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index ef96ba8f..00000000
--- a/FullPoseEstimator_8h_source.html
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-Resurgence (PY2022): src/filters/FullPoseEstimator.h Source File
- Resurgence (PY2022)
- Codebase for the Husky Robotics 2021-2022 rover Resurgence
No Matches
3 #include "../kinematics/DiffDriveKinematics.h"
4 #include "../navtypes.h"
5 #include "MultiSensorEKF.h"
10 using namespace kinematics;
22 static constexpr int numStates = 3;
23 static constexpr int numSensors = 2;
26 FullPoseEstimator (
const Eigen::Vector2d& inputNoiseGains,
double wheelBase,
double dt,
27 const Eigen::Vector2d& gpsStdDev,
double headingStdDev);
53 void predict (
double thetaVel,
double xVel);
84 void reset (
const navtypes::pose_t& pose);
95 void reset (
const navtypes::pose_t& pose,
const navtypes::pose_t& stdDevs);
102 navtypes::pose_t
getPose ()
const ;
This class implements a pose estimator that can fuse multiple sensors with the kinematic model for ac...
Definition FullPoseEstimator.h:20
void correctGPS(const navtypes::point_t &gps)
Use a gps measurement to correct the pose estimate.
Definition FullPoseEstimator.cpp:95
void reset()
Reset the pose estimator.
Definition FullPoseEstimator.cpp:116
void predict(double thetaVel, double xVel)
Use the model to predict the next system state, given the current inputs.
Definition FullPoseEstimator.cpp:107
void correctHeading(double heading)
Use a heading measurement to correct the pose estimate.
Definition FullPoseEstimator.cpp:99
Eigen::Matrix< double, numStates, numStates > getEstimateCovarianceMat() const
Get the current estimate covariance matrix.
Definition FullPoseEstimator.cpp:128
navtypes::pose_t getPose() const
Gets the current state estimate.
Definition FullPoseEstimator.cpp:132
Definition MultiSensorEKF.h:154
Represents the kinematics of a differential drive.
Definition DiffDriveKinematics.h:14
diff --git a/PoseEstimatorLinear_8h_source.html b/PoseEstimatorLinear_8h_source.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d3a30923..00000000
--- a/PoseEstimatorLinear_8h_source.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-Resurgence (PY2022): src/filters/PoseEstimatorLinear.h Source File
- Resurgence (PY2022)
- Codebase for the Husky Robotics 2021-2022 rover Resurgence
No Matches
3 #include "../navtypes.h"
4 #include "KalmanFilter.h"
30 const Eigen::Vector3d& measurementStdDevs,
double dt);
39 void correct(
const navtypes::transform_t& measurement);
47 void predict(
double thetaVel,
double xVel);
57 return kf.getEstimateCovarianceMat();
66 reset(Eigen::Vector3d::Zero());
77 void reset(
const navtypes::pose_t& pose);
85 void reset(
const navtypes::pose_t& pose,
const navtypes::pose_t& stdDevs);
Implements a Kalman Filter.
Definition KalmanFilter.h:21
Uses a Kalman Filter to estimate the robot pose.
Definition PoseEstimatorLinear.h:18
navtypes::pose_t getPose() const
Gets the current state estimate.
Definition PoseEstimatorLinear.h:92
Eigen::Matrix3d getEstimateCovarianceMat() const
Get the current estimate covariance matrix.
Definition PoseEstimatorLinear.h:56
void reset()
Reset the estimator.
Definition PoseEstimatorLinear.h:65
diff --git a/PoseEstimator_8h_source.html b/PoseEstimator_8h_source.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0819d14e..00000000
--- a/PoseEstimator_8h_source.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-Resurgence (PY2022): src/filters/PoseEstimator.h Source File
- Resurgence (PY2022)
- Codebase for the Husky Robotics 2021-2022 rover Resurgence
No Matches
3 #include "../kinematics/DiffDriveKinematics.h"
4 #include "../navtypes.h"
5 #include "ExtendedKalmanFilter.h"
9 using namespace kinematics;
44 const Eigen::Vector3d& measurementStdDevs,
double wheelBase,
double dt);
53 void correct (
const navtypes::transform_t& measurement);
61 void predict (
double thetaVel,
double xVel);
92 void reset (
const navtypes::pose_t& pose);
103 void reset (
const navtypes::pose_t& pose,
const navtypes::pose_t& stdDevs);
110 navtypes::pose_t
getPose ()
const ;
Implements a discrete-time EKF.
