Name of Certifying Engineer(s):
Email of Certifying Engineer(s):
Name of System(s) Under Test:
Does the submission run the same code in accuracy and performance modes? (check one)
- Yes
- No
Where is the LoadGen trace stored? (check one)
- Host DRAM
- Other, please specify:
Are the weights calibrated using data outside of the calibration set? (check one)
- Yes
- No
What untimed pre-processing does the submission use? (check all that apply)
- Resize
- Reorder channels or transpose
- Pad
- A single crop
- Mean subtraction and normalization
- Convert to whitelisted format
- No pre-processing
- Other, please specify:
What numerics does the submission use? (check all that apply)
- INT4
- INT8
- INT16
- INT32
- UINT16
- UINT32
- FP11
- FP16
- BF16
- FP32
- Other, please specify:
Which of the following techniques does the submission use? (check all that apply)
- Wholesale weight replacement
- Weight supplements
- Discarding non-zero weight elements
- Pruning
- Caching queries
- Caching responses
- Caching intermediate computations
- Modifying weights during the timed portion of an inference run
- Weight quantization algorithms that are similar in size to the non-zero weights they produce
- Hard coding the total number of queries
- Techniques that boost performance for fixed length experiments but are inapplicable to long-running services except in the offline scenario
- Using knowledge of the LoadGen implementation to predict upcoming lulls or spikes in the server scenario
- Treating beams in a beam search differently. For example, employing different precision for different beams
- Changing the number of beams per beam search relative to the reference
- Incorporating explicit statistical information about the performance or accuracy sets
- Techniques that take advantage of upsampled images.
- Techniques that only improve performance when there are identical samples in a query.
- None of the above
Is the submission congruent with all relevant MLPerf rules?
- Yes
- No
For each SUT, does the submission accurately reflect the real-world performance of the SUT?
- Yes
- No