diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f42b20a9..a6ea916d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def main():
     # Create a Tableau Connection
     ts = TableauServer(**tableau_creds)
     # Download a Datasource
-    datasource_path = ts.download_datasource(datasource_id=datasource_id)
+    datasource_path = ts.download.datasource(datasource_id=datasource_id)
     # Define a Datasource object from the datasource_path
     datasource = Datasource(datasource_path)
     # Define a new folder
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ def main():
     # Save changes to the Datasource
     # Publish & Overwrite the Datasource
-    ts.publish_datasource(datasource_path, datasource_id=datasource_id)
+    ts.publish.datasource(datasource_path, datasource_id=datasource_id)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 0cce39bd..43e8f4d8 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ requests
diff --git a/scripts/list_datasources.py b/scripts/list_datasources.py
index 3a834ecf..804c7c0c 100644
--- a/scripts/list_datasources.py
+++ b/scripts/list_datasources.py
@@ -32,17 +32,17 @@
 def main():
     args = parser.parse_args()
     url = f'https://{args.server}.online.tableau.com'
+    ts = TableauServer(
+        user=args.user,
+        password=args.password,
+        personal_access_token_name=args.token_name,
+        personal_access_token_secret=args.token_secret,
+        host=url,
+        site=args.site
+    )
+    ts.get.datasources(print_info=True)
-    ts = TableauServer(user=args.user,
-                       password=args.password,
-                       token_name=args.token_name,
-                       token_secret=args.token_secret,
-                       url=url,
-                       site=args.site)
-    ts.list_datasources(print_info=True)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
\ No newline at end of file
+    main()
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 1ab275ab..33a283f0 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-    version="2.0.69",
+    version="2.1.0",
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/__init__.py b/tableau_utilities/__init__.py
index b85f5a1d..47802e49 100644
--- a/tableau_utilities/__init__.py
+++ b/tableau_utilities/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 from .scripts import cli
 from .tableau_file.tableau_file import TableauFileError, Datasource
 from .tableau_file import tableau_file_objects
-from .tableau_server.tableau_server import TableauConnectionError, TableauServer
+from .tableau_server.static import TableauConnectionError
+from .tableau_server.tableau_server import TableauServer
 from .tableau_server import tableau_server_objects
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/fetch_all_cols.py b/tableau_utilities/fetch_all_cols.py
index 6bf7c0ce..5e2de249 100644
--- a/tableau_utilities/fetch_all_cols.py
+++ b/tableau_utilities/fetch_all_cols.py
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ def all_columns_all_datasources(server):
     tmp_folder = 'tmp_tdsx'
     os.makedirs(tmp_folder, exist_ok=True)
-    datasource_list = [d for d in server.get_datasources()]
+    datasource_list = [d for d in server.get.datasources()]
     rows = dict()
     for datasource in datasource_list:
         print(datasource.project_name, (datasource.id, datasource.name))
-        datasource_path = server.download_datasource(datasource.id, include_extract=False)
+        datasource_path = server.download.datasource(datasource.id, include_extract=False)
         columns = [c.dict() for c in Datasource(datasource_path).columns]
         rows.setdefault(datasource.name, [])
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/scripted_testing.py b/tableau_utilities/scripted_testing.py
index 764eee86..68b559f5 100644
--- a/tableau_utilities/scripted_testing.py
+++ b/tableau_utilities/scripted_testing.py
@@ -3,13 +3,20 @@
 import shutil
 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
 from pprint import pprint, isreadable
+from time import time
 from tableau_utilities import Datasource, TableauServer
 from tableau_utilities import tableau_file_objects as tfo
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    with open('settings.yaml') as f:
-        settings = yaml.safe_load(f)
+    start = time()
+    with open('../settings.yaml') as f:
+        creds = yaml.safe_load(f)['tableau_login']
+        personal_access_token_name = creds['token_name']
+        personal_access_token_secret = creds['token_secret']
+        site = creds['site']
+        host = f'https://{creds["server"]}.online.tableau.com'
+        api_version = creds['api_version']
     tmp_folder = 'tmp_downloads'
     # Cleanup lingering files, if there are any
     # shutil.rmtree(tmp_folder, ignore_errors=True)
@@ -24,53 +31,50 @@
     # datasource.unzip()
     # datasource = Datasource('../resources/no_folder.tdsx')
     # datasource.unzip()
-    datasource = Datasource('test_data_source.tds')
+    # datasource = Datasource('test_data_source.tds')
     # datasource = Datasource('no_folder (local copy).tds')
     # folder = tfo.Folder('Test')
     # datasource.folders_common.add(folder)
     # datasource.save()
     # datasource = Datasource('test_data_source.tds')
     # datasource = Datasource('no_folder (local copy).tds')
-    pprint(datasource.folders_common)
+    # pprint(datasource.folders_common)
     # datasource.save()
     # datasource.unzip()
-    # Connect to Tableau Server
-    # ts = TableauServer(**settings['tableau_login'])
-    # ts.get_datasource(datasource_id='Jobs')
-    # datasources = [(d.id, d.name) for d in ts.get_datasources()]
-    # pprint(datasources)
     # Loop through the datasources
     # for d in datasources:
     # for path in os.listdir():
     #     if path != 'Jobs.tdsx':
     #         continue
-        # path = ts.download_datasource(datasource_id=d.id, include_extract=True)
-        # print('Downloaded:', path)
-        # datasource = Datasource(path)
-        # pprint(datasource.folders_common.folder)
-        # print(datasource.columns['job_id'].caption)
-        # datasource.columns['job_id'].caption = 'Job ID RENAMED'
-        # datasource._tree.write(path.replace('.tdsx',  '.tds'))
-        # datasource.save()
-        # datasource = Datasource(path)
-        # print(datasource.columns['job_id'].caption)
-        # column = tfo.Column(
-        #     name='FRIENDLY_NAME',
-        #     caption='Friendly Name',
-        #     datatype='string',
-        #     type='ordinal',
-        #     role='dimension',
-        #     desc='Nice and friendly',
-        # )
-        # datasource.enforce_column(column, remote_name='ORG_ID', folder_name='Org')
-        # print(datasource.folders.get('Org'))
-        # print(datasource.datasource_metadata.get('ORG_ID'))
-        # print(datasource.extract_metadata.get('ORG_ID'))
-        # print(datasource.datasource_mapping_cols.get(column.name))
-        # print(datasource.extract_mapping_cols.get(column.name))
+    #     path = ts.download_datasource(datasource_id=d.id, include_extract=True)
+    #     print('Downloaded:', path)
+    #     datasource = Datasource(path)
+    #     pprint(datasource.folders_common.folder)
+    #     print(datasource.columns['job_id'].caption)
+    #     datasource.columns['job_id'].caption = 'Job ID RENAMED'
+    #     datasource._tree.write(path.replace('.tdsx',  '.tds'))
+    #     datasource.save()
+    #     datasource = Datasource(path)
+    #     print(datasource.columns['job_id'].caption)
+    #     column = tfo.Column(
+    #         name='FRIENDLY_NAME',
+    #         caption='Friendly Name',
+    #         datatype='string',
+    #         type='ordinal',
+    #         role='dimension',
+    #         desc='Nice and friendly',
+    #     )
+    #     datasource.enforce_column(column, remote_name='ORG_ID', folder_name='Org')
+    #     print(datasource.folders.get('Org'))
+    #     print(datasource.datasource_metadata.get('ORG_ID'))
+    #     print(datasource.extract_metadata.get('ORG_ID'))
+    #     print(datasource.datasource_mapping_cols.get(column.name))
+    #     print(datasource.extract_mapping_cols.get(column.name))
     # ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
     # Cleanup lingering files, if there are any
     # os.chdir('..')
     # shutil.rmtree(tmp_folder)
+    print(f'Script finished in {round(time() - start)} seconds')
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/scripts/datasource.py b/tableau_utilities/scripts/datasource.py
index 0560c0b3..075c12fa 100644
--- a/tableau_utilities/scripts/datasource.py
+++ b/tableau_utilities/scripts/datasource.py
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ def datasource(args, server=None):
     # Downloads the datasource from Tableau Server if the datasource is not local
     if location == 'online':
         print(f'{color.fg_cyan}...Downloading {datasource_name}...{color.reset}')
-        d = server.get_datasource(datasource_id, datasource_name, project_name)
-        datasource_path = server.download_datasource(d.id, include_extract=include_extract)
+        d = server.get.datasource(datasource_id, datasource_name, project_name)
+        datasource_path = server.download.datasource(d.id, include_extract=include_extract)
         print(f'{color.fg_green}{symbol.success}  Downloaded Datasource:', f'{color.fg_yellow}{datasource_path}{color.reset}', '\n')
     datasource_file_name = os.path.basename(datasource_path)
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/scripts/gen_config.py b/tableau_utilities/scripts/gen_config.py
index 88789c5e..ab8c3673 100644
--- a/tableau_utilities/scripts/gen_config.py
+++ b/tableau_utilities/scripts/gen_config.py
@@ -282,14 +282,14 @@ def generate_config(args, server: TableauServer = None):
         datasource_name = Path(datasource_path).stem
     # Download the datasouce and set values for
     elif location == 'online':
-        obj = server.get_datasource(id, datasource_name, project_name)
+        obj = server.get.datasource(id, datasource_name, project_name)
         id = obj.id
         datasource_name = obj.name
         print(f'{color.fg_yellow}GETTING DATASOURCE {symbol.arrow_r} '
               f'{color.fg_grey}ID: {id} {symbol.sep} '
               f'NAME: {datasource_name} {symbol.sep} '
               f'INCLUDE EXTRACT: false{color.reset}')
-        datasource_path = server.download_datasource(id, include_extract=False)
+        datasource_path = server.download.datasource(id, include_extract=False)
     print(f'{color.fg_yellow}BUILDING CONFIG {symbol.arrow_r} '
           f'{color.fg_grey}{datasource_name} {symbol.sep} {datasource_path}{color.reset}')
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/scripts/server_info.py b/tableau_utilities/scripts/server_info.py
index f04f31e0..7658cfba 100644
--- a/tableau_utilities/scripts/server_info.py
+++ b/tableau_utilities/scripts/server_info.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def server_info(args, server):
     if list_object:
         # Get server objects, and convert them to dict
-        object_list = [o.__dict__ for o in getattr(server, f'get_{list_object.lower()}s')()]
+        object_list = [o.__dict__ for o in getattr(server.get, f'{list_object.lower()}s')()]
         sorted_records = sorted(object_list, key=lambda d: d[sort_field])
         if format == 'names':
             for record in sorted_records:
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/scripts/server_operate.py b/tableau_utilities/scripts/server_operate.py
index f030aec0..f399704c 100644
--- a/tableau_utilities/scripts/server_operate.py
+++ b/tableau_utilities/scripts/server_operate.py
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def server_operate(args, server):
     # Download all objects, and return early if all objects have been downloaded
     if all_objects and download:
-        object_list = [o for o in getattr(server, f'get_{object_type}s')()]
+        object_list = [o for o in getattr(server.get, f'{object_type}s')()]
         for o in object_list:
                 f'{color.fg_yellow}DOWNLOADING {object_type} {symbol.arrow_r} {color.fg_grey}'
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ def server_operate(args, server):
                 f'PROJECT: {o.project_name} {symbol.sep} '
                 f'INCLUDE EXTRACT: {include_extract}{color.reset}'
-            res = getattr(server, f'download_{object_type}')(o.id, include_extract=include_extract)
+            res = getattr(server.download, f'{object_type}')(o.id, include_extract=include_extract)
             color_print(f'{symbol.success}  {res}', fg='green')
         return f'Successfully downloaded all {object_type}s'
     # Gets the ID, name, and project from the object in Tableau Server
-    obj = getattr(server, f'get_{object_type}')(object_id, object_name, project_name)
+    obj = getattr(server.get, object_type)(object_id, object_name, project_name)
     object_id = obj.id or object_id
     object_name = obj.name or object_name
     project_name = obj.project_name or project_name
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def server_operate(args, server):
             f'PROJECT: {project_name} {symbol.sep} '
             f'INCLUDE EXTRACT: {include_extract}{color.reset}'
-        res: str = getattr(server, f'download_{object_type}')(object_id, include_extract=include_extract)
+        res: str = getattr(server.download, object_type)(object_id, include_extract=include_extract)
         color_print(f'{symbol.success}  {res}', fg='green')
     elif publish:
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def server_operate(args, server):
             f'NAME: {object_name} {symbol.sep} '
             f'PROJECT NAME: {project_name}{color.reset}'
-        res: Datasource | Workbook = getattr(server, f'publish_{object_type}')(
+        res: Datasource | Workbook = getattr(server.publish, object_type)(
             file_path, object_id, object_name, project_name,
@@ -100,5 +100,5 @@ def server_operate(args, server):
             f'NAME: {object_name} {symbol.sep} '
             f'PROJECT NAME: {project_name}{color.reset}'
-        res: Job = getattr(server, f'refresh_{object_type}')(object_id)
+        res: Job = getattr(server.refresh, object_type)(object_id)
         color_print(f'{symbol.success}  {res}', fg='green')
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/base.py b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43395b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+from requests import Session
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.static import validate_response
+class Base:
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        self.session: Session = parent.session
+        self.user: str = parent.user
+        self._pw: str = parent._pw
+        self._personal_access_token_secret: str = parent._personal_access_token_secret
+        self.personal_access_token_name: str = parent.personal_access_token_name
+        self.host: str = parent.host
+        self.site: str = parent.site
+        self.api: float = parent.api
+        self._auth_token = parent._auth_token
+        self.url: str = parent.url
+        self.get = parent.get if hasattr(parent, 'get') else None
+    def _get(self, url, headers=None, **params):
+        """ GET request for the Tableau REST API
+        Args:
+            url (str): URL endpoint for GET call
+            headers (dict): GET call header
+        Returns: The response content as a JSON dict
+        """
+        res = self.session.get(url, headers=headers, **params)
+        return validate_response(res)
+    def _post(self, url, json=None, headers=None, **params):
+        """ POST request for the Tableau REST API
+        Args:
+            url (str): URL endpoint for POST call
+            json (dict): The POST call JSON payload
+            headers (dict): POST call header
+        Returns: The response content as a JSON dict
+        """
+        res = self.session.post(url, json=json, headers=headers, **params)
+        return validate_response(res)
+    def _put(self, url, json=None, headers=None, **params):
+        """ PUT request for the Tableau REST API
+        Args:
+            url (str): URL endpoint for PUT call
+            json (dict): The PUT call JSON payload
+            headers (dict): PUT call header
+        Returns: The response content as a JSON dict
+        """
+        res = self.session.put(url, json=json, headers=headers, **params)
+        return validate_response(res)
+    def _delete(self, url, headers=None, **params):
+        """ DELETE request for the Tableau REST API
+        Args:
+            url (str): URL endpoint for DELETE call
+            headers (dict): DELETE call header
+        Returns: The response content as a JSON dict
+        """
+        res = self.session.delete(url, headers=headers, **params)
+        return validate_response(res)
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/create.py b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/create.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d18a8adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/create.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+from requests import Session
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.base import Base
+class Create(Base):
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        super().__init__(parent)
+    def project(self, name, description='', content_permissions='LockedToProject'):
+        """ Creates a project.
+        Args:
+            name (str): The name of the project
+            description (str): The description of the project
+            content_permissions (str): The content permissions, e.g. LockedToProject
+        """
+        self._post(
+            f'{self.url}/projects',
+            {
+                'project': {
+                    'name': name,
+                    'description': description,
+                    'contentPermissions': content_permissions
+                }
+            }
+        )
+    def group(self, name, minimum_site_role='Viewer'):
+        """ Creates a group.
