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2021-09-30 |
natural-language-understanding |
{:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:pre: .pre} {:table: .aria-labeledby="caption"} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:tip: .tip} {:download: .download}
{: #ha-dr}
{{}} is highly available within multiple {{}} locations (for example, Dallas and Washington, DC). However, recovering from potential disasters that affect an entire location requires planning and preparation. {: shortdesc}
You are responsible for understanding your configuration, customization, and usage of the service. You are also responsible for being ready to re-create an instance of the service in a new location and to restore your data in any location. See How do I ensure zero downtime? {: new_window} for more information.
{: #high-availability}
{{}} supports high availability with no single point of failure. The service achieves high availability automatically and transparently by using the multi-zone region (MZR) feature provided by {{}}.
{{}} enables multiple zones that do not share a single point of failure within a single location. It also provides automatic load balancing across the zones within a region.
{: #disaster-recovery}
In the event of a catastrophic failure in a region, complete the following steps.
- Create a new {{}} service instance.
- Adjust your application software to use the new service instance URL and credentials.
- If you use {{}} with {{}} custom models, you will need to redeploy your custom models to the new service instance. See Backing up and restoring data to learn how to backup and restore {{}} data.