Category: Spring
Spring Security provides the interface AuthenticationEventPublisher
which can be used to listen for authentication events such as when a user successfully authenticates or fails to authenticate. For example, you might use the publishAuthenticationFailure
method to send an alert after three invalid login attempts for a given user account.
Create a class which implements AuthenticationEventPublisher
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Handle success or failure for authentication events.
public class CustomAuthenticationEventPublisher implements AuthenticationEventPublisher {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomAuthenticationEventPublisher.class);
public CustomAuthenticationEventPublisher() {
* On authentication success.
public void publishAuthenticationSuccess(Authentication authentication) {
LOGGER.debug("Authentication success for user {}", authentication.getPrincipal());
* On authentication failure.
* You can confirm the exception is a for bad credentials by inspecting the AuthenticationException.
public void publishAuthenticationFailure(AuthenticationException exception, Authentication authentication) {
LOGGER.debug("Authentication failure for user {}", authentication.getPrincipal());
In your SecurityConfiguration class, add the authentication publisher to the authentication manager via the builder.
* Configures a JDBC user repository as an AuthenticationProvider.
private void configureJDBCAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationManagerBuilder authBuilder) throws Exception {
// Add an authentication event publisher to the authentication manager
authBuilder.authenticationEventPublisher(new CustomAuthenticationEventPublisher());