+        Args:
+            name (str): The name of the Group
+            minimum_site_role (str): The minimum site role of the group, e.g. Viewer
+        """
+        self._post(
+            f'{self.url}/groups',
+            {
+                'group': {
+                    'name': name,
+                    'minimumSiteRole': minimum_site_role
+                }
+            }
+        )
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/download.py b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/download.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7aff26b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/download.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import cgi
+import os
+import requests
+from requests import Session
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.static import TableauConnectionError
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.base import Base
+class Download(Base):
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        super().__init__(parent)
+    def __download_object(self, url, file_dir=None):
+        """ Downloads a datasource from Tableau Online
+        Args:
+            url (str): The URL for the request
+            file_dir (str): The file directory to write the file to
+        Returns: The absolute path to the file
+        """
+        res = self.session.get(url, stream=True)
+        try:
+            res.raise_for_status()
+        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
+            raise TableauConnectionError(err) from err
+        _, params = cgi.parse_header(res.headers["Content-Disposition"])
+        file_name = os.path.basename(params["filename"])
+        if file_dir:
+            os.makedirs(file_dir, exist_ok=True)
+            path = os.path.join(file_dir, file_name)
+        else:
+            path = file_name
+        with open(path, "wb") as f:
+            # Download in 1024 bytes (1kb) chunks
+            for chunk in res.iter_content(1024):
+                f.write(chunk)
+        return os.path.abspath(path)
+    def datasource(self, datasource_id, file_dir=None, include_extract=False):
+        """ Downloads a datasource from Tableau Online
+        Args:
+            datasource_id (str):
+            file_dir (str):
+            include_extract (bool):
+        """
+        return self.__download_object(
+            f'{self.url}/datasources/{datasource_id}/content?includeExtract={include_extract}',
+            file_dir
+        )
+    def workbook(self, workbook_id, file_dir=None, include_extract=False):
+        """ Downloads a workbook from Tableau Online
+        Args:
+            workbook_id (str):
+            file_dir (str):
+            include_extract (bool):
+        """
+        return self.__download_object(
+            f'{self.url}/workbooks/{workbook_id}/content?includeExtract={include_extract}',
+            file_dir
+        )
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/get.py b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/get.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e0a1820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/get.py
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+import logging
+import tableau_utilities.tableau_server.tableau_server_objects as tso
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.static import TableauConnectionError, transform_tableau_object
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.base import Base
+class Get(Base):
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        super().__init__(parent)
+    def __get_objects_pager(self, url, obj, page_size=100):
+        """ GET all objects in the site
+        Args:
+            url: The url of for the request, i.e /api/api-version/sites/site-id/groups
+            obj: The name of the object being requested
+            page_size: The size of the page (number of objects per page)
+        Returns: A list of the objects
+        """
+        response = self._get(url)
+        total_available = response.get('pagination', {}).get('totalAvailable', page_size)
+        total_available = int(total_available)
+        current = 0
+        page = 0
+        while current < total_available:
+            current += page_size
+            page += 1
+            if '?' in url:
+                page_url = f'{url}&pageSize={page_size}&pageNumber={page}'
+            else:
+                page_url = f'{url}?pageSize={page_size}&pageNumber={page}'
+            logging.info('GET %s --> %s/%s', page_url, current, total_available)
+            res = self._get(page_url)
+            for obj_dict in res[f'{obj}s'][obj]:
+                transform_tableau_object(obj_dict)
+                yield obj_dict
+    def datasources(self):
+        """ Queries for all datasources in the site
+            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/datasources
+        Returns: All datasources in the site
+        """
+        url = f"{self.url}/datasources?fields=_default_" \
+              f",favoritesTotal" \
+              f",databaseName" \
+              f",connectedWorkbooksCount" \
+              f",hasAlert" \
+              f",hasExtracts" \
+              f",isPublished" \
+              f",serverName"
+        for d in self.__get_objects_pager(url, 'datasource'):
+            yield tso.Datasource(**d)
+    def datasource(self, datasource_id=None, datasource_name=None, datasource_project=None):
+        """ Queries for a datasource in the site
+            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/datasources/datasource_id
+            (Optional) Can get the datasource either by ID, or by name & project.
+        Args:
+              datasource_id (str): The ID of the datasource
+              datasource_name (str): The name of the datasource
+              datasource_project (str): The name of the project the datasource is in
+        Returns: A Datasource Tableau object
+        """
+        if datasource_id:
+            d = self._get(f'{self.url}/datasources/{datasource_id}')
+            d = d['datasource']
+            transform_tableau_object(d)
+            return tso.Datasource(**d)
+        elif datasource_name and datasource_project:
+            for d in self.datasources():
+                if d.name == datasource_name and d.project_name == datasource_project:
+                    return d
+            raise TableauConnectionError(
+                f'Datasource not found:\n\tName    -> {datasource_name}\n\tProject -> {datasource_project}'
+            )
+        raise TableauConnectionError(
+            'Please provide either the datasource_id, or both datasource_name and datasource_project'
+        )
+    def datasource_connections(self, datasource_id):
+        """ Queries for all Connection Tableau objects in the datasource
+            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/datasources/datasource_id/connections
+        Args:
+            datasource_id (str): The ID of the Tableau Datasource
+        Returns: All Connection Tableau objects in the datasource
+        """
+        url = f'{self.url}/datasources/{datasource_id}/connections'
+        for connection in self.__get_objects_pager(url, 'connection'):
+            yield tso.Connection(**connection)
+    def workbook_connections(self, workbook_id):
+        """ Queries for all Connection Tableau objects in the workbook
+            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/workbooks/workbook_id/connections
+        Args:
+            workbook_id (str): The ID of the Tableau Workbook
+        Returns: All Connection Tableau objects in the workbook
+        """
+        url = f'{self.url}/workbooks/{workbook_id}/connections'
+        for connection in self.__get_objects_pager(url, 'connection'):
+            yield tso.Connection(**connection)
+    def workbooks(self):
+        """ Queries for all workbooks in the site
+            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/workbooks
+        Returns: All workbooks in the site
+        """
+        for w in self.__get_objects_pager(f"{self.url}/workbooks", 'workbook'):
+            yield tso.Workbook(**w)
+    def workbook(self, workbook_id=None, workbook_name=None, workbook_project=None):
+        """ Queries for a workbook in the site
+            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/workbooks/workbook_id
+        Args:
+            workbook_id (str): The ID of the Tableau Workbook
+            workbook_name (str): The name of the workbook
+            workbook_project (str): The name of the project the workbook is in
+        Returns: A Workbooks Tableau object
+        """
+        if workbook_id:
+            w = self._get(f'{self.url}/workbooks/{workbook_id}')
+            w = w['workbook']
+            transform_tableau_object(w)
+            return tso.Workbook(**w)
+        elif workbook_name and workbook_project:
+            for w in self.workbooks():
+                if w.name == workbook_name and w.project_name == workbook_project:
+                    return w
+            raise TableauConnectionError(
+                f'Datasource not found:\n\tName    -> {workbook_name}\n\tProject -> {workbook_project}'
+            )
+        raise TableauConnectionError(
+            'Please provide either the workbook_id, or both workbook_name and workbook_project'
+        )
+    def views(self):
+        """ Queries for all views in the site
+            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/views
+        Returns: All workbooks in the site
+        """
+        url = f"{self.url}/views?fields=_default_,sheetType,usage"
+        for v in self.__get_objects_pager(url, 'view'):
+            yield tso.View(**v)
+    def view(self, view_id):
+        """ Queries for a view in the site
+            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/views/view_id
+        Args:
+            view_id (str): The ID of the Tableau View
+        Returns: A View Tableau object
+        """
+        v = self._get(f'{self.url}/views/{view_id}')
+        v = v['view']
+        return tso.View(**v)
+    def projects(self, top_level_only=True):
+        """ Queries for all projects in the site
+            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/projects
+        Args:
+            top_level_only (bool): True to only get top level projects
+        Returns: All top level projects in the site
+        """
+        url = f"{self.url}/projects?fields=_default_" \
+              f",topLevelProject" \
+              f",writeable" \
+              f",contentsCounts.projectCount" \
+              f",contentsCounts.viewCount" \
+              f",contentsCounts.datasourceCount" \
+              f",contentsCounts.workbookCount"
+        for p in self.__get_objects_pager(url, 'project'):
+            project = tso.Project(**p)
+            # Only get Top Level projects
+            if top_level_only and not project.top_level_project:
+                continue
+            yield project
+    def project(self, project_id):
+        """ Queries for the project by project_id
+            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/projects/project_id
+        Args:
+            project_id (str): The ID of the project in Tableau Online
+        Returns: A Tableau Project object specified by ID
+        """
+        for p in self.projects():
+            if p.id == project_id:
+                return p
+    def groups(self):
+        """ Queries for all groups in the site
+            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/groups
+        Returns: All groups in the site
+        """
+        url = f"{self.url}/groups?fields=_default_,userCount,minimumSiteRole"
+        for g in self.__get_objects_pager(url, 'group'):
+            yield tso.Group(**g)
+    def group(self, group_id):
+        """ Queries for the group by user_id
+            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/groups/group_id
+        Args:
+            group_id (str): The ID of the group in Tableau Online
+        Returns: A Tableau Group object specified by ID
+        """
+        for group in self.groups():
+            if group.id == group_id:
+                return group
+    def users(self):
+        """ Queries for all users in the site
+            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/users
+        Returns: All users in the site
+        """
+        url = f"{self.url}/users?fields=_default_,fullName,email"
+        for user in self.__get_objects_pager(url, 'user'):
+            yield tso.User(**user)
+    def user(self, user_id):
+        """ Queries for the user by user_id
+            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/users/user_id
+        Args:
+            user_id (str): The ID of the user in Tableau Online
+        Returns: A Tableau User object specified by ID
+        """
+        u = self._get(f"{self.url}/users/{user_id}")
+        u = u['user']
+        transform_tableau_object(u)
+        return tso.User(**u)
+    def user_groups(self):
+        """ Queries for all groups and all user in those groups
+            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/groups/group_id/users
+        Returns: A list of all user/group combinations
+        """
+        for group in self.groups():
+            for u in self.__get_objects_pager(f"{self.url}/groups/{group.id}/users", 'user'):
+                yield group, tso.User(**u)
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/publish.py b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/publish.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06d4f83d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/publish.py
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+import os
+from urllib3.fields import RequestField
+from urllib3.filepost import encode_multipart_formdata
+import tableau_utilities.tableau_server.tableau_server_objects as tso
+from requests import Session
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.static import (
+    TableauConnectionError, bytes_to_mb, mb_to_bytes, transform_tableau_object)
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.base import Base
+class Publish(Base):
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        super().__init__(parent)
+    @staticmethod
+    def __get_multipart_details(parts):
+        """ Gets the body and content_type for a multipart/mixed request.
