2},{9.02,30.6}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-5,7},{5,-3}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,0},{92,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-60,-42},{60,-82}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ lineThickness=1,
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="V"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{0,-40},{120,-80}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ lineThickness=1,
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="I"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,100},{120,60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+Ideal sensor that measures power, voltage and current in a three-phase unbalanced system
+without a neutral cable.
+The two components of the power S are the active and reactive power for each phase.
+", revisions="
+November 8, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Corrected wrong access to phase system.
+This is for
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end GeneralizedSensor;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/GeneralizedSensor_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/GeneralizedSensor_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e2bd57a33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/GeneralizedSensor_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors;
+model GeneralizedSensor_N
+ "Sensor for power, voltage and current (4 wire system, with neutral cable)"
+ Interfaces.Terminal4_n terminal_n "Electrical connector side N"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Terminal4_p terminal_p "Electrical connector side P"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput V[4](each final quantity="ElectricPotential",
+ each final unit="V") "Voltage"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={10,-40}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={0,-90})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput I[4](each final quantity="ElectricCurrent",
+ each final unit="A") "Current"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={70,-40}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={60,-90})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput S[4, IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.n](
+ each final quantity="Power",
+ each final unit="W") "Phase powers"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={-50,-40}),iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={-60,-90})));
+ for i in 1:4 loop
+ V[i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(terminal_n.phase[i].v);
+ I[i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemCurrent(terminal_n.phase[i].i);
+ S[i,:] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phasePowers_vi(v=terminal_n.phase[i].v, i=terminal_n.phase[i].i);
+ end for;
+ connect(terminal_n, terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (defaultComponentName="sen",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-70,28},{70,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{-92,0},{-70,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,-42},{0,-82}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ lineThickness=1,
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="S"),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-0.48,33.6},{18,28},{18,59.2},{-0.48,33.6}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(points={{-37.6,15.7},{-54,22}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{-22.9,34.8},{-32,50}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{0,60},{0,42}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{22.9,34.8},{32,50}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{37.6,15.7},{54,24}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{0,2},{9.02,30.6}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-5,7},{5,-3}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,0},{92,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-60,-42},{60,-82}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ lineThickness=1,
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="V"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{0,-40},{120,-80}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ lineThickness=1,
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="I"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,100},{120,60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+Ideal sensor that measures power, voltage and current in a three-phase unbalanced system
+with neutral cable.
+The two components of the power S are the active and reactive power for each phase.
+", revisions="
+November 8, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Corrected wrong access to phase system.
+This is for
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end GeneralizedSensor_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/ProbeDelta.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/ProbeDelta.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6790c8572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/ProbeDelta.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors;
+model ProbeDelta
+ "Model of a probe that measures voltage magnitude and angle (Delta configuration)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.BaseClasses.GeneralizedProbe;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Terminal_n
+ term "Electrical connector" annotation (
+ Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={0,-90})));
+ Interfaces.WyeToDelta wyeToDelta "Y to D transformation"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={20,0})));
+ for i in 1:3 loop
+ theta[i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phase(wyeToDelta.delta.phase[i].v);
+ if perUnit then
+ V[i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(wyeToDelta.delta.phase[i].v)/V_nominal;
+ else
+ V[i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(wyeToDelta.delta.phase[i].v);
+ end if;
+ end for;
+ connect(term, wyeToDelta.wye) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,-90},{0,4.44089e-16},{10,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (defaultComponentName="sen",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={Text(
+ extent={{40,60},{100,40}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash,
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="V"), Text(
+ extent={{18,-40},{140,-60}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash,
+ fillColor={0,120,120},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="theta"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-20,-44},{0,-14},{20,-44},{-20,-44}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5)}), Documentation(info="
+This model represents a probe that measures the RMS voltage and the angle
+of the voltage phasors at a given point. The probes are connected
+in the Wye (Y) grounded configuration.
+", revisions="
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+end ProbeDelta;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/ProbeWye.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/ProbeWye.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4a8012660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/ProbeWye.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors;
+model ProbeWye
+ "Model of a probe that measures voltage magnitude and angle (Wye configuration)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.BaseClasses.GeneralizedProbe;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Terminal_n
+ term "Electrical connector" annotation (
+ Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={0,-90})));
+ Interfaces.WyeToWyeGround wyeToWyeGround "Y to Y grounded transformation"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={20,0})));
+ for i in 1:3 loop
+ theta[i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phase(wyeToWyeGround.wyeg.phase[i].v);
+ if perUnit then
+ V[i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(wyeToWyeGround.wyeg.phase[i].v)/(V_nominal/sqrt(3));
+ else
+ V[i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(wyeToWyeGround.wyeg.phase[i].v);
+ end if;
+ end for;
+ connect(term, wyeToWyeGround.wye) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,-90},{0,4.44089e-16},{10,4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (defaultComponentName="sen",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={
+ Line(
+ points={{0,-10},{0,-30},{-14,-44}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,-30},{14,-44}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5)}),
+This model represents a probe that measures the RMS voltage and the angle
+of the voltage phasors at a given point. The probes are connected
+in the Wye (Y) grounded configuration.
+", revisions="
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+end ProbeWye;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/ProbeWye_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/ProbeWye_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0c1ea5208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/ProbeWye_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors;
+model ProbeWye_N
+ "Model of a probe that measures voltage magnitude and angle (Wye configuration) witn neutral cable connection"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.BaseClasses.GeneralizedProbe;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Terminal4_n
+ term "Electrical connector" annotation (
+ Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={0,-90})));
+ for i in 1:4 loop
+ term.phase[i].i = zeros(IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.n);
+ end for;
+ for i in 1:3 loop
+ theta[i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.phase(term.phase[i].v - term.phase[4].v);
+ if perUnit then
+ V[i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(term.phase[i].v - term.phase[4].v)/(V_nominal/sqrt(3));
+ else
+ V[i] = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase.systemVoltage(term.phase[i].v - term.phase[4].v);
+ end if;
+ end for;
+ annotation (defaultComponentName="sen",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={
+ Line(
+ points={{0,-10},{0,-30},{-14,-44}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,-30},{14,-44}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5)}),
+This model represents a probe that measures the RMS voltage and the angle
+of the voltage phasors at a given point. The probes are connected
+in the Wye (Y) grounded configuration.
+", revisions="
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+end ProbeWye_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e30470231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced;
+package Sensors "Package with sensor models for three-phase unbalanced AC systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.SensorsPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+This package contains models that represent different types of three
+phases unbalanced AC/AC sensors.
+end Sensors;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d932a9926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sensors/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6fb020c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses;
+partial model BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine
+ "Partial model for an unbalanced wind power source"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialPluggableUnbalanced;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialAcDcParameters;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.BaseClasses.WindTurbine.PartialWindTurbineBase(
+ V_nominal(start = 480));
+ parameter Real scaleFraction[3](each min=0, each max=1.0) = ones(3)/3
+ "Fraction of power allocated to the wind turbines of each phase";
+ replaceable OnePhase.Sources.WindTurbine wt_phase2(
+ pf=pf,
+ eta_DCAC=eta_DCAC,
+ scale=scale*scaleFraction[2],
+ h=h,
+ hRef=hRef,
+ nWin=nWin,
+ tableOnFile=tableOnFile,
+ table=table,
+ tableName=tableName,
+ fileName=fileName,
+ V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3))
+ if plugPhase2 "Wind turbine phase 2"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-10},{-40,10}})));
+ replaceable OnePhase.Sources.WindTurbine wt_phase3(
+ pf=pf,
+ eta_DCAC=eta_DCAC,
+ scale=scale*scaleFraction[3],
+ h=h,
+ hRef=hRef,
+ nWin=nWin,
+ tableOnFile=tableOnFile,
+ table=table,
+ tableName=tableName,
+ fileName=fileName,
+ V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3))
+ if plugPhase3 "Wind turbine phase 3"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-60},{-40,-40}})));
+ replaceable OnePhase.Sources.WindTurbine wt_phase1(
+ pf=pf,
+ eta_DCAC=eta_DCAC,
+ scale=scale*scaleFraction[1],
+ h=h,
+ hRef=hRef,
+ nWin=nWin,
+ tableOnFile=tableOnFile,
+ table=table,
+ tableName=tableName,
+ fileName=fileName,
+ V_nominal=V_nominal/sqrt(3))
+ if plugPhase1 "Wind turbine phase 1"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-18,40},{-38,60}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add3 sumBlock "Sum of th epower generated on each phase"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{32,50},{52,70}})));
+ assert(abs(sum(scaleFraction)-1) < Modelica.Constants.eps,
+ "Model that extends IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine,
+ has an invalid value for the vector scaleFraction[:]. The sum of the
+ elements has to be equal to 1.0.",
+ level=AssertionLevel.error);
+ if plugPhase1 then
+ connect(wt_phase1.P, sumBlock.u1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-39,56},{-60,56},{-60,82},{20,82},{20,68},{30,68}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ else
+ sumBlock.u1 = 0;
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase2 then
+ connect(wt_phase2.P, sumBlock.u2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-41,6},{-64,6},{-64,86},{12,86},{12,60},{30,60}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ else
+ sumBlock.u2 = 0;
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase3 then
+ connect(wt_phase3.P, sumBlock.u3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-41,-44},{-68,-44},{-68,90},{4,90},{4,52},{30,52}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ else
+ sumBlock.u3 = 0;
+ end if;
+ connect(sumBlock.y, P) annotation (Line(
+ points={{53,60},{110,60}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dash));
+ connect(vWin, wt_phase1.vWin) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,120},{0,72},{-28,72},{-28,62}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(vWin, wt_phase2.vWin) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,120},{0,72},{-52,72},{-52,20},{-30,20},{-30,12}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(vWin, wt_phase3.vWin) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,120},{0,72},{-52,72},{-52,-26},{-30,-26},{-30,-38}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ fillColor={202,230,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{42,44},{46,-54}},
+ fillColor={233,233,233},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-42,12},{-38,-86}},
+ fillColor={233,233,233},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-44,10},{-26,-42},{-38,14},{-44,10}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-38,10},{8,44},{-42,16},{-38,10}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-42,10},{-90,38},{-38,16},{-42,10}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{40,42},{100,38},{42,48},{40,42}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-21,-17},{27,17},{-25,-11},{-21,-17}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={29,67},
+ rotation=90,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{24,-14},{-20,22},{26,-8},{24,-14}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={32,18},
+ rotation=90,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-46,18},{-34,6}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{38,50},{50,38}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model is a partial class extended by three-phase unbalanced
+wind turbine power sources.
+The model has boolean parameters plugPhase1
, plugPhase2
+and plugPhase3
that can be used to connect the wind turbines in an
+unbalanced configuration.
+The model has an array scaleFraction[3]
that is used to determine how
+to partition the power of the wind turbines on the three-phase. By default it is assumed
+a uniform partition scaleFraction[3] = {1/3, 1/3, 1/3}
+ revisions="
+September 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/PartialSource.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/PartialSource.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f97ae53fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/PartialSource.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses;
+partial model PartialSource
+ "Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source without neutral cable"
+ Interfaces.Connection3to3Ground_p connection3to4
+ "Connection between three to four AC connectors with ground connection"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,-10},{60,10}})));
+ OnePhase.Basics.Ground ground "Ground reference"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,-60},{30,-40}})));
+ Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal "Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ connect(connection3to4.terminal3,terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{60,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ground.terminal, connection3to4.ground4) annotation (Line(
+ points={{20,-40},{20,-6},{39.6,-6}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Documentation(info="
+This model is a partial class extended by three-phase unbalanced
+voltage sources without neutral cable connection.
+ revisions="
+September 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+end PartialSource;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/PartialSource_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/PartialSource_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a926372aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/PartialSource_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses;
+partial model PartialSource_N "Partial model for a three-phase AC unbalanced voltage source
+ with neutral cable"
+ OnePhase.Basics.Ground ground "Ground reference"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{10,-60},{30,-40}})));
+ Interfaces.Terminal4_p terminal
+ "Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems with neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ connect(ground.terminal, terminal.phase[4]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{20,-40},{20,0},{100,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Documentation(info="
+This model is a partial class extended by three-phase unbalanced
+voltage sources that have a neutral cable.
+The neutral cable is connected to the ground reference.
+ revisions="
+September 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end PartialSource_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/UnbalancedWindTurbine.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/UnbalancedWindTurbine.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8d54375e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/UnbalancedWindTurbine.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses;
+model UnbalancedWindTurbine
+ "Base model for an unbalanced wind power source without neutral cable"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine;
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource;
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 ada "Adapter"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ if plugPhase1 then
+ connect(wt_phase1.terminal, ada.terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{-18,50},
+ {-12,50},{-12,-0.533333},{-10,-0.533333}},
+ color={0,120,120})); end if;
+ if plugPhase2 then
+ connect(wt_phase2.terminal, ada.terminals[2])
+ annotation (Line(points={{-20,0},{-15,0},{-10,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase3 then
+ connect(wt_phase3.terminal, ada.terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{-20,-50},
+ {-14,-50},{-14,-30},{-14,0.533333},{-10,0.533333}},
+ color={0,120,120}));
+ end if;
+ connect(ada.terminal, connection3to4.terminal4)
+ annotation (Line(points={{10,0},{26,0},{40,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ annotation ( Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ fillColor={202,230,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{42,44},{46,-54}},
+ fillColor={233,233,233},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-42,12},{-38,-86}},
+ fillColor={233,233,233},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-44,10},{-26,-42},{-38,14},{-44,10}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-38,10},{8,44},{-42,16},{-38,10}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-42,10},{-90,38},{-38,16},{-42,10}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{40,42},{100,38},{42,48},{40,42}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-21,-17},{27,17},{-25,-11},{-21,-17}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={29,67},
+ rotation=90,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{24,-14},{-20,22},{26,-8},{24,-14}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={32,18},
+ rotation=90,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-46,18},{-34,6}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{38,50},{50,38}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model is a class extended by three-phase unbalanced
+wind turbine power sources without neutral cable.
+ revisions="
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Added adapter for
+issue 426.
+September 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end UnbalancedWindTurbine;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/UnbalancedWindTurbine_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/UnbalancedWindTurbine_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0ad59f379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/UnbalancedWindTurbine_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses;
+model UnbalancedWindTurbine_N
+ "Base model for an unbalanced wind power source with neutral cable"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.BaseUnbalancedWindTurbine;
+ Interfaces.Terminal4_p terminal
+ "Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems with neutral cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Connection3to4_p conn3to4 "Connection between 3 to 4 wire"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}},
+ origin={40,0})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 ada "Adapter"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-10},{20,10}})));
+ if plugPhase1 then
+ connect(wt_phase1.terminal, ada.terminals[1]) annotation (Line(points={{-18,50},
+ {-10,50},{-10,-0.533333},{0,-0.533333}},
+ color={0,120,120}));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase2 then
+ connect(wt_phase2.terminal, ada.terminals[2])
+ annotation (Line(points={{-20,0},{-10,0},{0,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ end if;
+ if plugPhase3 then
+ connect(wt_phase3.terminal, ada.terminals[3]) annotation (Line(points={{-20,-50},
+ {-10,-50},{-10,0.533333},{0,0.533333}},
+ color={0,120,120}));
+ end if;
+ connect(conn3to4.terminal4, terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{50,0},{100,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ada.terminal, conn3to4.terminal3)
+ annotation (Line(points={{20,0},{25,0},{30,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ annotation ( Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ fillColor={202,230,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{42,44},{46,-54}},
+ fillColor={233,233,233},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-42,12},{-38,-86}},
+ fillColor={233,233,233},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-44,10},{-26,-42},{-38,14},{-44,10}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-38,10},{8,44},{-42,16},{-38,10}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-42,10},{-90,38},{-38,16},{-42,10}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{40,42},{100,38},{42,48},{40,42}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-21,-17},{27,17},{-25,-11},{-21,-17}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={29,67},
+ rotation=90,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{24,-14},{-20,22},{26,-8},{24,-14}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={32,18},
+ rotation=90,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-46,18},{-34,6}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{38,50},{50,38}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model is a class extended by three-phase unbalanced
+wind turbine power sources with neutral cable connection.
+The neutral cable is connected to the ground reference.
+ revisions="
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Added adapter for
+issue 426.
+September 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end UnbalancedWindTurbine_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0180b4a69f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources;
+package BaseClasses "Package with base class models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains base classes used by the models that are part of the package
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end BaseClasses;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d34825613e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/BaseClasses/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/FixedVoltageSource.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/FixedVoltageSource.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e2a1bb979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/FixedVoltageSource.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.Examples;
+model FixedVoltageSource
+ "This example illustrates how using a fixed voltage source"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ FixedVoltage grid(
+ f=60,
+ V=480,
+ definiteReference=true,
+ phiSou=0.17453292519943) "AC one phase electrical grid"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,30},{-20,50}})));
+ Sensors.ProbeWye sen(V_nominal=480)
+ "Probe that measures the voltage at the load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,60},{10,80}})));
+ Loads.Inductive loa(P_nominal=-2000, V_nominal=480) "Inductive load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,30},{40,50}})));
+ FixedVoltage_N grid_N(
+ f=60,
+ V=480,
+ definiteReference=true,
+ phiSou=0.17453292519943) "AC one phase electrical grid"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,-70},{-20,-50}})));
+ Sensors.ProbeWye_N sen_N(V_nominal=480)
+ "Probe that measures the voltage at the load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-40},{10,-20}})));
+ Loads.Inductive_N loa_N(P_nominal=-2000, V_nominal=480) "Inductive load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{20,-70},{40,-50}})));
+ connect(grid.terminal, loa.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,40},{20,40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(grid.terminal, sen.term) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,40},{0,40},{0,61}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(grid_N.terminal, loa_N.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,-60},{20,-60}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(grid_N.terminal, sen_N.term) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,-60},{0,-60},{0,-39}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/FixedVoltageSource.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+September 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example shows how to use a fixed voltage generator model.
+end FixedVoltageSource;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/WindTurbine.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/WindTurbine.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c61f2e367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/WindTurbine.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.Examples;
+model WindTurbine "Example for the WindTurbine AC model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.WindTurbine tur(
+ table=[3.5, 0;
+ 5.5, 100;
+ 12, 900;
+ 14, 1000;
+ 25, 1000], h=10,
+ scale=10,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ scaleFraction={0.5,0.25,0.25}) "Wind turbine"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}},
+ origin={60,0})));
+ IBPSA.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.ReaderTMY3 weaDat(
+ computeWetBulbTemperature=false,
+ filNam=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://IBPSA/Resources/weatherdata/USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.mos"))
+ "Weather data"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-52,36},{-32,56}})));
+ IBPSA.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Bus weaBus "Weather bus";
+ Loads.Resistive res(P_nominal=-500, V_nominal=480)
+ "Resistive line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-22,-30},{-2,-10}})));
+ Grid sou(f=60, V=480)
+ "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,10},{-60,30}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen "Generalized sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{8,-10},{28,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Line line(
+ l=200,
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ V_nominal=480)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,-10},{-20,10}})));
+ connect(weaDat.weaBus,weaBus) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-32,46},{26,46}},
+ color={255,204,51},
+ thickness=0.5,
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(weaBus.winSpe,tur. vWin) annotation (Line(
+ points={{26,46},{60,46},{60,12}},
+ color={255,204,51},
+ thickness=0.5,
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, res.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-70,10},{-70,-20},{-22,-20}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, tur.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{28,0},{50,0}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, line.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-70,10},{-70,0},{-40,5.55112e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line.terminal_p, sen.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,5.55112e-16},{8,0},{8,6.66134e-16}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=172800, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model illustrates the use of the wind turbine model,
+which is connected to a AC voltage source and a resistive load.
+This voltage source can represent the grid to which the
+circuit is connected.
+Wind data for San Francisco, CA, are used.
+The turbine cut-in wind speed is 3.5 m/s,
+and hence it is off in the first day when the wind speed is low.
+The wind turbines produce different amounts of power on each phase according to the fractions
+specified by the vector scaleFraction={0.5,0.25,0.25}
. In this example, 50%
+of the power generation is on phase 1, 30% on phase 2 and 20% on phase 3.
+As expected the phase with the higher power production has the higher voltage deviation
+from the nominal condition.
+ revisions="
+September 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/WindTurbine.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end WindTurbine;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/WindTurbine_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/WindTurbine_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cf08a2eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/WindTurbine_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.Examples;
+model WindTurbine_N "Example for the WindTurbine AC model with neutral cable"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.WindTurbine_N tur(
+ table=[3.5, 0;
+ 5.5, 100;
+ 12, 900;
+ 14, 1000;
+ 25, 1000], h=10,
+ scale=10,
+ V_nominal=480,
+ plugPhase2=false,
+ scaleFraction={0.4,0.0,0.6}) "Wind turbine"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}},
+ origin={60,0})));
+ IBPSA.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.ReaderTMY3 weaDat(
+ computeWetBulbTemperature=false,
+ filNam=Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://IBPSA/Resources/weatherdata/USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.mos"))
+ "Weather data"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-52,36},{-32,56}})));
+ IBPSA.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Bus weaBus "Weather bus";
+ Loads.Resistive_N res(P_nominal=-500, V_nominal=480)
+ "Resistive line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-22,-30},{-2,-10}})));
+ Grid_N sou(f=60, V=480)
+ "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,10},{-60,30}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor_N sen "Generalized sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{8,-10},{28,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.Line_N line(
+ l=200,
+ P_nominal=5000,
+ V_nominal=480)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,-10},{-20,10}})));
+ connect(weaDat.weaBus,weaBus) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-32,46},{26,46}},
+ color={255,204,51},
+ thickness=0.5,
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(weaBus.winSpe,tur. vWin) annotation (Line(
+ points={{26,46},{60,46},{60,12}},
+ color={255,204,51},
+ thickness=0.5,
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(tur.terminal, sen.terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{50,0},{28,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_n, line.terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{8,0},{-20,0}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line.terminal_n, sou.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,0},{-70,0},{-70,10}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(res.terminal, sou.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-22,-20},{-70,-20},{-70,10}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=172800, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model illustrates the use of the wind turbine model with neutral cable,
+which is connected to a AC voltage source and a resistive load.
+This voltage source can represent the grid to which the
+circuit is connected.
+Wind data for San Francisco, CA, are used.
+The turbine cut-in wind speed is 3.5 m/s,
+and hence it is off in the first day when the wind speed is low.
+The wind turbines produce different amounts of power on each phase according to the fractions
+specified by the vector scaleFraction={0.4,0.0,0.6}
. In this example, 40%
+of the power generation is on phase 1, 0% on phase 2 (disconnected) and 60% on phase 3.
+As expected the phase with the higher power production has the higher voltage deviation
+from the nominal condition.
+ revisions="
+January 10, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created model and documentation
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/WindTurbine_N.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end WindTurbine_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7064ecbcc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a5a5c8383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/FixedVoltage.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/FixedVoltage.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfeb62cd7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/FixedVoltage.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources;
+model FixedVoltage "Fixed voltage source"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Frequency f(start=60) "Frequency of the source";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V(start=480) "RMS voltage of the source";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phiSou=0 "Phase shift of the source";
+ parameter Boolean potentialReference = true
+ "Serve as potential root for the reference angle theta"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Reference Parameters"));
+ parameter Boolean definiteReference = false
+ "Serve as definite root for the reference angle theta"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Reference Parameters"));
+ constant Modelica.Units.SI.Angle angle120=2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3
+ "Phase shift between the phase voltages";
+ OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage vPhase[3](
+ each f=f,
+ potentialReference={potentialReference, potentialReference, potentialReference},
+ definiteReference={definiteReference, false, false},
+ phiSou={phiSou,phiSou - angle120,phiSou + angle120},
+ each V=V/sqrt(3)) "Voltage sources on the three-phase"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-50,-10},{-30,10}})));
+ Interfaces.Adapter3to3 ada "Adapter between the different connectors"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ connect(vPhase.terminal, ada.terminals)
+ annotation (Line(points={{-30,0},{-9.8,0},{-9.8,0}},
+ color={0,120,120}));
+ connect(ada.terminal, connection3to4.terminal4)
+ annotation (Line(points={{10,0},{25,0},{40,0}}, color={0,120,120}));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="sou",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Line(
+ points={{-34,0},{-14,40},{6,0},{26,-40},{46,0}},
+ color={120,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier), Line(
+ points={{-44,0},{-24,40},{-4,0},{16,-40},{36,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier), Line(
+ points={{-24,0},{-4,40},{16,0},{36,-40},{56,0}},
+ color={215,215,215},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,0},{90,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,100},{120,60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,-60},{120,-100}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="V = %V")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This is a constant voltage source, specifying the complex voltage
+by the RMS voltage and the phase shift.
+The parameters potentialReference
and definiteReference
+are used to define if the source model should be selected as source for
+the reference angles theta
or not.
+More information about overdetermined connectors can be found
+in Olsson Et Al. (2008).
+Hans Olsson, Martin Otter, Sven Erik Mattson and Hilding Elmqvist.
+Balanced Models in Modelica 3.0 for Increased Model Quality.
+Proc. of the 7th Modelica Conference, Bielefeld, Germany, March 2008.
+", revisions="
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Updated documentation for
+issue 427.
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Added adapter model for
+issue 426.
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end FixedVoltage;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/FixedVoltage_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/FixedVoltage_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5465cca352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/FixedVoltage_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources;
+model FixedVoltage_N "Fixed voltage source with neutral cable"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource_N;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Frequency f(start=60) "Frequency of the source";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V(start=480) "RMS voltage of the source";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phiSou=0 "Phase shift of the source";
+ parameter Boolean potentialReference = true
+ "Serve as potential root for the reference angle theta"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Reference Parameters"));
+ parameter Boolean definiteReference = false
+ "Serve as definite root for the reference angle theta"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Reference Parameters"));
+ constant Modelica.Units.SI.Angle angle120=2*Modelica.Constants.pi/3
+ "Phase shift between the phase voltages";
+ OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage vPhase[3](
+ each f=f,
+ phiSou={phiSou, phiSou + angle120, phiSou + 2*angle120},
+ potentialReference={potentialReference, potentialReference, potentialReference},
+ definiteReference={definiteReference, false, false},
+ each V=V/sqrt(3)) "Voltage sources on the three-phase"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,-10},{-10,10}})));
+ connect(vPhase[1].terminal, terminal.phase[1]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,0},{20,0},{20,0.05},{100.05,0.05}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(vPhase[2].terminal, terminal.phase[2]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,0},{10,0},{10,0.05},{100.05,0.05}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(vPhase[3].terminal, terminal.phase[3]) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,0},{45,0},{45,0.05},{100.05,0.05}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="sou",
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Line(
+ points={{-34,0},{-14,40},{6,0},{26,-40},{46,0}},
+ color={120,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier), Line(
+ points={{-44,0},{-24,40},{-4,0},{16,-40},{36,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier), Line(
+ points={{-24,0},{-4,40},{16,0},{36,-40},{56,0}},
+ color={215,215,215},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,0},{90,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,100},{120,60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,-60},{120,-100}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="V = %V")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This is a constant voltage source, specifying the complex
+voltage by the RMS voltage and the phase shift. The model has also
+the neutral cable, connected to a ground reference by default.
+The parameters potentialReference
and definiteReference
+are used to define if the source model should be selected as source for
+the reference angles theta
or not.
+More information about overdetermined connectors can be found
+in Olsson Et Al. (2008).
+Hans Olsson, Martin Otter, Sven Erik Mattson and Hilding Elmqvist.
+Balanced Models in Modelica 3.0 for Increased Model Quality.
+Proc. of the 7th Modelica Conference, Bielefeld, Germany, March 2008.
+", revisions="
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Updated documentation for
+issue 427.
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end FixedVoltage_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Grid.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Grid.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..abebe756e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Grid.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources;
+model Grid "Electrical grid"
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Frequency f(start=60) "Frequency of the source";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V(start=480) "RMS voltage of the source";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phiSou=0 "Phase shift of the source";
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.Interfaces.PowerOutput P[3]
+ "Power consumed from grid if positive, or fed to grid if negative"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{100,-10},{120,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal
+ "Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,
+ -110},{10,-90}}), iconTransformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={0,-100})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage sou(
+ potentialReference=true,
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=f,
+ V=V,
+ phiSou=phiSou) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}},
+ origin={10,0})));
+ for i in 1:3 loop
+ P[i].real = -sou.vPhase[i].S[1];
+ P[i].apparent = sqrt(sou.vPhase[i].S[2]^2 + sou.vPhase[i].S[1]^2);
+ P[i].phi = sou.vPhase[i].phi;
+ P[i].cosPhi = cos(sou.vPhase[i].phi);
+ end for;
+ connect(sou.terminal, terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-4.44089e-16,6.66134e-16},{-4.44089e-16,-100},{4.44089e-16,-100}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="gri",
+ Documentation(info="
+Model that can be used to represent the electrical grid supply.
+The model has an output connector named P[n]
with n = 3
+contains information about the power supplied by the grid to the network.
+The convention is that P[i].real
is positive if real power is
+consumed from the grid, and negative if it is fed into the grid.
+The connector has size equal to three because each element
+of the vector refers to a single phase.
+The parameter V
is the root means square of the voltage.
+In US, a typical value 480 Volts.
+ revisions="
+August 31, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Corrected sign error in documentation string of variable P
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
+ grid={2,2}), graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,130},{120,100}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-60,-32},{-60,-72}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-74,-32},{-44,-32}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-72,-38},{-48,-28},{-28,-16},{-16,-2},{-12,14}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-46,-38},{-22,-28},{-2,-16},{10,-2},{14,14}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-72,-32},{-72,-38}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-46,-32},{-46,-38}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-14,20},{16,20}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,20},{0,-20}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-12,20},{-12,14}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{14,20},{14,14}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{14,14},{38,24},{58,36},{70,50},{74,66}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-12,14},{12,24},{32,36},{44,50},{48,66}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,72},{60,32}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{46,72},{76,72}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{48,72},{48,66}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{74,72},{74,66}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-100,-76},{-96,-74},{-88,-68},{-76,-54},{-72,-38}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-100,-88},{-82,-80},{-62,-68},{-50,-54},{-46,-38}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{48,68},{72,78},{92,90},{98,94},{100,96}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{74,68},{84,72},{100,82}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier)}));
+end Grid;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Grid_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Grid_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f848518659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/Grid_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources;
+model Grid_N "Electrical grid with neutral cable"
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Frequency f(start=60) "Frequency of the source";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V(start=480) "RMS voltage of the source";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phiSou=0 "Phase shift of the source";
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.Interfaces.PowerOutput P[3]
+ "Power consumed from grid if positive, or fed to grid if negative"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{100,-10},{120,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Interfaces.Terminal4_p terminal
+ "Connector for three-phase unbalanced systems"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,
+ -110},{10,-90}}), iconTransformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=90,
+ origin={0,-100})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage_N sou(
+ potentialReference=true,
+ definiteReference=true,
+ f=f,
+ V=V,
+ phiSou=phiSou) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}},
+ origin={10,0})));
+ for i in 1:3 loop
+ P[i].real = -sou.vPhase[i].S[1];
+ P[i].apparent = sqrt(sou.vPhase[i].S[2]^2 + sou.vPhase[i].S[1]^2);
+ P[i].phi = sou.vPhase[i].phi;
+ P[i].cosPhi = cos(sou.vPhase[i].phi);
+ end for;
+ connect(sou.terminal, terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-4.44089e-16,6.66134e-16},{-4.44089e-16,-100},{4.44089e-16,-100}},
+ color={127,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="gri",
+ Documentation(info="
+Model that can be used to represent the electrical grid supply with a neutral cable connection.
+The neutral cable is connected to the ground.
+The model has an output connector named P[n]
with n = 3
+contains information about the power supplied by the grid to the network.
+The convention is that P[i].real
is positive if real power is
+consumed from the grid, and negative if it is fed into the grid.
+The connector has size equal to three because each element
+of the vector refers to a single phase.
+The parameter V
is the root means square of the voltage.
+In US, a typical value 480 Volts.
