This service accepts an image of a product and returns its price data from various online stores.
- Product name is extracted from the image using EasyOCR.
- The price data is then retrieved from and cached (for an hour) using Redis.
- To handle the bad OCR output, a Fuzzy Matching algorithm is applied to DuckDuckGo search results before querying the Cimri API.
POST /api/price HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"image": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDA..."
"name": "Eti 142 gr Hoşbeş Gofret",
"image": "",
"query": "Eti 142 gr Hoşbeş Gofret",
"prices": [
"store": "şok",
"price": 13.25
"store": "a101",
"price": 14.00