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394 lines (294 loc) · 16.4 KB



  • Limit tokens amount 1000000000 BRIDGE and additionally each token can be split to 10^18 abridge tokens (BRIDGE has 18 decimals)
  • All tokens are split to 3 pools and managed by accumulator module
  • Rewards by a block can be taken only from the accumulator module
  • System operates a new NFT module. The NFT module holds locked native tokens that can be staked, unstaked, etc.
  • Staked amount from a NFT have the same power as the same amount of native tokens. But delegator will get +20% ( configured) by stake from NFT
  • Each NFT has a vesting time to unlock balance linearly to withdraw

Changes in default modules

Proto files

The distribution module params proto file:

message Params {
    string nft_proposer_reward = 4 [
        (cosmos_proto.scalar)  = "cosmos.Dec",
        (gogoproto.customtype) = "",
        (gogoproto.nullable)   = false

Define a new multiplier for rewards by NFT's staking. In our case this field is equal to 0.2000000...(20%)

One more change related to proto file: staking module params:

message Delegation {
    string amount = 4 [
        (cosmos_proto.scalar)  = "cosmos.Dec",
        (gogoproto.customtype) = "",
        (gogoproto.nullable)   = false

The additional field is used to store count of staked tokens in raw representation (not shares) (count of tokens sent from delegator to validator).

The mint module proto:

message Params {
    option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
    // type of coin to mint
    string mint_denom = 1;
    // expected blocks per month
    uint64 blocks_per_month = 2;
    // block when no additional tokens will be minted
    uint64 end_block = 3;
    cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin month_reward = 4
    [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.customtype) = ""];

The additional fields describe custom block rewards policy (linear distribution with constant amount per block).

Updates of business logic

Distribution module

  • calculateDelegationRewardsBetween This function calculates the rewards accrued by a delegation between two periods.

      func (k Keeper) CalculateDelegationRewards(ctx sdk.Context, val stakingtypes.ValidatorI, del stakingtypes.DelegationI,
      endingPeriod uint64) (rewards sdk.DecCoins) {
      params := k.GetParams(ctx)
      _, isNFTstake := k.nftKeeper.GetNFT(ctx, del.GetDelegatorAddr().String()) // Checks if this delegation is NFT
      wrapStake := func(stake sdk.Dec) sdk.Dec { // Special wrapper to add additional 20% profit by NFT staking.
          if isNFTstake {
              return stake.Add(stake.Mul(params.NftProposerReward))
          return stake
      endingHeight := uint64(ctx.BlockHeight())
      if endingHeight > startingHeight {
          k.IterateValidatorSlashEventsBetween(ctx, del.GetValidatorAddr(), startingHeight, endingHeight,
              func(height uint64, event types.ValidatorSlashEvent) (stop bool) {
                  if event.ValidatorPeriod > startingPeriod {
                      // Using wrapped stake amount
                      rewards = rewards.Add(k.calculateDelegationRewardsBetween(ctx, val, startingPeriod, endingPeriod, wrapStake(stake))...) 
                  return false
      // Calculate rewards for final period (also using wrapped stake amount)
      rewards = rewards.Add(k.calculateDelegationRewardsBetween(ctx, val, startingPeriod, endingPeriod, wrapStake(stake))...)
      return rewards


The key update in this function is the anonymous function wrapStake(sdk.Dec). The wrapStake function checks whether the delegation is made by an NFT or not, and based on this, it updates the rewards accordingly.

Since the total amount of rewards remains constant, but NFT delegators are entitled to receive a higher proportion of tokens, it is necessary to normalize the rewards.

func (k Keeper) IncrementValidatorPeriod(ctx sdk.Context, val stakingtypes.ValidatorI) uint64 {

    params := k.GetParams(ctx)
    // Iterating over all delegations and adding additional 20% profit for NFT delegations to take into account in the total stake amount divisor.
    for _, del := range k.stakingKeeper.GetValidatorDelegations(ctx, val.GetOperator()) {
        if _, found := k.nftKeeper.GetNFT(ctx, del.GetDelegatorAddr().String()); found {
            tokens = tokens.Add(del.Amount.Add(del.Amount.Mul(params.NftProposerReward)))

        tokens = tokens.Add(del.Amount)

    if tokens.IsZero() {


    } else {
        current = rewards.Rewards.QuoDecTruncate(tokens)


The main update in the function is the following code segment, where all rewards are summed up in relation to the delegator's multiplier. All operations are adjusted based on the raw staked token amounts.