Definition ExtendedKalmanFilter.h:29
Uses an Extended Kalman Filter to estimate the robot pose.
Definition PoseEstimator.h:18
static constexpr int numStates
The dimension of the state vector.
Definition PoseEstimator.h:23
PoseEstimator(const Eigen::Vector2d &inputNoiseGains, const Eigen::Vector3d &measurementStdDevs, double wheelBase, double dt)
Create a new Pose Estimator.
Definition PoseEstimator.cpp:31
void correct(const navtypes::transform_t &measurement)
Correct the pose estimation with measurement data.
Definition PoseEstimator.cpp:69
Eigen::Matrix< double, numStates, numStates > getEstimateCovarianceMat() const
Get the current estimate covariance matrix.
Definition PoseEstimator.cpp:86
void reset()
Reset the pose estimator.
Definition PoseEstimator.cpp:74
void predict(double thetaVel, double xVel)
Use the model to predict the next system state, given the current inputs.
Definition PoseEstimator.cpp:61
navtypes::pose_t getPose() const
Gets the current state estimate.
Definition PoseEstimator.cpp:90
Represents the kinematics of a differential drive.
Definition DiffDriveKinematics.h:14
diff --git a/annotated.html b/annotated.html
index 9f2d6c5a..95c794b9 100644
--- a/annotated.html
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@@ -114,73 +114,70 @@
C NoiseCovMat Represents a square noise covariance matrix
C NoiseCovMat<-1, -1, -1 > Represents a square noise covariance matrix
C ExtendedKalmanFilter Implements a discrete-time EKF
- C FullPoseEstimator This class implements a pose estimator that can fuse multiple sensors with the kinematic model for accurate estimation
- C KalmanFilter Implements a Kalman Filter
- C KalmanFilterBase Base class for Kalman Filters
- C MultiSensorEKF
- C Output Represent an output for a system
- C PoseEstimator Uses an Extended Kalman Filter to estimate the robot pose
- C PoseEstimatorLinear Uses a Kalman Filter to estimate the robot pose
- C RollingAvgFilter Implements a rolling average filter of the specified type
- ▼ N h264encoder
- C Encoder
- C EncoderImpl
- C x264_nal_t_simple
- ▼ N kinematics
- C DiffDriveKinematics Represents the kinematics of a differential drive
- C DiffWristKinematics Represents the kinematics of a differential wrist
- C FabrikSolver2D Implementation of the FABRIK algorithm, in the special case of 2 dimensions
- C gearpos_t Represents the positions (or power) of the two motor-driven gears in the differential wrist
- C jointpos_t Represents the position (or power) of the differential wrist joint
- C PlanarArmKinematics Kinematics object for a sequence of arm segments in a 2d plane
- C SwerveDriveKinematics Calculates forward and inverse drivebase kinematics for a 4-wheel swerve drivebase with specifiable width and length
- C swervewheelvel_t Represents robot wheel velocities in robot reference frame, in polar form (wheel speed and angle)
- C wheelvel_t
- ▼ N navtypes
- C eulerangles_t
- C gpscoords_t Represents a GPS coordinate in degrees
- C URCLeg
- ▼ N net
- ▼ N ardupilot
- C ArduPilotProtocol
- ▼ N mc
- ▼ N tasks
- C ArmIKTask This task sets the arm joint positions to track the current IK command
- C CameraStreamTask This task is responsible for sending the camera streams to Mission Control over websocket
- C PowerRepeatTask This task is responsible for periodically resending setMotorPower commands to the motors
- C TelemReportTask This task periodically sends robot telemetry data to Mission Control
- C MissionControlProtocol
- ▼ N websocket
- C SingleClientWSServer A WebSocket server class that only accepts a single client at a time to each endpoint served by this server
- C WebSocketProtocol Defines a protocol which will be served at an endpoint of a server
- ▼ N robot Collection of functions for manipulating a motor
- ▼ N types Types for use in the world interface
- C DataPoint Represents data measured using a sensor at a given time
- C LimitSwitchData A class that represents limit switches from a specific motor
- C base_motor An abstract motor class