+ revisions="
+August 31, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Corrected sign error in documentation string of variable P
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
+ grid={2,2}), graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,130},{120,100}},
+ textColor={0,120,120},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-60,-32},{-60,-72}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-74,-32},{-44,-32}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-72,-38},{-48,-28},{-28,-16},{-16,-2},{-12,14}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-46,-38},{-22,-28},{-2,-16},{10,-2},{14,14}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-72,-32},{-72,-38}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-46,-32},{-46,-38}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-14,20},{16,20}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,20},{0,-20}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-12,20},{-12,14}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{14,20},{14,14}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{14,14},{38,24},{58,36},{70,50},{74,66}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-12,14},{12,24},{32,36},{44,50},{48,66}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{60,72},{60,32}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{46,72},{76,72}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{48,72},{48,66}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{74,72},{74,66}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-100,-76},{-96,-74},{-88,-68},{-76,-54},{-72,-38}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-100,-88},{-82,-80},{-62,-68},{-50,-54},{-46,-38}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{48,68},{72,78},{92,90},{98,94},{100,96}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{74,68},{84,72},{100,82}},
+ color={175,175,175},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier)}));
+end Grid_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/WindTurbine.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/WindTurbine.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da736e7942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/WindTurbine.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources;
+model WindTurbine "Simple wind turbine source without neutral cable"
+ extends BaseClasses.UnbalancedWindTurbine(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.WindTurbine wt_phase1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.WindTurbine wt_phase2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.WindTurbine wt_phase3);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="winTur",
+ Documentation(revisions="
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+Simple wind turbine model for three-phase unbalanced systems
+without neutral cable connection.
+For more information, see
+end WindTurbine;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/WindTurbine_N.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/WindTurbine_N.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9103aa71de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/WindTurbine_N.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources;
+model WindTurbine_N "Simple wind turbine source with neutral cable"
+ extends BaseClasses.UnbalancedWindTurbine_N(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.WindTurbine wt_phase1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.WindTurbine wt_phase2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.WindTurbine wt_phase3);
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName="winTur",
+ Documentation(revisions="
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+Simple wind turbine model for three-phase unbalanced systems
+with neutral cable connection.
+For more information, see
+end WindTurbine_N;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7889527de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced;
+package Sources "Package with sources model for three-phase unbalanced AC systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.SourcesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+", info="
+This package contains models that represent different types of three
+phases unbalanced AC sources.
+end Sources;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..abf070be7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Sources/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/DD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/DD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..828cc184aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/DD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BalancedStepDown;
+model DD
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with balanced load and D - D connection (step down)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=false,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=false,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=4.16e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={12339,12349,12321},
+ final V3_ref={3911,3914,3905},
+ final V4_ref={3442,3497,3384},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{29.7,-90.4,149.6},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{26.5,-93.6,146.4},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{22.3,-99.4,140.7},
+ loadRL(use_pf_in=false, loadConn=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{54,62},{74,82}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerDD
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,0},{-6,20}})));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,10},{-68,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/DD.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on each phase P1,2,3 = 1800 kW
+ - power factor on each phase cosφ1,2,3 = 0.9
+- voltage step-down transformer (VPri=12.47 kV,
+VSec = 4.16kV),
+- D-D transformer
+end DD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/DY.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/DY.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75f8dc592a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/DY.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BalancedStepDown;
+model DY
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with balanced load and D - Y connection (step down)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=false,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=true,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=4.16e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={12340,12349,12318},
+ final V3_ref={2249,2263,2259},
+ final V4_ref={1920,2054,1986},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{29.7,-90.4,149.6},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-33.7,-153.4,86.4},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-39.1,-158.3,80.9},
+ loadRL(use_pf_in=false,
+ load1(v(start={1500, 1200}))));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{54,62},{74,82}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepDownDY
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,0},{-6,20}})));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,10},{-68,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/DY.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+April 7, 2021, by Michael Wetter:
+Set start values
+loadRL(load1(v(start = {1500, 1200})))
+as the model seems to have more than one solution.
+This is for
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on each phase P1,2,3 = 1800 kW
+ - power factor on each phase cosφ1,2,3 = 0.9
+- voltage step-down transformer (VPri=12.47 kV,
+VSec = 4.16kV),
+- D-Y transformer
+end DY;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/YD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/YD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..598ec90109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/YD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BalancedStepDown;
+model YD
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with balanced load and Y - D connection (step down)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=true,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=false,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=4.16e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={7113,7132,7123},
+ final V3_ref={3906,3915,3909},
+ final V4_ref={3437,3497,3388},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-0.3,-120.3,119.6},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-3.5,-123.6,116.3},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-7.8,-129.3,110.6},
+ loadRL(use_pf_in=false, loadConn=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{54,62},{74,82}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepDownYD
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase,
+ conv1(
+ terminal_p(i(start={-477, 327})),
+ V1(start={7000, -400})))
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,0},{-6,20}})));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,10},{-68,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-40,10},{-40,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/YD.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+December 22, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Set start values for Dymola 2017FD01.
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on each phase P1,2,3 = 1800 kW
+ - power factor on each phase cosφ1,2,3 = 0.9
+- voltage step-down transformer (VPri=12.47 kV,
+VSec = 4.16kV),
+- Y-D transformer
+end YD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/YY.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/YY.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..218eed0f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/YY.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BalancedStepDown;
+model YY
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with balanced load and Y - Y connection (step down)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=true,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=true,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=4.16e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={7107,7140,7121},
+ final V3_ref={2247,2269,2256},
+ final V4_ref={1918,2061,1981},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-0.3,-120.3,119.6},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-3.7,-123.5,116.4},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-9.1,-128.3,110.9},
+ loadRL(use_pf_in=false));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{54,62},{74,82}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformer
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-28,0},{-8,20}})));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-28,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-8,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,10},{-68,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-28,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/YY.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on each phase P1,2,3 = 1800 kW
+ - power factor on each phase cosφ1,2,3 = 0.9
+- voltage step-down transformer (VPri=12.47 kV,
+VSec = 4.16kV),
+- Y-Y transformer
+end YY;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..760437732f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder;
+package BalancedStepDown "Package that contains the examples for balanced loads and step down transformer"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+This package contains examples for the IEEE 4 nodes test validation
+whith balanced load and step down in the voltage of the transformers.
+end BalancedStepDown;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99b37afbd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepDown/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/DD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/DD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e737a01548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/DD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BalancedStepUp;
+model DD
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with balanced load and D - D connection (step up)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=false,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=false,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=24.9e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={12361,12372,12348},
+ final V3_ref={23723,23746,23698},
+ final V4_ref={23657,23688,23625},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{29.7,-90.4,149.6},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{26.7,-93.4,146.6},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{26.6,-93.6,146.5},
+ loadRL(use_pf_in=false, loadConn=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{54,62},{74,82}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerDD
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,0},{-6,20}})));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,10},{-68,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/DD.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on each phase P1,2,3 = 1800 kW
+ - power factor on each phase cosφ1,2,3 = 0.9
+- voltage step-up transformer (VPri=12.47 kV,
+VSec = 24.9kV),
+- D-D transformer
+end DD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/DY.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/DY.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f489a80165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/DY.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BalancedStepUp;
+model DY
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with balanced load and D - Y connection (step up)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=false,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=true,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=24.9e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={12361,12372,12348},
+ final V3_ref={13697,13710,13681},
+ final V4_ref={13653,13678,13644},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{29.7,-90.4,149.6},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{26.7,-93.4,146.6},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{26.6,-93.5,146.5},
+ loadRL(use_pf_in=false));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{54,62},{74,82}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepUpDY
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase,
+ conv1(V1(start={11E3, 6E3})),
+ conv2(V1(start={-700, -11E3})))
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,0},{-6,20}})));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,10},{-68,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/DY.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Set start values.
+This is for
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package.
+June 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on each phase P1,2,3 = 1800 kW
+ - power factor on each phase cosφ1,2,3 = 0.9
+- voltage step-up transformer (VPri=12.47 kV,
+VSec = 24.9kV),
+- D-Y transformer
+end DY;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/YD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/YD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7903d68ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/YD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BalancedStepUp;
+model YD
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with balanced load and Y - D connection (step up)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=true,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=false,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=24.9e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={7128,7145,7137},
+ final V3_ref={23746,23722,23698},
+ final V4_ref={23680,23663,23625},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-0.3,-120.3,119.6},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{56.7,-63.4,176.7},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{56.6,-63.6,176.5},
+ loadRL(use_pf_in=false,
+ loadConn=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta,
+ load1(v(start = {13000, 20000}))));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{54,62},{74,82}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepUpYD
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,0},{-6,20}})));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,10},{-68,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/YD.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+April 7, 2021, by Michael Wetter:
+Set better start values
+loadRL(load1(v(start = {13000, 20000})))
+because for one component, the start value is far from a solution
+and if specified, Dymola 2022 beta3 fails to initialize the model.
+This is for
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Set start value for loadRL(load1(v(each start = 15000)))
+is needed for Dymola 2017 to find the correct solution.
+This is for
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on each phase P1,2,3 = 1800 kW
+ - power factor on each phase cosφ1,2,3 = 0.9
+- voltage step-up transformer (VPri=12.47 kV,
+VSec = 24.9kV),
+- Y-D transformer
+end YD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/YY.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/YY.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b234bfec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/YY.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BalancedStepUp;
+model YY
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with balanced load and Y - Y connection (step up)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=true,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=true,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=24.9e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={7126,7145,7137},
+ final V3_ref={13675,13715,13698},
+ final V4_ref={13631,13682,13661},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-0.3,-120.4,119.6},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-3.3,-123.4,116.6},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-3.5,-123.5,116.5},
+ loadRL(use_pf_in=false));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{54,62},{74,82}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformer
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,0},{-6,20}})));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,72},{90,72},{90,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, source.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,30},{-74,30},{-74,10},{-74,10},{-78,10},{-78,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/YY.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on each phase P1,2,3 = 1800 kW
+ - power factor on each phase cosφ1,2,3 = 0.9
+- voltage step-up transformer (VPri=12.47 kV,
+VSec = 24.9kV),
+- Y-Y transformer
+end YY;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1cfda90ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder;
+package BalancedStepUp "Package that contains the examples for balanced loads and step up transformer"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+This package contains examples for the IEEE 4 nodes test validation
+whith balanced load and step up in the voltage of the transformers.
+end BalancedStepUp;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99b37afbd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BalancedStepUp/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BaseClasses/IEEE4.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BaseClasses/IEEE4.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bca65fa598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BaseClasses/IEEE4.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses;
+partial model IEEE4 "Base model of the IEEE 4 nodes test feeder"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VLL_side1=12.47e3
+ "Voltage line to line side 1";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VLL_side2=4.16e3
+ "Voltage line to line side 2";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.ApparentPower VARbase=6000e3
+ "Base VA power of the transformer";
+ parameter Boolean line1_use_Z_y = true
+ "Choose between Zy or Zd impedance matrix for line 1";
+ parameter Boolean line2_use_Z_y = true
+ "Choose between Zy or Zd impedance matrix for line 2";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V2_ref[3]={7107,7140,7121}
+ "Reference RMS voltage node 2 - IEEE results";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V3_ref[3]={2247,2269,2256}
+ "Reference RMS voltage node 3 - IEEE results";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V4_ref[3]={1918,2061,1981}
+ "Reference RMS voltage node 4 - IEEE results";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle Theta2_ref[3](each displayUnit="deg") = {-0.3,
+ -120.3,119.6} "Reference voltage phase angle node 2 - IEEE results";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle Theta3_ref[3](each displayUnit="deg") = {-3.7,
+ -123.5,116.4} "Reference voltage phase angle node 3 - IEEE results";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle Theta4_ref[3](each displayUnit="deg") = {-9.1,
+ -128.3,110.9} "Reference voltage phase angle node 4 - IEEE results";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage err_V2[3]=node2.V - V2_ref
+ "Error on voltage at node 2";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage err_V3[3]=node3.V - V3_ref
+ "Error on voltage at node 3";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage err_V4[3]=node4.V - V4_ref
+ "Error on voltage at node 4";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Angle err_Theta2[3](each displayUnit="deg") = node2.theta
+ - Theta2_ref "Error on voltage at node 2";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Angle err_Theta3[3](each displayUnit="deg") = node3.theta
+ - Theta3_ref "Error on voltage at node 3";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Angle err_Theta4[3](each displayUnit="deg") = node4.theta
+ - Theta4_ref "Error on voltage at node 4";
+ Real err_V2_percent[3] = 100*{err_V2[i]/V2_ref[i] for i in 1:3}
+ "Error in RMS voltage at node 2 -- percent";
+ Real err_V3_percent[3] = 100*{err_V3[i]/V3_ref[i] for i in 1:3}
+ "Error in RMS voltage at node 3 -- percent";
+ Real err_V4_percent[3] = 100*{err_V4[i]/V4_ref[i] for i in 1:3}
+ "Error in RMS voltage at node 4 -- percent";
+ Real err_Theta2_percent[3] = 100*{err_Theta2[i]/Theta2_ref[i] for i in 1:3}
+ "Error in voltage phase angle at node 2 -- percent";
+ Real err_Theta3_percent[3] = 100*{err_Theta3[i]/Theta3_ref[i] for i in 1:3}
+ "Error in voltage phase angle at node 3 -- percent";
+ Real err_Theta4_percent[3] = 100*{err_Theta4[i]/Theta4_ref[i] for i in 1:3}
+ "Error in voltage phase angle at node 4 -- percent";
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sources.FixedVoltage source(
+ f=60,
+ V=VLL_side1) "Voltage source" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-98,0},{-78,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.TwoPortMatrixRL line1(
+ Z11=L1*(if line1_use_Z_y then Z11_y else Z11_d),
+ Z12=L1*(if line1_use_Z_y then Z12_y else Z12_d),
+ Z13=L1*(if line1_use_Z_y then Z13_y else Z13_d),
+ Z22=L1*(if line1_use_Z_y then Z22_y else Z22_d),
+ Z23=L1*(if line1_use_Z_y then Z23_y else Z23_d),
+ Z33=L1*(if line1_use_Z_y then Z33_y else Z33_d),
+ V_nominal=VLL_side1) "Line at primary side"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-68,0},{-48,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Lines.TwoPortMatrixRL line2(
+ Z11=L2*(if line2_use_Z_y then Z11_y else Z11_d),
+ Z12=L2*(if line2_use_Z_y then Z12_y else Z12_d),
+ Z13=L2*(if line2_use_Z_y then Z13_y else Z13_d),
+ Z22=L2*(if line2_use_Z_y then Z22_y else Z22_d),
+ Z23=L2*(if line2_use_Z_y then Z23_y else Z23_d),
+ Z33=L2*(if line2_use_Z_y then Z33_y else Z33_d),
+ V_nominal=VLL_side2) "Line at secondary side"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{12,0},{32,20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Loads.Inductive loadRL(
+ pf=0.9,
+ V_nominal=VLL_side2,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ use_pf_in=true) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{54,0},{74,20}})));
+ replaceable
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.BaseClasses.GeneralizedProbe
+ node1(perUnit=false, V_nominal=VLL_side1) "Probe at source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-84,28},{-64,48}})));
+ replaceable
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.BaseClasses.GeneralizedProbe
+ node2(perUnit=false, V_nominal=VLL_side1)
+ "Probe at the primary side of the transformer"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-52,28},{-32,48}})));
+ replaceable
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.BaseClasses.GeneralizedProbe
+ node3(perUnit=false, V_nominal=VLL_side2)
+ "Probe at the secondary side of the transformer"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-4,28},{16,48}})));
+ replaceable
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.BaseClasses.GeneralizedProbe
+ node4(perUnit=false, V_nominal=VLL_side2) "Probe at the load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{28,28},{48,48}})));
+ parameter Real L1 = 2000*(1.0/5280.0) "Length line 1 in miles";
+ parameter Real L2 = 2500*(1.0/5280.0) "Length line 2 in miles";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z11_d[2]={0.4013,1.4133}
+ "Element [1,1] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z12_d[2]={0.0953,0.8515}
+ "Element [1,2] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z13_d[2]={0.0953,0.7266}
+ "Element [1,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z22_d[2]={0.4013,1.4133}
+ "Element [2,2] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z23_d[2]={0.0953,0.7802}
+ "Element [2,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z33_d[2]={0.4013,1.4133}
+ "Element [3,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z11_y[2]={0.4576,1.078}
+ "Element [1,1] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z12_y[2]={0.1559,0.5017}
+ "Element [1,2] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z13_y[2]={0.1535,0.3849}
+ "Element [1,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z22_y[2]={0.4666,1.0482}
+ "Element [2,2] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z23_y[2]={0.158,0.4236}
+ "Element [2,3] of impedance matrix";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z33_y[2]={0.4615,1.0651}
+ "Element [3,3] of impedance matrix";
+ connect(source.terminal, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-78,10},{-68,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line2.terminal_p, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{32,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Documentation(revisions="
+October 1, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed loadRL.P_nominal
as the power is an input and
is disabled in this configuration.
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+This is a partial model that is extended by all the other validation test cases.
+This model defined replaceable probes and transformer so they can be
+easily changed when implementing the different tests.
+More information can be found in each model that extends this
+Reference results
+The reference results for the tests are saved as parameter of the model and compared to
+the simulated ones. The error between the results (herein called Xmodel)
+ and the references (herein called Xref) are computed in both
+absolute and relative way. Note that Xmodel and Xref
+can be either voltage amplitudes or phase angles.
+Errabs = Xmodel - Xref
+Err% = Errabs / Xref
+The variables that store the results of the comparison are listed in the
+table below
+ Variable |
+ Description |
+ Unit |
+ err_V2[3] |
+ Error between simulated voltage at node 2 and reference results |
+ [V] |
+ err_V3[3] |
+ Error between simulated voltage at node 3 and reference results |
+ [V] |
+ err_V4[3] |
+ Error between simulated voltage at node 4 and reference results |
+ [V] |
+ err_Theta2[3] |
+ Error between simulated phase angle at node 2 and reference phase angle |
+ [rad], displayed as [deg] |
+ err_Theta3[3] |
+ Error between simulated phase angle at node 2 and reference phase angle |
+ [rad], displayed as [deg] |
+ err_Theta4[3] |
+ Error between simulated phase angle at node 2 and reference phase angle |
+ [rad], displayed as [deg] |
+ err_V2_percent[3] |
+ Relative error between simulated voltage at node 2 and reference results |
+ [%] |
+ err_V3_percent[3] |
+ Relative error between simulated voltage at node 3 and reference results |
+ [%] |
+ err_V4_percent[3] |
+ Relative error between simulated voltage at node 4 and reference results |
+ [%] |
+ err_Theta2_percent[3] |
+ Relative error between simulated phase angle at node 2 and reference phase angle |
+ [%] |
+ err_Theta3_percent[3] |
+ Relative error between simulated phase angle at node 2 and reference phase angle |
+ [%] |
+ err_Theta4_percent[3] |
+ Relative error between simulated phase angle at node 2 and reference phase angle |
+ [%] |
+end IEEE4;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BaseClasses/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BaseClasses/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f01e162e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BaseClasses/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder;
+package BaseClasses "This package contains the base classes used by the IEEE 4 nodes test feeder"
+extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains base classes used by the models that are part of the package
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end BaseClasses;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BaseClasses/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BaseClasses/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39abb5aee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/BaseClasses/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/DD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/DD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f70ad4f191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/DD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.UnbalancedStepDown;
+model DD
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with unbalanced load and D - D connection (step down)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=false,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=false,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=4.16e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={12341,12370,12302},
+ final V3_ref={3902,3972,3871},
+ final V4_ref={3431,3647,3294},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{29.8,-90.5,149.5},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{27.2,-93.9,145.7},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{24.3,-100.4,138.6},
+ loadRL(loadConn=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta,
+ use_pf_in=true));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerDD
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,0},{-6,20}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load3(k=-2375e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{8,76},{28,96}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load2(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{34,58},{54,78}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load1(k=-1275e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{54,30},{74,50}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf1(k=0.85)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-6,-30},{14,-10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf2(k=0.9)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{16,-50},{36,-30}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf3(k=0.95)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{38,-70},{58,-50}})));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load1.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,40},{80,40},{80,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load2.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{55,68},{84,68},{84,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load3.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{29,86},{88,86},{88,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf1.y, loadRL.pf_in_1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{15,-20},{58,-20},{58,-4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf2.y, loadRL.pf_in_2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{37,-40},{64,-40},{64,-4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf3.y, loadRL.pf_in_3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,-60},{70.2,-60},{70.2,-4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,10},{-68,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/DD.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on phases P1 = 2375 kW,
+ P2 = 1800 kW, and P3 = 1275 kW
+ - power factor on phases cosφ1 = 0.85,
+ cosφ2 = 0.9, and cosφ3 = 0.95
+- voltage step-down transformer (VPri=12.47 kV
+VSec = 4.16kV),
+- D-D transformer
+end DD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/DY.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/DY.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ffce2f61d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/DY.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.UnbalancedStepDown;
+model DY
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with unbalanced load and D - Y connection (step down)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=false,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=true,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=4.16e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={12350,12314,12333},
+ final V3_ref={2290,2261,2214},
+ final V4_ref={2157,1936,1849},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{29.6,-90.4,149.8},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-32.4,-153.8,85.2},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-34.2,-157.0,73.4},
+ loadRL(use_pf_in=true),
+ line2(terminal_p(phase(v(each start=-1)))));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepDownDY
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,0},{-6,20}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load3(k=-2375e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{14,76},{34,96}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load2(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,58},{60,78}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf1(k=0.85)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf2(k=0.9)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{22,-50},{42,-30}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf3(k=0.95)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{44,-70},{64,-50}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load1(k=-1275e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,30},{80,50}})));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf1.y, loadRL.pf_in_1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{21,-20},{58,-20},{58,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf2.y, loadRL.pf_in_2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{43,-40},{64,-40},{64,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf3.y, loadRL.pf_in_3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{65,-60},{70.2,-60},{70.2,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load2.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{61,68},{90,68},{90,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load3.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{35,86},{94,86},{94,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load1.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{81,40},{86,40},{86,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,10},{-68,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/DY.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+January 12, 2019, by Michael Wetter:
+Corrected wrong use of each
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Set start values.
+This is for
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on phases P1 = 2375 kW,
+ P2 = 1800 kW, and P3 = 1275 kW
+ - power factor on phases cosφ1 = 0.85,
+ cosφ2 = 0.9, and cosφ3 = 0.95
+- voltage step-down transformer (VPri=12.47 kV,
+VSec = 4.16kV),
+- D-Y transformer
+end DY;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/YD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/YD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1fd0220a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/YD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.UnbalancedStepDown;
+model YD
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with unbalanced load and Y - D connection (step down)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=true,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=false,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=4.16e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={7113,7144,7111},
+ final V3_ref={3896,3972,3875},
+ final V4_ref={3425,3646,3298},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-0.2,-120.4,119.5},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-2.8,-123.8,115.7},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-5.8,-130.3,108.6},
+ loadRL(loadConn=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta,
+ use_pf_in=true,
+ load1(v(each start = 3000))),
+ line1(i1(each start=200)));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepDownYD
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,0},{-6,20}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load3(k=-2375e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{14,74},{34,94}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load2(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,56},{60,76}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load1(k=-1275e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,28},{80,48}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf1(k=0.85)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-32},{20,-12}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf2(k=0.9)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{22,-52},{42,-32}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf3(k=0.95)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{44,-72},{64,-52}})));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load2.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{61,66},{90,66},{90,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load3.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{35,84},{94,84},{94,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load1.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{81,38},{86,38},{86,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf1.y, loadRL.pf_in_1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{21,-22},{58,-22},{58,-4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf2.y, loadRL.pf_in_2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{43,-42},{64,-42},{64,-4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf3.y, loadRL.pf_in_3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{65,-62},{70.2,-62},{70.2,-4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,10},{-68,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/YD.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Set start values.
+This is for
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on phases P1 = 2375 kW,
+ P2 = 1800 kW, and P3 = 1275 kW
+ - power factor on phases cosφ1 = 0.85,
+ cosφ2 = 0.9, and cosφ3 = 0.95
+- voltage step-down transformer (VPri=12.47 kV,
+VSec = 4.16kV),
+- Y-D transformer
+end YD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/YY.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/YY.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41c7e4c3bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/YY.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.UnbalancedStepDown;
+model YY
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with unbalanced load and Y - Y connection (step down)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=true,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=true,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=4.16e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={7164,7110,7082},
+ final V3_ref={2305,2255,2203},
+ final V4_ref={2175,1930,1833},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-0.1,-120.2,119.3},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-2.3,-123.6,114.8},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-4.1,-126.8,102.8},
+ loadRL(use_pf_in=true),
+ line1(i1(start={180, -130}),
+ i2(start={-300, -160}),
+ i3(start={40, 450})),
+ line2(i2(start={-900, -480}),
+ i3(start={130, 1400})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load1(k=-1275e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{54,30},{74,50}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load2(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{28,58},{48,78}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load3(k=-2375e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{2,74},{22,94}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf1(k=0.85)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-16,-38},{4,-18}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf2(k=0.9)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{2,-64},{22,-44}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf3(k=0.95)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{24,-88},{44,-68}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformer
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-28,0},{-8,20}})));
+ connect(load1.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,40},{82,40},{82,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load2.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{49,68},{84,68},{84,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load3.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{23,84},{86,84},{86,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf1.y, loadRL.pf_in_1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{5,-28},{58,-28},{58,-4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf2.y, loadRL.pf_in_2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{23,-54},{64,-54},{64,-4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf3.y, loadRL.pf_in_3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{45,-78},{70.2,-78},{70.2,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-28,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-8,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,10},{-68,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-28,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/YY.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Set start values.
+This is for
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on phases P1 = 2375 kW,
+ P2 = 1800 kW, and P3 = 1275 kW
+ - power factor on phases cosφ1 = 0.85,
+ cosφ2 = 0.9, and cosφ3 = 0.95
+- voltage step-down transformer (VPri=12.47 kV,
+VSec = 4.16kV),
+- Y-Y transformer
+end YY;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f42714b90d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder;
+package UnbalancedStepDown "Package that contains the examples for unbalanced loads and step down transformer"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+This package contains examples for the IEEE 4 nodes test validation
+whith unbalanced load and step down in the voltage of the transformers.
+end UnbalancedStepDown;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99b37afbd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepDown/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/DD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/DD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85cbf97ee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/DD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.UnbalancedStepUp;
+model DD
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with unbalanced load and D - D connection (step up)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=false,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=false,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=24.9e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={12362,12392,12334},
+ final V3_ref={23675,24060,23573},
+ final V4_ref={23610,24015,23492},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{29.8,-90.4,149.5},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{27.2,-93.6,146.0},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{27.2,-93.7,145.9},
+ loadRL(loadConn=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta,
+ use_pf_in=true));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerDD
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,0},{-6,20}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load3(k=-2375e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{8,76},{28,96}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load2(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{34,58},{54,78}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load1(k=-1275e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{54,30},{74,50}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf1(k=0.85)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-6,-30},{14,-10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf2(k=0.9)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{16,-50},{36,-30}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf3(k=0.95)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{38,-70},{58,-50}})));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load1.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,40},{80,40},{80,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load2.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{55,68},{84,68},{84,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load3.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{29,86},{88,86},{88,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf1.y, loadRL.pf_in_1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{15,-20},{58,-20},{58,-4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf2.y, loadRL.pf_in_2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{37,-40},{64,-40},{64,-4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf3.y, loadRL.pf_in_3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{59,-60},{70.2,-60},{70.2,-4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, source.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,30},{-74,30},{-74,10},{-74,10},{-78,10},{-78,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/DD.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on phases P1 = 2375 kW,
+ P2 = 1800 kW, and P3 = 1275 kW
+ - power factor on phases cosφ1 = 0.85,
+ cosφ2 = 0.9, and cosφ3 = 0.95
+- voltage step-up transformer (VPri=12.47 kV,
+VSec = 24.9kV),
+- D-D transformer
+end DD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/DY.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/DY.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f46c3f465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/DY.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.UnbalancedStepUp;
+model DY
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with unbalanced load and D - Y connection (step up)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=false,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=true,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=24.9e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={12364,12391,12333},
+ final V3_ref={13792,13733,13641},
+ final V4_ref={13768,13684,13600},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{29.8,-90.5,149.6},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{27.7,-93.5,145.4},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{27.7,-93.6,145.2},
+ loadRL(use_pf_in=true));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepUpDY
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase,
+ conv1(V1(start={10E3, 5.5E3})))
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,0},{-6,20}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load3(k=-2375e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{14,76},{34,96}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load2(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,58},{60,78}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf1(k=0.85)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf2(k=0.9)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{22,-50},{42,-30}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf3(k=0.95)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{44,-70},{64,-50}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load1(k=-1275e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,30},{80,50}})));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf1.y, loadRL.pf_in_1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{21,-20},{58,-20},{58,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf2.y, loadRL.pf_in_2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{43,-40},{64,-40},{64,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf3.y, loadRL.pf_in_3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{65,-60},{70.2,-60},{70.2,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load2.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{61,68},{90,68},{90,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load3.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{35,86},{94,86},{94,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load1.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{81,40},{86,40},{86,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,10},{-68,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/DY.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Set start values.
+This is for
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package.
+June 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on phases P1 = 2375 kW,
+ P2 = 1800 kW, and P3 = 1275 kW
+ - power factor on phases cosφ1 = 0.85,
+ cosφ2 = 0.9, and cosφ3 = 0.95
+- voltage step-up transformer (VPri=12.47 kV,
+VSec = 24.9kV),
+- D-Y transformer
+end DY;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/YD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/YD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..254ddca2f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/YD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.UnbalancedStepUp;
+model YD
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with unbalanced load and Y - D connection (step up)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=true,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=false,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeDelta
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=24.9e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={7121,7147,7150},
+ final V3_ref={23703,24040,23576},
+ final V4_ref={23637,23995,23496},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-0.4,-120.3,119.5},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{57.2,-63.6,176.1},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{57.1,-63.8,175.9},
+ loadRL(loadConn=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.LoadConnection.wye_to_delta,
+ use_pf_in=true));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformerStepUpYD
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,0},{-6,20}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load3(k=-2375e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{14,76},{34,96}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load2(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,58},{60,78}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load1(k=-1275e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,30},{80,50}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf1(k=0.85)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-30},{20,-10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf2(k=0.9)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{22,-50},{42,-30}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf3(k=0.95)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{44,-70},{64,-50}})));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load2.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{61,68},{90,68},{90,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load3.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{35,86},{94,86},{94,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load1.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{81,40},{86,40},{86,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf1.y, loadRL.pf_in_1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{21,-20},{58,-20},{58,-4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf2.y, loadRL.pf_in_2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{43,-40},{64,-40},{64,-4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf3.y, loadRL.pf_in_3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{65,-60},{70.2,-60},{70.2,-4.44089e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,10},{-68,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-26,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/YD.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on phases P1 = 2375 kW,
+ P2 = 1800 kW, and P3 = 1275 kW
+ - power factor on phases cosφ1 = 0.85,
+ cosφ2 = 0.9, and cosφ3 = 0.95
+- voltage step-up transformer (VPri=12.47 kV,
+VSec = 24.9kV),
+- Y-D transformer
+end YD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/YY.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/YY.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d09ac40f98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/YY.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.UnbalancedStepUp;
+model YY
+ "IEEE 4 node test feeder model with unbalanced load and Y - Y connection (step up)"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.BaseClasses.IEEE4(
+ final line1_use_Z_y=true,
+ final line2_use_Z_y=true,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node1,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node2,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node3,
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Sensors.ProbeWye
+ node4,
+ final VLL_side1=12.47e3,
+ final VLL_side2=24.9e3,
+ final VARbase=6000e3,
+ final V2_ref={7161,7120,7128},
+ final V3_ref={13839,13663,13655},
+ final V4_ref={13815,13614,13615},
+ final Theta2_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-0.1,-120.3,119.3},
+ final Theta3_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-2.1,-123.3,115.1},
+ final Theta4_ref=Modelica.Constants.pi/180.0*{-2.2,-123.4,114.9},
+ loadRL(use_pf_in=true));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load2(k=-1800e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,58},{50,78}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load3(k=-2375e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{4,74},{24,94}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant load1(k=-1275e3)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{56,30},{76,50}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf1(k=0.85)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-6,-28},{14,-8}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf2(k=0.9)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{12,-54},{32,-34}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant pf3(k=0.95)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{34,-78},{54,-58}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Conversion.ACACTransformer
+ transformer(
+ VHigh=VLL_side1,
+ VLow=VLL_side2,
+ XoverR=6,
+ Zperc=sqrt(0.01^2 + 0.06^2),
+ VABase=VARbase,
+ conv1(V1(start={6.9E3, -250})),
+ conv2(V1(start={-3.8E3, -5.7E3})))
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-28,0},{-8,20}})));
+ connect(load2.y, loadRL.Pow2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{51,68},{86,68},{86,10},{76,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load3.y, loadRL.Pow3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{25,84},{88,84},{88,2},{76,2}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load1.y, loadRL.Pow1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{77,40},{84,40},{84,18},{76,18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf1.y, loadRL.pf_in_1) annotation (Line(
+ points={{15,-18},{58,-18},{58,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf2.y, loadRL.pf_in_2) annotation (Line(
+ points={{33,-44},{64,-44},{64,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(pf3.y, loadRL.pf_in_3) annotation (Line(
+ points={{55,-68},{70.2,-68},{70.2,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-48,10},{-28,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(transformer.terminal_p, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-8,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node1.term, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-74,29},{-74,10},{-68,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node2.term, transformer.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-42,29},{-42,10},{-28,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node3.term, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,29},{6,10},{12,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(node4.term, loadRL.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{38,29},{38,10},{54,10}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-6),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/YY.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Set start values.
