This demonstration shows how a generic rule can detect a real bug. This example is based on a real bug found in the "Flop Action" contract of Maker MCD by the Certora Prover.
You can read about the catch in the following blog post
- Look at the contract Auction Fixed in this directory created by Maker. Try to understand what the contracts do and how they operate in a high-level sense.
- Try to think about as many properties as you can for the contract. Write them down in your favorite word processor and upload them in a file named "auction_properties_solution" to the current directory.
- Go over the list of properties in properties List to see an example of a preparation to a verification project. The properties are categorized, prioritized, and fully detailed to explain the essence of the property in a few sentences or logic.
- Have a look at the prepared
file Auction and try to read the properties. Some commands there are using the old syntax of CVL which is still supported, don't worry if you do not understand everything.
Go back to your set of properties and see if you have any additional ideas after reading the example list. Make sure to upload your changes.
If possible, reach out to a fellow participant of the onboarding course and discuss your properties with them. Exchange thoughts and ideas.
📝 The Certora Team will review your solution and give you a personal review. In the following days, you will exercise thinking about properties some more; we recommend waiting for your review before proceeding to the next exercise in this subject.
Run the script and get a violation. Investigate the reason for the fail and see that you understand it.
Try to suggest a solution that will mitigate the wrongful behavior.
Compare the 2 contracts - Auction Broken and Auction Fixed to find the fix. Run the script and see that it is indeed solving the problem. Were you thinking of the same solution or did you think of another one? There could be more than 1 correct answer.