- C can_motor
- C encparams_t
- C pidcoef_t A struct containing a set of PID coefficients
- C potparams_t Represents parameters defining a potentiometer scale
- C sim_motor
- ▼ N std
- C hash< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
- ▼ N util A collection of utility functions and classes with common use-cases
- ▼ N impl
- C Notifiable
- C AsyncTask An abstract class that can be overridden to run long-running tasks and encapsulate task-related data
- C latch Implementation of a countdown latch for threading synchronization
- C PeriodicScheduler Uses a single thread to periodically invoke callbacks at a given frequency
- C PeriodicTask Implements a task that executes a function periodically
- C RAIIHelper A helper class for executing a function when leaving a scope, in RAII-style
- C ScopedTimer A utility class that helps with timing
- C Watchdog Implements a thread-safe watchdog
- ▼ N video
- C H264Encoder This class encodes OpenCV frames into encoded H264 data that can be sent to an H264 decoder, like JMuxer
- C GPSDatum A GPS datum that specifies the reference ellipsoid for use in GPS calculations
- C GPSToMetersConverter A class used to convert gps coordinates to coordinates on a flat xy-plane, and vice versa
- C JacobianVelController This class controls the velocity of a multidimensional mechanism by commanding its position using the jacobian of the kinematics
+ C KalmanFilter Implements a Kalman Filter
+ C KalmanFilterBase Base class for Kalman Filters
+ C MultiSensorEKF
+ C Output Represent an output for a system
+ C RollingAvgFilter Implements a rolling average filter of the specified type
+ ▼ N h264encoder
+ C Encoder
+ C EncoderImpl
+ C x264_nal_t_simple
+ ▼ N kinematics
+ C DiffDriveKinematics Represents the kinematics of a differential drive
+ C DiffWristKinematics Represents the kinematics of a differential wrist
+ C FabrikSolver2D Implementation of the FABRIK algorithm, in the special case of 2 dimensions
+ C gearpos_t Represents the positions (or power) of the two motor-driven gears in the differential wrist
+ C jointpos_t Represents the position (or power) of the differential wrist joint
+ C PlanarArmKinematics Kinematics object for a sequence of arm segments in a 2d plane
+ C SwerveDriveKinematics Calculates forward and inverse drivebase kinematics for a 4-wheel swerve drivebase with specifiable width and length
+ C swervewheelvel_t Represents robot wheel velocities in robot reference frame, in polar form (wheel speed and angle)
+ C wheelvel_t
+ ▼ N navtypes
+ C eulerangles_t
+ C gpscoords_t Represents a GPS coordinate in degrees
+ C URCLeg
+ ▼ N net
+ ▼ N ardupilot
+ C ArduPilotProtocol
+ ▼ N mc
+ ▼ N tasks
+ C ArmIKTask This task sets the arm joint positions to track the current IK command
+ C CameraStreamTask This task is responsible for sending the camera streams to Mission Control over websocket
+ C PowerRepeatTask This task is responsible for periodically resending setMotorPower commands to the motors
+ C TelemReportTask This task periodically sends robot telemetry data to Mission Control
+ C MissionControlProtocol
+ ▼ N websocket
+ C SingleClientWSServer A WebSocket server class that only accepts a single client at a time to each endpoint served by this server
+ C WebSocketProtocol Defines a protocol which will be served at an endpoint of a server
+ ▼ N robot Collection of functions for manipulating a motor
+ ▼ N types Types for use in the world interface
+ C DataPoint Represents data measured using a sensor at a given time
+ C LimitSwitchData A class that represents limit switches from a specific motor
+ C base_motor An abstract motor class
+ C can_motor
+ C encparams_t
+ C pidcoef_t A struct containing a set of PID coefficients
+ C potparams_t Represents parameters defining a potentiometer scale
+ C sim_motor
+ ▼ N std
+ C hash< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
+ ▼ N util A collection of utility functions and classes with common use-cases
+ ▼ N impl
+ C Notifiable