+This is for
+October 9, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Moved to Examples IEEE package IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder.UnbalancedStepUp.YY
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+IEEE 4 nodes validation test case with the following characteristics
+- balanced load,
+ - power consumption on phases P1 = 2375 kW,
+ P2 = 1800 kW, and P3 = 1275 kW
+ - power factor on phases cosφ1 = 0.85,
+ cosφ2 = 0.9, and cosφ3 = 0.95
+- voltage step-up transformer (VPri=12.47 kV,
+VSec = 24.9kV),
+- Y-Y transformer
+end YY;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dd04db53f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests.Test4NodesFeeder;
+package UnbalancedStepUp "Package that contains the examples for unbalanced loads and step up transformer"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+This package contains examples for the IEEE 4 nodes test validation
+whith unbalanced load and step up in the voltage of the transformers.
+end UnbalancedStepUp;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99b37afbd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/UnbalancedStepUp/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf5727b2dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation.IEEETests;
+package Test4NodesFeeder "This package contains models for the IEEE 4 nodes test feeder"
+extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples that shows the validation of the models
+against the IEEE four-nodes test feeder validation procedure .
+The tests that are part of the validation certify the capability to represent
+transformers of various configurations, full three-phase lines, and unbalanced loads.
+The figure shows the structure of the four-nodes network. The voltage
+source is connected to the load through two lines and a transformer. The validation procedure
+consists of mutliple tests in which the type of the load and the type of the transformer vary.
+The test cases that have been successfully implemented using the models of the
+Each example in this package is part of the validation tests.
+The examples have been grouped into sub-packages depending on the characteristics
+of the validation test. The table below summarizes the examples that are part of this
+ Transformer |
+ Load |
+ Gr Y - Gr Y Step Up |
+ Balanced |
+ Gr Y - D Step Up |
+ Balanced |
+ D - D Step Up |
+ Balanced |
+ Gr Y - Gr Y Step Down |
+ Balanced |
+ Gr Y - D Step Down |
+ Balanced |
+ D - D Step Down |
+ Balanced |
+ Gr Y - Gr Y Step Up |
+ Unbalanced |
+ Gr Y - D Step Up |
+ Unbalanced |
+ D - D Step Up |
+ Unbalanced |
+ Gr Y - Gr Y Step Down |
+ Unbalanced |
+ Gr Y - D Step Down |
+ Unbalanced |
+ D - D Step Down |
+ Unbalanced |
+For example Gr Y - D Step Up indicates that the transformer has a grounded Y connection at the primary
+side, and a D connection at the secondary side. Step up indicates that the voltage at the secondary
+side is higher than the primary side.
+Each test listed in the table produces results that differ from the reference IEEE values by
+less than 0.05%, which is the threshold defined by IEEE to determine whether results should be accepted or not.
+Kersting, William H.
+Radial distribution test feeders
+Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting (2) p. 908-912, 2001. IEEE
+", revisions="
+October 8, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end Test4NodesFeeder;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9893808af1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/Test4NodesFeeder/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b78dfa4a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced.Validation;
+package IEEETests "This package contains models of the IEEE tests for feeders"
+extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples based on IEEE tests.
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end IEEETests;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74bf159f20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/IEEETests/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95795a0122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesUnbalanced;
+package Validation "Package with validation examples and tests for the AC three-phase unbalanced models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the validation of models that can be found in
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end Validation;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d88d1a6cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/Validation/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..789162b2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.AC;
+package ThreePhasesUnbalanced "Three phases unbalanced AC systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+Package with models for alternate current (AC) three phase unbalanced systems.
+The models in this package use the models of the package
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.OnePhase to fully describe the three-phase.
+The models that are part of this package assume by default 480 V
+as the nominal RMS phase to phase voltage. This default can be changed.
+In this package the voltage phasors are measured using the convention shown below.
+The phase to phase RMS voltages are by default 480 V,
+which is equal to sqrt(3)
times the
+phase to neutral voltage V, which is 277.13 V.
+In this package the voltage phasors are measured using the convention shown above.
+The phase to phase RMS voltage equal to 480 V, is equal to sqrt(3)
times the
+phase to neutral voltage V that is equal to 277.13 V.
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end ThreePhasesUnbalanced;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43372ff740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/ThreePhasesUnbalanced/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea707cd1ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical;
+package AC "Package for electrical systems in which the frequency is modeled as quasi-stationary"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+package UsersGuide "User's Guide"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Information;
+ annotation (preferredView="info",
+The package
+models alternate current electrical systems.
+Modeling assumptions
+The package IBPSA.Electrical.AC contains
+component models for AC systems. The mathematics that describes AC systems is contained in the package
+in which n = 2
and m = 1
. The AC models that are part of the library can use two different assumptions.
+The first assumption is that the frequency is modeled as quasi-stationary, assuming a perfect sine
+wave with no higher harmonics. Voltages and currents are considered as sine waves and just their
+amplitudes and phase shifts are taken into account during the analysis.
+With such an assumption, electric quantities can be represented with a phasor, i.e., a vector
+in the complex plane.
+The second assumption is the so-called dynamic phasorial representation. The basic idea of the
+dynamic phasorial representation is to account for dynamic variations of the amplitude and
+the angle of the phasors. With such an approach, it is possible to analyze faster dynamics
+without directly representing all the electromagnetic effects and high-order harmonics
+(for more details, see Stankovic Et Al. 1999, and
+Stankovic A.M. and Aydin T.).
+Phasorial representation
+Both the quasi-stationary and the dynamic phasors represent electric
+quantities such as voltages and currents using phasors.
+The phasors are described by complex numbers that internally are represented as a vector
+with two components. The vectors can be represented in the so called Argand plane where on the x-axis
+are represented Real numbers while on the y-axis imaginary numbers.
+With such a representation the complex voltages, currents, and powers are represented as
+V = VRe + j VIm,
+I = IRe + j IIm,
+S = P + j Q,
+The images below shows how the complex power vector S
+changes depending on the type of load.
+where the subscripts indicates a
+- R - purely resistive load
+- L - purely inductive load
+- C - purely capacitive load
+- RL - resistive inductive load
+- RC - resistive capacitive load
+Reference angle for AC systems
+The AC connector has an additional vector that represents the
+reference angle theta[PhaseSystem.m]
. The reference angle is used, for example in the
+AC single phase systems to describe the phase angle of the reference voltage.
+This extra information in the connector makes it overdetermined
+because the number of effort variables is higher than the number of flow variables.
+The over-determined connectors are defined and used in such a way that a Modelica tool is able
+to remove the superfluous but consistent equations, arriving at a balanced set of equations based on a
+graph analysis of the connection structure. The models in the library uses constructs specified
+by the Modelica language to handle this situation, as described by Olsson et al. (2008).
+The reference angles are usually defined by the sources (e.g., voltage sources or generators) and
+their values need to be propagated to all the components connected to them.
+If more than one generator are connected to the same network, the Modelica tool is able to remove the superfluous equations,
+arriving at a balanced set of equations based on a graph analysis of the connection structure.
+The flags potentialReference
and definiteReference
are used to help the
+Modelica tool during the selection of the reference angle. If definiteReference = true
+then the reference angle of the source has to be used as reference, while if
+potentialReference = true
, the reference angle is used only if there are no
+definite sources defined.
+When a model is set as definite source an icon representing a phase angle is placed close to its
+electrical terminal.
+A.M. Stankovic, B.C. Lesieutre, T. Aydin; Modeling and analysis of single-pahse
+induction machines with dynamic phasors
+IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 14(1), Feb. 1999, pp. 9-14.
+A.M. Stankovic, T. Aydin; Analysis of asymmetrical faults in power systems using
+dynamic phasors
+IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 15(3), 2000, pp. 1062-1068 .
+Hans Olsson, Martin Otter, Sven Erik Mattson and Hilding Elmqvist.
+Balanced Models in Modelica 3.0 for Increased Model Quality.
+Proc. of the 7th Modelica Conference, Bielefeld, Germany, March 2008.
+end UsersGuide;
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={ Line(points={{-92,-10},{-80.7,24.2},{-73.5,43.1},{
+ -67.1,56.4},{-61.4,64.6},{-55.8,69.1},{-50.2,69.8},{-44.6,66.6},{-38.9,
+ 59.7},{-33.3,49.4},{-26.9,34.1},{-18.83,11.2},{-1.9,-40.8},{5.3,-60.2},
+ {11.7,-74.2},{17.3,-83.1},{23,-88.4},{28.6,-90},{34.2,-87.6},{39.9,
+ -81.5},{45.5,-71.9},{51.9,-57.2},{60,-34.8},{68,-10}}, color={0,0,
+ 0})}), Documentation(info="
+Package with models for alternating current (AC) systems.
+", revisions="
+August 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+end AC;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9dd383f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/AC/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/WindTurbine/PartialWindTurbine.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/WindTurbine/PartialWindTurbine.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46a38e045a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/WindTurbine/PartialWindTurbine.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.BaseClasses.WindTurbine;
+model PartialWindTurbine
+ "Partial model of a wind turbine with power output based on table as a function of wind speed"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.BaseClasses.WindTurbine.PartialWindTurbineBase;
+ replaceable package PhaseSystem =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem
+ constrainedby IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem
+ "Phase system"
+ annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal terminal(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystem) "Generalized terminal"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds per(
+ final tableOnFile=tableOnFile,
+ final table=cat(1, cat(1, [0, 0], table),
+ [vOut+10*Modelica.Constants.eps, 0;
+ vOut+20*Modelica.Constants.eps, 0]),
+ final tableName=tableName,
+ final fileName=fileName,
+ final columns=2:2,
+ final smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.LinearSegments)
+ "Performance table that maps wind speed to electrical power output"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,20},{-10,40}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gain(final k=scale)
+ "Gain, used to allow a user to easily scale the power"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{2,20},{22,40}})));
+ DC.Sources.BaseClasses.WindCorrection cor(
+ final h=h,
+ final hRef=hRef,
+ final n=nWin) "Correction for wind"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ origin={-50,30})));
+initial equation
+ assert(abs(table[1,2]) < Modelica.Constants.eps,
+ "First data point of performance table must be at cut-in wind speed,
+ and be equal to 0 Watts.
+ Received + " + String(table[1,1]) + " m/s with " + String(table[1,2]) + " Watts");
+ assert(gain.y>=0, "Wind power must be positive");
+ connect(per.y[1],gain. u) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-9,30},{0,30}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(vWin,cor. vRef) annotation (Line(
+ points={{1.77636e-15,120},{1.77636e-15,90},{-70,90},{-70,30},{-62.2,30}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(cor.vLoc,per. u) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-39,30},{-32,30}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(gain.y, P) annotation (Line(
+ points={{23,30},{60,30},{60,60},{110,60}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-100,102},{100,-98}},
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ fillColor={202,230,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{42,46},{46,-52}},
+ fillColor={233,233,233},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-42,14},{-38,-84}},
+ fillColor={233,233,233},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-44,12},{-26,-40},{-38,16},{-44,12}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-38,12},{8,46},{-42,18},{-38,12}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-42,12},{-90,40},{-38,18},{-42,12}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{40,44},{100,40},{42,50},{40,44}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-21,-17},{27,17},{-25,-11},{-21,-17}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={29,69},
+ rotation=90,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{24,-14},{-20,22},{26,-8},{24,-14}},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={32,20},
+ rotation=90,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-46,20},{-34,8}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{38,52},{50,40}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={222,222,222},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-42,134},{-20,108}},
+ textColor={0,0,127},
+ textString="v"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{100,100},{122,74}},
+ textColor={0,0,127},
+ textString="P")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+Model of a wind turbine whose power is computed as a function of wind-speed as defined in a table.
+Input to the model is the local wind speed.
+The model requires the specification of a table that maps wind speed in meters per second to generated
+power Pt in Watts.
+The model has a parameter called scale
with a default value of one
+that can be used to scale the power generated by the wind turbine.
+The generated electrical power is
+P = Pt scale
+For example, the following specification (with default scale=1
) of a wind turbine
+ WindTurbine_Table tur(
+ table=[3.5, 0;
+ 5.5, 100;
+ 12, 900;
+ 14, 1000;
+ 25, 1000]) \"Wind turbine\";
+yields the performance shown below. In this example, the cut-in wind speed is
+3.5 meters per second,
+and the cut-out wind speed is 25 meters per second,
+as entered by the first and last entry of the wind speed column.
+Below and above these wind speeds, the generated power is zero.
+", revisions="
+March 1, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed test for equality of Real
+This is for
+issue 493.
+January 10, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+October 31, 2013, by Marco Bonvini:
+Models included in the IBPSA library. Modified the information section.
+end PartialWindTurbine;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/WindTurbine/PartialWindTurbineBase.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/WindTurbine/PartialWindTurbineBase.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..918f85fa6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/WindTurbine/PartialWindTurbineBase.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.BaseClasses.WindTurbine;
+partial model PartialWindTurbineBase
+ "Base class for turbine model that contains basic parameters"
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Velocity vIn=table[1, 1]
+ "Cut-in steady wind speed";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Velocity vOut=table[size(table, 1), 1]
+ "Cut-out steady wind speed";
+ parameter Real scale(min=0)=1
+ "Scaling factor, used to allow adjusting the power output without changing the table";
+ parameter Real h "Height over ground"
+ annotation (Dialog(group="Wind correction"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Height hRef=10
+ "Reference height for wind measurement"
+ annotation (Dialog(group="Wind correction"));
+ parameter Real nWin(min=0) = 0.4
+ "Height exponent for wind profile calculation"
+ annotation (Dialog(group="Wind correction"));
+ parameter Boolean tableOnFile=false
+ "true, if table is defined on file or in function usertab";
+ parameter Real table[:,2]=
+ [3.5, 0;
+ 5.5, 0.1;
+ 12, 0.9;
+ 14, 1;
+ 25, 1]
+ "Table of generated power (first column is wind speed, second column is power)";
+ parameter String tableName="NoName"
+ "Table name on file or in function usertab (see documentation)";
+ parameter String fileName="NoName" "File where matrix is stored";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start=110)
+ "Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0)"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Nominal conditions"));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput vWin(unit="m/s") "Steady wind speed"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ origin={0,120},
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=270), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={0,120})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput P(unit="W") "Generated power"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{100,50},{120,70}})));
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This partial model contains the minimum set of parameters necessary to describe
+a wind turbine.
+The model defines also an output P
for the power generated by the wind turbine.
+", revisions="
+January 10, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end PartialWindTurbineBase;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/WindTurbine/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/WindTurbine/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..557c1282bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/WindTurbine/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.BaseClasses;
+package WindTurbine
+ annotation(preferredView="info",Documentation(info="
+This package contains base classes that are used model the WindTurbine models.
+June 9, 2023, by Laura Maier:
+Added documentation.
+end WindTurbine;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/WindTurbine/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/WindTurbine/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f87db0aa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/WindTurbine/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..489a26402a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical;
+package BaseClasses "Package with base classes for IBPSA.Electrical"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
+annotation (preferredView="info", Documentation(info="
+This package contains base classes that are used to construct the models in
+end BaseClasses;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf1431701e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/BaseClasses/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/DCDCConverter.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/DCDCConverter.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24be469d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/DCDCConverter.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Conversion;
+model DCDCConverter "DC DC converter"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialConversion(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VHigh
+ "DC voltage on side 1 of the transformer (primary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage VLow
+ "DC voltage on side 2 of the transformer (secondary side)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Efficiency eta(max=1) "Converter efficiency";
+ parameter Boolean ground_1 = true "Connect side 1 of converter to ground" annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 1"));
+ parameter Boolean ground_2 = true "Connect side 2 of converter to ground" annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab = "Ground", group="side 2"));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power LossPower "Loss power";
+ parameter Real conversionFactor = VLow/VHigh
+ "Ratio of high versus low voltage";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current i1;
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current i2;
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v1;
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v2;
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_p "Power at terminal p";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_n "Power at terminal n";
+ Connections.potentialRoot(terminal_n.theta);
+ Connections.potentialRoot(terminal_p.theta);
+ if not ground_1 then
+ i1 = 0;
+ else
+ v1 = 0;
+ end if;
+ if not ground_2 then
+ i2 = 0;
+ else
+ v2 = 0;
+ end if;
+ P_p = PhaseSystem_p.activePower(terminal_p.v, terminal_p.i);
+ P_n = PhaseSystem_n.activePower(terminal_n.v, terminal_n.i);
+ v1 = terminal_n.v[2];
+ v2 = terminal_p.v[2];
+ sum(terminal_n.i) + i1 = 0;
+ sum(terminal_p.i) + i2 = 0;
+ // Voltage relation
+ v_p = v_n*conversionFactor;
+ // OLD equations that take into account the power at the secondary
+ // power balance
+ // LossPower = (1-eta) * abs(P_p);
+ // P_n + P_p - LossPower = 0;
+ // Symmetric and linear version
+ LossPower = P_p + P_n;
+ if i_n >=0 then
+ i_p = i_n/conversionFactor/(eta - 2);
+ else
+ i_n = conversionFactor*i_p/(eta - 2);
+ end if;
+ annotation ( Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Line(
+ points={{2,100},{2,60},{82,60},{2,60},{82,-60},{2,-60},{2,60},{2,-100}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{30,54},{90,14}},
+ textColor={0,0,255},
+ textString="DC"),
+ Line(
+ points={{-2,100},{-2,60},{-82,60},{-2,60},{-82,-60},{-2,-60},{-2,60},
+ {-2,-100}},
+ color={85,170,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-88,54},{-28,14}},
+ textColor={85,170,255},
+ textString="DC"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,92},{100,60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,-60},{-2,-90}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%VHigh"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,-132}},
+ textColor={0,0,255},
+ textString="%eta"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-132,80},{-72,40}},
+ textColor={85,170,255},
+ textString="1"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{70,80},{130,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,255},
+ textString="2"),
+ Line(visible = (ground_1 == true),
+ points={{-120,-100},{-80,-100}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = (ground_1 == true),
+ points={{-112,-106},{-88,-106}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = (ground_1 == true),
+ points={{-106,-112},{-92,-112}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = (ground_1 == true),
+ points={{-100,-100},{-100,-12}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = (ground_2 == true),
+ points={{100,-100},{100,-12}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = (ground_2 == true),
+ points={{80,-100},{120,-100}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = (ground_2 == true),
+ points={{88,-106},{112,-106}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(visible = (ground_2 == true),
+ points={{94,-112},{108,-112}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{2,-60},{120,-90}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%VLow")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This is a DC/DC converter, based on a power balance between the two DC sides.
+The parameter conversionFactor defines the ratio between the two averaged DC voltages.
+The loss of the converter is proportional to the power transmitted at the second DC side.
+The parameter eta
is the efficiency of the transfer.
+The loss is computed as
+Ploss = (1-η) PDC,
+where PDC is the power transmitted. This model is symmetric and the power
+can be transmitted in both directions. The loss is computed depending on the direction
+of the power flow.
+", revisions="
+March 19, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed redeclaration of phase system in Terminal_n
as it is already declared to the be the same
+phase system, and it is not declared to be replaceable.
+This avoids a translation error in OpenModelica.
+June 2, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation. Changed parameter sof the model,
+now the user specify VHigh
and VLow
+instead of conversionFactor
+January 28, 2012, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+end DCDCConverter;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/Examples/DCDCConverter.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/Examples/DCDCConverter.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cf1c7aaa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/Examples/DCDCConverter.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Conversion.Examples;
+model DCDCConverter "Test model DC to DC converter"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Conductor resistor(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ P_nominal=-2000,
+ V_nominal=60) "Resistive load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{38,30},{58,50}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Sources.ConstantVoltage sou(V=120)
+ "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-90,-10},{-70,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Conversion.DCDCConverter conDCDC(
+ VHigh=120,
+ VLow=60,
+ eta=0.9,
+ i_n(start=0)) "DC/DC transformer"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,-10},{0,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Conductor conductor(mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ V_nominal=60,
+ P_nominal=10e3) "Variable resistive load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{38,-30},{58,-10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp varLoad_P(
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.3,
+ offset=-1000,
+ height=10000)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-30},{70,-10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen "Power sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
+ connect(varLoad_P.y, conductor.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{69,-20},{58,-20}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(conDCDC.terminal_p, resistor.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{4.44089e-16,0},{10,0},{10,40},{38,40}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(conDCDC.terminal_p, conductor.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{4.44089e-16,0},{10,0},{10,-20},{38,-20}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, sen.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-70,0},{-60,0}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, conDCDC.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,0},{-20,0}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0,Tolerance=1e-06),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model illustrates the use of a model that converts between DC voltages.
+ revisions="
+January 30, 2019, by Michael Wetter:
+Added start value.
+June 2, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+January 29, 2013, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/DC/Conversion/Examples/DCDCConverter.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(extent={{-140,-100},{100,140}})));
+end DCDCConverter;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc522d971e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Conversion;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..427cd314cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1029c2558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC;
+package Conversion "Package with models for DC/DC conversion"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains models for DC/DC conversion.
+AC/DC converters can be found in the respective AC package.
+end Conversion;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18c912e5fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Conversion/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Interfaces/Terminal_n.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Interfaces/Terminal_n.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcae2e66b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Interfaces/Terminal_n.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Interfaces;
+connector Terminal_n "Terminal n for DC electrical systems"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.TwoConductor);
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={ Polygon(
+ points={{-120,0},{0,-120},{120,0},{0,120},{-120,0}},
+ lineColor={0,0,255},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}), Documentation(info="
+Electric connector for DC electrical systems.
+end Terminal_n;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Interfaces/Terminal_p.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Interfaces/Terminal_p.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7269c1220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Interfaces/Terminal_p.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Interfaces;
+connector Terminal_p "Terminal p for DC electrical systems"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.TwoConductor);
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={ Polygon(
+ points={{-120,0},{0,-120},{120,0},{0,120},{-120,0}},
+ lineColor={0,0,255},
+ fillColor={0,0,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}), Documentation(info="
+Electric connector for DC electrical systems.
+end Terminal_p;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Interfaces/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Interfaces/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15af14fefb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Interfaces/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC;
+package Interfaces "Package with interfaces for DC electrical systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains connectors that are used by the models in the
+IBPSA.Electrical.DC package.
+The connectors extends the basic connectors
+and define a new graphical icon in order to be distinguished by connectors of other electrical systems (e.g. AC systems).
+end Interfaces;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Interfaces/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Interfaces/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d23ecfc486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Interfaces/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/DCLine.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/DCLine.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d183199dd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/DCLine.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Lines.Examples;
+model DCLine "Example model to test the DC lines"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Line line(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=100) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,0},{20,20}})));
+ Sources.ConstantVoltage E(V=50) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,0},{-60,20}})));
+ Line line1(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=100) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-20},{20,0}})));
+ Line line2(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=100) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-40},{20,-20}})));
+ Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground ground
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-90,-20},{-70,0}})));
+ Loads.Conductor load1(mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ linearized=false,
+ P_nominal=-50) "Variable load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,0},{60,20}})));
+ Loads.Conductor load2(
+ V_nominal=50,
+ linearized=false,
+ P_nominal=-150) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,-20},{60,0}})));
+ Loads.Conductor load3(
+ V_nominal=50,
+ linearized=false,
+ P_nominal=-200) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,-40},{60,-20}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp varLoad(
+ height=0.8,
+ duration=0.5,
+ offset=0.2,
+ startTime=0.3) "Load consumption profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{96,0},{76,20}})));
+ connect(E.terminal, line.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-4.44089e-16,10}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-30,10},{-30,-10},{0,-10}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{-30,10},{-30,-30},{0,-30}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load1.terminal, line.terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{40,10},{20,10}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, load2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{20,-10},{40,-10}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line2.terminal_p, load3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{20,-30},{40,-30}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(varLoad.y, load1.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{75,10},{60,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.n, ground.p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,10},{-80,0}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=1.0,Tolerance=1e-06),
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model is a simple test case that show how to use a line model
+and parametrize it using a commercial cable.
+end DCLine;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/DCLines.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/DCLines.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b4c7e17a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/DCLines.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Lines.Examples;
+model DCLines
+ "Example model to test the possible combinations between line and load models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ parameter Boolean linearLoads = false
+ "Flag that selects between linearized or nonlinear load models";
+ parameter Real L = 10 "Length of each cable";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power Sloads=load1.S[1] + load2.S[1] + load3.S[1] + load4.S[
+ 1] + load5.S[1] + load6.S[1] + load7.S[1] + load8.S[1] + load9.S[1] +
+ load10.S[1] "Sum of the power consumed by the loads";
+ Line line(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=L,
+ terminal_n(v(each start=0))) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-2,70},{18,90}})));
+ Sources.ConstantVoltage E(V=50) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-90,70},{-70,90}})));
+ Line line1(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=L) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-32,70},{-12,90}})));
+ Line line2(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=L) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-34,30},{-14,50}})));
+ Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground ground
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,50},{-80,70}})));
+ Loads.Conductor load1(mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ linearized=linearLoads,
+ P_nominal=-150) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,70},{50,90}})));
+ Loads.Conductor load2(
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input,
+ linearized=linearLoads,
+ P_nominal=-120) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,50},{50,70}})));
+ Loads.Conductor load3(
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input,
+ linearized=linearLoads,
+ P_nominal=-200) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,30},{50,50}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Trapezoid
+ varLoad1(
+ offset=0.4,
+ amplitude=0.6,
+ rising=600,
+ width=1000,
+ falling=800,
+ period=3600,
+ startTime=1800) "Power consumption profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{86,30},{66,50}})));
+ Loads.Conductor load4(
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input,
+ linearized=linearLoads,
+ P_nominal=-120) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,12},{50,32}})));
+ Line line3(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=L) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{2,30},{22,50}})));
+ Line line4(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=L) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,50},{20,70}})));
+ Line line5(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=L) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{2,12},{22,32}})));
+ Line line0(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=L) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-64,70},{-44,90}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Trapezoid
+ varLoad2(
+ startTime=1800,
+ amplitude=0.8,
+ rising=400,
+ width=1300,
+ falling=900,
+ period=4000,
+ offset=0.1) "Power consumption profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{86,70},{66,90}})));
+ Line line6(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=L) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-34,-10},{-14,10}})));
+ Loads.Conductor load5(
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input,
+ linearized=linearLoads,
+ P_nominal=-200) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-10},{50,10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Trapezoid
+ varLoad3(
+ amplitude=0.7,
+ rising=660,
+ width=900,
+ falling=300,
+ period=3700,
+ offset=0.3,
+ startTime=200) "Power consumption profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{86,-10},{66,10}})));
+ Loads.Conductor load6(
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input,
+ linearized=linearLoads,
+ P_nominal=-120) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-28},{50,-8}})));
+ Line line7(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=L) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{2,-10},{22,10}})));
+ Line line8(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=L) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{2,-28},{22,-8}})));
+ Line line9(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=L) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-34,-50},{-14,-30}})));
+ Loads.Conductor load7(
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input,
+ linearized=linearLoads,
+ P_nominal=-200) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-50},{50,-30}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Trapezoid
+ varLoad4(
+ rising=600,
+ width=1000,
+ falling=800,
+ period=3600,
+ amplitude=0.1,
+ offset=0.8,
+ startTime=3300) "Power consumption profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{86,-50},{66,-30}})));
+ Loads.Conductor load8(
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input,
+ linearized=linearLoads,
+ P_nominal=-120) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-68},{50,-48}})));
+ Line line10(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=L) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{2,-50},{22,-30}})));
+ Line line11(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=L) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{2,-68},{22,-48}})));
+ Line line12(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=L) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-34,-90},{-14,-70}})));
+ Loads.Conductor load9(
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input,
+ linearized=linearLoads,
+ P_nominal=-200) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-90},{50,-70}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Trapezoid
+ varLoad5(
+ falling=800,
+ amplitude=0.5,
+ rising=800,
+ width=800,
+ period=3000,
+ offset=0.5,
+ startTime=0) "Power consumption profile"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{86,-90},{66,-70}})));
+ Loads.Conductor load10(
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input,
+ linearized=linearLoads,
+ P_nominal=-120) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-108},{50,-88}})));
+ Line line13(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=L) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{2,-90},{22,-70}})));
+ Line line14(
+ P_nominal=500,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ mode=Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ commercialCable=Transmission.LowVoltageCables.PvcAl16(),
+ l=100) "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{2,-108},{22,-88}})));
+ connect(load1.terminal, line.terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,80},{18,80}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, line.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-12,80},{-2,80}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line2.terminal_p, line3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-14,40},{2,40}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line3.terminal_p, load3.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{22,40},{30,40}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line1.terminal_p, line4.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-12,80},{-6,80},{-6,60},{0,60}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line4.terminal_p, load2.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{20,60},{30,60}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load4.terminal, line5.terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,22},{22,22}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line5.terminal_n, line3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{2,22},{-8,22},{-8,40},{2,40}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.terminal, line0.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-70,80},{-64,80}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line0.terminal_p, line1.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-44,80},{-32,80}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(varLoad1.y, load3.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{65,40},{50,40}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(varLoad1.y, load4.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{65,40},{58,40},{58,22},{50,22}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(varLoad2.y, load1.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{65,80},{50,80}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(varLoad2.y, load2.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{65,80},{58,80},{58,60},{50,60}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line6.terminal_p,line7. terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-14,0},{2,0}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line7.terminal_p,load5. terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{22,0},{30,0}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load6.terminal,line8. terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,-18},{22,-18}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line8.terminal_n,line7. terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{2,-18},{-8,-18},{-8,0},{2,0}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(varLoad3.y,load5. y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{65,0},{50,0}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(varLoad3.y,load6. y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{65,0},{58,0},{58,-18},{50,-18}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line9.terminal_p, line10.terminal_n)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-14,-40},{2,-40}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line10.terminal_p, load7.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{22,-40},{30,-40}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load8.terminal, line11.terminal_p)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,-58},{22,-58}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line11.terminal_n, line10.terminal_n)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{2,-58},{-8,-58},{-8,-40},{2,-40}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(varLoad4.y,load7. y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{65,-40},{50,-40}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(varLoad4.y,load8. y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{65,-40},{58,-40},{58,-58},{50,-58}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line12.terminal_p, line13.terminal_n)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-14,-80},{2,-80}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line13.terminal_p, load9.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{22,-80},{30,-80}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(load10.terminal, line14.terminal_p)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,-98},{22,-98}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line14.terminal_n, line13.terminal_n)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{2,-98},{-8,-98},{-8,-80},{2,-80}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(varLoad5.y,load9. y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{65,-80},{50,-80}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(varLoad5.y, load10.y)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{65,-80},{58,-80},{58,-98},{50,-98}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line2.terminal_n, line4.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-34,40},{-34,60},{0,60}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line6.terminal_n, line3.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-34,0},{-34,22},{-8,22},{-8,40},{2,40}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line9.terminal_n, line7.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-34,-40},{-34,-18},{-8,-18},{-8,0},{2,0},{2,5.55112e-16}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(line12.terminal_n, line10.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-34,-80},{-34,-58},{-8,-58},{-8,-40},{2,-40}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(E.n, ground.p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-90,80},{-90,70}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (experiment(StopTime=4000,Tolerance=1e-06),
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model shows a DC grid with 10 loads and 16 cables.
