To play, visit the following url:
Built by: Steve McDonald and Danielle Gellis
Stage 1
- Repo is created on GitHub.
- The site looks the same as in the mockups (except without the same words/letters/points - those are just placeholders). -- DONE
- Your repo includes the files: index.html, main.css, and bossggle.js.
Stage 2
- Clicking on a letter changes its color to orange.
- Clicking on a letter adds it to the word.
- The word is updated with each new letter.
Stage 3
- Pressing the “Submit” button submits the word for points.
- Pressing the “Clear” button clears the word and all selected letters.
- Pressing the “Reset” button clears the word, all selected letters, and generates a new set of letters on the board.
Stage 4
- Submitted words are added to the left in reverse chronological order (last word submitted is at the top).
- Submitted words are awarded 9 points per letter.
- Any word / combination of characters is allowed. There is no validation.
- Players start with a score of 0.
- The score is updated after each word is submitted.
Stage 5
- There is a link to the source code (your GitHub repo) in the bottom left.
- Repo is published as a GitHub pages site.
- The artifact produced is properly licensed, preferably with the MIT license.
Stretch Goals
- Game uses real Boggle rules:
- Letters must all be connected (second letter must be a “neighbor” of the first letter, third letter must be a “neighbor” of the second, and so on).
- Words must be at least 3 letters long.
- Game is timed: players have 1 minute to make as many words as possible.
- Words must be real English words; non-English words don’t earn points. See Validating Words section for more information.