+ C AsyncTask An abstract class that can be overridden to run long-running tasks and encapsulate task-related data
+ C latch Implementation of a countdown latch for threading synchronization
+ C PeriodicScheduler Uses a single thread to periodically invoke callbacks at a given frequency
+ C PeriodicTask Implements a task that executes a function periodically
+ C RAIIHelper A helper class for executing a function when leaving a scope, in RAII-style
+ C ScopedTimer A utility class that helps with timing
+ C Watchdog Implements a thread-safe watchdog
+ ▼ N video
+ C H264Encoder This class encodes OpenCV frames into encoded H264 data that can be sent to an H264 decoder, like JMuxer
+ C GPSDatum A GPS datum that specifies the reference ellipsoid for use in GPS calculations
+ C GPSToMetersConverter A class used to convert gps coordinates to coordinates on a flat xy-plane, and vice versa
+ C JacobianVelController This class controls the velocity of a multidimensional mechanism by commanding its position using the jacobian of the kinematics
diff --git a/classes.html b/classes.html
index b553dba6..d6c5709b 100644
--- a/classes.html
+++ b/classes.html
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
Encoder (h264encoder)EncoderImpl (h264encoder)encparams_t (robot )eulerangles_t (navtypes)ExtendedKalmanFilter (filters)
-FabrikSolver2D (kinematics)FullPoseEstimator (filters)
+FabrikSolver2D (kinematics)
gearpos_t (kinematics)gpscoords_t (navtypes)GPSDatum GPSToMetersConverter
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
Output (filters)
-packettype_t (can )PeriodicScheduler (util )PeriodicTask (util )pidcoef_t (robot )PIDController (control)PIDGains (control)PlanarArmController (control)PlanarArmKinematics (kinematics)PoseEstimator (filters)PoseEstimatorLinear (filters)potparams_t (robot )PowerRepeatTask (net::mc::tasks)
+packettype_t (can )PeriodicScheduler (util )PeriodicTask (util )pidcoef_t (robot )PIDController (control)PIDGains (control)PlanarArmController (control)PlanarArmKinematics (kinematics)potparams_t (robot )PowerRepeatTask (net::mc::tasks)
RAIIHelper (util )RollingAvgFilter (filters)
diff --git a/classfilters_1_1FullPoseEstimator-members.html b/classfilters_1_1FullPoseEstimator-members.html
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-Resurgence (PY2022): Member List
- Resurgence (PY2022)
- Codebase for the Husky Robotics 2021-2022 rover Resurgence
No Matches
This is the complete list of members for filters::FullPoseEstimator , including all inherited members.
diff --git a/classfilters_1_1FullPoseEstimator.html b/classfilters_1_1FullPoseEstimator.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a41c5ad2..00000000
--- a/classfilters_1_1FullPoseEstimator.html
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-Resurgence (PY2022): filters::FullPoseEstimator Class Reference
- Resurgence (PY2022)
- Codebase for the Husky Robotics 2021-2022 rover Resurgence
No Matches
This class implements a pose estimator that can fuse multiple sensors with the kinematic model for accurate estimation.
- More...
#include <FullPoseEstimator.h >
- FullPoseEstimator (const Eigen::Vector2d &inputNoiseGains, double wheelBase, double dt, const Eigen::Vector2d &gpsStdDev, double headingStdDev)
-void correctGPS (const navtypes::point_t &gps)
- Use a gps measurement to correct the pose estimate.
-void correctHeading (double heading)
- Use a heading measurement to correct the pose estimate.
-void predict (double thetaVel, double xVel)
- Use the model to predict the next system state, given the current inputs.
-Eigen::Matrix < double, numStates, numStates > getEstimateCovarianceMat () const
- Get the current estimate covariance matrix.
-void reset ()
- Reset the pose estimator.
-void reset (const navtypes::pose_t &pose)
- Reset the pose estimator.
-void reset (const navtypes::pose_t &pose, const navtypes::pose_t &stdDevs)
- Reset the pose estimator.
-navtypes::pose_t getPose () const
- Gets the current state estimate.