+Each cable is of length l = 10 meters, a parameter that can be modified.
+Each load can be either be a full nonlinear model, or be replaced by the
+linearized version. The parameter linearLoads = false
+can be used to switch between linear and nonlinear implementation.
+This model can be used to test how the linearized loads are affected by the voltage drop
+caused by the lines. The longer the distance between the load and the source,
+the bigger is the voltage drop and thus the error introduced by the linearization.
+end DCLines;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/DCLinesLinearized.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/DCLinesLinearized.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03ea3d12d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/DCLinesLinearized.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Lines.Examples;
+model DCLinesLinearized
+ "Example model to test the possible combinations between line and load models"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Lines.Examples.DCLines(linearLoads = true);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This model is the linearized version of the model
+IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Lines.Examples.DCLines and
+can be used to test how the linearized loads are affected by the voltage drop
+caused by the lines. The longer the distance between the load and the source,
+the bigger is the voltage drop and thus the error introduced by the linearization.
+experiment(Tolerance=1e-06, StopTime=4000),
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end DCLinesLinearized;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/RCModel.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/RCModel.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4c7048909
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/RCModel.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Lines.Examples;
+model RCModel "Example model to test for the DC RC two port model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ TwoPortRCLine RC_ss(
+ C=1,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ R=8) "Line resistance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,10},{-10,30}})));
+ Sources.ConstantVoltage constantVoltage(V=50) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,10},{-40,30}})));
+ Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground ground
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-72,-16},{-52,4}})));
+ Loads.Resistor sc_ss(V_nominal=50, R=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,10},{50,30}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen_ss "Sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,10},{20,30}})));
+ TwoPortRCLine RC_dyn(
+ C=1,
+ V_nominal=50,
+ use_C=true,
+ R=8) "Line resistance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-28,-20},{-8,0}})));
+ Loads.Resistor sc_dyn(V_nominal=50, R=0) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{32,-20},{52,0}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen_dyn "Sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{2,-20},{22,0}})));
+ connect(ground.p, constantVoltage.n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-62,4},{-62,20},{-60,20}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(constantVoltage.terminal, RC_ss.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,20},{-30,20}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RC_ss.terminal_p, sen_ss.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,20},{0,20}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen_ss.terminal_p, sc_ss.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{20,20},{30,20}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(RC_dyn.terminal_p, sen_dyn.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-8,-10},{2,-10}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen_dyn.terminal_p, sc_dyn.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{22,-10},{32,-10}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(constantVoltage.terminal, RC_dyn.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,20},{-34,20},{-34,-10},{-28,-10}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (
+ __Dymola_Commands(file="modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/RCModel.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ experiment(StopTime=15.0,Tolerance=1e-06),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model shows how to use a two port resistance-capacitance model.
+The example also shows a comparison between the dynamic and steady state version model
+that can be selected by changing the boolean flag use_C
+In this example the RC connects an ideal constant voltage source with
+a short circuit. The steady state current value passing through the RC
+model depends just on the value of R.
+The RC model implement a T-model to represent the electric connection between the
+two connectors (see
+IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Lines.TwoPortRCLine for more details).
+The capacitance C see an equivalent Thevenin's resistance that is equal to
+REQ = 0.5 R and thus the time constant associated to the capacitance is
+τ = REQ C = 0.5 R C = 2 seconds,
+thus the duration of transient period is about 10 seconds.
+", revisions="
+June 4, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model, documentation and results for regression test.
+end RCModel;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/Resistance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/Resistance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a4822f010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/Resistance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Lines.Examples;
+model Resistance "Example model to test for the DC resistance two port model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ TwoPortResistance lineR(R=10) "Line resistance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-30,10},{-10,30}})));
+ Sources.ConstantVoltage constantVoltage(V=50) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,10},{-40,30}})));
+ Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground ground
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-72,-16},{-52,4}})));
+ Loads.Resistor short_circuit(V_nominal=50, R=0) "Short circuit load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,10},{50,30}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen "Power sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,10},{20,30}})));
+ connect(ground.p, constantVoltage.n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-62,4},{-62,20},{-60,20}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(constantVoltage.terminal, lineR.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,20},{-30,20}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(lineR.terminal_p, sen.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-10,20},{0,20}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, short_circuit.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{20,20},{30,20}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Documentation(info="
+This model shows how to use a two port resistance.
+In this example the resistance connects an ideal constant voltage source with
+a short circuit. The current flowing through the circuit depends just
+on the value of the two port resistance.
+", revisions="
+June 4, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model, documentation and results for regression test.
+experiment(Tolerance=1e-06, StopTime=1.0),
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end Resistance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f29018ddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Lines;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0af379de9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Line.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Line.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ecaa3a88f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/Line.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Lines;
+model Line "Model of a DC electrical line"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialLine(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p,
+ final modelMode=Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ commercialCable = IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.selectCable_low(P_nominal, V_nominal));
+ TwoPortRCLine lineRC(
+ final useHeatPort=true,
+ final R=R,
+ final V_nominal=V_nominal,
+ final T_ref=T_ref,
+ final M=M,
+ final C=C,
+ final use_C=use_C)
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,10},{10,-10}})));
+ connect(terminal_n, lineRC.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(lineRC.terminal_p, terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(cableTemp.port, lineRC.heatPort) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,22},{0,22},{0,10}},
+ color={191,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Icon(graphics={
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-70,10},{-50,-10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={96,107,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-60,10},{60,-10}},
+ fillColor={96,107,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ lineColor={0,0,0}),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{50,10},{70,-10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,128,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,0},{-90,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-60,10},{60,10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-60,-10},{60,-10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{96,0},{60,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+March 19, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed redeclaration of phase system in Terminal_n
as it is already declared to the be the same
+phase system, and it is not declared to be replaceable.
+This avoids a translation error in OpenModelica.
+June 2, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+October 31, 2013, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+", info="
+This model represents a DC cable. The model is based on
+and provides functionalities to parametrize the values of R and C either
+using commercial cables or using default values.
+end Line;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/TwoPortRCLine.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/TwoPortRCLine.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d6d5c1ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/TwoPortRCLine.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Lines;
+model TwoPortRCLine "Model of a two port DC resistance and capacity (T-model)"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialTwoPortRLC(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p,
+ final L=0);
+ parameter Boolean use_C = false
+ "Set to true to add a capacitance in the center of the line"
+ annotation(Dialog(tab="Model", group="Assumptions"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage Vc_start=V_nominal
+ "Initial value of the voltage of the capacitance in the middle of the line";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage Vc(start=Vc_start, stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)
+ "Voltage of the capacitor";
+initial equation
+ if C>0 and use_C then
+ Vc = Vc_start;
+ end if;
+ terminal_p.v[1] - (Vc+terminal_p.v[2]) = terminal_p.i[1]*R_actual/2;
+ terminal_n.v[1] - (Vc+terminal_p.v[2]) = terminal_n.i[1]*R_actual/2;
+ if C>0 and use_C then
+ C*der(Vc) = terminal_p.i[1] + terminal_n.i[1];
+ else
+ Vc = 0.5*(terminal_p.v[1] - terminal_p.v[2] + terminal_n.v[1] - terminal_n.v[2]);
+ end if;
+ terminal_p.v[2] = terminal_n.v[2];
+ terminal_p.i[2] + terminal_n.i[2] = 0;
+ // Joule losses
+ LossPower = R_actual/2*terminal_p.i[1]^2 + R_actual/2*terminal_n.i[1]^2;
+ annotation (Diagram(graphics={
+ Rectangle(extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}}, lineColor={0,0,255}),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
+ Line(points={{70,0},{90,0}}, color={0,0,255})}), Icon(
+ coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-144,97},{156,57}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
+ Line(points={{70,0},{90,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-70,32},{70,-28}},
+ lineColor={0,0,255},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model represents a series of two resistances and a capacitance that connect two DC interfaces.
+This model can be used to represent a cable in a DC grid.
+The model represents the lumped resistances and capacity (T-model) as shown in the figure below.
+As can be seen in the figure, the resistance R is split in two halves
+and the capacitance is located in the center.
+The capacitance in the center is optional and can be selected using the
+boolean flag use_C = true
. The model is either dynamic or static depending on the
+presence of the capacitive effect.
+", revisions="
+March 19, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed redeclaration of phase system in Terminal_n
as it is already declared to the be the same
+phase system, and it is not declared to be replaceable.
+This avoids a translation error in OpenModelica.
+March 10, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added initial equation and parameter Vc_start
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added equation that represents Joule losses
+June 2, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+October 31, 2013, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+end TwoPortRCLine;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/TwoPortResistance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/TwoPortResistance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29b206e271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/TwoPortResistance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Lines;
+model TwoPortResistance "Model of a two port DC resistance"
+ extends
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialTwoPortResistance(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p);
+ // Voltage drop on the resistance lumped on connection between terminals
+ // p.v[1] and n.v[1]
+ terminal_p.v[1] - terminal_n.v[1] = terminal_p.i[1]*R_actual;
+ terminal_p.v[2] = terminal_n.v[2];
+ // Joule losses
+ LossPower = R_actual*terminal_p.i[1]^2;
+ annotation (Diagram(graphics={
+ Rectangle(extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}}, lineColor={0,0,255}),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
+ Line(points={{70,0},{90,0}}, color={0,0,255})}), Icon(
+ coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-144,97},{156,57}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-142,-30},{144,-62}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="R=%R"),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
+ Line(points={{70,0},{90,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,255},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This model represents a resistance that connect two DC interfaces. This model can be used
+to represent a cable in a DC grid.
+The model represents the lumped resistance as shown in the figure below.
+", revisions="
+March 19, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed redeclaration of phase system in Terminal_n
as it is already declared to the be the same
+phase system, and it is not declared to be replaceable.
+This avoids a translation error in OpenModelica.
+January 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added equation that represents Joule losses
+June 2, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+October 31, 2013, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+end TwoPortResistance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9a660bb24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC;
+package Lines "Package with models for DC electrical lines"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+annotation (Icon(graphics={
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,8},{16,-28}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{28,8},{-54,8},{-64,8},{-72,-10},{-64,-28},{-52,-28},{28,-28}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,-10},{-88,-10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{54,-10},{28,-10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}), Documentation(info="
+This package contains models for lines for DC circuits.
+end Lines;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f10e753a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Lines/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Conductor.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Conductor.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbe93dffdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Conductor.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads;
+model Conductor "Model of a generic DC load"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.ResistiveLoad(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal);
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage absDV
+ "Absolute value of the voltage difference between the two conductors (used by the linearized model)";
+ absDV = abs(terminal.v[1]-terminal.v[2]);
+ if linearized then
+ // Linearized version of the model
+ if absDV <= (8/9)*V_nominal then
+ terminal.i[1] + P*(2/(0.8*V_nominal) - (terminal.v[1]-terminal.v[2])/(0.8*V_nominal)^2) = 0;
+ elseif absDV >= (12/11)*V_nominal then
+ terminal.i[1] + P*(2/(1.2*V_nominal) - (terminal.v[1]-terminal.v[2])/(1.2*V_nominal)^2) = 0;
+ else
+ terminal.i[1] + P*(2/V_nominal - (terminal.v[1]-terminal.v[2])/V_nominal^2) = 0;
+ end if;
+ else
+ // Full nonlinear version of the model
+ // PhaseSystem.activePower(terminal.v, terminal.i) + P = 0;
+ if initMode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.InitMode.zero_current then
+ i[1] = - homotopy(actual= P/(v[1] - v[2]), simplified= 0);
+ else
+ i[1] = - homotopy(actual= P/(v[1] - v[2]), simplified= P*(2/V_nominal - (v[1]-v[2])/V_nominal^2));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ // Since the connector is a two conductor, the sum of the currents at the terminal
+ // is null
+ sum(i) = 0;
+ annotation (
+ Documentation(info="
+Model of a generic DC load. The load can be either constant or variable depending on the value of the
+parameter mode
+See the model IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Load
+for more information.
+The model computes the current drawn from the load as
+P = V i,
+where P is the power, V is the voltage and i is the current.
+If the component consumes power, then P < 0.
+If it feeds power into the electrical grid, then P > 0.
+Consider the simple DC circuit shown in the figure below
+where VS is a constant voltage source, and R is the line resistance.
+The load has a voltage V across its electrical pins and a current i is flowing through it.
+If the power consumption drawn by the load is prescribed by the variable PLOAD,
+ the equation that describes the circuit is
+VS - R i - PLOAD/i = 0
+The unknown variable i appears in a nonlinear equation. This means that in order to compute the current
+that is drawn by the load, a nonlinear equation has to be solved. If the number of loads increases (as typically
+happens in real case examples) the number of nonlinear equations to be solved increases too, and the resulting system
+of nonlinear equations can slow down the simulation. It is possible to avoid such a problem by introducing a linearized
+The first step to linearize the load model is to define its nominal voltage conditions Vnom,
+around which the equations will be linearized.
+The constitutive equation of the load can be linearized around the nominal voltage condition Vnom as
+i = PLOAD/V = PLOAD/Vnom +
+(V - Vnom)[∂ (PLOAD/V)/ ∂V ]V = Vnom
++ ₒ((V - Vnom)2),
+which leads to the linearized formulation
+i ≃ PLOAD (2/Vnom - V/Vnom2).
+The linearized formulation approximates the load power consumption (or production),
+with the approximation error being proportional to (V - Vnom)2.
+A further approximation has been introduced to improve the
+approximation of the linearized model even if the voltage is far from the nominal condition.
+This piecewise linearized approximation instead of approximating the model just in the neighborhood of the nominal
+voltage Vnom introduces two new points where the model is approximated.
+The points are at 0.8 Vnom and 1.2 Vnom.
+Equation | Condition |
+i ≃ PLOAD (2/(0.8 Vnom) - V/(0.8 Vnom2)) |
+V < 8/9⋅ Vnom |
+i ≃ PLOAD (2/(1.2 Vnom) - V/(1.2 Vnom2)) |
+V ≥ 12/11⋅ Vnom |
+i ≃ PLOAD (2/Vnom - V/Vnom2) |
+Otherwise |
+", revisions="
+- May 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Changed parent class to
+IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.ResistiveLoad in order
+to help openmodelica parsing the model. This fixes issue
+- June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Adde parameter initMode
that can be used to
+select the assumption to be used during initialization phase
+by the homotopy operator.
+February 1, 2013, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+January 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added linearized version of the model.
+May 28, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added and revised documentation.
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=true,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
+ grid={2,2}), graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ lineColor={0,0,255}),
+ Rectangle(extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}}, lineColor={0,0,255}),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-152,87},{148,47}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-144,-38},{142,-70}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="G=%G")}),
+ Diagram(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
+ grid={2,2}), graphics={
+ Line(points={{-96,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
+ Line(points={{70,0},{96,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
+ Rectangle(extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}}, lineColor={0,0,255})}));
+end Conductor;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/LinearizedLoad.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/LinearizedLoad.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ae57b5627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/LinearizedLoad.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Examples;
+model LinearizedLoad "Example model to check the linearized load model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Real error = (sen_nlin.P - sen_lin.P)*100/sen_nlin.P
+ "Percentage of error between the linearized and actual power consumption";
+ Real deltaV = LinearLoad.V_nominal - sen_lin.V
+ "Voltage distance between nominal condition and actual voltage";
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Conductor NonlinearLoad(
+ linearized=false,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ V_nominal=100,
+ P_nominal=0) "Nonlinear load model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-40},{50,-20}})));
+ Sources.ConstantVoltage sou(V=100) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-90,-10},{-70,10}})));
+ Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground gro "Ground"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-32},{-80,-12}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance Rline1(R=2) "Line resistance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-50,-40},{-30,-20}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen_nlin "Sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-40},{10,-20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Conductor LinearLoad(
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input,
+ V_nominal=100,
+ linearized=true,
+ P_nominal=0) "Linearized load model"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,20},{50,40}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen_lin "Sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,20},{10,40}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance Rline2(R=2) "Line resistance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-50,20},{-30,40}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp ramp(
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.2,
+ offset=-50,
+ height=-950) "Power consumption"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{70,10}})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, Rline1.terminal_n)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-70,0},{-60,0},{-60,-30},{-50,-30}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline1.terminal_p, sen_nlin.terminal_n)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-30,-30},{-10,-30}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen_nlin.terminal_p, NonlinearLoad.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{10,-30},{30,-30}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(LinearLoad.terminal, sen_lin.terminal_p)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{30,30},{10,30}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.n, gro.p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-90,0},{-90,-12}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, Rline2.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-70,0},{-60,0},{-60,30},{-50,30}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(Rline2.terminal_p, sen_lin.terminal_n)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-30,30},{-10,30}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(LinearLoad.Pow, ramp.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{50,30},{60,30},{60,6.66134e-16},{69,6.66134e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(NonlinearLoad.Pow, ramp.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{50,-30},{60,-30},{60,6.66134e-16},{69,6.66134e-16}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-06),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/LinearizedLoad.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates the use of a linealized load model IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Conductor.
+Both loads are connected to the same DC voltage source through a resistive element that represents a line. The loads consume the same amount of power that is specified by the input ramp signal.
+The nonlinear conductor model NonlinearLoad
consumes exactly the amount of power specified by the input NonlinearLoad.Pow
+The linearized conductor model LinearizedLoad
does not consumes the amount of power specified by the input LinearizedLoad.Pow
. The voltage at the load deviates from the nominal value when the power consumption increases. Since the model is approximated in a neighbor of the nominal voltage, moving from that point introduces approximation errors. The plot below shows the error introduced with such an approximation.
+The linearized load is tested over a voltage variation of about 30 % of the nominal voltage and within this range
+the maximum error is 1.23457 % that occurs when the voltage deviation is 11.11 %.
+", revisions="
+June 2, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+August 16, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end LinearizedLoad;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/Resistor.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/Resistor.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b63ce7bdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/Resistor.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Examples;
+model Resistor "Example model for resistor"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Resistor res2(R=2, V_nominal=12) "Resistor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,20},{60,40}})));
+ Sources.ConstantVoltage sou(V=12) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,20},{-60,40}})));
+ Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground gro "Ground"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-90,-2},{-70,18}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance res(R=2) "Line resistance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,20},{-20,40}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen "Sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,20},{20,40}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Resistor res1(R=2, V_nominal=12) "Resistor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,50},{60,70}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen1 "Sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,50},{20,70}})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, res.terminal_n)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,30},{-40,30}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(res.terminal_p, sen.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-20,30},{0,30}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p,res2. terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{20,30},{40,30}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(res1.terminal, sen1.terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{40,60},{20,60}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen1.terminal_n, res.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{0,60},{-40,60},{-40,30}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.n, gro.p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,30},{-80,18}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-06),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/Resistor.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example demonstrates the use of the resistor model.
+", revisions="
+August 16, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end Resistor;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/VariableLoad.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/VariableLoad.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbd760c99a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/VariableLoad.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Examples;
+model VariableLoad "Example using variable loads models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Conductor loa1(
+ V_nominal=12,
+ linearized=false,
+ P_nominal=-50) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,40},{60,60}})));
+ Sources.ConstantVoltage sou(V=12) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,20},{-60,40}})));
+ Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground gro "Ground"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-90,-2},{-70,18}})));
+ Conductor loa2( mode=Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input,
+ V_nominal=12,
+ P_nominal=-50) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,0},{20,20}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp varLoad_y(
+ height=0.8,
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.3,
+ offset=0) "Power signal"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,0},{40,20}})));
+ Conductor loa3(
+ V_nominal=12,
+ P_nominal=0,
+ mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input) "Load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-40},{20,-20}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp varLoad_P(
+ duration=0.5,
+ startTime=0.3,
+ height=120,
+ offset=-20) "Power signal"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,-40},{40,-20}})));
+ Lines.TwoPortResistance res(R=0.1) "Line resistance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-32,40},{-12,60}})));
+ Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen "Sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,40},{20,60}})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, loa2.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,30},{-40,30},{-40,10},{-4.44089e-16,10}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(varLoad_y.y, loa2.y) annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,10},{20,10}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, loa3.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,30},{-40,30},{-40,-30},{-4.44089e-16,-30}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(varLoad_P.y, loa3.Pow) annotation (Line(
+ points={{39,-30},{20,-30}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, res.terminal_n)
+ annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,30},{-40,30},{-40,50},{-32,50}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(res.terminal_p, sen.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-12,50},{0,50}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, loa1.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{20,50},{40,50}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.n, gro.p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-80,30},{-80,18}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0, Tolerance=1e-06),
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/VariableLoad.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Documentation(info="
+This example shows how to use three different types of load models.
+Each load is of type
+The first load loa1
consumes a constant amount of power.
+The second and the third loads (loa2
and loa3
) consume a variable amount of power.
+The load loa2
has a variable input y
between 0 and 1 that specifies the portion of
+nominal power that is consumed.
+The load loa3
has a variable input Pow
that represents the actual power consumed
+(or produced) by the load.
+", revisions="
+June 2, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end VariableLoad;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f51a3fcea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..815b57469d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Resistor.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Resistor.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d12c94d174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/Resistor.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads;
+model Resistor "Ideal linear electrical resistor"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.ResistiveLoad(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal,
+ final mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ final P_nominal=V_nominal^2/max(R, Modelica.Constants.small));
+ extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(T = T_ref);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R(start=1)
+ "Resistance at temperature T_ref";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature T_ref=300.15 "Reference temperature";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.LinearTemperatureCoefficient alpha=0
+ "Temperature coefficient of resistance (R_actual = R*(1 + alpha*(T_heatPort - T_ref))";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R_actual
+ "Actual resistance = R*(1 + alpha*(T_heatPort - T_ref))";
+ assert((1 + alpha*(T_heatPort - T_ref)) >= Modelica.Constants.eps, "Temperature outside of scope of model");
+ R_actual = R*(1 + alpha*(T_heatPort - T_ref));
+ PhaseSystem.systemVoltage(v) = R_actual*PhaseSystem.systemCurrent(i);
+ LossPower = PhaseSystem.activePower(v,i);
+ sum(i) = 0;
+ annotation (
+ Documentation(info="
+Model of a linear DC resistor that can vary with respect to temperature.
+The model implements the Ohm's law
+V = R(T) i.
+The resistance R(T) varies depending on the temperature T as
+R(T) = R (1 + α (T - Tref)),
+where the resistance R is the reference value of the resistance, α is the
+linear temperature coefficient, and Tref is the reference temperature.
+The temperature T is the temperature of the heat port if useHeatPort = true
+ revisions="
+- November 3, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Set default value for P_nominal
to avoid an error when translating
+the model in Dymola's pedantic mode.
+- May 14, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Changed parent class to
+IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.ResistiveLoad in order
+to help openmodelica parsing the model. This fixes issue
+February 1, 2013, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+May 28, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=true,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
+ grid={2,2}), graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,255},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-144,-40},{142,-72}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="R=%R"),
+ Line(
+ visible=useHeatPort,
+ points={{0,-100},{0,-30}},
+ color={127,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ pattern=LinePattern.Dot),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-152,87},{148,47}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Diagram(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=true,
+ extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
+ grid={2,2}), graphics={
+ Rectangle(extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}}, lineColor={0,0,255}),
+ Line(points={{-96,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,255})}));
+end Resistor;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6cf03d634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC;
+package Loads "Package with models for DC electrical loads"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains models that represent different types of DC loads.
+end Loads;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e5a266009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Loads/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/Examples/GeneralizedSensor.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/Examples/GeneralizedSensor.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e2200a7cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/Examples/GeneralizedSensor.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Sensors.Examples;
+model GeneralizedSensor "Example model for generalized sensor"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen "Power sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Conductor loa(V_nominal=120, P_nominal=120)
+ "Constant load"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,-10},{60,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Sources.ConstantVoltage sou(V=120) "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-50,-10},{-30,10}})));
+ Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground ground
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-32},{-40,-12}})));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, loa.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(points={{10,0},{40,0}}, smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_n, sou.terminal)
+ annotation (Line(points={{-10,0},{-30,0}}, smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.n, ground.p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-50,0},{-50,-12}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( experiment(StopTime=1.0,Tolerance=1e-06),
+ Documentation(
+ info="
+This example illustrates the use of the generalized sensor.
+July 24, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/DC/Sensors/Examples/GeneralizedSensor.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"));
+end GeneralizedSensor;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b33931b3e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Sensors;
+package Examples "Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (preferredView="info", Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b638efa963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/GeneralizedSensor.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/GeneralizedSensor.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25efccc657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/GeneralizedSensor.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Sensors;
+model GeneralizedSensor "Sensor for power, voltage and current"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Icons.GeneralizedSensor;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialTwoPort(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_p = PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem_n = PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_n terminal_n,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal_p);
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput V(final quantity="ElectricPotential",
+ final unit="V") "Voltage"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={0,-50}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={0,-90})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput I(final quantity="ElectricCurrent",
+ final unit="A") "Current"
+ annotation (Placement(
+ transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={60,-50}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={60,-90})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput P(
+ final quantity="Power",
+ final unit="W") "Power" annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={-60,-50}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={-60,-90})));
+ Connections.branch(terminal_p.theta, terminal_n.theta);
+ terminal_p.theta = terminal_n.theta;
+ V = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.TwoConductor.systemVoltage(terminal_n.v);
+ I = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.TwoConductor.systemCurrent(terminal_n.i);
+ P = IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.TwoConductor.activePower(v=terminal_n.v, i=terminal_n.i);
+ connect(terminal_n, terminal_p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-100,0},{100,0}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (defaultComponentName="sen",
+ Documentation(info="
+Ideal sensor that measures power, voltage and current.
+The two components of the power S are the active and reactive power.
+As this sensor is configured to measure DC power, the reactive power is always zero.
+", revisions="
+January 12, 2019, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed wrong use of each
+March 19, 2015, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed redeclaration of phase system in Terminal_n
as it is already declared to the be the same
+phase system, and it is not declared to be replaceable.
+This avoids a translation error in OpenModelica.
+July 24, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+ Icon(graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-120,-42},{0,-82}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ lineThickness=1,
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="P")}));
+end GeneralizedSensor;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ecc8222d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC;
+package Sensors "Package with sensors for DC electrical systems"
+extends Modelica.Icons.SensorsPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains models for sensors for DC circuits.
+end Sensors;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2923d15c82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sensors/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/BaseClasses/WindCorrection.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/BaseClasses/WindCorrection.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31d9c49f0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/BaseClasses/WindCorrection.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Sources.BaseClasses;
+block WindCorrection "Block for wind correction"
+ extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Height h "Height over ground";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Height hRef
+ "Reference height for wind measurement";
+ parameter Real n(min=0) = 0.4 "Height exponent for wind profile calculation";
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput vLoc( unit="m/s")
+ "Wind velocity at the location"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{100,-10},{120,10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput vRef(unit="m/s")
+ "Wind velocity at the reference height"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-120,-10},{-100,10}}),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{-142,-20},{-102,20}})));
+ vLoc=vRef * (h / hRef)^n;
+ annotation (
+ defaultComponentName = "cor",
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-92,48},{-32,-50}},
+ textColor={0,128,255},
+ fillColor={85,170,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="vRef"),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{26,0},{6,20},{6,10},{-24,10},{-24,-10},{6,-10},{6,-20},{26,0}},
+ lineColor={0,128,255},
+ fillColor={85,170,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Text(
+ extent={{30,50},{90,-48}},
+ textColor={0,128,0},
+ fillColor={85,170,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="vLoc")}),Documentation(info="
+This model calculates the wind velocity at the location as a function of the height over ground.
+The equation is based on Gash (1991).
+The model computes the wind velocity vLoc as
+vLoc = vRef * (h / hRef)n
+where vRef is the wind velocity at the reference height, h is the height over ground, hRef
+is the reference height, and n is the height exponent for wind calculation.
+Gasch, R. 1991. Windkraftanlagen. Grundlagen und Entwurf (German). Teubner, Stuttgart.
+June 2, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+February 7, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed final
keyword for parameters to allow users to adjust them,
+and removed default value for h
+February 1, 2013, by Thierry S. Nouidui:
+First implementation.
+end WindCorrection;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/BaseClasses/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/BaseClasses/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..223f8a5490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/BaseClasses/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Sources;
+package BaseClasses "Package with base classes for DC sources"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains base classes that are used to construct the models in
+end BaseClasses;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/BaseClasses/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/BaseClasses/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7efbc807b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/BaseClasses/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/ConstantVoltage.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/ConstantVoltage.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..380fc626a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/ConstantVoltage.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Sources;
+model ConstantVoltage "Model of a constant DC voltage source"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Source(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal,
+ final potentialReference=true,
+ final definiteReference=false);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V(start=1) "Value of constant voltage";
+ Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.NegativePin n "Negative pin"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ terminal.v[1] = V;
+ terminal.v[2] = n.v;
+ sum(terminal.i) + n.i = 0;
+ annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={
+ Line(points={{-40,0},{40,0}}, color={0,0,0},
+ origin={10,0},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(points={{0,26},{0,-54}}, color={0,0,0},
+ origin={36,0},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(points={{0,46},{0,-34}}, color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-44,0},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(points={{-20,0},{20,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-10,0},
+ rotation=90),
+ Text(
+ extent={{50,70},{150,20}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="+"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{50,-12},{150,-62}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="-"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-150,60},{150,100}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="V=%V")}), Documentation(info="
+This model represents a simple DC voltage source with constant voltage.
+", revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Michael Wetter:
+Set final potentialReference=true
+final definiteReference=false
as this
+model is for a DC voltage.
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised documentation.
+end ConstantVoltage;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/Examples/VoltageSource.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/Examples/VoltageSource.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..490cfbbd27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/Examples/VoltageSource.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Sources.Examples;
+model VoltageSource "Example for the variable voltage source model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground ground
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-92,-40},{-72,-20}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Loads.Resistor res(R=0.5, V_nominal=12)
+ "Resistance"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{26,-10},{46,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Sources.VoltageSource sou "Voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-82,-10},{-62,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Lines.TwoPortResistance lin(R=0.5)
+ "Transmission line"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-52,-10},{-32,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Sensors.GeneralizedSensor sen "Sensor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-14,-10},{6,10}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine cosine(
+ phase=0,
+ f=1,
+ offset=12,
+ amplitude=3) "Variable voltage signal"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-120,-4},{-100,16}})));
+ connect(lin.terminal_p, sen.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-32,0},{-14,0}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.n, ground.p) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-82,0},{-82,-20}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sen.terminal_p, res.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{6,0},{26,0}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(sou.terminal, lin.terminal_n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-62,0},{-52,0}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(cosine.y, sou.V_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-99,6},{-82,6}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-140,
+ -100},{100,140}}), graphics),
+ experiment(StopTime=1, Tolerance=1e-6),
+This model illustrates the use of the variable voltage source model.
+ revisions="
+October 14, 2012, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model and documentation.
+ __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/DC/Sources/Examples/VoltageSource.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ Icon(coordinateSystem(extent={{-140,-100},{100,140}})));
+end VoltageSource;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e2b02151a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Sources;
+package Examples "Package with example models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..800d45b3d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/VoltageSource.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/VoltageSource.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7994282b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/VoltageSource.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Sources;
+model VoltageSource "Model of a generoic DC voltage source"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.VariableVoltageSource(
+ V(start = 1),
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ redeclare Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal,
+ final potentialReference=true,
+ final definiteReference=false);
+ Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.NegativePin n "Negative pin"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ terminal.v[1] = V_in_internal;
+ terminal.v[2] = n.v;
+ sum(terminal.i) + n.i = 0;
+ annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={
+ Line(points={{-40,0},{40,0}}, color={0,0,0},
+ origin={10,0},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(points={{0,26},{0,-54}}, color={0,0,0},
+ origin={36,0},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(points={{0,46},{0,-34}}, color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-44,0},
+ rotation=90),
+ Line(points={{-20,0},{20,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-10,0},
+ rotation=90),
+ Text(
+ extent={{50,70},{150,20}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="+"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{50,-12},{150,-62}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="-"),
+ Text(visible = not use_V_in,
+ extent={{-150,60},{150,100}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="V=%V")}), Documentation(info="
+This model represents a simple DC voltage source with variable voltage.