+        Args:
+            parts (list[tuple[str, str, str, str]]): The parts that make up the RequestField
+                i.e. [(name, data, file_name, content_type)]
+        Returns: Request body and content_type
+        """
+        part_list = list()
+        for name, data, file_name, content_type in parts:
+            r = RequestField(name=name, data=data, filename=file_name)
+            r.make_multipart(content_type=content_type)
+            part_list.append(r)
+        post_body, content_type = encode_multipart_formdata(part_list)
+        content_type = ''.join(('multipart/mixed',) + content_type.partition(';')[1:])
+        return post_body, content_type
+    def __get_datasource_for_publication(self, datasource_id, datasource_name, project_name):
+        if datasource_id:
+            return self.get.datasource(datasource_id)
+        elif datasource_name and project_name:
+            project = None
+            for p in self.get.projects():
+                if p.name == project_name:
+                    project = p
+                    break
+            if not project:
+                raise TableauConnectionError(f'Project does not exist: {project}')
+            return tso.Datasource(
+                name=datasource_name,
+                project_id=project.id,
+                project_name=project.name
+            )
+        else:
+            raise TableauConnectionError('Specify datasource_id or datasource_name and project_name')
+    def __get_workbook_for_publication(self, workbook_id, workbook_name, project_name):
+        if workbook_id:
+            return self.get.workbook(workbook_id)
+        elif workbook_name and project_name:
+            project = None
+            for p in self.get.projects():
+                if p.name == project_name:
+                    project = p
+                    break
+            if not project:
+                raise TableauConnectionError(f'Project does not exist: {project}')
+            return tso.Workbook(
+                name=workbook_name,
+                project_id=project.id,
+                project_name=project.name
+            )
+        else:
+            raise TableauConnectionError('Specify datasource_id or datasource_name and project_name')
+    def __upload_in_chunks(self, file_path, chunk_size_mb=50):
+        """ Uplaods a file to Tableau, in chunks.
+            - PUT /api/api-version/sites/site-id/fileUploads
+            - PUT /api/api-version/sites/site-id/fileUploads/upload_session_id
+        Args:
+            file_path (str): The path to the file
+            chunk_size_mb (int): The chunking size of increments to be uploaded
+        Returns: An upload_session_id of the uploaded file
+        """
+        file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
+        # Initialize file upload session
+        res = self._post(f'{self.url}/fileUploads')
+        upload_session_id = res['fileUpload']["uploadSessionId"]
+        # Read file and append data in chunks
+        file = open(file_path, 'rb')
+        while True:
+            chunk = file.read(mb_to_bytes(chunk_size_mb))
+            if not chunk:
+                break
+            post_body, content_type = self.__get_multipart_details([
+                ('request_payload', '', None, 'text/xml'),
+                ('tableau_file', chunk, file_name, 'application/octet-stream')
+            ])
+            self._put(
+                f'{self.url}/fileUploads/{upload_session_id}',
+                data=post_body, headers={'Content-Type': content_type}
+            )
+        file.close()
+        return upload_session_id
+    def datasource(self, file_path, datasource_id=None, datasource_name=None, project_name=None, **kw):
+        """ Publishes a datasource to Tableau Online.
+            One of the following MUST be provided:
+              - datasource_id: If the datasource already exists
+              - datasource_name AND project name: If this is a new datasource
+        Args:
+            file_path (str): The path to the datasource file (.tds or .tdsx)
+            datasource_id (str): The ID of the datasource in Tableau Online
+            datasource_name (str): The name of the Datasource
+            project_name (str): The name of the Project in Tableau Online
+        Keyword Args:
+            overwrite (bool): True to overwrite the datasource, if it exists
+            as_job (bool): True to kick this off as an async job in Tableau Online
+            append (bool): True to append the data to the datasource in Tableau Online
+            connection (dict): A dict of connection credentials to embed in the datasource
+                i.e. 'username' and 'password'
+        Returns: A Datasource Tableau server object
+        """
+        overwrite = kw.pop('overwrite', True)
+        as_job = kw.pop('as_job', False)
+        append = kw.pop('append', False)
+        connection = kw.pop('connection', None)
+        file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
+        extension = file_path.split('.')[-1]
+        datasource = self.__get_datasource_for_publication(datasource_id, datasource_name, project_name)
+        ds_xml = datasource.publish_xml(connection)
+        # Datasource must be less than 64mb to publish all at once
+        if bytes_to_mb(os.path.getsize(file_path)) >= 64:
+            upload_session_id = self.__upload_in_chunks(file_path)
+            publish_url = f'{self.url}/datasources?uploadSessionId={upload_session_id}' \
+                          f'&datasourceType={extension}&overwrite={overwrite}&append={append}&asJob={as_job}'
+            post_body, content_type = self.__get_multipart_details([
+                ('request_payload', ds_xml, None, 'text/xml')
+            ])
+        else:
+            publish_url = f'{self.url}/datasources?datasourceType={extension}' \
+                          f'&overwrite={overwrite}&append={append}&asJob={as_job}'
+            with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
+                post_body, content_type = self.__get_multipart_details([
+                    ('request_payload', ds_xml, None, 'text/xml'),
+                    ('tableau_datasource', f.read(), file_name, 'application/octet-stream')
+                ])
+        # Finally, publish the file uploaded
+        content = self._post(publish_url, data=post_body, headers={'Content-Type': content_type})
+        transform_tableau_object(content['datasource'])
+        return tso.Datasource(**content['datasource'])
+    def workbook(self, file_path, workbook_id=None, workbook_name=None, project_name=None, **kw):
+        """ Publishes a workbook to Tableau Online.