-static constexpr int numStates = 3
-static constexpr int numSensors = 2
This class implements a pose estimator that can fuse multiple sensors with the kinematic model for accurate estimation.
Internally, this uses an EKF. This differs from filters::PoseEstimator in that multiple sensors are supported.
The tracked states are x, y, and heading, in map space.
◆ correctGPS()
- void filters::FullPoseEstimator::correctGPS
- (
- const navtypes::point_t & gps )
Use a gps measurement to correct the pose estimate.
The sensor reading is assumed to be appropriately recent.
- gps The gps measurement, in map space.
◆ correctHeading()
- void filters::FullPoseEstimator::correctHeading
- (
- double heading )
Use a heading measurement to correct the pose estimate.
The sensor reading is assumed to be appropriately recent.
- heading The heading sensor reading, in map space.
◆ getEstimateCovarianceMat()
- Eigen::Matrix < double, 3, 3 > filters::FullPoseEstimator::getEstimateCovarianceMat
- (
- )
- const
Get the current estimate covariance matrix.
This is an indication of the uncertainty of the pose estimate.
Returns The estimate covariance matrix, AKA the P matrix.
◆ getPose()
- pose_t filters::FullPoseEstimator::getPose
- (
- )
- const
Gets the current state estimate.
Returns The state estimate.
◆ predict()
- void filters::FullPoseEstimator::predict
- (
- double thetaVel ,
- double xVel )
Use the model to predict the next system state, given the current inputs.
- thetaVel Commanded rotational velocity.
- xVel Commanded x velocity.
◆ reset() [1/3]
- void filters::FullPoseEstimator::reset
- (
- )
Reset the pose estimator.
Sets the state estimate to the zero vector and resets the estimate covariance matrix to a diagonal matrix with large values to reflect complete uncertainty in the current pose. If you have any information about the current pose, use reset(const pose_t &,
-const pose_t &)
◆ reset() [2/3]
- void filters::FullPoseEstimator::reset
- (
- const navtypes::pose_t & pose )
Reset the pose estimator.
Sets the state estimate to the supplied vector and resets the estimate covariance matrix to a diagonal matrix with large values to reflect complete uncertainty in the current pose. If you have any information about the current pose, use reset(const pose_t &,
-const pose_t &)
- pose The pose to which the state estimate will be set.
◆ reset() [3/3]
- void filters::FullPoseEstimator::reset
- (
- const navtypes::pose_t & pose ,
- const navtypes::pose_t & stdDevs )
Reset the pose estimator.
Sets the state estimate to the supplied vector and sets the estimate covariance matrix to reflect the given uncertainty.
- pose The pose to which the state estimate will be set.
- stdDevs The standard deviation for each element in the pose.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
diff --git a/classfilters_1_1KalmanFilterBase.html b/classfilters_1_1KalmanFilterBase.html
index 69d8f781..adc293ec 100644
--- a/classfilters_1_1KalmanFilterBase.html
+++ b/classfilters_1_1KalmanFilterBase.html
@@ -100,19 +100,13 @@
[legend ]
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\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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Binary files a/classfilters_1_1KalmanFilterBase__inherit__graph.png and b/classfilters_1_1KalmanFilterBase__inherit__graph.png differ
diff --git a/classfilters_1_1PoseEstimator-members.html b/classfilters_1_1PoseEstimator-members.html
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index 13d1aafa..00000000
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-Resurgence (PY2022): Member List
- Resurgence (PY2022)
- Codebase for the Husky Robotics 2021-2022 rover Resurgence
No Matches
This is the complete list of members for filters::PoseEstimator , including all inherited members.
diff --git a/classfilters_1_1PoseEstimator.html b/classfilters_1_1PoseEstimator.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 78c12fe7..00000000
--- a/classfilters_1_1PoseEstimator.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-Resurgence (PY2022): filters::PoseEstimator Class Reference
- Resurgence (PY2022)
- Codebase for the Husky Robotics 2021-2022 rover Resurgence
No Matches
Uses an Extended Kalman Filter to estimate the robot pose.
- More...
#include <PoseEstimator.h >
- PoseEstimator (const Eigen::Vector2d &inputNoiseGains, const Eigen::Vector3d &measurementStdDevs, double wheelBase, double dt)
- Create a new Pose Estimator.
