diff --git a/IBPSA/Electrical/PVSystem/PVSystemSingleDiode.mo b/IBPSA/Electrical/PVSystem/PVSystemSingleDiode.mo index 496d3e0fab..6f4871a30d 100644 --- a/IBPSA/Electrical/PVSystem/PVSystemSingleDiode.mo +++ b/IBPSA/Electrical/PVSystem/PVSystemSingleDiode.mo @@ -1,6 +1,53 @@ within IBPSA.Electrical.PVSystem; model PVSystemSingleDiode "Photovoltaic module model based on single diode approach" - extends IBPSA.Electrical.BaseClasses.PVSystem.PartialPVSystem; + extends IBPSA.Electrical.BaseClasses.PVSystem.PartialPVSystem( + final ageing=ageing, + redeclare IBPSA.Electrical.BaseClasses.PVSystem.PVOpticalHorFixedAziTil partialPVOptical( + final lat=lat, + final lon=lon, + final alt=alt, + final til=til, + final azi=azi, + final timZon=timZon, + final groRef=groRef, + final radTil0=radTil0, + final glaExtCoe=glaExtCoe, + final glaThi=glaThi, + final refInd=refInd, + final tau_0=tau_0), + final use_MPP_in=false, + final use_Til_in=false, + final til=til, + final use_Azi_in=false, + final azi=azi, + final use_Sha_in=false, + final use_age_in=false, + final use_heat_port=false); + + parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle til "Fixed tilt angle of the PV module" annotation(Dialog(tab="Module mounting and specifications")); + parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Angle azi "Fixed azimuth angle of the PV module" annotation(Dialog(tab="Module mounting and specifications")); + + + parameter Real groRef "Ground refelctance" annotation(Dialog(tab="Module mounting and specifications")); + parameter Real glaExtCoe=4 "Glazing extinction coefficient for glass" annotation(Dialog(tab="Module mounting and specifications")); + parameter Real glaThi=0.002 + "Glazing thickness for most PV cell panels it is 0.002 m" annotation(Dialog(tab="Module mounting and specifications")); + parameter Real refInd=1.526 + "Effective index of refraction of the cell cover (glass)" annotation(Dialog(tab="Module mounting and specifications")); + parameter Real lat "Latitude" annotation(Dialog(tab="Site specifications")); + parameter Real lon "Longitude" annotation(Dialog(tab="Site specifications")); + parameter Real alt "Site altitude in Meters, default= 1" annotation(Dialog(tab="Site specifications")); + parameter Real timZon "Time zone in seconds relative to GMT" annotation(Dialog(tab="Site specifications")); + parameter Real radTil0=1000 "Total solar radiation on the horizontal surface + under standard conditions" annotation(Dialog(tab="Site specifications")); + +protected + parameter Real tau_0=exp(-(partialPVOptical.glaExtCoe*partialPVOptical.glaThi)) + *(1 - ((partialPVOptical.refInd - 1)/(partialPVOptical.refInd + 1))^2) + "Transmittance at standard conditions (incAng=refAng=0)"; +equation + connect(HGloHor, partialPVOptical.HGloHor) annotation (Line(points={{-99,91},{ + -42,91},{-42,70},{-36.36,70}}, color={0,0,127})); annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false)), Diagram( coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false))); end PVSystemSingleDiode;