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Contributing to HTML Tidy

So you want to contribute to Tidy? Fantastic! Here's a brief overview on how best to do so.

Support request

If you are having trouble running console Tidy, or using the LibTidy API in your own project, then maybe the best places to get help is either via a comment in Tidy Issues, or on the Tidy Mail Archive list.

And please do a search using different key words - see searching - to make sure it is not a duplicate. If something similar has been discussed before, but you still feel this is different, then add that related reference in your post...

In either place please start with a short subject to describe the issue. If it involves running Tidy on an html file, or if it’s an API question, make sure to include:

  • the version: $ tidy -v
  • what was the configuration used
  • a small sample input
  • the output
  • the expected output
  • some sample code (if an API question).

This information will make replication of your issue much simpler for us.

If you do add sample HTML input, then it can also be very helpful if that sample passes the W3C validator. Tidy attempts to follow all current W3C standards.

If you are able to build tidy from source (requires CMake), and you can find the problem in the source code, then read on about how you can create a Pull Request (“PR”) to share your code and ideas.

What to change

Here are some examples of things you might want to make a PR for:

  • New features
  • Bug fixes
  • Inefficient blocks of code
  • Memory problems
  • Language translations

If you have a more deeply-rooted problem with how the program is built or some of the stylistic decisions made in the code, it is best to create an issue before putting the effort into a pull request. The same goes for new features - it might be best to check the project's direction, existing pull requests, and currently open and closed issues first.

Concerning the “Tidy Code Style,” checkout, but looking at existing code is the best way to get a good feel for the patterns we use.

Using Git appropriately

  1. Fork tidy to your own github account. Use top right Fork icon.
  2. Optional: Generate a SSH Key, and add it to your<name> settings, SSH and GPG keys
  3. Clone your own fork - $ git clone [email protected]:<name>/tidy-html5.git [tidy-fork] Or using https.
  4. Create a branch - $ cd tidy-fork; $ git checkout -b <branch-name>
  5. Edit, and commit your changes to this branch of your fork.
  6. Test your changes, and if appropriate run regression tests.
  7. Publish the branch - $ git push -u origin <branch-name. - to your remote fork.
  8. Create a Pull Request, a PR, here.
  9. Watch for comments, acceptance.

Item 2., SSH Key, is optional, and only required if you want to use clone [email protected].... And if you generate the ssh without a passphrase, things like git push can be done without a password. Just convenience. Alternatively you can use the HTTPS protocol...

Concerning 5., editing and committing your changes, generally it is better to commit changes often, adding an appropriate commit message to each, like $ git commit -m "Is. #NNN - reason for change" <file[s]>. This also aids in the PR review.

But the situation varies. Like adding say an option, which can mean several files have to be edited, where it is likely appropriate to combine a considerable number of edits into one commit. There can be no hard and fast rules on this.

Please note, if you want to change multiple things that don't depend on each other, use different branches, and make sure you check the next branch back out, before making more changes in a new branch name. That way we can take in each change separately, otherwise Github will combine all your branch commits into one PR.

See below on keeping your forks next fully in sync with here, called upstream - this is important.

$ git remote add upstream [email protected]:htacg/tidy-html5.git # once only
$ git checkout next
$ git status
$ git stash # if not clean
$ git fetch upstream
$ git rebase upstream/next
$ git stash pop # if required, and fix conflicts
$ git push      # update the fork next

This has to be repeated for other branches, too. $ git checkout <your-branch>, $ git rebase next, fix conflict, if any, and $ git push, for each branch. It is not fun to keep multiple branches fully up-to-date with an active upstream...

Of course, the regression tests, 6., are really only if you have made code changes, but it is a good habit to get into. As can be seen the tests are in a separate repo, so you must also clone that, or fork and clone that, to be able to present a PR. This is best done in the same root folder where where you cloned tidy-html5, and your tidy-fork. See

In brief, for unix, to use your potentially new tidy-fork tidy executable -

$ git clone [email protected]:htacg/tidy-html5-tests.git
$ cd tidy-html5-tests/tools-sh
$ ./ ../../tidy-fork/build/cmake/tidy
$ diff -u ../cases/testbase-expects ../cases/testbase-results

Use folder tools-cmd for windows. Run alltest.bat --help.

If the tests shows a different exit value, or there are differences between the expects and results, these must be studied, and checked, very carefully. There may be cases where the new results are correct, in which case a simultaneous PR for the forked tests must be created to match your forked source PR.

Do NOT change either the root version.txt here, nor the cases/_version.txt in tests. This will be handled by the person that does the PR merge. To differentiate your modified tidy there is a cmake option, like -DTIDY_RC_NUMBER=I123, which will appear in tidy -v as 5.7.16.I123. The number can be anything, but using the relevant issue value is a good choice.

Add an issue if you need further help... thanks...

Help Tidy Get Better

It goes without saying all help is appreciated. We need to work together to make Tidy better!