-void correct (const navtypes::transform_t &measurement)
- Correct the pose estimation with measurement data.
-void predict (double thetaVel, double xVel)
- Use the model to predict the next system state, given the current inputs.
-Eigen::Matrix < double, numStates , numStates > getEstimateCovarianceMat () const
- Get the current estimate covariance matrix.
-void reset ()
- Reset the pose estimator.
-void reset (const navtypes::pose_t &pose)
- Reset the pose estimator.
-void reset (const navtypes::pose_t &pose, const navtypes::pose_t &stdDevs)
- Reset the pose estimator.
-navtypes::pose_t getPose () const
- Gets the current state estimate.
-static constexpr int numStates = 3
- The dimension of the state vector.
Uses an Extended Kalman Filter to estimate the robot pose.
This class uses a Kalman Filter to continuously estimate the pose of the robot in 2d space. The tracked states are x, y, and heading. All of these states are in map space.
◆ PoseEstimator()
- filters::PoseEstimator::PoseEstimator
- (
- const Eigen::Vector2d & inputNoiseGains ,
- const Eigen::Vector3d & measurementStdDevs ,
- double wheelBase ,
- double dt )
Create a new Pose Estimator.
- inputNoiseGains The gain for the noise in each dimension of the input space. This pose estimator models process noise as noise applied to the wheel velocities with standard deviation proportional to the wheel velocity. The standard deviation of the noise is modelled as k * sqrt(abs(v)) where k is the input noise gain and v is the wheel velocity.
- measurementStdDevs The standard deviations for each of the measurement elements. This represents additive noise in the measurements.
- wheelBase The distance between the left and right wheels.
- dt The time in seconds between updates.
◆ correct()
- void filters::PoseEstimator::correct
- (
- const navtypes::transform_t & measurement )
Correct the pose estimation with measurement data.
The measurement should be in the same space as the state.
- measurement The measurement to use to correct the filter, as a transform.
◆ getEstimateCovarianceMat()
- Eigen::Matrix < double, 3, 3 > filters::PoseEstimator::getEstimateCovarianceMat
- (
- )
- const
Get the current estimate covariance matrix.
This is an indication of the uncertainty of the pose estimate.
Returns The estimate covariance matrix, AKA the P matrix.
◆ getPose()
- pose_t filters::PoseEstimator::getPose
- (
- )
- const
Gets the current state estimate.
Returns The state estimate.
◆ predict()
- void filters::PoseEstimator::predict
- (
- double thetaVel ,
- double xVel )
Use the model to predict the next system state, given the current inputs.
- thetaVel Commanded rotational velocity.
- xVel Commanded x velocity.
◆ reset() [1/3]
- void filters::PoseEstimator::reset
- (
- )
Reset the pose estimator.
Sets the state estimate to the zero vector and resets the estimate covariance matrix to a diagonal matrix with large values to reflect complete uncertainty in the current pose. If you have any information about the current pose, use reset(const pose_t &,
-const pose_t &)
◆ reset() [2/3]
- void filters::PoseEstimator::reset
- (
- const navtypes::pose_t & pose )
Reset the pose estimator.
Sets the state estimate to the supplied vector and resets the estimate covariance matrix to a diagonal matrix with large values to reflect complete uncertainty in the current pose. If you have any information about the current pose, use reset(const pose_t &,
-const pose_t &)
- pose The pose to which the state estimate will be set.
◆ reset() [3/3]
- void filters::PoseEstimator::reset
- (
- const navtypes::pose_t & pose ,
- const navtypes::pose_t & stdDevs )
Reset the pose estimator.
Sets the state estimate to the supplied vector and sets the estimate covariance matrix to reflect the given uncertainty.
- pose The pose to which the state estimate will be set.