+", revisions="
+October 14, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model and documentation.
+end VoltageSource;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79f0146fec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.DC;
+package Sources "Package with models for DC sources"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.SourcesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains models that represent different types of DC sources.
+end Sources;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44097be245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/Sources/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7954dfbb21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical;
+package DC "Package for analog direct current (DC) electrical circuits"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Package with models for direct current (DC) systems.
+The models contained in this package use the phase system IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.TwoConductor.
+", revisions="
+May 28, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+"), Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={
+ Line(
+ points={{-82,20},{58,20}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-82,-18},{-52,-18},{-42,-18}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-22,-18},{-2,-18},{-2,-18}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{18,-18},{48,-18},{58,-18}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}));
+end DC;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c45c7275c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/DC/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Icons/GeneralizedProbe.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Icons/GeneralizedProbe.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76d4fc6703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Icons/GeneralizedProbe.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Icons;
+partial class GeneralizedProbe
+ "Icon representing a generalized probe that measures voltage, and phase angle"
+ annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-40,30},{40,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ origin={1.77636e-15,-40},
+ rotation=90),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-0.48,33.6},{18,28},{18,59.2},{-0.48,33.6}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(points={{-37.6,15.7},{-54,22}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{-22.9,34.8},{-32,50}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{0,60},{0,42}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{22.9,34.8},{32,50}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{37.6,15.7},{54,24}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{0,2},{9.02,30.6}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-5,7},{5,-3}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-140,110},{140,70}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}), Documentation(info="
+This is the icon for a probe that measure voltage magnitude and phase.
+", revisions="
+June 6, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+end GeneralizedProbe;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Icons/GeneralizedSensor.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Icons/GeneralizedSensor.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06c86d972d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Icons/GeneralizedSensor.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Icons;
+partial class GeneralizedSensor
+ "Icon representing a generalized sensor that measures voltage, current and power"
+ annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-70,28},{70,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{-92,0},{-70,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Polygon(
+ points={{-0.48,33.6},{18,28},{18,59.2},{-0.48,33.6}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(points={{-37.6,15.7},{-54,22}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{-22.9,34.8},{-32,50}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{0,60},{0,42}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{22.9,34.8},{32,50}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{37.6,15.7},{54,24}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{0,2},{9.02,30.6}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-5,7},{5,-3}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{70,0},{92,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-60,-42},{60,-82}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ lineThickness=1,
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="V"),
+ Text(
+ extent={{0,-40},{120,-80}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ lineThickness=1,
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="I"), Text(
+ extent={{-140,110},{140,70}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}), Documentation(info="
+This is the icon for ideal sensors that measure power, voltage and current.
+", revisions="
+July 24, 2013, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end GeneralizedSensor;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Icons/RefAngleConversion.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Icons/RefAngleConversion.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53fe93b9c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Icons/RefAngleConversion.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Icons;
+partial model RefAngleConversion
+ "Icon that represents if the angle symble should be displayed or not"
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={
+ Line(visible = ground_2 == true,
+ points={{80,-40},{120,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(visible = ground_2 == true,
+ points={{80,-40},{106,-14}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(visible = ground_2 == true,
+ points={{102,-16},{114,-24},{118,-42}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(visible = ground_1 == true,
+ points={{-102,-16},{-114,-24},{-118,-42}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(visible = ground_1 == true,
+ points={{-80,-40},{-106,-14}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5),
+ Line(visible = ground_1 == true,
+ points={{-80,-40},{-120,-40}},
+ color={0,120,120},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ thickness=0.5)}), Documentation(info="
+This is the icon that conditionally draws the angle symbol for a
+conversion model (e.g., a transformer).
+", revisions="
+October 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+end RefAngleConversion;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Icons/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Icons/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3dce74006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Icons/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical;
+package Icons "This package contains icons used by the electric models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.IconsPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+Aug 28, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+Package that contains icons.
+end Icons;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Icons/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/Icons/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8b8852717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Icons/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/BaseTerminal.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/BaseTerminal.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cfc4238d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/BaseTerminal.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces;
+connector BaseTerminal "Empty connector used by partial models"
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This empty connector represents the base class extended by every electric connector of type
+", revisions="
+May 15, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created documentation.
+end BaseTerminal;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/CapacitiveLoad.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/CapacitiveLoad.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34f30249d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/CapacitiveLoad.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces;
+partial model CapacitiveLoad "Partial model of a capacitive load"
+ extends Load;
+ parameter Boolean use_pf_in = false "If true, the power factor is defined by an input"
+ annotation(Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ parameter Real pf(min=0, max=1) = 0.8 "Power factor"
+ annotation(Dialog(group="Nominal conditions"));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_in(
+ min=0,
+ max=1,
+ unit="1") if (use_pf_in) "Power factor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={100,60}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={100,60})));
+ function j = PhaseSystem.j "J operator that rotates of 90 degrees";
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_internal
+ "Hidden value of the input load for the conditional connector";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.ElectricCharge q[2](each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)
+ "Electric charge";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Admittance[2] Y "Admittance";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.AngularVelocity omega "Angular velocity";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power Q=P*tan(-acos(pf_internal))
+ "Reactive power (negative because capacitive load)";
+ connect(pf_in, pf_internal);
+ if not use_pf_in then
+ pf_internal = pf;
+ end if;
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+June 06, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added power factor input pf_in
and updated documentation.
+May 15, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created documentation.
+October 31, 2013, by Marco Bonvini:
+Model included into the IBPSA library.
+", info="
+This is a model of a generic capacitive load. This model is an extension of the base load model
+This model assumes a fixed power factor pf
when the flag use_pf_in = false
+otherwise it uses the power factor specified by the input pf_in
+The power factor (either the input or the parameter) is used to compute the reactive power
given the active power P
+Q = - P * tan(arccos(pf))
+end CapacitiveLoad;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/Ground.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/Ground.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a85ff530c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/Ground.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces;
+model Ground "Generalized model of a ground connection."
+ replaceable package PhaseSystem =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem constrainedby
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem "Phase system"
+ annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal terminal(
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystem) "Generalized terminal"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-8,92},{8,108}}),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{-8,92},{8,108}})));
+ terminal.v = zeros(PhaseSystem.n);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Given a generic electric connector
+IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal this
+model imposes the following condition on the voltage V[PhaseSystem.n]
+V = 0,
+where 0 is a null vector of length PhaseSystem.n
+", revisions="
+May 15, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created documentation.
+end Ground;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/Impedance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/Impedance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c251a736a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/Impedance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces;
+model Impedance "Partial model representing a generalized impedance"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Load(
+ final linearized = false,
+ final mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ final P_nominal(fixed = true)=0,
+ final V_nominal(fixed = true)=1);
+ parameter Boolean inductive=true
+ "If true, the load is inductive, otherwise it is capacitive"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, choices(
+ choice=true "Inductive",
+ choice=false "Capacitive",
+ __Dymola_radioButtons=true));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R(
+ start=1,
+ min=0) = 1 "Resistance" annotation (Dialog(enable=not use_R_in));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance L(
+ start=0,
+ min=0) = 0 "Inductance"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=inductive and (not use_L_in)));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Capacitance C(
+ start=0,
+ min=0) = 0 "Capacitance"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=(not inductive) and (not use_C_in)));
+ parameter Boolean use_R_in = false "If true, R is specified by an input"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab = "Variable load", group="Resistance"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance RMin(
+ start=R,
+ min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e-4 "Minimum value of the resistance"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(
+ enable=use_R_in,
+ tab="Variable load",
+ group="Resistance"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance RMax(
+ start=R,
+ min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e2 "Maximum value of the resistance"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(
+ enable=use_R_in,
+ tab="Variable load",
+ group="Resistance"));
+ parameter Boolean use_C_in = false "If true, C is specified by an input"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab = "Variable load", group="Capacitance"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Capacitance CMin(
+ start=C,
+ min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e-4 "Minimum value of the capacitance"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(
+ enable=use_C_in,
+ tab="Variable load",
+ group="Capacitance"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Capacitance CMax(
+ start=C,
+ min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e2 "Maximum value of the capacitance"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(
+ enable=use_C_in,
+ tab="Variable load",
+ group="Capacitance"));
+ parameter Boolean use_L_in = false "If true, L is specified by an input"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab = "Variable load", group="Inductance"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance LMin(
+ start=L,
+ min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e-4 "Minimum value of the inductance"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(
+ enable=use_L_in,
+ tab="Variable load",
+ group="Inductance"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance LMax(
+ start=L,
+ min=Modelica.Constants.eps) = 1e2 "Maximum value of the inductance"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(
+ enable=use_L_in,
+ tab="Variable load",
+ group="Inductance"));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y_R(min=0, max=1) if use_R_in
+ "Input that sepecify variable R"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={-40,100})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y_C(min=0, max=1) if use_C_in
+ "Input that sepecify variable C"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={0,100})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y_L(min=0, max=1) if use_L_in
+ "Input that sepecify variable L"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={40,100})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput y_R_internal
+ "Internal signal used to compute the variable R_internal";
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput y_C_internal
+ "Internal signal used to compute the variable C_internal";
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput y_L_internal
+ "Internal signal used to compute the variable L_internal";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R_internal
+ "Actual resistance used to compute the impedance";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance L_internal
+ "Actual inductance used to compute the impedance";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Capacitance C_internal
+ "Actual capacitance used to compute the impedance";
+ // These assertions ensures that if the variable R, L or C is computed using the inputs
+ // the parameters min and max are sorted
+ assert((not use_R_in) or RMin < RMax, "The value of RMin has to be lower than RMax");
+ assert((not use_L_in) or LMin < LMax, "The value of Lmin has to be lower than Lmax");
+ assert((not use_C_in) or CMin < CMax, "The value of Cmin has to be lower than Cmax");
+ // Connections to internal connectors
+ connect(y_R, y_R_internal);
+ connect(y_C, y_C_internal);
+ connect(y_L, y_L_internal);
+ // Default assignment when connectors are conditionally removed
+ if not use_R_in then
+ y_R_internal = 0;
+ end if;
+ if not use_C_in then
+ y_C_internal = 0;
+ end if;
+ if not use_L_in then
+ y_L_internal = 0;
+ end if;
+ // Retrieve the value of the R,L,C either if fixed or
+ // varying
+ if not use_R_in then
+ R_internal = R;
+ else
+ R_internal = RMin + y_R_internal*(RMax - RMin);
+ end if;
+ if not use_C_in then
+ C_internal = C;
+ else
+ C_internal = CMin + y_C_internal*(CMax - CMin);
+ end if;
+ if not use_L_in then
+ L_internal = L;
+ else
+ L_internal = LMin + y_L_internal*(LMax - LMin);
+ end if;
+ annotation ( Documentation(info="
+This model represents a generalized interface for an impedance.
+The model has a single generalized electric terminal of type
+that can be redeclared.
+The impedance can be of different types:
+- resistive,
+- inductive,
+- resistive and inductive,
+- capacitive, and
+- resistive and capacitive.
+The values of the resistance R
, capacitance C
+inductance L
can be
+specified as parameters of the model.
+The values of the resistance R
, capacitance C
+and inductance L
can also be
+specified by using the input variables y_R
, y_C
+and y_L
that are Real values between [0,1].
+These input values are enabled by the boolean flags use_R_in
, and
+If the flag use_R_in = true
, the value of R
is computed as
+R = Rmin + yR (Rmax - Rmin)
+", revisions="
+May 15, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created documentation.
+end Impedance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/InductiveLoad.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/InductiveLoad.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..062a6ac13d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/InductiveLoad.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces;
+partial model InductiveLoad "Partial model of an inductive load"
+ extends Load;
+ parameter Boolean use_pf_in = false "If true, the power factor is defined by an input"
+ annotation(Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ parameter Real pf(min=0, max=1) = 0.8 "Power factor"
+ annotation(Dialog(group="Nominal conditions"));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_in(
+ min=0,
+ max=1,
+ unit="1") if (use_pf_in) "Power factor"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={100,60}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={100,60})));
+ function j = PhaseSystem.j "J operator that rotates of 90 degrees";
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pf_internal
+ "Hidden value of the input load for the conditional connector";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.MagneticFlux psi[2](each stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer)
+ "Magnetic flux";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Impedance Z[2] "Impedance of the load";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.AngularVelocity omega "Angular frequency";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power Q=P*tan(acos(pf_internal))
+ "Reactive power (positive because inductive load)";
+ connect(pf_in, pf_internal);
+ if not use_pf_in then
+ pf_internal = pf;
+ end if;
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+June 06, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added power factor input pf_in
and updated documentation.
+May 15, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created documentation.
+October 31, 2013, by Marco Bonvini:
+Model included into the IBPSA library.
+", info="
+This is a model of a generic inductive load. This model is an extension of the base load model
+This model assumes a fixed power factor pf
when the flag use_pf_in = false
+otherwise it uses the power factor specified by the input pf_in
+The power factor (either the input or the parameter) is used to compute the reactive power
given the active power P
+Q = P tan(arccos(pf))
+end InductiveLoad;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/Load.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/Load.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7cd9dd0dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/Load.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces;
+model Load "Partial model for a generic load"
+ replaceable package PhaseSystem =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem constrainedby
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem "Phase system"
+ annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);
+ parameter Boolean linearized = false "If true, the load model is linearized"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true,Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load mode(
+ min=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state,
+ max=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input) = IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state
+ "Type of load model (e.g., steady state, dynamic, prescribed power consumption, etc.)"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Modeling assumption"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_nominal=0
+ "Nominal power (negative if consumed, positive if generated). Used if mode <> IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input"
+ annotation (Dialog(group="Nominal conditions", enable=mode <> IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start=110)
+ "Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0)" annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group=
+ "Nominal conditions", enable=(mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic
+ or linearized)));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.InitMode initMode(
+ min=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.InitMode.zero_current,
+ max=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.InitMode.linearized) = IBPSA.Electrical.Types.InitMode.zero_current
+ "Initialization mode for homotopy operator" annotation(Dialog(tab = "Initialization"));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v[:](start=PhaseSystem.phaseVoltages(V_nominal)) =
+ terminal.v "Voltage vector";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current i[:](each start=0) = terminal.i "Current vector";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power S[PhaseSystem.n]=PhaseSystem.phasePowers_vi(v, -i)
+ "Phase powers";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power P(start=0)
+ "Power of the load (negative if consumed, positive if fed into the electrical grid)";
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y(min=0, max=1, unit="1")
+ if (mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input)
+ "Fraction of the nominal power consumed" annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={100,0}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={100,0})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput Pow(unit="W")
+ if (mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input)
+ "Power consumed" annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={100,0}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={100,0})));
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal terminal(
+ redeclare replaceable package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystem)
+ "Generalized electric terminal"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-108,-8},{-92,8}}),
+ iconTransformation(extent={{-108,-8},{-92,8}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y_internal
+ "Hidden value of the input load for the conditional connector";
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput P_internal
+ "Hidden value of the input power for the conditional connector";
+ Real load(min=eps, max=1)
+ "Internal representation of control signal, used to avoid singularity";
+ constant Real eps = 1E-10
+ "Small number used to avoid a singularity if the power is zero";
+ constant Real oneEps = 1-eps
+ "Small number used to avoid a singularity if the power is zero";
+initial equation
+ if mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input then
+ assert(abs(P_nominal) < 1E-10, "*** Warning: P_nominal = " + String(P_nominal) + ", but this value will be ignored.",
+ AssertionLevel.warning);
+ end if;
+ assert(y_internal>=0 and y_internal<=1+eps, "The power load fraction P (input of the model) must be within [0,1]");
+ // Connection between the conditional and inner connector
+ connect(y,y_internal);
+ connect(Pow,P_internal);
+ // If the power is fixed, inner connector value is equal to 1
+ if mode==IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state or
+ mode==IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic then
+ y_internal = 1;
+ P_internal = 0;
+ elseif mode==IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input then
+ P_internal = 0;
+ elseif mode==IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input then
+ y_internal = 1;
+ end if;
+ // Value of the load, depending on the type: fixed or variable
+ if mode==IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input then
+ load = eps + oneEps*y_internal;
+ else
+ load = 1;
+ end if;
+ // Power consumption
+ if mode==IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state or
+ mode==IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic then
+ P = P_nominal;
+ elseif mode==IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input then
+ P = P_internal;
+ else
+ P = P_nominal*load;
+ end if;
+ annotation ( Documentation(revisions="
+January 30, 2019, by Michael Wetter:
+Set start value for P
+November 28, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Removed zero start value for current.
+The current is typically non-zero and zero is anyway the default start value, hence there is no need to set it.
+This is for
+September 17, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Corrected wrong annotation to avoid an error in the pedantic model check
+in Dymola 2017 FD01 beta2.
+This is for
+issue 557.
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Set default value for P_nominal
+and removed assertion warning.
+This is required for pedantic model check in Dymola.
+This is for
+September 24, 2015 by Michael Wetter:
+Provided value for P_nominal
+mode <> IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input
+This avoids a warning during translation of
+September 4, 2014, by Michael Wetter:
+Changed the parameter from linear
to linearized
+because IBPSA.Fluid
also uses linearized
+This change has been done to use a consistent naming across the library.
+- June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Adde parameter initMode
that can be used to
+select the assumption to be used during initialization phase
+by the homotopy operator.
+May 15, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created documentation and revised model.
+October 31, 2013, by Marco Bonvini:
+Model included in the Buildings library.
+", info="
+This model represents a generic load that can be extended to represent
+either a DC or an AC load.
+The model has a single generalized electric terminal of type
+that can be redeclared.
+The generalized load is modeled as an impedance whose value can change. The value of the impedance
+can change depending on the value of the parameter mode
, which is of type
+Mode |
+Description |
+Explanation |
+IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state |
+fixed Z steady state |
+The load consumes exactly the power
+specified by the parameter P_nominal .
+ |
+IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic |
+fixed Z dynamic |
+The load consumes exactly the power
+specified by the parameter P_nominal at steady state.
+Depending on the type
+of load (e.g., inductive or capacitive)
+different dynamics are represented.
+ |
+IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_P_input |
+variable Z P input |
+The load consumes exactly the power specified
+by the input variable Pow .
+ |
+IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.VariableZ_y_input |
+variable Z y input |
+The load consumes exactly the a fraction of the nominal power
+P_nominal specified by the input variable y .
+ |
+It is assumed that the power P
of the load is positive when produced
+(e.g., the load acts like a source) and negative when consumed (e.g., the
+source acts like a utilizer).
+Linearized models
+The model has a Boolean parameter linearized
that by default is equal to false
+When the power consumption of the load is imposed, this introduces
+a nonlinear equation between the voltage and the current of the load. This flag is used to
+select between a linearized version
+of the equations or the original nonlinear ones.
+When the linearized version of the model is used, the parameter V_nominal
has to
+be specified. The nominal voltage is needed to linearize the nonlinear equations.
+A linearized model will not consume the nominal power if the voltage
+at the terminal differs from the nominal voltage.
+end Load;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/PartialAcDcParameters.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/PartialAcDcParameters.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..511f2606f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/PartialAcDcParameters.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces;
+record PartialAcDcParameters
+ "Partial model that contains basic parameters for a DC/AC conversion system"
+ parameter Real pf(min=0, max=1) = 0.9 "Power factor"
+ annotation (Dialog(group="AC-Conversion"));
+ parameter Real eta_DCAC(min=0, max=1) = 0.9 "Efficiency of DC/AC conversion"
+ annotation (Dialog(group="AC-Conversion"));
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This model contains the minimum set of parameters necessary to describe
+an AC/DC converter.
+", revisions="
+January 29, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+First implementation.
+end PartialAcDcParameters;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/PartialBaseTwoPort.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/PartialBaseTwoPort.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ee396713f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/PartialBaseTwoPort.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces;
+model PartialBaseTwoPort "Model of a generic two port component"
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.BaseTerminal terminal_n
+ "Electric terminal side p"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-108,-8},{-92,8}})));
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.BaseTerminal terminal_p
+ "Electric terminal side n"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{92,-8},{108,8}})));
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+May 15, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created documentation.
+", info="
+This model declares connectors for electrical components with two terminals.
+end PartialBaseTwoPort;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/PartialConversion.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/PartialConversion.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3962ecfc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/PartialConversion.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces;
+model PartialConversion
+ "Model representing a generic two port system for conversion"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialTwoPort;
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v_p "Voltage drop between the two positive pins";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v_n "Voltage drop between the two negative pins";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current i_p "Current flowing through the positive pins";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current i_n "Current flowing through the negative pins";
+ i_p = PhaseSystem_p.systemCurrent(terminal_p.i);
+ i_n = PhaseSystem_n.systemCurrent(terminal_n.i);
+ v_p = PhaseSystem_p.systemVoltage(terminal_p.v);
+ v_n = PhaseSystem_n.systemVoltage(terminal_n.v);
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+May 15, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created documentation.
+October 31, 2013, by Marco Bonvini:
+Model included in the IBPSA library.
+", info="
+This model extends the base class
+model and declares the variables
and i_p
that represents the voltage and the
+current at the terminal_p
, and the variables
and i_n
that represents the voltage and the
+current at the terminal_n
+These variables are used in conversion models such as transformers and AC/DC converters.
+end PartialConversion;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/PartialPluggableUnbalanced.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/PartialPluggableUnbalanced.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e227d16470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/PartialPluggableUnbalanced.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces;
+record PartialPluggableUnbalanced "Partial interface for unbalanced loads"
+ parameter Boolean plugPhase1 = true "If true, phase 1 is connected";
+ parameter Boolean plugPhase2 = true "If true, phase 2 is connected";
+ parameter Boolean plugPhase3 = true "If true, phase 3 is connected";
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This record contains a set of parameters that are used when
+modeling three-phase unbalanced systems. The record contains three boolean flags
+that are used to determine which of the three-phase are connected to the network.
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Changed PlugPhase*
to plugPhase*
+June 4, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added the information section.
+end PartialPluggableUnbalanced;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/PartialTwoPort.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/PartialTwoPort.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c04bf78c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/PartialTwoPort.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces;
+model PartialTwoPort "Model of a generic two port component with phase systems"
+ replaceable package PhaseSystem_p =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem constrainedby
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem
+ "Phase system of terminal p"
+ annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);
+ replaceable package PhaseSystem_n =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem constrainedby
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem
+ "Phase system of terminal n"
+ annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialBaseTwoPort(
+ redeclare replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal terminal_n
+ constrainedby IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal(
+ redeclare replaceable package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystem_n),
+ redeclare replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal terminal_p
+ constrainedby IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal(
+ redeclare replaceable package PhaseSystem=PhaseSystem_p));
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+May 15, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created documentation.
+October 31, 2013, by Marco Bonvini:
+Model included into the IBPSA library.
+", info="
+This is a model of a component with two electric terminals.
+It represents a common interface that is extended by other models.
+end PartialTwoPort;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/ResistiveLoad.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/ResistiveLoad.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7fb69cba49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/ResistiveLoad.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces;
+partial model ResistiveLoad "Partial model of a resistive load"
+ extends Load;
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+", info="
+This is a model of a generic resistive load. This model is an extension of the base load model
+end ResistiveLoad;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/Source.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/Source.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32cdada948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/Source.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces;
+model Source "Partial model of a generic source."
+ replaceable package PhaseSystem =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.OnePhase constrainedby
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem "Phase system"
+ annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);
+ parameter Boolean potentialReference = true
+ "Serve as potential root for the reference angle theta"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Reference Parameters"));
+ parameter Boolean definiteReference = false
+ "Serve as definite root for the reference angle theta"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Reference Parameters"));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Power S[PhaseSystem.n]=PhaseSystem.phasePowers_vi(terminal.v,
+ terminal.i) "Complex power S[1] = P, S[2]= Q";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phi=PhaseSystem.phase(terminal.v) - PhaseSystem.phase(
+ -terminal.i) "Phase shift with respect to reference angle";
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal terminal(
+ redeclare final replaceable package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystem)
+ "Generalized terminal"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{92,-8},{108,8}})));
+ function j = PhaseSystem.j;
+ if potentialReference then
+ if definiteReference then
+ Connections.root(terminal.theta);
+ else
+ Connections.potentialRoot(terminal.theta);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ annotation ( Documentation(revisions="
+February 26, 2016, by Michael Wetter:
+Updated documentation for
+issue 427.
+May 15, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created documentation.
+October 31, 2013, by Marco Bonvini:
+Model included into the IBPSA library.
+", info="
+This model represents a generic source.
+In case the phase system has PhaseSystem.m > 0
+thus the connectors are over determined,
+the source can be selected to serve as reference point.
+The parameters potentialReference
and definiteReference
+are used to define if the source model should be selected as source for
+the reference angles theta
or not.
+More information about overdetermined connectors can be found
+in Olsson Et Al. (2008).
+Hans Olsson, Martin Otter, Sven Erik Mattson and Hilding Elmqvist.
+Balanced Models in Modelica 3.0 for Increased Model Quality.
+Proc. of the 7th Modelica Conference, Bielefeld, Germany, March 2008.
+end Source;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/Terminal.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/Terminal.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53989a124f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/Terminal.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces;
+connector Terminal "Generalized electric terminal"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.BaseTerminal;
+replaceable package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem
+ "Phase system"
+ annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);
+PhaseSystem.Voltage v[PhaseSystem.n] "Voltage vector";
+flow PhaseSystem.Current i[PhaseSystem.n](each start=0) "Current vector";
+PhaseSystem.ReferenceAngle theta[PhaseSystem.m]
+ "Optional vector of phase angles";
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+May 15, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created documentation.
+October 31, 2013, by Marco Bonvini:
+Model included into the IBPSA library.
+", info="
+This connector represents a generalized electric terminal. The generalization is made possible by the
+replaceable package
+The package PhaseSystem
can be one of the packages contained in
+Using this approach allows to represent DC, single phase AC and
+multi phases balanced and unbalanced AC systems with the same connector.
+This connector is compatible with the following Modelica libraries:
+The connector is overdetermined since the number of effort variables
+is higher than the number of flow variables.
+This happens when the phase system has a number of reference angles
+PhaseSystem.m > 0
+The over-determined connectors are defined and used in such a way
+that a Modelica tool is able
+to remove the superfluous but consistent equations arriving
+at a balanced set of equations, based on a
+graph analysis of the connection structure.
+The models have to use ad-hoc constructs specified by the Modelica language to handle this situation.
+More information can be found in Olsson Et Al. (2008).
+More details about the generalized electrical terminal
+can be found in Franke and Wiesmann (2014).
+Hans Olsson, Martin Otter, Sven Erik Mattson and Hilding Elmqvist.
+Balanced Models in Modelica 3.0 for Increased Model Quality.
+Proc. of the 7th Modelica Conference, Bielefeld, Germany, March 2008.
+Ruediger Franke and Hansjurg Wiesmann.
+Flexible modeling of electrical power systems - the Modelica PowerSystems library.
+Proc. of the 10th Modelica Conference, Lund, Sweden, March 2014.
+end Terminal;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/VariableVoltageSource.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/VariableVoltageSource.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21d689680b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/VariableVoltageSource.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces;
+model VariableVoltageSource
+ "Partial model of a generic variable voltage source."
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Source;
+ parameter Boolean use_V_in = true "If true, the voltage is an input";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V=1 "Value of constant voltage"
+ annotation (Dialog(enable=not use_V_in));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput V_in(unit="V", min=0, start = 1)
+ if use_V_in "Input voltage"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(
+ extent={{20,-20},{-20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={-100,60}),
+ iconTransformation(
+ extent={{20,-20},{-20,20}},
+ rotation=180,
+ origin={-100,60})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput V_in_internal(unit="V")
+ "Hidden value of the input voltage for the conditional connector";
+ // Connection between the conditional and inner connector
+ connect(V_in,V_in_internal);
+ // If the voltage is fixed, inner connector value is equal to parameter V
+ if use_V_in == false then
+ V_in_internal = V;
+ end if;
+ annotation ( Documentation(revisions="
+October 14, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Model included into the IBPSA library, added documentation.
+", info="
+This model represents a generic variable voltage source. The model has a boolean
+flag use_V_in
, when this flag is equal to true
+the voltage of the source is imposed by the input variable V_in
+When the flag is equal to false
the voltage source is equal to the parameter V
+In case the phase system adopted has PhaseSystem.m > 0
+thus the connectors are over determined,
+the source can be selected to serve as reference point.
+The parameters potentialReference
and definiteReference
are used to define if the
+source model should be selected as source for the reference angles or not.
+More information about overdetermined connectors can be found
+in Olsson Et Al. (2008).
+Hans Olsson, Martin Otter, Sven Erik Mattson and Hilding Elmqvist.
+Balanced Models in Modelica 3.0 for Increased Model Quality.
+Proc. of the 7th Modelica Conference, Bielefeld, Germany, March 2008.
+end VariableVoltageSource;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44d89cfb60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical;
+package Interfaces "This package contains interfaces and partial models that are inherited by other components"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
+annotation (preferredView="info", Documentation(info="
+This package contains basic classes that are used to build
+component models for electrical systems.
+The classes are not directly usable, but can
+be extended when building a new model.
+May 15, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Interfaces;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51dea4d83d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Interfaces/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/DirectCurrent.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/DirectCurrent.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d5dee23a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/DirectCurrent.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems;
+package DirectCurrent "DC system"
+ extends PartialPhaseSystem(phaseSystemName="DirectCurrent", n=1, m=0);
+ redeclare function extends j "Direct current has no complex component"
+ algorithm
+ y := zeros(n);
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end j;
+ redeclare function extends rotate
+ "Rotate a vector of an angle theta (anti-counterclock)"
+ algorithm
+ y[n] := x[n];
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end rotate;
+ redeclare function extends thetaRel
+ "Return absolute angle of rotating system as offset to thetaRef"
+ algorithm
+ thetaRel := 0;
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end thetaRel;
+ redeclare function extends thetaRef
+ "Return absolute angle of rotating reference system"
+ algorithm
+ thetaRef := 0;
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end thetaRef;
+ redeclare function extends phase "Return phase"
+ algorithm
+ phase := 0;
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phase;
+ redeclare replaceable function extends phaseVoltages
+ "Return phase to neutral voltages"
+ algorithm
+ v := {V};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phaseVoltages;
+ redeclare function extends phaseCurrents "Return phase currents"
+ algorithm
+ i := {I};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phaseCurrents;
+ redeclare function extends phasePowers "Return phase powers"
+ algorithm
+ p := {P};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phasePowers;
+ redeclare function extends phasePowers_vi "Return phase powers"
+ algorithm
+ p := {v*i};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phasePowers_vi;
+ redeclare replaceable function extends systemVoltage
+ "Return system voltage as function of phase voltages"
+ algorithm
+ V := v[1];
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end systemVoltage;
+ redeclare function extends systemCurrent
+ "Return system current as function of phase currents"
+ algorithm
+ I := i[1];
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end systemCurrent;
+ redeclare function extends activePower
+ "Return total power as function of phase powers"
+ algorithm
+ P := v*i;
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end activePower;
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={Line(
+ points={{-70,-10},{50,-10}},
+ color={95,95,95},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}),
+This package declares the functions that are used to implement
+the DC models.
