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Chapter 1

  • Parameter vs argument: in y = w * x + b, (w, b) are parameters and y is said to be parameterized over theta = (w, b). x is said be an argument.
  • A parameterized function is one that takes its argument before it takes its parameters

Chapter 2

  • Rank of a tensor: tells us how deeply nested its elements are. Number of left square brackets before the first element.
  • Shape of a tensor: cross product specifying size of each dimension
  • Tensor invariants
    • Each element has the same shape
    • The rank of a tensor is equal to the length of its shape

Interlude 1

  • [Pointwise] Extension: getting a scalar function to work on tensors of arbitrary rank
  • sum1: folds a rank 1 tensor using +
  • sum: descends into a rank m tensor until it hits a rank 1 tensor which it then sum1's to produce a rank (m - 1) tensor

Chapter 3

  • Target function: function that is being fitted
  • Expectant function: function that expects a dataset
  • Objective function: function that expects a theta
  • Rate of change of loss: change in loss / change in theta
  • Learning rate (alpha) : how fastly are you updating theta
  • Rate of change of loss is different for different theta

Chapter 4

  • A gradient is a way of understanding the rate of change of a parameterized function with respect to all its parameters
  • The del operator produces the gradient loss for each parameter given an objective function with resepct to a theta (using automatic differentiation)
  • l2-loss:
(define l2-loss
 (lambda (target)
  (lambda (xs ys)
   (lambda (theta)
    (let ([pred-ys ((target xs) theta)])
     (sum (sqr (- ys pred-ys))))))))
  • Revision function:
(define revise
 (lambda (f revs acc)
   [(zero? revs) acc]
   [else (revise f (sub1 revs) (f acc))])))
  • Gradient descent:
(define gradient-descent
 (lambda (obj theta)
  (let ([f (lambda (Theta)
            (map (lambda (p g)
                  (- p (* alpha g))
                  (del obj Theta)))])
        (revise f revs theta)))))

Interlude 2

Chapter 5

  • Devanagari "besan laddoo" what a lovely surprise!
  • The expectant function can be generalized to any nonlinear function

Interlude 3

Chapter 6

  • Since datasets tend to be huge, running gradient descent on entire the dataset tends to be too slow. Instead, gradient descent is run in batches, where each batch is a randomly sampled subset of the dataset.
(define samples
 (lambda (n s)
  (sampled n s (list))))

(define sampled
 (lambda (n i a)
   [(zero? i) a]
   [else (sampled n (sub1 i) (cons (random n) a))])))
  • We can use sampling to turn an objective function into a sampling objective function
(define sampling-obj
 (lambda (expectant xs ys)
  (let ([n (tsize xs)])
   (lambda (theta)
    (let ([b (samples n batch-size)])
     ((expectant (trefs xs b) (trefs ys b)) theta))))))
  • For example, using the above definition, gradient descent can now be invoked as follows
 ([alpha 0.001]
  [batch-size 4])
 (gradient-descent (sampling-obj (l2-loss target) xs ys) theta))

Chapter 7

  • Ultimate gradient descent:
(define gradient-descent
 (lambda (inflate deflate update)
  (lambda (obj theta)
   (let ([f (lambda (Theta)
             (map update Theta (del obj (map deflate Theta))))])
    (map deflate (revise f revs (map inflate theta)))))))

Chapter 8

  • Momentum gradient descent: incorporate previous update into current update
  • Analogy for intuition: baton race, current update should carry momentum from previous updates
(define momentum-i
 (lambda (p)
  (list p (zeros p))))

(define momentum-d
 (lambda (P)
  (listref P 0)))

(define momentum-u
 (lambda (P g)
  (let ([v (- (* mu (listref P 1)) (* alpha g))])
   (list (+ (listref P 0) v) v))))

(define momentum-gradient-descent
 (gradient-descent momentum-i momentum-d momentum-u))
  • Intuition behind why it works?

Interlude 4

  • The smooth operator (is shape polymorphic)
(define smooth
 (lambda (decay-rate average g)
  (+ (* decay-rate average) (* (- 1 decay-rate) g))))

Chapter 9

  • Root Mean Squared Prop (rmsProp) gradient descent
  • Modifier intuition: rate at which the fraction of gradient used at each revision decreases should be less than the rate at which the gradient decreases
(define rms-u
 (lambda (P g)
  (let ([r (smooth beta (listref P 1) (sqr g))])
   (let ([D (sqrt r)])
    (let ([alpha (/ alpha (+ D epsilon))])
     (list (- (lisref P 0) (* alpha g)) r))))))

Interlude 5

Chapter 10

  • Decider function (aka activation function): make a "small" decision about their arguments and transfer the decision to their result.
  • An artificial neuron is a parameterized linear function composed with a nonlinear decider function
  • Rectifying function is a nonlinear decider function
f(x) = 0, if x < 0
       x, otherwise
  • RELU (REctifying Linear Unit)