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255, 255, 255, 0), +"format": "RGBA8", +"height": 16, +"mipmaps": false, +"width": 16 +} + +[sub_resource type="ImageTexture" id="ImageTexture_1i6xe"] +image = SubResource("Image_0553x") + +[sub_resource type="GDScript" id="GDScript_6kxwn"] +script/source = "@tool +extends U +@warning_ignore(\"unused_parameter\") +func run(delta, from: Node2D, to: Node2D): + var player = get_parent().get_parent().get_parent().get_node(\"Player2\") + var random_x = randf_range(-50, 50) + var random_y = randf_range(-50, 50) + return (player.position - to.get_parent().position + Vector2(random_x, random_y)).normalized() +" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_htvxy"] +script = ExtResource("6_r5j4j") +nested_script = SubResource("GDScript_6kxwn") +argument_names = ["delta", "from", "to"] +return_value = true + +[sub_resource type="GDScript" id="GDScript_jvn02"] +script/source = "@tool +extends U +@warning_ignore(\"unused_parameter\") +func run(delta, from: Node2D, to: Node2D): + return true +" + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_lsqwp"] +script = ExtResource("6_r5j4j") +nested_script = SubResource("GDScript_jvn02") +argument_names = ["delta", "from", "to"] +return_value = true + +[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_81ot0"] +script = ExtResource("7_4ojfr") +signal_name = "always" +to = NodePath("..") +more_references = [] +invoke = "move_direction" +arguments = [SubResource("Resource_htvxy")] +only_if = SubResource("Resource_lsqwp") +deferred = false +enabled = true +trigger = "" + +[sub_resource type="Image" id="Image_uhih4"] +data = { +"data": PackedByteArray(255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 255, 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parent="CollisionShape2D"] +script = ExtResource("1_1yuyd") + +[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] +texture = ExtResource("2_fdysg") + +[node name="_Node2D_19805" type="Node2D" parent="Sprite2D"] +script = ExtResource("1_1yuyd") + +[node name="MoveBehavior" type="Node2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(4.34964e-06, -49.7541) +script = ExtResource("3_bsdfp") +max_velocity = 100.0 +acceleration = 20.0 + +[node name="_TextureRect_19799" type="TextureRect" parent="MoveBehavior"] +material = ExtResource("4_7xmif") +offset_left = -8.0 +offset_top = -8.0 +offset_right = -8.0 +offset_bottom = -8.0 +texture = SubResource("ImageTexture_1i6xe") + +[node name="AlwaysBehavior" type="Node2D" parent="MoveBehavior"] +position = Vector2(-35.1815, 14.5728) +script = ExtResource("5_kgvfr") +metadata/pronto_connections = [SubResource("Resource_81ot0")] + +[node name="_TextureRect_19798" type="TextureRect" parent="MoveBehavior/AlwaysBehavior"] +material = ExtResource("4_7xmif") +offset_left = -8.0 +offset_top = -8.0 +offset_right = -8.0 +offset_bottom = -8.0 +texture = SubResource("ImageTexture_r1157") diff --git a/scenes/player1.tscn b/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/characters/player1.tscn similarity index 90% rename from scenes/player1.tscn rename to prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/characters/player1.tscn index e899378a..a1db43a1 100644 --- a/scenes/player1.tscn +++ b/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/characters/player1.tscn @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ [gd_scene load_steps=4 format=3 uid="uid://c5c24526dtufn"] -[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b6etujec8ohme" path="res://scenes/david_player1.png" id="1_3bxhg"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b6etujec8ohme" path="res://prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/assets/david_player1.png" id="1_3bxhg"] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://addons/pronto/behaviors/PlatformerControllerBehavior.gd" id="2_4o648"] [sub_resource type="CapsuleShape2D" id="CapsuleShape2D_h8f81"] diff --git a/scenes/player2.tscn b/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/characters/player2.tscn similarity index 67% rename from scenes/player2.tscn rename to prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/characters/player2.tscn index bd28a135..d7e47d30 100644 --- a/scenes/player2.tscn +++ b/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/characters/player2.tscn @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ [gd_scene load_steps=6 format=3 uid="uid://dxp4mlvvs0g2"] -[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://addons/pronto/behaviors/PlatformerControllerBehavior.gd" id="1_vl5ip"] -[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scenes/player2.gd" id="1_vm6uo"] -[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://chiivrwridrdd" path="res://scenes/ole_player2.jpg" id="2_0d7en"] -[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://ca3jyudumrgbl" path="res://LightSprite.png" id="4_qvm50"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/scripts/player2.gd" id="1_1dw13"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://chiivrwridrdd" path="res://prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/assets/ole_player2.jpg" id="2_s085l"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://addons/pronto/behaviors/PlatformerControllerBehavior.gd" id="3_mgoso"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://ch6w3mr4w7ueu" path="res://LightSprite.png" id="4_u5jrv"] [sub_resource type="CapsuleShape2D" id="CapsuleShape2D_7cbuj"] height = 248.062 [node name="Player2" type="CharacterBody2D" groups=["player"]] scale = Vector2(0.258, 0.258) -script = ExtResource("1_vm6uo") +script = ExtResource("1_1dw13") [node name="OlePlayer2" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] position = Vector2(7.75194, 7.75195) scale = Vector2(0.269467, 0.269467) -texture = ExtResource("2_0d7en") +texture = ExtResource("2_s085l") [node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."] position = Vector2(11.6279, 38.7597) @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ shape = SubResource("CapsuleShape2D_7cbuj") [node name="PlatformerControllerBehavior" type="Node2D" parent="."] position = Vector2(576, 324) -script = ExtResource("1_vl5ip") +script = ExtResource("3_mgoso") player = 1 [node name="Marker2D" type="Marker2D" parent="."] @@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ position = Vector2(-54.2636, 38.7597) [node name="Flashlight" type="PointLight2D" parent="." groups=["light"]] position = Vector2(3.87598, 31.0078) -texture = ExtResource("4_qvm50") +texture = ExtResource("4_u5jrv") diff --git a/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/game-shadows-of-surveillance.tscn b/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/levels/game-shadows-of-surveillance.tscn similarity index 90% rename from prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/game-shadows-of-surveillance.tscn rename to prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/levels/game-shadows-of-surveillance.tscn index 990fac4a..f395d1f6 100644 --- a/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/game-shadows-of-surveillance.tscn +++ b/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/levels/game-shadows-of-surveillance.tscn @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ [gd_scene load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://c83unhh8aqtco"] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://addons/pronto/behaviors/ExportBehavior.gd" id="1"] -[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/game-shadows-of-surveillance.gd" id="1_odj0a"] -[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dyvtu758xr2so" path="res://scenes/level.tscn" id="3_3xcs3"] -[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://nrfvxvrpbboq" path="res://scenes/level2.tscn" id="4_bj0tv"] +[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/scripts/game-shadows-of-surveillance.gd" id="1_odj0a"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dyvtu758xr2so" path="res://prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/levels/level.tscn" id="3_3xcs3"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://nrfvxvrpbboq" path="res://prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/levels/level2.tscn" id="4_bj0tv"] [node name="Game" type="Node2D"] script = ExtResource("1_odj0a") diff --git a/scenes/level.tscn b/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/levels/level.tscn similarity index 97% rename from scenes/level.tscn rename to prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/levels/level.tscn index 52a22ec0..5f31dd66 100644 --- a/scenes/level.tscn +++ b/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/levels/level.tscn @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ [gd_scene load_steps=8 format=3 uid="uid://dyvtu758xr2so"] -[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bhjxc5s34c3cu" path="res://prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/10.png" id="1_elldh"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bhjxc5s34c3cu" path="res://prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/assets/10.png" id="1_elldh"] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scenes/LightSwitch.gd" id="2_4klox"] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://addons/pronto/behaviors/PlaceholderBehavior.gd" id="3_euvp3"] [ext_resource type="TileSet" uid="uid://dp12gfueqor5q" path="res://tileset.tres" id="3_r5ys7"] -[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://c5c24526dtufn" path="res://scenes/player1.tscn" id="3_x2hlg"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://c5c24526dtufn" path="res://prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/characters/player1.tscn" id="3_x2hlg"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dn87bxukebfvu" path="res://icon.svg" id="4_rqfal"] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://addons/pronto/behaviors/CollisionBehavior.gd" id="6_i4obq"] diff --git a/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/levels/level2.tscn b/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/levels/level2.tscn new file mode 100644 index 00000000..07da952c --- /dev/null +++ b/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/levels/level2.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=6 format=3 uid="uid://nrfvxvrpbboq"] + +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://ej3g6agmjf0x" path="res://prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/assets/6.png" id="1_j6sv0"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://4j52c4ucysq5" path="res://Tilemap.tscn" id="2_llo4g"] +[ext_resource type="TileSet" uid="uid://dp12gfueqor5q" path="res://tileset.tres" id="3_ko4tt"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://ds24wbrnr7tta" path="res://prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/characters/drone.tscn" id="4_m1bym"] +[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dxp4mlvvs0g2" path="res://prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/characters/player2.tscn" id="5_a7n2h"] + +[node name="Level2" type="Node2D"] + +[node name="6" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] +position = Vector2(578, 319) +scale = Vector2(2.01189, 2.01189) +texture = ExtResource("1_j6sv0") + +[node name="CanvasModulate" type="CanvasModulate" parent="6" groups=["dark"]] +visible = false +color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) + +[node name="TileMap" parent="." instance=ExtResource("2_llo4g")] +tile_set = ExtResource("3_ko4tt") +layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(1966089, 0, 0, 1966090, 65536, 0, 1966091, 65536, 0, 1966092, 65536, 0, 1966093, 65536, 0, 1966094, 65536, 0, 1966095, 65536, 0, 1966096, 