- stdDevs The standard deviation for each element in the pose.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
diff --git a/classfilters_1_1PoseEstimatorLinear-members.html b/classfilters_1_1PoseEstimatorLinear-members.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0928d2c6..00000000
--- a/classfilters_1_1PoseEstimatorLinear-members.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-Resurgence (PY2022): Member List
- Resurgence (PY2022)
- Codebase for the Husky Robotics 2021-2022 rover Resurgence
No Matches
This is the complete list of members for filters::PoseEstimatorLinear , including all inherited members.
diff --git a/classfilters_1_1PoseEstimatorLinear.html b/classfilters_1_1PoseEstimatorLinear.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aade222..00000000
--- a/classfilters_1_1PoseEstimatorLinear.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-Resurgence (PY2022): filters::PoseEstimatorLinear Class Reference
- Resurgence (PY2022)
- Codebase for the Husky Robotics 2021-2022 rover Resurgence
No Matches
Uses a Kalman Filter to estimate the robot pose.
- More...
#include <PoseEstimatorLinear.h >
- PoseEstimatorLinear (const Eigen::Vector3d &stateStdDevs, const Eigen::Vector3d &measurementStdDevs, double dt)
- Create a new Pose Estimator.
-void correct (const navtypes::transform_t &measurement)
- Correct the pose estimation with measurement data.
-void predict (double thetaVel, double xVel)
- Use the model to predict the next system state, given the current inputs.
-Eigen::Matrix3d getEstimateCovarianceMat () const
- Get the current estimate covariance matrix.
-void reset ()
- Reset the estimator.
-void reset (const navtypes::pose_t &pose)
- Reset the estimator.
-void reset (const navtypes::pose_t &pose, const navtypes::pose_t &stdDevs)
- Reset the estimator.
-navtypes::pose_t getPose () const
- Gets the current state estimate.
Uses a Kalman Filter to estimate the robot pose.
This class uses a Kalman Filter to continuously estimate the pose of the robot in 2d space. The tracked states are x, y, and heading. All of these states are in map space. In most cases, you should probably use PoseEstimator instead. However, I don't think we should delete this until we confirm that PoseEstimator works on a real robot.
◆ PoseEstimatorLinear()
- filters::PoseEstimatorLinear::PoseEstimatorLinear
- (
- const Eigen::Vector3d & stateStdDevs ,
- const Eigen::Vector3d & measurementStdDevs ,
- double dt )
Create a new Pose Estimator.
- stateStdDevs The standard deviations for each of the state elements. This represents noise in the system model.
- measurementStdDevs The standard deviations for each of the measurement elements. This represents noise in the measurements.
- dt The time in seconds between updates. Used to discretize the system model.
◆ correct()
- void filters::PoseEstimatorLinear::correct
- (
- const navtypes::transform_t & measurement )
Correct the pose estimation with measurement data.
The measurement should be in the same space as the state.
- measurement The measurement to use to correct the filter, as a transform.
◆ getEstimateCovarianceMat()
- Eigen::Matrix3d filters::PoseEstimatorLinear::getEstimateCovarianceMat
- (
- )
- const
Get the current estimate covariance matrix.
This is an indication of the uncertainty of the pose estimate.
Returns The estimate covariance matrix, AKA the P matrix.
◆ getPose()
- navtypes::pose_t filters::PoseEstimatorLinear::getPose
- (
- )
- const
Gets the current state estimate.
Returns The state estimate.
◆ predict()
- void filters::PoseEstimatorLinear::predict
- (
- double thetaVel ,
- double xVel )
Use the model to predict the next system state, given the current inputs.
- thetaVel Commanded rotational velocity.
- xVel Commanded x velocity.
◆ reset() [1/3]
- void filters::PoseEstimatorLinear::reset
- (
- )
Reset the estimator.
Sets the state estimate to the zero vector and resets the estimate covariance matrix.
◆ reset() [2/3]
- void filters::PoseEstimatorLinear::reset
- (
- const navtypes::pose_t & pose )
Reset the estimator.
Sets the state estimate to the supplied vector and resets the estimate covariance matrix.
- pose The pose to which the state estimate will be set.
◆ reset() [3/3]
- void filters::PoseEstimatorLinear::reset
- (
- const navtypes::pose_t & pose ,
- const navtypes::pose_t & stdDevs )
Reset the estimator.
- pose The pose to set as the new estimate.
- stdDevs The standard deviations in each axis of the state vector.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
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- FullPoseEstimator.h
- PoseEstimator.h
- PoseEstimatorLinear.h
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