Analytics is a GUI which displays monthly and global statistics on platform usage: GeoNetwork downloads, custom data extractions & OGC web services consumption.
It relies on two other modules to collect figures in a database:
- downloadform for GeoNetwork downloads & custom data extractions,
- ogc-server-statistics for OGC web services consumption
With regards to GeoNetwork downloads, you get a nice view of:
- metadata id, filename, number of hits
- username, number of downloads
- organisation, number of downloads
For custom data extractions:
- service type, service URL, layer name, hits
- username, number of requests
- organisation, number of requests
For OGC web services consumption:
- service type, layer name, request type (getmap/getfeature/getcapabilities/...), hits
- username, number of requests
- organisation, number of requests
Each table can be exported to CSV for easy offline use.