The interface for writing JSON to output is IJsonOutput in the LargetDatasetGenerator.Abstractions assembly. Your plugin will reference that assembly, compile, and then the executing program will reference your plugin. Here is a walkthrough of how the default one works:
public sealed class JsonFileOutput : IJsonOutput
// Use to keep track of the current filename
// (one file per batch)
private int _currentBatch = 1;
// The filename that was passed in by the user
private string _filename;
// IJsonOutput properties
public string ExpectedArgs { get; } = "--filename <OUTPUT>";
public string Name { get; } = "file";
// IJsonOutput methods
public bool PreloadArgs(string[] args)
// Not necessary to use this library, but CommandLineUtils is setup
// already to process the format passed in through 'args'.
var subApp = new CommandLineApplication();
// Marked as "single value" to indicate it should only appear once
// in the input
var filename = subApp.Option<string>("--filename|-f <file>", "The file template to write JSON data into",
// This call ensures the argument is present, or an exception
// is thrown
subApp.OnExecute(() =>
// By this point all arguments have been parsed correctly,
// so record the value
_filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtensio(filename.ParsedValue);
//This triggers the argument parsing and 'OnExecute' callback
return subApp.Execute(args) == 0;
public Task WriteBatchAsync(IEnumerable<IDictionary<string, object>> json)
// One file per batch
var filename = $"{_filename}_{_currentBatch++}.json";
// Make both the serialization and write to file async
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
var serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(json, Formatting.Indented);
File.WriteAllText(filename, serialized, Encoding.UTF8);
There are two properties and two methods to implement in the interface. The properties are
- Name: Used for registering the output type. This will be used to find the type via the
argument on the application. - ExpectedArgs: Used for the
argument of the program to let the user know what arguments to pass
The methods are:
- PreloadArgs: Read and parse the provided arguments. This allows quick failure in case invalid arguments are given.
- WriteBatchAsync: The bulk of the logic will be here. This will be HTTP calls, database writes, etc. They should be asynchronous.