+end DirectCurrent;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/OnePhase.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/OnePhase.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d769b95785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/OnePhase.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems;
+package OnePhase "Single phase two connectors AC system"
+ extends PartialPhaseSystem(phaseSystemName="OnePhase", n=2, m=1);
+ redeclare function extends j "Return vector rotated by 90 degrees"
+ algorithm
+ y := {-x[2], x[1]};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end j;
+ redeclare function extends rotate
+ "Rotate a vector of an angle theta (anti-counterclock)"
+ algorithm
+ y[1] := cos(theta)*x[1] - sin(theta)*x[2];
+ y[2] := sin(theta)*x[1] + cos(theta)*x[2];
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end rotate;
+ redeclare function extends product
+ "Multiply two complex numbers represented by vectors x[2] and y[2]"
+ algorithm
+ z := {x[1]*y[1] - x[2]*y[2], x[1]*y[2] + x[2]*y[1]};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end product;
+ redeclare function extends divide
+ "Divide two complex numbers represented by vectors x[2] and y[2]"
+ algorithm
+ z := {x[1]*y[1] + x[2]*y[2], x[2]*y[1] - x[1]*y[2]}/(y[1]^2 + y[2]^2);
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end divide;
+ redeclare function extends thetaRel
+ "Return absolute angle of rotating system as offset to thetaRef"
+ algorithm
+ thetaRel := 0;
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end thetaRel;
+ redeclare function extends thetaRef
+ "Return absolute angle of rotating reference system"
+ algorithm
+ thetaRef := theta[1];
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end thetaRef;
+ redeclare function extends phase "Return phase"
+ algorithm
+ phase := atan2(x[2], x[1]);
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phase;
+ redeclare function extends phaseVoltages "Return phase to neutral voltages"
+ algorithm
+ v := {V*cos(phi), V*sin(phi)};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phaseVoltages;
+ redeclare function extends phaseCurrents "Return phase currents"
+ algorithm
+ i := {I*cos(phi), I*sin(phi)};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phaseCurrents;
+ redeclare function extends phasePowers "Return phase powers"
+ algorithm
+ p := {P, P*tan(phi)};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phasePowers;
+ redeclare function extends phasePowers_vi "Return phase powers"
+ algorithm
+ p := {v[1]*i[1] + v[2]*i[2], v[2]*i[1] - v[1]*i[2]};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phasePowers_vi;
+ redeclare function extends systemVoltage
+ "Return system voltage as function of phase voltages"
+ algorithm
+ V := Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(v*v, delta = 1e-5);
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end systemVoltage;
+ redeclare function extends systemCurrent
+ "Return system current as function of phase currents"
+ algorithm
+ I := Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(i*i, delta = 1e-5);
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end systemCurrent;
+ redeclare function extends activePower
+ "Return total power as function of phase powers"
+ algorithm
+ // P = v[1]*i[1] + v[2]*i[2]
+ P := v*i;
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end activePower;
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,-10},{-58,10},{-38,30},{-22,10},{-10,-10},{2,-30},{22,-50},
+ {40,-30},{50,-10}},
+ color={95,95,95},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier)}), Documentation(info="
+This package declares the functions that are used to implement
+the AC single phase models.
+end OnePhase;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/PartialPhaseSystem.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/PartialPhaseSystem.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb566679ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/PartialPhaseSystem.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems;
+package PartialPhaseSystem "Base package of all phase systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+ constant String phaseSystemName = "UnspecifiedPhaseSystem"
+ "Name of the phase system represented by the package";
+ constant Integer n "Number of independent voltage and current components";
+ constant Integer m "Number of reference angles";
+ type Current = Real(unit = "A", quantity = "Current." + phaseSystemName)
+ "Current for connector" annotation (Documentation(info="
+This type defines the current for a specific connector that extends
+ type Voltage = Real(unit = "V", quantity = "Voltage." + phaseSystemName)
+ "Voltage for connector" annotation (Documentation(info="
+This type defines the voltage for a specific connector that extends
+ type ReferenceAngle "Reference angle for connector"
+ extends Modelica.Units.SI.Angle;
+ function equalityConstraint "Assert that angles are equal"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input ReferenceAngle theta1[:];
+ input ReferenceAngle theta2[:];
+ output Real residue[0];
+ algorithm
+ for i in 1:size(theta1, 1) loop
+ assert(abs(theta1[i] - theta2[i]) < Modelica.Constants.eps,
+ "Angles theta1 and theta2 are not equal over the connection.");
+ end for;
+ end equalityConstraint;
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This type defines the voltage angle (used by the phasorial approach) for a specific connector that extends
+ end ReferenceAngle;
+ replaceable partial function j "Return vector rotated by 90 degrees"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Real x[n];
+ output Real y[n];
+ end j;
+ replaceable partial function jj "Vectorized version of j"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Real[:,:] xx "array of voltage or current vectors";
+ output Real[size(xx,1),size(xx,2)] yy "array of rotated vectors";
+ algorithm
+ //yy := {j(xx[:,k]) for k in 1:size(xx,2)};
+ // Note: Dymola 2013 fails to expand
+ for k in 1:size(xx,2) loop
+ yy[:,k] := j(xx[:,k]);
+ end for;
+ end jj;
+ replaceable partial function rotate
+ "Rotate a vector of an angle theta (anti-counterclock)"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Real x[n];
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Angle theta;
+ output Real y[n];
+ end rotate;
+ replaceable partial function product "Multiply two vectors"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Real x[n];
+ input Real y[n];
+ output Real z[n];
+ end product;
+ replaceable partial function divide "Divide two vectors"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Real x[n];
+ input Real y[n];
+ output Real z[n];
+ end divide;
+ replaceable partial function thetaRel
+ "Return absolute angle of rotating system as offset to thetaRef"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Angle theta[m];
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Angle thetaRel;
+ end thetaRel;
+ replaceable partial function thetaRef
+ "Return absolute angle of rotating reference system"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Angle theta[m];
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Angle thetaRef;
+ end thetaRef;
+ replaceable partial function phase "Return phase"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Real x[n];
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phase;
+ end phase;
+ replaceable partial function phaseVoltages "Return phase to neutral voltages"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V "system voltage";
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phi=0 "phase angle";
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v[n] "phase to neutral voltages";
+ end phaseVoltages;
+ replaceable partial function phaseCurrents "Return phase currents"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Current I "system current";
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phi=0 "phase angle";
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Current i[n] "phase currents";
+ end phaseCurrents;
+ replaceable partial function phasePowers "Return phase powers"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.ActivePower P "active system power";
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Angle phi=0 "phase angle";
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Power p[n] "phase powers";
+ end phasePowers;
+ replaceable partial function phasePowers_vi "Return phase powers"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v[n] "phase voltages";
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Current i[n] "phase currents";
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Power p[n] "phase powers";
+ end phasePowers_vi;
+ replaceable partial function systemVoltage
+ "Return system voltage as function of phase voltages"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v[n];
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V;
+ end systemVoltage;
+ replaceable partial function systemCurrent
+ "Return system current as function of phase currents"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Current i[n];
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Current I;
+ end systemCurrent;
+ replaceable partial function activePower
+ "Return total power as function of phase powers"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage v[n] "phase voltages";
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Current i[n] "phase currents";
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.ActivePower P "active system power";
+ end activePower;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package declares the functions that are used to implement
+the different phase systems.
+end PartialPhaseSystem;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/ThreePhase_d.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/ThreePhase_d.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a39764423e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/ThreePhase_d.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems;
+package ThreePhase_d "AC system covering only resistive loads with three symmetric phases"
+ extends DirectCurrent(phaseSystemName="ThreePhase_d");
+ redeclare function phaseVoltages "Return phase to neutral voltages"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input SI.Voltage V "system voltage";
+ input SI.Angle phi = 0 "phase angle";
+ output SI.Voltage v[n] "phase to neutral voltages";
+ algorithm
+ v := {V}/sqrt(3);
+ end phaseVoltages;
+ redeclare function systemVoltage
+ "Return system voltage as function of phase voltages"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input SI.Voltage v[n];
+ output SI.Voltage V;
+ algorithm
+ V := sqrt(3)*v[1];
+ end systemVoltage;
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,-10},{-58,10},{-38,30},{-22,10},{-10,-10},{2,-30},{22,
+ -50},{40,-30},{50,-10}},
+ color={95,95,95},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier)}), Documentation(info="
+This package declares the functions that are used to implement
+the AC three-phase balanced and purely resistive models.
+end ThreePhase_d;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/ThreePhase_dq.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/ThreePhase_dq.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45d31b770f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/ThreePhase_dq.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems;
+package ThreePhase_dq "AC system, symmetrically loaded three-phase"
+ extends PartialPhaseSystem(phaseSystemName="ThreePhase_dq", n=2, m=1);
+ redeclare function extends j "Return vector rotated by 90 degrees"
+ algorithm
+ y := {-x[2], x[1]};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end j;
+ redeclare function extends thetaRel
+ "Return absolute angle of rotating system as offset to thetaRef"
+ algorithm
+ thetaRel := 0;
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end thetaRel;
+ redeclare function extends thetaRef
+ "Return absolute angle of rotating reference system"
+ algorithm
+ thetaRef := theta[1];
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end thetaRef;
+ redeclare function extends phase "Return phase"
+ algorithm
+ phase := atan2(x[2], x[1]);
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phase;
+ redeclare function extends phaseVoltages "Return phase to neutral voltages"
+ algorithm
+ v := {V*cos(phi), V*sin(phi)}/sqrt(3);
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phaseVoltages;
+ redeclare function extends phaseCurrents "Return phase currents"
+ algorithm
+ i := {I*cos(phi), I*sin(phi)};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phaseCurrents;
+ redeclare function extends phasePowers "Return phase powers"
+ algorithm
+ p := {P, P*tan(phi)};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phasePowers;
+ redeclare function extends phasePowers_vi "Return phase powers"
+ algorithm
+ p := {v*i, -j(v)*i};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phasePowers_vi;
+ redeclare function extends systemVoltage
+ "Return system voltage as function of phase voltages"
+ algorithm
+ V := Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(3*v*v, delta = 1e-5);
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end systemVoltage;
+ redeclare function extends systemCurrent
+ "Return system current as function of phase currents"
+ algorithm
+ I := Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(i*i, delta = 1e-5);
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end systemCurrent;
+ redeclare function extends activePower
+ "Return total power as function of phase powers"
+ algorithm
+ P := v[1]*i[1];
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end activePower;
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,12},{-58,32},{-38,52},{-22,32},{-10,12},{2,-8},{22,-28},
+ {40,-8},{50,12}},
+ color={95,95,95},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,-70},{50,-70}},
+ color={95,95,95},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,-46},{50,-46}},
+ color={95,95,95},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}), Documentation(info="
+This package declares the functions that are used to implement
+the AC three-phase balanced models using the DQ representation.
+end ThreePhase_dq;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/ThreePhase_dq0.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/ThreePhase_dq0.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bde728c3ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/ThreePhase_dq0.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems;
+package ThreePhase_dq0 "AC system in dqo representation"
+ extends PartialPhaseSystem(phaseSystemName="ThreePhase_dqo", n=3, m=2);
+ redeclare function extends j
+ "Rotation(pi/2) of vector around {0,0,1} and projection on North plane"
+ algorithm
+ y := cat(1, {-x[2], x[1]}, zeros(size(x,1)-2));
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end j;
+ redeclare function extends rotate
+ "Rotate a vector of an angle theta (anti-counterclock)"
+ algorithm
+ y[1] := cos(theta)*x[1] - sin(theta)*x[2];
+ y[2] := sin(theta)*x[1] + cos(theta)*x[2];
+ y[3] := x[3];
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end rotate;
+ redeclare function jj "Vectorized version of j"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Real[:,:] xx "array of voltage or current vectors";
+ output Real[size(xx,1),size(xx,2)] yy "array of rotated vectors";
+ algorithm
+ yy := cat(1, {-xx[2,:], xx[1,:]}, zeros(size(xx,1)-2, size(xx,2)));
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end jj;
+ redeclare function extends thetaRel
+ "Return absolute angle of rotating system as offset to thetaRef"
+ algorithm
+ thetaRel := theta[1];
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end thetaRel;
+ redeclare function extends thetaRef
+ "Return absolute angle of rotating reference system"
+ algorithm
+ thetaRef := theta[2];
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end thetaRef;
+ redeclare function extends phase "Return phase"
+ algorithm
+ phase := atan2(x[2], x[1]);
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phase;
+ redeclare function extends phaseVoltages "Return phase to neutral voltages"
+ protected
+ Voltage neutral_v = 0;
+ algorithm
+ v := {V*cos(phi), V*sin(phi), sqrt(3)*neutral_v}/sqrt(3);
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phaseVoltages;
+ redeclare function extends phaseCurrents "Return phase currents"
+ algorithm
+ i := {I*cos(phi), I*sin(phi), 0};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phaseCurrents;
+ redeclare function extends phasePowers "Return phase powers"
+ algorithm
+ p := {P, P*tan(phi), 0};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phasePowers;
+ redeclare function extends phasePowers_vi "Return phase powers"
+ algorithm
+ p := {v[1:2]*i[1:2], -j(v[1:2])*i[1:2], v[3]*i[3]};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phasePowers_vi;
+ redeclare function extends systemVoltage
+ "Return system voltage as function of phase voltages"
+ algorithm
+ V := Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(v*v, delta = 1e-5);
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end systemVoltage;
+ redeclare function extends systemCurrent
+ "Return system current as function of phase currents"
+ algorithm
+ I := Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regRoot(i*i, delta = 1e-5);
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end systemCurrent;
+ redeclare function extends activePower
+ "Return total power as function of phase powers"
+ algorithm
+ P := v[1]*i[1];
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end activePower;
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,28},{-58,48},{-38,68},{-22,48},{-10,28},{2,8},{22,-12},
+ {40,8},{50,28}},
+ color={95,95,95},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,-54},{50,-54}},
+ color={95,95,95},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,-78},{50,-78}},
+ color={95,95,95},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,-28},{50,-28}},
+ color={95,95,95},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}), Documentation(info="
+This package declares the functions that are used to implement
+the AC three-phase balanced models using the DQ0 representation.
+end ThreePhase_dq0;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/TwoConductor.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/TwoConductor.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..526d119663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/TwoConductor.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems;
+package TwoConductor "Two conductors for DC components"
+ extends PartialPhaseSystem(phaseSystemName="TwoConductor", n=2, m=0);
+ redeclare function extends j "Direct current has no complex component"
+ algorithm
+ y := zeros(n);
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end j;
+ redeclare function extends rotate
+ "Rotate a vector of an angle theta (anti-counterclock)"
+ algorithm
+ y[n] := x[n];
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end rotate;
+ redeclare function extends thetaRel
+ "Return absolute angle of rotating system as offset to thetaRef"
+ algorithm
+ thetaRel := 0;
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end thetaRel;
+ redeclare function extends thetaRef
+ "Return absolute angle of rotating reference system"
+ algorithm
+ thetaRef := 0;
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end thetaRef;
+ redeclare function extends phase "Return phase"
+ algorithm
+ phase := 0;
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phase;
+ redeclare replaceable function extends phaseVoltages
+ "Return phase to neutral voltages"
+ algorithm
+ v := 0.5*{V, -V};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phaseVoltages;
+ redeclare function extends phaseCurrents "Return phase currents"
+ algorithm
+ i := {I, -I};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phaseCurrents;
+ redeclare function extends phasePowers "Return phase powers"
+ algorithm
+ p := {P, 0};
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phasePowers;
+ redeclare function extends phasePowers_vi "Return phase powers"
+ algorithm
+ p := v.*i;
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end phasePowers_vi;
+ redeclare replaceable function extends systemVoltage
+ "Return system voltage as function of phase voltages"
+ algorithm
+ V := v[1] - v[2];
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end systemVoltage;
+ redeclare function extends systemCurrent
+ "Return system current as function of phase currents"
+ algorithm
+ I := (i[1] - i[2])/2;
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end systemCurrent;
+ redeclare function extends activePower
+ "Return total power as function of phase powers"
+ algorithm
+ P := v*i;
+ annotation(Inline=true);
+ end activePower;
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={Line(
+ points={{-70,-28},{50,-28}},
+ color={95,95,95},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,6},{50,6}},
+ color={95,95,95},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}), Documentation(info="
+This package declares the functions that are used to implement
+the DC models with double conductors.
+end TwoConductor;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09e5014c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical;
+package PhaseSystems "Phase systems used in power connectors"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+ import Modelica.Units.SI;
+ import Modelica.Constants.pi;
+ annotation (Icon(graphics={Line(
+ points={{-70,-52},{50,-52}},
+ color={95,95,95},
+ smooth=Smooth.None), Line(
+ points={{-70,8},{-58,28},{-38,48},{-22,28},{-10,8},{2,-12},{22,-32},{
+ 40,-12},{50,8}},
+ color={95,95,95},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier)}),
+This package contains a list of packages that represent different type of electric systems.
+Each package inherits from
+The packages represent various types of electrical systems. The basic idea behind this
+approach is to use the same connector for different electrical domains.
+Each connector has a replaceable package that inherits from
+depending on the type of electrical system.
+The electrical systems represented are:
+- DC systems,
+- DC systems with two conductors,
+- one-phase AC systems,
+- three-phase resistive balanced AC systems,
+- three-phase balanced AC systems,
+- three-phase unbalanced AC systems (dq0 representation).
+This approach has been used by the following Modelica libraries:
+More details about the phase system packages can be found in Franke and Wiesmann (2014).
+Ruediger Franke and Hansjurg Wiesmann.
+Flexible modeling of electrical power systems - the Modelica PowerSystems library.
+Proc. of the 10th Modelica Conference, Lund, Sweden, March 2014.
+", revisions="
+May 27, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created documentation.
+end PhaseSystems;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1d8938c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/PhaseSystems/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/BaseCable.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/BaseCable.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97885e5459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/BaseCable.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses;
+record BaseCable "Record that contains the properties of a generic cable"
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Types.Material material = IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Types.Material.Al
+ "Material of the cable";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Current Amp(start=0.0) = 0.0
+ "Ampacitance of the cable";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature T_ref=298.15
+ "Reference cable temperature";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature M=228.1 + 273.15
+ "Temperature constant of the material";
+ replaceable partial function lineResistance
+ "Function that computes the resistance of a cable"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Length l "Length of the cable";
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Frequency f=50
+ "Frequency considered in the definition of cables properties";
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R "Resistance of the cable";
+ protected
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.AngularVelocity omega=2*Modelica.Constants.pi*f;
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added function and documentation
+ end lineResistance;
+ replaceable partial function lineInductance
+ "Function that computes the inductance of a cable"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Length l "Length of the cable";
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Frequency f=50
+ "Frequency considered in the definition of cables properties";
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance L "Inductance of the cable";
+ protected
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.AngularVelocity omega=2*Modelica.Constants.pi*f;
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added function and documentation
+ end lineInductance;
+ replaceable partial function lineCapacitance
+ "Function that computes the capacitance of a cable"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Length l "Length of the cable";
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Frequency f=50
+ "Frequency considered in the definition of cables properties";
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Capacitance C "Capacitance of the cable";
+ protected
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.AngularVelocity omega=2*Modelica.Constants.pi*f;
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added function and documentation
+ end lineCapacitance;
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, not it contains just the minimum amount of
+information needed to describe a cable.
+It also contains partial function that compute the properties of the cable.
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+This record contains the basic properties to describe a commercial
+The low voltage and medium voltage cables extends this base records and add
+other specific parameters like the geometrical properties.
+The record contains four partial replaceable functions used to compute
+the properties of the cable such its resistance, inductance or capacitance.
+end BaseCable;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialBaseLine.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialBaseLine.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c0f87e1c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialBaseLine.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses;
+partial model PartialBaseLine "Partial cable line dispersion model"
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Length l(min=0) "Length of the line";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_nominal(min=0)
+ "Nominal power of the line";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start=220)
+ "Nominal voltage of the line";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Frequency f_n=50
+ "Frequency considered in the definition of cables properties";
+ parameter Boolean use_C = false
+ "Set to true to add a capacitance in the center of the line"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab="Model", group="Assumptions"));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load modelMode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state
+ "Select between steady state and dynamic model"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab="Model", group="Assumptions", enable = use_C), choices(choice=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_steady_state
+ "Steady state", choice=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.Load.FixedZ_dynamic "Dynamic"));
+ parameter Boolean use_T = false
+ "If true, enables the input for the temperature of the cable" annotation(Evaluate = true, Dialog(tab="Model", group="Thermal"));
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TCable=T_ref
+ "Fixed temperature of the cable" annotation (Dialog(
+ tab="Model",
+ group="Thermal",
+ enable=not use_T));
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode.automatic
+ "Select if choosing the cable automatically or between a list of commercial options"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab="Tech. specification", group="Auto/Manual mode"), choicesAllMatching=true);
+ replaceable parameter
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic
+ commercialCable constrainedby
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.BaseCable
+ "Commercial cables options"
+ annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(tab="Tech. specification", group="Manual mode",
+ enable = mode == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode.commercial),
+ choicesAllMatching = true);
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature T_ref=commercialCable.T_ref
+ "Reference temperature of the line" annotation (Evaluate=True);
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature M=commercialCable.M
+ "Temperature constant (R_actual = R*(M + T_heatPort)/(M + T_ref))";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R=commercialCable.lineResistance(
+ l,
+ f_n,
+ commercialCable) "Resistance of the cable" annotation (Evaluate=True);
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance L=commercialCable.lineInductance(
+ l,
+ f_n,
+ commercialCable)
+ "Inductance of the cable due to mutual and self inductance"
+ annotation (Evaluate=True);
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Capacitance C=
+ commercialCable.lineCapacitance(
+ l,
+ f_n,
+ commercialCable) "Capacitance of the cable" annotation (Evaluate=True);
+ Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Sources.PrescribedTemperature cableTemp
+ "Temperature of the cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,12},{-40,32}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput T if use_T "Temperature of the cable"
+ annotation (
+ Placement(transformation(extent={{-42,28},{-2,68}}), iconTransformation(
+ extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
+ rotation=270,
+ origin={0,30})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression cableTemperature(y=T_in)
+ "Temperature of the cable"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-92,12},{-72,32}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput T_in
+ "Internal variable for conditional temperature";
+ assert(L>=0 and R>=0 and C>=0, "The parameters R,L,C must be positive. Check cable properties and size.");
+ connect(T_in, T);
+ if not use_T then
+ T_in = TCable;
+ end if;
+ connect(cableTemperature.y, cableTemp.T) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-71,22},{-62,22}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation ( Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-150,-19},{150,-59}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(info="
+This partial model contains parameters and variables needed to parametrize a
+generic cable. The resistance, inductance and capacitance
+are computed by the functions associated to the type of cable selected.
+The type of cable is specified using a record that inherits from
+IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.BaseCable such as (
+IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic or
+The record contains functions that depending on the properties of cable compute its
+resistance, inductance or capacitance.
+The model has two parameters use_C
and modelMode
+change the behaviour of the model. It is possible to include the effects
+of a capacity or select the model to be dynamic or steady state. More information
+are available in the line models that extends this partial model.
+Commercial cable mode
+If mode = commercial
, the user can select the type of cable from a list
+of commercial cables. The cables are divided in three different categories:
+- Low voltage,
+- Medium voltage, and
+- High voltage.
+The details and type of cables can be found in
+IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables and
+Automatic cable mode
+If mode = automatic
, the type of cable is automatically selected
+depending on the value of the parameters V_nominal
+More details about the functions that compute the type of cable and its
+properties can be found in
+The parameter commercialCable
is assumed to be
+The parameter is replaceable so it can be redeclared using a different type, for example
+The example models
+IBPSA.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Examples.ACLineMedium and
+show how this can be done.
+", revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation according to change in the structure of the cable record.
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end PartialBaseLine;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialLine.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialLine.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d2ad4a813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialLine.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses;
+partial model PartialLine "Partial cable line dispersion model"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialTwoPort;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialBaseLine;
+ Real VoltageLosses(unit = "1") = abs(PhaseSystem_p.systemVoltage(terminal_p.v) -
+ PhaseSystem_n.systemVoltage(terminal_n.v))/
+ IBPSA.Utilities.Math.Functions.smoothMax(
+ PhaseSystem_p.systemVoltage(terminal_p.v),
+ PhaseSystem_n.systemVoltage(terminal_n.v),
+ 1.0) "Percentage of voltage losses across the line";
+ parameter Integer n_ = size(terminal_n.i,1) "Number of cables";
+ parameter Real nominal_i_ = P_nominal / V_nominal
+ "Nominal current flowing through the line";
+ parameter Real nominal_v_ = V_nominal "Nominal voltage of the line";
+ annotation ( Icon(coordinateSystem(
+ preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-150,-19},{150,-59}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="%name")}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+This partial model extends the model
+It adds two generalized electric connectors.
+IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialBaseLine for more information.
+end PartialLine;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialNetwork.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialNetwork.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5e2758b95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialNetwork.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses;
+partial model PartialNetwork "Partial model that represent an electric network"
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start=110)
+ "Nominal voltage of the lines in the network";
+ replaceable parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Grids.PartialGrid grid
+ "Record that describe the grid with the number of nodes, links, connections, etc."
+ annotation (choicesAllMatching=true,
+ Placement(transformation(extent={{40,60},{60,80}})));
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.BaseTerminal terminal[grid.nNodes]
+ "Electric terminals for each node of the network"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}})));
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialBaseLine lines[grid.nLinks](
+ each mode=IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CableMode.commercial,
+ l={grid.l[i, 1] for i in 1:grid.nLinks},
+ each P_nominal=1000,
+ each V_nominal=V_nominal)
+ "Array of line models, each line connecting two nodes of the grid";
+ annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ fillColor={255,255,255}),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-6,86},{6,74}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-86,46},{-74,34}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-36,-24},{-24,-36}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{74,46},{86,34}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{74,-54},{86,-66}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-6,-74},{6,-86}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-66,6},{-54,-6}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{54,6},{66,-6}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={0,0,0},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{-80,40},{0,80}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-60,0},{0,80}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,-80},{60,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{-32,-28},{-60,0}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{80,40},{0,80}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,-80},{0,80}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{80,-62},{80,40}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-140,140},{140,100}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="%name")}), Documentation(revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+This partial model represents a generalized electrical network.
+The model has three main components. The parameter grid
declares the type
+that contains the information about the topology of the network, such as
+the number of nodes,
+how they are connected, and the length of each connection.
+The parameter terminal[...]
+an array of generalized electric connectors that are associated to each node of the grid.
+The parameter lines[...]
is an array of type
+IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.PartialBaseLine that represent the cables
+in the grid.
+This is a partial model that once extended can represent either DC or AC networks.
+This model is based on the assumption that the topology of the network does not depend on
+the type of cables that connect the nodes.
+end PartialNetwork;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialTwoPortInductance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialTwoPortInductance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87751372ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialTwoPortInductance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses;
+partial model PartialTwoPortInductance
+ "Partial model of an inductive element that links two electrical connectors"
+ extends Interfaces.PartialTwoPort;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance L "Inductance"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true);
+ Connections.branch(terminal_p.theta, terminal_n.theta);
+ terminal_p.theta = terminal_n.theta;
+ terminal_p.i = - terminal_n.i;
+ annotation (Diagram(graphics={
+ Rectangle(extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}}, lineColor={0,0,255}),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
+ Line(points={{70,0},{90,0}}, color={0,0,255})}), Icon(
+ coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-142,-30},{144,-62}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="L=%L"),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{70,0},{90,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-42,14},{-14,-14}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-14,14},{14,-14}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{14,14},{42,-14}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-44,0},{44,-16}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{0,0},{12,1.46953e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={-42,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{10,1.22461e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={52,0},
+ rotation=180)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+Partial model of an inductance that links two generalized electrical connectors.
+end PartialTwoPortInductance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialTwoPortRLC.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialTwoPortRLC.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37e7751f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialTwoPortRLC.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses;
+partial model PartialTwoPortRLC
+ "Partial model of an RLC element that links two electrical connectors"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.PartialTwoPort;
+ extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(T = T_ref);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R "Resistance at temperature T_ref"
+ annotation (Evaluate=true);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature T_ref=298.15 "Reference temperature";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature M=507.65
+ "Temperature constant (R_actual = R*(M + T_heatPort)/(M + T_ref))";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Capacitance C "Capacity";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Inductance L "Inductance";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal(min=0, start=110)
+ "Nominal voltage (V_nominal >= 0)"
+ annotation (Dialog(group="Nominal conditions"));
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R_actual
+ "Actual resistance = R*(M + T_heatPort)/(M + T_ref) ";
+ Connections.branch(terminal_p.theta, terminal_n.theta);
+ terminal_p.theta = terminal_n.theta;
+ assert(R_actual>=0,
+ "The value of R_actual must be positive, check reference and actual temperatures");
+ R_actual =R*(M + Modelica.Units.Conversions.to_degC(T_heatPort))/(M +
+ Modelica.Units.Conversions.to_degC(T_ref));
+ annotation (Diagram(graphics={
+ Rectangle(extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}}, lineColor={0,0,255}),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
+ Line(points={{70,0},{90,0}}, color={0,0,255})}), Icon(
+ coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-148,-28},{138,-60}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="R=%R, L=%L"),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{70,0},{90,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-70,32},{70,-28}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{96,1.22003e-14}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={64,16},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ visible = C > 0,
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-4.17982e-15,16}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={22,16},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ visible = C > 0,
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{16,1.95937e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={30,0},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ visible = C > 0,
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{16,1.95937e-15}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={30,-4},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ visible = C > 0,
+ points={{-6.85214e-44,-8.39117e-60},{-2.40346e-15,16}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ origin={22,-4},
+ rotation=180),
+ Line(
+ points={{-66,16},{-60,16},{-58,20},{-54,12},{-50,20},{-46,12},{-42,20},
+ {-38,12},{-36,16},{-32,16}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-24,22},{-12,10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{-12,22},{0,10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{0,22},{12,10}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-24,16},{12,4}},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ pattern=LinePattern.None),
+ Text(
+ extent={{-142,-56},{144,-88}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="C=%C")}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+Partial model of a resistance that links two generalized electrical connectors.
+The model computes a resistance R(T) that varies depending on the temperature T as
+R(T) = Rref (M + T)/(M + Tref),
+where the resistance Rref is the reference value of the resistance,
+M is the temperature coefficient of the cable material, and
+Tref is the reference temperature.
+The temperature T is the temperature of the heat port if useHeatPort = true
+The impedance L and the capacity C do not vary with respect to the temperature
+and are specified by the user.
+end PartialTwoPortRLC;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialTwoPortResistance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialTwoPortResistance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d202cbccde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/PartialTwoPortResistance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses;
+partial model PartialTwoPortResistance
+ "Partial model of a resistive element that links two electrical connectors"
+ extends Interfaces.PartialTwoPort;
+ extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(T = T_ref);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R "Resistance at temperature T_ref";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature T_ref=298.15 "Reference temperature";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature M=507.65
+ "Temperature constant (R_actual = R*(M + T_heatPort)/(M + T_ref))";
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Resistance R_actual
+ "Actual resistance = R*(M + T_heatPort)/(M + T_ref) ";
+ Connections.branch(terminal_p.theta, terminal_n.theta);
+ terminal_p.theta = terminal_n.theta;
+ assert(R_actual>=0,
+ "The value of R_actual must be positive, check reference and actual temperatures.");
+ R_actual =R*(M + Modelica.Units.Conversions.to_degC(T_heatPort))/(M +
+ Modelica.Units.Conversions.to_degC(T_ref));
+ terminal_p.i = - terminal_n.i;
+ annotation (Diagram(graphics={
+ Rectangle(extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}}, lineColor={0,0,255}),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
+ Line(points={{70,0},{90,0}}, color={0,0,255})}), Icon(
+ coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
+ graphics={
+ Text(
+ extent={{-142,-30},{144,-62}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ textString="R=%R"),
+ Line(points={{-90,0},{-70,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Line(points={{70,0},{90,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
+ Rectangle(
+ extent={{-70,30},{70,-30}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
+ Documentation(revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+Partial model of a resistance that links two generalized electrical connectors.
+The model computes a resistance R(T) that varies depending on the temperature T as
+R(T) = Rref (M + T)/(M + Tref),
+where the resistance Rref is the reference value of the resistance,
+M is the temperature coefficient of the cable material,
+and Tref is the reference temperature.
+The temperature T is the temperature of the heat port
+if useHeatPort = true
+end PartialTwoPortResistance;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3a056c4a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission;
+package BaseClasses "Package that contains partial models for lines and cables"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+This package contains partial models that describe electric
+lines and cables.