+            One of the following MUST be provided:
+              - workbook_id: If the workbook already exists
+              - workbook_name AND project name: If this is a new workbook
+        Args:
+            file_path (str): The path to the Workbook file (.twb or .twbx)
+            workbook_id (str): The ID of the Workbook in Tableau Online
+            workbook_name (str): The name of the Workbook
+            project_name (str): The name of the Project in Tableau Online
+        Keyword Args:
+            overwrite (bool): True to overwrite the datasource, if it exists
+            as_job (bool): True to kick this off as an async job in Tableau Online
+            skip_connection_check (bool): True for Tableau server to not check if,
+                a non-published connection, of a workbook is reachable
+            connections (list[dict]): A list of connections
+                i.e. [{address, port, username, password}]
+        Returns: A Workbook Tableau server object
+        """
+        overwrite = kw.pop('overwrite', True)
+        as_job = kw.pop('as_job', False)
+        skip_connection_check = kw.pop('skip_connection_check', False)
+        connections = kw.pop('connections', None)
+        file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
+        # 1024 bytes in 1kb, 1000kb in 1mb
+        file_size_mb = os.path.getsize(file_path) / 1024 / 1000
+        extension = file_path.split('.')[-1]
+        workbook = self.__get_workbook_for_publication(workbook_id, workbook_name, project_name)
+        wb_xml = workbook.publish_xml(connections)
+        # Datasource must be 64mb or less to publish all at once
+        maximum_megabytes = 64
+        if file_size_mb > maximum_megabytes:
+            upload_session_id = self.__upload_in_chunks(file_path, maximum_megabytes)
+            publish_url = f'{self.url}/workbooks?uploadSessionId={upload_session_id}' \
+                          f'&workbookType={extension}' \
+                          f'&skipConnectionCheck={skip_connection_check}' \
+                          f'&overwrite={overwrite}&asJob={as_job}'
+            post_body, content_type = self.__get_multipart_details([
+                ('request_payload', wb_xml, None, 'text/xml')
+            ])
+        else:
+            publish_url = f'{self.url}/workbooks?workbookType={extension}' \
+                          f'&overwrite={overwrite}' \
+                          f'&skipConnectionCheck={skip_connection_check}' \
+                          f'&asJob={as_job}'
+            with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
+                post_body, content_type = self.__get_multipart_details([
+                    ('request_payload', wb_xml, None, 'text/xml'),
+                    ('tableau_workbook', f.read(), file_name, 'application/octet-stream')
+                ])
+        # Finally, publish the file uploaded
+        content = self._post(publish_url, data=post_body, headers={'Content-Type': content_type})
+        transform_tableau_object(content['workbook'])
+        return tso.Workbook(**content['workbook'])
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/refresh.py b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/refresh.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..525948d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/refresh.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import tableau_utilities.tableau_server.tableau_server_objects as tso
+from requests import Session
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.static import transform_tableau_object
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.base import Base
+class Refresh(Base):
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        super().__init__(parent)
+    def datasource(self, datasource_id):
+        """ Refresh a datasource """
+        content = self._post(f'{self.url}/datasources/{datasource_id}/refresh', json={})
+        transform_tableau_object(content['job'])
+        return tso.Job(**content['job'])
+    def workbook(self, workbook_id):
+        """ Refresh a workbook """
+        content = self._post(f'{self.url}/workbooks/{workbook_id}/refresh', json={})
+        transform_tableau_object(content['job'])
+        return tso.Job(**content['job'])
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/static.py b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/static.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2352c114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/static.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import requests
+from tableau_utilities.general.funcs import flatten_dict
+class TableauConnectionError(Exception):
+    """ An Exception in the TableauServer connection """
+    pass
+def bytes_to_mb(b):
+    """ Converts Bytes to Megabytes """
+    return b / 1024 / 1024
+def mb_to_bytes(mb):
+    """ Converts Megabytes to Bytes """
+    return mb * 1024 * 1024
+def transform_tableau_object(object_dict):
+    """ Transforms the object dict from a Tableau REST API call
+    Args:
+        object_dict (dict): The object dict from a Tableau REST API call
+    """
+    if object_dict.get('tags'):
+        object_dict['tags'] = [t['label'] for t in object_dict['tags']['tag']]
+    update = dict()
+    flatten_dict(object_dict, update)
+    object_dict.clear()
+    object_dict.update(update)
+def validate_response(response):
+    """ Validates the response received from an API call
+    Args:
+        response (requests.Response): A requests Response object
+        raise_for_status (bool): True to raise an error on a bad response
+    Returns: The response content as a JSON dict
+    """
+    info = response.json()
+    try:
+        response.raise_for_status()
+    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
+        error = info.get('error', {})
+        raise TableauConnectionError(
+            f'\nError: {error.get("code")}: {error.get("summary")} - {error.get("detail")}\n{err}'
+        ) from err
+    return info
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/tableau_server.py b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/tableau_server.py
index e4539aab..cc90b73d 100644
--- a/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/tableau_server.py
+++ b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/tableau_server.py
@@ -1,50 +1,61 @@
-import logging
 import requests
-import cgi
-import os
-import json
-from urllib3.fields import RequestField
-from urllib3.filepost import encode_multipart_formdata
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.base import Base
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.get import Get
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.create import Create
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.download import Download
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.publish import Publish
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.refresh import Refresh
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.update import Update
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.static import TableauConnectionError
-import tableau_utilities.tableau_server.tableau_server_objects as tso
-from tableau_utilities.general.funcs import flatten_dict
-class TableauConnectionError(Exception):
-    """ An Exception in the TableauServer connection """
-    pass
-class TableauServer:
+class TableauServer(Base):
     """ Connects and interacts with Tableau Online/Server, via the REST API. """
-    def __init__(self, host, site, user=None, password=None, personal_access_token_secret=None, personal_access_token_name=None, api_version=None):
+    def __init__(
+            self,
+            host: str,
+            site: str,
+            user: str = None,
+            password: str = None,
+            personal_access_token_secret: str = None,
+            personal_access_token_name: str = None,
+            api_version: float = None
+    ):
         """ To sign in to Tableau a user needs either a username & password or token secret & token name
-            host (str): Tableau server address
-            user (str): The username to sign in to Tableau Online with
-            password (str): The password to sign in to Tableau Online with
-            personal_access_token_name (str): The name of the personal access token used
-            personal_access_token_secret (str): The secret of the personal access token used
-            site (str): The Tableau Online site id
-            api_version (float): The Tableau REST API version
+            host: Tableau server address
+            user: The username to sign in to Tableau Online with
+            password: The password to sign in to Tableau Online with
+            personal_access_token_name: The name of the personal access token used
+            personal_access_token_secret: The secret of the personal access token used
+            site: The Tableau Online site id
+            api_version: The Tableau REST API version
         self.user = user
-        self.__pw = password
-        self.personal_access_token_secret = personal_access_token_secret
+        self._pw = password
+        self._personal_access_token_secret = personal_access_token_secret
         self.personal_access_token_name = personal_access_token_name
         self.host = host
         self.site = site
         self.api = api_version or 3.18
         # Set by class
         self._auth_token = None
-        self.url = None
+        self.url: str = None
         # Create a session on initialization
         self.session = requests.session()
         self.session.headers.update({'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json'})
+        super().__init__(self)
         # Sign in on initialization
+        # Assign core functionality
+        self.get: Get = Get(self)
+        self.create: Create = Create(self)
+        self.download: Download = Download(self)
+        self.publish: Publish = Publish(self)
+        self.refresh: Refresh = Refresh(self)
+        self.update: Update = Update(self)
     def __enter__(self):
         return self
@@ -61,21 +72,19 @@ def __sign_in(self):
             Sets the auth_token, site_id, and url common prefix
         url = f"{self.host}/api/{self.api}/auth/signin"
-        if self.personal_access_token_secret and self.personal_access_token_name:
-            body = {"credentials": {"personalAccessTokenSecret": self.personal_access_token_secret,
+        if self._personal_access_token_secret and self.personal_access_token_name:
+            body = {"credentials": {"personalAccessTokenSecret": self._personal_access_token_secret,
                                     "personalAccessTokenName": self.personal_access_token_name,
                                     "site": {"contentUrl": self.site}}}
-        elif self.user and self.__pw:
-            body = {"credentials": {"name": self.user, "password": self.__pw, "site": {"contentUrl": self.site}}}
+        elif self.user and self._pw:
+            body = {"credentials": {"name": self.user, "password": self._pw, "site": {"contentUrl": self.site}}}
             raise TableauConnectionError(
                 'Please provide either user and password, or token_secret and token_name'
-        res = self.post(url, json=body).get('credentials', {})
+        res = self._post(url, json=body).get('credentials', {})
         # Set auth token and site ID attributes on sign in
         self.session.headers.update({'x-tableau-auth': res.get('token')})
         self.site = res.get('site', {}).get('id')
@@ -83,647 +92,9 @@ def __sign_in(self):
     def sign_out(self):
         """ Destroys the active session and invalidates authentication token. """
-        self.post(url=f"{self.host}/api/{self.api}/auth/signout")
+        self._post(url=f"{self.host}/api/{self.api}/auth/signout")
-    @staticmethod
-    def __validate_response(response):
-        """ Validates the response received from an API call
-        Args:
-            response (requests.Response): A requests Response object
-            raise_for_status (bool): True to raise an error on a bad response
-        Returns: The response content as a JSON dict
-        """
-        info = response.json()
-        try:
-            response.raise_for_status()
-        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
-            error = info.get('error', {})
-            raise TableauConnectionError(
