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Using the GUI (8): Post hoc analysis

Junpeng Lao edited this page Jan 28, 2016 · 4 revisions

Post-hoc Analysis in Significant Cluster(s)

Here we show how to perform a post-hoc analysis in a significant cluster.
After performing ANOVA or linear contrast, one or more masks will be generated. You can then perform post-hoc in these masks (similar idea as the Region or Area of interested). A post-hoc analysis is applicable if any interaction presented, or any condition contains multiple levels. You can select one or more significant area(s) as data-driven ROI(s) for the post-hoc.

If you are using the GUI, click on Post-Hoc.
Then selected the correspondent RawMap:
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Please note: in the GUI you should perform this step right after ANOVA or Linear Contrast.

or simply:

  >> [PostHoc] = imapLMMposthoc(StatMap_c,RawMap,LMMmap,'mean');

A pop-up will appear for you to select the region. You can select multiple regions and press “Enter” when finish. You can also press “Enter” without selecting anything to skip a mask. Student t-tests of the raw fixation value for all possible pair comparison of the categorical predictors within the mask will be performed.
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