+end BaseClasses;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70fcbed17b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/BaseClasses/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/R_AC_correction.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/R_AC_correction.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a92c50f41a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/R_AC_correction.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions;
+function R_AC_correction
+ "This function computes the correction factor of the DC resistance for AC systems at 60 Hz"
+ input String size "Size of the commercial cable (AWG or kcmil)";
+ input IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Types.Material material
+ "Material of the cable";
+ output Real correction "Correction factor";
+ if material == IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Types.Material.Al then
+ if size == "1/0" then
+ correction := 1.0;
+ elseif size == "2/0" then
+ correction := 1.001;
+ elseif size == "3/0" then
+ correction := 1.001;
+ elseif size == "4/0" then
+ correction := 1.001;
+ elseif size == "250" then
+ correction := 1.002;
+ elseif size == "300" then
+ correction := 1.003;
+ elseif size == "350" then
+ correction := 1.004;
+ elseif size == "400" then
+ correction := 1.005;
+ elseif size == "500" then
+ correction := 1.007;
+ elseif size == "600" then
+ correction := 1.01;
+ elseif size == "700" then
+ correction := 1.013;
+ elseif size == "750" then
+ correction := 1.015;
+ elseif size == "800" then
+ correction := 1.017;
+ elseif size == "1000" then
+ correction := 1.026;
+ elseif size == "1250" then
+ correction := 1.04;
+ elseif size == "1500" then
+ correction := 1.058;
+ elseif size == "1750" then
+ correction := 1.079;
+ elseif size == "2000" then
+ correction := 1.1;
+ elseif size == "2500" then
+ correction := 1.142;
+ else
+ correction := 1.0;
+ end if;
+ elseif material == IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Types.Material.Cu then
+ if size == "1/0" then
+ correction := 1.0;
+ elseif size == "2/0" then
+ correction := 1.001;
+ elseif size == "3/0" then
+ correction := 1.002;
+ elseif size == "4/0" then
+ correction := 1.004;
+ elseif size == "250" then
+ correction := 1.005;
+ elseif size == "300" then
+ correction := 1.006;
+ elseif size == "350" then
+ correction := 1.009;
+ elseif size == "400" then
+ correction := 1.011;
+ elseif size == "500" then
+ correction := 1.018;
+ elseif size == "600" then
+ correction := 1.025;
+ elseif size == "700" then
+ correction := 1.034;
+ elseif size == "750" then
+ correction := 1.039;
+ elseif size == "800" then
+ correction := 1.044;
+ elseif size == "1000" then
+ correction := 1.067;
+ elseif size == "1250" then
+ correction := 1.102;
+ elseif size == "1500" then
+ correction := 1.142;
+ elseif size == "1750" then
+ correction := 1.185;
+ elseif size == "2000" then
+ correction := 1.233;
+ elseif size == "2500" then
+ correction := 1.326;
+ else
+ correction := 1.0;
+ end if;
+ else
+ assert(material <> IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Types.Material.Al and
+ material <> IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Types.Material.Cu,
+ "In function IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.R_AC_Correction,
+ does not support material " + String(material) + ".
+ The selected cable has the R_AC_Correction of the Copper.",
+ level = AssertionLevel.warning);
+ correction := 1.0;
+ end if;
+annotation(Inline = true, Documentation(revisions="
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added warning instead of print.
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+This function computes a correction factor for adapting the DC resistance
+when working with AC voltages. The correction factor assumes f = 60 Hz.
+The correction is based on the type of cabel (AWG or kcmil) and the material.
+Type (AWG or kcmil) |
+Material |
+Correction factor |
+1/0 | Aluminium | 1.0 |
+2/0 | Aluminium | 1.001 |
+3/0 | Aluminium | 1.001 |
+4/0 | Aluminium | 1.001 |
+250 | Aluminium | 1.002 |
+300 | Aluminium | 1.003 |
+350 | Aluminium | 1.004 |
+400 | Aluminium | 1.005 |
+500 | Aluminium | 1.007 |
+600 | Aluminium | 1.010 |
+700 | Aluminium | 1.013 |
+750 | Aluminium | 1.015 |
+800 | Aluminium | 1.017 |
+1000 | Aluminium | 1.026 |
+1250 | Aluminium | 1.040 |
+1500 | Aluminium | 1.058 |
+1750 | Aluminium | 1.079 |
+2000 | Aluminium | 1.100 |
+2500 | Aluminium | 1.142 |
+Type (AWG or kcmil) |
+Material |
+Correction factor |
+1/0 | Copper | 1.0 |
+2/0 | Copper | 1.001 |
+3/0 | Copper | 1.002 |
+4/0 | Copper | 1.004 |
+250 | Copper | 1.005 |
+300 | Copper | 1.006 |
+350 | Copper | 1.009 |
+400 | Copper | 1.011 |
+500 | Copper | 1.018 |
+600 | Copper | 1.025 |
+700 | Copper | 1.034 |
+750 | Copper | 1.039 |
+800 | Copper | 1.044 |
+1000 | Copper | 1.067 |
+1250 | Copper | 1.102 |
+1500 | Copper | 1.142 |
+1750 | Copper | 1.185 |
+2000 | Copper | 1.233 |
+2500 | Copper | 1.326 |
+end R_AC_correction;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/Validation/SelectCable_low.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/Validation/SelectCable_low.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52c635b32d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/Validation/SelectCable_low.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.Validation;
+model SelectCable_low
+ "Validation model for the function that selects the cable"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal=480 "Rated voltage";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Power[:] P_nominal=I_nominal*V_nominal/
+ safety_factor "Rated power";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Current[:] I_nominal={65,95,110,130,170,220,230}
+ .- 10 "Nominal current";
+ parameter Real safety_factor = 1.2 "Safety factor";
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic[:] cab = IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.selectCable_low(
+ P_nominal = P_nominal,
+ V_nominal = V_nominal)
+ "Selected cable";
+annotation (
+experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ __Dymola_Commands(
+"Simulate and plot"),
+This model validates
+for a different range of currents.
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2020, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end SelectCable_low;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/Validation/SelectCable_med.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/Validation/SelectCable_med.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65d533dd0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/Validation/SelectCable_med.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.Validation;
+model SelectCable_med
+ "Validation model for the function that selects the cable"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal=25e3 "Rated voltage";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Power[:] P_nominal=I_nominal*V_nominal/
+ safety_factor "Rated power";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Current[:] I_nominal={195,250,285,375,450,640,800}
+ .- 10 "Nominal current";
+ parameter Real safety_factor = 1.2 "Safety factor";
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic[:] cab = IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.selectCable_med(
+ P_nominal = P_nominal,
+ V_nominal = V_nominal)
+ "Selected cable";
+annotation (
+experiment(Tolerance=1e-6, StopTime=1.0),
+ __Dymola_Commands(
+"Simulate and plot"),
+This model validates
+for a different range of currents.
+", revisions="
+August 25, 2020, by Michael Wetter:
+First implementation.
+end SelectCable_med;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/Validation/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/Validation/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..183eb077e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/Validation/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions;
+package Validation
+ extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains validation models for the classes in
+Note that most validation models contain simple input data which may not be realistic,
+but for which the correct output can be obtained through an analytic solution.
+The examples plot various outputs, which have been verified against these solutions.
+These model outputs are stored as reference data and used for continuous validation
+whenever models in the library change.
+end Validation;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/Validation/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/Validation/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17fc38e447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/Validation/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/computeGMD.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/computeGMD.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83f1f430ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/computeGMD.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions;
+function computeGMD
+ "This function computes the geometric mean distance of a three-phase transmission line"
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Length d1 "Distance between conductors";
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Length d2=d1 "Distance between conductors";
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Length d3=2*d1 "Distance between conductors";
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Length GMD "Geometric Mean Distance";
+ GMD := (d1*d2*d3)^(1.0/3.0);
+annotation(Inline = true, Documentation(revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+This function computes the Geometric Mean Distance of a cable.
+The GMD is computed as
+GMD = (d1 d2 d3)1/3,
+where d1, d2, and d3 are
+ the distances between the conductors.
+end computeGMD;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/computeGMR.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/computeGMR.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0681782133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/computeGMR.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions;
+function computeGMR
+ "This function computes the geometric mean radius of a cable with 1 to 4 conductors"
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Length d "Diameter of the conductor";
+ input Integer N = 1 "Number of conductors";
+ output Modelica.Units.SI.Length GMR "Geometric Mean Radius";
+ assert(N > 0 and N < 5,
+ "The number of conductors N must be between 1 and 4, received N=" + String(N) + ".");
+ if N==1 then
+ GMR := 0.5*d*0.7788;
+ elseif N==2 then
+ GMR := sqrt(d);
+ elseif N==3 then
+ GMR := (d^2)^(1/3);
+ else // N == 4
+ GMR := 1.09*(d^3)^(1/4);
+ end if;
+annotation(Inline = true, Documentation(revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+This function computes the Geometric Mean Radius (GMR) of a cable.
+The GMR is computed as follow, depending on the number of conductors N
+that are part of the cable, and the diamater of the conductor d.
+Equation | Condition |
+0.7788 (d/2) |
+N = 1 |
+d1/2 |
+N = 2 |
+d2/3 |
+N = 3 |
+d2/3 |
+N = 4 |
+end computeGMR;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a727aeeaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission;
+package Functions "Package that contains functions to compute cable properties"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+This package contains various functions that are used to compute
+cable properties and select the default cable during
+automatic parametrization.
+end Functions;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d62457d0b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/selectCable_low.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/selectCable_low.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42405e0fba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/selectCable_low.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions;
+function selectCable_low "This function is used to automatically select the
+ type of cable for low voltages"
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_nominal=0 "Rated power";
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal=0 "Rated voltage";
+ output IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic cable "Cable";
+ parameter Real safety_factor = 1.2;
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current I_nominal
+ "Nominal current flowing through the line";
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu10 cu10;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu20 cu20;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu25 cu25;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu35 cu35;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu50 cu50;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu95 cu95;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Cu100 cu100;
+ assert(Transmission.Functions.selectVoltageLevel(V_nominal) == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.VoltageLevel.Low,
+ "In function IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.selectCable_low,
+ cable autosizing has a nominal Voltage " + String(V_nominal) + " [V].
+ The low voltage cables do not support such a voltage level.",
+ level=AssertionLevel.error);
+ // Check if it's possible to compute the current
+ if V_nominal > 0 then
+ I_nominal :=safety_factor*P_nominal/V_nominal;
+ else
+ I_nominal :=0;
+ end if;
+ // Assumed the material is Copper
+ if I_nominal < cu10.Amp then
+ cable := cu10;
+ elseif I_nominal >= cu10.Amp and I_nominal < cu20.Amp then
+ cable := cu20;
+ elseif I_nominal >= cu20.Amp and I_nominal < cu25.Amp then
+ cable := cu25;
+ elseif I_nominal >= cu25.Amp and I_nominal < cu35.Amp then
+ cable := cu35;
+ elseif I_nominal >= cu35.Amp and I_nominal < cu50.Amp then
+ cable := cu50;
+ elseif I_nominal >= cu50.Amp and I_nominal < cu95.Amp then
+ cable := cu95;
+ elseif I_nominal >= cu95.Amp and I_nominal < cu100.Amp then
+ cable := cu100;
+ else
+ assert(I_nominal < cu100.Amp,
+"In function IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.selectCable_low,
+ cable autosizing does not support a current of " + String(I_nominal) + " [A].
+ The selected cable will be undersized.",
+ level=AssertionLevel.warning);
+ cable := cu100;
+ end if;
+annotation(Inline = true, Documentation(revisions="
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added warning instead of print.
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+This function selects the default cable for a low voltage
+transmission line.
+The function takes as inputs the nominal voltage Vnominal and the
+nominal power Pnominal. It computes the maximum current current that
+can flow through the cable as
+IMAX = SF Pnominal / Vnominal,
+where SF is the safety factor. By default the safety factor is equal to 1.2.
+Using IMAX, the function selects the smallest cable that has an ampacity
+higher than IMAX. The cables are selected from
+end selectCable_low;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/selectCable_med.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/selectCable_med.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b91d52a5d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/selectCable_med.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions;
+function selectCable_med "This function is used to automatically select the
+ type of cable for medium voltages"
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_nominal=0 "Rated power";
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal=0 "Rated voltage";
+ output IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic cable "Cable";
+ parameter Real safety_factor = 1.2;
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Current I_nominal
+ "Nominal current flowing through the line";
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_10 Al10;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_30 Al30;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_40 Al40;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_350 Al350;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_500 Al500;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_1000 Al1000;
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_1500 Al1500;
+ assert(Transmission.Functions.selectVoltageLevel(V_nominal) == IBPSA.Electrical.Types.VoltageLevel.Medium,
+ "In function IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.selectCable_med,
+ cable autosizing has a nominal Voltage " + String(V_nominal) + " [V].
+ The medium voltage cables do not support such a voltage level.",
+ level=AssertionLevel.error);
+ // Check if it's possible to compute the current
+ if V_nominal > 0 then
+ I_nominal :=safety_factor*P_nominal/V_nominal;
+ else
+ I_nominal :=0;
+ end if;
+ // Assumed the material is Copper
+ if I_nominal < Al10.Amp then
+ cable := Al10;
+ elseif I_nominal >= Al10.Amp and I_nominal < Al30.Amp then
+ cable := Al30;
+ elseif I_nominal >= Al30.Amp and I_nominal < Al40.Amp then
+ cable := Al40;
+ elseif I_nominal >= Al40.Amp and I_nominal < Al350.Amp then
+ cable := Al350;
+ elseif I_nominal >= Al350.Amp and I_nominal < Al500.Amp then
+ cable := Al500;
+ elseif I_nominal >= Al500.Amp and I_nominal < Al1000.Amp then
+ cable := Al1000;
+ elseif I_nominal >= Al1000.Amp and I_nominal < Al1500.Amp then
+ cable := Al1500;
+ else
+ assert(I_nominal < Al1500.Amp,
+"Warning: In function IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.selectCable_med,
+ cable autosizing does not support a current of " + String(I_nominal) + " [A].
+ The selected cable will be undersized.",
+ level=AssertionLevel.warning);
+ cable := Al10;
+ end if;
+annotation(Inline = true, Documentation(revisions="
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added warning instead of print.
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+This function selects the default cable for a medium voltage
+transmission line.
+The function takes as inputs the nominal voltage Vnominal and the
+nominal power Pnominal. It computes the maximum current current that
+can flow through the cable as
+IMAX = SF Pnominal / Vnominal,
+where SF is the safety factor. By default the safety factor is equal to 1.2.
+Using IMAX, the function selects the smallest cable that has an ampacity
+higher than IMAX. The cables are selected from
+end selectCable_med;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/selectVoltageLevel.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/selectVoltageLevel.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c2b463f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Functions/selectVoltageLevel.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions;
+function selectVoltageLevel
+ "This function computes the voltage level (low, medium or high) given the nominal voltage"
+ input Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V "Nominal voltage";
+ output IBPSA.Electrical.Types.VoltageLevel level "Type of voltage level";
+ if V <= 0 then
+ assert(V > 0,
+ "In function IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.selectVoltageLevel,
+ does not support a voltage of " + String(V) + " [V].
+ The selected voltage level will be assumed to be low.",
+ level = AssertionLevel.warning);
+ level := IBPSA.Electrical.Types.VoltageLevel.Low;
+ elseif V <= 1000 then
+ level := IBPSA.Electrical.Types.VoltageLevel.Low;
+ elseif V > 1000 and V <= 50000 then
+ level := IBPSA.Electrical.Types.VoltageLevel.Medium;
+ else
+ level := IBPSA.Electrical.Types.VoltageLevel.High;
+ end if;
+annotation(Inline = true, Documentation(revisions="
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added warning instead of print.
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+This function computes the voltage level for a given voltage.
+The computation is as follows:
+Condition |
+Voltage Level |
+0 ≤ V < 1 kV |
+Low voltage |
+1 kV ≤ V < 50 kV |
+Medium voltage |
+ V ≥ 50 kV |
+HIgh voltage |
+end selectVoltageLevel;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/IEEE_34_AL120.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/IEEE_34_AL120.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..087679cfd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/IEEE_34_AL120.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Grids;
+record IEEE_34_AL120 "Grid model inspired to the IEEE 34 Node test feeder"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Grids.PartialGrid(
+ nNodes=34,
+ nLinks=33,
+ l=[48;16;16;40;32;16;16;16;16;16;16;32;32;16;32;32;32;48;48;32;32;16;16;16;
+ 16;16;32;32;16;32;16;16;16],
+ fromTo=[[1,2]; [2,3]; [3,4]; [4,5]; [4,6]; [6,7]; [7,8]; [9,26]; [10,26]; [
+ 11,9]; [12,11]; [13,10]; [14,10]; [15,14]; [16,15]; [17,27]; [18,27]; [
+ 19,31]; [20,31]; [21,32]; [22,32]; [23,20]; [24,23]; [25,24]; [26,8]; [
+ 27,29]; [28,16]; [29,16]; [30,17]; [31,17]; [32,19]; [33,22]; [34,18]],
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic cables=
+ {LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl70(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl70(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl35(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl35(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl35(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl35(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl35(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl35(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl35(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl120(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl70(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl70(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl70(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl70(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl70(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl35(),LowVoltageCables.PvcAl35(),
+ LowVoltageCables.PvcAl70()});
+ /*
+ LenVec={
+ 0,48,16,16,40,
+ 32,16,16,16,16,
+ 16,16,32,32,16,
+ 32,32,32,48,48,
+ 32,32,16,16,16,
+ 16,16,32,32,16,
+ 32,16,16,16},
+ CabTyp={
+ ,.PvcAl120(),.PvcAl120(),.PvcAl120(),.PvcAl120(),
+ .PvcAl120(),.PvcAl120(),.PvcAl120(),.PvcAl120(),.PvcAl120(),
+ .PvcAl120(),.PvcAl120(),.PvcAl120(),.PvcAl120(),.PvcAl120(),
+ .PvcAl120(),.PvcAl70(),.PvcAl70(),.PvcAl35(),.PvcAl35(),
+ .PvcAl35(),.PvcAl35(),.PvcAl35(),.PvcAl35(),.PvcAl35(),
+ .PvcAl120(),.PvcAl70(),.PvcAl70(),.PvcAl70(),.PvcAl70(),
+ .PvcAl70(),.PvcAl35(),.PvcAl35(),.PvcAl70()});
+ */
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+ This model represents a grid inspired by the IEEE 34 node test feeder.
+In this example, the cable types and lengths have been modified in order to
+represent a typical distribution feeder.
+The following three type of cables are in the grid: AL120, AL70, and Al35.
+", revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added redeclare statement needed to specify the type of cables used in the array.
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end IEEE_34_AL120;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/PartialGrid.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/PartialGrid.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23dcfa3647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/PartialGrid.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Grids;
+record PartialGrid "Partial model that represents a generalized grid"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.MaterialProperty;
+ parameter Integer nNodes "Number of nodes of the grid";
+ parameter Integer nLinks "Number of links connecting the nodes";
+ parameter Integer fromTo[nLinks,2]
+ "Indexes [i,1]->[i,2] of the nodes connected by link i";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Length l[nLinks,1](each min=0)
+ "Length of the cable";
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.BaseCable cables[nLinks]
+ "Array that contains the characteristics of each cable";
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This abstract grid model specifies the topology of the network by
+- the number of nodes,
+- the number of links,
+- the length of links, and
+- the connection between links and nodes.
+The picture below describes the meaning of the
+values contained in the matrices.
+", revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model structure. Now the type of the cable is replaceable
+so it's possible to use either low voltage or medium voltage cable.
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+"), Icon(graphics={
+ Text(
+ textColor={0,0,255},
+ extent={{-154,104},{146,144}},
+ textString="%name")}));
+end PartialGrid;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/TestGrid2Nodes.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/TestGrid2Nodes.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d49a79cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/TestGrid2Nodes.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Grids;
+record TestGrid2Nodes "Simple model of a grid with 2 nodes and 1 link"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Grids.PartialGrid(
+ nNodes=2,
+ nLinks=1,
+ fromTo=[[1,2]],
+ l=[200],
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic
+ cables = {LowVoltageCables.Cu35()});
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This model represents a simple grid with two nodes and a single link between them.
+The picture below describes the grid topology.
+", revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added redeclare statement needed to specify the type of cables used in the array.
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end TestGrid2Nodes;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/TestGrid2NodesMedium.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/TestGrid2NodesMedium.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e116f2c782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/TestGrid2NodesMedium.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Grids;
+record TestGrid2NodesMedium
+ "Simple model of a grid with 2 nodes and 1 link for medium voltage"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Grids.PartialGrid(
+ nNodes=2,
+ nLinks=1,
+ fromTo=[[1,2]],
+ l=[200],
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic
+ cables = {MediumVoltageCables.Annealed_Al_30()});
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This model represents a simple grid with two nodes and a single link between them.
+This model differs from
+IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Grids.TestGrid2Nodes because it defines a medium voltage
+cable instead of a low voltage cable.
+The picture below describes the grid topology.
+", revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added redeclare statement needed to specify the type of cables used in the array.
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end TestGrid2NodesMedium;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72246053bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission;
+package Grids "Package that contains different types of grids"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.MaterialPropertiesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+This package contains different types of grids that can be used to represent
+electrical networks. The topology of the network is specified by
+- the number of nodes,
+- the number of links,
+- the length of links, and
+- the connection between links and nodes.
+end Grids;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea44995adc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Grids/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu10.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu10.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9c832128e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu10.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record Cu10 "Cu cable 10 mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Cu,
+ M = 234.5 + 273.15,
+ Amp=65,
+ RCha=1.81e-003,
+ XCha=0.076e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Copper cable with a cross-sectional area of 10mm^2.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 1.810-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.076e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Cu10;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu100.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu100.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..486ddc3913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu100.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record Cu100 "Cu cable 100 mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Cu,
+ M = 234.5 + 273.15,
+ Amp = 230,
+ RCha=0.181e-003,
+ XCha=0.072e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Copper cable with a cross-sectional area of 100mm^2.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.181e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.072e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Cu100;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu20.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu20.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a786b18de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu20.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record Cu20 "Cu cable 20 mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Cu,
+ M = 234.5 + 273.15,
+ Amp=95,
+ RCha=0.905e-003,
+ XCha=0.075e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Copper cable with a cross-sectional area of 20mm^2.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.905e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.075e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Cu20;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu25.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu25.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d18426d0b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu25.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record Cu25 "Cu cable 25 mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Cu,
+ M = 234.5 + 273.15,
+ Amp=110,
+ RCha=0.727e-003,
+ XCha=0.075e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Copper cable with a cross-sectional area of 25mm^2.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.727e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.075e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Cu25;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu35.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu35.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef9d42e99b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu35.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record Cu35 "Cu cable 35 mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Cu,
+ M = 234.5 + 273.15,
+ Amp=130,
+ RCha=0.517e-003,
+ XCha=0.074e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Copper cable with a cross-sectional area of 35mm^2.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.517e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.074e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Cu35;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu50.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu50.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39e288bae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu50.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record Cu50 "Cu cable 50 mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Cu,
+ M = 234.5 + 273.15,
+ Amp=170,
+ RCha=0.362e-003,
+ XCha=0.073e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Copper cable with a cross-sectional area of 50mm^2.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.362e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.073e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Cu50;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu95.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu95.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..396881fdd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Cu95.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record Cu95 "Cu cable 95 mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Cu,
+ M = 234.5 + 273.15,
+ Amp=220,
+ RCha=0.191e-003,
+ XCha=0.072e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Copper cable with a cross-sectional area of 95mm^2.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.191e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.072e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Cu95;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Generic.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Generic.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8c8727b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/Generic.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record Generic "Data record for a generic low voltage cable"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.MaterialProperty;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.BaseCable;
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CharacteristicResistance RCha(start=0)
+ "Characteristic resistance of the cable";
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CharacteristicReactance XCha(start=0)
+ "Characteristic reactance of the cable";
+ redeclare function extends lineResistance
+ "Function that computes the resistance of a cable"
+ input IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic cable
+ "Record that contains cable properties";
+ algorithm
+ R :=cable.RCha*l;
+ annotation(Inline=true, Documentation(revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added function and documentation
+", info="
+This function computes the overall resistance of a cable.
+The low voltage cable is described by a characteristic resistance per unit
+length, given this value the overall resistance is computed as
+where RCHA is the characteristic resistance per unit length, and
+lCABLE is the length of the cable.
+ end lineResistance;
+ redeclare function extends lineInductance
+ "Function that computes the resistance of a cable"
+ input IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic cable
+ "Record that contains cable properties";
+ algorithm
+ L := l*(cable.XCha/omega);
+ annotation(Inline=true, Documentation(revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added function and documentation
+", info="
+This function computes the overall inductance of a cable.
+When the voltage level is low, the cables have a characteristic reactance per unit
+length, which is specified at f = 50 Hz.
+The overall inductance is computed as
+L = (XCHA/ω) lCABLE,
+where XCHA is the characteristic reactance per unit length,
+ω = 2 π f is the angular velocity, and lCABLE is
+the length of the cable.
+ end lineInductance;
+ redeclare function extends lineCapacitance
+ "Function that computes the capacitance of a cable"
+ input IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic cable
+ "Record that contains cable properties";
+ algorithm
+ C := 0.0;
+ annotation(Inline=true, Documentation(revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added function and documentation
+", info="
+This function computes the overall capacity of a cable.
+When the voltage level is low, the cables do not consider the capacitive effect. Hence,
+C = 0.
+ end lineCapacitance;
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This is a base record for specifying physical properties for low
+voltage commercial cables. New cables can be added by extending the
+For low voltage cables, only the characteristic resistance and reactance are
+", revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, not it extends the base records
+and add details for the low voltage cables.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Generic;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl120.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl120.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b2076de07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl120.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record PvcAl120 "Aluminum cable 120mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ RCha=0.269e-003,
+ XCha=0.071e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Aluminium cable with a cross-sectional area of 120mm^2.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.269e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.071e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end PvcAl120;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl120_ECM.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl120_ECM.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a3fbdb9e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl120_ECM.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record PvcAl120_ECM "Aluminum cable 120mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ RCha=0.278e-003,
+ XCha=0.071e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Aluminium cable with a cross-sectional area of 120mm^2, ECM type.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.278e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.071e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end PvcAl120_ECM;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl150.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl150.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cbfdd62bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl150.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record PvcAl150 "Aluminum cable 150mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ RCha=0.206e-003,
+ XCha=0.070e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Aluminium cable with a cross-sectional area of 150mm^2.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.206e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.070e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end PvcAl150;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl16.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl16.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35c1809593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl16.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record PvcAl16 "Aluminum cable 16 mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ RCha=2.105e-003,
+ XCha=0.076e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Aluminium cable with a cross-sectional area of 16mm^2, ECM type.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 2.105e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.076e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end PvcAl16;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl16_ECM.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl16_ECM.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2ca41d61e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl16_ECM.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record PvcAl16_ECM "Aluminum cable 16 mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ RCha=2.105e-003,
+ XCha=0.076e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Aluminium cable with a cross-sectional area of 16mm^2, ECM type.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 2.105e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.076e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end PvcAl16_ECM;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl25.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl25.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a7ea60a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl25.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record PvcAl25 "Aluminum cable 25 mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ RCha=1.292e-003,
+ XCha=0.075e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Aluminium cable with a cross-sectional area of 25mm^2, ECM type.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 1.292e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.075e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end PvcAl25;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl25_ECM.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl25_ECM.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7034697b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl25_ECM.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record PvcAl25_ECM "Aluminum cable 25 mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ RCha=1.32e-003,
+ XCha=0.075e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Aluminium cable with a cross-sectional area of 25mm^2, ECM type.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 1.320e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.075e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end PvcAl25_ECM;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl35.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl35.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7fe7de544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl35.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record PvcAl35 "Aluminum cable 35 mm^2"
+extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ RCha=0.923e-003,
+ XCha=0.074e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Aluminium cable with a cross-sectional area of 35mm^2, ECM type.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.923e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.074e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end PvcAl35;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl35_ECM.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl35_ECM.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f692149023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl35_ECM.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record PvcAl35_ECM "Aluminum cable 35 mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ RCha=0.956e-003,
+ XCha=0.074e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Aluminium cable with a cross-sectional area of 35mm^2, ECM type.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.956e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.074e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end PvcAl35_ECM;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl50.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl50.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..235b691d8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl50.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record PvcAl50 "Aluminum cable 50 mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ RCha=0.641e-003,
+ XCha=0.073e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Aluminium cable with a cross-sectional area of 50mm^2.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.641e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.073e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end PvcAl50;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl70.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl70.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c4a58d884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl70.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record PvcAl70 "Aluminum cable 70mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ RCha=0.5071e-003,
+ XCha=0.072e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Aluminium cable with a cross-sectional area of 70mm^2.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.5071e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.072e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end PvcAl70;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl70_ECM.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl70_ECM.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..004d364551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl70_ECM.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record PvcAl70_ECM "Aluminum cable 70mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ RCha=0.488e-003,
+ XCha=0.072e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Aluminium cable with a cross-sectional area of 70mm^2, ECM type.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.488e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.072e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end PvcAl70_ECM;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl75.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl75.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75ff3ecc39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl75.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record PvcAl75 "Aluminum cable 75mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ RCha=0.431e-003,
+ XCha=0.072e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Aluminium cable with a cross-sectional area of 75mm^2.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.431e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.072e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end PvcAl75;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl95.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl95.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ea5f58174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/PvcAl95.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables;
+record PvcAl95 "Aluminum cable 95mm^2"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ RCha=0.320e-003,
+ XCha=0.072e-003);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Aluminium cable with a cross-sectional area of 95mm^2.
+This type of cable has the following properties
+RCha = 0.320e-003 // Characteristic resistance [Ohm/m]
+XCha = 0.072e-003 // Characteristic reactance [Ohm/m]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end PvcAl95;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0be00a5d1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission;
+package LowVoltageCables "Package of low voltage electricity cables used in distribution grid"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.MaterialPropertiesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains records of physical properties for low
+voltage commercial cables. New cables can be added by extending the
+base record
+For low voltage cables, only the characteristic resistance and reactance are
+specified. See
+IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Base.BaseCable for a comprehensive list of
+parameters that can be specified for a cable.
+", revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end LowVoltageCables;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..945d5c3614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/LowVoltageCables/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_10.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_10.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7756cc3b38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_10.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables;
+record Annealed_Al_10 "Annealed Al cable - AWG 1/0"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ size="1/0",
+ Rdc=0.551181e-3,
+ T_ref=298.15,
+ d=9.195e-3,
+ D=26.543e-3,
+ GMR=IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.computeGMR(d),
+ GMD=IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.computeGMD(0.1905),
+ Amp=195);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Annealed aluminium cable with a cross-sectional AWG 1/0
+(American Wire Gauge).
+This type of cable has the following properties
+Rdc = 0.551181e-3 // Characteristic DC resistance at T = T_ref[Ohm/m]
+T_ref= 298.15 // Reference temperature of the material [K]
+d = 9.195e-3 // Inner diameter [m]
+D = 26.543e-3 // Outer diameter [m]
+Amp = 195 // Ampacity [A]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Annealed_Al_10;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_1000.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_1000.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fa5a79e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_1000.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables;
+record Annealed_Al_1000 "Annealed Al cable - AWG 1000"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ size="1000",
+ Rdc=5.80709e-5,
+ T_ref=298.15,
+ d=28.372e-3,
+ D=46.101e-3,
+ GMR=IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.computeGMR(d),
+ GMD=IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.computeGMD(0.1905),
+ Amp=640);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Annealed aluminium cable with a cross-sectional kcmil 1000
+(thousand of Circular Mils).
+This type of cable has the following properties
+Rdc = 5.80709e-5 // Characteristic DC resistance at T = T_ref[Ohm/m]
+T_ref= 298.15 // Reference temperature of the material [K]
+d = 28.372e-3 // Inner diameter [m]
+D = 46.101e-3 // Outer diameter [m]
+Amp = 640 // Ampacity [A]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Annealed_Al_1000;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_1500.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_1500.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..feed18458e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_1500.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables;
+record Annealed_Al_1500 "Annealed Al cable - AWG 1500"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ size="1500",
+ Rdc=3.87139e-5,
+ T_ref=298.15,
+ d=34.798e-3,
+ D=53.34e-3,
+ GMR=IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.computeGMR(d),
+ GMD=IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.computeGMD(0.1905),
+ Amp=800);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Annealed aluminium cable with a cross-sectional kcmil 1500
+(thousand of Circular Mils).