params := k.GetParams(ctx)
for _, del := range k.stakingKeeper.GetValidatorDelegations(ctx, val.GetOperator()) {
    if _, found := k.nftKeeper.GetNFT(ctx, del.GetDelegatorAddr().String()); found {
        tokens = tokens.Add(del.Amount.Add(del.Amount.Mul(params.NftProposerReward)))

    tokens = tokens.Add(del.Amount)
  • FundCommunityPoolFromModule Transfers tokens from module account to community pool instead of burning them. It was added to maintain the total number of tokens in the network.
func (k Keeper) FundCommunityPoolFromModule(ctx sdk.Context, amount sdk.Coins, senderModuleName string) error {
	if err := k.bankKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToModule(ctx, senderModuleName, types.ModuleName, amount); err != nil {
		err = sdkerrors.Wrap(err, "failed to fund community pool")
		return err
	feePool := k.GetFeePool(ctx)
	k.Logger(ctx).Info(fmt.Sprintf("amount of tokens in community pool before slashing is %s", feePool.CommunityPool.String()))
	feePool.CommunityPool = feePool.CommunityPool.Add(sdk.NewDecCoinsFromCoins(amount...)...)
	k.SetFeePool(ctx, feePool)
	k.Logger(ctx).Info(fmt.Sprintf("amount of tokens in community pool after slashing is %s", feePool.CommunityPool.String()))

	return nil

It is used in staking module to update default slashing process.

Staking module

  • Delegation Expand the Delegation struct by adding a timestamp field. The field includes the timestamp when the deposit was updated.

    google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 5 [(gogoproto.stdtime) = true, (gogoproto.nullable)   = false] ;
  • Delegate The Delegate performs a delegation, set/update everything necessary within the store. The tokenSrc indicates the bond status of the incoming funds.

    func (k Keeper) Delegate(ctx sdk.Context, delAddr sdk.AccAddress, bondAmt math.Int, tokenSrc types.BondStatus,
        validator types.Validator, subtractAccount bool) (newShares sdk.Dec, err error) {
      delegation, found := k.GetDelegation(ctx, delAddr, validator.GetOperator())
      if !found {
          delegation = types.NewDelegation(delAddr, validator.GetOperator(), sdk.ZeroDec(), sdk.ZeroDec())
      // Update delegation
      delegation.Shares = delegation.Shares.Add(newShares)
      delegation.Amount = delegation.Amount.Add(sdk.NewDecFromInt(bondAmt))
      k.SetDelegation(ctx, delegation)


Set the delegate amount. In the first case, if no delegation is found, initialize the amount with an empty value. Just before returning, set delegation.Amount.

  • Unbond The Unbond method unbonds a particular delegation and perform associated store operations.

      func (k Keeper) Unbond(ctx sdk.Context, delAddr sdk.AccAddress, valAddr sdk.ValAddress, shares sdk.Dec) (amount math.Int, err error) {
        validator, amount = k.RemoveValidatorTokensAndShares(ctx, validator, shares)
        if validator.DelegatorShares.IsZero() && validator.IsUnbonded() {
            // if not unbonded, we must instead remove validator in EndBlocker once it finishes its unbonding period
            k.RemoveValidator(ctx, validator.GetOperator())
        // Using the amount received from RemoveValidatorTokensAndShares before
        delegation.Amount = delegation.Amount.Sub(sdk.NewDecFromInt(amount))
        if delegation.Shares.IsZero() {
            err = k.RemoveDelegation(ctx, delegation)
        } else {
            k.SetDelegation(ctx, delegation)
            // call the after delegation modification hook
            err = k.AfterDelegationModified(ctx, delegatorAddress, delegation.GetValidatorAddr())
        if err != nil {
            return amount, err
        return amount, nil

Move the call to RemoveValidatorTokensAndShares earlier in the process. This is necessary to set the amount of tokens before updating the delegation.

  • FundCommunityPoolFromModule hooks a FundCommunityPoolFromModule function from distribution module and transfers tokens to community pool from module account.

    func (k Keeper) FundCommunityPoolFromModule(ctx sdk.Context, amount sdk.Coins, senderModuleName string) error {
        if k.hooks != nil {
      	return k.hooks.FundCommunityPoolFromModule(ctx, amount, senderModuleName)
        return nil

It is used burnNotBondedTokens and burnBondedTokens as a replacing of default burning, preventing token burning when validator is slashed.

Mint module

  • SendFromAccumulator This function is used to sent tokens from validator pool to the accumulator module.

      func (k Keeper) SendFromAccumulator(ctx sdk.Context, amount sdk.Coins) error {
        err := k.accumulatorKeeper.DistributeToModule(ctx, accumulatortypes.ValidatorPoolName, amount, types.ModuleName)
        if err != nil {
          err = errors.Wrap(err, "failed to call accumulator module")
          return err
        return nil

This approach ensures that no new tokens will be created, and the amount of rewards for the validator is properly managed by the validator pool.

