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Update Project Pod

husnjak edited this page Sep 23, 2020 · 4 revisions


This Wiki is not for the PUBLIC, more for my self to "remember" how to update this projects cocoapods

Update Proto file

  1. Download the new one here
  2. Convert the file into a GIANT file of Swift structs using the swift-protobuf library.
# Go to the directory where the .proto file lies and run this command:
$ protoc --swift_opt=Visibility=Public --swift_out=. IGDBProtoFile.proto
  1. Copy the new file "IGDBProtoFile.pb.swift" to the APIStructs folder, now the structs for the wrapper are updated.
  2. Update the podspec file with a new version number
  3. Test the project using pod lint. Run these commands from where the podspec file is located.
$ pod spec lint
$ pod lib lint
  1. Push to Github and create a new Release with the same version as the podspec!
  2. Test the wrapper in a test project.
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