This is the backend site used to demonstrate On Page Editing feature with decoupled delivery site built with create-react-app script.
The backend site is built using Optimizely CMS 12 with ContentGraph integration packages installed.
You also need to run the react-script version of the frontend site in order to try out the on page editing feature.
This project uses:
- NET6.0
- SQL Server 2016 Express LocalDB (download here). On macOS, we can use Azure SQL Edge instead (Link)
On Windows, run
. You can re-runsetup.cmd
at any time to reset the backend with a fresh database.- On Mac OS or linux, run
to setup blobs for backend site. - If you are on MacOS, follow the guide below to setup database in an Azure SQL Edge container.
- On Mac OS or linux, run
Config the Content Graph keys:
- ./appsettings.json
- Set "FRONT_END_URI" to "http://localhost:3000" which is the frontend site you will run later.
Setup your database server, on Windows you can use LocalDB and no setup is required, on MacOS, please refer to the section below to setup the DB in MacOS.
Open terminal for
and rundotnet run
.- Navigate to http://localhost:8082/.
- Create an admin user. If the UI is not displayed automatically, navigate to http://localhost:8082/util/register.
- Add the following config site if it doesn't exist
Name: MusicFestival.Backend URL: http://localhost:8082 Start page: Root > Start Host names localhost:8082 - Edit localhost:3000 - Primary
- Run the job
Content Graph content synchronization job
to index whole contents into the Content Graph for the first time
Afterwards, please follow the README for react-script frontend site to set it up. You can also run the Next.js version of the Music Festival frontend site.
- startup.cs is designed so that the site can start right away on both Windows and MacOS.
- You can also update your database connection string in appsettings.json.
- The backend is quite the same with the backend of the content-delivery-js-sk except using Content Graph
services.AddContentGraph(_configuration, OpenIDConnectOptionsDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);
On MacOS, you cannot run SQL Server, an alternative is to run an Azure SQL Edge container in Docker.
- Run the following commands to start the container
docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=1'-e 'MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=Admin123! -p 1433:1433 --name azuresqledge -d
- Run
docker cp db.mdf azuresqledge:/var/opt/mssql/data/musicfestival.mdf
folder to copy the database file to the container. - Update the file permission in the container
Run a terminal inside the AzureSQLEdge container
docker exec -it --user root azuresqledge bash
Then in the shell, change the file owner user and group
chown mssql:root /var/opt/mssql/data/musicfestival.mdf
- Use Azure Data Studio to connect to database and execute the query below to create database
CREATE DATABASE MusicFestival ON (FILENAME = '/var/opt/mssql/data/musicfestival.mdf') FOR ATTACH;
- Then the backend should be able to connect to the database running in the SQL instance inside the container.