+This type of cable has the following properties
+Rdc = 3.87139e-5 // Characteristic DC resistance at T = T_ref[Ohm/m]
+T_ref= 298.15 // Reference temperature of the material [K]
+d = 34.798e-3 // Inner diameter [m]
+D = 53.34e-3 // Outer diameter [m]
+Amp = 800 // Ampacity [A]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Annealed_Al_1500;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_30.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_30.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10c35e886c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_30.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables;
+record Annealed_Al_30 "Annealed Al cable - AWG 3/0"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ size="3/0",
+ Rdc=0.344488e-3,
+ T_ref=298.15,
+ d=11.582e-3,
+ D=28.956e-3,
+ GMR=IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.computeGMR(d),
+ GMD=IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.computeGMD(0.1905),
+ Amp=250);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Annealed aluminium cable with a cross-sectional AWG 2/0
+(American Wire Gauge).
+This type of cable has the following properties
+Rdc = 0.344488e-3 // Characteristic DC resistance at T = T_ref[Ohm/m]
+T_ref= 298.15 // Reference temperature of the material [K]
+d = 11.582e-3 // Inner diameter [m]
+D = 28.956e-3 // Outer diameter [m]
+Amp = 250 // Ampacity [A]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Annealed_Al_30;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_350.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_350.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d150bca0dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_350.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables;
+record Annealed_Al_350 "Annealed Al cable - kcmil 350"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ size="350",
+ Rdc=0.165682e-3,
+ T_ref=298.15,
+ d=16.789e-3,
+ D=34.417e-3,
+ GMR=IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.computeGMR(d),
+ GMD=IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.computeGMD(0.1905),
+ Amp=375);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Annealed aluminium cable with a cross-sectional kcmil 350
+(thousand of Circular Mils).
+This type of cable has the following properties
+Rdc = 0.165682e-3 // Characteristic DC resistance at T = T_ref[Ohm/m]
+T_ref= 298.15 // Reference temperature of the material [K]
+d = 16.789e-3 // Inner diameter [m]
+D = 34.417e-3 // Outer diameter [m]
+Amp = 375 // Ampacity [A]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Annealed_Al_350;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_40.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_40.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3acf33ab66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_40.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables;
+record Annealed_Al_40 "Annealed Al cable - AWG 4/0"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ size="4/0",
+ Rdc=0.274278e-3,
+ T_ref=298.15,
+ d=13.005e-3,
+ D=30.353e-3,
+ GMR=IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.computeGMR(d),
+ GMD=IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.computeGMD(0.1905),
+ Amp=285);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Annealed aluminium cable with a cross-sectional AWG 4/0
+(American Wire Gauge).
+This type of cable has the following properties
+Rdc = 0.274278e-3 // Characteristic DC resistance at T = T_ref[Ohm/m]
+T_ref= 298.15 // Reference temperature of the material [K]
+d = 13.005e-3 // Inner diameter [m]
+D = 30.353e-3 // Outer diameter [m]
+Amp = 285 // Ampacity [A]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Annealed_Al_40;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_500.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_500.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ae4ee8634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Annealed_Al_500.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables;
+record Annealed_Al_500 "Annealed Al cable - AWG 500"
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic(
+ material=Types.Material.Al,
+ M = 228.1 + 273.15,
+ size="500",
+ Rdc=0.116142e-3,
+ T_ref=298.15,
+ d=20.066e-3,
+ D=37.592e-3,
+ GMR=IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.computeGMR(d),
+ GMD=IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.computeGMD(0.1905),
+ Amp=450);
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+Annealed aluminium cable with a cross-sectional kcmil 500
+(thousand of Circular Mils).
+This type of cable has the following properties
+Rdc = 0.116142e-3 // Characteristic DC resistance at T = T_ref[Ohm/m]
+T_ref= 298.15 // Reference temperature of the material [K]
+d = 20.066e-3 // Inner diameter [m]
+D = 37.592e-3 // Outer diameter [m]
+Amp = 450 // Ampacity [A]
+", revisions="
+September 24, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, now the temperature constant M
+is directly specified in the record.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Annealed_Al_500;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Generic.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Generic.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e19524fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/Generic.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables;
+record Generic "Data record for a generic medium voltage cable"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.MaterialProperty;
+ extends IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.BaseCable;
+ parameter String size(start="")
+ "AWG or kcmil code representing the conductor size";
+ parameter IBPSA.Electrical.Types.CharacteristicResistance Rdc(start=0)
+ "Characteristic DC resistance of the cable @ T_ref";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Length d "Inner diameter";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Length D "Outer diameter";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Length GMR "Geometrical Mean Radius of the cable";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Length GMD
+ "Geometrical Mean Diameter of the cable";
+ redeclare function extends lineResistance
+ "Function that computes the resistance of a cable"
+ input IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic cable
+ "Record that contains cable properties";
+ algorithm
+ R := l*cable.Rdc*IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.R_AC_correction(
+ cable.size, cable.material);
+ annotation(Inline=true, Documentation(revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added function and documentation
+", info="
+This function computes the overall resistance of a cable.
+When the voltage level is medium or high, the cables have a DC resistance that needs
+to be corrected to account for the effects cause by the AC voltage.
+The correction is
+R = lCABLE RDC fCORR(s, m),
+where RDC is the characteristic DC resistance per unit length,
+lCABLE is the length of the cable, and
+fCORR(s, m) is a function that corrects the DC value and depends on the
+size of the cable s and its material m. See
+IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.R_AC_correction for more details.
+ end lineResistance;
+ redeclare function extends lineInductance
+ "Function that computes the resistance of a cable"
+ input IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic cable
+ "Record that contains cable properties";
+ algorithm
+ L := l*2e-7*log(cable.GMD/cable.GMR);
+ annotation(Inline=true, Documentation(revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added function and documentation
+", info="
+This function computes the overall inductance of a cable.
+When the voltage level is medium or high, the cables have geometric parameters that can
+be used to compute the inductance as
+R = lCABLE 2 10-7 log(GMD/GMR),
+where lCABLE is the length of the cable, and
+GMD and GMR are the geometric mean distance and the geometric mean radius
+of the cable.
+ end lineInductance;
+ redeclare function extends lineCapacitance
+ "Function that computes the capacitance of a cable"
+ input IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic cable
+ "Record that contains cable properties";
+ protected
+ Modelica.Units.SI.Length r "Radius";
+ algorithm
+ r := cable.d/2.0;
+ C := l*2*Modelica.Constants.pi*Modelica.Constants.epsilon_0/log(cable.GMD/r);
+ annotation(Inline=true, Documentation(revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added function and documentation
+", info="
+This function computes the overall capacity of a cable.
+When the voltage level is medium or high, the cables have geometric parameters that can
+be used to compute the capacity as
+C = lCABLE 2 π ε0/log(GMD/r),
+where lCABLE is the length of the cable,
+ε0 is the dielectric constant of the air, GMD
+is the geometric mean distance, and r = d/2 where d is the inner
+diameter of the cable.
+ end lineCapacitance;
+ annotation (Documentation(info="
+This is a base record for specifying physical properties for medium
+voltage commercial cables. New cables can be added by extending
+For medium voltage cables, the geometric properties of the cable and the material are
+specified. For example some of the properties that are specified are:
+Rdc : Characteristic DC resistance at T = T_ref[Ohm/m]
+T_ref : Reference temperature of the material [K]
+d : Inner diameter [m]
+D : Outer diameter [m]
+Amp : Ampacity [A]
+other properties such as the geometric mean diameter GMD and the
+geometric mean radius GMR are by default computed using functions,
+but this can be overriden.
+", revisions="
+September 23, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised structure of the record, not it extends the base records
+and add details for the medium voltage cables.
+Sept 19, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Generic;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89f3a28727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission;
+package MediumVoltageCables "Package of medium voltage electricity cables used in distribution grid"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.MaterialPropertiesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains records of physical properties of medium
+voltage commercial cables. New cables can be added by extending the
+base record
+", revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end MediumVoltageCables;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbbc0da18c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/MediumVoltageCables/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Types/Material.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Types/Material.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f984d21b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Types/Material.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission.Types;
+type Material = enumeration(
+ Cu "Copper",
+ Al "Aluminium") "Material of the cable" annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+", info="
+Enumeration for materials that can be used
+for cables.
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Types/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Types/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27fa5a8d27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Types/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Transmission;
+package Types "Package that contains cables materials"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.TypesPackage;
+annotation (preferredView="info",
+This package contains an enumeration for materials.
+", revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Types;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Types/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Types/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4c8dcd2bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/Types/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49b27cb1bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical;
+package Transmission "Package with models for transmission lines"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={
+ Ellipse(
+ extent={{40,8},{16,-28}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
+ Line(
+ points={{28,8},{-54,8},{-64,8},{-72,-10},{-64,-28},{-52,-28},{28,-28}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
+ Line(
+ points={{-70,-10},{-88,-10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None),
+ Line(
+ points={{54,-10},{28,-10}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None)}), Documentation(info="
+This package contains cables that can be used
+to represent a line in a electric grid. The package contains
+several functions and records to parametrize cables either using
+default values or values from commercial cables.
+The package
+contains models of
+electrical networks.
+Commercial cables
+The package contains several low voltage and medium voltage cable with
+pre-defined physical and geometrical properties like characteristic resistances and
+diameters. There are different conventions to measure the cables.
+Cross-sectional area
+A measure of cross-sectional area in square mm. E.g. 50 mm2
+wire has a nominal circula area of 50 mm2 and a diameter of
+7.98 mm.
+AWG (American Wire Gauge)
+A measure of wire thickness (which also dictates cross-sectional area, and
+for a given material, ampacity). E.g. 24 AWG wire has a nominal diameter of
+0.0201 in or 0.511 mm.
+kcmil (thousand of Circular Mils)
+kcmil is an abbreviation for thousands of circular mils, an old measurement of
+wire gauge. 1 kcmil = 0.5067 square millimeters. A mil is 1/1000 inch.
+A wire 200 mils in diameter is 40 kcmil. kcmil is generally used for very
+large-diameter wire. Most wires use AWG.
+", revisions="
+June 3, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Transmission;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8954d8b84a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Transmission/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/CableMode.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/CableMode.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..faa4671c22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/CableMode.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Types;
+type CableMode = enumeration(
+ automatic "Select automatically the size of the cable",
+ commercial "Select the cable from a list of commercial options")
+ "Enumeration that defines how a cable can be parameterized" annotation (
+ Documentation(revisions="
+March 19, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+This type is used to indicate in which mode the cable model works.
+In automatic mode the cable is automatically sized using basic information like
+nominal voltage and power, in commercial mode the user can select among a list of
+commercially available cables.
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/CharacteristicReactance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/CharacteristicReactance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5dbdee11d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/CharacteristicReactance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Types;
+type CharacteristicReactance = Real (final quantity="Reactance per meter", final unit="Ohm/m")
+ "Reactance per unit length" annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+March 19, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+This type defines the reactance per unit length. It is typically used
+to describe physical properties of line cables.
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/CharacteristicResistance.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/CharacteristicResistance.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f24071de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/CharacteristicResistance.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Types;
+type CharacteristicResistance = Real (final quantity="Resistance per meter", final unit="Ohm/m")
+ "Resistance per unit length" annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+March 19, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+This type defines the resistance per unit length and it typically used
+to describe physical properties of the line cables.
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/InitMode.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/InitMode.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bf9af426c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/InitMode.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Types;
+type InitMode = enumeration(
+ zero_current "Assume i=0 during homotopy initialization",
+ linearized "Uses linear model during homotopy initialization")
+ "Enumeration that defines the type of initialization assumption can be used for a load model"
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+March 19, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+This type is used to indicate how a model
+should be initialized.
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/Load.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/Load.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9b2e1d49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/Load.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Types;
+type Load = enumeration(
+ FixedZ_steady_state "Fixed Z, steady-state",
+ FixedZ_dynamic "Fixed Z, dynamic",
+ VariableZ_P_input "Variable Z, P input",
+ VariableZ_y_input "Variable Z, y input")
+ "Enumeration that defines the modeling assumption of the load." annotation (
+ Documentation(revisions="
+March 19, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+This type indicates in which mode the load model operates.
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/LoadConnection.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/LoadConnection.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79860d28f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/LoadConnection.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Types;
+type LoadConnection = enumeration(
+ wye_to_wyeg "Wye to wye grounded",
+ wye_to_delta "Wye to delta")
+ "Enumeration that defines the type of connection can be used for three-phase unbalanced systems"
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+March 19, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+This type is used to describe different types of connections that can be used in
+unbalanced three phase systems.
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/PerUnit.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/PerUnit.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80479dc305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/PerUnit.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Types;
+type PerUnit = Real (final quantity="Per unit", final unit="1", min=0)
+ "Used to represent electric quantities with respect to reference value"
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+March 19, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+This type is used to declare whether an electric quantity such as voltage
+is expressed in SI units or in per units (i.e., the value divided by its nominal
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/VoltageLevel.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/VoltageLevel.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b0b864053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/VoltageLevel.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Types;
+type VoltageLevel = enumeration(
+ Low "Low voltage",
+ Medium "Medium voltage",
+ High "High voltage") "Enumeration that defines the type of voltage level"
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+March 19, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+This type is used to define which type of voltage level is used.
+This is typically used for computing or selecting the line cables.
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70e176d6f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical;
+package Types "This package contains new types used within the Electrical package"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.TypesPackage;
+annotation (preferredView="info",
+This package contains type definitions.
+June 17, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added new type InitMode
to represent different types
+of initialization assumptions for the load model.
+June 5, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added new type LoadConnection
to represent different types
+of unbalanced connection.
+May 15, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added User's guide.
+end Types;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e17893b71e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Types/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/UsersGuide.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/UsersGuide.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a2d3e5e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/UsersGuide.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical;
+package UsersGuide "Electrical package user's guide"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Information;
+ annotation (preferredView="info",
+The IBPSA.Electrical package extends the
+capabilities of the IBPSA library with models for electrical systems, allowing
+to study building-to-grid integration such as the effect of large scale PV on the
+voltage of the electrical distribution grid.
+The package contains models for different types of sources, loads, storage equipment,
+and transmission lines for electric power. The package contains models that can be used to
+represent DC, AC one-phase, and AC three-phase balanced and unbalanced systems.
+The models can be used to scale from the building level up to the distribution level.
+The models have been successfully validated against the IEEE four nodes test feeder.
+The IBPSA.Electrical package uses a
+new type of generalized connector that has been introduced by R. Franke and Wiesman (2014)
+and is used by the Power Systems Library
+and the
+Electric Power Library.
+The Modelica Standard Library (MSL) version 3.2.1 has different connectors depending on the
+type of electric system being modeled. For example, DC and AC continuous time systems have
+a connector (Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin)
+that differs from the one used by AC models, which use the
+quasi-stationary assumption (
+The generalized electrical connector overcomes this limitation. It uses a paradigm
+that is similar to the one used by the Modelica.Fluid
+The generalized connector is as follows:
+ Terminal
+"Generalized electric terminal"
+replaceable package
+ PhaseSystem =
+"Phase system"
+ v[PhaseSystem.n]
+"Voltage vector"
+ i[PhaseSystem.n]
+"Current vector"
+ theta[PhaseSystem.m]
+"Optional vector of phase angles"
+The connector has a package called PhaseSystem
that contains constants, functions,
+and equations of the specific electric domain. This allows to represent different electrical domains using the
+same connector, reusing the same standardized interfaces.
+As the electrical connectors of the Modelica Standard Library, the Terminal
has a vector of voltages as effort variables and
+a vector of currents as flow variables. The connector has an additional vector that represents the
+reference angle theta[PhaseSystem.m]
. If PhaseSystem.m > 0
the connector is overdetermined
+because the number of effort variables is higher than the number of flow variables.
+The over-determined connectors are defined and used in such a way that a Modelica tool is able
+to remove the superfluous but consistent equations, arriving at a balanced set of equations based on a
+graph analysis of the connection structure. The models in the library uses constructs specified
+by the Modelica language to handle this situation Olsson Et Al. (2008).
+The connector has a package called PhaseSystem
that allows to represent different
+electrical domains using the same connector, reusing the same standardized interfaces.
+The available PhaseSystems
are contained in the package
+Each of the available packages represent a different type of electrical systems.
+The electrical systems represented are:
+- DC systems,
+- DC systems with two conductors,
+- one-phase AC systems,
+- three-phase resistive balanced AC systems,
+- three-phase balanced AC systems,
+- three-phase unbalanced AC systems (dq0 representation).
+Linearized models and homotopy initialization
+Consider the simple DC circuit shown above, where VS is a
+constant voltage source and R is a line resistance. The load has a voltage V across
+its electrical pins and a current i. If the power consumed
+by the load is PLOAD, the equation that describes the circuit is nonlinear.
+If the number of loads increases, as typically happens in grid simulations, the size of the system of
+nonlinear equations to be solved increases too, causing the numerical solver to slow the simulation.
+A linearized load model can solve such a problem. All the load models in the
+IBPSA.Electrical package have a linearized version.
+The linearized version of the model can be selected by setting the boolean flag linearized = true
+Details about the implementation of the linearized models can be found in
+When multiple loads are connected in a grid through cables that cause voltage drops,
+the dimension of the system of nonlinear equations increases linearly with the number of loads.
+This nonlinear system of equations introduces challenges during the initialization, as Newton solvers
+may diverge if initialized far from a solution.
+The initialization problem can be simplified using the homotopy
+operator. The homotopy operator uses two different types of equations to compute the value of a
+variable: the actual one and a simplified one. The actual equation is the one used during the normal
+operation. During initialization, the simplified equation is first solved and then slowly replaced with the
+actual equation to compute the initial values for the nonlinear systems of equations.
+The load model uses the homotopy operator, with the linearized model being used
+as the simplified equation. This numerical expedient has proven useful
+when simulating models with more than ten connected loads.
+All the load models of the IBPSA.Electrical package use the
+the homotopy operator during the initialization. The parameter initMode
is used to select which
+simplified equation should be used by the homotopy operator:
+Nominal values
+Most components have a parameters for the nominal operating conditions.
+These parameters have names that end in _nominal
+they should be set to the values that the component typically
+have if they are run at design conditions. Depending on the model, these
+parameters are used differently, and the respective model documentation or code
+should be consulted for details. However, the table below shows the typical use of
+the parameters in various models to help the user understand how they are used.
+Parameter |
+Model |
+Functionality |
+ V_nominal
+ P_nominal |
+ Load models |
+ V_nominal is the RMS (Root Mean Square) voltage at which the load consumes the
+ nominal real power (measured in [W]) P_nominal .
+ When the load model are linearized, the linearization is done for V = V_nominal .
+ |
+ V_nominal
+ P_nominal |
+ Transmission line models
+ |
+ V_nominal is the RMS (Root Mean Square) voltage at which the line operates
+ while P_nominal is the power flowing through it. These values are used in some
+ cases to automatically select the right cable properties.
+ |
+ V_nominal |
+ Storage
+ PVs
+ Wind turbine
+ |
+ V_nominal is the RMS (Root Mean Square) voltage at which these components
+ typically operate. Since these model contain load models, V_nominal can be used
+ for linearization purposes.
+ |
+ V_nominal |
+ Sensors |
+ V_nominal is the RMS (Root Mean Square) voltage of the system
+ that is currently measured, it can be used to measure quantities in per unit [pu].
+ |
+Other information
+Other information about the models and the packages can be found in the
+info section of each model or sub-packages.
+The paper titled
+A Modelica package for building-to-electrical grid integration won the best paper
+award at the BauSIM 2014 conference.
+Marco Bonvini, Michael Wetter, and Thierry Stephane Nouidui.
+A Modelica package for building-to-electrical grid integration
+BauSIM 2014 Conference, Aachen, Germany, September 2014.
+Rudiger Franke and Hansjorg Wiesmann.
+Flexible modeling of electrical power systems - the Modelica PowerSystems library.
+Proc. of the 10th Modelica Conference, Lund, Sweden, March 2014.
+Hans Olsson, Martin Otter, Sven Erik Mattson and Hilding Elmqvist.
+Balanced Models in Modelica 3.0 for Increased Model Quality.
+Proc. of the 7th Modelica Conference, Bielefeld, Germany, March 2008.
+", revisions="
+May 15, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Created User's guide.
+end UsersGuide;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Controllers/StateMachineVoltCtrl.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Controllers/StateMachineVoltCtrl.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4624b4b6bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Controllers/StateMachineVoltCtrl.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Utilities.Controllers;
+model StateMachineVoltCtrl "This model represents a simple voltage controller that unplug a load when
+ there is a voltage fluctuation higher that a given threshold."
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput V "Voltage of the node to be controlled";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal
+ "Nominal voltage of the node to be controlled";
+ parameter Real vThresh(min=0.0, max=1.0) = 0.1
+ "Threshold that activates voltage ctrl (ratio of nominal voltage)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time tDelay=300
+ "Time to wait before plugging the load back";
+ output Real y
+ "Output signal that represents whether the load should be connected to the grid or not";
+ discrete Boolean connected
+ "Boolean variable that indicates when the load is connected";
+ discrete Real tSwitch "Time instant when the last event occurred";
+initial algorithm
+ // Initialize with load connected and last event at t = 0
+ connected := true;
+ tSwitch := 0;
+ // Output for every state, connected or not
+ if connected then
+ y = 1.0;
+ else
+ y = 0.0;
+ end if;
+ // Detect an overshoot in the voltage
+ when
+ (connected and (V > V_nominal*(1+vThresh))) then
+ tSwitch := time;
+ connected := false;
+ end when;
+ // Transition between not connected and connected again after the delay time has been elapsed
+ when
+ (not connected and time >= tSwitch + tDelay) then
+ connected := true;
+ end when;
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+Aug 28, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+Function that implements a state machine that detects voltage
+deviations. If the voltage input V
exceeds the
+nominal value V_nominal
by more than 1+Vtr
+then the control signal y
becones zero for
+a period equal to tDelay
+A signal y = 0
can be used to turn off a load.
+end StateMachineVoltCtrl;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Controllers/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Controllers/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a527cf30c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Controllers/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Utilities;
+package Controllers "Package that contains state machines and control models used by the utilities"
+extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+Aug 28, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+This package contains state machines and controller models used by the utilities.
+end Controllers;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Controllers/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Controllers/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8716a28cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Controllers/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Examples/TestVoltageCTRL.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Examples/TestVoltageCTRL.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..151b55791f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Examples/TestVoltageCTRL.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Utilities.Examples;
+model TestVoltageCTRL
+ "This test check the correctness of the voltage controller model"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
+ VoltageControl voltageControl(
+ redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.DC.Interfaces.Terminal_p terminal,
+ redeclare package PhaseSystem =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.TwoConductor,
+ V_nominal=120,
+ tDelay=2) "Voltage controller"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+ DC.Sources.VoltageSource sou "Varriable voltage source"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
+ Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground ground
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-70,-36},{-50,-16}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine cosine(
+ amplitude=20,
+ f=0.1,
+ phase=0,
+ offset=120) "Variable voltage signal"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-94,-4},{-74,16}})));
+ Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant Vtr_high(k=120*(1 + 0.1))
+ "Voltage threshold high"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,40},{-40,60}})));
+ connect(sou.terminal, voltageControl.terminal) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-40,0},{-10,0}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(ground.p, sou.n) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-60,-16},{-60,0}},
+ color={0,0,255},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ connect(cosine.y, sou.V_in) annotation (Line(
+ points={{-73,6},{-60,6}},
+ color={0,0,127},
+ smooth=Smooth.None));
+ annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+March 10, 2015, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised image of the example after modification to the voltage controller
+(added first order dynamics in the switch).
+Oct 14, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added model and documentation.
+", info="
+This example shows the use of the voltage controller.
+The voltage controller is connected to a variable voltage source
+that oscillates between 140 and 100 V. The nominal voltage is
+Vnom = 120 V. The controller has the following settings:
+- Nominal voltage Vnom = 120 V,
+- Threshold Vtr = 0.1 (10%),
+- tdelay Tdelay = 2 s.
+Therefore, when the voltage controller measures a voltage that
+is 10% higher that 120 V (that is 132 V), it sets its output signal y
to zero.
+The output signal stays at zero for Tdelay,
+after which it expires.
+Then, the controllers check again if the voltage is within the
+accepted thresholds.
+The image below shows how the signal becomes equal to zero when the measured
+voltage exceeds the threshold.
+The figure shows that the signal y
becomes zero around t = 1 s. After
+Tdelay the voltage is still higher that 123 V and thus the controller waits until
+t = 5 s to change the signal to one.
+"), __Dymola_Commands(file=
+ "modelica://IBPSA/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Electrical/Utilities/Examples/TestVoltageCTRL.mos"
+ "Simulate and plot"),
+ experiment(
+ StopTime=10,
+ Tolerance=1e-6));
+end TestVoltageCTRL;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Examples/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Examples/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce1cfb4fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Examples/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Utilities;
+package Examples "This package contais tests for check the correctness of the models"
+extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
+annotation (Documentation(revisions="
+Aug 28, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in
+end Examples;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Examples/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Examples/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7048b5bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/Examples/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/VoltageControl.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/VoltageControl.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4f56173f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/VoltageControl.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical.Utilities;
+model VoltageControl "Voltage controller"
+ replaceable package PhaseSystem =
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem constrainedby
+ IBPSA.Electrical.PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem "Phase system"
+ annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage V_nominal
+ "Nominal voltage of the node to be controlled";
+ parameter Real vThresh(min=0.0, max=1.0) = 0.1
+ "Threshold that activates voltage ctrl (ratio of nominal voltage)";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time tDelay=300
+ "Time to wait before plugging the load back";
+ parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time T=0.01
+ "Time constant representing the switching time";
+ parameter Real y_start = 1.0 "Initial value of the control output signal";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage Vmin=V_nominal*(1 - vThresh)
+ "Low threshold";
+ final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Voltage Vmax=V_nominal*(1 + vThresh)
+ "High threshold";
+ Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput y(start = y_start, stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer)
+ "Control signal"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{96,-10},{116,10}})));
+ replaceable IBPSA.Electrical.Interfaces.Terminal terminal(
+ redeclare replaceable package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystem)
+ "Generalized terminal"
+ annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}})));
+ IBPSA.Electrical.Utilities.Controllers.StateMachineVoltCtrl ctrl(
+ V_nominal=V_nominal,
+ vThresh=vThresh,
+ tDelay=tDelay)
+ "Model that implements the state machines voltage controller";
+initial equation
+ y = y_start;
+ // Output of the control block
+ y + T*der(y) = ctrl.y;
+ // Voltage measurements
+ ctrl.V = terminal.PhaseSystem.systemVoltage(terminal.v);
+ // The controller does not consume current
+ terminal.i = zeros(PhaseSystem.n);
+ annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={Rectangle(
+ extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ lineThickness=0.5,
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Text(
+ extent={{-100,-40},{100,-80}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ lineThickness=0.5,
+ fillColor={0,0,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="Voltage
+CTRL"), Text(
+ extent={{-100,72},{100,40}},
+ textColor={0,0,0},
+ lineThickness=0.5,
+ fillColor={0,0,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ textString="%name")}), Documentation(revisions="
+March 10, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added time constant T
and first order filer to avoid
+differentiation of the outputs of the finite state machine.
+Oct 14, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Revised model and documentation.
+Aug 28, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+", info="
+Model representing a voltage controller that unplugs a load when
+its voltage is outside of the accepted thresholds.
+The model contains a finite state machine controller that detects voltage
+deviations. If the voltage input V
exceeds the
+nominal value V_nominal
by more than 1+Vtr
+then the control signal y
becomes zero for
+a period t = tDelay
. If after this period the voltage is still
+higher than the thresholds the output remains equal to zero.
+The model has a parameter T
that represents the time constant
+associated to the electrical switch. This time constant is used to parametrize
+a first order filter that represents such a dynamic effect. The presence of the first order
+filter avoids that the output of the finite state machine controller
+are differentiated (causing runtime errors).
+end VoltageControl;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53ee299603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+within IBPSA.Electrical;
+package Utilities "Package with models and functions that are used by other models"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+annotation (
+preferredView="info", Documentation(info="
+This package contains utility models and functions.
+", revisions="
+Aug 28, 2014, by Marco Bonvini:
+Added documentation.
+Icon(coordinateSystem(extent={{-100.0,-100.0},{100.0,100.0}}), graphics={
+ Polygon(
+ origin={1.3835,-4.1418},
+ rotation=45.0,
+ fillColor={64,64,64},
+ pattern=LinePattern.None,
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ points={{-15.0,93.333},{-15.0,68.333},{0.0,58.333},{15.0,68.333},{15.0,93.333},{20.0,93.333},{25.0,83.333},{25.0,58.333},{10.0,43.333},{10.0,-41.667},{25.0,-56.667},{25.0,-76.667},{10.0,-91.667},{0.0,-91.667},{0.0,-81.667},{5.0,-81.667},{15.0,-71.667},{15.0,-61.667},{5.0,-51.667},{-5.0,-51.667},{-15.0,-61.667},{-15.0,-71.667},{-5.0,-81.667},{0.0,-81.667},{0.0,-91.667},{-10.0,-91.667},{-25.0,-76.667},{-25.0,-56.667},{-10.0,-41.667},{-10.0,43.333},{-25.0,58.333},{-25.0,83.333},{-20.0,93.333}}),
+ Polygon(
+ origin={10.1018,5.218},
+ rotation=-45.0,
+ fillColor={255,255,255},
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ points={{-15.0,87.273},{15.0,87.273},{20.0,82.273},{20.0,27.273},{10.0,17.273},{10.0,7.273},{20.0,2.273},{20.0,-2.727},{5.0,-2.727},{5.0,-77.727},{10.0,-87.727},{5.0,-112.727},{-5.0,-112.727},{-10.0,-87.727},{-5.0,-77.727},{-5.0,-2.727},{-20.0,-2.727},{-20.0,2.273},{-10.0,7.273},{-10.0,17.273},{-20.0,27.273},{-20.0,82.273}})}));
+end Utilities;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63f77692bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/Utilities/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/package.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/package.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76752d6ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/package.mo
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+within IBPSA;
+package Electrical "Package with models for electrical systems"
+ extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
+annotation (Documentation(info="
+This package contains models for both DC and AC electrical systems.
+"), Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
+ {100,100}}), graphics={Line(
+ points={{32,80},{-36,12},{24,12},{-58,-74},{-58,-74}},
+ color={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None), Polygon(
+ points={{-58,-74},{-42,-24},{-8,-56},{-58,-74}},
+ lineColor={0,0,0},
+ smooth=Smooth.None,
+ fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
+ fillColor={0,0,0})}));
+end Electrical;
diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/package.order b/IBPSA/Electrical/package.order
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3cd1f37a84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/package.order
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/IBPSA/Fluid/FMI/Adaptors/Examples/ThermalZoneHVACWithExhaust.mo b/IBPSA/Fluid/FMI/Adaptors/Examples/ThermalZoneHVACWithExhaust.mo
index 575aa3e90a..78deb2cabd 100644
--- a/IBPSA/Fluid/FMI/Adaptors/Examples/ThermalZoneHVACWithExhaust.mo
+++ b/IBPSA/Fluid/FMI/Adaptors/Examples/ThermalZoneHVACWithExhaust.mo
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ IBPSA.Fluid.FMI.Adaptors.ThermalZone
It is identical to
except that it adds a forced exhaust air stream.
diff --git a/IBPSA/Fluid/FMI/Adaptors/Outlet.mo b/IBPSA/Fluid/FMI/Adaptors/Outlet.mo
index 9f8376541f..b47aa4e245 100644
--- a/IBPSA/Fluid/FMI/Adaptors/Outlet.mo
+++ b/IBPSA/Fluid/FMI/Adaptors/Outlet.mo
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ equation
bacPro_internal.T = Medium.temperature_phX(
p = p_in_internal,
h = port_a.h_outflow,
- X = port_a.Xi_outflow);
+ X = cat(1, port_a.Xi_outflow, {1-sum(port_a.Xi_outflow)}));
bacPro_internal.C = port_a.C_outflow;
// Conditional connectors for pressure
@@ -153,6 +153,11 @@ for how to use this model.