- Visualisation through Charts +
Each Key existing in the documents of your collection receives their own chart window. In it, all the values of that key from the documents will be displayed in an aggregated way. Depending on the type of the key that aggregation may be in form of a pie chart, bar chart or list. That gives you a quick overview of the existing values and their occurrences.
- Interaction with Charts +
The charts are not only there to display the values but you can also interact with them. By selecting or deselecting values you can filter your data and have these changes shown in your charts in real time. This way you can easily get the data you need and get immediate visual feedback on what each click actually does to your data set.
- Schema Chart +
Each existing key of the selected collection gets displayed in the schema chart. Next to it you can see which percentage of the documents include that key and therefore follow the schema. If a key is a nested document or object array you can unfold it to see its keys. By clicking on the keys’ eye-icons you can make their chart window visible.
- Query Builder +
The user is able to get an automatically generated query corresponding to the data changes.
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