This code is run as an AWS lambda that acts as a webhook for Github Pull Request Events. It updates the location of Asana tasks on a sprint board when PRs are opened or merged. It requires the Asana ticket URL to be in the PR description. It also updates a custom field on Asana tasks called "GitHub PR" with the PR's URL, including when only the PR description is updated.
brew install python3
pip install virtualenv
In app
virtualenv -p python3 venv
- Whenever you want to develop, activate the virtual env via:
. venv/bin/activate
- Once activated
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
- To update requirements for production
rm -rf venv
(to start with a fresh venv without dev dependencies)virtualenv -p python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install <dep>
andpip freeze > requirements.txt
The project currently includes autopep8
for formatting and pylint
for linting.
autopep -i
In app
- Add the dependencies
rm -rf venv
virtualenv -p python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages
zip -r9 ../../../../ .
- Add the handler
cd ../../../../
back toapp
zip -g
- And then upload the zip in the AWS Lambda console or via the AWS CLI.