- Ecto, what about it?
- PostgreSQL Exercises in Ecto
- Ecto Docs
- Form objects in Elixir
- ElixirDaze 2017- Embrace the Database With Ecto
- Thinking in Ecto - schemas and changesets Thinking in ecto part 2
- Introduction to APIs with Phoenix - part 1 - A walkthrough of making a TODO App API with Phoenix
- Ridiculously Fast API Authentication with Phoenix - part 2 - authentication with Ecto. discusses changelogs, user creation and authentication
- Refactoring Faster Than You Can Spell Phoenix - part 3
- Phoenix 1.3 is pure love for API development
- Basic Authentication In Your Phoenix App
- Elixir /Phoenix— Lets code authentication. Todo application part 1. - With Guardian and Comeonin
- Elixir /Phoenix— Lets code authentication. Todo application part 2. - With Guardian and Comeonin
- Elixir /Phoenix— Lets code authentication. Todo application part 3. - With Guardian and Comeonin
- Elixir /Phoenix — A todo and user relationship. Todo application part 4.
- Elixir /Phoenix — Incomplete and completed todos. Part 5.
- User Authentication from Scratch in Elixir and Phoenix
= What makes Phoenix Presence special, and a sneak peek
- Running Elixir and Phoenix projects on a cluster of nodes
- How to Set up a Distributed Elixir Cluster on Amazon EC2
- Setting up an Elixir cluster on EC2 with Edeliver and Distillery
- Create an Elixir umbrella project containing a phoenix app and build a release with Distillery
- Using an Elixir Umbrella
- Integrating CircleCI with Elixir/Phoenix
- Using Your Umbrella - Using DDD to separate your project into different Bounded Contexts
- Automating Elixir Tests —Continuous Integration with Bitbucket Pipelines
- Deploying phoenix apps for rails devs
- Deploying Elixir Applications with Distillery
- Mastering Elixir Releases with Distillery — A (Pretty) Complete Guide
- Upgrade Releases with Edeliver
- Phoenix |> CircleCI |> Heroku deployment
- Elixir deployments on AWS
- A Complete Guide to Deploying Elixir & Phoenix Applications on Kubernetes — Part 1: Setting up Distillery
- A Complete Guide to Deploying Elixir & Phoenix Applications on Kubernetes — Part 2: Docker and Minikube
- A Complete Guide to Deploying Elixir & Phoenix Applications on Kubernetes — Part 3: Deploying to Kubernetes
- A Complete Guide to Deploying Elixir & Phoenix Applications on Kubernetes — Part 4: Secret Management
- A Complete Guide to Deploying Elixir & Phoenix Applications on Kubernetes — Part 5: Clustering Elixir & Phoenix Channels
- Docker Phoenix
- How to use Docker and Phoenix
- Deploying Phoenix Apps with Docker
- Running Your Phoenix Tests Using Docker
- How to run Phoenix framework application inside a Docker container?
- Phoenix GraphQL Tutorial with Absinthe
- Absinthe Docs
- Phoenix GraphQL Tutorial with Absinthe: Add CRUD Using Mutations
- Phoenix GraphQL Tutorial with Absinthe: Authentication with Guardian
- Elixir School
- Concurrency in Elixir
- The Most Object-Oriented Language
- Object Orientation in Ruby and Elixir
- Disecting an Elixir Applciation
- Elixir's Secret Weapon
- Building a Webserver in Elixir
- Anatomy of an Elixir Process
- When to use processes in Elixir - Part 1: Storing state
- When to use processes in Elixir - Part 2: Running concurrent tasks
- Demystifying processes in Elixir
- Designing OTP Applications in Elixir
- Railway Oriented Programming in Elixir
- Designing with OTP in mind
- Visualisation of Elixir Supervision Tree Strategies
- Processes, OTP's, and Supervisors for Elixir
- Background Jobs in Phoenix
- Phoenix 1.3_rc Released
- Phoenix 1.3 upgrade guide
- Why Phoenix 1.3 changes are so important
- How to Set Up a CDN in Phoenix
- Using Elixir's GenStage and Flow to build product recommendations
- Stateful websockets with Elixir Genstage
- Why Phoenix
- A list of companies currently using Elixir
- Benefits of Elixir: How Elixir helped Bleacher Report handle 8x more traffic
- 10 Reasons to choose phoenix for your next startup
- Companies using Elixir
- Phoenix Channels vs Rails Action Cable
- Pheonix vs Rails
- Phoenix is not Rails
- Ruby/Rails vs. Elixir/Phoenix
- What I learned migrating a Rails app to Elixir/Phoenix
- Phoenix hipster stack - Phoenix, Docker, Webpack, React, GraphQL, Relay, Flow, Eslint, Immutable.js, Jest and RethinkDB
- Elixir Phoenix basic chat
- Phoenix Trello - Trello tribute done in Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.
- Phoenix static blog template - An example of a Phoenix application using static Markdown documents to host a simple blog.
- Phoenix + React
- React/Redux + Phoenix (Elixir)
- How to Use Phoenix + React + Webpack
- Phoenix and Elm, a real use case (pt. 1)
- Phoenix and Elm, a real use case (pt. 2)
- Writing A Full Site in Phoenix and Elm Part 1
- Writing A Full Site in Phoenix and Elm Part 2 - Part 2: Making HTTP Calls From Elm
- Writing A Full Site in Phoenix and Elm Part 3 - Part 3: Navigation From The Ground Up
- Elm and Phoenix