Shapes definitions for edm:ProvidedCHO class
This document was generated from the shapes file using this software
This shape gathers all constraints that apply to a edm:ProvidedCHO class
The following constraints apply to shape or are not restricted to a specific property:
The following table shows an overview of the constraints divided per property:
Shape body in Turtle syntax:
a sh:Shape ;
rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource ;
sh:description """This shape gathers all constraints that apply to a
edm:ProvidedCHO class""" ;
sh:scopeClass edm:ProvidedCHO ;
# class level constraints
sh:constraint <ProvidedCHO#closure> ;
sh:constraint <ProvidedCHO#correlation> ;
# DC properties
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/dc_identifier#type> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/dc_language#type> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/dc_title#type> ;
# DCTERMS properties
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/dct_alternative#type> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/dct_tableOfContents#type> ;
# EDM properties
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/edm_currentLocation#type> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/edm_hasMet#type> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/edm_incorporates#type> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/edm_isDerivativeOf#type> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/edm_isNextInSequence#type> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/edm_isRepresentationOf#type> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/edm_isRepresentationOf#cardinality> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/edm_isSimilarTo#type> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/edm_isSuccessorOf#type> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/edm_realizes#type> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/edm_type#type> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/edm_type#cardinality> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/edm_type#values> ;
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/edm_ugc#type> ;
# OWL properties
sh:property <ProvidedCHO/owl_sameAs#type> ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
sh:description """An edm:ProvidedCHO resource must be defined using only the
properties defined in EDM for Provided CHOs""" ;
dc:type esc:closure ;
sh:closed true ;
sh:ignoredProperties (
dc:contributor dc:coverage dc:creator dc:date dc:description dc:format
dc:identifier dc:language dc:publisher dc:relation dc:rights dc:source
dc:subject dc:title dc:type dct:alternative dct:conformsTo dct:created
dct:extent dct:hasFormat dct:hasPart dct:hasVersion dct:isFormatOf
dct:isPartOf dct:isReferencedBy dct:isReplacedBy dct:isRequiredBy
dct:issued dct:isVersionOf dct:medium dct:provenance dct:references
dct:replaces dct:requires dct:spatial dct:tableOfContents dct:temporal
edm:currentLocation edm:hasMet edm:hasType edm:incorporates
edm:isDerivativeOf edm:isNextInSequence edm:isRelatedTo
edm:isRepresentationOf edm:isSimilarTo edm:isSuccessorOf edm:realizes
edm:type edm:ugc
) ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:Constraint ;
sh:description """Check that if edm:ProvidedCHO is present, at least: one
dc:title or sh:description should be present; one dc:subject
or dc:type or dc:coverage or dcterms:spatial and edm:type
should be present""" ;
dc:type esc:correlation ;
dc:relation "R-68-REQUIRED-PROPERTIES"
sh:message """At least: one dc:title or sh:description; one dc:subject or
dc:type or dc:coverage or dcterms:spatial; and one edm:type
should be present""" ;
sh:and (
sh:constraint [
sh:or (
[ sh:property [ sh:predicate dc:title ; sh:minCount 1 ; ] ]
[ sh:property [ sh:predicate dc:description ; sh:minCount 1 ; ] ]
sh:constraint [
sh:or (
[ sh:property [ sh:predicate dc:subject ; sh:minCount 1 ; ] ]
[ sh:property [ sh:predicate dc:type ; sh:minCount 1 ; ] ]
[ sh:property [ sh:predicate dc:coverage ; sh:minCount 1 ; ] ]
[ sh:property [ sh:predicate dct:spatial ; sh:minCount 1 ; ] ]
) ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
sh:predicate dc:identifier ;
sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
sh:predicate dc:language ;
sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:type ;
sh:predicate dc:title ;
sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:type ;
sh:predicate dct:alternative ;
sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:type ;
sh:predicate dct:tableOfContents ;
sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:type ;
sh:predicate edm:currentLocation ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:type ;
sh:predicate edm:hasMet ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:type ;
sh:predicate edm:incorporates ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:type ;
sh:predicate edm:isDerivativeOf ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:type ;
sh:predicate edm:isNextInSequence ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:cardinality ;
sh:predicate edm:isRepresentationOf ;
sh:minCount 0 ;
sh:maxCount 1 ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:type ;
sh:predicate edm:isRepresentationOf ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:type ;
sh:predicate edm:isSimilarTo ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:type ;
sh:predicate edm:isSuccessorOf ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:type ;
sh:predicate edm:realizes ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:cardinality ;
sh:predicate edm:type ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:maxCount 1 ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:type ;
sh:predicate edm:type ;
sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:values ;
sh:description """The value of edm:type must match one of:
# sh:description """Check that edm:type matches the value
dc:relation "R-30-DEFINE-VALUE-LISTS" ;
sh:predicate edm:type ;
sh:in ( "TEXT" "VIDEO" "SOUND" "IMAGE" "3D" ) ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:type ;
sh:predicate edm:ugc ;
sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ;
_Shape definition in Turtle syntax:_
a sh:PropertyConstraint ;
dc:type esc:type ;
sh:predicate owl:sameAs ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;