This is a preliminary Dockerfile used to build Pi-Star image for running on ARM SBC with docker supported OS. Currently, it only supports basic DMR and YSF functionality.
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
- MMDVM HS Dual Hat (v1.3.6)
- Debian 10.02 'Buster' Arm64 (4.19.0-6-arm64)
- Docker CE 19.03.5
Two volumes need to be mapped into container:
- /usr/local/etc/ - where all the configuration files go.
- /var/log/ - holds all the logs, need to be writeable for uid 1000 and 1001.
It's using a modified Pi-Star dashboard, to make it run properly, most of the config files in /etc of pi-star need to be copied into the config volume:
- DMRIds.dat
- DMR_Hosts.txt
- RSSI.dat
- YSFHosts.txt
- dapnetgateway
- dmr2nxdn
- dmr2ysf
- dmrgateway
- dstar-radio.mmdvmhost
- htpasswd
- ircddbgateway
- mmdvmhost
- nxdngateway
- p25gateway
- wpa_supplicant.conf
- ysf2dmr
- ysf2nxdn
- ysf2p25
- ysfgateway
docker run -d -p 80:80 --device /dev/ttyS1:/dev/ttyAMA0 -v /home/ian/Pi-Star/log/:/var/log/ -v /home/ian/Pi-Star/conf/:/usr/local/etc/ -v /home/ian/Pi-Star/pi-star-docker/Pi-Star_Docker_Dash/:/var/www/dashboard/ pi-star-docker:arm32v7
/dev/ttyS1 is the device name of MMDVM modem under Debian (mini UART, you may need to disable BT to use it on RPi3)