How does the OpenMined platform develop new features? 🛣📈
- Glossary
- How work packages for components are defined
- Vision to Roadmap (Top-Down FEP)
- Roadmap to issues
- Ideation (Bottom-Up)
Some words being used repeatedly in this document for quick reference. Most of them will be explained in detail later on.
❄️ Component
: An individual part of the OpenMined platform (e.g. Mine, Sonar, Syft)
⛄️ Platform
: All of OpenMineds components working together
🛣 Roadmap
: Features of the whole platform bundled into milestones
💡 Featuremap
: A component specific list of features that are planned.
☑️ Issue
: A github issue which is the smallest description of a workpackage in a differential stlye (add/remove ..), usually specific and belonging to a component
📝 Specification
: Describing an absolute state of either a component or the platform (component/platform spec). Every other milestone it might make sense to combine the differential milestones into a new platform specification - or vice-versa.
📦 Milestone
: Baselined version of the whole platform where all components have matching interfaces
⚖️ acceptance criteria
: aka Definition of Done (DoD), list of things that the change needs to fulfill to be considered a solution (comes with issues and milestones)
👁 Vision
: Overall goal OpenMined is aiming to achieve (@2017-08: Link to vision)
: Special milestones that are marketable to the outside
🚫 PoC, Platform
: Just..don't use it please?
As the OpenMined components have very complex relationships 👨👩👧👦 amongst each other it is important to define development priority for the components Top-Down ⏬. Therefore the first step to figuring out what to work on is to break down the overall vision 👁 (TODO@2017-08: add link) into individual milestones. Each milestone comes with acceptance criteria that are required for the following step in the FEP.
The key components in this step are described in detail below:
Baselined version of the whole platform where all components have matching interfaces
: Align contributors and provide
Where to find
: Defined in the platform roadmap (TODO@2017-08: link to actual roadmap)
- named after elements in the periodic table in ascending order
- happen in (roughly) fixed time intervals
- features are mapped into milestones NOT vice-versa i.e. break large features down
- should have a theme that is as non-technical as possible, best written as a descriptiion of what changes for the user
- goals need to describe the contribution of this release to the overall vision
- assumptions are optional and might describe what has been neglected on purpose
: see hydrogen milestone
One document to rule all milestones you must have 💍
: Top Level document to get an understanding of current platform status and future plans w/ rough timeplan
Where to find
: Markdown in the OpenMined/docs repositry. TODO@2017-08: Link to trasks doc
- should feature at least 3 milestones into the future 🔮
- core team is responsible to break milestone goals/acceptance critera into issues
: Not necessary as there is only one roadmap, look at it ffs.
The acceptance criteria for a milestone are broken down into features for affected components. For this step it is crucial to get all affected components involved. This process is initiated as part of the regular core team meeting
, detailed discussions are postponed to individual sessions. Breaking down acceptance criteria can go one of two ways:
- the feature that componentA needs to contribute to a milestone is already available, due to pre-development / frontloading ➡️ all good
- issues need to be created to fulfill the milestone acceptance criteria. This should become apparent at least 2 milestones in advance ➡️ create issues and integrate with featuremap
Describing the active/future feature development for an individual component
: Allow ideation within a single component and align with OpenMined vision
Where to find
: Markdown document in each component repository. TODO@2017-08: Link to feauturemap prototype
- features required for a milestone should be marked with the milestone name
- available issues should be linked to the issues
- featuremaps are discussed with the top contributors of the respective component
- features that require other components to be modified should be nominated and proposed during the
core team meeting
as potential goals for an upcoming milestone- bonus points for features that are developed isolated in a component with mocked interfaces
- features are turned into issues/issue proposals ➡️ actual issues ➡️ implementation
features/milestones broken down into coder speak
: Isolated work package description for developers to pick and code
Where to find
: Github issues section for the respective repository
- issues are not assigned by default
- assign when someone is commited to working on it
- component maintainer checks if there are blocked issues w/o progress
- issues required for milestone should have the milestone label
- use labels in a descriptive manner
- add acceptance criteria as well as a full description (or links) of the issue to solve
- try to not to enforce solutions unless technically necessary
- refer to coding standards if necessary (e.g. existing API definitions)
: this PySyft issue
In addition to breaking down features in a Top-Down manner it is helpful to have an established bottom-up process in place. The goal behind the ideation process is for a component to come up with individual features that might not be part of planned milestones. In this case the entry point for the FEP is the components featuremap. Adding a new feature that is not mapped to a milestone is a valid move. However when prioritizing issue progress milestone-related issues should always be worked on first. After discussing/adding an additional feature to the featuremap the same process is done to finally end up with issues as described in the roadmap to issues section.