diff --git a/_episodes/02-pulling-images.md b/_episodes/02-pulling-images.md index b920641..58497d6 100644 --- a/_episodes/02-pulling-images.md +++ b/_episodes/02-pulling-images.md @@ -48,6 +48,20 @@ podman pull matthewfeickert/intro-to-docker ~~~ {: .source} +> ## No search registry defined +> Some installations of Podman may end with an error like `Error: unable to pull matthewfeickert/intro-to-docker:latest: unable to find registry in the system`. +> This is because the default registry is not defined. You can fix this by adding the `docker.io` registry at the command: +> ~~~bash +> podman pull docker.io/matthewfeickert/intro-to-docker +> ~~~ +> +> Or, to pull images by default from Docker Hub, adding the following line to the `/etc/containers/registries.conf` file: +> ~~~bash +> unqualified-search-registries=["docker.io"] +> ~~~ +> +{: .callout} + > ## Connection errors > If using Podman or Docker in a non-Linux machine you run into an error like `Error: unable to connect to Podman`, > make sure that the Podman or Docker desktop application is running.