-                f'\nError: {error.get("code")}: {error.get("summary")} - {error.get("detail")}\n{err}'
-            ) from err
-        return info
-    def get(self, url, headers=None, **params):
-        """ GET request for the Tableau REST API
-        Args:
-            url (str): URL endpoint for GET call
-            headers (dict): GET call header
-        Returns: The response content as a JSON dict
-        """
-        res = self.session.get(url, headers=headers, **params)
-        return self.__validate_response(res)
-    def delete(self, url, headers=None, **params):
-        """ DELETE request for the Tableau REST API
-        Args:
-            url (str): URL endpoint for DELETE call
-            headers (dict): DELETE call header
-        Returns: The response content as a JSON dict
-        """
-        res = self.session.delete(url, headers=headers, **params)
-        return self.__validate_response(res)
-    def post(self, url, json=None, headers=None, **params):
-        """ POST request for the Tableau REST API
-        Args:
-            url (str): URL endpoint for POST call
-            json (dict): The POST call JSON payload
-            headers (dict): POST call header
-        Returns: The response content as a JSON dict
-        """
-        res = self.session.post(url, json=json, headers=headers, **params)
-        return self.__validate_response(res)
-    def put(self, url, json=None, headers=None, **params):
-        """ PUT request for the Tableau REST API
-        Args:
-            url (str): URL endpoint for PUT call
-            json (dict): The PUT call JSON payload
-            headers (dict): PUT call header
-        Returns: The response content as a JSON dict
-        """
-        res = self.session.put(url, json=json, headers=headers, **params)
-        return self.__validate_response(res)
-    @staticmethod
-    def __transform_tableau_object(object_dict):
-        """ Transforms the object dict from a Tableau REST API call
-        Args:
-            object_dict (dict): The object dict from a Tableau REST API call
-        """
-        if object_dict.get('tags'):
-            object_dict['tags'] = [t['label'] for t in object_dict['tags']['tag']]
-        update = dict()
-        flatten_dict(object_dict, update)
-        object_dict.clear()
-        object_dict.update(update)
-    def __get_objects_pager(self, url, obj, page_size=100):
-        """ GET all objects in the site
-        Args:
-            url: The url of for the request, i.e /api/api-version/sites/site-id/groups
-            obj: The name of the object being requested
-            page_size: The size of the page (number of objects per page)
-        Returns: A list of the objects
-        """
-        response = self.get(url)
-        total_available = response.get('pagination', {}).get('totalAvailable', page_size)
-        total_available = int(total_available)
-        current = 0
-        page = 0
-        while current < total_available:
-            current += page_size
-            page += 1
-            if '?' in url:
-                page_url = f'{url}&pageSize={page_size}&pageNumber={page}'
-            else:
-                page_url = f'{url}?pageSize={page_size}&pageNumber={page}'
-            logging.info('GET %s --> %s/%s', page_url, current, total_available)
-            res = self.get(page_url)
-            for obj_dict in res[f'{obj}s'][obj]:
-                self.__transform_tableau_object(obj_dict)
-                yield obj_dict
-    def get_datasource(self, datasource_id=None, datasource_name=None, datasource_project=None):
-        """ Queries for a datasource in the site
-            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/datasources/datasource_id
-            (Optional) Can get the datasource either by ID, or by name & project.
-        Args:
-              datasource_id (str): The ID of the datasource
-              datasource_name (str): The name of the datasource
-              datasource_project (str): The name of the project the datasource is in
-        Returns: A Datasource Tableau object
-        """
-        if datasource_id:
-            d = self.get(f'{self.url}/datasources/{datasource_id}')
-            d = d['datasource']
-            self.__transform_tableau_object(d)
-            return tso.Datasource(**d)
-        elif datasource_name and datasource_project:
-            for d in self.get_datasources():
-                if d.name == datasource_name and d.project_name == datasource_project:
-                    return d
-            raise TableauConnectionError(
-                f'Datasource not found:\n\tName    -> {datasource_name}\n\tProject -> {datasource_project}'
-            )
-        raise TableauConnectionError(
-            'Please provide either the datasource_id, or both datasource_name and datasource_project'
-        )
-    def get_datasources(self):
-        """ Queries for all datasources in the site
-            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/datasources
-        Returns: All datasources in the site
-        """
-        url = f"{self.url}/datasources?fields=_default_" \
-              f",favoritesTotal" \
-              f",databaseName" \
-              f",connectedWorkbooksCount" \
-              f",hasAlert" \
-              f",hasExtracts" \
-              f",isPublished" \
-              f",serverName"
-        for d in self.__get_objects_pager(url, 'datasource'):
-            yield tso.Datasource(**d)
-    def get_datasource_connections(self, datasource_id):
-        """ Queries for all Connection Tableau objects in the datasource
-            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/datasources/datasource_id/connections
-        Args:
-            datasource_id (str): The ID of the Tableau Datasource
-        Returns: All Connection Tableau objects in the datasource
-        """
-        url = f'{self.url}/datasources/{datasource_id}/connections'
-        for connection in self.__get_objects_pager(url, 'connection'):
-            yield tso.Connection(**connection)
-    def get_workbook_connections(self, workbook_id):
-        """ Queries for all Connection Tableau objects in the workbook
-            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/workbooks/workbook_id/connections
-        Args:
-            workbook_id (str): The ID of the Tableau Workbook
-        Returns: All Connection Tableau objects in the workbook
-        """
-        url = f'{self.url}/workbooks/{workbook_id}/connections'
-        for connection in self.__get_objects_pager(url, 'connection'):
-            yield tso.Connection(**connection)
-    def get_workbook(self, workbook_id=None, workbook_name=None, workbook_project=None):
-        """ Queries for a workbook in the site
-            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/workbooks/workbook_id
-        Args:
-            workbook_id (str): The ID of the Tableau Workbook
-            workbook_name (str): The name of the workbook
-            workbook_project (str): The name of the project the workbook is in
-        Returns: A Workbooks Tableau object
-        """
-        if workbook_id:
-            w = self.get(f'{self.url}/workbooks/{workbook_id}')
-            w = w['workbook']
-            self.__transform_tableau_object(w)
-            return tso.Workbook(**w)
-        elif workbook_name and workbook_project:
-            for w in self.get_workbooks():
-                if w.name == workbook_name and w.project_name == workbook_project:
-                    return w
-            raise TableauConnectionError(
-                f'Datasource not found:\n\tName    -> {workbook_name}\n\tProject -> {workbook_project}'
-            )
-        raise TableauConnectionError(
-            'Please provide either the workbook_id, or both workbook_name and workbook_project'
-        )
-    def get_workbooks(self):
-        """ Queries for all workbooks in the site
-            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/workbooks
-        Returns: All workbooks in the site
-        """
-        for w in self.__get_objects_pager(f"{self.url}/workbooks", 'workbook'):
-            yield tso.Workbook(**w)
-    def get_view(self, view_id):
-        """ Queries for a view in the site
-            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/views/view_id
-        Args:
-            view_id (str): The ID of the Tableau View
-        Returns: A View Tableau object
-        """
-        v = self.get(f'{self.url}/views/{view_id}')
-        v = v['view']
-        return tso.View(**v)
-    def get_views(self):
-        """ Queries for all views in the site
-            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/views
-        Returns: All workbooks in the site
-        """
-        url = f"{self.url}/views?fields=_default_,sheetType,usage"
-        for v in self.__get_objects_pager(url, 'view'):
-            yield tso.View(**v)
-    def get_project(self, project_id):
-        """ Queries for the project by project_id
-            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/projects/project_id
-        Args:
-            project_id (str): The ID of the project in Tableau Online
-        Returns: A Tableau Project object specified by ID
-        """
-        for p in self.get_projects():
-            if p.id == project_id:
-                return p
-    def get_projects(self, top_level_only=True):
-        """ Queries for all projects in the site
-            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/projects
-        Args:
-            top_level_only (bool): True to only get top level projects
-        Returns: All top level projects in the site
-        """
-        url = f"{self.url}/projects?fields=_default_" \
-              f",topLevelProject" \
-              f",writeable" \
-              f",contentsCounts.projectCount" \
-              f",contentsCounts.viewCount" \
-              f",contentsCounts.datasourceCount" \
-              f",contentsCounts.workbookCount"
-        for p in self.__get_objects_pager(url, 'project'):
-            project = tso.Project(**p)
-            # Only get Top Level projects
-            if top_level_only and not project.top_level_project:
-                continue
-            yield project
-    def get_group(self, group_id):
-        """ Queries for the group by user_id
-            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/groups/group_id
-        Args:
-            group_id (str): The ID of the group in Tableau Online
-        Returns: A Tableau Group object specified by ID
-        """
-        for group in self.get_groups():
-            if group.id == group_id:
-                return group
-    def get_groups(self):
-        """ Queries for all groups in the site
-            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/groups
-        Returns: All groups in the site
-        """
-        url = f"{self.url}/groups?fields=_default_,userCount,minimumSiteRole"
-        for g in self.__get_objects_pager(url, 'group'):
-            yield tso.Group(**g)
-    def get_user(self, user_id):
-        """ Queries for the user by user_id
-            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/users/user_id
-        Args:
-            user_id (str): The ID of the user in Tableau Online
-        Returns: A Tableau User object specified by ID
-        """
-        u = self.get(f"{self.url}/users/{user_id}")
-        u = u['user']
-        self.__transform_tableau_object(u)
-        return tso.User(**u)
-    def get_users(self):
-        """ Queries for all users in the site
-            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/users
-        Returns: All users in the site
-        """
-        url = f"{self.url}/users?fields=_default_,fullName,email"
-        for user in self.__get_objects_pager(url, 'user'):
-            yield tso.User(**user)
-    def get_user_groups(self):
-        """ Queries for all groups and all user in those groups
-            URI GET /api/api-version/sites/site-id/groups/group_id/users
-        Returns: A list of all user/group combinations
-        """
-        for group in self.get_groups():
-            for u in self.__get_objects_pager(f"{self.url}/groups/{group.id}/users", 'user'):
-                yield group, tso.User(**u)
-    def create_project(self, name, description='', content_permissions='LockedToProject'):
-        """ Creates a project.