  • BeginBlocker The BeginBlocker mints new tokens for the previous block with custom policy.

    func BeginBlocker(ctx sdk.Context, k keeper.Keeper) {
        defer telemetry.ModuleMeasureSince(types.ModuleName, time.Now(), telemetry.MetricKeyBeginBlocker)
        params := k.GetParams(ctx)
          // skip if all tokens already minted
          if uint64(ctx.BlockHeight()) >= params.EndBlock {
          monthReward := sdk.NewDecFromInt(params.MonthReward.Amount)
          mintedAmount := monthReward.QuoInt(sdk.NewInt(int64(params.BlocksPerMonth)))
          // mint coins, update supply
          mintedCoin := sdk.NewCoin(params.MintDenom, mintedAmount.TruncateInt())
          mintedCoins := sdk.NewCoins(mintedCoin)
          err := k.SendFromAccumulator(ctx, mintedCoins)
          if err != nil {
              k.Logger(ctx).Error("failed to send tokens from accumulator")
          // send the minted coins to the fee collector account
          err = k.AddCollectedFees(ctx, mintedCoins)
          if err != nil {
          if mintedCoin.Amount.IsInt64() {
              defer telemetry.ModuleSetGauge(types.ModuleName, float32(mintedCoin.Amount.Int64()), "minted_tokens")
                  sdk.NewAttribute(sdk.AttributeKeyAmount, mintedCoin.Amount.String()),

The following code snippet illustrates the process of minting tokens.

Gov module

  • Tally Tally iterates over the votes and updates the tally of a proposal based on the voting power of the voters

    func (keeper Keeper) Tally(ctx sdk.Context, proposal v1.Proposal) (passes bool, burnDeposits bool, tallyResults v1.TallyResult) {
        votingParams := keeper.GetVotingParams(ctx)
        keeper.IterateVotes(ctx, proposal.Id, func(vote v1.Vote) bool {
            // get all nfts related for delegator
            nfts, _, err := keeper.nftKeeper.GetAllNFTsByOwnerWithPagination(ctx, voter.String(), &query.PageRequest{Limit: query.MaxLimit})
            if err != nil {
                keeper.Logger(ctx).Error("failed to get all nfts for the validator ", err)
                return false
            // iterate over all delegator's nfts to calculate power
            for _, nft := range nfts {
                // iterate over all delegations from voter, deduct from any delegated-to validators
      , sdk.MustAccAddressFromBech32(nft.Address), func(index int64, delegation stakingtypes.DelegationI) (stop bool) {
                    valAddrStr = delegation.GetValidatorAddr().String()
                    // validate that delegation is available to votes
                    if !delegation.GetTimestamp().Add(votingParams.LockingPeriod).Before(ctx.BlockTime()) {
                        keeper.Logger(ctx).Info(fmt.Sprintf("delegation %s is not yet unlocked", delegation.GetValidatorAddr().String()))
                        return false
                    if val, ok := currValidators[valAddrStr]; ok {
                        // There is no need to handle the special case that validator address equal to voter address.
                        // Because voter's voting power will tally again even if there will be deduction of voter's voting power from validator.
                        val.DelegatorDeductions = val.DelegatorDeductions.Add(delegation.GetShares())
                        currValidators[valAddrStr] = val
                        // delegation shares * bonded / total shares
                        votingPower := delegation.GetShares().MulInt(val.BondedTokens).Quo(val.DelegatorShares)
                        for _, option := range vote.Options {
                            weight, _ := sdk.NewDecFromStr(option.Weight)
                            subPower := votingPower.Mul(weight)
                            results[option.Option] = results[option.Option].Add(subPower)
                        totalVotingPower = totalVotingPower.Add(votingPower)
                    return false
            // iterate over all delegations from voter, deduct from any delegated-to validators
  , voter, func(index int64, delegation stakingtypes.DelegationI) (stop bool) {
                valAddrStr = delegation.GetValidatorAddr().String()
                // validate that delegation is available to vote
                if !delegation.GetTimestamp().Add(votingParams.LockingPeriod).Before(ctx.BlockTime()) {
                    keeper.Logger(ctx).Info(fmt.Sprintf("delegation %s is not yet unlocked", delegation.GetValidatorAddr().String()))
                    return false
            keeper.deleteVote(ctx, vote.ProposalId, voter)
            return false

Add ability to vote taking into account NFT delegation. And also to prevent sandwich attack this function ignores recent delegations