65536, 0, 1966097, 65536, 0, 1966098, 65536, 0, 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rename from scenes/bullet.gd rename to prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/scripts/bullet.gd diff --git a/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/game-shadows-of-surveillance.gd b/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/scripts/game-shadows-of-surveillance.gd similarity index 100% rename from prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/game-shadows-of-surveillance.gd rename to prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/scripts/game-shadows-of-surveillance.gd diff --git a/scenes/player2.gd b/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/scripts/player2.gd similarity index 100% rename from scenes/player2.gd rename to prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/scripts/player2.gd diff --git a/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/thumbnail.png b/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/thumbnail.png deleted file mode 100644 index 99f4253f..00000000 Binary files a/prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/thumbnail.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/scenes/level2.tscn b/scenes/level2.tscn deleted file mode 100644 index 7eef46f2..00000000 --- a/scenes/level2.tscn +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=16 format=3 uid="uid://nrfvxvrpbboq"] - -[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://ej3g6agmjf0x" path="res://scenes/6.png" id="1_sm2i4"] -[ext_resource type="PackedScene" path="res://Tilemap.tscn" id="2_7nhks"] -[ext_resource type="TileSet" uid="uid://dp12gfueqor5q" path="res://tileset.tres" id="3_34qp1"] -[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dxp4mlvvs0g2" path="res://scenes/player2.tscn" id="3_lafji"] -[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bm7wvm5fbbm4b" path="res://scenes/drone.png" id="6_yo0f5"] -[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://addons/pronto/behaviors/MoveBehavior.gd" id="7_ooonu"] -[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://addons/pronto/behaviors/AlwaysBehavior.gd" id="8_wsqn2"] -[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://addons/pronto/helpers/ConnectionScript.gd" id="9_6atqn"] -[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://addons/pronto/helpers/Connection.gd" id="10_wl7i3"] - -[sub_resource type="CircleShape2D" id="CircleShape2D_kvhpb"] - -[sub_resource type="GDScript" id="GDScript_6kxwn"] -script/source = "@tool -extends U -@warning_ignore(\"unused_parameter\") -func run(delta, from: Node2D, to: Node2D): - var player = get_parent().get_parent().get_parent().get_node(\"Player2\") - var random_x = randf_range(-50, 50) - var random_y = randf_range(-50, 50) - return (player.position - to.get_parent().position + Vector2(random_x, random_y)).normalized() -" - -[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_htvxy"] -script = ExtResource("9_6atqn") -nested_script = SubResource("GDScript_6kxwn") -argument_names = ["delta", "from", "to"] -return_value = true - -[sub_resource type="GDScript" id="GDScript_jvn02"] -script/source = "@tool -extends U -@warning_ignore(\"unused_parameter\") -func run(delta, from: Node2D, to: Node2D): - return true -" - -[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_lsqwp"] -script = ExtResource("9_6atqn") -nested_script = SubResource("GDScript_jvn02") -argument_names = ["delta", "from", "to"] -return_value = true - -[sub_resource type="Resource" id="Resource_81ot0"] -script = ExtResource("10_wl7i3") -signal_name = "always" -to = NodePath("..") -more_references = [] -invoke = "move_direction" -arguments = [SubResource("Resource_htvxy")] -only_if = SubResource("Resource_lsqwp") -deferred = false -enabled = true -trigger = "" - -[node name="Level2" type="Node2D"] - -[node name="6" type="Sprite2D" parent="."] -position = Vector2(578, 319) -scale = Vector2(2.01189, 2.01189) -texture = ExtResource("1_sm2i4") - -[node name="CanvasModulate" type="CanvasModulate" parent="6" groups=["dark"]] -color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1) - -[node name="TileMap" parent="." instance=ExtResource("2_7nhks")] -tile_set = ExtResource("3_34qp1") - -[node name="Enemy" type="CharacterBody2D" parent="." groups=["enemy"]] -position = Vector2(637, 360) -scale = Vector2(0.274855, 0.274855) - -[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Enemy"] -position = Vector2(7.27649, -10.9149) -scale = Vector2(8.32211, 8.32211) -shape = SubResource("CircleShape2D_kvhpb") - -[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Enemy"] -texture = ExtResource("6_yo0f5") - -[node name="MoveBehavior" type="Node2D" parent="Enemy"] -position = Vector2(4.34964e-06, -49.7541) -script = ExtResource("7_ooonu") -max_velocity = 100.0 -acceleration = 20.0 - -[node name="AlwaysBehavior" type="Node2D" parent="Enemy/MoveBehavior"] -position = Vector2(-35.1815, 14.5728) -script = ExtResource("8_wsqn2") -metadata/pronto_connections = [SubResource("Resource_81ot0")] - -[node name="Player2" parent="." instance=ExtResource("3_lafji")] -position = Vector2(297, 304) diff --git a/tileset.tres b/tileset.tres index 10b1204b..c86ea664 100644 --- a/tileset.tres +++ b/tileset.tres @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ [gd_resource type="TileSet" load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://dp12gfueqor5q"] -[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bq6gt543ylrs6" path="res://prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/tilemap_packed.png" id="1_g80l8"] +[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bq6gt543ylrs6" path="res://prototypes/game-shadows-of-surveillance/assets/tilemap_packed.png" id="1_g80l8"] [sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_abbh2"] texture = ExtResource("1_g80l8")