-        Args:
-            name (str): The name of the project
-            description (str): The description of the project
-            content_permissions (str): The content permissions, e.g. LockedToProject
-        """
-        self.post(
-            f'{self.url}/projects',
-            {
-                'project': {
-                    'name': name,
-                    'description': description,
-                    'contentPermissions': content_permissions
-                }
-            }
-        )
-    def create_group(self, name, minimum_site_role='Viewer'):
-        """ Creates a group.
-        Args:
-            name (str): The name of the Group
-            minimum_site_role (str): The minimum site role of the group, e.g. Viewer
-        """
-        self.post(
-            f'{self.url}/groups',
-            {
-                'group': {
-                    'name': name,
-                    'minimumSiteRole': minimum_site_role
-                }
-            }
-        )
-    def __download_object(self, url, file_dir=None):
-        """ Downloads a datasource from Tableau Online
-        Args:
-            url (str): The URL for the request
-            file_dir (str): The file directory to write the file to
-        Returns: The absolute path to the file
-        """
-        res = self.session.get(url, stream=True)
-        try:
-            res.raise_for_status()
-        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
-            raise TableauConnectionError(err) from err
-        _, params = cgi.parse_header(res.headers["Content-Disposition"])
-        file_name = os.path.basename(params["filename"])
-        if file_dir:
-            os.makedirs(file_dir, exist_ok=True)
-            path = os.path.join(file_dir, file_name)
-        else:
-            path = file_name
-        with open(path, "wb") as f:
-            # Download in 1024 bytes (1kb) chunks
-            for chunk in res.iter_content(1024):
-                f.write(chunk)
-        return os.path.abspath(path)
-    def download_datasource(self, datasource_id, file_dir=None, include_extract=False):
-        """ Downloads a datasource from Tableau Online
-        Args:
-            datasource_id (str):
-            file_dir (str):
-            include_extract (bool):
-        """
-        return self.__download_object(
-            f'{self.url}/datasources/{datasource_id}/content?includeExtract={include_extract}',
-            file_dir
-        )
-    def download_workbook(self, workbook_id, file_dir=None, include_extract=False):
-        """ Downloads a workbook from Tableau Online
-        Args:
-            workbook_id (str):
-            file_dir (str):
-            include_extract (bool):
-        """
-        return self.__download_object(
-            f'{self.url}/workbooks/{workbook_id}/content?includeExtract={include_extract}',
-            file_dir
-        )
-    @staticmethod
-    def __get_multipart_details(parts):
-        """ Gets the body and content_type for a multipart/mixed request.
-        Args:
-            parts (list[tuple[str, str, str, str]]): The parts that make up the RequestField
-                i.e. [(name, data, file_name, content_type)]
-        Returns: Request body and content_type
-        """
-        part_list = list()
-        for name, data, file_name, content_type in parts:
-            r = RequestField(name=name, data=data, filename=file_name)
-            r.make_multipart(content_type='application/octet-stream')
-            part_list.append(r)
-        post_body, content_type = encode_multipart_formdata(part_list)
-        content_type = ''.join(('multipart/mixed',) + content_type.partition(';')[1:])
-        return post_body, content_type
-    def __get_datasource_for_publication(self, datasource_id, datasource_name, project_name):
-        if datasource_id:
-            return self.get_datasource(datasource_id)
-        elif datasource_name and project_name:
-            project = None
-            for p in self.get_projects():
-                if p.name == project_name:
-                    project = p
-                    break
-            if not project:
-                raise TableauConnectionError(f'Project does not exist: {project}')
-            return tso.Datasource(
-                name=datasource_name,
-                project_id=project.id,
-                project_name=project.name
-            )
-        else:
-            raise TableauConnectionError('Specify datasource_id or datasource_name and project_name')
-    def __get_workbook_for_publication(self, workbook_id, workbook_name, project_name):
-        if workbook_id:
-            return self.get_workbook(workbook_id)
-        elif workbook_name and project_name:
-            project = None
-            for p in self.get_projects():
-                if p.name == project_name:
-                    project = p
-                    break
-            if not project:
-                raise TableauConnectionError(f'Project does not exist: {project}')
-            return tso.Workbook(
-                name=workbook_name,
-                project_id=project.id,
-                project_name=project.name
-            )
-        else:
-            raise TableauConnectionError('Specify datasource_id or datasource_name and project_name')
-    def __upload_in_chunks(self, file_path, chunk_size_mb=5):
-        """ Uplaods a file to Tableau, in chunks.
-            - PUT /api/api-version/sites/site-id/fileUploads
-            - PUT /api/api-version/sites/site-id/fileUploads/upload_session_id
-        Args:
-            file_path (str): The path to the file
-            chunk_size_mb (int): The chunking size of increments to be uploaded
-        Returns: An upload_session_id of the uploaded file
-        """
-        file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
-        # 1024 bytes in 1kb, 1000kb in 1mb
-        chunk_size = 1024 * 1000 * chunk_size_mb
-        # Initialize file upload session
-        file = self.post(f'{self.url}/fileUploads')
-        file = file['fileUpload']
-        request_payload = RequestField(name='request_payload', data='')
-        request_payload.make_multipart(content_type='text/xml')
-        # Append file data in chunks
-        with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
-            # Read in chunks
-            for idx, chunk in enumerate(iter(lambda: f.read(chunk_size), b''), 1):
-                post_body, content_type = self.__get_multipart_details([
-                    ('request_payload', '', None, 'text/xml'),
-                    ('tableau_file', chunk, file_name, 'application/octet-stream')
-                ])
-                self.put(
-                    f'{self.url}/fileUploads/{file["uploadSessionId"]}',
-                    data=post_body, headers={'Content-Type': content_type}
-                )
-        return file["uploadSessionId"]
-    def publish_datasource(self, file_path, datasource_id=None, datasource_name=None, project_name=None, **kw):
-        """ Publishes a datasource to Tableau Online.
