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Translator instructions

thijs edited this page Feb 11, 2014 · 47 revisions

! WARNING : the content of this page is being edited (it will be updated soon) !

IMPORTANT TIPS before you start (must read):

  • This page explains the translation process for the Hydrogen GUI and the Hydrogen Manual. These are 2 quite different things that require a very different approach so make sure you read the info on this page carefully.

  • Subscribe to the dev mailing list and let us know you want to help out with the translation. This is the only way for us to know that you are working on it and it allows for some coordination if multiple people are working on the same thing (eg translator A does chapter1 and B does chapter2)

  • Once your work is done you need to upload it to our Git repo.

  • You can do this by creating a pull request (=request to add your work to the Hydrogen GIT repo). To be able to do this you need a Github account (click here to create a new Github account)

  • If you are collaborating with multiple translators, but only 1 translator has a git account he/she can help the other translator by creating a pull request for his/her work.

  • If you dont care about all this GIT-repo-geek-stuff you can also just mail your work to us via the dev mailing list.

  • Make sure you run a git pull before you begin to translate. You dont need write acces to 'pull' (download) from our GIT repo.

  • Info about the language codes can be found here :

Gui translations

The translations are made with a program called "linguist" which is part of QT development package (qt4-dev-tools on Ubuntu).

NOTE : to be able to see your translation of the GUI you must set your system 'locale' to your language.

  • GNOME : System > Administration > Language Support
  • KDE : System Settings > Regional & Accessibility > Country/Region & Language

Steps needed to create a new translation (or update an old one..) : overview

1) install linguist and git

2) learn how to use linguist

3) get the hydrogen git sources

4) translate your .ts file

5) build Hydrogen and see how the translated gui looks

6) fix issues

7) mail your final .ts file to the devel mailing list or create a git pull request

8) enjoy the look of your name on the credits list :-)

In detail :

1) install Linguist and git :

Linguist is a translation tool that is part of the QT development tools.

  • ubuntu : install via software center (search for 'qt4 Linguist')

  • debian based distro's : install via Synaptic (search for qt4-dev-tools) or in a terminal type apt-get install qt4-dev-tools

  • other distro's : search your package manager for QT4 Linguist

Git is a sourcecode management system that allows you to get code from the Hydrogen development server (and put code on it)

  • ubuntu : install via software center (search for 'git')

  • debian based distro's : install via Synaptic (search for git-core) or in a terminal type apt-get install git-core

  • other distro's : search your package manager for git

2) learn how to use Linguist

The Linguist translator manual can be found here :

3) get the latest sourcecode

It's best to create a working directory somewhere (doesn't really matter where), open a terminal and cd into that directory. For example :

$ mkdir /home/myname/workdir
$ cd /home/myname/workdir

now get the sourcecode :

$ git clone git://

This will create a directory called 'hydrogen' in the current dir and put all sourcecode in that directory (approx 16MB of files)

4) translate your .ts file

goto /home/myname/workdir/hydrogen/data/i18n, and run the updatescript :

$ cd /home/myname/workdir/hydrogen/data/i18n
$ ./

now open the .ts file in Linguist that you want to translate ( for Italian, for Russian ...) and start translating

5) build Hydrogen from source

When you are done with your translation, or you want to see the intermediate result of all your hard labour you will need to build Hydrogen from source. Dont worry ! It's not that difficult and remember that you can always ask questions on the devel mailing list (and you will get an answer quickly from the famous hyper-fast-responding-developers!)

You can find more info about building Hydrogen here

6) fix issues

There is a chance that your translated strings are shorter or longer than the original English string. In some cases this can mess up the gui. If that is the case you should take a screenshot of the issue and mail it (+ an explanation of the problem) to the devel mailing list. Then we can see what the options are (change the text or the gui, or ...)

7) mail the .ts file

Once you are happy with the result of your work (all strings have been translated + the complete gui looks good) you can mail your .ts file to the devel list. The file will be checked in and your work will be added to the next build !

If you are comfortable with git and github, create a git pull request.

Gui Translations status for 0.9.5 (updated 2011/07/29)

hydrogen.cs.ts    | 515/719   | 100%    | 502/719   |  69%    | 554/555   |  99%    | 682/719   |  94%    | 481/719   |  66%    | 443/719   | 100%
hydrogen.pt_BR.ts | 1/719     |   0%    | 1/719     |   0%    | 696/719   |  96%
hydrogen.hu_HU.ts | 1/719     |   0%
hydrogen.ja.ts    | 1/719     |   0%    | 363/719   |  50%    | 675/719   |  93%    | 513/719   |  71%
hydrogen.el.ts    | 306/311   |  42%

Gui Translations status for 0.9.6 (updated feb 11 2013)

hydrogen.cs.ts    | 66%    | 81%    | 99%    | 91%    | 97%    | 57%
hydrogen.pt_BR.ts | 0%    | 0%    | 89%
hydrogen.hu_HU.ts | 0%
hydrogen.ja.ts    | 91%    | 47%    | 92%    | 66%
hydrogen.el.ts    | 40%    | 99%    | 95%

Gui Translators (updated 2011/05/11)

language 0.9.4 translators 0.9.5/6 translators
it Alessandro Cominu & Journeyman
es Daniel Tonda C & Daryl O'Hara Chema Martin & Daryl O'Hara
ru Alexandre Prokoudine Alexandre Prokoudine & Nitro
fr Yan Morin Olivier Humbert & DYP
pt_BR -
hu_HU -
pl -
nl aikie & Pieter Van Isacker Dave Stikkolorum
ja -
de Simon Donike
sv -
hr Mario Kozjak
ky - Ualmaz
cs - Adam Radimersky (Aidamos)
el - Nikos Papadopoylos

Manual / Tutorial Translations

The manual (and tutorial) uses a new format since it was rewritten for the 0.9.4 release. We're now using a PO-based translation system which is based on the docbook xml files.

###Steps needed: overview

1) install the tools

2) get the latest sources via git

3) translate the .po file(s)

4) transform the docbook xml files into html

5) email the .po file to the hydrogen-devel mailing list.

###In detail :

1) install the tools You will need xmlto, po2xml, xml2po and the DocBook? XML DTD's. These are part of the following packages : xmlto poxml docbook-xml libxml2-utils. Instal via synaptic or command-line :

$ sudo apt-get install xmlto poxml docbook-xml libxml2-utils

2) get the latest git sources see the Gui section above (item 3)

3) translate the .po file First of all goto the doc directory and check if a .po file exists for your language :

$ cd /home/myname/workdir/hydrogen/data/doc
$ ls *.po

If you dont see a file called manual_XX.po (replace XX by your language code) you can create a .po-file for your language like this :

$ cp manual.pot manual_XX.po (replace XX by your language code)

Now you can open your .po file in your favorite .po file editor (Kbabel, Gtranslator, PoEdit? to name just a few) and start translating (For the tutorial you need to work with the tutorial_XX.po files)

4) execute "make" to transform the docbook xml files into html do this by executing this command :

$ make manual_XX.html this will generate a html so you can see the result of your work

*5) email the .po file to the hydrogen-devel mailing list.

See data/doc/README.DOCUMENTATION.txt for more info