-            One of the following MUST be provided:
-              - datasource_id: If the datasource already exists
-              - datasource_name AND project name: If this is a new datasource
-        Args:
-            file_path (str): The path to the datasource file (.tds or .tdsx)
-            datasource_id (str): The ID of the datasource in Tableau Online
-            datasource_name (str): The name of the Datasource
-            project_name (str): The name of the Project in Tableau Online
-        Keyword Args:
-            overwrite (bool): True to overwrite the datasource, if it exists
-            as_job (bool): True to kick this off as an async job in Tableau Online
-            append (bool): True to append the data to the datasource in Tableau Online
-            connection (dict): A dict of connection credentials to embed in the datasource
-                i.e. 'username' and 'password'
-        Returns: A Datasource Tableau server object
-        """
-        overwrite = kw.pop('overwrite', True)
-        as_job = kw.pop('as_job', False)
-        append = kw.pop('append', False)
-        connection = kw.pop('connection', None)
-        file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
-        # 1024 bytes in 1kb, 1000kb in 1mb
-        file_size_mb = os.path.getsize(file_path) / 1024 / 1000
-        extension = file_path.split('.')[-1]
-        datasource = self.__get_datasource_for_publication(datasource_id, datasource_name, project_name)
-        ds_xml = datasource.publish_xml(connection)
-        # Datasource must be 64mb or less to publish all at once
-        maximum_megabytes = 64
-        if file_size_mb > maximum_megabytes:
-            upload_session_id = self.__upload_in_chunks(file_path, maximum_megabytes)
-            publish_url = f'{self.url}/datasources?uploadSessionId={upload_session_id}' \
-                          f'&datasourceType={extension}&overwrite={overwrite}&append={append}&asJob={as_job}'
-            post_body, content_type = self.__get_multipart_details([
-                ('request_payload', ds_xml, None, 'text/xml')
-            ])
-        else:
-            publish_url = f'{self.url}/datasources?datasourceType={extension}' \
-                          f'&overwrite={overwrite}&append={append}&asJob={as_job}'
-            with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
-                post_body, content_type = self.__get_multipart_details([
-                    ('request_payload', ds_xml, None, 'text/xml'),
-                    ('tableau_datasource', f.read(), file_name, 'application/octet-stream')
-                ])
-        # Finally, publish the file uploaded
-        content = self.post(publish_url, data=post_body, headers={'Content-Type': content_type})
-        self.__transform_tableau_object(content['datasource'])
-        return tso.Datasource(**content['datasource'])
-    def publish_workbook(self, file_path, workbook_id=None, workbook_name=None, project_name=None, **kw):
-        """ Publishes a workbook to Tableau Online.
-            One of the following MUST be provided:
-              - workbook_id: If the workbook already exists
-              - workbook_name AND project name: If this is a new workbook
-        Args:
-            file_path (str): The path to the Workbook file (.twb or .twbx)
-            workbook_id (str): The ID of the Workbook in Tableau Online
-            workbook_name (str): The name of the Workbook
-            project_name (str): The name of the Project in Tableau Online
-        Keyword Args:
-            overwrite (bool): True to overwrite the datasource, if it exists
-            as_job (bool): True to kick this off as an async job in Tableau Online
-            skip_connection_check (bool): True for Tableau server to not check if,
-                a non-published connection, of a workbook is reachable
-            connections (list[dict]): A list of connections
-                i.e. [{address, port, username, password}]
-        Returns: A Workbook Tableau server object
-        """
-        overwrite = kw.pop('overwrite', True)
-        as_job = kw.pop('as_job', False)
-        skip_connection_check = kw.pop('skip_connection_check', False)
-        connections = kw.pop('connections', None)
-        file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
-        # 1024 bytes in 1kb, 1000kb in 1mb
-        file_size_mb = os.path.getsize(file_path) / 1024 / 1000
-        extension = file_path.split('.')[-1]
-        workbook = self.__get_workbook_for_publication(workbook_id, workbook_name, project_name)
-        wb_xml = workbook.publish_xml(connections)
-        # Datasource must be 64mb or less to publish all at once
-        maximum_megabytes = 64
-        if file_size_mb > maximum_megabytes:
-            upload_session_id = self.__upload_in_chunks(file_path, maximum_megabytes)
-            publish_url = f'{self.url}/workbooks?uploadSessionId={upload_session_id}' \
-                          f'&workbookType={extension}' \
-                          f'&skipConnectionCheck={skip_connection_check}' \
-                          f'&overwrite={overwrite}&asJob={as_job}'
-            post_body, content_type = self.__get_multipart_details([
-                ('request_payload', wb_xml, None, 'text/xml')
-            ])
-        else:
-            publish_url = f'{self.url}/workbooks?workbookType={extension}' \
-                          f'&overwrite={overwrite}' \
-                          f'&skipConnectionCheck={skip_connection_check}' \
-                          f'&asJob={as_job}'
-            with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
-                post_body, content_type = self.__get_multipart_details([
-                    ('request_payload', wb_xml, None, 'text/xml'),
-                    ('tableau_workbook', f.read(), file_name, 'application/octet-stream')
-                ])
-        # Finally, publish the file uploaded
-        content = self.post(publish_url, data=post_body, headers={'Content-Type': content_type})
-        self.__transform_tableau_object(content['workbook'])
-        return tso.Workbook(**content['workbook'])
-    def refresh_datasource(self, datasource_id):
-        content = self.post(f'{self.url}/datasources/{datasource_id}/refresh', json={})
-        self.__transform_tableau_object(content['job'])
-        return tso.Job(**content['job'])
-    def refresh_workbook(self, workbook_id):
-        content = self.post(f'{self.url}/workbooks/{workbook_id}/refresh', json={})
-        self.__transform_tableau_object(content['job'])
-        return tso.Job(**content['job'])
-    def update_datasource_connection(self, datasource_id, connection: tso.Connection):
-        conn_dict = connection.dict()
-        if 'user_name' in conn_dict:
-            conn_dict.setdefault('userName', conn_dict.pop('user_name'))
-        if 'embed_password' in conn_dict:
-            conn_dict.setdefault('embedPassword', conn_dict.pop('embed_password'))
-        if 'password' in conn_dict:
-            conn_dict.setdefault('password', conn_dict.pop('password'))
-        if 'server_address' in conn_dict:
-            conn_dict.setdefault('serverAddress', conn_dict.pop('server_address'))
-        if 'query_tagging_enabled' in conn_dict:
-            conn_dict.setdefault('queryTaggingEnabled', conn_dict.pop('query_tagging_enabled'))
-        content = self.put(
-            f'{self.url}/datasources/{datasource_id}/connections/{connection.id}',
-            json={'connection': conn_dict}
-        )
-        self.__transform_tableau_object(content['connection'])
-        return tso.Connection(**content['connection'])
     def embed_datasource_credentials(self, datasource_id, credentials, connection_type):
         """ Embed the given credentials for all connections of a datasource of the given connection type.
             Only embeds Username and Password credentials.
@@ -738,10 +109,10 @@ def embed_datasource_credentials(self, datasource_id, credentials, connection_ty
             if not credentials.get(cred):
                 raise TableauConnectionError(f'Missing required credential: {cred}')
-        for c in self.get_datasource_connections(datasource_id):
+        for c in self.get.datasource_connections(datasource_id):
             if c.type.lower() == connection_type.lower():
                 c.user_name = credentials['username']
                 c.password = credentials['password']
                 c.embed_password = True
-                response = self.update_datasource_connection(datasource_id, c)
+                response = self.update.datasource_connection(datasource_id, c)
                 return response
diff --git a/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/update.py b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/update.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..406ae845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tableau_utilities/tableau_server/update.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import tableau_utilities.tableau_server.tableau_server_objects as tso
+from requests import Session
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.static import transform_tableau_object
+from tableau_utilities.tableau_server.base import Base
+class Update(Base):
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        super().__init__(parent)
+    def datasource_connection(self, datasource_id, connection: tso.Connection):
+        conn_dict = connection.dict()
+        if 'user_name' in conn_dict:
+            conn_dict.setdefault('userName', conn_dict.pop('user_name'))
+        if 'embed_password' in conn_dict:
+            conn_dict.setdefault('embedPassword', conn_dict.pop('embed_password'))
+        if 'password' in conn_dict:
+            conn_dict.setdefault('password', conn_dict.pop('password'))
+        if 'server_address' in conn_dict:
+            conn_dict.setdefault('serverAddress', conn_dict.pop('server_address'))
+        if 'query_tagging_enabled' in conn_dict:
+            conn_dict.setdefault('queryTaggingEnabled', conn_dict.pop('query_tagging_enabled'))
+        content = self._put(
+            f'{self.url}/datasources/{datasource_id}/connections/{connection.id}',
+            json={'connection': conn_dict}
+        )
+        transform_tableau_object(content['connection'])
+        return tso.Connection(**content['connection'])